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BS 7346-7:2006 BRITISH STANDARD Components for smoke and heat control systems — Part 7: Code of practice on functional recommendations and calculation methods for smoke and heat control systems for covered car parks 'No COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS 79467:2006 Publishing and copyright information The BS egyright note splayed ths documents whe he ons 208 15a 05640007 « “Te foning BS frou eo th work on the standard Canter retreee FSH2W/4 Dea orem 00173774 DC Publication history Past puted, Octder 2008 ‘Amendments ieued since publication Date ‘Tone tected 39 7046. 008 Contents Foreword Inxrodveton 1 Scope 3 Normative references 4 Terme and defniions 5 Smoke and eat contol system selection 10 Design fires 17 Vehicle exhaust potion control 13 ‘Natural dspersl smoke venation 14 Conventional mechanical extrset16 Inmpule ventation to achieve smoke clearance 18 10 Impusevetintion to sae reiting acess 20 41 Impube vention to protect means of escape. 24 12 Soke and beat exhnus entiation systems (SHEVS) 25 18 Ductwork, fixings and smoke dampers 26 14 Controls and power supplies 27 16 Preinalation verdeation 90 16 Ineraction with other re protection systems and oer balding stems 37 17 Commisioning. 39 18 Documentation tobe supplied wit beat and smoke contra system 35 19° Maintenance and safey 37 ‘Arex A informative) Computer-based models 38 “Annex B (normative) Lighting, signage, public adress and voce lar systems 3 ibiograpty 40 List of igures Figure 1 = Typical mechanical venation wing a ducted roke dspersal stem 15 Figure 2 Typical mechanical vetation ung an impale smoke Alspersal stem 7 Figure 3 Typical mechanical ventation ving an impale syste or freighter acess 22 Figure 4 Design regions fora single vohne space 26 List of tables ‘Table 1 Steady-state design fires 12 ‘Tale 2 ~ Checks for commissioning of major components of smoke and het contol stm or SHEVS 34 Summary of pages “This document comprises font cover, an sie rot cover, ges ard , pages It 4, an side back cover and a back cow, ow, 18107201 ny. Un BS 7346-7:2006 + ema Foreword Publishing information ‘This pr of BS 7248 was published by BST and came int effect on 231 Occber 2006. Iwas prepared ty Subcommittee FSH25/4, Sake contre systema paleo fan or caps an similar, ar the authority of Technical Commitee FSH/25, Smoke, heat control Sons and components. Ast of organizations represented on ths ‘commie canbe abained on request to ts scr. Use of this document ‘Asa cade of practice thie part of BS 7346 takes the for of guidance ‘and recommendations. ft should not be quoted ait were a ‘specfration and particular cre should be taken to eure that clans ‘Fconplance are not misleading, Any user claiming compliance wit ths part of BS 7346 x expected to beable to justify any course of ation that deviates fom ts recomendations. Presentational conventions ‘The provisions inthis standard are presented in roman (upright) ‘ype’ ts recommendations are exprseed in sentences ich the tcp airy vr i “shoul Commentary, explanation and gonoralinformattae material és reserted in smailer tlie type, ad doesnot constitu Contractual and legal considerations ‘Tis pubation doesnt purport to ice allt neces povsons| ofa contract. Users are responsible for tx comet application, ‘Compliance witha British Standard cannot confer immunity ‘rom legal obligations oa BS 7346-7:2006 Introduction Background to smoke control in car parks Ventation of covered car ark is usualy recommended in rer to Timit concentrations of carbon monoxide (60) and otervecle terssons in the day ody eof carparks ad to remove soe and eat nthe event of fie The sme equpment son wed saisty ‘oth requirements. This standard, recognising the dal use of stems, lko provides guidance on usage for vehicle emission vention. ‘There no requirement in the Building Rogulations 2000 (1, Bulting (Scotland) Relations [2], Busting Ragulations (Gorhorn land) [8] fr speaker estes to be proviedin eae ars, although ther are requlrerneats in some local acts The Fecomsnendation in th statdard are provided for stoke an heat contol pte installed in carparks wih or without spriaer protection. Themain benefit of sprinkers ito contro the ar ffi to ‘ede wath bythe irand rescue sevice. This reflected inthe design fire sizes recommended fo ear pars wih and without spies. Modern car re general large than their predecessors and contin a larger quan of fanable materials parteaar pastes. Tis has edt a reviow ofthe heat output from burning ears andthe ik of fire spread beenean cus. As a esl the desig fires recommend in his ‘Standard are larger ad have a greter ht output than thost in some reous guidance (Car park vetation systems canbe dsigned for one or mors of three ‘purpoves in the event a Oe: 1) to ass freighters to clear smoke from aca park during and 2) toprovde cea oke-fte acces for reghers oa point lose 8) to protect means of escepe fom the car park ‘The sstem requirement wilder depending upon the purpose. Not ‘al ype of vention systems are sutable or ll purposes. Recommendations and cates ate provide forte design of systems forall three purposes. 