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The VMARS Archive
Index of Filenames

How to use this index

If you are using Internet Explorer, press ctrl-F then enter a keyword (e.g. the model of the equipment you are looking for) in the search box.

If there is no entry in the filename column, it most likely means that the soft copy we have doesn't currently meet the minimum standards for
publication - we are working through our soft copy to make sure these standards are being met, and items will be added to this list as we complete
them. A list of recent additions can be found here.

Please report any problems or failed links to vmars-archive01[at]vmars/dot/org/dot/uk (Apologies for the need for such obfuscation of addresses but
the spam lowlife got hold of the last address before anyone sent any enquiries!)

Last Updated 22nd April 2019


Ref Filename Model Base No. Document title and details

Installing and Operating Instructions for

1 1_CNY2_Manual.pdf CNY2 Telegraph-Telephone Equipment Type
Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4
3 3_730_4_EMER_E742_2.pdf 730/4 (Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -
Fault Finding and Repair Data
4 4_PRC-316_EMER_F203.pdf PRC316 Station Radio UK/PRC-316 - Unit Repairs
Station Radio UK/PRC-316 - Field &
5 5_PRC-316_EMER_F204.pdf PRC316
Base Repairs
User Handbook for Radio Station
7 7_PRC-350_User_Manual.pdf PRC350
Reception Set Canadian R103 Mk.I
8 8_R103_EMER_EZ122_1.pdf R103
Technical Description
Reception Set Canadian R103 Mk.I 2nd -
9 9_R103_EMER_EZ124_1.pdf R103
4th Echelon Work
11 11_WS52_UserManual_Complete.pdf WS52 Wireless Set No.52 (receiver only)
Wireless Sender No.53 Working
12 12_WS53_Working_Instructions.pdf WS53 Instructions. A5 printable, includes A4
and A3 foldouts of circuit diagrams.
Receivers Radio , Racal Type RA17 Data
17 17_EMER_E720_RA17_Data_Summary.pdf RA17
Receiver, Radio, Racal, Type RA17
18 18_EMER_E722-1_RA17_Technical_Description.pdf RA17 Technical Handbook - Technical
Racal Communication Receiver Type
19 19_EMER_E722-2_RA17_Fault_Finding_Data.pdf RA17 RA17 Mk.2 Technical Handbook - Fault
Finding and Repair Data
20 . WS46 Wireless Set No.46 Modifications
Receiver, Radio, Racal, Type RA17 Mk.2
21 21_EMER_E724_RA17_Field Repairs.pdf RA17 and RA17L Technical Handbook - Field
and Base Repairs

30 30_EMER_F140_SRA13_Data_Summary.pdf SRA13 Station Radio A13 - Data Summary

Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4

(Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -
31 31-5_818_821-3_730_4_EMER_E749.pdf 730/4 Miscellaneous Instruction - Distribution

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36 36_SR-A13_User_Handbook.pdf SRA13 User Handbook for Station Radio A13

Wireless Set No.12 Mk.II General

50 50_WS12_User_Manual.pdf WS12 Description, Working Instructions Aerials
and Maintenance
Wireless Set No.38 layout & Wireless Set
54 54_WS38_cct_layout.pdf WS38
No.38 MkII* circuit
55 55_WS62_Working_Instructions.pdf WS62 Wireless Set No.62 Working Instructions
Wireless Stations No.62 in Cars 5cwt 4x4
56 56_WS62_Animal_&_Manpack_Instructions.pdf WS62
and Animal Pack/Man Pack
Pye Wireless Set 62. Technical
59 59_Pye_WS62_User_Manual.pdf WS62
Handbook and Parts List

60 60_EMER_F142pt1_SRA13_Technical_Description.pdf SRA13 Station Radio A13 - Technical Description

Station Radio A13 - Fault Finding &

63 63_EMER_F142pt2_SRA13_Fault_and_Repair_Data.pdf SRA13
Repair Data
Wireless Sets No.18 Mk.1, Mk.II, Mk.III
65 65_WS18_Working_Instructions.pdf WS18 and Wireless Sets No.68 Working
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 - Unit
72 72_A41_EMER_F483.pdf A41
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 - Field
73 73_A41_EMER_F484.pdf A41
and Base Repairs
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 -
74 74_A41_EMER_F488.pdf A41
Inspection Standards
Wireless Set No.31 AFV Technical
76 76_WS31AFV_EMER_F370.pdf WS31AFV
Handbook - Data Summary
Reception Sets D.S.T. 100 Mk.II, Mk.III &
77 77_DST-100_Manual.pdf DST100
Mk.III* Working Instructions Parts I & II
Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4
86 86_730_4_EMER_E740.pdf 730/4
(Z4/ZA51262) General Data

Wireless Set (Cdn) No.9 Mk.I Technical

92 92_FZ152-1_WS9_Technical_Description.pdf WS9 (Cdn)
Description (Instruction No.1) (FZ152/1)

Wireless Set (Cdn) No.9 Mk.I 2nd - 4th

96 96_FZ154-1_WS9_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf WS9 (Cdn)
Echelon Work

Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4

97 97_730_4_EMER_E743.pdf 730/4 (Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -Unit
Wireless Set No.48 Provisional Test
106 106_WS48_EMER_JY104.pdf WS48
Wireless Set (Cdn) No.9 Mk.I Parts and
108 108_FZ155-1_WS9_Parts_and_Identification_List.pdf WS9
Identification List Instruction No.1
Instruction Manual for 100W HF SSB
111 111_GR479A_System.pdf GR479A
Transportable Station Type GR479A
123 123_Pye_AM10D_Cambridge.pdf AM10D Pye AM10D Service Manual
141 141_T1509_AP2550B.pdf T1509 Transmitter T.1509
142 142_Converting_TR1196_Rx.pdf TR1196 Converting the TR1196 Receiver
ARI. 18041 Single Channel VHF
144 144_TR2002_AP2528M.pdf TR2002 Equipment TR2002 and TR2002A.
General and Technical Information
149 149_MCR1.pdf MCR1 Midget Communication Receiver MCR1
150 150_Mk123_Transmitter-Receiver_Manual.pdf Mk.123 Mk.123 Transmitter/Receiver Manual
P105,P108, Warsaw Pact R-105, R108, R109, R114
244 244_R105_R108_R109_R114.pdf
P109,P114 Technical Manual
258 258_AI Mk. IV.pdf AI A.I. Mk.IV and Ancillary Equipment
WS9 (Canadian) Operating and
259 259_WS9_Operating_and_Installation_Instructions.pdf WS9 (Cdn)
installation instructions (preliminary copy)
Marconi Communication Receiver Type
261 261_AD118_MANUAL.pdf AD118
Instruction Book for Operation and
264 264_BC-375_Operation_Maintenance_Manual.pdf BC375 Maintenance of Radio Transmitter BC-
375-E and Associated Equipment

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265 265_SCR520_User_Handbook.pdf SCR520 Radio Set SCR-520-B User Handbook

(Covers BC742, BC1041, BC1043,
BC1044, BC1045, RM30)
Identification List for Wireless Sets No 19
270 . WS19
Mk.3 and Ancillary Equipment
Rebecca and Eureka Equipment Chapter
271 271_AP2914B_Rebecca_Eureka_ARI5506.pdf Rebecca Eureka
2-A.R.I. 5506
ATE Cathode Ray Frequency Shift
287 287_ATE_CRM1_Frequency_Shift_Tuning_Indicator.pdf CRM1
Tuning Indicator Model CRM.1
General Purpose Communication
317 317_AR88-D_Manual.pdf AR88
Receiver Model AR-88D. Instructions
Radio Set Types P-105M, P108M, P-
P105M, P108M,
327 327_P105_P108_P109.pdf 109M Technical Description and
Operating Instructions

Wireless Set No.38AFV Working

329 329_WS38AFV_Working_Instructions.pdf WS38.AFV

Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4

330 330_730_4_EMER_E742_1.pdf 730/4 (Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -
Technical Description
AP2535E - T4188, R4187 etc. General
341 341_AP2535E_T4188_R4187_Technical_Information.pdf AP2535E
and Technical Information

Fahrzeugfunksprechgerat Sende-
348 348_SEM25_EM25_Manual.pdf SEM25 Empfangsgerat SEM25 Empfangsgerat
EM25 Antenne-Fahrzeugbetrieb SEM25

Handbook Service Instructions Radio Set

354 354_AN-ARC52_Handbook.pdf ARC52 AN/ARC-52 Radio Set AN/ARC-52X and
Auto Relay Control C-2791/ARC
Operator's Manual Radio Receiver R-
360 360_R-390A_Operators_Manual.pdf R390A
War Department Technical Manual Radar
Set AN/MPG-1 and Radar Set FPG-1
365 365_Radar_Set_MPG1_FPG1_Technical_Manual.pdf MPG1, FPG1 Technical Operation Manual General
Description, Operating Instructions and
Equipment Performance Log
Common Naval Radio Test Equipment
366 366_CT52_Tech_Manual.pdf CT52 Handbook for AP68622 Oscilloscope
Miniature CT52
Handbook of Operating Instructions for
367 367_SCR720_Operating_Instructions.pdf SCR720 Radio Set SCR-720-A and Radio Set
Panoramic Adaptors BC-1031-A, -B, BC-
439 439_BC-1031-Pana.pdf BC1031, BC1032
1032-A, -B
Wireless Sets No.22 in Trucks 5-cwt 4x4
440 440_WS22_in_Trucks_5cwt.pdf WS22
Non-Airborne Fitting Instructions
Frequency Meter Sets SCR-211-A, -B, -
C, -D, -E, -F, -J, -K, -L, -M, -N, -O, -P, -Q,
453 453_SCR-211.pdf SCR211
-R, -T, -AA, -AC, -AE, -AF, -AG, -AH, -AJ,
-AK, -AL
458 458_VRC-1_Manual.pdf VRC1 Radio Set AN/VRC-1
SCR399, Technical Manual Radio Sets SCR-399-A
459 459_SCR399_SCR499_Technical_Manual.pdf
SCR499 & SCR-499-A
Technical Manual Radio Transmitters BC-
467 467X_BC-191_Technical_Manual.pdf BC191 191-A, BC-191-B, BC-191-C, BC-191-D,
BC-191-E and BC-AA-19
470 470_WS22_Working_instructions.pdf WS22 WS No.22 Working Instructions Part 1
Handbook of Maintenance Instructions
485 485_BC-348J_N_Q_Maintenance_Manual.pdf BC348
for Radio Receivers BC-348-J, -N and -Q
Identification List for Wireless Sets, 22,
499 499_WS22_Identification_List.pdf WS22 22 Crystal and 22 Mk.1/1 Power Supply
Units, No.4, Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.2/1
Handbook of Operating Instructions for
503 503_SCR729_Operating_Instructions.pdf SCR-729-A
Radio Sets SCR-729-A and SCR-729-AZ
505 505_AP2890Q_H2S_MkIVA_Ch1-6.pdf H2S H2S MkIVA (A.R.I 5715) Ch 1 - 6 only,
poor copy.

