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Friday, 18th of October, 2019 Middle Years Program-4-Armstrong

Unit Title: Forces and Matter. Name: Eman Anwar

Key Concept: Relationships ATLs: Thinking Skill, Social Skills
and Self Management Skills
Related Concepts: Patterns and Functions Learner profile: Thinkers,
Knowledgeable and Open Minded
Topic: Interaction of force and matter. (Formative Assessment)
Activity: Recycling a win-win for the Planet.
Subject of Report: Should the Government invest in more metal recycling?
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It
is an alternative to “conventional” waste disposal that can save material and help lower
greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials
and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air
pollution (from incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling).
Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of
the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" waste hierarchy.[1][2] Thus, recycling aims at
environmental sustainability by substituting raw material inputs into and redirecting
waste outputs out of the economic system.[3]
Metals are essential, versatile and can be used in a number of ways. Metals can be used
for industrial purposes such as manufacture of trucks, cars, airplanes, ships, and
railways. They can also $2.20/l
#1 Bare Bright Wirebe used to manufacture domestic items such as cutlery, crockery
and even in packaging. b
The good thing about metal recycling is that, metal can be recycled over and over
without alteringTubing
#1 Copper its properties. The most common recyclable metals include aluminum
/ Flashing
and steel. The other metals for example silver, copper, brass and gold are so valuable
that they are rarely thrown away to be collected
$1.75/l for recycling. Therefore, they do not
#2 a waste
create Copper disposal
Tubing /crisis or
Bus Barproblem.
Metals are expensive to extract from their ores, and it is increasingly common for metal
in domestic and Copper $1.65/l Ferromagnetic metals are usually
industrial water to be recycled.
#3 Roofing
separated from the rest of the waste using theirb magnetic properties. The waste is passed
along a conveyor belt which contains strong electromagnets that attract the ferrous waste
to them. $1.15/l
(Plumbing,metal reduces
Pipe) pollution, saves resources, reduces waste going to
b from mining new ore. By reusing and
landfills and prevents the destruction of habitats
recycling the scrap metals we would be reducing
$1.40/l the negative impact on a country’s
balance of payment and it would save a lot bybrecycling. The money would be saved as it
would not be spent on the extraction of minerals from their ores, and recycling is possible
because the properties of metals do not change
$1.27/l upon it. The prices of metals are also
Brass Shells
increasing day by day as seen in the charts below:
Brass Water Meter $1.25/l

Clean Brass Radiators
Dirty Brass

er Coil (Clean)

er Coil (Dirty)

Copper Yokes $0.35/lb


Small Electric
Metal mining is the prowess of the
means to haul out metal deposits from underneath the crust of the earth, for the metals
that are deposited at the top of the earth’s crust are very little or merely don't exist.
Hauling out of the metal deposits happens with the lot of novel techniques that keeps
brimming up every now and then. Marine mining method only became commercially
feasible in the early 1990s. Marine diamond mining uses both "vertical" and
"horizontal" methods to take out diamonds from offshore placer deposits. Vertical
marine mining possesses a 6 to 7 meter diameter drill skull to slash into the seabed and
suck up the diamond demeanor material from the sea bed.
The Mining Process
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the
Earth, usually from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposit. 
To define the ore from the waste rock, samples are taken and assayed. Assay results are
used to mark out areas of ore and waste rock, which are mined separately. Some of the
harder areas require blasting to loosen the rock prior to excavation by hydraulic diggers.
Dump trucks haul the rock to the primary crushers in the open pit or to the ore
stockpiles from underground.
After sampling and mapping, some areas require blasting to loosen the rock prior to
excavation. Other areas can be mined using a bulldozer. Ore and waste rock are mined
by excavators loading onto trucks. In the open pit the trucks take their loads to the
primary crushers or to stockpiles. In the underground mine the ore is taken to stockpiles
at the processing plant, while waste rock is stockpiled for reuse as backfill once mined
areas are completed.
The primary crushers located at the open pit mine site, receive ore and waste at separate
times. They break the larger rocks down to a size suitable for transport on the conveyor
belt. A rubber belted conveyor transports the ore and waste rock from the open pit,
approximately two kilometers, via a tunnel through Union Hill, to the mill and waste
rock embankments. Large electromagnets remove any steel debris excavated from the
old Martha Mine workings. 

How can metal mining impact the environment?

Modern mining operations actively strive to mitigate potential environmental
consequences of extracting metals, and such operations are needed to be strictly
regulated in countries. The key to effective mitigation lies in implementing scientific and
technological advances that prevent or control undesired environmental impacts.
Operations and waste products associated with metal extraction and processing are the
principal causes of environmental concerns about metal mining. Both open cast and deep
mining lead to surface waste heaps. At best these look unsightly and spoil the natural
beauty of the area. Much worse, after periods of heavy rain, waste heaps can become
unstable and flow down slope, destroying everything in their path and covering even
larger areas of land. Mine waste can be toxic. Soil samples taken from the waste heaps
next to the lead and zinc mine at Cerro de Pasco in Peru have revealed lead levels as high
as 4500 parts per million (ppm) compared with an acceptable normal level of 70ppm.
Leaks from the oil wells and pipelines established make the waters among the most
polluted in the world. New mines in remote areas need roads and railways for access and
transport. Building of these can lead to forest clearance, resulting in loss of wildlife and
reductions in biodiversity. Dust and fumes from chimneys during the crushing, refining,
and smelting of mineral ores cause air pollution. Rivers and streams are polluted by
water flowing through old mine workings.
So, Why Is It Important to Recycle Metal?
Some people disregard the need for recycling solid waste especially metal. Some throw
them away while others leave the metal to rot away. However, if you understood the
numerous benefits of recycling these items, you will no longer throw them away or leave
them to be consumed by rust and other weather elements. The following are some of the
benefits of recycling metals:
1. Preservation of Natural Resources

This is one of the main reasons why people should recycle metal. Metal is excavated from
the earth through a process called mining. Over time, the areas excavated tend to be
depleted and the miners move to other areas looking for metals to mine. This means that
in case this trend does not stop or is not controlled, most areas will have huge excavation
holes. Therefore, in order to prevent this and preserve the environment, it is important to
recycle metal.

2. Reduction of Emissions

Have you heard of global warming? This is a phenomenon brought about by the steady
increase of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Although it is hard to undo what
has already been done to the atmosphere in terms of destroying the ozone layer and
global warming, we can control or stop causing further damage. This can only be done
by embracing recycling of metal and other solid waste.

3. Economic Development

Through recycling, the government can save a lot of money that could be spent on mining
and processing of metals. The money saved can be channeled into other development
programs that can help improve the living standards of the people and the economy as a
whole. Additionally, through the exportation of recycled metals, the government can
generate more revenue, improve the socioeconomic status of its citizens and provide jobs
to the unemployed.

4. Management of Energy Consumption

The recycling of metal reduces the growing demand for natural resources such as ore.
When more and more metals are recycled, the demand for the natural metal is reduced.
On top of that, less energy is required to process scrap metal than it is required to extract
ore from the earth, purify it and later shape it into desired shapes and sizes. The
preserved energy can be used for other purposes in the economy.

5. Saves You Money

This is one of the best yet most ignored reasons. If most people recycled metal and metal
items on a regular basis, it would be less costly to produce metal in terms of energy and
the ore required. This will mean that the actual cost of buying metal will reduce hence
saving you some money.

To conclude, metal is an important resource which should be recycled to ensure a steady

supply, prevent environmental degradation and improve the economy. Hence, the
government of Pakistan should invest more in the metal recycling process and make use
of the already available and untapped resources.

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