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A.Yildirim1, M. Sakin1, Y. Karadag1, S. Gokmen1, N. Kandemir1,
M. S. Akkaya2, F. Yildirim2
Gaziosmanpasa University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Crop Science
60250, Tokat, Turkey1
Middle East Technical University, Department of Chemistry
06531, Ankara, Turkey2

Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of wheat in many
regions of the world including Turkey. An effective powdery mildew resistance
gene, Pm21, originating from Dasypyrum villosum L. Candargy was transferred
into the two widely grown common wheat cultivars ‘Bezostaja-1’ and ‘Gerek-
79’ of Turkey through backcrossing coupled with genetic markers assisted selec-
tion. A 6VS/6AL translocation line (92R149) was used as the source of Pm21.
Resistant backcross lines were selected by using C-banding and specific SCAR
markers (SCAR1265 and SCAR1400). Highly resistant BC4F2 plants of ‘Bezostaja-
1’ and ‘Gerek-79’ were produced and the existence of Pm21 was confirmed
with the specific SCAR1265 and SCAR1400 markers.

Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe gra- (3). Some of these genes like Pm8, Pm12,
minis f. sp. tritici is one of the most harm- Pm13 and Pm21 were transferred from
ful diseases of wheat in many wheat grow- wheat relatives (4-7). For example, the
ing regions of the world. Powdery mildew Pm8 resistance gene was derived from
is also an important disease of wheat in 1RS of rye and incorporated into a num-
Turkey, causing up to 30 % yield loses un- ber of wheat cultivars including Bezosta-
der favourable environmental conditions ja-1. However, it has been overcome in
(1, 2). most wheat growing regions (4-6). The
Disease resistance has been proven to be resistance gene Pm21, on the other hand,
a very effective and environmentally is an effective new gene transferred from
friendly method for control of wheat dis- Dasypyrum villosum as a 6VS/6AL trans-
eases including powdery mildew, though, location line (5). Pm21 was found effec-
most of resistance provided by major ge- tive in most of the world including Europe
nes were overcome by pathogens in rela- and no virulence has been detected so far
tively short times, causing difficulties for (8-10).
wheat breeders (2). Twenty-nine resistan- Backcross breeding method accompanied
ce genes for powdery mildew (Pm1 with genetic marker assisted selection is
through Pm29) have been identified and one of the fastest and most effective
assigned to specific chromosomal locations breeding methods for single gene trans-

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fers and for gene pyramiding in wheat (11, the subsequent backcrossing cycle. Finally,
12). Cytological markers such as C-band- BC 4F 2 plants from each parental lines
ing has been used for identification of alien were tested in the field for resistance.
chromosome segments incorporated into Totally 500 BC4F2 seeds were planted to-
wheat, as being in the case of 6VS/6AL gether with their respective parents as 50
translocation lines (5, 13). Various molec- seeds/row in Samsun where the disease
ular markers have also been used for sim- occurs naturally every year. Plants were
ilar purposes (6, 14-18). SCAR markers inoculated with airborn spores of powdery
are PCR based molecular markers and are mildew naturally and also artifically twice
very reliable in identifying alien gene trans- in March and in the end of April in 2002.
fers. 6VS specific SCAR markers C-Banding: Randomly selected 70-75
(SCAR1265 and SCAR 1400) were also de- seeds from each backcross generation
veloped for the Pm21 gene to enable ef- were germinated on petri dishes and C-
fective and accurate transfers into wheat banding was performed on root tips ac-
(19). cording to Cai. et. al (20) to select 6VS
The aim of this study was the transfer of chromosome arm carrying plants. In ad-
the Pm21 gene into the most widely pro- dition, C-banding was used to trace 1BL/
duced wheat cultivars of Turkey via the 1RS translocation chromosome carrying
help of genetic markers. the Pm8 gene in Bezostaja-1.
Materials and Methods DNA isolations: DNA samples were iso-
Plant materials: The susceptible wheat lated from the fresh leaves of seedlings
parents ‘Bezostaja-1’ and ‘Gerek-79’ grown for 10-15 days according to Incirli
were obtained from the Anatolian Agri- and Akkaya (21).
cultural Research Center in Eskisehir, SCAR Primers: The sequences of the
Turkey. The source of the Pm21 gene, the primers used were the same as reported
6VS/6AL translocation line (92R-149), (19), which were designed as markers
was kindly provided by P.D. Chen, Cyto- linked to the Pm21 gene. For SCAR1265
genetics Institute, Nanjing Agricultural and SCAR1400 markers, Pm21 D + Pm21
University, Nanjing, China. The suscepti- E and Pm21 C + Pm21 D primer combi-
ble wheat parents were crossed with the nations, respectively, were used.
6VS/6AL translocation line to produce F1 PCR Conditions: PCR reactions were
plants and were backcrossed to their re- performed in 25 mL reaction volume in a
spective wheat parents four times to pro- MJ-Reseach PTC-100 thermocycler (Wa-
duce BC4F1 plants. Resistant BC4F1 lines tertown, MA, USA). SCAR amplicons
were selfed to produce BC4F2 lines which were separated on 1% agarose gels. The
are homozygote for the Pm21 gene. amplification reactions contained 100 ng
Disease screening: Plants were inocu- of plant DNA, 1X Qiagen PCR Buffer
lated with a population of powdery mil- (1.5 mM Mg2+, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 5
dew spores collected from different parts pmol of each primer, and 1 unit of Taq
of Turkey at each crossing generation to DNA polymerase). The PCR reactions
determine the resistant Pm21 positive in- were incubated at 94 0C for 3 min until
dividuals at seedling stage in a green- the cycling starts, and followed by 40 cy-
house. Resistant BC lines were used in cles of 94 0C, 55 0C, 72 0C denaturation,