508 508_SD0230_R1147.pdf R1147 Receiver R.1147

Communications Receiver Type CR.100
510 510_CR100_T1868-1.pdf CR100

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Technical Handbook
Wireless Set No.31 AFV Technical
511 511_WS31AFV_EMER_F372.pdf WS31AFV
Handbook - Technical Description
Instruction Manual for Driver-Receiver
512 512_GR345D_Instruction Manual.pdf GR345
type GR345D/GKR206A
Instruction Book for Navy Model TBY-8
518 518_TBY-8_Manual.pdf TBY8 Ultra-Portable Very-High Frequency
Transmitting-Receiving Equipment
User Handbook for Clansman Radio
Installations in Trucks, 1/2 and 3/4 ton,
526 526_VRC353_In_Landrover.pdf VRC353
FFR and GS, Rover Part 7 Supplement 8
UK/VRC-353Z in FFR only
Handbook for Amplifier Loudspeaker
530 530_Loudspeaker_Type_618OR.pdf 618OR
Type 618OR
Handbook for Type 612 Series Volume I
531 531_Type_612_BR1616_Vol_1.pdf 612
Technical & Mechanical Description
Handbook for Type 612 Series Volume II
532 532_Type_612_BR1616_Vol_2.pdf 612
Handbook for Type 621 (Army Wireless
533 533_Type_621_Handbook.pdf 621
Set No.46)
Station Radio A13 Technical Handbook -
540 540_EMER_F143_SRA13_Unit_Repairs.pdf SRA13
Unit Repairs
Station Radio A13. Technical Handbook -
541 541_EMER_F147_SRA13_Modification_Instructions.pdf SRA13
Index of Modifications.
Station Radio A13 Technical Handbook -
545 545_EMER_F144_SRA13_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf SRA13
Field and Base Repairs
User Handbook for Station Radio A14
548 548_A14_Clip-in_kit.pdf A14
Clip-on Kit
Handbook for A.P.57140 Series Receiver
559 559_B40_User_Manual_BR1617.pdf B40
Handbook for A.P.57141 Series Receiver
565 565_B41_Handbook.pdf B41
570 570_PSU7262.pdf 7262 Power Unit type 7262
Handbook for AP61766 Noise Generator
595 595_CT82_Tech_Manual.pdf CT82
Wireless Set No.31 AFV Technical
605 605_WS31AFV_EMER_F373.pdf WS31AFV
Handbook - Unit Repairs
Wireless Set No.31 AFV Technical
608 608_WS31AFV_EMER_F374.pdf WS31AFV
Handbook - Field and Base Repairs
Wireless Set No.31 AFV Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction:
613 613_1190_WS31AFV_EMER_F377.pdf WS31AFV
Rebroadcast facility failure, Wireless Set
No.31AFV/Wireless Set No.19
Wireless Set No.48 Mark I Operating
615 615_768_WS48_EMER_JY101_JY102.pdf WS48
User Handbook for Elevated Aerial (36 to
616 616_36-60MHz_elevated_antenna.pdf -
Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4
622 622_730_4_EMER_E748.pdf 730/4 (Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -
Inspection Standards
Introductory Survey of Radar Pt 2
632 632_AP1093D_Pt2_Introductory_Survey_of_Radar.pdf AP1093
(formatted for printing)
Introductory Survey of Radar Pt 2
632 632_AP1093D_Pt2_Introductory_Survey_of_Radar_screenread.pdf AP1093
(formatted for on-screen reading)
Basic Principles of Radar and Summary
634 634_AP1093C_Vol_1.pdf AP1093
of Radar Devices
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF
639 639_AR88_EMER_E722.pdf AR88 Technical Handbook - Technical
Technical Handbook - Fault finding and
642 642_C13_EMER_H642_pt2.pdf C13
Repair Data including circuit diagrams.
War Department Technical Manual.
Radio Receivers BC-312, -A, -C, -D, -E, -
646 646_BC312_BC342_Technical_Manual.pdf BC312 BC342 F, -G, -J, -L, -M, -N, -HX and -NX. BC-
BC314 BC344 342, -A, -C, -D, -F, -J, -L, -M and -N. BC-
314, -C, -D, -E, -F and -G. BC-344 and -

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652 652_C11_EMER_D122_Pt1.pdf C11 Wireless Sender C11 - Technical

R210 Training Notes (excerpt from C11-
R210 training notes- incomplete
658 658_R210_Receiver_Training_Notes.pdf C11, R210
document but includes circuits and other
useful information)
Wireless Set C12, Technical Handbook -
659 659_C12_EMER_H142_Part1.pdf C12
Technical Description
Wireless Set C12, Technical Handbook -
660 660_C12_EMER_H142_Part2.pdf C12
Fault Finding and Repair Data
661 661_C13_User_Manual.pdf C13 User Handbook for Station Radio C13
Technical Handbook - Technical
Description, Station Radio C13
663 663_C13_EMER_H162_Pt1.pdf C13
(Units TRC13Mk1 & Mk2, PSV No.16,
TRF No. 11)
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF
664 664_AR88_EMER_E774.pdf AR88 Technical Handbook - Field and Base
Wireless Stations, Burndept BE.201
671 671_BE201_user_manual_671.pdf BE201
Working Instructions
Reception Set R.107 Alignment
680 680_Wireless_Information_Sheet_No12.pdf R107
Procedure and Performance Testing

681 681_Notes_for_Radio_Mechanics_Part_3.pdf WS22,WS38, Notes for Radio Mechanics Part 3

User Handbook for Reception Set R209

683 683_R209_Mk2_User_Handbook.pdf R209
Working Instructions for Reception Set
711 711_Reception_Set_R308_Working_Instructions.pdf R308 R308. Includes Circuit diagram and
"Erection of Mast 36ft Steel".
Wireless Sets Canadian No.19 Mk.II &
721 721_EMER_WS19Cdn_Modification_Instruction_No14.pdf WS19Cdn Mk.III Modification Instruction - Removal
of B set facility
Wavemeter Wavemeter Class D No.2 Working
724 724_Wavemeter_Class_D_No2_Working_Instructions.pdf
Class.D.No2 Instructions
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 - Data
725 725_A41_EMER_F480.pdf A41
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 -
726 726_A41_EMER_F482_Pt1.pdf A41
Technical Description
Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 -
727 727_A41_EMER_F482_Pt2.pdf A41
Repair Data
Working Instructions New Zealand
Wireless Set No. ZC1, Mk.II Part 1
730 730_ZC1_MkII_User_Manual.pdf ZC1
General Description and Operation First-
Line Maintenance
Instruction Manual for Linear Amplifier
733 733_GA480_ACU9.pdf GA480A, ACU9 Type GA480A and Aerial Coupling Unit
Type ACU9
Amplifier, RF, No.2 Modifications
736 736-7_744_RF_Amp_No2_EMER_K317.pdf RF.Amp.No.2 Modification Instructions No.1.
Conversion from Mk.I to Mk.II

Amplifier, RF, No.2 Mks I and II.

737 . RF.Amp.No.2
Replacement of C6

Amplifiers, RF, No.2, Mk.I and Mk.II

745 745_L382_RF_Amp_No2_Tech_Desc.pdf RF.Amp.No.2
General Description

Wireless Sets No.19 Mk.I Working

748 748_WS19Mk1_Working_Instructions.pdf WS19.Mk1
Reception Sets R107 General
752 752_R107_User_Instructions.pdf R107
Description and Working Instructions

756 756_RF_Amp_No2_UserManual.pdf RF.Amp.No.2 User Handbook for Amplifier RF No.2

Mk.3 (12 volt)

Wireless Set No.48, Mark I General and

768 WS48
Theoretical Description

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771 771_FZ524_WS52_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf WS52 Wireless Set Canadian No.52 Second to

Fourth Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.48 General Description
772 772_WS48_EMER_F482.pdf WS48

Wireless Set (CDN.) No.19 Mk.III

799 799_EMER_FZ251-3_WS19_Cdn_Mk3_Operating_Instructions.pdf WS19Cdn
Operating Instructions

Wireless Set (CDN.) No.19 Mk.III

800 800_EMER_FZ252-3_WS19_Cdn_Mk3_Tech_Desc.pdf WS19Cdn
Technical Description

Wireless Set (CDN.) No.19 Instruction

801 801_EMER_FZ253_WS19_Cdn_Instr_No_2.pdf WS19Cdn
No.2 (Drying Out of Supply Units)

User Handbook for Elevated Aerial (23 to

842 842_23-38MHz_elevated_antenna.pdf -
Reception Set, Eddystone 730/4
849 849_730_4_EMER_E744.pdf 730/4 (Z4/ZA51262) Technical Handbook -
Field and Base Repairs
Reception Set R.106 Alignment
853 853_Wireless_Info_Sht_No14.pdf R106
Procedure and Performance Testing
Reception Sets R106, Mks 1 and 2
859 859_R106_EMER_E163.pdf R106
Technical Handbook - Unit Repairs
Reception Sets R106, Mks 1 and 2
861 861_R106_EMER_E164.pdf R106 Technical Handbook - Field and Base
869 869_R209_User_Handbook.pdf R209 Reception Set R209 Working Instructions
Station Radio UK/PRC-316 - Technical
889 889_PRC-316_EMER_F202_pt1.pdf PRC316
Station Radio UK/PRC-316 - Fault
890 890_PRC-316_EMER_F202_pt2.pdf PRC316
Finding and Repair Data
Working Instructions Reception Set
897 897_R103_User_Manual.pdf R103
(Canadian) R.103 Mk.1
Wireless Sets No.33 Working Instructions
899 899_WS33_Working_Instructions_Pt1.pdf WS33
Part 1 - Operation
904 904_WS22_EMER_F282.pdf WS22 Wireless Set No.22 General Description
Wireless Sets No.33 Working Instructions
906 906_WS33_Working_Instructions_Pt2.pdf WS33 Part II Technical Description and
907 907_WS22_EMER_F313.pdf WS22 Wireless Set No.22 Repairs
Wireless Set No.46 (ZA11622) Data
908 908_WS46_EMER_F460.pdf WS46
Wireless Set No.46 (ZA11622) General
909 909_WS46_EMER_F462.pdf WS46
Wireless Set No.46 (ZA11622) First
910 910_WS46_EMER_F463.pdf WS46
Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.46 (ZA11622) Second to
911 911_WS46_EMER_F464.pdf WS46
Fourth Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.46 Modifications
912 912-914_WS46_EMER_F467.pdf WS46
Modification Instruction No.1
Wireless Set No.46 Modifications
913 912-914_WS46_EMER_F467.pdf WS46
Modification Instruction No.2
Wireless Set No.46 Modifications
914 912-914_WS46_EMER_F467.pdf WS46
Modification Instruction No.3
Wireless Set No.46 Service Data - First
915 915-917_WS46_EMER_F469.pdf WS46
Echelon Errata
Wireless Set No.46 Service Data - First
916 915-917_WS46_EMER_F469.pdf WS46
Wireless Set No.46 Service Data -
917 915-917_WS46_EMER_F469.pdf WS46
Second to Fourth Echelon
Operating and maintenance handbook
For AM Signal Generator TF144H (Series
925 925_Marconi_TF144H_Tech_Manual.pdf TF144H II) - including TF144H/4, TF144H/4R,
TF144H/4S, TF144H/6S

Technical Manual TA.944 100W Linear

947 947_TA944_Amplifier_Manual.pdf TA944
General Description and Operating
959 959_Marconi_CR150_User_Manual.pdf CR150
Instructions for Receiver Type CR.150

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Aircraft Communication Receiver Model

969 969_RCA_AVR20_Aircraft_Communications_Receiver.pdf AVR-20
Reception Sets R106, Mks 1 and 2
1003 1003_R106_EMER_E162.pdf R106 Technical Handbook - Technical

