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Variation of Cooling Load

Case 1
Ht. At which aircraft is cruising (m) h 5000
Ambient Temp at that ht(K) To 255.53
Ambient Pressure at that ht(bar) Po 0.875
Speed of aircraft(m/s) Uo 275
Temp of cabin(K) T5 298
Press of cabin(Bar) P5 1
Press ratio of compressor r 4
Efficiency of Ram ηram 0.95
Efficiency of Compressor ηc 0.90
Efficiency of Expander ηe 0.88
Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger E 0.95

Air condition
Mach Number M 0.80
Square of mach number 0.64
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 288.38
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.34
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.31
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 5.25
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 428.53
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 444.10
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 296.17
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 184.38
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 197.80
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 208.53
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 32636.20
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.6435

Case 2
Ht. At which aircraft is cruising (m) h 5400
Ambient Temp at that ht(K) To 255.53
Ambient Pressure at that ht(bar) Po 0.875
Speed of aircraft(m/s) Uo 275
Temp of cabin(K) T5 298
Press of cabin(Bar) P5 1
Press ratio of compressor r 4
Efficiency of Ram ηram 0.95
Efficiency of Compressor ηc 0.90
Efficiency of Expander ηe 0.88
Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger E 0.95

Air condition
Mach Number M 0.80
Square of mach number 0.64
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 288.38
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.34
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.31
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 5.25
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 428.53
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 444.10
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 296.17
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 184.38
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 197.80
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 239.81
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 37531.63
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.6435

Case 3
Ht. At which aircraft is cruising (m) h 5800
Ambient Temp at that ht(K) To 255.53
Ambient Pressure at that ht(bar) Po 0.875
Speed of aircraft(m/s) Uo 275
Temp of cabin(K) T5 298
Press of cabin(Bar) P5 1
Press ratio of compressor r 4
Efficiency of Ram ηram 0.95
Efficiency of Compressor ηc 0.90
Efficiency of Expander ηe 0.88
Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger E 0.95

Air condition
Mach Number M 0.80
Square of mach number 0.64
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 288.38
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.34
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.31
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 5.25
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 428.53
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 444.10
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 296.17
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 184.38
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 197.80
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 271.09
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 42427.06
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.6435

Case 4
Ht. At which aircraft is cruising (m) h 6200
Ambient Temp at that ht(K) To 255.53
Ambient Pressure at that ht(bar) Po 0.875
Speed of aircraft(m/s) Uo 275
Temp of cabin(K) T5 298
Press of cabin(Bar) P5 1
Press ratio of compressor r 4
Efficiency of Ram ηram 0.95
Efficiency of Compressor ηc 0.90
Efficiency of Expander ηe 0.88
Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger E 0.95

Air condition
Mach Number M 0.80
Square of mach number 0.64
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 288.38
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.34
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.31
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 5.25
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 428.53
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 444.10
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 296.17
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 184.38
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 197.80
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 302.38
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 47322.49
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.6435
Result Cruising
Cooling Load COP DART(T4')
100.00 0.64 197.80
115.00 0.64 197.80
130.00 0.64 197.80
145.00 0.64 197.80

COP vs Altitude
100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00

COP Cruising COP Ground

of Cooling Load
Case 1
Ambient temp on ground To 293
Ambient press on ground Po 1
Speed of aircraft on runway Uo 73.61
Cooling Load (TR) CC 100
Cp of air (KJ/KgK) 1.005
R(KJ/KgK) 0.287
Speed of Sound (m/s) 343
γ 1.4

Ground condition
Mach Number M 0.21
Square of mach number 0.05
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 295.70
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.03
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.03
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 4.12
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 439.41
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 455.37
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 303.68
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 202.59
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 214.72
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 250.91
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 40264.32
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.52

Case 2
Ambient temp on ground To 293
Ambient press on ground Po 1
Speed of aircraft on runway Uo 73.61
Cooling Load (TR) CC 115
Cp of air (KJ/KgK) 1.005
R(KJ/KgK) 0.287
Speed of Sound (m/s) 343
γ 1.4

Ground condition
Mach Number M 0.21
Square of mach number 0.05
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 295.70
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.03
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.03
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 4.12
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 439.41
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 455.37
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 303.68
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 202.59
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 214.72
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 288.55
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 46303.97
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.52

Case 3
Ambient temp on ground To 293
Ambient press on ground Po 1
Speed of aircraft on runway Uo 73.61
Cooling Load (TR) CC 130
Cp of air (KJ/KgK) 1.005
R(KJ/KgK) 0.287
Speed of Sound (m/s) 343
γ 1.4

Ground condition
Mach Number M 0.21
Square of mach number 0.05
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 295.70
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.03
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.03
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 4.12
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 439.41
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 455.37
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 303.68
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 202.59
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 214.72
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 326.18
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 52343.61
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.52

Case 4
Ambient temp on ground To 293
Ambient press on ground Po 1
Speed of aircraft on runway Uo 73.61
Cooling Load (TR) CC 145
Cp of air (KJ/KgK) 1.005
R(KJ/KgK) 0.287
Speed of Sound (m/s) 343
γ 1.4

Ground condition
Mach Number M 0.21
Square of mach number 0.05
Temp of rammed air T1/T1' 295.70
Ideal Press of rammed air P1 1.03
Actual Press of rammed air P1' 1.03
Pressure of Compressor outlet P2 4.12
Ideal Temp of compressor outlet T2 439.41
Actual Temp of Compressor Outlet T2' 455.37
Temp of outlet of heat exchanger T3 303.68
Ideal temp of Expander Outlet T4 202.59
Actual Temp of Expander Outlet T4' 214.72
Mass of Air used (kg/min) m 363.82
Work done on compressor(kJ/min) Wc 58383.26
COP Of Ref System COPr 0.52
Result Ground
Cooling Load COP DART(T4')
100.00 0.52 214.72
115.00 0.52 214.72
130.00 0.52 214.72
145.00 0.52 214.72

DART vs Altitude
100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00

DART Cruising DART Ground

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