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FLow Taroucu Ormice AND MouTHPIECE t. Onsective: ‘Te study the flow of liquid through orifice and the mouthpiece. 2.0 Aum: Te determine the co-efficient of discharge, the co-efficient of velocity and the co-efficient of contraction. 3. Intropuction: Orifice is an opening or a hole of any size, shape or form, through which liquid fl w such that its upper edge remains below the free surface of the liquid. Orifices ae. 23d for uscasurement or control of flow. Crifices may have any shape but generally they are circular, square or rectangular. A m7uthpiece is a relatively short pipe, which is fitted intemally.or externally to the orifice in the side of the tank. Mouthpieces ere sometimes used as a flow measurement device. e 4-—~Tumory: Onurice: ‘eeu a liquid dows rom 2 veseel or a tuk, thrimgh an orifice it changes its direction: Due to this chunge of direction of the liquid, the jet is acted upon by lateral or side forces, which gradually reduce its area up to certain section. This area does not reduce further beyond, which the jet ceases and streamlines, first become parallel is known as the vena-contracta. Moursprece: A short piece of leugth about three times of its dia. or, :onnected to the face of an orifice, is kaown as a mouthpiece. In what follows, . will be proved that under a given head, the rate of discharge through a mouthpiece will be more than that through an orifice of the same diameter, The reason being that while entering into the __-> _mouthpieee, te liquid gets contracted at veus-contrante. Diss wo this contraction. the ¥y of liquid increases and the pressure decreases. The pressure at vena-contracta less than at atmosphere This may be verified by applying Bemoulli’s theorem at the outlet and at the vena-contracta. CO-EFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE (C 4): it is defined as the ratio of the actual discharge Q, from an orifice to the theoretical discharge Q, from the orifice. It is denoted by Cy. If Qa the actual discharge and Q, is the theoretical discharge then ratio of Cg is given as: O,=axj2gH CO-EFFICIENT OF VELOCITY (Cy): It is defined as the ratio between the actual velocity of a yet of fiquid at a vens- contracta V, and the theoretical velocity of the jet V;. it is denoted by C, and ratio of vis given as: o= Tee CO-EFFICIENT OF CONTRACTION{C,): ° it is defined as the ratio between the area of jet of fiquid at a vena-contracta and the area of orifice. It is denoted by C_ and ratio of C; is givenas: w Description: The set up consists of a sump tank, measuring tank and constant head tank. Orifice and mouthpi e are provided with the set up that can be fixed at the constant head tank one at a time. Water is circulated from the sump tank through centrifugal pump. Constant head tank & measuring tank are provided with piezometer with scale for level measurement. A measuring arrangement is provided to measure the flow pattern, through orifice or mouthpiece, in horizontal and vertical direction. Another pointer assembly is provided to measure the diameter of jet flow pattern, through orifice. Discharge is'measured by measuring tank and stop watch. Urmiries Requirep: 1. Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220 V AC, 50 Hz, 5-15 amp socket with earth connection. : ‘2. Water Supply (nitial Fill). : 3. Floor Drain required. 4, Floor Area Required: 1.5 m x 0.75 m. Experimenta Procepure: Starting Procedure: 1, Close all the valves provided. 2. Fill Sump Tank % with clean water and ensure that no foreign particles are there. 3. Open by-pass valve. 4. Fix desired¢est piece (orifice or mouthpiece) at constant head tank. 5. Ensure that all ON/OFF Switches given on the Panel are at OFF position. 6. Switch ON the main power supply & switch ON the pump. 7. Operate the Aow-control valve and by-pass valve to maintain the head of water in costant heed tank at particular flow through orifice or mouthpiece. 8. Meusure pointer gauge reading {in horizontal and vertical direction) at the inlet and end of the jet of water, coming out from the constant head tank. 9, Measure the diameter of the jet by pointer assembly for orifice. 10. Measur= the flow rate of water by measuring tank and stop watch, 11. Repeat the -xperiment for different water head. 12. Repeat the experiment for different test pieces (Orifice and mouthpiece). Closing Procedure: 1, Switch OFF pump 2. Switch OFF power supply to panel. 3. Drain water from all tanks with the help of given drain valves. 87 OpseRvATION & CALCULATION: Data: go 9.81 m/s? d= 001m & 0.015 m 4. = (0.01 m{3 Nos.) A = 067m" LD = 1,25&4 ‘OBSERVATIONS: . Test piece = === (orifice d1 = --- / mouthpiece L/D = * Opservarion TABLE: De a Cee m? (For orifice) m? (For mouthpiece) O,=4,x/2gH , m/sec = ——---—-——— m’/sec (For orifice) Q,=a,xf2gH , m'/sec = —-——---— m/sec (For mouthpiece) ty tt 3 . 1 6Y Io” NomenciaTure: A = Area of measuring tank, m? As =. Area ofjet of orifice at vena contracta, m? a = Areaoforifice, m* a = Area of mouthpiece, m? Cs = Coefficient of discharge. Cy = Coefficient of velocity. d) = Diameter of orifice, m 4; = Diameter of mouthpiece, m a Diameter of jet of orifice at vena contracta, m™ g = Acceleration due to gravity, m/sec > = Water bead, m 105 il. 12. Level w Tot water in constant head tank, em e : Re ‘ Minmeter ratio of mouthpiece, Mil discharge, nse as Theoreticat discharge, m/sec K Rise of water level in measuring tank, m Ri Final level of water in measuring tank, em Ra = Initia level of water in measuring tank, em too» ‘Time taken for R, see Vo» Actual velocity at vena contracta, m/sec ee, Horizontal distance traveled by the liquid particle in time t, m % Initial reading of horizontal scale, om 1 = Final reading of horizontal seale, em y= Vertical distance between vena-contracta and liquid particle, m Yo « Anitinl reading of vertical scale, em nos Final reading of vertical scale, m “Parcaurion & Matnrenance Instructions: 1. Never run the apparatus if power supply is less than 180 volts and above 230 volts 2, Never fully close the flow control valve and by pass valve simultaneously. 3, ‘To prevent clogging of moving parts, Run Pump at least once in a fortnight. es |. Always use clean water. 5. Always keep apparatus free from dust. TROUBLESHOOTING: 1, Ifpump gets jam, open the back cover of pump and rotate the shaft manually. 2. Ifpump gets heat up, switch off the main power for 15 minutes and avoid closing the flow control valve and by pass vatve at a time. Ren NCES: 1, V.L,.Streeter, E.B. Wylie, “Fluid Mechanics”, 1* ed, McGraw Hill, NY, 1983, Page 342-349. 2, Rul,Garde, “Fluid Mechanics through Problems”, 2" ed., New Age Internatianal. ND. 1997, Page 133-135,

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