Oscillator Test No.1 Technical Handbook

1006 . Osc.Test.No.1
- Technical Description

Oscillator Test No.1 Technical Handbook

1007 . Osc.Test.No.1
- Operating Instructions

Oscillator Test No.1 Technical Handbook

1008 . Osc.Test.No.1
- Fault Finding and Repair Data

Trade Training Notes Part 10 Wireless

1011 1011_WS53_Training_Notes.pdf WS53
Set No.53
Trade Training Notes Part 9A Wireless
1012 1012_TTN9a_WS-C42_Training_Notes.pdf WS.C42
Set No.C42
Admiralty Type 619 and Receiver Outfit
1019 1019_Type619_CAT_Prelim_Information.pdf 619,.CAT
CAT Preliminary Technical Information
Operating and Maintenance
1023 . RA17
Communications Receiver Type RA.17J
Technical Manual Test Sets EE-65 and
1053 1053_Test_Sets_EE-65.pdf EE65
EE-65-A through -E
Radio Sets AN/PRC-8, -8A, -9, -9A, -10,
1065 . And -10A Operation and Organizational
Wireless Set No.46 Modifications
1082 . WS46
Modification Instruction No.2
Technical Manual Radio Receiver BC-
BC312, BC342, 312-N Radio Receiver BC-312-NX Radio
1084 .
BC314, BC344 Receiver BC-342-N Radio Receiver BC-
314-G Radio Receiver BC-344-D
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1087 1087_A14_EMER_F162_Pt1.pdf A14
- Technical Description
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1088 1088_A14_EMER_F162_Pt2.pdf A14
- Technical Description
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1089 1089_A14_EMER_F163.pdf A14
- Technical Description
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1090 1090_A14_EMER_F164.pdf A14
- Field and Base Repairs
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1091 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1092 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1093 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1094 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1095 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1096 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1097 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1098 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1099 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1100 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
1101 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14 Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1102 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1103 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction

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1104 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14 Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook

- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1105 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1106 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1107 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1108 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1109 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1110 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1111 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1112 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1113 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1114 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1115 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1116 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1117 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1118 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1119 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1120 1091-1120_A14_EMER_F167.pdf A14
- Modification Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1121 1121-1124_A14_EMER_F169.pdf A14
- Miscellaneous Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1122 1121-1124_A14_EMER_F169.pdf A14
- Miscellaneous Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1123 1121-1124_A14_EMER_F169.pdf A14
- Miscellaneous Instruction
Station, Radio, A14 Technical Handbook
1124 1121-1124_A14_EMER_F169.pdf A14
- Miscellaneous Instruction
Reception Set R106 Technical Handbook
1125 1125_R106_EMER_E157.pdf R106
- Modification Instruction
Wireless Station A510 Technical
1126 1126_A510_EMER_F560.pdf A510
Handbook - Data Summary
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1127 1127_A510_EMER_F562_Pt1.pdf A510
- Technical Description
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1128 1128_A510_EMER_F562_Pt2.pdf A510
- Technical Description
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1129 1129_A510_EMER_F563.pdf A510
- Unit Repairs
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1131 1131-5_A510_EMER_F567.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1132 1131-5_A510_EMER_F567.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1133 1131-5_A510_EMER_F567.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1134 1131-5_A510_EMER_F567.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1135 1131-5_A510_EMER_F567.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1136 1136_A510_EMER_F568.pdf A510
Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook
1137 1137-8_A510_EMER_F569.pdf A510

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1138 1137-8_A510_EMER_F569.pdf A510 Station Radio A510 Technical Handbook

Instruction Book for Model TA-12B & TA-
1139 1139_TA12B_C_manual.pdf TA12B, TA12C
12C Aircraft Transmitting Equipment
Instruction Book for Type TA-12C Aircraft
1140 1140_TA12C_manual.pdf TA12C
1141 CAS Receiver type CAS AP100335
1142 1142_AP2914Y_Rebecca_Eureka.pdf Rebecca ARI.5610 Rebecca Mk.4
Rebecca and Eureka Equipment Chapter
1143 1143_AP2914B_Rebecca_Eureka_ARI5506-Appendices.pdf Rebecca Eureka
2-A.R.I. 5506 - Appendices
Handbook Operating Instructions Radio
Transmitting Sets AN/ART-13 AN/ART-
1148 . ART13
13A AN/ART-13B and Navy Models ATC
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
1149 . ART13
Radio Transmitting Set AN/ART-13A
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
BC348 Radio Receivers BC-348-E BC-348-P
1150 1150_BC348_E_P_G_M_Maintenance_Instructions.pdf BC224 BC-348-G BC-348-M BC224-O BC224-H
BC-224-E BC-224-L
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
1151 1151_BC-348J_N_Q_Maintenance Manual.pdf BC348 Radio Receivers BC-348-J BC-348-N
Radio Transmitters BC-610-E, -F, -G, -H,
-I and Radio Transmitter T-213/GRC-26
1152 1152_BC-610-E-I.pdf BC610
and Antenna Tuning Units BC-939-A and
Radio Transmitter BC-610-A, -B, -C, -D,
1153 . BC610
and E Repair Instructions
1154 . BC614 Speech Amplifier BC-614-E, -F, -H, and -I

Technical Manual Radio Receivers BC-

BC779, BC794,
779-B, BC-794-B, and BC-1004-C and
1155 . BC1004, RA84,
Power Supply Units RA-74-C, RA-84-B,
and RA-94-A

Operator's Manual Radio Set AN/GRC-

1156 . GRC19
1157 . PRC6 Radio Set AN/PRC-6 Field Maintenance
1158 . T195 Radio Transmitter T-195/GRC-19
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
1160 . SCR274
Radio Set SCR-274-N
Instruction Book for Radio Receiver R-
1161 1161-TM_11-858.pdf R392
Instruction Book for Radio Receiver R-
1162 1162_R391_Instruction_book.pdf R391
Operator's Manual Radio Receiver R-
1163 1163_R-390_Operators_Manual.pdf R390
Field and Depot Maintenance Manual
1164 1164_R-390A_Field_Depot_Maintenance.pdf R390A
Radio Receiver R-390A/URR
Organizational Maintenance Manual
1165 1165_R-390_Organizational_Maintenance.pdf R390
Radio Receiver R-390/URR
Field and Depot Maintenance Manual
1166 . R390
Radio Receiver R-390/URR
1167 1167_R389-URR_TM11-855_Technical_Manual.pdf R389 Radio Receiver R-389/URR
Instruction Book for Radio Receiver R-
1168 . R388
Organizational Maintenance Manual
1169 . Radio Sets AN/PRC-8, -8A, -9, -9A, -10,
-10A and -28
PRC8,PRC9, Radio Sets AN/PRC-8, AN/PRC-9 and
1170 .
Instruction Book for Radio Receiver BC-
1171 BC224
Electron Tubes, Cross Index and Type
1172 . -
1173 . R274 Radio Receiver R-274/FRR
Radio Transmitters T-368/URT, T-

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 9 of 27
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368A/URT, T368B/URT, and T-368C/URT

1174 . T368
and Antenna Tuning Unit BC-939-B Field
and Depot Maintenance
Radio Transmitters T-368/URT, T-
368A/URT, T368B/URT, and T-368C/URT
1175 . T368
and Antenna Tuning Unit BC-939-B
Operator's Manual
Organizational Maintenance Radio
Transmitters T-368/URT, T-368A/URT,
1176 . T368
T368B/URT, and T-368C/URT and
Antenna Tuning Unit BC-939-B
1177 . I177 Tube Tester I-177
Technical Manual for Radio Receiving
SRR11, SRR12,
1178 . Sets AN/SRR-11, AN/SRR-12, AN/SRR-
13 and AN/SRR-13A
Technical Manual for Radio Transmitter
1179 1179_TMC-GPT-750.pdf GPT750 Models GPT-750F-2, GPT-750G-2 and
Technical Manual Operator's,
Organizational, Direct Support, General
Support and Depot Maintenance Manual
1180 . ME165
including Repair Parts and Special Tools
List. Standing-Wave-Ratio Power Meter
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
1181 1181_ARC5_Maintenance.pdf ARC5 AN/ARC-5 Aircraft Radio Equipment LF
MF HF Components
1182 . I177 Supplement to I-177 Tube Tester Manual
Instruction Book for RF Signal Generator
1183 . URM25
Set AN/URM-25D
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
1184 1184_ART-13_Maintenance.pdf ART13 Aircraft Radio Equipment AN/ART-13
Oscillator O-17/ART-13A
Wireless Set No.31AFV. Technical
1190 . WS31AFV Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Cover of tuning capacitor
Wireless Set No.31AFV. Technical
1191 1191_WS31AFV_EMER_F379.pdf WS31AFV Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Fastening clips
Squadcal TR906 HF SSB Transmitter-
1192 1192_Racal_Squadcal_TR906.pdf TR906
C.V. Register of Electronic Valves
1205 1205_CV_Register.pdf -
(including Semiconductor Devices)
Universal Bridge B221. Low impedance
1209 . B221 adaptor Q221. Autobalance Adaptor
Cossor FM Receiver Alignment
1210 . 1324
Generator Model 1324
VHF Communication Receiver Model
1211 . 770R
770R (Mk.II)
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF.
1217 1217_AR88_EMER_E770.pdf AR88
Technical Handbook - Data Summary
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF.
1218 1218_AR88_EMER_E773.pdf AR88
Technical Handbook - Unit Repairs
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF.
1219 1219-21_AR88_EMER_E779.pdf AR88 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Instruction. Redesignation of EMERs
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF.
1220 1219-21_AR88_EMER_E779.pdf AR88 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Instruction. Capacitor Replacements
Reception Sets AR88D and AR88LF.
1221 1219-21_AR88_EMER_E779.pdf AR88 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Instruction. Alignment of the IF channel

UM0,UM1, Woden Command Series Modulation

1224 1224_Woden_UMx_transformers.pdf
UM2,UM3, UM4 Transformers

Assembling and Using your Heathkit

1225 1225_Heathkit_DX100-U_Manual.pdf DX100
Transmitter Model DX-100U
GEE Mk.II Airborne Equipment

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 10 of 27
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1227 1227_GEE_MK.II.pdf GEE (ARI.5083)

GEE-H Mark II Airborne Equipment

1228 1228_GEE-H_RADLOC.pdf GEE-H
User Handbook for Radio Installation
ASSU Tentacle [WS BE201/62 & WS
1229 1229_Radio_Installation_ASSU_Tentacle.pdf CDN52/R209] in Truck 1/4-ton GS 4x4
Rover Mk.3 and Trailer 1/2-ton GS Cargo
2-Wheeled Mk.2
Wireless Set No.19 Mk.III General
1230 1230_WS19_MkIII_Gen_Desc_F272.pdf WS19
358,358X, Type 358 Receiver (also covers type
1231 .
400,400/1 358X, type 400, type 400/1)
Operating Instructions Suitcase Set. Type
1232 . Type.3.Mk.I
3 Mk.I

1233 . Type A. Mk.III .

