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Geoteremalna energija (I)

Geotermalna energija se
može koristiti direktno u
industrijskim postrojenjima,
u domaćinstvu, za grijanje,
za reahabilitaciju i
dobijanje elek. energije.

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Geoteremalna energija (II)

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Energija plime i oseke (I)
• Plima i oseka su rezultat
interaktivnog gravitacionog
djelovanja Mjeseca i Sunca na
• Uključuje podizanje nasipa duž
uvala. Nasipi uključuju branu
koja dozvoljava ulaz struje vode
u uvalu, nakon čega se zatvara
pošto nivo mora opada.


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Energija plime i oseke (II)

Tidal HP stations expoit only the
kinetic energy.

They include:
• the 254 MW Sihwa plant in South
Korea (completed in 2011),
• the 240 MW Rance station in France
• the 20 MW Annapolis plant in Nova
Scotia, Canada (1984), and
• the 3.9 MW Jiangxia plant in China
• Other projects are smaller in
capacity, and many are
demonstration projects, in UK.
• Among significant developments on
the horizon is the 398 MW MeyGen
tidal stream project in Scotland Source:
(invest USD 15.5 million).

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Energija valova
• Okeanski valovi nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja
vjetrova na površinu vode.
• Ukupna snaga valova na svjetskim obalama se
procjenjuje na 2 – 3 miliona MW. Na dobrim
lokacijama dostiže vrijednosti do 65 MW/mile obale.

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Energija valova
Energija valova može se koristiti na tri načina, odnosno prema metodi
kojom prihvataju valove:
• preko plutača,
• pomičnog klipa i
• lopatica.
Procjenjuje se da valovi stvaraju energiju snage 2 000 – 3 000 GW, a da
se od toga samo 500 GW može iskoristiti današnjom tehnologijom.
Do sada malih instalisanih snaga u pilot postrojenjima.

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• OTEC (ocean thermal energy conversion) je
tehnologija koja solarnu radijaciju pretvara u
električnu energiju.
• OTEC sistemi koriste prirodni okeanski
termalni gradijent (različiti nivoi okeana imaju
različite temperature, mogu da se razlikuju
oko 200) na osnovu kojeg se mogu proizvoditi
velike količine energije.
• Okeani su ogromni potencijal OIE i mogu da
pomognu u proizvodnji ogromnih količina
• Svaki dan okeani apsorbuju toliko toplote od
Sunca koja je ekvivalentna toploti u 250
milijardi barela nafte.

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Temperatura površine mora

20 C it is
close to the

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Hydrogen energy
• Mada nije u osnovi obnovljivi izvor energije
često se ubraja u obnovljive izvore.

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Elektrohemijski aparati koji koriste vodik i kisik iz zraka za stvaranje
struje, toplote i vode.

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Hydrogen energy
 Hydrogen statistics
 The H2 is renewable?
 Hydrogen Production
 Fuell cell
 How can we reduce the H2 costs?
 Elements of Hydrogen politics
 Advantage of Hydrogen
 Disvantage of Hydrogen

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• Hydrogen is the simplest element on earth, it consists of
only one proton and one electron.
• It is an energy carrier, not an energy source. Hydrogen can
store and deliver usable energy, but it doesn't typically
exist by itself in nature and must be produced from
compounds that contain it.
• It is primarily found in combination with oxygen in water, in
combination with carbon in a range of hydrocarbon fuels,
and in combination with carbon in plants, animals, and
other forms of life.

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Hydrogen statistics

Source: Asociación Española del Hidrógeno (AeH2)

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Hydrogen statistics

Source: Asociación Española del Hidrógeno (AeH2)

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The H2 is renewable?

• It does not produce pollutants in its use, either in its combustion,

generating only heat and water vapor and in some cases small
amounts of oxides of nitrogen, or in the so-called fuel cells
generating electricity, is an important asset in its favor for certain
• This storage capacity allows it to compete successfully in two
very specific fields: as fuel for internal combustion engines,
turbines, etc. Especially in the automotive industry, and as an
alternative to devices such as electric batteries, in the case of fuel

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Hydrogen production
• The generation, transport and application of hydrogen are
techniques that have been developed for some time but
the same don’t happened with their practical application
in other sectors such as transport. Its generalization
would imply great benefits but in the current conditions
would be a high cost and therefore need a developing in
the technology.
• Since hydrogen is not found spontaneously in nature, it is
necessary to generate it from certain raw materials
(water, biomass or hydrocarbons), consuming primary
energy from other sources, renewable or not.

