Organizational Culture: Student Name

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Organizational Culture

Student Name:

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Author Name:
Executive Summery

The project will focus on certain strategic factors that are affecting the overall performance of

Chorus Limited. To implement an effective strategy for managing stakeholders, their

requirement and complaints must be understood. In addition, various aspects regarding ethical

and organizational strategies will also be examined. It is also recommended to increase technical

workers to build and maintain telecom network effectively. In addition, the assignment will

focus on various factors that are affecting the individual and organizational policies. Moreover,

high class fiber optics and good safeguard technologies should be used during installation of

cables to minimize costing for repairs.

Table of Contents


Recognize the Stakeholders.........................................................................................................2

Assessment of management policy for stakeholders...................................................................2

Find out the problems and illustrate how these are affecting the learning process.....................3

Recommend and apply strategies to ensure useful learning........................................................5

Analyze the behavioral aspects of stakeholders that affect accompany......................................5

Plan effective strategies to deal with the organizational and individual factors that are affecting

company focus and service..........................................................................................................6

Strategies that will affect social and cultural aspects of a company............................................7

Conclusion and Recommendations..................................................................................................7


The fiber cables are essential materials in communicating the world. However, damages to the

fiber cable and costing price for maintenance can affect the use of fiber network. Initially, copper

networks were widely used for communication purpose in New Zealand. But maintenance cost

was too high. To overcome this problem, superfast broadband networks were introduced. The

project will focus on the case study of these high speed networks and the telecom companies

which are installing and maintaining these networks. Further, the project will focus on the

professional and ethical behaviors of the stakeholders of the company. Some strategies will also

be discussed to improve the performance and work environment of the Chorus Limited (Hansen

& Jones, 2017).


Recognize the Stakeholders

As per the case study, Chorus Limited is public company which is installing and maintaining

telecom infrastructure. Most of the telephone lines and related all the equipments are owned by

this organization in NZ. The company maintains a huge network of copper cable and fiber cable

in the country. The company is building almost 70% of new optical cable networks. The

company has more than 963 employees who are dedicatedly working for the company.

Internal Stakeholders: Employees such as technicians, managers and all the departmental

workers are called as internal stakeholders. They must follow all the company policies (Aven,

External Stakeholders: The investors, suppliers and vendors are external stakeholders of the

company. In addition, customers are also stakeholders (secondary).

Both kinds of stakeholders must cooperate with each other to make a sustainable growth.

Assessment of management policy for stakeholders

Many techniques can be followed to communicate with the stakeholders. However, these

techniques must identify their core problems and give proper solution to those problems. In

addition, satisfying the stakeholders is also vital for continuous growth of a company (Bridoux,

& Stoelhorst, 2016).

A typical management procedure has the following activities:

 Stakeholder identification: Identify the shareholders

 Response Development: understand the requirements of these stakeholders and plan a

policy accordingly to work.

 Regular Management: Execute a proper plan to manage the stakeholders. All of them

should be properly communicated and negotiated. In addition, efficient solutions should

be given regarding their problems.

Unhappy customers and all other stakeholders of Chorus Limited must be satisfied with proper

network connectivity. Otherwise the company may lose business.

Find out the problems and illustrate how these are affecting the learning process

The management practices are affected by many factors. In this scenario for Chorus Limited, the

strategy is extremely affected by the maintenance issue and customer complaint. In order to stay
in the business, the company has to provide satisfactory service to all customers. In addition, the

company must have enough technical resources to troubleshoot the problems quickly and

effectively. However, as per case study, in most cases company fails to resolve the problems.

Maintaining the huge network is really a big challenge for this company. These problems can be

described as follows how these will affect the operations and management of the company.

 Less number of technicians: For maintaining such a big network around the country, the

company must have a group of talented technicians who dedicatedly works for the

company and provide effective solution. But due to lack of technicians company often

fails to resolve problems in time. Additionally, all the new technicians have to be trained

well to deal with all possible situations. However, the training can cost a high price

($3000). Further advanced technologies also should be demonstrated new comers to

effectively provide solution to these problems.

 Quality of the fiber cable: Chorus Limited has to focus on installing quality cables rather

than just saving cost for raw materials. Eventually this kind of strategy can cost a million

dollars in future while maintaining the network. Installing high quality optical fibers will

reduce the cost of regular repairs (Chen & Zhao (2014).

