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Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics of Alpine Permafrost from

Southern Carpathians, Romania

Chapter · January 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32589-7_6


3 537

4 authors:

Răzvan Popescu Alexandru Lucian Onaca

University of Bucharest West University of Timisoara


Petru Urdea Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe

West University of Timisoara University of Bucharest


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Permafrost Research in Carpathians with focuses on: i) Permafrost - climate interactions; ii) Low-altitude permafrost View project

Exploring permafrost occurrence in the Rila and Pirin Mountains (Bulgaria) View project

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Chapter 6
Spatial Distribution and Main
Characteristics of Alpine Permafrost
from Southern Carpathians, Romania

Răzvan Popescu, Alexandru Onaca, Petru Urdea

and Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe

Abstract The sporadic permafrost specific to the Southern Carpathians is

accommodated in three main features at sites with commonly low solar radiation—
(i) rock glaciers (>1950 m altitude), (ii) talus slopes, and (iii) shaded rock walls
(>2400 m)—with a net prevalence of the former category. Due to its marginal
character, the alpine permafrost in Southern Carpathians develops only in the most
favorable conditions which consist in cold microclimates imposed by topography
(low solar radiation, high altitude), but also in specific ground surface character-
istics which promote ground overcooling. Among all, coarse openwork debris is the
most favorable land cover type for permafrost development because of the cooling
effect it exerts on the underground, especially via air ventilation during cold snow
free interval (fall and early winter) and air stratification (low conductivity) under
thick snow cover. Because of the large surfaces covered by coarse debris at high
altitudes, the granitic massifs of Retezat and Parâng present the most extensive
areas with probable permafrost from the Southern Carpathians. Instead, the fine
debris specific to crystalline ranges of Făgăraş and Iezer—Păpușa or the small and
thin conglomeratic debris of Bucegi massif inhibit nowadays the permafrost for-
mation with very few exceptions. Although most rock glaciers prove to be relict, the
present-day climate supports the existence of permafrost into thick and coarse
debris (intact rock glaciers and lower sectors of the talus slopes) especially at
altitudes higher than 2000 m. The geophysical surveys from granitic rock glaciers
situated at 1950–2100 m indicate a thin (<10 m) undersaturated permafrost layer
located under a thick (8–10 m) active layer. At altitudes higher than 2100 m,
permafrost seems to be thicker (>10–20 m) and sometime supersaturated in ice.

R. Popescu (&)
Research Institute of the University of Bucharest,
M. Kogălniceanu Bd. 36-46, 050107 Bucharest, 5th District, Romania
A. Onaca ! P. Urdea
West University of Timișoara, V. Pârvan 4, 300223 Timișoara, Timiș, Romania
A. Vespremeanu-Stroe
Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, N. Bălcescu 1,
010041 Bucharest, Sector 1, Romania

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 117

M. Rădoane and A. Vespremeanu-Stroe (eds.), Landform Dynamics
and Evolution in Romania, Springer Geography,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32589-7_6
118 R. Popescu et al.

Keywords Alpine permafrost !

Debris porosity ! Thermal measurements !
Geophysical soundings Southern Carpathians