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Hydrogen production
Hydrogen can be produced using a wide range of processes:
1. Natural Gas Reforming
2. Coal Gasification
3. Biomass Gasification
4. Biomass-Derived Liquid Reforming
5. Thermochemical Water Splitting
6. Photo electrochemical Water Splitting
7. Electrolysis
8. Photobiological
9. Microbial Biomass Conversion

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Hydrogen production
Steam Reforming
Steam reforming is currently the least expensive method
of producing hydrogen and is accountable for 95-96% of
the hydrogen produced in the United States. It is used to
separate hydrogen atoms from carbon atoms in methane
(CH4). Unfortunately, because methane is a fossil fuel,
the process of steam results in greenhouse gases which
are commonly linked with global warming

Hot steam over methane (natural gas)

Input 165 kJ/mol
H2O + CH4 -> 4 H2 (g) + CO2(g)
CO2 = Greenhouse gas

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Hydrogen production
Electrolysis of water
• Electrolysis is a process that splits Hydrogen from water,
which results in no emission but is very expensive at
• The costs of PV and wind-based electrolysis are
projected to be cut in half over the next decade. In
addition, because the hydrogen is produced on site and
on demand, the costs of transportation and storage are
avoided, which makes electrolyzed hydrogen more
competitive with delivered hydrogen.

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Hydrogen production

The economics will also improve

with future mass production of
small electrolyzers that are
scalable to small and large
units, use less expensive off-
peak (and hydroelectric) power,
and achieve efficiencies of 70–
85 percent. Electrolysis from
renewable energy would result
in a very clean hydrogen cycle.

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Fuell cell
• Fuel cells are devices in which
the energy of a chemical
reaction is transformed into
• Its operation is the opposite of
electrolysis, the reaction of
hydrogen and oxygen to form
water produces electricity in
this case. They are formed by
an anode and a cathode
separated by conductive
electrolyte fluid. The result is a
higher energy efficiency,
between 30 and 40% than in a
conventional thermal engine
that uses fossil fuels
• They don't need to be replaced
or recharged. In this case while
injecting fuel and oxidizer the
system continues to operate

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Fuell cell

Anode Cathode
The anode is the The cathode is the
negative part of the fuel positive part of the fuel
cell. It conducts freed cell. It conducts
hydrogen molecules and electrons from the
sends them into an external circuit to the
external circuit catalyst and holds the
oxygen until it is forced
past the catalyst.

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Fuell cell
The catalyst is a piece of carbon paper or cloth covered
with a thin sheet of platinum nano-particles. It facilitates
the recombination of Hydrogen and Oxygen (from the
anode and cathode respectively) with water molecules as
the waste.

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Fuell cell
Reactions occurring:
2e- Electrons moving through a wire =


Proton or H+
Proton or H+

H2 ½ O2 oxygen gas

H2 -> 2H+ + 2e- 2H+ + 2e- + ½ O2 (g) ->H2O

Proton Exchange
Membrane (PEM)
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Fuell cell
There are six main types of fuel cell, each named according
to the electrolyte that is used in the system.

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Fuell cell
• Two types of fuel cells must be operated at high temperatures,
above 650 degrees Celsius. These do not require expensive
catalysts, and their waste heat can be captured and used to run
turbines to increase overall efficiency to 60 percent or more, with
the residual heat used for space and water heating.
• The molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is being pursued by
several U.S. and Japanese companies, including Energy Fuel
Cell and MC Power Corporation. More than 40 companies
worldwide are developing the solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC), among
them Siemens and McDermott.
• The most common form of fuel cells are Polymer Membrane
Exchange Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) because they have a high power
density and low operating temperature, which means they take
minimal time to heat up.

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Fuell cell
The costs:
• One commercially offered price for a fuel cell currently is
approximately $3,000 per kilowatt, a price considered too high for
common use. Though fuel cells will not truly achieve national wide
market penetration until they drop to about $1,500, engineers are
constantly working for a cheaper solution
• The initial cost setup is really not set for fuel cells in the current
market because it really has not in fact penetrated the market and
is therefore being sold for a wide variety of prices, many of which
vary from the company’s above to as high as $6,000 per kilowatt.
• Long term costs tend to be substantially less than the initial costs,
eventually coming out to about $1,500 per kilowatt.

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• Over 3 500 H2 vehicles in operation in Europe and 120 H2 supply
stations in Europe Vehicle manufacturers have announced plans to
start the first series in the next few years (2015 ...)
• Several countries are planning their H2 networks
• The European vehicle type-approval considers the H2
• Prediction: the cost of the H2 vehicle will be reduced to levels of
conventional vehicles (diesel / petrol) by 2025

Source: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the

Council of the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure

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World Hydrogen-
powered vehicles, all
Government initiatives

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How a Hydrogen Electric Vehicle Works?

1.PRODUCTION 4. H2 Vehicle
The charge offer
Hydrogen can be
produced by 3. H2 STATIONS
different ways
Zero emissions

Hydroge Electri
n tank c
It is transported
by trucks to H2

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• CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe)
• EPTOS (Ecological City Transport System, Bus Zero Emision
Iceland) 100% vapour of water
• STEP (Sustainable Transport Energy for
Perth, Australia)

 Fuel Cells with Platinum Catalyst

 Storage of H2 in pressure tanks (350 bar/40kg H2)
 Autonomy of 300 km
 Cost $1.2 million (~ 24 times more expensive than
one to gasoline)

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• Because of its energy content, Hydrogen must be handled with as
much care as any fossil fuel, however is not extremely dangerous.
• Hydrogen fuel cells are indeed advantageous in cars if a car were to
be lit on fire, due to the fact that Hydrogen rises to the top of the car
before catching on fire while gasoline simply explodes, making a
Hydrogen fueled car much safer in a scenario of a dire or extremely
dangerous crash.