Instructions for the use of the Labgear

1234 1234_LG300_PSU_Modulator.pdf LG300 companion power unit and modulator for
the LG300 MkII Transmitter
The Labgear LG300 MkII Transmitter.
1235 1235_LG300_RF_Unit.pdf LG300

1237 1237_LG300 Brochure.pdf LG300 LG300 sales brochure

SWM Review of the LG300, November

1238 1238_LG300 Review SWM Nov 55.pdf LG300
Eddystone Model 680X Communication
1242 1242_Eddystone_680X.pdf 680X Receiver. Replacement Instruction

H2S, ASV, H2S Mk.II and ASV Marks IIIA and IIIB
1245 1245_H2S-Mk2_ASV-Mk3_Technical_Description.pdf
ARI5153 Chapter 1

AN/ARC-5 Aircraft Radio Equipment LF

1246 . ARC5
MF HF Components
Instruction Manual for Multimeter Type
1248 1248_CT-471_Multimeter.pdf CT471 CT471. With appendix covering type
Station Radio BCC HF156 Technical
1251 1251_EMER_F190_BCC_HF156_Data_Summary.pdf HF156
Handbook Data Summary
Portable Transmitter - Receiver Type
1252 1252_BCC_HF156_Technical_Manual.pdf HF156
HF156 Mk2
Station Radio BCC HF156 Technical
5001 5001_EMER_F192_BCC_HF156_Technical_Description.pdf HF156
Handbook Technical Description
Station Radio BCC HF156 Technical
5002 5002_EMER_F193_BCC_HF156_Unit_Repairs.pdf HF156
Handbook Unit Repairs
Station Radio BCC HF156 Technical
5003 5003_EMER_F194_BCC_HF156_Field-Base_Repairs.pdf HF156
Handbook Field and Base Repairs
Station Radio BCC HF156 Technical
5004 5004_EMER_F199_BCC_HF156_Miscellaneous_Instructions.pdf HF156
Handbook Miscellaneous Instructions
Radio Station, CPRC 26 Type 'A'
1253 . CPRC26
Complete Station
Wireless Sets No.22 Animal Packs.
1254 1254_WS22 as Animal Packs.pdf WS22
Fitting and loading instructions
Working Instructions Wireless Set No. 22
1255 1255_WS22 in handcarts.pdf WS22
Scale of Stores for Wireless Stations,
1256 1256_Wireless_Stations_No22_Truck_15_CWT_or_Ground.pdf WS22
No.22, Truck, 15cwt/Ground
1257 1257_AP2548_T1154.pdf T1154 Transmitters T1154 Series
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
1258 1258_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L390.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Technical Handbook - Data Summary

Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7

1259 1259_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L392_Pt1.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Technical Handbook - Technical
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
1260 1260_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L392_Pt2.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Technical Handbook - Technical
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
1261 1261_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L393.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Technical Handbook - Unit Repairs

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Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7

1262 1262_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L394.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Technical Handbook - Unit Repairs
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Modification
1263 1263-7_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L397_Mod_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Instruction. Amplifier RF No.7 -
prevention of over-run on aerial and PA
tune drive assemblies.
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Modification
1264 1263-7_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L397_Mod_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Instruction. Captive cover on 70 ohm plug
- replacement.
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Modification
1265 1263-7_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L397_Mod_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Instruction. Fitting of a captive nut to
retain wire antenna mating screw.
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
1266 1263-7_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L397_Mod_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Technical Handbook - Modification
Instruction. Modified clamp and coupling.
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Modification
1267 1263-7_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L397_Mod_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Instruction. PSR47 - RLA contacts
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
1268 1268-70_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L399_Misc_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Instruction. PSR47 - RLA contacts
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
1269 1268-70_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L399_Misc_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Instruction. Obsolete relays RLC, RLD.
Station Kit, Radio, Amplifier, R.F., No.7
Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
1270 1268-70_RF_Amp_No7_EMER_L399_Misc_instructions.pdf Amp RF.No.7
Instruction. Amplifier RF No.7 - carrying
1278 . WS88 Article on modifying WS88 for 10m in PW
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1279 1279_Testers_Valve_AVO_EMER_Tels_Y810_data_summary.pdf .
- Data Summary
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1280 1280_Testers_valve_AVO_EMER_Tels_Y811_Operator_Instructions.pdf . - Technical Description. Operator's
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1281 1281_Testers_Valve_AVO_EMER_Y812_Part1_Technical_Description.pdf .
- Technical Description
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1282 1282_TestersValveAVO_EMERTelsY812Part2_Faultfinding.pdf .
- Fault Finding & Repair Data
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1283 1283_TestersValveAVO_EMERTelsY814_FieldBaseRepairs.pdf .
- Field and Base Repairs
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1284 1284_TestersValveAVO_EMERTelsY819MiscInstNo1.pdf . - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Redesignation of EMERs
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1285 1285_TestersValveAVO_EMERTelsY819MiscInstNo2.pdf . - Miscellaneous Instruction. Distribution
Testers, Valve, AVO Technical Handbook
1286 1286_Testers_Valve_AVO_EMER_Tel_Y819_Misc_Inst_No_3.pdf . - Miscellaneous Instruction. Cancellation
of EMERs
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook
1287 1287_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_Z340.pdf
Test.No.1 - Data Summary
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook
1288 1288_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_Z341.pdf
Test.No.1 - Operating Instructions
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook
1289 1289_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_Z342_Pt1.pdf Test.No.1 - Technical Description

Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook

1290 1290_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_Z342_Pt2.pdf
Test.No.1 - Fault Finding & Repair Data
Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook
1291 1291_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_Z349.pdf - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Redesignation of EMERs
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.1 Technical Handbook
1292 1292_Osc_Test_No1_EMER_F144.pdf
Test.No.1 - Field and Base Repairs
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.2 Technical Handbook
1293 1293_Osc_Test_No_2_EMER_Z350.pdf

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Test.No.2 - Data Summary

Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.2 Technical Handbook
1294 1294_Osc_Test_No_2_EMER_Z351.pdf
Test.No.2 - Operating Instructions
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.2 Technical Handbook
1295 1295_Osc_Test_No_2_EMER_Z352.pdf
Test.No.2 - Technical Description
Oscllator Oscillator, Test, No.2 Technical Handbook
1296 1296_Osc_Test_No_2_EMER_Z354.pdf
Test.No.2 - Field and Base Repairs
Oscillator, Test, No.2 Technical Handbook
Oscllator - Modification Instruction. Fitting of
1297 1297_Osc_Test_No_2_EMER_Z357.pdf
Test.No.2 earthing strap and contact spring to the
fine attenuator switch spindle.
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1(WY0063),
1298 1298_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z380.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1 2 (WY0062) and 2*(WY0068). Data
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.
1299 1299_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z381.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1
Operating Instructions
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.
1300 1300_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z382.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1
General Description
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.
1301 1301_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z383.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1
First Echelon Work
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.
1302 1302-3_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z387.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1
Modification Instruction.
Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.
1303 1302-3_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z387.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1 Modification Instruction. Earthing of
Signal Generator No.2, Mks 1(WY0069),
1/1(WY0208), 1/2(WY0679), Mks
1304 . Sig.Gen.No.2
2(WY0070), 3(WY0071), 4(WY0072).
Data Summary
Signal Generator No.2, Mks 1, 1/1, 1/2, 2,
1305 . Sig.Gen.No.2
3, 4. Operator's Instructions
Signal Generator No.2, Mks 1, 1/1, 1/2, 2,
1306 . Sig.Gen.No.2
3, 4. General Description
Signal Generator No.2, Mks 1, 1/1, 1/2, 2,
1307 . Sig.Gen.No.2
3, 4. First Echelon Work
1308 1308_A200_Service_Sheet.pdf A200 Amplifier Type A200 Service Sheet
Heathkit SB-610 Monitor Scope
1310 1310_SB-610_User_Manual.pdf SB610
Assembly Manual
Magazine articles on SB-610 Monitor
1311 1311_SB-610_MagArticles.pdf SB610
1312 1312_C11_User_Handbook.pdf C11 User Handbook for Wireless Sender C11
1313 1313_R210_User_Manual.pdf R210 User Handbook for Reception Set R210
Article from Practical Wireless describing
1550 1550_WS58_Valve-and-Vintage.pdf WS58
the Wreless Set No. 58
Communications Receiver R209/2/B
1565 1565_R209-2-B_Equipment_Manual.pdf R209
Equipment Manual
"Using the B44 Mk.2 Transmitter-
1566 1566_B44_Radcom_64_article.pdf B44
Receiver on 70Mc/s" by A.J.Gibbs
US Navy User Manual for R390A
1591 . R390A

1595 1595_Ind_Unit_277.pdf Type 277 Indicating Unit Type 277

G.E.C. Radio Compass (A.R.I. 5428).

1596 . ARI5428
Bay Servicing Schedule.
1599 . ARI18090 Test Gear (ARI.18090)
1600 1600_TR2002_SWM_article.pdf TR2002 TR2002 Conversion for Two Metres
AP2528A Vol 1 - Transmitter-Receiver,
1601 1601_TR1143A_Vol_1.pdf TR1143A
Transmitter Receiver TR.1143, TR1143A,
1602 . TR1143A,
and TR.1430 (instructions for Repair)
AP1186A Vol 1 Sect 10 Transmitter-
1603 1603_AP1186A_TR1143.pdf TR1143
Receiver, TR1143
VHF Wide-Band Homing Installations.
General and Technical Information and
1605 1605_AP2898D.pdf Test.sets.7144,
Repair and Reconditioning Instructions

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 13 of 27
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Test.Osc.7049 (Major Repairs)

Transmitter Receiver TR1196/A. Circuits.

1607 1607_TR1196_ccts_notes.pdf TR1196
Hand written notes on conversion of
1608 1608_TR1196_handnotes_conversion.pdf TR1196
1609 1609_Conversions_TR1196.pdf TR1196 Notes on conversion of TR1196
Wireless Set No.62 Mks. 1 and 2 General
1610 1610_WS62_EMER_F642.pdf WS62
1611 1611_WS62_EMER_F643.pdf WS62 Wireless Set No.62 First Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.62. Second to Fourth
1612 1612_WS62_EMER_F644.pdf WS62
Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.62 Mk.1 Technical
1613 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Handbook - Modification Instruction
(Serial No2. 00001 - 00654)
Wireless Set No.62 Mk.3 Technical
1614 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Auster aircraft installation
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
Modification Instruction. (Applicable only
1615 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62
to sets modified in accordance with Tels
F517 Mod Inst No.2)
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1616 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Modification Instruction. Improving the
quality of speech transmissions
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1617 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Modification Instruction. Sender valve
filament circuit
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1618 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Modification Instruction. Removal of
resistors R35A from V4A filament circuit
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1619 1613-19_1969-73_WS62_EMER_F647.pdf WS62 Modification Instruction. Conversion to
Mk.6 for dry battery operation.
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1620 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62
Miscellaneous Instruction.
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1621 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Loose plugs
and sockets
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1622 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Replacement
of heterodyne control
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1623 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Repositioning
of R.F. choke L1A
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1624 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Fitting of HT
brushes to the rotary transformer
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1625 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Inductance
variable No.25
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1626 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Provision of
extra stop on XTAL/MO switch
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1627 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Identification
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1628 1620-28_1974-77_WS62_EMER_F649.pdf WS62 Miscellaneous Instruction. Protection of
battery socket spring retainer
Wireless Station MK 121 and MK 122
1629 1629_Mk121-122_EMER_F760.pdf Mk.122, Mk.121
Technical Handbook - Data Summary
Wireless Station MK 121 and MK 122
1630 1630_Mk121-122_EMER_F762_Part2.pdf Mk.122, Mk.121 Technical Handbook - Fault Finding and
Repair Data
Station, Radio, 119B Technical Handbook
1631 1631_Mk119B_EMER_F750.pdf Mk.119B
- Data Summary
Station, Radio, 119B Technical Handbook
1632 1632_Mk119B_EMER_F752.pdf Mk.119B
- Technical Description

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Station, Radio, 128 Technical Handbook -