18) Toases fisightrs to clear smoke from a car park turing dan after a fr ‘Smoke clearance systams are intended to assist fire ihr by providing ventltion allow speedier clearence of thsroke once the re has bee extinguished. The venation might a> lp reduce smoke density and temperature uring the cours of fe. ‘These systems are not specifica intended to maintain any area of scar perk car of smoke, to lini smoke deny oF engrave to ‘waht any mis oF to asst moans of escape Wis ponibe that some se elearance syste coud stl ‘worsen condions for means of escape et in operator too ety ‘by encouraging smoke culation and descent of te stk ayer. "For this reason it might be preferable to ete ely operation ater tomatic setustion orto provide oly manual actuation Rom are service override site, esi + 1 1B8.7346-7:2006, 2 + ensiooos 1) Toprovide cour smoke-free acco to firefighters a point dos tothe seat of tha fre ‘This s provided specially in oder toast ieighers to cary ca feign operations. The system i designe to operate tomatic is reponse toa sia fie detction seem and ‘sures clear, smokefree access by freighters toa pt close the seat ofthe ire. Pray, such systems wil ait Sreighing w 1 dteting the orig ofthe fire to pec ocatien i the ear park, allowing easier deicaton by fie crews, £2) moving the smoke and het from that location towards Spec extrection pint or pols; 2) creating a smoke fee approach zone or bridged clear of the re. This allows Nre-ighters to assemble persnnel and suipment in favourable condition and Gre ighting ‘operation ob eared aut more quick, safely and tent ‘Because of 3) is vitally important that the loeation ofa frefighting acces pints ito the carpark ae accoured for rng the design process iso ite bent the sicko and heat lsmoved towards, fr example, the only acces out vanbe to roigitrs for firesighting purposes. 1n large or complex carparks whore jet fans are employed, there ght be muitipe extraction pols Such systems coud be ‘figured to move the stoke in one of several directions, ‘epenaing on the oeaton of th re. Again ix potant ene that here are suitably located renting access pots allow the bridgehead tobe erated foreach design fie senso ‘ohaldered, Inattion, coroety designed smoke and eat contro systems of. ths type could also prove advantageous o freighters ding tnd cooing sole ae preventing the balup of high oc Temperatures. Asa res its possible o instal them as pare of Se engineered soliton or as compensation forthe lek of other fre protection nedsures eg. srihlers, 1s important that no smoke ad hest contol ysis desig, when installed, worsens the lve of safely for oreupans and Frefgiters,ustig a5 a basis for conprzon above grt eat uk with tural erostwestion with permaneatopeings. ©) To protect means of escape from the ear park. Ssnoke contro i not required in UK legislation to protest ens of ‘scape near parks, Nevertheless tis posible in some eases to ‘ign vetlation system that wil asst protection ef means of ‘ape, SHEVS or impale venation systems might be sults, ‘ier smoke and est conte ystems ae instal inca parks for purpeses te than protecting the mess of escape, there a need to ‘Soidomokepreudicing escape there say concer ht somatic ‘operation ofa stoke and heat contra sjstem could prevert persons ‘fom sceping ts preferable eller sect an slleratve sytem dasiga or introduce an appropriate deliy period before fullsctaton of the ten, 02 BS 7348-7:2006, ‘Stoke vention recomendations in car parks are outed Approved Document Bt the Bang Roultions (England Was) [4], Technical Bootle Eto th Buieting Regulations (orthorn isan) {8} and Scottish Building Standards Technical Heaetooks [0 These guidance documents recommend provision of stems for purpose a), smoke clearanc, oly. Systems fo purposes) fd are therefore usually provide tera pr ofa fre engineered Solution or ase compensating feature for ober fie protectionmeasures ‘Gat might not aly conform to those recommendations. ‘The folowing types of venttion might be considered as alternatives: 4+ natural venation; + ducted mechani vention 1+ puts ventation; + stoke and heat exhsunt ventilation sytem (SHEVS). ‘Te design cera foreach ofthe above systems re ven Inter in his Further considerations “Any vetation system, unless permanently opens dependent upon ‘ulable power supple and controls for correct operation. ‘entiation systems wl erat with othr balding services and fre ‘protection stems in normal operation, whether b design eas Trproduct of operation, In some car park, especially underground carparks associaed with residential uldng, tere are storage ares accessed ret rom the ‘ar park These ar use by residents store personal