14c-Handout Calculations Supporting Construction Frames

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Calculation example for
Doka supporting construction

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Static department
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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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List of contents

Doka Supporting Construction Frames (Abstützböcke) ............................................. 3

General use ............................................................................................................ 3
Horizontal use (Horizontaler Abstützbock) ............................................................. 7
Special supporting construction frame .................................................................. 16

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Doka Supporting Construction Frames (Abstützböcke)

General use


pmax.= 50 [kN/m²]
pouring height = 5,50 [m]

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influence =1,0 [m]

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Tensile force Z: (load to tie rods) (Zugkraft am Wellenanker)


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cos a

Pres. .......resulting concrete pressure or summary of load in general

50kN / m² × 2m
Pres = + 50kN / m² × 3,5m = 225 [kN ]
Z= = 319 [kN / m]
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Load to the back spindle Vh:

SMA = 0

Pr es × a 225 × 2,29
Vh = = = 199 [kN ]
b 2,60

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Load to the front spindle Vv:

Vv = Z × sin a - Vh

Vv = 319 × sin 45 - 199 = 27 [kN]

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The spindle force Vv must always be a compression force otherwise the system is not
in balance (see sketch above – point of intersection). (Die Spindellast Vv muß immer eine Druckkraft
sein, sonst ist das System nicht stabil (siehe Beispiel mit Pres. oberhalb des Schnittpunktes).)
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The dimensioning of the supporting construction frame is usually carried out

according to the user information. (Die Bemessung des Abstützbocks erfolgt grundsätzlich nach der

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Critical condition

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Due to the kicker the resulting concrete pressure is positioned higher than in
standard cases. The supporting construction frame is lifted up. This means that the
front spindle of the supporting construction frame is unloaded. The supporting frame

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lifts up. (Auf Grund des Wandansatzes liegt die resultierende Last aus dem Betonschalungsdruck höher, als im Standardfall.
Der Abstützbock hebt ab. D.h. die vordere Spindel des Abstützbocks wird lastfrei, somit hebt sich dieser nach oben.)

The position of the anchors changes until balance is redressed. In this case the total
formwork unit moves away from the concrete. This results in considerable
deformations at the top of the formwork. (several cm). (Die Lage der Schräganker verändert sich
solange, bis sich ein Gleichgewicht eingestellt hat. Dabei schiebt sich die gesamte Schalungseinheit vom Beton weg. Es kommt
somit zu großen Verformungen an der Schalung-Oberkante. (mehrere cm).)
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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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· check the stability of the entire structure (e.g. foundation, slab thickness,
opposing wall)

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Horizontal use (Horizontaler Abstützbock)

Guideline for preliminary calculation (Richtlinie für die Vorbemessung)

This guideline considers only typical applications (e.g. typical shape of pier heads,
cantilevered slabs) and not any extraordinary structures which would cause any other
load case as shown in this document.
The concrete weight has to apply as an uniform load onto formwork as shown in this
guideline. (In dem Bemessungsleitfaden werden nur die Standardanwendungen (z.B.: Hammerkopf, Kragarmdecken) des
horizontalen Abstützbockes und keine außergewöhnlichen Strukturen oder andere Lastfälle behandelt.Das Betongewicht muss

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als Gleichlast angesetzt werden, siehe Skizze)

Example: Pier head

anchoring to the reinforcement bars


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Influence e per frame= 1,00 m
(see calculation next page)

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25 kN/m³ = concrete weight (otherwise see local standards)

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Calculation of influence per frame (Einflußermittlung)

10 kN/m
(any load)

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Influence = 1,00 m

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Load assumption (total vertical loads) (Lastermittlung)

· Concrete weight (trapezium)

Centre of gravity (Schwerpunkt)

h a + 2b
x= × =
3 a+b

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4,6 2,4 + 2 × 0,9
x= × = 1,95 [m]
3 2,4 + 0,9
Area of trapezium
A= ×h =

2,40 + 0,9
A= × 4,6 = 7,59 [m² ]

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Concrete weight (for influence of 1 m)

F1 = A × 26 × e = 7,59 × 26 × 1 = 198 [kN]

· Concrete pressure (p= 40 kN/m²)

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Area of Trapezium
a+b centroid of trapezium
FH = ×h =

2,4 + 0,8
FH = × 40 = 64,0 [kN ]
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Vertical Load F2
FH × 1,123
F 2 ( A) = ×h =
64,0 × 1,123
F 2 ( A) = = 31,3 [kN ]

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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· Dead load (formwork, platforms, supporting construction frames, ….)
Influence= 1,00m

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anchoring to the
reinforcement bars
assumption (approximate):
-Formwork, platforms, spindle: F3= 15,00 kN
-Supporting construction frame: F4= 6,00 kN