1633 1633_Mk128_EMER_F740.pdf Mk.128
Data Summary
Station, Radio, 128 and 128A Technical
1634 1634_Mk128_EMER_F742.pdf Mk.128, Mk.128A
Handbook - Technical Description
Station, Radio, 128 and 128A Technical
1635 1635_Mk128_EMER_F743.pdf Mk.128, Mk.128A
Handbook - Unit Repairs
Station, Radio, 128 and 128A Technical
1636 1636_Mk128_EMER_F744.pdf Mk.128, Mk.128A
Handbook - Field and Base Repairs
Station, Radio, 128B Technical Handbook
1637 1637_Mk128B_EMER_F710.pdf Mk.128B
- Data Summary
Station, Radio, 128B Technical Handbook
1638 1638_Mk128B_EMER_F712.pdf Mk.128B
- Technical Description
Station, Radio, 119B Technical Handbook
1639 1639_Mk119B_EMER_F753.pdf Mk.119B
- Unit Repairs
Station, Radio, 119B Technical Handbook
1640 1640_Mk119B_EMER_F754.pdf Mk.119B
- Field and Base Repairs
User Handbook for UK/PRC-316
1641 1641_PRC-316_User_Manual.pdf PRC316
Lightweight HF Radio A.16
1642 1642_Type3_MkII_(B2)_manual_.pdf B2 Type 3 Mk.II (B2) User Manual
K.W. Electronics Single Sideband
1671 1671_KW_Vespa_MkII.pdf Vespa Transmitter. K.W. Vespa Mk.II Instruction
Instruction Book for "Super-Pro" Radio
1672 1672_Hammarlund_Super-Pro.pdf Super-Pro
Receiver (1250kc/s to 40Mc/s)
Operating Instructions Sky Champion S-
1673 1673_Sky_Champion_S20.pdf S20
RA.117 Communications Receiver
1674 1674_Racal_RA-117.pdf RA117
Technical Manual
Instruction Book for Model SX-28-A
1675 1675_Hallicrafters_SX-28-A.pdf SX28A
Super Sky Rider Receiver
1676 1676_Yaesu_FT200.pdf FT200 Instruction Manual FT-200
Receivers Type R1155, R1155A, B, C, D,
1677 1677_R1155_AP2548_Vol1_Ch2.pdf R1155
E, F, L, M, and N
Description and Operating Instructions for
1678 1678_CR300_Manual.pdf CR300
Receiver Type CR300
Charging.Set User Handbook for Charging Sets 60-W,
1688 1688_Charging_Sets_60W_Mk1.pdf
60W 12-V, Pedal Driven No.2 Mk.1
Wireless Set B47. Technical Handbook -
1708 1708_B47_EMER_G532_Part2.pdf B47
Fault Finding and Repair Data
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
1756 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11 Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Change of distribution class
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
1757 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11 Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Postioning of coaxial RF cable.
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
1758 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11
Adjustment of CALIBRATOR inductor
tuning slug
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
1759 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11 Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Supply Unit, Rotary, 24V - fuse FS102
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
1760 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11 Supply Unit, Transformer, Rotary -
retaining knob bearing pin.

Wireless Sender C11. Technical

Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
1761 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11
Prevention of heat damage to wiring of
AF unit.
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
1762 1756-62_C11_EMER_D129_1-7.pdf C11
Antenna Tuning Unit No.7 - Soldered
connection on variable inductor.
Transmitter, Radio, C11. Technical
1763 1763-66_C11_EMER_D127_1-4.pdf C11 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Replacement of reactor assembly

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Transmitter, Radio, C11. Technical

1764 1763-66_C11_EMER_D127_1-4.pdf C11
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Improved ventilation of modulator valves
Transmitter, Radio, C11. Technical
1765 1763-66_C11_EMER_D127_1-4.pdf C11 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Correction of calibrator circuit operation.
Transmitter, Radio, C11. Technical
1766 1763-66_C11_EMER_D127_1-4.pdf C11 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Replacement of relay RLD
Transmitter, Radio, C11. Technical
1811 1811_EMER_D122-2_C11_Fault_and_Repair_Data.pdf C11 Handbook - Fault Finding and Repair
User Handbook for Wireless Set C12
1874 1874_C12_User_Manual.pdf C12
(incorporates Amendment No.1)
The 21st Century R-390A/IURR
1948 1948_R390A-Y2K-Release-1.PDF R390A Technical Reference. A collection of
wisdom for enthusiasts.
Interim change T-2 to NAVSHIPS 0967-
1949 1949_NAVSHIPS-0967-063-2010-T2-1974Aug01.pdf R390A 063-2010 Technical Manual dated 15
April 1970 for radio receiver R-390A/URR
Interim change T-3 to NAVSHIPS 0967-
1950 1950_NAVSHIPS-0967-063-2010-T3-1974Aug01.pdf R390A 063-2010 Technical Manual dated 14
April 1970 for radio receiver R-390A/URR
Radio Telegraph Adaptor No.1 and No.2.
1951 1951_L607_RTA_EMER_L570.pdf RTA
Technical Handbook - Data Summary
Radio Telegraph Adaptor No.1 and No.2.
1952 1952_L607_RTA_EMER_L572.pdf RTA Technical Handbook - Technical
Radio Telegraph Adaptor No.1 and No.2.
1953 . RTA Technical Handbook - Technical
1966 1966_Racal_RA2091C.pdf RA2091C Receiver Type RA.2091C
C.R.E.T.E. Handbook for N.S.N.6625-99-
1967 1967_CT-378A_Manual.pdf CT378A 972-6000 Signal Generator (2-250Mc/s)
1968 1968_WS62_EMER_F640.pdf WS62 Wireless Set No.62. Data Summary
Wireless Set No.62. Mk.I (Serial Nos
1969 . WS62
00001 - 05000)
Wireless Set No.62. Mk.I (Applies only to
1970 . WS62 sets already modified mechanically for
airborne purposes)
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1971 . WS62 Modification Instruction. Microphone input
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1972 . WS62 Modification Instruction. Provision of two
sidetone levels
Wireless Set No.62 Technical Handbook -
1973 . WS62 Modification Instruction. Improvement of
keying characteristics.
Wireless Set No.62 Mks. 1 and 2 Change
1974 . WS62
of EMER numbering.
Wireless Set No.62, Marks 1 and 2.
1975 . WS62
Service Data - First Echelon Work
1976 . WS62 Wireless Set No.62. Service Data -
Second to Fourth Echelon Work

Wireless Set No.62, Mks 1 and 2.

1977 . WS62 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Instruction. Redesignation of EMERs
Receiving Equipment Type R.1475 and
1978 1978_AP2883G_R1475.pdf R1475
Communications Receiver Type RA.17
1979 1979_RA17_Operating_and_Maintenance_Manual.pdf RA17
Operating and Maintenance Instructions
1980 1980_R1132A_Circuit_Diagram.pdf R1132A Circuit Diagram Receiver Type R1132A
1981 1981_Minimitter_Top-2-7.pdf Top-2-7 The Minimitter Top-2-7 Transmitter
Identification List for Wireless Sets No.62
1982 1982_WS62_Illustrated_Parts_List.pdf WS62
Marks 1 & 2 & 3

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1983 1983_Eddystone_S640.pdf S640 Eddystone S640 Communications

Receiver User Manual
Receiver, Radio, R234. Technical
1984 1984_R234_EMER_E610.pdf R234
Handbook - Data Summary.
Receiver, Radio, R234. Technical
1985 1985_R234_EMER_E612_Pt1.pdf R234
Handbook - Technical Description
Receiver, Radio, R234. Technical
1986 1986_R234_EMER_E612_Pt2.pdf R234 Handbook - Fault-Finding and Repair
2019 2019_R216_User_Manual.pdf R216 User Handbook for Reception Set R.216
Illustrated Parts List for Reception Sets
2045 2045_R216_Illustrated_Parts_List.pdf R216
R216 and Ancillary Equipment
2046 2046_KW2000_manual.pdf KW2000 The KW2000 Sideband Transceiver
User Handbook for Braid Aerials 1.5 to
2047 2047_Braid_Aerials.pdf Braid
Reception Set R206, Mk.2 and Power
2049 2049_EMER_E242_R206Mk2_General_Description.pdf R206 Supply Unit No.33. General Description
(includes circuit diagrams)
Reception Set R206, Mk.2 and Power
2050 2050_EMER_E243_R206Mk2_First_Echelon_Work.pdf R206
Supply Unit No.33. First Echelon Work
Reception Set R206, Mk.2 and Power
2051 2051_EMER_E244_R206Mk2_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf R206 Supply Unit No.33. Second to Fourth
Echelon Work
Reception Set R206, Mk.2. Technical
2052 2052_EMER_E247_R206_Modification_Instruction.pdf R206 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Prevention of breakthrough effect.
Reception Set R206, Mk.2. Technical
2053 2053_EMER_E249_R206_R206_Misc_Instruction.pdf R206 Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Redsignation of EMERs.
Reception Set, R216 (Supply Unit
Rectifier No.24 and Power Supply Unit
2056 2056_R216_EMER_E382_Pt2.pdf R216
No.45) Technical Handbook - Fault
Finding and Repair Data
Wireless Sender C11. Technical
2062 2062_C11_EMER_D123.pdf C11
Handbook - Unit Repairs
2104 2104_KW_Vanguard_Sales_sheet.pdf Vanguard The KW Vanguard Transmitter
Constructing and Testing the new KW
2105 2105_KW_Vanguard_review.pdf Vanguard
Geloso VFO unit and KW Vanguard on
2106 2106_KW_Vanguard_160m_modification.pdf Vanguard
Top Band

2107 2107_Geloso_VFO.pdf Geloso VFO The Geloso Signal Shfiter

The Panda PR-120-V Table Top 150W

2108 2108_Panda PR-120-V.pdf PR120V
Transmitter Instructions
PRM.4031 HF/SSB Transmitter-Receiver
2110 2110_Racal_PRM4031_Technical_Manual.pdf PRM4031
Technical Manual
Receiver R.1132A and Ancillary
2113 2113_AP2555H_R1132A.pdf R1132A
2115 2115_ Gee_MkII_Tropical.pdf GEE GEE Mk.II (Tropical Version) A.R.I.5718
ASV Mk.19A General and Technical
2144 . ASV
2148 . ARI5428 Radio Compass A.R.I.5428
2151 2151_AP2463_AP116A-0001-1_Index_to_Radio-Radar_Publications.pdf AP116A Index of Radio and Radar Publications

Receiver, Radio, R301. Technical

2170 2170_WS 301.pdf R301
Handbook - Data Summary
Standard Technical Training Notes for the
Radio Engineering Trade Group (Fitters).
2173 2173_AP3302Pt1a_Standard_Technical_Training_Notes.pdf AP3302
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals (Book
1 - Sections 1 to 7)
Technical Manual MA.949 Power Unit
2199 2199_Racal_MA949_Tech_Manual.pdf MA949
and Loudspeaker Amplifier
Reception Set R206 Mk.I Working
2212 2212_R206Mk1_Working_Instructions.pdf R206.Mk1
Reception Set R206 Mk.I and Power
2213 2213_EMER_E230_R206_Data_Summary.pdf R206.Mk1
Supply Unit No.15 Data Summary

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2214 2214_EMER_E232_R206_General_Description.pdf R206.Mk1 Reception Set R206 Mk.I and Power