possesons and tus sch storage areas wl eon materials which are not cnowa to the designer since there is no contol over suc pate ares, Scope ‘spr 8 7240 ges comnendtn nd anc cn Tcl an cation nr fo onal an Seat sot tens Is ooredping sr nd gional ve None. Hina tcp rion pts mihi tes cn itor’ ‘is tends tend he erhagen Seometoneceers [isd fr ten Sere ft replat” ‘utente ren ing te oe ea os, he fay nage fe cr ase ermine + & BS 7346-7:2006, 4+ ensiz008 lemakes recommendations for syste designed for opened ca parks and for enclosed eae parks I covers syste intended to protect ‘means of escape for occupant ofthe eat park or balling housing he arpa; systems inanded to ant ative Rie ightng operaons nd ‘ystems intended to provide smoke clearance fling suppestion of Af. It inchides recommendation for tual opens venlaon snd for ducted mechanical vention I ches guidance on Derformance-basod soe contlusig inpule veutiation tens snd smoke and beat exis vetlation sytem (SHEYS), ‘me-dependent and steady-state design methos are inladed as spproplte foreach smoke contol approach, Control of vehicle ‘olutant emissions is inchded where iflences the optimization of| foe control “he standard only cover traditional means of sale vette parking, "ha thon car pas weary park songs eachother Wilh ‘enmon acess roadway/lanes or ets o be dven nan oul does ‘ot cover other forms of ear parking syste, sch as stcking systems Soke a hea contol ystems for lr pars ad conch parks ae not ‘vere ty this standard Normative references ‘The following refernced documents st intspensble or the ‘oplzation ofthis document. For dated referencis, onthe eiion ‘ted applies. For undated references, the later eiton ofthe "ference document (lading any ashes) aps, ‘BS 848-10, Fans fr genoral purponos~ Part 10: Performance testing oft fans 5 8890-1, Fine detection ad fio alarm ystems for buildings — ‘Part I: Code of practice for system desig, instalation, ‘ammissoning and mintenance 'BS5586-12, Fir precautions inthe cesign,constrection and se of bitings~ Part 12: Managing fire softy 5 7940-4, Components for smoke and heat contro systems — Port 4: Functional recommendations an calculation mete Jer smo nd ho exeest ventilation systems employing ‘alsa design fires = Coe of practice 187340, Components for smoke an heat control systems = ‘Pert 5: Pintional recommendation an calculation mates for smoke an heat eahasst ventilation sytem empoyiy inedepondent design fives Code of practice 'B57846-6:2005, Components for smake and heat control systems = ‘Pot 6: Spocfications for enbe spats BS 7071, Requirements or etctrical installations ~ IEE wiring ‘rapulations = Sizenth eon 1 84942:2008, Mthode of text for assessment ofthe fire inary ‘felecric cables ~ Part 2: Tet ov unpretocto smal ator fo se ‘memeryency cireuits~ BS EN'50200 witha 890 Came and with seater spray é 34 a2 3a 34 35 36 ar University of 3.0 BS 7346-7:2006, SEN 121012, Smote and heat control ystoms ~ Par 2: ‘Specification for natural smoke anc heat exhant venators BEN 121013, Smoke and heat control ystoms ~ Pan 3: ‘Specification for power smoke and hoa! exhaust ventators Terms and definitions For the purposes of his pat of BS 7346, the folowing tems and ‘etntions appl. addressable fire detection system ‘sytem in which signals from detector, manual call points or any other ‘evies are ndually ented a the congo and ndcting ‘uipment ‘crodynamic free area product ofthe geomet rea and the coeticient of discharge Is 7346-4, approving authority ‘Srgunzation, lice o indidual responsible fr approvirg soke and Inst conel systems, equipment andor procedurer Drdgehead ares Or part of bung, fom which Greigting tenn can be safely ‘commited to atack sre ceiling jet _nylyered fw of cling lve gases away fom the po of Inplngement,divn by tat ayers buoyancy ‘coefficient of discharge ral of eral Now rate, measured under specie conions, to the ‘theoretical low rate through an open [NOTE Adopted root BS 78464, computational fluid dynamics model (CFD model) computer simulation model where the fundamental equations of hast land mas transfer are soled sing namerical methods IPD 7974-22002) cross-flow ventilation ‘venation system based on creating an iow throughow the volume of space trom cutsde, though an ine, and exiting othe outside design fire hypothetical fie having characteris which are suficieey severe for ‘to sores the bass the deign ofthe stoke and beat control system NOTE Adapted vom BS 73464 directed message specific messagerering trough a public adross syste to Individuals dented by CCTV as beng a isk of Giasgow. The Universi of 9: Univers 1B8.7346.7.2008, 6 + encom Bu 32 313, ane 3.5, 348 Aispersal removal of smoke hazard y dation to af concentration using ‘lean ait clement of structure ‘member forming part o the struetral frame of bulang of ay oer NOTE Buomples of loment srt ere: 2) loadbaring wal laden part fa wal ©) efoor 2) gallery Gut nt oading