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SPE 9984

Society of Petroleum Engineers

Downhole Corrosion - Prevention and Treatment

by Robert F. Weeter, * Mobil Exploration and Production Services Inc.

*Member SPE-AIME

Copyright 1982, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was presented at the International Petroleum Exhibition and Technical Symposium of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
Bejing, China, 18·26 March, 1982. The material is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words. Write SPE, 6200 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, 75206 USA. Telex 730989

Abstract This is especially true with casing corrosion, which

Corrosion control planning should begin before is a most serious problem in view of the fact that
any well is drilled. The means of controlling the casing is the last line of defense in the well
corrosion in oil and gas wells are outlined in some system.
detail in this paper. Primary cause of corrosion
of metals is contact of metal with corrosive gases To meet these problems, a corrosion specialist
in well fluids in the presence of liquid water. deals with a wide range of factors which can be
Corrosion can be controlled by removing the contact, listed under the categories of:
the corrosive gases or the water. Means for doing
this are metallurgy, control of the well environ- Causes of Corrosion
ment, separation of the metal of the pipe from the Prevention of Corrosion
we 11 envi ronment, and cathodi c protect i on. Each Well Types
should be evaluated for use separately or in com- Program Monitoring
bination to obtain the most cost-effective control.
Corrosion rates can be monitored by one or several Causes of Corrosion
devices which are commonly used for that purpose. Th .1 ve agents normally encountered in
The monitoring is especially effective in eva- produced petroleum products are hydrogen sulfide,
luating the results of corrosion control measures. carbon dioxide and organic or inorganic acids.
Another agent, dissolved oxygen, is seldom found in
Introduction produc; ng reservo; rs, but is somet imes introduced
Whi 1e corrosion control programs can be expensive, in injected water, injected gas, fire flood, or by
the costs are usually low compared to the costs of infiltration into the annuli of oil wells producing
uncontrolled corrosion: replacement of equipment, little natural gas. Acids, other than carbon
loss of production due to downtime for repair, con- dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, are seldom the pri-
tamination of subsurface formations, blowouts and mary cause of corros ion in produci ng well s except
well abandonment due to casing leaks, etc. during and after well stimulation.
The methods of corrosion control consist of Effect of Corrosive Gases
such things as special metals, coatings, chemical It is generally conceded that when oxygen in
inhibitors, cathodic protection and removal of cor- water is approximately five percent of saturation,
rosive gases from water. Most of all, corrosion it becomes corrosive.
control requires the dedicated time and effort of a
corrosion engineer. Carbon dioxide becomes corrosive when it redu-
ces the pH of water below 7.0. The pH must be
Corrosion is generally described as the oxida- measured at system conditions because carbon
tion of a metal. This does not necessarily mean dioxide may escape when pressure is lowered or tem-
that oxygen is involved, but means that the metal perature is raised.
loses electrons and gains a positive charge: Metal
minus electrons produces metallic ions, or specifi- Hydrogen sulfide corrosion is difficult to pre-
cally Fe - 2e = Fe++. When this occurs the dict because the iron sulfide produced by corrosion
metal loses an atom to the electrolyte (water or is insoluble at normal pHis and can form a film
moist soil) and a void in the metal occurs. which protects metal. When carbon dioxide is pre-
sent, it lowers pH and makes iron sulfide more
Sometimes it ;s not apparent that downhole soluble; thus keeping the film from forming. Oxygen
corrosion is occurring until the damage is done. in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and carbon
dioxide accelerates corrosion by one of several
References and illustrations at end of paper. mechanisms. It may form differential aeration
cells, in which an oxygen-free environment is minimize flow turbulence in high rate gas wells.
formed under scale and becomes a small anode in the This can be done by avoiding constrictions and
presence of a large cathode. The result is pitting sharp changes in direction. Proper cementing
type corrosion. Carbon dioxide may lower the pH of casing may delay the need for and will