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annealing and extention steps each for 1 were highly susceptible (80-100S) whereas
min with a final extention period of 5 min BC4F2 plants contained both highly resis-
at 72 0C. tant (0S) and highly susceptible (80-100S)
Results and Discussion individuals. The translocation line
(92R149) was highly resistant (0S). SCAR
Based on the C-banding and disease screenings were performed on the resis-
screening results, 6VS positive (or Pm21 tant and susceptible BC4F2 plants after the
positive) BC plants were determined and field testing (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). It clearly
about 10-15 backcross F1 plants in each revealed the presence of Pm21 in the re-
BC generation included in the next cross- sistant lines and no recombination was oc-
ing. In addition, the two specific SCAR cured between the SCAR markers and
markers (SCAR1265 and SCAR1400) were Pm21. C-banding was applied to BC4F3
employed at the BC4F1 generation in the seeds to confirm the homozygosity for the
experiment. All 6VS positive plants of 6VS/6AL chromosome in the progeny.
BC4F1 generation determined by C-band- Moreover, presence of 1BL/1RS trans-
ing and seedling screening were also location chromosome carrying the Pm8
checked with SCAR anlyses. Then, gene was revealed by C-banding in the
Pm21 carrying plants were selfed to pro- resistant BC4F3 lines of Bezostaja because
duce BC4F2 plants for field tests. Paren- there was only one pair of satellited chro-
tal cultivars, Bezostaja-1 and Gerek-79, mosome (6B) instead of two pairs (1B and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Fig. 1. SCAR1265 screening of randomly selected BC4F2 plants of Bezostaja-1 and Gerek-79. PCR
products from the resistant parent 6VS/6AL translocation line (lane 1), the susceptible parents Bezostaja-
1 and Gerek-79 (lanes 2 and 3), resistant BC4F2 plants (lanes 4, 7, 10-13 and 15-20) and susceptible
BC4F2 plants (lanes 5, 6, 8, 9, 14 and 21) amplified by primers Pm21D and Pm21E.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 2. SCAR1400 screening of selected resistant and susceptible BC4F2 plants of Gerek-79. PCR products
from the resistant parent 6VS/6AL translocation line (lane 1), the susceptible parent Gerek-79 (lane 2),
resistant BC4F2 plants (lanes 3-5) and susceptible BC4F2 plants (lanes 6-8) amplified by primers Pm21C
and Pm21D.

17 Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 18/2004/2

6B) due to the loss of satellited short arm netic markers, a gene pyramiding for pow-
of chromosome 1B in the 1BL/1RS trans- dery mildew was established in Bezosta-
location line. This result indicated the pyr- ja-1 with the Pm8 and Pm21 resistance
amiding of Pm8 + Pm21 resistance gene genes. As a result, more durable and broad
complex in the Bezostaja background. spectrum powdery mildew resistance will
Powdery mildew is one of the most im- be possible. Adding new powdery mildew
portant diseases of wheat in the world. resistance genes into these and some oth-
An international survey of facultative and er wheat cultivars is an ongoing research
winter wheat breeders about the breed- in our breeding program.
ing priorities revealed that powdery mil- Genetic markers are very useful in plant
dew was the third most important disease breeding because the presence of a gene
after leaf rust and Septoria spp. This sur- can be detected very precisely without
vey included the breeders who works on waiting for phenotypic expression. We
about 90% of the global facultative and have utilized two different genetic mark-
winter wheat acreage (22). Similarly, it is ers to follow up the Pm21 gene during
also an important disease of Turkey and crossings, along with disease screenings.
causes 5-30% yield losses in the Central Based on the results of some previous
region and transitional zones of Turkey, the studies, Pm21 might always transmit on
largest wheat production area (1). Unfor- the translocation chromosome 6VS/6AL
tunately, breeding against powdery mildew in wheat background (23) and behave as
has not got enough attention in this region a single dominant gene (19). Therefore,
due to higher degree of damages of other C-banding and seedling disease screen-
important diseases such as stripe rust and ing were used together in order to detect
Septoria spp. Bezostaja-1 and Gerek-79 Pm21 in the first three backcrossing gen-
are the most widely produced wheat in erations. C-banding seems to be enough
this region with 3 million ha, which is about to follow up the translocation line because
30% of the total wheat production of Tur- of its very distinct banding pattern (5).
key. Even the minimum yield loss of 5% However, it is sometimes possible to mis-
due to powdery mildew corresponds to identify or loose a specific chromosome
350,000 ton yield loss per year in expense arm (6VS in this case) with C-banding be-
of farmers directly. cause only three root tips from each plant
The Pm21 gene provides very strong re- can be screened under the microscope. If
sistance and no virulence for Pm21 has the chromosomes do not spread well on a
not been found in the world (10) including slide or if staining is not good enough to
Turkey and Europe (9). Although trans- differentiate chromosomes, misidentifica-
fer of Pm21 into wheat was achieved as tion or loosing a specific chromosome is
a whole 6VS chromosome arm, due to the always possible. Therefore, results of
lack of recombination between wheat seedling disease screening allowed us to
chromosomes and D. villosum chromo- identify correct 6VS positive plants. SCAR
somes, any unfavourable effects on agro- markers (SCAR1265 and SCAR1400) linked
nomic traits of the recipients were not to Pm21 were included in our study after
observed (5). Therefore, resistant plants BC 3 generation. We have screened
produced by this study will provide noti- BC4F1 and BC4F2 plants with SCAR mar-
cable yield increases in Turkey. In addi- kers. Due to no recombination between
tion, with the assistance of different ge- SCAR1265 and SCAR1400 and Pm21 (19),

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