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How can we reduce H2 cost?

Reducing vehicle costs to hydrogen requires innovative solutions to
three fundamental problems:
 Alternative platinum catalysts, plentiful and cheap
Platinum is a scarce and expensive metal, 90% of its world
production it has only two countries: South Africa (75%) and Russia
 Clean and efficient production of hydrogen (H2)
Currently hydrogen is produced massively from methane in a
polluting process that emits CO2.
 Efficient storage of hydrogen in vehicles
Currently, the hydrogen used by vehicles is compressed gas, which
is stored in tanks so that the volume occupied and its weight are a

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Elements of a Hydrogen Policy

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Advantages of hydrogen
• Hydrogen has almost an unlimited source unlike most energies
and is far more accessible
• Gasoline has about a 20% efficiency while Hydrogen has
about a 64% efficiency.
• The Hydrogen itself does not have any detrimental effects
because Hydrogen lives within our atmosphere and the
process only exerts water and heat.
• Long life and less maintenance.

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Disadvantages of hydrogen
• Because it is such a light gas, it is difficult to store a lot of
Hydrogen in a small area, which contradicts with the desires of
the engineers who want to design a 300 mile range car.
• Liquid Hydrogen would have to be kept at - 420 F which is
rather difficult.
• It depends on other energies and really is rather useless as an
energy source except for its increase of efficiency.
• Some of the process of currently used for produce H2
release greenhouse gases.

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (I)

• Energetska politika bazirana na obnovljivim izvorima

energije obezbjeđuje održivo energetsko
• Korištenje većeg broja energetskih izvora implicira
sigurnije snabdijevanje.
• Povećanje broja zaposlenih (npr. kooperacija između
farmera, industrije i države prilikom proizvodnje

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (II)

• Troškovi energije su uglavnom određeni

investicionim ulaganjima.
• Kratak interval između odluke i implementacije.
• Pouzdanost snabdijevanja.

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (III)

• Decentralizovana proizvodnja energije

stimuliše regionalni razvoj.
• Dugovječnost energetskih sistema.
• Modularni sistem dozvoljava postepenu
implementaciju, što je lakše i za finansiranje, a
što daje mogućnost kraćeg vremena između
investicije i povratka sredstava.

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (IV)

• Atraktivna alternativa za zemlje sa ograničenim

fosilnim energetskim izvorima.
• Niži sveukupni uticaj na okolinu u komparaciji
sa konvencionalnim izvorima.
• Znatno manja emisija stakleničkih gasova.
• Energetska/politička/ekonomska nezavisnost
nacija i regiona.

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (V)

• Pozitivan efekat na regionalnu i nacionalnu

zaposlenost i razvoj.
• Mogućnost rješavanja dijela otpada.
• Višestruko korištenje zemljišta (npr.
poljoprivreda i vjetroelektrane).
• Brane se mogu koristiti za regulaciju i kontrolu
vodenih tokova.
• Kvalitet vode se ne mijenja.
• Kod MHE nema većih migracija

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Prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije (VI)

• Besplatno gorivo (osim troškova rada i

• Čuvanje ograničenih fosilnih i nuklearnih
• Korištenje i upravljanje izvan mreže.
• Obilnost obnovljivih izvora.

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Nedostaci obnovljivih izvora energije (I)

• Mnogi obnovljivi izvori energije su povremeni (satni, dnevni,

sezonski, godišnje varijacije).
• Potrebna back-up snaga zbog povremenog dejstva.
• Akumulacija energije (teško za vjetar, lakše za hidro i biomasu).
• Trenutno duži period povratka sredstava i više prosječne cijene
električne energije.
• Obskrbljivači su često rasuti, a trebaju biti koncentrisani (npr.
– Solar < 1000 W/m2
– Vjetar < 400 W/m2
– Geotermalna ~ 60 mW/m2

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Nedostaci obnovljivih izvora energije (II)
• The SHP project can be considered as sustainable. Indeed, it does
not add impacts on the enviroment.
• If the existing SHP plant can be considered sustainable from an
economic point of view, most future ones, will be sustainable only if
political measures support them, in front of the increasing
investment in environment protection.
• OIE povlače za sobom i uticaje na okolinu kao što su:
– Mogu načiniti velike dijelove zemljišta nekorisne za drugu upotrebu.
– Izazivaju poremećaje na floru i faunu.
– Biološki minimumi rijeka???
– Migracije riba.
– Proizvode buku i imaju negativan vizuelni uticaj.

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Fish bypass

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