Supply Unit No.15 General Description
Reception Set R206 Mk.I and Power
2215 2215_EMER_E233_R206Mk1_1st_Echelon_Work.pdf R206.Mk1
Supply Unit No.15 First Echelon Work
Reception Set R206 Mk.I Second to
2216 2216_EMER_R206Mk1_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf R206.Mk1
Fourth Echelon Work
Reception Set R206, Mk.I Modification
2217 2217_EMER_E237_R206Mk1_Modification_Instruction.pdf R206.Mk1
Training notes including circuit diagram
2226A 2226A_WS52_training_notes.pdf WS52
and component values
Aerial Coupling Units No.4. Technical
2242 . .
Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction
Antenna, Discone, Type L458. Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2243 . L458
Replacement of antenna head body and
locking bolt.
Antenna Rods F. Technical Handbook -
2244 . Rods.Type.F
Miscellaneous Instruction
ATU.No.6, Aerial Tuning Unit No.6 and No.8.
2245 2245_ATU_6-8_EMER_L300.pdf
ATU.No.8 Technical Handbook - Data Summary
Aerial Tuning Unit No.6 and No.8.
2246 2246_ATU_6-8_EMER_L302.pdf Technical Handbook - Technical
Aerial Tuning Unit No.6 and No.8.
2248 2248_ATU_6-8_EMER_L307.pdf Technical Handbook - Modification
Aerial Tuning Unit No.6 and No.8.
2249 2249_ATU_6-8_EMER_L309.pdf Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Aerial Tuning Unit No.6 and No.8.
2250 . Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
Elevated Aerial, 23-38 Mc/s, Kit No.1
Z1/ZA53379. Elevated Aerial, 36-60
2251 2251_Elevated_Aerial_EMER_L030.pdf Elevated
Mc/s, Kit No.1 Z1/ZA53380. Technical
Handbook - Data Summary
Elevated Aerial, 23-38 Mc/s, Kit No.1
Z1/ZA53379. Elevated Aerial, 36-60
2252 2252_Elevated_Aerial_EMER_L032.pdf Elevated
Mc/s, Kit No.1 Z1/ZA53380. Technical
Handbook - Technical Description
Elevated Aerial, 23-38 Mc/s, Kit No.1
Z1/ZA53379. Elevated Aerial, 36-60
2253 2253_Elevated_Aerial_EMER_L034.pdf Elevated
Mc/s, Kit No.1 Z1/ZA53380. Technical
Handbook - Field and Base Repairs
Elevated Aerial, 23-38 Mc/s, Kit No.1
Z1/ZA53379. Elevated Aerial, 36-60
Mc/s, Kit No.1 Z1/ZA53380. Technical
2254 2254_Elevated_Aerial_EMER_L037.pdf Elevated
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Base antenna element - addition of
Elevated Aerial, 23-38 Mc/s, Kit No.1
Z1/ZA53379. Elevated Aerial, 36-60
2255 2255_Elevated_Aerial_EMER_L039.pdf Elevated Mc/s, Kit No.1 Z1/ZA53380. Technical
Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction -
mounting, antenna and plug assembly.
Test and Measurement Part. Structure
2258 2258_EMER_T&M_Index_A000.pdf . and Index

2259 2259_EMER_T&M_Detailed_Index_A001.pdf . Detailed Index to the Structure and Index

Redesignation of Test and Measurement
2260 2260_EMER_T&M_Redesignation_A009.pdf .
2261 2261_EMER_Tels_Detailed_Index_A001.pdf . Detailed Index to the Structure and Index
Wireless Sets No.38 Mk.II or Mk.II* in
2454 2454_WS38_in_Churchill_Tank.pdf WS38 Churchill I, II, III or IV Tanks. Working and
Fitting Instructions.
Wireless Sets No.38 Mk.II or Mk.II* in
2455 2455_WS38_in_Churchill_Tanks-Amendments_No1.pdf WS38 Churchill I, II, III or IV Tanks. Working and
Fitting Instructions. Amendment No.1
User Handbook for Aerial Array Yagi
2652 2652_Aerial_Yagi_No2_User_Handbook.pdf Aerial.Yagi.No2

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2700 2700_C42_1_EMER_H440.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H440

2701 2701_C42_No1_EMER_H442_Pt1.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H442 Pt1

2702 2702_C42_No1_EMER_H442_Pt2.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H442 pt2

2703 2703_C42_No1_EMER_H443.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H443

2704 2704_C42_No1_EMER_H444_Pt1.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H444 Pt1

2705 2705_C42_No1_EMER_H444_Pt2.pdf C42.No.1 EMER Tels H444 Pt2

Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical

2706 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Serial number plate rivets.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2707 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Fitting of modification record plate.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2708 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Operation of squelch relay at low battery
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2709 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Improvement of performance.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2710 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Change of capacitor C51.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2711 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Replacement of capacitor C48.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2712 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Control knobs.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2713 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Tuning knob of simulator unit.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2714 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Reduction of harmonic strength in second
local oscillator.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2715 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Temperature compensation of AF
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2716 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Improvement of RF unit temperator
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2717 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Correction of sidetone circuit instability.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2718 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Frequency stability of CFO unit
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2719 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Control modulator, reduction of sidetone
hum on transmit.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2720 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Prevention of mechanical damage to
wiring harness.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2721 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Amplifier AF - change of value of resistor
R135 to improve sensitivity.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2722 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Improvement of power output.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical

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2723 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction.

Identification plates
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2724 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Squelch unit - replacement of V23 by a
semiconductor diode
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2725 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Second IF unit - replacement of valves
V18 and V19 by semiconductor diodes.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction. 1st
2726 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
IF unit - replacement of valves V11 and
V12 by semiconductor diodes.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2727 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Control, modulator - replacement of V29
by a semiconductor diode.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2728 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Addition of a capacitor and a mod record
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2729 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Dummy load electrical (5985-99-959-
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2730 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Control, modulator - replacement of
CV8852 by three semiconductor diodes.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2731 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Antenna simulator - replacement of
obsolete resistors.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
Handbook - Modification Instruction.
2732 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1
Control, modulator - resistor change to
permit use of sub-standard CV4015.
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2733 2706-2733_C42_No1_EMER_H447.pdf C42.No.1 Handbook - Modification Instruction. 1st
IF unit - replacement of crystal unit
Station, Radio, C42, No.1 Technical
2734 2734_C42_No1_EMER_H448.pdf C42.No.1
Handbook -Inspection standards.
Instructions for the Radiovision
2756 2756_Radiovision_Commander_User_Handbook.pdf Commander
"Commander" Communications Receiver
2757 2757_Radiovision_Commander_Flyer.pdf Commander Flyer for Radiovision Commander
Inter-Services RADAR Manual W.O.Code
2814 2814_AP 1093E_Inter_Services Radar Handbook_Radar Techniques.pdf
No.1563, B.R.1600A, A.P.1093E
Station, Radio, A43R, Mk.2,
2980 2980_EMER_F530_SR-A43RMk2_Data_Summary.pdf SR-A43R Manpack/Ground. Technical Handbook -
Data Summary
Station, Radio, A43R, Mk.2,
2981 2981_EMER_F532pt1_SR-A43RMk2_Technical_Description.pdf SR-A43R Manpack/Ground. Technical Handbook -
Technical Description
Station, Radio, A43R, Mk.2,
2982 SR-A43R Manpack/Ground. Technical Handbook -
Fault-finding and repair data
Station, Radio, A43R, Mk.2,
2983 2983_EMER_F533_SR-A43Mk2_Unit_Repairs.pdf SR-A43R Manpack/Ground. Technical Handbook -
Unit Repairs
Station, Radio, A43R, Mk.2,
2984 2984_EMER_F534_SR-A43Mk2_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf SR-A43R Manpack/Ground. Technical Handbook -
Field and Base Repairs
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3027 3027_EMER_F400_A40_Data_Summary.pdf A40
Data Summary
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3028 3028_EMER_F462-1_A40_Technical_Description.pdf A40
Technical Description
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3029 3029_EMER_F462-2_A40_Fault_Finding_Data.pdf A40
Fault Finding and Repair Data
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 20 of 27
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3030 3030_EMER_F463_A40_Unit_Repairs.pdf A40 Unit Repairs

Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -

3031 3031_EMER_F464_A40_Field-Base_Repairs.pdf A40
Field and Base Repairs
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3032 3032_EMER_F464-3_A40_Automatic_Testing.pdf A40
Automatic Testing, Field and Base
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3033 3033_EMER_F467_A40_Modification_Instructions.pdf A40
Modification Instructions.
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3049 3049_EMER_F468_A40_Inspection_Standards.pdf A40
Inspection Standards
Wireless Set A40. Technical Handbook -
3050 3050_EMER_F469_A40_Miscellaneous_Instructions.pdf A40
Miscellaneous Instruction.
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3120 3120_EMER_F382-1_WS31_Technical_Description.pdf WS31
Handbook - Technical Description
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3121 3121_EMER_F382-2_WS31_Fault_and_Repair_Data.pdf WS31 Handbook - Fault Finding and Repair
3121x 3121x_WS31_VMARS_Basic_Data.pdf WS31 .
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3122 3122_EMER_F383_WS31_Unit_Repairs.pdf WS31
Handbook - Unit Repairs
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3123 3123_EMER_F384_WS31_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf WS31
Handbook - Field and Base Repairs
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3124 3124_EMER_F387_WS31_Modification_Instructions.pdf WS31 Handbook - Modification Instruction.
Cover of tuning capacitor
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3125 3125_EMER_F388_WS31_Inspection_Standards.pdf WS31
Handbook - Inspection Standards
Wireless Set No.31 Mk.2 Technical
3126 3126_EMER_F389_WS31_Misc_Instruction.pdf WS31 Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction.
Fastening clips
The "Mercury" Five-Band Transmitter
3128 3128_Minimitter_Mercury_SWM_Review.pdf Mercury
(SWM Review)
Dose.Rate.Meter User Handbook for Meter, Dose Rate
3129 3129_Dose_Rate_Meter_No1_User_Handbook.pdf
No1 Portable, Trainer, No.1, Equipment
Wireless Sets Nos.68 P R and T Second
3188 3188_WS68_EMER_F554.pdf WS68
to Fourth Echelon Work
Wireless Set No.88 Technical Handbook.
3200 WS88
Technical Description
Handbook for Type 618 and Receiver
3223 3223_Type_618_CAS.pdf Type.618, CAS
Outfit CAS. 1957.
Vocabulary of RAF Equipment. Filament,
3224 3224_AP1086_5L_1947 .pdf .
Day/Night, Neon Lamps
Vocabulary of RAF Equipment. Radio
3225 3225_AP1086_10C_1947.pdf .
Chokes & Condensers
Vocabulary of RAF Equipment. Radio
3226 3226_AP1086_10C_1951.pdf .
Chokes & Condensers
Vocabulary of RAF Equipment. Radio
3227 3227_AP1086_10W_.pdf .
Resisitors & Misc Spares
Vocabulary of RAF Equipment. Radio
3228 3228_AP1086_10W_1950.pdf .
Resisitors & Misc Spares
Inter-Service Catalogue of Electronic
3229 3229_RCC3_Resistors_fixed_1949.pdf .
Components. Resistors, fixed
Inter-Service Catalogue of Electronic
3230 3230_RCC1_Capacitors_fixed_1949.pdf . Components. Capacitors, fixed

3231 3231_AP1186_R1155_1942.pdf R1155 A.P.1186, Vol.1, Sec.3, Ch.6

3232 3232_AP1186_Services Valve Data_1942.pdf . Services Valve Manual

Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Signal

3233 3233_VAOS_ Y1_1962.pdf . Stores - Line, Visual & Sound
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Signal
3234 3234_VAOS_Z1_1940 mod .pdf . Stores - Wireless Sets & Associated
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Signal
3235 3235_VAOS_ Z1Supp 2_1947 .pdf . Stores - Wireless Sets, Mine Detectors &
Associated Stores

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 21 of 27
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3236 3236_VAOS_ Z1_1964.pdf . Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Radio

and Allied Equipment
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Radar
3237 3237_VAOS_Z3_1965.pdf .
Equipment & Associated Stores
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores.
3238 3238_VAOS_ Z4_1967.pdf .
Electrical Test Equipment
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Mine
3239 3239_VAOS_ Z5_ 1965.pdf .
Detectors and Bomb Location Equipment
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores.
3240 3240_VAOS_ Z6_1965.pdf .
Electronic and Gun Control Equipment
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores. Radiac
3241 3241_VAOS_ Z8_1965.pdf .
Vocab or Army Ordnance Stores.
3242 3242_VAOS_ Z9_1965.pdf . Secondary Batteries and Non-Rotating
Battery Charging Equipment
Sea Cadet Corps. Part I Simple Elements
3275 3275_SCC_Voice_Technique_and_Procedure.pdf Sea.Cadet.Corps of Voice Procedure. Part II Basic Voice
Technique and Procedure.
Marconi MF/HF Signal Generator, TF
3284 3284_Marconi_MF_HF_Signal_Generator_TF2002B.pdf TF2002B
Marconi Circuit Magnification Meter, TF
3285 3285_Marconi_Circuit_Magnification_Meter_TF1245.pdf TF1245

3286 3286_RAF_Signals_Manual_Part2_Radio_Communication_May1937.pdf AP1093 RAF Signals Manual Part II

Signal Generator No.1, Mks 1, 2 and 2*.