 Usage of copper network: Initially the company has used copper cables for building

telecom network. The maintenance cost is too high for these cables. Further due to lack

of repairs many cables have been damaged in past few years. Another disadvantage is

these cables can’t transmit data as fast as the fiber optics. Therefore, to increase the

broadband speed the chain of old copper cables must be replaced by fiber cables as soon

as possible (Bundy, Vogel, Zachary, 2018). .

 Lack of innovation: More advanced technology should be promoted to monitor the

issues of these cable networks. Along with it, high class raw materials and proper safety

guidelines should be followed to minimize damages to cables. It will increase network


 Struggle to implement changes: Now a day, companies can success only when it adapts

as per current market condition. If a company fails to innovate or accept industry

changes, it will fail to grow. Therefore management must search for new ideas which can

improve performance of the company.

Recommend and apply strategies to ensure useful learning

All these tactical theories must be implemented to improve the overall performance of network.

The management of Chorus Limited should apply these tactics to ensure good performance of

the organizations. Leadership skills should be taught to all the key workers to increase their skills

and talents. Each of the new recruit should be trained with these useful factors (mentioned

above). These strategies will improve the overall performance (Demirtas, 2015).

It is recommended, the company must initiate various innovative strategies and leadership

policies to stay in the industry. Advanced technology also should be entertained by management

to increase productivity and performance of this telecom company. These strategies will help the

employees to increase their behavior both at individual level and organizational level.

Analyze the behavioral aspects of stakeholders that affect accompany

There are certain factors which can impact the behavior of the stakeholders. These factors are

listed below:
Attitude: All the workers must have positive attitude. The stakeholders should be dedicated and

passionate towards their goal. The technicians are the key persons in a telecom company, they

must have proper knowledge regarding various connectivity issues and should be ready to handle

to complex situations.

Behaviors: All the stakeholders should behave as per organizational guidelines. They must not

communicate harshly. Especially managers and top level management must follow corporate

ethics and manners to manage the team working under them.

Traits: Everyone has different personalities. However, all of them should follow professionalism

to achieve goals successfully.

Plan effective strategies to deal with the organizational and individual factors that are

affecting company focus and service

These factors have a huge influence over the operations of the company. Efficient plans must be

introduced to deal with these factors. These strategies can be described as shows:

1.Use of Human Resources:

Employees play a key role in success of an organization. However, all the workers must be

chosen wisely in order to get satisfactory services. The new workers should be trained properly

to get full potential from them. As a government subsidiary Chorus ltd has many responsibilities

towards the country. They must hire talented technicians and train them with good leadership

skills to find out their strength and skills in their key areas. The company should encourage

employees to achieve their individual goals as well as organizational goals. Each of the
employees must have a key role as per their skill set. Further, regular training should be

implemented to improve their skills. In addition, talented employees must be retained.

2. Use cost effective technologies

Every company has to use advanced technologies to stay in business. In this competitive world ,

technology play a vital role for operations as well as business. The management and other

workers should use cost effective technologies for production purpose as well for spreading

business (digital promotions). Currently Chorus Ltd, the telecom giant is using many

technologies for installation purpose and other operations. However, the improvisation should be

done on regular basis to increase the broadband speed and maintenance purpose (Dobele et. al.,


3. Concentrate on Quality services

Almost forty thousand users are connected by the communication network build by Chorus

Limited. To retain this huge number of users, network must work smoothly. High quality fiber

optics and copper wires must be used during installation purpose. In addition, proper safety

techniques should be used to minimize damages in these cables. The underground tunnels should

be regularly checked so that problem in network can be recognized at initial stage itself. In

addition, the entire copper wire network should be replaced with high speed fiber cables to

reduce repairing cost and to increase data speed (Hansen & Jones, 2017).

Strategies that will affect social and cultural aspects of a company

These key strategies will help Chorus to improve efficiency and leadership abilities. Positive

changes in the management will help to increase sales and it will also help to improve work
atmosphere. All the mentioned factors must be applied in a proper way to achieve the

organizational goal.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on above scenario, one can understand that the stakeholders play a vital role in growth of a

company. All the stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers and vendors) have to work

together and they should follow corporate ethics to become successful in the industry. As a major

telecom company and government subsidy, Chorus Limited must provide satisfactory service

toward customers. To improve their overall performance, they must use efficient technologies

and good technicians in future. It is also recommended to increase the number of technicians in

all areas across the country to increase the effective service rate. In addition, high class fiber

optic cables also should be used to increase data rate in the broadband network. Proper safe

guard lines also should be installed with these lines to minimize the cost of repairs (Ericksen,

Berke & Dixon, 2017).


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