sufficiently to make ferric hydroxide somewhat more simplify the design of cathodic protection of
soluble and keep fresh metal available for corro- these casings.
sion. Hydrogen sulfide may react with dissolved
oxygen to form free sulfur, which is also corrosive. 2. Proper selection of materials for tubular qoods
and fittings Treferences 1-3):
Hydrogen sulfide in trace concentrations may The most obvious answer to the corrosion
cause stress corrosion cracking of steels that are problem is to use materials that won't corrode.
too hard. In carbon steels and most common alloys This isn't always practical because corrosion
the threshold for stress corrosion cracking ;s a resistant metals may cost too much, and along
Rockwell "C" (Rc) hardness of 22. Some special with other materials such as plastics may lack
steels have been designed to resist such cracking the required structural strength or physical
at higher hardness levels. characteristics. Many stainless steels, for
example, although corrosion resistant, are sub-
Prevention and Treatment Methods ject to stress corrosion cracking and chloride
Once a corrosion problem is detected and iden- cracking, as well as lacking physical strength
tified as to cause, an effective treatment method or malleability.
can be initiated.
However, alloys such as high chromium and nickel
But it is even better to anticipate potential steels and certain plastics have found wide-
corrosion problems before they start so that equip- spread use under suitable conditions.
ment can be designed at the outset for corrosion
prevention. 3. Coatings:
If it is not practical to use a non-corrodible
Plans for corrosion control in a well should material, then the material may be coated to
begin before the well is drilled. Design of the protect it. The coating can be an app 1i cat ion
downhole equipment without regard for potential of cement or various kinds of plastic to coat
corrosion problems can make corrosion control more the inside diameter of the pipe.
costly, or even virtually impossible.
The problem with coat i ngs is not so much in
Obviously, forethought given to prevention ;s a finding a good material, (although there have
better approach than simply taking corrective action been many material failures), as in applying
against corrosion problems after they occur. the coating so that it goes on uniformly with-
out pin holes and is not damaged during transit
Corrosion control is accomplished by removing or installation. This is difficult to accom-
the corrosive agent, rendering it inactive, remov- plish. And a coating is hard to maintain if it
ing liquid water, or isolating the agent or liquid will be necessary to run wireline tools inside
water from the metal surfaces. All of these means the tubing during the life of the well.
are used by the ; ndustr yin a wi de range of pro-
cesses and procedures. 4. Fluid additives to inhibit corrosion:
A more common approach ; s to protect the bare
The corrosion specialist has a number of well- metal by using inhibitors, which are usually
known methods with which to prevent and control oil-soluble organic chemicals. They are de-
corrosion: signed to cover the metal with an oil-wet film
which prevents both water and the corrosive
1. Proeer fluid mechanics in the well completion agent from reaching the metal surface.
Special precautions must be taken in wells Methods of applying inhibitors downhole will be
handling high-velocity corrosive gas, to pre- discussed under Well Types.
vent the turbulent effect created by sudden
changes in flow direction or diameter. Tubing 5. Removal of corrosive gases (references 4-7):
joi nts must be flush, with no stand-off area, It is not pr act i ca 1 to remove the corros i ve
as must wellhead connections. gases (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and
oxygen) from the produc i ng we 11 bore. However,
It has been shown that a 1arger tub; ng stri ng this becomes an important step in the control
with a resulting lower flow velocity may have of corros ion in i nj ect; on we 11 bores. Th is; s
less corrosion than a smaller size tubing discussed more fully under Well Types.
handling the same wellstream fluid. This may
be a deciding factor in the completion design 6. Cathodic Protection (references 8 & 9):
when balanced against factors that are other- One of the means of controlling corrosion ;s to
wise in favor of small tubing. electrically prevent the oxidation of iron.
This can be done by forcing electrons into
Another factor in completion design is the well- (draining DC current from) the pipe to the ex-
head and fittings: they should be selected to tent that electrons are leaving the metal at