gary gale slog rie, ting tgs omy glory prose or sar rps fo swobtonance ood pee 2b mmaneret al 2) acompartnent wal cating walt common ot or more tating. ‘equivalent area sare of sharp-edged orice trough which alr woul pass tthe came ‘Volume Mow rte, under an identical sped pressure ferences the ‘pening under consideration [NOTE 1 Tire measure ofthe aernanic peformanceaf on NOTE? ra pln eponing wi no batructons th equa are i ‘ual tthe maavure ae Peer oping th pan! at ie ‘sual tothe were ae area ee iy 08 ‘exhaust ventilation system ‘combination of exhaust ventilators, ducts, power suppis, an conte tse to remove smoky gases fom 3 carpark [NORE The eshol ventilators ae say fa, ‘exhaust ventilator ‘eves used to move gases out of carpark [NOTE Adapted fro BS 78464 ‘extraction point Tecan ofan ake opening oan exhaust vetstoror toa duct which leads oan exhaust ventatar, where stoke removed from. ear pale fre compartment ‘enclosed space, comprising one or more separate spaces, bounded by ‘homens of structure having specie fire restance and iene 0 ‘revet the spread offi (i either erecon) for ven pero of ne, Ins reaeat fire engineered solution ‘ve safey strategy and design based upon calculations tallored tothe ‘éreamstances ofa specie bulding 3.19 3.20 a1 322 aaa a 335 327 3.29 BS 7346-7:2006, fire lond ‘sm ofthe eat energies which oul! be released by the compte ‘combustion ofall the combustible materials na space ncudng the facing of walls, partons, ors spd eiings, and contents ncuding for ent parks al ears present [NOTE Adapt rom PD 7974-1:2008. fire operational position poston or eontgurstin of «component spect by the design ofthe Sytem daring fe tis 746-4), fire resistance silty ofan tem to fu or state perio of ane the regu Mee ‘ably andor integrity andor thera sulaton, andr other fxpected duty specified iva standard re resistance est [as 1422.2005) fire service override switch ‘manually operated sth ocr firefighters tina or terminate {he operation ofa re safety system or other device fixing sevice used fo secure plan or equipment tote structure of building frequency inverter ‘lecronie device used to control the speed offs hy controling the ‘reuency of te slactral power feeding te elecre moor dng he fae Impulse ret of force an the ime for which thst fore acts [NOME Tse mericaly equa fore Got thru) who the ine Ia tobe Won disded by the cranestonl ore er hh he Jove cs his spas presse Jet fan fan designed to transfor momentum nto the air a part of an impulse ventlaton system [NOTE je fn el keen a8 on ign {impulse ventilation system (IVS) set fans used to exert trust on teat withina space to acelerte ait to creates desired patter of movement of sir and sme within that NOTE: An empl ofa since or park or Hora. Integrity the ably ofa specimen of separtingeloment to contin a fire to specifi exterior colpse eedom from le, cack, and Tissues sustained Aang onthe unexposed face 18 47620:1906), means of escape ‘racturl means whereby the event offre safe route o routes of tre provided for persons to travel em any poi ina buldingtom pace tate, onsen + B+ cnc 3.30 aa1 3.32 3.28 am 3a7 3.38 ‘mechanical cross ventilation ‘stem af smoke contol where mechanical mene ae sed sweep sir orton through the space to remove smoke [NOTE 1 The mechanic! mac ie wna fons NOTE? An example af pace x car park toy ‘multi eriteria fire detection fre detction system with detector heads monitoring two of more re sihenomens natural eross ventilation ‘ystem of smoke contol where opening are ure allow wind doe Droyancy to sweep air horizontal through a spa to remove smoke NOTE An example ofa space iva carpark stray override contro! onto inched in an automatically operating ske and hast contol ‘ystem to allow manual operation or manual shat down of alo par ot hat stm preseure differential system ‘stom ofan, det, vats, and lhe features prevdedfor the purpose fereating lower presure a smoke control zone than ina protected space Ts 340-81 ‘ate of rise heat detection ‘tome ir detection wich nates an alarm when the ate of hangs ofthe measured phenomenon with Sine eapedea cera abe, fora mticient ve replacement air ‘lea lr entering baling to replce smoky gates being removed by dhe snake ad heat control sytem | NOTE Adopt from BS 78404, signalling system !ebwork of electrical cables, rio and optical eae, carrying signals Seteen sensors, contzl panes, computers, and active dvios or ay sombination of tase NOTE ‘Twi doer not cue power supy eaten, smoke clearance system ‘tke and eat contol stem whose primary pupoe so remove smoke fom a space ater a fue hasbeen controled or extingsiod OTB Secondary Lonfts igh include a casing oth conditions to "lich rigor ave exposed white apprencing Yo fighting ie smoke control damper evi that ean be opened or closed to control teow of stoke and hot ses OTE. Inthe fire operational position, the make contre damper comb ‘one ae rom he pace) orca (avo se ‘pronding