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· Live load (formwork, platforms), according to local standards

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According to EN12812: p=2,5 kN/m²

Live load on formwork:
according to EN12812: p=2,5 kN/m²
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Live load on platform:

assumed p=1,5 kN/m²

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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F5 = 2,5 × 4,6 ×1,0 = 11,5 [kN ]

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F6 = 1,5 × 5,3 ×1,0 = 8,0 [kN ]

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Calculation of anchor force Z (Zugkraft am Wellenanker)
Fres = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F 5 + F6 =

Fres = 198 + 31,25 + 15 + 6 + 11,5 + 8 = 269,75 [kN ]

Fres 269,8
Z= = = 381,6 [kN ]

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cos a cos 45

For preliminary calculation the maximum tension load to the anchor is limited
with :

Supporting construction frame Anchor force Z

4,5m 290kN
6,0m 380kN
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8,0m 420kN

It is dangerous to transfer huge single loads into the frames, because the
welding connections of the single parts of the frames are not able to transfer
such loads. The size and the distribution of the loads to the frames should be
similar to the wall-formwork-cases, otherwise it´s possible, that the above
mentioned anchor forces are not possible!

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Calculation examples for formwork systems
For forces which do not confirm with this guideline contact the static

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Graphical check - centre of gravity (Graphische Kontrolle)

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Centre of gravity (summary of all vertical loads)
(Gesamtschwerpunkt der Vertikallasten)

F1 × l1 + F2 × l2 + F3 × l3 + F4 × l4 + F5 × l5
å M(A) = 0 : l = =
F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F5

198 ×1,95 + 31,3 × 2,30 + 15 × 3,00 + 6 × l,80 + 11,5 × 2,30 + 8 × 2,80

å M(A) = 0 : l = = 2,09 [m]
198 + 31,3 + 15 + 6 + 11,5 + 8

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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The total vertical load (Fres) has to be inside intersection point of centre line anchor

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(Z) and centre line back spindle (Vh) as shown above. (Der Gesamtschwerpunkt der Vertikallasten
(Fres) muss innerhalb des Schnittpunktes der Ankerzugkraft (Z) und der Spindellast (Vh) liegen, siehe Skizze.)

Calculation of back spindle force Vh (pressure point)

Vh = (Fres × a) / b =

Vh = (269,8 × 2,09) / 2,6 = 216,9 [kN ]

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Maximum spindle force:

Supporting construction frame Spindle force (Vh)

4,5m 200kN
6,0m 240kN
8,0m 300kN

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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General remarks
· The working cycle (assembly and disassembly) of the supporting construction
frame must be carefully discussed with the customer.
Further more, crane capacity is important for this application.
· In general it is advisable to consult a supervisor!
· Take care of the accurate position of the anchor parts.
· Pay attention of using platforms and railings.

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· The reaction forces to the concrete must generally be checked by an structural
à Reaction forces of the supporting construction frame must be noted on the

For applications which do not confirm with this guideline please call the static

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Special supporting construction frame

max. concrete pressure: 40kN/m²

(max. Abschalungsdruck)

influence: 1,0m
(Einfluss: 1,0m)

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pouring height = 3,5m
(Betonierhöhe = 3,5m)

Calculation of anchor forces

(Berechnung der Ankerzugkraft)

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intersection point

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The position of the
resulting force of the
R = 108kN
concrete pressure (R) has
to be under the
intersection point.
Otherwise V1 would be an
uplifting force.
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V1 V2 V3 V4

77kN / stop
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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Resulting concrete pressure:
(Resultierende des Betonschalungsdrucks)

R = 40kN/m² x (1,90 + 1,60/2) x 1m = 108 kN

Anchor forces:

Z = (R / (cos45°)) / 2 anchor = 77 kN / stop anchor

Stop anchor 15.0 o.k.

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Design of the parts
(Berechnung der Einzelteile)

H 20 beam:

max. e = 33 cm (consider loadability of plywood)

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Pmax = 40 kN/m²

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F1 F2 F3
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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Vertical waling WS 10:

F1 = reaction H20 / e H20 = 13,20kN/0,33m = 40,0kN

F2 = reaction H20 / e H20 = 17,14kN/0,33m = 51,95kN

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F3 = reaction H20 / e H20 = 5,30kN/0,33m = 16,06kN

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F3 = 16,06kN

F2 = 51,95kN

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F1 = 40kN
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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Spindle struts:


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P3=39,26kN≤62kN P

PH2=34,66kN PH
cos α

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Calculation examples for formwork systems

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Check the stability of entire structure.

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The use of this special supporting construction frames is limited by a
pouring height of approximately 3,5m – 4m.

Bracing similar to supporting construction frame variabel.

(see user information)
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