all points in contact with the electrolyte. on the volume of fluids produced, and the degree of
The external surfaces of well casings can be abras i on and eros i on that tend to remove the film
protected in this manner, which is called from the pipe.
cathodic protect; on. For the purpose of this
paper, it is sufficient to say that internal We 11 s with the annul us packed off present a
surfaces of casing or tubing cannot be so pro- different problem, because inhibitor then cannot be
tected. injected into the casing annulus without modifica-
t; on of the downho 1e equ i pment. Sever a1 methods
The current is provi ded from a direct current are used to get a protective inhibitor film inside
source such as a transformer rectifier. The the tubing in such wells:
well casing (cathode) is attached to the nega-
t; ve side, a met a1 (anode) is connected to the 1. Formation squeeze treatment:
positive side, and the circuit is completed by Inhibitor is pumped at as high a rate as prac-
grounding through the earth. (Fig 1) t i ca 1 down the tubi ng and squeezed into the
formation, so that it can be produced gradually
Sufficient electrons are impressed on the with the well fluids when the well ;s returned
casing so that electrons are being supplied to to production. The inhibitor and its carrier
the metal as rapidly as they are being removed. must be compatible with the formation fluids,
This prevents the metal from ionizing and being and usually contain a demulsifier to prevent
lost in solution to the electrolyte (in 'this formation plugging.
instance, earth). It is possible to use graph-
ite or platinum anodes which do not readily This type of inhibitor squeeze is performed on
corrode and thus may last for 10 to 20 years in a 11 types of packed-off oi 1 we 11 s whether
service if operated properly. pumping, flowing, or gas-lift. The treatment
may be effective for a period of from one week
Well Types to six months.
The above discussion of corrosion detection,
causes and treatment methods needs to be understood Gas we 11 s with packers are also treated with
as it applies to the following different well the inhibitor formation squeeze technique if
types: liquid hydrocarbons are being produced from the
format ion.
Producing oil wells
Producing gas wells 2. Tubing displacement treatment:
Gas injection wells If no liquid hydrocarbons are being produced
Water injection wells from the formation in a gas well, then it is
Water supply wells not desirable to squeeze inhibitor into the
formation ... This is because the carrier may
Probab ly the most common type of i nterna 1 protec- evaporate in the dry environment, leaving the
tion of producing oil and gas wells is provided by heavier viscous inhibitor to plug the pores of
Inhibitors. It is difficult to make clear-cut the formation.
rules for the best method in which to apply inhibi-
tor in a given well, but some guidel ines are as In such wells the inhibitor is simply displaced
foll ows: to the bottom of the tubi ng wi thout be; ng i n-
j ected into the format; on. Because gas well s
Wells without a packer, either flowing or produce,less liquids, inhibitor treatments may
pumping, are usually treated by dumping the chemi- be effective for as long as a year unless high
cal inhibitor, dissolved or suspended in a carrier, gas velocities cause erosion of the film.
down the annulus, where it drops to the bottom and
enters the tub; ng with the product ion. Thus it 3. Injection Valve: (Fig 3)
protects the entire system: tubing, wellhead and Packed wells can be equipped with a check valve
flowline. on the tubi ng just above the packer so that
inhibited fluid in the annulus can be injected
In an oil well without a packer, the annular by pressuring the casing. When the casinghead
liquid will usually be oil (Fig 2). Therefore the pressure is released, the injection valve will
inhibitor is usually a hydrocarbon derivative close until the next treatment.
which is oil-soluble. The chemical is either mixed
with or flushed down with produced oil. 4. Injection String: (Fig 4)
Packed wells are also continuously inhibited by
Occasionally for convenience, water may be used pumping through a special small string of pipe
as the carrier for the inhibitor. In such cases installed parallel to the tubing in the annulus.
the inhibitor must be stable in water, or it will
be stripped out at the top of the oil column. 5. Packer Completion Fluid:
Another disadvantage is the possibility of intro- It should be noted that standard pract i ce for
ducing dissolved oxygen with the injected water. corrosion control in the annuli of packed wells
is to complete the well by filling the annulus
The frequency of such treatments may range from above the packer with an inhibited liquid.
once a month to 5 or 10 times a month, depending Since in many wells this fluid above the packer
will remain undisturbed for a number of years, must be taken to prevent mi gr at i on of gas from
the inhibitor solution should be carefully tanks containing oxygen, such as the scavenger tank
engineered. in this instance, to oxygen-free tanks.
For example, the inhibitor must be completely Another method of controlling corrosion in