other one. Rs 7946-41 340 3a 342 3.43, at as, 3.46 347 48 BS 7346-7:2008, smoke control zone ‘end area whiner park provided with smoke conrl to prevent smoke movingiteadacent ones smoke and heat control system [rangement of components nal in a ulding to ini the eects of smoke and hos from fre Is 7340-4) smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system (SHEVS) system in witch components areola seeced to exhast smoke ane hat i order to establish a buoyant leer of warm gases above cool ‘leaner, ir (es 7340-4) steady-state design method Areengineering method of aleulatng the design of smoke and heat contro system based onthe gest fire with wich the smoke and heat control ajo i expected to cope steady-state design fire esgn fire based onthe largest fre with which a smoke contra stem ‘expected to cope ‘time-dependent design fire lesgn fire base on the most severe fre growl ate with which @ ‘smoke contol system is expected 0 cope thrust force crest athe discharge of tan NOTE Thrua ie nction footy ae air mass ualy aera vehicle emission ventilation ‘etaton system designed to remove or dluteto a safe concentration products of combustion emited by velcle engines i normal use zone model ‘Sombiston of nathemaical formula deseibinga physical process by ‘ecdeng that process oa nied numberof pled zones or regions ‘ere each zone x described by small pune of formulae NOTE 1 Te se mea i woolly empirical deren [NOTE 2 Zone models are fon expres in th form ofa compar preprom, (as 73405) onsiz00 + 9 BS 7346.7:2006 10 + epsi200 4 4a 42 Smoke and heat control system selection COMMENTARY ON Cause 4 naj poll sores font atrial aco prk ithe cars sles. Sma em a ar feel pra iegh th hy vce by the spe ath tiga th cs fwd preston ‘pomings le tensa flo emia Design objectives ‘The designer can choos on ofthe folowing design objective + Glearance of stoke during the fre and ater he fie hasbeen suppressed, the smoke contol ering asst in heck or Secondary seats fire as well a returing te building to is normal + Creating and minting smoke tee route trough the car park ‘open space on the fies storey for freighter to approach clos to theca one, wih the intention of retain atv fre suppression, + Protection of escape route or occupants within the same storey ‘asthe cron fie to proserve a smoke pth eter he ‘exterior ofthe bling, oto protected arwell ich aad toa Final exit toa place of Ste ‘coMMEWnARY ON 8.1 Thotolniques aaie to achieve hex objectives ae + smote and heat ect! vention nos SHES), where a ‘laid rgion ef lon aiiemotntatuad heath nserver Containing tera cyt as + crm veniain ner a i induce fl thong the cor ‘vk dion ithorby wind Sores yf + npts venation ince to provide mate re access case to the caro ire ferighors ‘Tee mons are designe control amc frm one fia ne state Selection of objectives 14.2.1 where the objectives solely to achieve learanc by horizontal ‘ross flow through the carpark sary on ofthe allowing my bo ‘ed + Natural cross ventilation specie as permanent opening, seo Chea + Mectanica ross ventilation achieved wing conventions! ‘mechanical ventilation, se Clause 8 + secnaneal ros ventton sng Jt ans, £68 Ce 9 [NORE Te above tne forms ef cressfow vention are oly soto Jor ctiving nate clasancn, (¢) The British Stand 90", The University of BS 7846-7.2006. 4.2.2 Where the objective isto provide for freighters acer ait ‘ecee path tothe ear oni, te following matios may be wed. ‘+ ASHEVS, having minimum clear eg, see Slause 12. + An impulse ventilation system designed to achive a clear spprouch for freighter toa least onesie othe car on ir, ee Case 10, ‘4.2.81 there is any concer that automatic opeaton of smoke ane hea contol ystem could adversely aflect persons escaping the system | Alesigner should ether select an alternative system Saigo itroduce | sh spproprinte dely period before ul activation othe sytem. Design fires COMMENTARY ON ine 8 ‘alt rin rion fort dig of atone eat tigi ts ee ea Wicitttnc ans aeber nto oe iene prea see ince sozons cna toparats ei ‘etna tna oo igh come wep tr cere tireite tepecoge sniper ato eee cates ln tia ney arnt ghee Paseo ars, etittattanny ets crea ne is ‘hows eto ce tere Tome ei ‘secon compron toa eon he mj oh nyt ron plone mosh ser Smo. ‘Por mon ort easels information on ea oof. rcpt waste nseninent ie 66D et hes, {Cte ttf sty srt i a ‘nian sn ge 186 ea ss mee ‘lp ssa pono aa parka ‘mice ogre oon res pein feat red em nd ‘Clozaril on thet pa Shoei eaeetes meme ecens Sinton ory tocininn fiat obs or mo 25love per rn out Meese et of ‘isn rat ee fue iste Saviano fr sprang oe erm Seattant edie rasci ratn Scouse jaf Thevaye te dain apres nga dsion fa Ons eo Meats tants eed coher ste ie opto ign ie ‘Aste tes rss on te atone ohn ‘septs acy ant tt a okt ‘tet tent os pn ape aceayit ‘ro ny gti a et sg ho sms fred ‘Rips igh eon es hte oe ‘nt toy. Enon rete esgic sedi te sn compra one toh spe itn mah hw re onsam6 + 11 li BS 