Mountain permafrost has been intensely studied during the last decades across the
European mountain ranges with climatic conditions varying from very cold like,
e.g., Scandinavian Mountains (Humlum 1996; Etzelmüller et al. 2003; Juliussen
and Humlum 2007) to marginal periglacial environments like, e.g., Sierra Nevada
(Tanarro et al. 2001; Gómez-Ortiz et al. 2014) and the Pyrenees (Lugon et al. 2004;
Serrano et al. 1999; Julián and Chueca 2007). Numerous investigations were per-
formed especially in the Alps where transport infrastructure is well developed in the
high altitude permafrost zone (Bommer et al. 2010). The recent documented climate
change in the alpine areas (Harris et al. 2009) which determined major glaciers
retreat during the last 150 years and accelerating trends in the last three decades
(Paul et al. 2007), was shown to exert a considerable influence on alpine permafrost
as well (Isaksen et al. 2007; Gądek 2014).
Permafrost distribution in the alpine environments is characterized by high
fragmentation because of the extreme variability of thermal conditions across short
distances (Gubler et al. 2011). These are caused by highly variable topography
which causes the uneven repartition of the solar radiation (Gruber and Haeberli
2009) and debris deposits. The local microclimatic effects are of great importance
especially at the lower boundary of the discontinuous permafrost where frozen
ground develops only in the most favorable conditions. The typical permafrost
hosting landforms are rock glaciers, talus slopes and rockwalls, the former (rock
glaciers and talus slopes) allowing for permafrost presence at much lower elevation
because of the cooling effect of the coarse debris acting as a “thermal diode” (Harris
and Pedersen 1998; Gruber and Hoelzle 2008). Also, permafrost preservation at
very low elevations located in much warmer conditions could be determined by
atypical thermal processes like ground air circulation known as “chimney effect”
(Kneisel et al. 2000; Delaloye et al. 2003; Morard et al. 2008; Stiegler et al. 2014).
In mapping alpine permafrost distribution, rock glaciers and their typology play
a central role because, according to most scientific opinions, they represent
ice/debris deposits deformed by downslope creep movement under permafrost
conditions (Haeberli et al. 2006; Berthling 2011). When climate warms, the active
rock glaciers experience partial permafrost thawing and the increase of active layer
depth up to 10 m (Ikeda and Matsuoka 2002) whilst creep cessation turns the state
of the rock glacier into inactive. If located on steep slopes, the warming active rock
glaciers experience accelerated movement (destabilization) for a relatively shorter
period of time until complete inactivation (Delaloye et al. 2013; Sorg et al. 2015).
When permafrost thaws completely, the rock glaciers become relict. The altitudinal
transition from active to inactive rock glaciers marks the limit between discontin-
uous and sporadic permafrost zone (Barsch 1996).
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 119

Several studies regarding permafrost distribution in presently unglaciated

mountains from central-eastern European mountains like the Carpathians, Rila and
Pirin were done in the last years. In the high Tatra Mountains, sporadic permafrost
was proved to exist after applying several thermal and geophysical methods
(Dobiński 1997; Gądek and Kędzia 2008). Active rock glaciers occurrence is
improbable as revealed by lichenometric studies (Kędzia 2014) and most of them
formed in the Late Glacial period (Kłapyta 2013). Recent rock glaciers inventories
were carried out in the Rila and Pirin Massifs (Balkan Peninsula), indicating that all
of the rock glaciers are relict (Gikov and Dimitrov 2010; Dimitrov and Gikov 2011).
Rock glaciers from the Romanian Carpathians, including the Parâng and Retezat
Massifs were described by Sîrcu and Sficlea (1956), Sîrcu (1971), Ichim (1978) and
Urdea (1985). Urdea (1992) does the first rock glaciers inventory in the three
highest massifs of Southern Carpathians and applies the first thermal measurements
which indicated the presence of the perennially frozen ground. Permafrost occur-
rence in a rock glacier from Retezat Massif (Judele) was also supported by Kern
et al. (2004) based on field observations and spring water temperature measure-
ments. Recently, geophysical methods (electrical resistivity tomography and ground
penetrating radar) and continuous ground surface temperature monitoring con-
firmed the permafrost presence (Vespremeanu-Stroe et al. 2012; Onaca et al. 2013,
2015; Popescu et al. 2015).
In this study we summarize the present state of knowledge on permafrost dis-
tribution patterns and characteristics, permafrost associated landforms and factors
contributing to its development and preservation in Southern Carpathians,
Romania. A major importance is attributed to rock glaciers as the main landforms
accommodating permafrost, but we also present the results from measurements
applied on other permafrost hosting landforms like talus slopes and rockwalls.