soluble in the carrier, which may be fresh water well tubing is by coatings. Several pro-
water, brine, crude oil, refined oil, or spe- ducing companies use cement-lined tubing almost
cial mud. If oil containing a trace of water exclusively, while others use various plastic
inadvertently is inhibited with an oil-soluble, coatings. Here again, quality control is essential
water-dispersible inhibitor, the water will to insure uniformity of the coating. Moreover,
eventually settle out above the packer and may some of the coatings have short 1ife in the pre-
create a corrosive environment. sence of corrosive gases.
6. Stimulation treatments: Special alloys are seldom used in the tubing of
When wells are given acid stimulation treat- water wells, but may be useful in the downhole pump
ments, inhibitors are included to provide pro- and the wellhead fittings (reference 3).
tection from the injected acid which travels
through the tubi ng str; ng and we 11 head. How- Gas Injection Wells
ever, care must be taken to insure that the Corros; on in gas i nj ect i on we 11 sis normally
entire system is compatible (reference 10). controlled by dehydrating the gas. This obviates
The inhibitor in the acid must remain stable any other internal corrosion control. The gas will
until the acid is either dissipated in the for- sometimes be sweetened (have carbon dioxide and
mation or returned to the surface. This should hydrogen sulfide removed), but this is usually done
include unexpected downtime during injection or for some reason other than corrosion control.
reproduction of the acid.
Testing for Corrosion
Internal Protection of Water Supply and Injection There are a number of test i ng dev; ces used to
We 11 s: determine whether corrosion is under control. In a
--Water supply and injection systems have several system suspected of being corrosive, as many of
unique problems not found in oil or gas wells. these devices as practical should be employed. In
Since water is the only phase in these systems, a gas system where the gas contains 50 psi partial
inhibitors are generally less effective than in oil pressure of carbon dioxide at 212 0 F (100 0 C) or
systems. less, virtually all iron products will be soluble
in water; and the iron lost by the pi pe can often
The main cause of corrosion in water systems is be measured in the water. There is some possibi-
usua lly the presence of the corros i ve gases: car- 1ity that the iron is in the water leaving the
bon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and oxygen. Therefore formation, but this can be deducted by sampling a
an effective control measure is either to remove few hours after inhibiting the wells.
these gases from the water; or, in the case of
oxygen, to prevent it from cont act i ng the water Corrosion coupons, made of metal as similar
during the handling process at the surface. as possible to that in the wells, are used.
Unfortunately, it is not convenient to place
A number of methods for removing oxygen from coupons downho 1e, and surf ace measurements do not
injection water are in common use (references 4-6). always reflect the nature or extent of corrosion at
Methods are also available to remove hydrogen the bottom or part way up the well. Also, coupons
sulfide and carbon dioxide from water. but they are are often misleading in gas streams unless placed
seldom justified (reference 7). where water co 11 ects. Resu lts from coupons are
somewhat delayed, and do not reflect changes in
To prevent oxygen from being introduced in corrosion rate with time -- giving only an overall
water-handling facilities, it is good practice to rate for the period tested.
keep air out of the system by using air-free gas
blankets. Fi g 5 shows a method of keep; ng a gas Probes such as corrator probes and pair probes
blanket on the annul us and the tubi ng of a water are effectively used to monitor a continuous
supply well. If this is not done, air may enter electro lyte. Moreover they can be attached to a
the tubing when the downhole pump is shut down and recorder and give a continuous corrosion rate,
the water level falls in the tubing. Again, air indicating both general and pitting type corrosion.
may be drawn into the annulus when the pump starts However, as with coupons, they measure corros ion
and causes a drawdown in the casing. rates only at the spot where they are installed.
Even though subsurface check valves are used to Hydrogen probes build up hydrogen pressure, and
hold the water level constant, such valves often are a good monitor of corrosion, since most corro-
leak. Therefore, by using the gas-blanket system sion which occurs in wells results from the repla-
in Fig. 5, natural gas rather than air will enter cement of hydrogen in water with iron: 2H20 + Fe =
the system--thus preventing oxygen contamination. Fe (OH)2 + H2. This probe appears to be particularly
effective in gas systems, but is somewhat limited
A method of using gas blankets to protect to low corrosion rates, since pressure builds too
storage and surge tanks is shown in Fig. 6. Care rapidly at high corrosion rates.
SPE 9984 R. F. WEETER 5