7346-7:2006 12 + opsianes Ba Table Aime ponent design fre wack the growing an Pont detining lage hot oat a fnction tn, awa tated ie onsguoncr topical ta ofthe noid lar Thess Imad tod tobe compli, end to rly on computer mang ‘Sonos forenoon design fires ae eal ubcale st fires ‘ag torge calorimeters Som hens emprct fe pro ve “rac bead i simpli form hugh none coreapond vr, deiner rt resco op oro op Car fires Forsteady-state design methods, the design ir should ether adopt the sppropriate value of het lean rate another parameters from Table or the design fe shoul opt an alterative appropriate inthe ‘dreumstances of te parca design which should be detaled in he ‘lcamenctin specified in Cluse 18 together with justiiation a 0 ‘wy this alternative is appropriate. Where the experimental data hs then pce in he pole domain & reference the pubeation ay be ‘ed as jastiiation, ‘Steady-state design fres Fireparamters Indoor carpark witowt Tnivor carpark wi Sprinkler tem ‘riner stern Diner Saxem Tax eat relee to 80 000 ‘Time-dependent desig fies shouldbe base onan experimental test Sr, which should be desrbed ad usted in the docamenttion ‘specified in Clause 18. Where the experimental deta is bee place the publi domain a reference to the publication may be wed {station Stores and storage within car parks As well as the vehicles themselves other combustible storage, ny, ‘wn car parka shoud be considered, Provided thatthe ntue ofthe combust storage athe associated ‘re loa would no give ie to a fre that woul exceed the eiginal esgn fe forthe cars, the system can be assute to be cape of ‘dean with ie voaing he storage, ‘The values fr fire parameter in Table 1 should be sed wien comparing th key steady sate desig Gre output adopted fo the combustible storage However, the folowing shouldbe taken nto consideration 28) The typeof combustible materi store, 1) Te amount and disposition of the fir oad, ©) The degre of resting enclosure provided. 4) Te provision of pines 63 oa BS 7346-7:2006 ‘Where the combustible materials are of «quant or type that would resul na much lager or more severe fre than te ar bse sign ‘re the shuld ether be prohibited, removed or else ina reessting constuction, Vehicle exhaust pollution control ‘COMMENTARY ON Cows 6 _Avwatlon routing wae corel fo cor parks sve ofa fare ‘Sam amar important vor day roqtromen! othe venation af ‘echt feiss nated tava, portly, eran concentration of crton anasto ther nario gases Porexkitiova quidco» vetlotion or veil exes! polation {ol ncor prt se Approve Dect ote Bung Ratton (Colon on Wot) 0), Pcnon Bont Kto the Batting Ralations (orton tant) 10] ne Sesh Buoy Stoned Tato Hants Satin 818 General Any dua purpose sytem intended to full both envronmenta ‘vention and smoke contzel during fie should meet the eeformance recommendations for both oes ‘One ofthe four alemativ approaches to whice exaust pollution ‘contol in 2 to 6. shoud be wed, ‘Naturally ventilated car parks For naturally ventilated car parks, pennanent vention should be provided. The ventilation should have an aggregate outvalont area oft Teas 8 of the Noor aeaof ech car park storey. Alleast half of this ‘shouldbe equally arranged between two opposing wale ‘Mechanical and natural ventilation of ear parks Permanent natural venation wih an aggregate equivalent area of at eae 2.5% ofthe floor are can be combined with amechanca ‘entation system capable ofa as thee al changes per hour ‘Mechanically ventilated car parks Fortaromen or enclosed carpark storey, mecianal vention shoal be proved to t least ar changes per how In wition, ‘wherever ear could queue nthe balding with ngs runing ‘ls ad rape, proton should be made fra local venation rate of leas 10 air changes per hour See Figure ensiam + 13 BS 7346-7:2006 65 Detailed quantitative assessment of contaminants é ‘Asan alternative to 6.4, the mes predicted polaon levels maybe ‘culated and the vention designed to nut the concentration af carbon monoxide to not more than 30 pars per milion averaged oer 8 period and peak concetations suchas by ramps and ets not to go above 90 prs per milion fer periods no exceeding 18 mines i [NOTE Mord quite eupieering gviance i aveialle Inhere the otters fice movement ho po ong te ‘na night cb prot wih condone. Sor ete Voren. ‘osteo ugecure' “ir rciment syn for car pare’ 7 Natural dispersal smoke ventilation 71 Car parks which are open sided 7.1 Carparks may be naturally ventated using the piaipe of vind ststed cro fo ventlation 7.1.2 Ts form of venation should not be used for protection of ‘means of escape in eae of i,t table for sno clearance tnd {or freighter wsstance 74.8 Dueto the required aren and locations of openings, natura ‘etlation ean bo unsultabe fr undergroue eat parks 7.1.4 Ventilation openings should be parma pan and fee ot obatuetins 72, Car parks which are not open sided 172.1 Naturally wetted carparks that re not ope sed should be roided wit some