Regional Settings

Two major areas from the Southern Carpathians are of great importance for per-
mafrost study because of the widespread occurrence of rock glaciers and intensive
geomorphological investigations performed so far: (i) the granitic areas of Retezat
and Parâng Massifs and (ii) the crystalline schist area of Făgăraș and Iezer—Păpușa
Mountains which are found in the western and eastern parts of the Southern
Carpathians (Fig. 6.1).
These two units comprise massifs that are characterized by high altitudes (their
maximum values range between 2469 and 2544 m above sea level—a.s.l.), a well
developed glacial relief and a relatively widespread occurrence of debris deposits,
both of glacial and periglacial origin, and rockwalls. The 0 °C mean annual air
temperature (MAAT) is located at around 2050 m a.s.l. and the natural upper level
of timberline is at around 1800 m a.s.l. The lowest MAAT is around −2.3 °C
(2504 m a.s.l., Vârful Omu meteorological station, Bucegi Mountains). The total
amount of annual precipitation is around 1000 mm on the highest crests above
120 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.1 Location of the permafrost susceptible massifs from the Romanian Carpathians

2500 m altitude while on northern glacial cirques above 2000 m a.s.l. they reach c.
1200 mm (Sandu et al. 2008). About half of the annual precipitation falls as rain.
Both the MAAT and altitude of timberline are currently in a slightly increasing
trend. Above the forest limit the land cover is represented by alpine meadows,
debris deposits and rockwalls. The debris deposits including rock glaciers are more
or less covered with alpine shrubs, especially Pinus mugo, up to 2100 m in altitude.
Above this limit the debris deposits are covered only sparsely by herbaceous
vegetation. Debris flow processes are quite active even in the alpine areas as wit-
nessed by the erosional channels from steep talus slopes and fine sediments gath-
ered in small elongated fans on the slope foot and sometimes on rock glaciers root
(upper) zones.
A visible topographic asymmetry exists between north and south tectonic slopes
which is pronounced especially in the Parâng and Făgăraș Massifs. The northern
slopes are steeper and shorter and present a greater cover of debris surfaces and
rockwalls in opposition to the southern ones. In the Southern Carpathians, the
glacial cirque floors rise eastward while cirque aspect tends east-north-east con-
firming the importance of winds from westerly directions in the period of their
formation (Mîndrescu et al. 2010). The lowest preserved moraines from Retezat
Massif are located to elevations slightly below 1100 m and were deposited in the
Last Glacial Maximum (Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger et al. 2015).
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 121

A marked geomorphologic contrast between granitic and crystalline massifs was

observed in the Southern Carpathians. On one side the granitic area of the Retezat
and Parâng Massifs presents major surfaces of openwork screes including a greater
density of rock glaciers (Urdea 1998), larger valleys with shorter and less inclined
adjacent slopes and a lower surface of rockwalls while the crystalline area is
characterized by a smaller proportion of debris deposits, most of them fossilized
(filled in with fine sediments), a greater slope energy and a larger rockwall surface
(only the Făgăraș Massif).
An additional study area was in the Bucegi Mountains where calcareous and
conglomerate rockwalls presents a large development between 2000 and 2500 m a.
s.l. in altitude, making it a good study area for rockwall permafrost research.
Other areas with rock glaciers occurrence but with lower altitudes are repre-
sented by Țarcu and Godeanu Massifs located in the vicinity of Retezat. Țarcu
Mountains, by Bloju Massif, can be included in the granitic zone of Retezat and
Parâng, comprising large areas of well developed rock glaciers but located usually
below 2050 m a.s.l., while Godeanu Mountains belong to the crystalline schist
group where the few rock glaciers located below 2100 m altitude are mostly

The Key Factors for Permafrost Development

General Presentation

Permafrost development and distribution is controlled by factors acting at three

different spatial scales (from large to small): climate, topography, and ground
conditions (Gruber 2005). Hence, cold climate is the most important prerequisite for
permafrost formation. A MAAT of −3 °C is the isotherm above which widespread
permafrost occurs in the European Alps even though this limit is subjected to many
exceptions (Gruber and Haeberli 2009). However, most of the studies performed in
the last decades are concentrated on the discontinuous mountain permafrost belt
where climate changes can determine not only ground temperature rise but also
phase change, from frozen to unfrozen, that can trigger natural hazards. The lower
limit of the discontinuous permafrost zone varies considerably with the climate
characteristics corresponding to MAATs of −1 to −1.6 °C in the more continental
regions of the Alps like in, e.g., Upper Engadin and Mater Valley from the Swiss
Alps (Ikeda and Matsuoka 2002; Gruber and Hoelzle 2001) and to MAATs from
−0.5 to +2 °C in the more humid areas, like, e.g., Maritime and Bernese Alps
(Ribolini and Fabre 2006; Imhof 1996). Thus, the great role of precipitation upon
mountain permafrost distribution at a large scale is also evidenced. The warmer
inferior limits of active rock glaciers in the more humid periglacial environments
might be determined by a more ice supersaturated permafrost frequently related to
former glacier ice (evolving into debris covered glaciers). In opposition, the great
122 R. Popescu et al.

