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Free Fall - common term for any motion that, in theory, is its jet engines.

et engines. The force need not be simply a mechanical force as in

determined solely by gravitational forces. Examples are the moon's the case of lifting a body or accelerating a plane by jet reaction; it can
motion around the earth, and an object dropping to the earth's surface. also be an electrostatic, electrodynamics, or surface-tension force. On
A person in free fall experiences weightlessness. In fact, influences the other hand, if a constantly acting force does not produce motion,
besides gravitation are unavoidable. Air resistance in the earth's no work is performed. Holding a book steadily at arm's length, for
atmosphere, for instance, slows down an object's rate of descent, while example, does not involve any work, irrespective of the apparent effort
less-obvious attritional forces affect the speed of orbiting objects. A
required. Work is done if the object you push moves a distance in the
falling object is acted on by gravity, which pulls downward with a
direction towards which you are pushing it. No work is done if the
force equal to the weight of the object. In free fall (no air resistance),
the acceleration of all object is the same, regardless of mass. When force you exert does not make the object move and in the same
there is air resistance, a falling object will accelerate only until it direction as the force you exerted.
reaches its terminal speed. At terminal speed, the force of air
resistance balance the force of gravity.
Circular motion is another simple type of motion. If an object
has constant speed but an acceleration always at right angles to its
velocity, it will travel in a circle. The required acceleration is directed
toward the center of the circle and is called centripetal acceleration.
For an object traveling at speed, v, in a circle of radius, r, the
centripetal acceleration is
Any force that causes an object to follow a circular path is
called a centripetal force. Centripetal means “center seeking,” or
“toward the center”. Sometimes an outward force is attributed to
circular motion. This outward force is called centrifugal force.
Centrifugal means “center-fleeing,” or “away from the center.”
Work, product of a force applied to a body and the
displacement of the body in the direction of the applied force. The unit
of work is called joule. While work is done on a body, there is a
transfer of energy to the body, and so work can be said to be energy in
transit. The units of work are identical to those of energy. If, for
example, an object is lifted from the floor to the top of a table, work is
done in overcoming the downward force of gravity, and the energy
imparted to the body as work will increase its potential energy. Work
is also expended when a force accelerates a body, such as the
acceleration of an airplane because of the thrust forces developed by

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