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Marketing Analysis Report

SL No. Description Action Plan

21 Companies provided Payroll out of 25 Need to Develop Business Intelligence on actual
1 Companies Which is the height product data to understand competitor marketing mix
competition on the market. strategy.
Every Company has a specialized product, Need to find out low competition specialized
Which market competition is very low. sector and develop new products.
20 Company Provided Accounting & Inventory
3 out of 25, those 20 companies are on the mature It is very difficult to generate revenue by beating
stage. 20 mature companies.
18 Company Provided ERP out of 25 which is the Need to develop SWOT Analysis of ERP
3rd largest market in the software industry. Planning
This analysis is only based on product, there is
5 also others criteria to analysis like Business, Need to analysis the all criteria and for getting
strategy, service, logistics etc. actual competitor analysis.
Not assigned Dedicated team to conduct a
market & competitor analysis
7 Competitors information may wrong

Companies from other geographical areas and with similar products.

New start-up companies organized by former employees and/or managers of existing companies.

Companies already targeting your prime market segment but with unrelated products

Companies competing in a related product/market.

Poor Identification of Competitors

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