natural vention on each storey, The natural, ‘venation should ety permanent openings at each car parking bet ‘mth an aggrogateequtlent rea of at least 25% (140) of he foe ‘te a each lvl, The distibution arangements of the oponines ‘Should be such that an aggregate equvelen are of 126% (1/80) 8 ‘quay provided between two opposing walls to give a good ‘ros ow. 72.2 Smoke vents cling lve may be wad sa alterative to permanent openings i he wal. These stoke vets shout alo Ive fan aggregate qulalent area of peranent openings totaling at Teast 2.0% [1/40] of ach oor are, ach ve and De arranged provides tough dat 7.2.8 Where openings have owes, grilles, bird guano sar sevice installed, te gutalent ten provided shoud take it aceasnt ‘he restriction use by these devices 11.2.4 Whe prt ofthe open ara is provided by ramps entrances, fey the vetston area provided should include onl the permanety ‘open equivalent are of any doors, grilles or shuts across these openings M+ onsen sce 1 BS.7346-7:2008, 17.2.5 For the purpose of smoke contol, and san alternative to permanent openings the wal, automatic sme ventas fonforming to BSEN 12101-2 may be proved ite cong, arranged te providea though daupt. The smoke ventisiors may provide aor open automaticaly upon derecon ofa re in the car park ‘Typical mechanical ventilation using ducted smoke dispersal Planer 2 Sect ew Key to Figure 1) Kote riewe 1) 2 Sonora ome + 15 ots 18 7340-7.2000 18 + east 2000 8 Conventional mechanical extract COMMENTARY ON Cows 8 ‘objection the smite clarance sym desi (oe Pre 2 1! 2) ass firesighter ty providing vowlation tao sped toorane ofthe ane nosh as bo gee 1) help ractce th mae deslty a tmperatre ring the cours of ose ‘ui sot specifically intended te rainnin any aren of cr park lear af ea on ne day ornare i rte om moons etapa 8.1 General {8.1.1 The systom should be independent from anyother system (er ‘han any system providing normal venation to hee ar) a be designed to operate at 10 lr changes pee hour See Fire 1 8.1.2 Te ascharge pins forthe smoke exh system should be located such that they donot case smoke to be rectal into the tauling, spread to aoinng bugs, or avery aot te means of escape 8.1.8 "The main extract system should be desig fo rain at est vo pars, sch that he total exaust capacity doesnot fall sow 60 of ‘heats se ut in 8.11 in the event offal of anyone ptt and Should be such thats fault or fare inone wil no jopaetize te others {8.14 The system should have an independent power supp, designed to operatein the event of failure of testa power supp 18.1.8 Barat polns should be arrange so that 60% ofthe exhaust capac at hgh eve and 50% ba lw level and evely darted ‘over the whole ar pak, 8.1.6 Te fans and associated contol quiet sould be wie in ‘rotected ecu designed to ener coined operation inthe event fof fre oe Cine 14) 8.1.7 Te system should be itis by one o one ofthe following: 28) smoke detection; 1) rap ate of ite heat detcton ©) multi-criteria detection 4) sprinker ow switch; ©) ae service override ste, 1.1.8 Care sould be taken to ensure hat ther ae no stagnant reas inither daly eatadon or smoke venilaton operational mode {8.1.9 Provision should be made forthe suppl of replacement arta the carpark 8.1.10 Te velocity of ar wihin scape routes and ramps shot not excen 5 sin order to avd inpeding the escape of occupants ofthe alng 189 7346-7:2006 82 Performance recommendations for equipment {5.2.1 Al fans tendo to exaust ot gases used within ar pare ‘vetlaton sytem shoul be tested in accordance with BS BN 121013 ‘to very thetr ually for operating et 300°C fra period nt lss ‘ha 60 rns (lass F300). NOTE. or further infomation on equipment forremoving hl awake ‘efor to BSN 12101 18.2.2 Where fans ae located within the bulding, but ote the fre compartment which they serve the shoud be enclosed wth elements of structure having fre resistance at east equa to that required for the part ofthe bling win Which is stuated and ano case ess ‘han Th 18.2.8 Ductwork, dampers and fixings should conform to Clause 1. 83 Calculation procedures ‘The exhaust vention sytem shou be designed to provide a sini of 10 ai changes per hour foreach ea park storey ore ‘compartment served by tha system. [Figure 2 ‘Typlcal mechanial ventilation using an impalae emoke dispersal system re espe onsiane + 17 [BS 7346-7:2005 9 Impulse ventilation to achieve smoke : clearance CCONMEIrARY OW Cause & 5 ‘Thechjectce of the sate clarance mae design (ee Fignre 8 is: 1) saint firefighter ty proiding vention tcl speci ‘deorance ofthe ote oes heirs eon etapa, 1) ip rac th sche deity a tamparatre ring the ore of ie ‘This system i yt intend o mainlain ay are of cr park eo of ‘mate, 1 ln ome density or lomporatreo wine oe rio ai mans of cape 14s posible that some me lavace mens if operation too ‘uh wiht actatly worsen sonlnajr mat ef mb ‘sreourogng sneered and doo these ager, or is ‘asm ould o preferable deay