Pooie GF 2019 1

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Ciljevi za OIE u EU (II)

Main energy goals agreed by EU Council of Ministries

• Reduction in carbon dioxide emissions (from the 1990 level) by 20% in 2020,
and by 30% if international agreement can be reached
• Increase in renewable energy to 20% of EU supply by 2020
• Reduction in energy use of 20% by 2020
• Increase in use of biofuels in transport to 10% by 2020.

The European Commission estimates that, for this to happen, wind energy’s
share of electricity must climb from its current level of 3.7% to 12%.

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Ciljevi za OIE u EU (III)

BE 2.2% 13%
BG 9.4% 16%
RES share in 2005
CZ 6.1% 13%
DK 17.0% 30%
DE 5.8% 18% RES share in 2020
EE 18.0% 25%
IE 3.1% 16%
EL 6.9% 18%
ES 8.7% 20%
FR 10.3% 23%
IT 5.2% 17%
CY 2.9% 13%
LV 32.6% 40%
LT 15% 23%
LU 0.9% 11%
HU 4.3% 13%
MT 0% 10%
NL 2.4% 14%
AT 23.3% 34%
PL 7.2% 15%
PT 20.5% 31%
RO 17.8% 24%
SI 16% 25%
SK 6.7% 14%
FI 28.5% 38%
SE 39.8% 49%
UK 1.3% 15%

Based on 2005 starting point, recent progress and a balanced sharing of the effort, weighted by GDP/capita

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Ciljevi za OIE u EU (IV)

Source: EC

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Zašto trebamo koristiti OIE

• NOIE su ograničeni
• Sigurnost snabdijevanja
• Povećanje potrošnje energije u svijetu
• Održivost
– Energija Mitigation
of climate global
– Ekologija-Okoliš change resource

– Socijalni faktori-Društvo
Supply of
– Ekonomija. Global
clean water

Rural energy
Fight Bridging
supply and
against the digital
poverty gap

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Ograničeni resursi
• Tehnologija je mnogo uznapredovala u zadnjih 10-15 godina, što
je rezultiralo saznanjima o većim resursima.
• Prema proračunima rezerve su dostatne za max. slijedećih 100
godina. Za Zapadnu Evropu to je 10 a za Sjevernu Ameriku 25

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Sigurnost snabdijevanja (I)

Najveće rezerve nafte po zemljama

Najveće rezerve prirodnog gasa po zemljama, 2003

Srednji Istok 40.8%. Evropa i Azija

35.4% od ukupnih svjetskih rezervi.
(Source: BP)

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Security of supply (II)
Seven Sisters
The "Seven Sisters" was a term coined in the 1950s by
businessman Enrico Mattei, then-head of the Italian state oil
company Eni, to describe the seven oil companies which
formed the "Consortium for Iran" cartel and dominated the
global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the 1970s.

Prior to the oil crisis of 1973, the members of the Seven

Sisters controlled around 85% of the world's oil reserves.

The group comprised Anglo-Persian Oil

Company (now BP); Gulf Oil, Standard Oil of California
(SoCal) and Texaco (now Chevron);
Royal Dutch Shell; and Standard Oil of New Jersey
(Esso) and Standard Oil Company of New York
(Socony) (now ExxonMobil).

Today: Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), China National

Petroleum Corporation (China), Gazprom (Russia),
National Iranian Oil Company (Iran), Petrobras (Brazil),
PDVSA (Venezuela), and Petronas (Malaysia)

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Sigurnost snabdijevanja (III)

OIL !?

Tumbling oil trades below $30 a barrel for first

Volatile prices: In April 2006 the time in 12 years (12.1.2016)
oil price reached almost 77,46 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil-idUSKCN0UQ02220160112

In July 2008 147 $/barrel

Crude oil tumbled below $42 a

barrel, down from $100 last year.

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Security of supply (IV)
¨”...Now, to protect our planet, now is the time
to change the way that we use energy. Together,
we must confront climate change by ending the
world's dependence on fossil fuels, by tapping
the power of new sources of energy like the
wind and sun, and calling upon all nations to do
their part. And I pledge to you that in this global
effort, the United States is now ready to lead.
- President Barack Obama.
April 5, 2009.
Prague, Czech Republic

“You cannot tell people who are struggling to earn

enough to eat that they need to reduce their emissions.
— Lu Xuedu
Deputy Director General of Chinese Office of Global
Environmental affairs.
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Security of supply (V)

Oil of the US
A news report published last week did not draw the attention of the public
although it was very important. For the first time, this year US oil
production surpassed oil imports.....

Today we are seeing a US which is not dependent on Gulf countries,

especially Saudi Arabia, and which does not have relationships with Iran and
Iraq just for their oil reserves anymore. US President Barack Obama has
achived a goal which was the dream of former US presidents such as
Richard Nixon.

Source: Today`s Zaman, November 22, 2013

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Snabdijevanje naftom

Source: BP statistical review of world energy 2002

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Ljudski uticaj na životnu sredinu

• Stratosferično crpljenje ozona

• Globalno zagrijavanje
• Kisele kiše
• Nesigurni izvori vode za piće
• Odlaganje krutog otpada
• Ugrožene biljne i životinjske vrste
• Ugroženo zdravlje ljudi

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Populacija (I)

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Populacija (II)

• Near 6,7 billion people and according to UN official statistics (2006), we'll
have reached 9+ billion people already by year 2045
• It is an increase of nearly half over the 2000 population.
• By 2050, the share of Asia will be at nearly 60 per cent, that of Africa will
have more than doubled, to 20 per cent, and that of Latin America nearly
doubled, to 9 per cent.
• The share of Europe will decline to 7 per cent, less than one third its peak
level achieved at the beginning of the twentieth century. While in 1900 the
population of Europe was three times that of Africa, in 2050 the population
of Africa will be nearly three times that of Europe

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