Galvanic (bimetallic) probes are effective in moni- 5, R. F. Weeter - "Desorption of Oxygen from Water
toring for the presence of dissolved oxygen in Using Natural Gas for Countercurrent
hydrogen sulfide-free systems. Stripping", Journal of Petroleum Technology
(May 1966) pgs 125-128. 2
Interna 1 tubi ng corros i on can be moni tored by
calipers without pulling the tubing, and casing can 6. James McGill "How to Deaerate Injection
also be calipered if the tubing is pulled. A single Water"" Oil & Gas Journal (Oct 1, 1973) pgs
string of casing can be monitored by both a caliper 81-84."
and a sonic thickness log, and external corrosion
can be determined by subtracting internal corrosion 7. R. F. Weeter - "Conditioning of Water by
from total corrosion. Corrosive wells should be Removal of Corrosive Gases", Journa 1 of
inhibited inmediate1y after running calipers and Petroleum Technology (February 1972) pgs
after any other wire line work in the well, to pre- 181-184. 2
vent accelerated corrosion where bright metal has
been exposed by the rubbing action of the wire line 8. M. T. Chapman - "Cathodic Protection, Control
or tools. of External Casing Corrosion", Materials
Protection and Performance, (September 1973)
Ultimate 1y, fail ures become the most accurate pgs 5-12. 1
monitors of corrosion, and reduced failures the
most accurate monitors of corrosion control. 9. W. D. Greathouse, et al - "Field Evaluation of
Cathod; c Protect i on of Cas i ng, AIME Petroleum
No matter how carefully a corrosion control Transactions No. T.P. 8099, Vol 216, 1979. 2
program is designed inti ally, it usually must be
adjusted for best results in actual operation. 10. NACE Standard RP-02-73 "Handling p,nd Proper
Such things as chemical type and concentration, Usage of Inhibited Oil Field Acidsll,l
frequency of treatment, proper app 1i cat i on of
cathodic protection, etc., must be reviewed to see
that they are effective. And this applies not only
for the initial installation, but also to changing
well conditions as time goes on. The most con-
sistant cause of corrosion control failure is lack
of maintenance of the corrosion control measures.
To sum up, an effective downhole corrosion
control program for oil, water and gas wells will
be based on the following steps:
1. Determine how corrosive a particular well
situation is, before serious damage can occur.
The best time to begin making these plans is
before the well is drilled.
2. Identify the extent of corrosion, potential or
actual, in a given well; and design a suitable
treatment method.
3. Monitor the effectiveness of the treatment so
that changes can be made to reach the optimum
1. NACE Standard MR-01-75, "Materi al Requirement
-Sulfide Stress Cracking Resisttnt Metallic
Material for Oil Field Equipment".
2. NACE Standard MR-01-76, "Materials Requirements
- Metallic Materials for Sucker Rod Pumps for
Hydrogen Sulfi de Environments".!
3. NACE Standard MR-04-75 "Selection of Metallic
Materials to be Used in All Phases of Water
Handling for Injection into Oil Bearing
Format ions" .1
4. E. S. Snavely - "Chemical Removal of Oxygen
from Natural Waters" Journal of Petroleum
Technology (Apr 1971) pgs. 443-446.2
......... ,~ I

-'" ....... ENERGIZED


"", "", ANODE ..



""""- II
-=:::' :~;
"" I


/ I~.....--ROD PUMP





........ CASING









1100 cu. ft. min,










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