operation ier nme dterton fre 9.1 General 19.141 On detection ofa fire, the man extract fans should immeditely respond to provide the rqued rue of ete, ‘9.4.2 After an appropriate dly, the fas should activate in such ‘numbers as necessary to det the smoke efficiently towards the aa ‘extrac points for fie. The delay period should refect the desighed ‘means of escape period. ‘The dei is necessary to ensure tha escaping ocvpnns are not compromised by the action ofthe jt fan systen, Te syste shouldbe ‘designed so at escaping ocupants an walk toa car storey ext such {har they are no inhibited y the smoke and eat generated bythe ie nd moved iy te fans operating during the nial wae period, ‘The delay employed to achieve this outcome wil depend on one or more factors, + the sae and geomety of ee carpark + the number and cation of extrac nd jt fans, + the numbers and ype of occupants and 4+ the number and location of stable ext 9.1.8 The dey perio, i any, should be confirmed in agoement with ‘he approving authors. 9.1.4 Theale change rate within theca park shouldbe a east 10 it anges per hou. 9.1.8 Consideration shouldbe given to the location othe means of scape within the car park when locating the positon ofthe extract points), 9.1.6 The postions ofthe staiwel, means of escape corridor, ae loviy doors, where presen, should be co-ordinated witht fan location and jet orientations o avoid exposing the coor to dynamic rossure ffocts Which might ate smoke to eee the lob, sare ‘nd corsdos, 1: Universo sgow, 18/07/2013 07:24, U BS 7346-7:2008, 19.1.7 Care sould be taken to eure ha there are no stagnant teas in ether dai vention or smoke vention operational mode 0.1.8 Provision shouldbe made forthe supply of replacement ar tothe ‘carpark 9.1.9 The velocty of alr within escape routes and ramps should not ‘exceed 8 v/s in order to avd impeding the eseape of ocupants ofthe bung {9.1.10 The resistance to alow and turbulence caused by domnstand beans and anyother obstruction should be taken info accoun when tang the jt ta. 9.1.11 Nowwiistandng the eguzements for dally venation in the ‘event fire, the main exact fans, were presen, shouldbe Immediately activated to provide a minimum arfow rte equivalent to 10 alr changes per hou within the car park. 9.1.12 Care shouldbe taken to ensure tat the mumber oft fans ‘sctivated wll ot induce the movement ofa volume of lr greater han that whieh the main extract Ene are capable of extracting 9.1.18 The system shouldbe Independent rom any other sytem (ter tan any sytem proving normal Yeon the car par). 9.1.14 The dscharge pins forthe smoke exhaust sytem shoud be Ioeatd such tht they Will aot cause smoke wo be recreulted eto the ling apr to adjoining bung, oF adversely affect the means of exape 9.1.18 The main extract stem should be designe to ran at east two pars, sch tat theta exis capac does not al below 60% ofthe rte et oun 9.1.1 the event of fare of ey one part and ‘shoul be such tata fae o allure none wil not eopardn the 9.1.16 Where a spilt system is tobe installed, the location ofthe srinker Neds and Jo fns should be cordate to ensure tal the fffect of the jot fans on the spray pattern of the sprinklersis ‘ninize. 19.117 Bach part ofthe main extract astm shuld ve an Independent power supply wich wil operate in the event of falure of ‘he maln power suppl. 9.1.18 The fans and asocatd contol equipment shoul be wired in protected ceuts designed to ensure conied operation nthe event ofa fire (te Case 14) 9.1.19 The system should be nated by one or mor ofthe folowing 8) smoke detection; 1) rapid ate of rise beat detection; ©)mulertra fire detection: sprinkler Now seh; 1) fe service oversde switch, erstam + 19 BS 7346-7:2006 9.1.20 ll fans ended to exhaust hot gassed wit carpark ‘ventlaon sytem shou be testa in accordance with BS EN 12101-9 2 {Glass F900) to verify thee sutabbty for operating st 300°C for « evod ot les than 00 mines, [NOTE Rar farther information ox eaupiont fr ning lt sake ‘rjorto BSN 12101 1.21 Where fans ae locate within the baling, bt ote the fre ‘comparnent which they serve, they should be enclosed wit elements of structure having a fire resistance atleast equal to that required for the par of tho bldg ws which i tuted and in no case ls 4.22 Ductwork, dampers and figs should conform to Cause 18. 92 Calculation procedures ‘The oxhaust venison system shoud be designed to provide a ‘minimum o 10a changes per hou forthe lpest cr park storey or fire compartment served ty that system and shoul be applied tthe ‘alee volume of ech ar pak storey or compartment 10 Impulse ventilation to assist fire-fighting access COMMENTARY ON Conse 10 Troobjctee he ame cone desi ito at cee by th ir service {amore qucly late aed taco aire ond sary. etch and Ysene ‘ar nacesany Se Pgure 10.1 System design criteria 10.1.1 The design shoud be base on calculation, Whatever

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