3287 3287_Sig_Gen_No_1_EMER_Z389.pdf Sig.Gen.No.1 Miscellaneous Instruction. Redesignation
of EMERs
Rejector Unit, B47 and B48 Technical
3288 3288_Rejector_Unit_B47_EMER_L100.pdf Rejector.Unit.B47
Handbook - Data Summary
Rejector Unit, B47 and B48 Technical
3289 3289_Rejector_Unit_B47_EMER_L102.pdf Rejector.Unit.B47
Handbook - Technical Description
Rejector Unit, B47 and B48 Technical
3290 3290_Rejector_Unit_B47_EMER_L103.pdf Rejector.Unit.B47
Handbook - Unit Repairs
Rejector Unit, B47 and B48 Technical
3291 3291_Rejector_Unit_B47_EMER_L104.pdf Rejector.Unit.B47
Handbook - Field and Base Repairs

3292 3292_WS88_User_Manual.pdf WS88 Wireless Set No.88 Types A & B

Syncal 30 Technical Manual. TRA.931X

3293 3293_TRA931X_Y_Technical_Manual.pdf Syncal.30 TRA.931Y HF SSB Manpack Transmitter-
Instructions. High Frequency
Communications Transmitter and Speech
3303 3303_RCA_ET4336H_Instruction_Manual.pdf ET4336H Amplifier . MI-8167-H MI-8167J a part of
Type ET-4336-H H-F Transmitting

3318 3318_Intercom_Amplifier_B_C.pdf Type B & C Intercom amplifiers type B & C

3320 3320_Intercom_Amplifier_A1219.pdf A1219 Amplifier, Type A.1219

Station, Radio, A13 Technical Handbook

3646 3646_EMER_F149_SRA13_Misc_Instructions.pdf SRA13
- Miscellaneous Instructions.

3488 3488_A1134_AP2876B_Vol_1.pdf A1134 Amplifiers Type A.1134 and A.1134A

Station, Radio, A13 Technical Handbook

3666 3666_EMER_F146_SRA13_Centrems.pdf SRA13
- Centrems
Wireless Set No.38 Mk.I, II, and II*
3706 3706_WS38_Training_Notes.pdf WS38
Training Notes
Wireless Set No.38. Alignment Procedure
3728 3728_WS38_Alignment_and_Performance_Checks.pdf WS38
and Performance Testing
Notes on Reception Set R109
3731 3731_R109_Training_Notes_and_Diagrams.pdf R109 (Training notes including circuits and
chassis layouts)
Signal Marconi TF801D VHF/UHF Signal
3801 3801_Marconi_VHFSignalGenerator_TF801d.pdf
Generator.TF801 Generator Maintenance handbook
Illustrated Spare Parts List for (1) Circuit
3802 3802_ISPL_QMeter_Marconi_TF1245_TF1246.pdf Magnification Meter TF1245, (2) Test
Oscillator TF 1246
Illustrated Spare Parts List for Reforming
3803 Unit, Electrolytic Capacitor, No. 1

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 22 of 27
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3803_ISPL_CapacitorUnit_Reformer.pdf Equipment

Illustrated Parts Catalogue for Signal

3804 3804_IPL_Signal_Generator_Marconi_TF2002B.pdf TF2002B
Generator Set TF 2002B
Priced Vocabulary of Royal Air
3805 3805_AP1086_10J_WTRemoteControls_Vocab_May1943.pdf . Equipment, Part 3A, Section 10J, W/T
Remote Controls
Priced Vocabulary of Royal Air
3806 3806_AP1086_10K_10KB_WTPowerUnits_Vocab_Aug1943.pdf . Equipment, Part 3A, Section 10K-KB,
W/T Power Units
Receiver, Type R1392A, B, D, E and
R1392, 62H,
3808 3808_AP2555_Vol1_R1392_Receivers_May_1951.pdf 62H, Power Unit Type 234A, AP2555
Vol. 1 May 1951
Circuit Diagrams of Radar Equipment
A.A. No. 3 Mk. 5 (Drawings Nos. 3A/1 to
3809 3809_AA-No3-Mk5_Circuits.pdf A.A.No.3.Mk5
(Training manual dated 1944)
STR18C Airborne HF Radio
Communication Equipment Manual
3810 3810_STR18_Technical_Handbook.pdf STR18 (Does not include Circuit diagrams -
Doc. Ref. 341 (T4188 etc.) covers the
Military equivalent equipment)
Transmitter - Receiver type TR1464
3811 3811_AP2528_TR1464_Service_Manual.pdf TR1464 Manual (Commercial manual extracted
from AP2528B)
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 General
3824 3824_EMER_F220_WS19_Cdn_General_Data.pdf WS19Cdn
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk3 2nd
3825 3825_EMER_F224_WS19_Cdn_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf WS19Cdn
- 4th Echelon Work
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk3
3826 3826_EMER_F229_WS19_Cdn_Misc_Instructions.pdf WS19Cdn
Miscellaneous Instructions
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 1st
3828 3828_EMER_F253_WS19_Cdn_1st_Echelon_Work.pdf WS19Cdn Echelon Work (Fitting of Meters of UK
manufacture to Candian Sets)
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk3 Field
3829 3829_EMER_F254-3_WS19_Cdn_Mk3_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf WS19Cdn
and Base Repairs
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19
3832 3832_EMER_F257_WS19Cdn_Modification_Instructions.pdf WS19Cdn
Modification Instructions
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk3 First
3833 3833_EMER_FZ253-3_WS19_Cdn_Mk3_1st_Echelon_Work.pdf WS19Cdn
Echelon Work
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk3
3834 3834_EMER_F226_WS19_Cdn_Mk3_Ancilliary_Equipment.pdf WS19Cdn Identification list and Echelon Repair
Wireless Set (Canadian) No.19 Mk2
3835 3835_WS19Mk2_Cdn_Working_Instructions.pdf WS19Cdn
Working Instructions
Wireless Set (Canadian) Supply Unit
3836 3836_WS19_Cdn_Supply_Unit_No2_Instructions.pdf WS19Cdn No.2 Operating and Installation

3837 3837_EMER_F612_WS52_General_Description.pdf WS52 Wireless Set No. 52 General Description

Operator and Organisational

3865 3865_AN_GRA71_Operator_Maintenance_Manual.pdf AN/GRA71 Maintenance Manual Code Burst
Transmission GroupAN/GRA71
Instruction Manual Yaesu G-600/G-
3866 3866_Yaesu_G600_Rotator_User_Handbook.pdf G-600 G600RC
600RC Aerial Rotator (Includes circuits)
GEC Communications Receiver BRT400
& BRT402 Operating Handbook (Poor
3903 3903_GEC_BRT400_Operating_Handbook.pdf copy scanned from a photocopy, some
pages missing but all text and circuits
Radio, Medium, SR D11/R230, 1-ton,4x4,
3913 3913_EMER_CI_Q110_DataSummary_SR_D11_R230_Austin_K9.pdf D11 R230 K9
Austin K9
Radio, Medium, SR D11/R230, 1-ton,4x4,
3914 3914_EMER_CI_Q115_InstallationInstruction_SR_D11_R230_Austin_K9.pdf D11 R230 K9
Austin K9
Radio, Medium, SR D11/R230, 1-ton,4x4,
3915 3915_EMER_CI_Q117_ModificationInstruction_SR_D11_R230_Austin_K9.pdf D11 R230 K9
Austin K9
Technical handbook for the CR150/3
3916 3916_CR150-3_Technical_Handbook.pdf CR150/3
receiver. (See also item 959)
TR1985 TR1986

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TR1987 TR1997 Airborne VHF Transmitter-Receivers and

3917 . TR1998 Associated Equipments. General and
TR11542 Technical Information
Voltage GEC Product Data - Other Products -
3919 .
Regulators Voltage Regulators
Tektronix Type 3B3 Plug-in unit
3920 . 3B3
Instruction Manual
Telequipment Oscilloscope Type D83
3921 . D83
Instruction Manual
Telequipment Dual Trace Unit Type V4
3922 . V4
Instruction Manual
Telequipment Dual Sweep Unit Type S2A
3923 . S2A
Instruction Manual
Malden Electronics Digital Timer 8816/Y
3924 . 8816/Y
Instruction Manual
Tektronix Type 564B Oscilloscope
3925 . 564B
Instruction Manual
Tektronix Type 3A6 Plug-in unit
3926 . 3A6
Instruction Manual
ASC-ATC Coutant A-Series Power supply
3927 .
A.Series Handbook
333A,.334A, Hewlett - Packard 333A/334A/743/744
3928 .
743,.744, Distortion Analyzer Technical handbook
PM6670 PM6671 Philips PM6670…72 Timer Counters
3929 .
PM6672 Operating Manual
Malden Electronics Digital Timer 8816
3930 . 8816
Instruction Manual
The "Twoer" 2metre Transceiver Model
3931 . HW30
HW30 Heathkit Assembly Manual
GEC Mobile VHF Transceiver model
3932 3932_GEC_RC660_VHF_Transceiver.pdf RC660.TR
RC660TR Technical Manual
Mullard Valves & Tubes Quick Reference
3933 .
Guide 1975/76
Solartron CD1400 Oscilloscope System
3934 . CD1400
Technical Manual
Solartron Timebase X Amplifier sub-unit
3935 . CX1443
CX1443 Technical Manual
Solartron Wideband Y Amplifier Sub-unit
3936 . CX1441
CX1441 Technical Manual
Solartron Wideband Differential Y-
3937 3937_Solartron_CX1449.pdf CX1449 Amplifier Sub-unit CX1449 Technical
Solartron Slow Speed Time-base sub-
3938 . CX1448
unit CX1448 Technical Manual
Solartron Blank Plug-in units for CD1400
3939 . CD1400
series Technical Manual
Railway Communications Inc. (RYCOM)
3940 . 2173A Model 2173A Selective Voltmeter
Technical Manual
Railway Communications Inc. (RYCOM)
3941 . 2174A Model 2174A Selective Voltmeter
Technical Manual
Railway Communications Inc. (RYCOM)
3942 . R1307A R1307A Radio Receiver Technical
Taylor-Servomex (Sybron Corporation)
Low Frequency Waveform Generator
3943 3943_Taylor_LF141_Waveform_Generator.pdf Type LF141 and Variable Phase
Attachment Type VP142 Technical

3944 3944_KW107_Supermatch_Instruction_Manual.pdf KW107 KW107 Supermatch Instruction Manual

Signal Generator No. 18 Technical

Description EMER Z462. (Incomplete
3945 3945_EMER_Z462_Sig_Gen_18_Tech_Desc.pdf Sig.Gen.No.18
document but includes circuit and
WS88.Type.A. Wireless Set No 88 Type A, AFV

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3948 3948_EMER_F720_WS88AFV_Data_Summary.pdf AFV Technical Handbook - Data Summary

