SLD Spec-3

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5% margin shall normally be taken for defining LV voltage level of the

transformer to take care voltage dip during initial loading condition i.e.
400/11.5/11.5 kV , 400/6.9 kV etc.

Three winding transformers are mainly used in large sized power plants
where ST ratings are very high (say more than 65 MVA). The selection of
either two winding or three winding transformer is mainly driven by

- Sizing criteria for station transformer

- Requirement of different MV voltage levels (two secondary winding

shall have different voltage rating i.e. 11kV & 6.6kV)

- Short circuit fault rating of MV level (Three winding transformer

results in reduced fault level at MV level)

- MV station switchgear max busbar rating available etc.

Calculate the size of station transformer based on auxiliary load data

available from mechanical. While calculating the size of ST, following ST
sizing criteria may be taken into consideration.

 % loading of total station load like 50% or 33% etc.

 Provision of any additional or hot standby station transformer
 Outage of one unit transformer
 Starting or Costing load of associated unit
 Facilitates starting of boiler feed pump

In some cases, Standby/Maintenance transformer shall be provided which

will take care outage of one unit transformer and safe shutdown / HP-LP
bypass of other unit. This is mainly applicable in GCB scheme where UT
shall feed station load as well as unit loads.

Refer ESD-MP-3.02.07 for Station Service Transformer Sizing calculation.

For % impedance of ST, it shall be assumed as per the rated %

impedance voltages per relevant IS/IEC (say 15%). In case of three
winding transformer, % impedance between HV to LV1, HV to LV2 and
LV1 to LV2 shall be provided. This value shall be verified during system
study and shall be modified if required. Percentage impedance shall be
defined with base MVA which is at highest cooling and at principal tap

1. In case of a requirement of IPB grounding transformer, check for its rating,

vector group, LV voltage, ratings of secondary resistance etc.
[IPB grounding transformer with broken delta secondary will be provided
to ground IPB when GCB is open. This is in order to avoid the risk of
damaging overvoltage associated with arcing ground faults possible on
the ungrounded neutral system].

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