Wireless Set No 88 Type A, AFV
3949 3949_EMER_F722_WS88AFV_Technical_Description.pdf Technical Handbook - Technical
Description (Includes circuit diagrams)
Wireless Set No 88 Type A, AFV
3950 3950_EMER_F724_WS88AFV_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf Technical Handbook - 2nd to 4th Echelon
Wireless Set No 88 Type A, AFV
3951 3951_EMER_F727_WS88AFV_Modification_Instruction.pdf Technical Handbook - Modification
Wireless Set No 88 Type A, AFV
3952 3952_EMER_F729_WS88AFV_Miscellaneous_Instruction.pdf Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous
ATE Frequency Shift Receiving Terminals
3992 3992_ATE_FSY1_Frequency_Shift_Receiving_Terminal.pdf FSY1
Models FSY.1 and FSY.2
Manuel de Reparation de L'Emetteur
3993 3993_MAT-6330-1_TRPP13_Manuel_de_Reparation.pdf TR.PP.13
Recepteur Portable TR.PP.13 (French)
Manuel de Reparation de L'Emetteur
3994 3994_MAT-6330-2_TRVP13_Manuel_de_Reparation.pdf TR.VP.13
Recepteur Vehicule TR.VP.13 (French)
Handbook Maintenance Instructions
4016 4016_APN-2_Maintenance_Manual.pdf Radio Sets AN/APN-2, AN/APN-2Y,
AN/APN-2B (Includes Indicator BC929)
PP109 Technical manual for power supplies
4017 4017_TM11-5036-PP109-PP112_Tech_Manual.pdf
PP112 PP109/112 used with RT66/67/68/GRC
RT66 Technical manual for receiver-
4018 4018_TM11-289_RT66-RT67-RT68_Tech_Manual.pdf RT67 transmitters RT66/GRC, RT67/GRC and
Working instructions for AVO Electronic
AVO Electronic
4019 4019_AVO_Electronic_Testmeter.pdf (There is no model number for this
instrument - a photo to aid identification is
Working Instructions for AVO Wide
Range Signal Generator.
AVO Wide Range
4020 4020_AVO_Wide_Range_Signal_Generator.pdf (There is no model number for this
Signal Generator
instrument - a photo to aid identification is
AN 16-40SCR522-3 Handbook,
4021 4021_AN-16-40SCR522-3_Maintenance_Instructions.pdf Maintenance Instructions Radio Sets
SCR522-A and SCR542-A
Sabtronics 8000 series Frequency
4022 4022_Sabtronics_8000_series_frequency_counter.pdf 8000
counter maintenance manual.
Marconi Portable Electronic Traffic
4023 4023_Marconi_portable_electronic_traffic_analyser_S350.pdf S350 Analyser (Radar Speed Trap 1963 style)
model S350 Technical Manual
Instruction book for Radio Transmitting &
Receiving Equipment models TCS7,
TCS9, TCS10, TCS11 and TCS12.
4024 4024_Instruction_Book_Collins_TCS.pdf TCS series Includes circuit diagrams and installation
notes. [Note, some pages missing, will be
updated when a complete copy is
The TCS Transmitter-Receiver Assembly
- Notes on Design, construction and
4025 4025_TCS_SWM_article.pdf TCS series Amateur Band Applications from
Shortwave Magazine, October 1958

Racal TA940B 100 Watt Linear Amplifier

4026 4026_TA940B_Amplifier.pdf TA940B
Technical Manual
Hartley Electromotives 13A Oscilloscope
4027 4027_EMER_Y051_Y052_Y054_Hartley_13A_Oscilloscope.pdf 13A EMER Tels Y051. Y052, Y054. Operator
and Maintenance.
Lafayette HA600 User manual, includes
4028 4028_Lafayette_HA600_receiver_manual.pdf HA600
circuit and alignment data.
T.O. 12R2-2URC4-2 Handbook
4029 4029_TO-12R2-2URC4-2_AN_URC4.pdf AN/URC4 Maintenance instructions Radio Set
KW Viceroy user instructions including
4030 4030_KW_Viceroy_User_Instructions.pdf Viceroy
circuit diagrams

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Racal MA79 Universal Drive Unit

4031 4031_Racal_MA79_Universal_Drive_Unit_Technical_Manual.pdf MA79
Technical Manual
Ground and Skywave ranges of Field
4042 4042_Ground_and_Skywave_Ranges.pdf Army Radio Stations for use in Europe.
Racal RA217 HF Communications
4069 4069_RA217_HF_Communications_Receiver.pdf RA217
Receiver Maintenance Manual
Wireless Set No.19 Mk.II General
684 684_EMER_F252-2_WS19Mk2_General_Description.pdf WS19.Mk2
Description (Includes all circuit diagrams)
Wireless Sets No.19 Mk.I Working
748 748_WS19Mk1_Working_Instructions.pdf WS19.Mk1
Wireless Set No.19 General Description
763 763_EMER_F252_WS19_General_Description.pdf WS19
(Includes control box wiring diagrams)
Wireless Set No.19 Mk.III General
1230 1230_EMER_WS19Mk3_General_Description.pdf WS19.Mk3 Description (Includes clear circuit
diagrams of A, B, and IC)
Wireless Set No.19, Mk.III. Second to
3700 3700_EMER_F274_WS19Mk3_2nd-4th_Echelon_Work.pdf WS19.Mk3
Fourth Echelon Work
Wireless Set No. 19 Technical Handbook
3812 3812_EMER_F254_WS19_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf WS19 Field & Base workshop repairs.
(Adjustment of B set aerial feeders)
Wireless Set No.19 Modification
3813 3813_EMER_F257_WS19_Modification_Instructions.pdf WS19
Wireless Set No.19 Mk2 General
3815 3815_EMER_F253-2_WS19Mk2_General_Description.pdf WS19.Mk2
Wireless Set No.19 Mk2 & Mk3 Data
3816 3816_EMER_F260_WS19Mk2-Mk3_Data_Summary.pdf WS19.Mk2.Mk3
Wireless Set No.19 Mk1 & Mk2 Working
3817 3817_WS19Mk1-Mk2_Working_Instructions_Pt1.pdf WS19.Mk1.Mk2
Instructions Part 1 Operating.
Wireless Set No.19 Mk1 & Mk2 Working
Instructions Part 2 Technical Description
3818 3818_WS19Mk1-Mk2_Working_Instructions_Pt2.pdf WS19.Mk1.Mk2
and First Line Maintenance. (Includes
sets and control box circuits)
Wireless Set No.19 Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3
3819 3819_WS19Mk1-Mk2-Mk3_Working_Instructions_Pt1.pdf WS19
Working Instructions Part 1
Wireless Set No.19 Mk3 First Echelon
3820 3820_EMER_F273_WS19Mk3_1st_Echelon_Work.pdf WS19.Mk3
Work - Maintenance
Wireless Set No.19 Mk3 Capacitor
3822 3822_EMER_F256_3_WS19Mk3_Capacitor_Replacement_List.pdf WS19.Mk3
Replacement List
Radio Station No.19 Universal Station
3823 3823_WS19_CES.pdf WS19.Mk3
Complete Equipment Schedule
Wireless Set Burndept BE201 Technical
3839 3839_F780_EMER_BE201_Data_Summary.pdf BE201
Handbook Data Summary
Station Radio Burndept BE201 Technical
3840 3840_F782_EMER_BE201_Technical_Description.pdf BE201
Handbook Technical Description
Wireless Set Burndept BE201 Technical
3841 3841_F783_EMER_BE201_Unit_Repairs.pdf BE201
Handbook Unit Repairs
Wireless Set Burndept BE201 Field and
3842 3842_F784_EMER_BE201_Field_and_Base_Repairs.pdf BE201
Base Repairs
Wireless Set BE201 Technical Handbook
3843 3843_F787_EMER_BE201_Modification_Instructions.pdf BE201
Modification Instructions
Wireless Set Burndept BE201 Technical
3844 3844_F788_EMER_BE201_Inspection_Standards.pdf BE201 Handbook Inspection Standards
Wireless Set Burndept BE201 Technical
3845 3845_F789_EMER_BE201_Miscellaneous_Instructions.pdf BE201
Handbook Miscellaneous Instructions
HO 4980 Floating Electrode Steam
3979 3979_GEC_HO4980_Floating_Electrode_Steam_Raiser.pdf HO4980
Raiser User Guide
KW Viceroy SSB Transmitter (Includes
4030 4030_KW_Viceroy_User_Instructions.pdf Viceroy
Service Manual for the PR155B MF/HF
4225 4225_Plessey_PR155B_Receiver.pdf PR155B
Communications Receiver
Operator and Organisational
AN/PRR9 Maintenance Manual Receiving Set,
4226 4226_AN-PRR9andAN-PRT4_Operator_Manual.pdf
AN/PRT4 Radio, AN/PRR-9, Transmitting Set,
AN/PRT-4 and AN/PRT-4A
Eddystone EC958/5, Marconi Marine
4227 4227_Eddystone_EC958_Nebula_Receiver.pdf 'Nebula' General Purpose SSB Receiver

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Type EC958/5 Instruction Manual

Pye Vanguard VHF AM Mobile
4316 4316_Pye_AM25T_Vanguard_Service_Manual.pdf AM25T
Radiotelephone AM25T Service Manual
Ajax A20 Instruction Manual (Includes
4829 4829_Ajax_A20_MF_Marine_Transceiver_Instruction_Manual.pdf A20
Cossor Double-beam Oscillograph Model
4869 4869_Cossor_339_Oscillograph_Manual.pdf 339
339 instruction Manual
Instruction Manual for Oceanic GP/SSB
4873 4873_Marconi_Oceanic_Operator_Manual.pdf Receiver Operating and Installation
(Also covers Dansk Radio M3000)
Instruction Manual for Oceanic GP/SSB
4874 4874_Marconi_Oceanic_Instruction_Manual.pdf Receiver Maintenance
(Also covers Dansk Radio M3000)
Technical Manual 9024 Frequency-period
4910 4910_Racal_9024_Frequency-Period_Meter.pdf 9024
B22130 ITT Marine Exciter B22130 & B22140
4912 4912_ITT_B22130-B22140_Technical Handbook.pdf
B22140 Technical Handbook
ITT Marine Radio Transmitter ST1610A
4913 4913_ITT_ST1610_Transmitter_Technical_Handbook.pdf ST1610
Technical Handbook
Training Notes Air Radar Flt. Air Radio
4914 4914_Radar_Training_Notes.pdf Radar
"Dolphin" Radiotelephone Technical
5005 5005_Pye_Dolphin_Mk1_Technical_Manual.pdf Pye.Dolphin.Mk1
Dolphin Mk3 PTC 797/8 (PM. 120/A)
5006 5006_Pye_Dolphin_Mk3_Technical_Manual.pdf Marine Radiotelephone Technical
Handbook and Parts Lists
Levell Transistor Oscillators Types
5041 5041_Levell_TG150_Transistor_Oscillator.pdf TG150
TG150, TG150M, TG150D, TG250DM
General Purpose Communications
5050 5050_RCA_AR88LF_Instruction_Manual.pdf AR88.LF
Receiver AR88LF
Crystal.Monitor Crystal Monitor Type 2 (Stores Ref
5052 5052_Crystal_Monitor_Type_2.pdf
Type.2 10D/11390) (AP1186 Sec.5 Ch 14)
Aircraft Communication Equipment
Transmitter model AVT-15 or AVT-15A,
5055 5055_RCA_AVT-15_Aircraft_Transmitter.pdf AVT15
Receiver Model AVR-20A Antenna model
Instruction Manual for Operation and
5067 5067_AVT15_Operation_and_Maintenance.pdf AVT15 Maintenance of Transmitter Model AVT-
15 and AVT-15A
Adaptor Adaptor, Frequency Range, No.1 General
5247 5247_EMER_K302-1_ARF_No1.pdf Frequency Description (for use with R206 ) EMER
Range No.1 K302-1

. . . .

http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm Page 27 of 27

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