majority of the permafrost ice from rock glaciers accommodated in more conti-
nental regions is of periglacial origin which could explain the colder inferior limits
of active rock glaciers. From another point of view, a major influence of precipi-
tation upon permafrost is played by the summer rainfall which is one of the few and
most aggressive heat sources that reaches directly to the permafrost table by
infiltration through the permeable active layer. Even though it’s local scale vari-
ability imposed by slope, aspect and topography was proved (Buytaert et al. 2006),
the effects on alpine permafrost distribution are still poorly understood.
Snow cover is another factor with major influence on the ground thermal con-
ditions and permafrost development through its control upon heat fluxes at the
ground-atmosphere interface during the cold season. Alpine snow cover is char-
acterized by extreme heterogeneity because of the preferential snowfalls deposition
but mostly because of the wind redistribution (Mott et al. 2010). In similar topo-
graphic and climatic conditions, permafrost presence or absence can be dictated by
snow cover timing and thickness in the mid-latitude high mountain regions
(Ishikawa 2003). The snow thickness was shown to exert a great influence upon
annual depth of the cold wave, which can be twice as deep in winters with a snow
height below 0.8 m in comparison to winters with snow thickness greater than
0.8 m (Rödder and Kneisel 2012). The same authors found that interannual vari-
ability of the snow cover persistence through the summer does not determine any
changes on the active layer thickness. Besides, especially autumn thin snow cover
plays a major role in ground cooling mechanisms, i.e., it allows an efficient warm
air evacuation from rock glaciers through snow funnels (Bernhard et al. 1998) and
also contributes substantially to heat conduction out of the ground by strong tem-
perature gradients between snow and ground caused by long wave emissivity
increase and short wave absorption decrease (Keller and Tamás 2003).
The strength of the relation between solar radiation and potential permafrost
distribution assessed by BTS measurements (bottom temperature of late winter
snow cover) (Haeberli 1973) is variable across different mountainous areas. Some
statistical analyses indicate a rather weak relation for example in the Scandinavian
Mountains (Isaksen et al. 2002) or Swiss Alps (Gruber and Hoelzle 2001) while in
other studies from Central Pyrenees (Julián and Chueca 2007) a good relation was
The topographic effects on alpine permafrost distribution are mostly reflected in
the local distribution of the solar radiation income and air temperature altitudinal
variation (vertical lapse rate) whilst the interplay between these two factors should
mainly be taken into account when trying to determine the local limits of discon-
tinuous permafrost. For example, on the south exposed slopes where solar radiation
is much higher, the permafrost limits are also higher with 200 m for Upper Engadin
area (Ikeda and Matsuoka 2002). The aspect effect on permafrost limits is much
more pronounced for the rockwalls conditions where, in the absence of long-lasting
snow cover, the thermal differences between north and south aspects reach up to
1000 m (Gruber 2005). In the sporadic and discontinuous permafrost zone,
the microclimate created by topography is of great importance for permafrost
development as well. For example, glacial cirques with very high rockwalls
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 123

(>300–400 m) have a lowering effect of local MAAT or compensate the high

MAAT with extremely reduced solar radiation, which allows for perennially frozen
ground, small surface glacierets to develop (Moscicki and Kędzia 2001) or even
active rock glaciers to occurr (Serrano et al. 2006).

Grain Size of Debris Deposits—The Key Factor

for Permafrost Development in Marginal Periglacial

At MAATs above −1 or 0 °C, the permafrost areas are restricted only to the most
favorable sites which are usually imposed by the land cover type. The cooling effect
of the coarse blocky surfaces upon underground thermal state has been recently
evidenced (Harris and Pedersen 1998) in comparison to other surface types like
alpine meadows, fine sediments and rocky slopes. Ikeda and Matsuoka (2006)
showed that bouldery rock glaciers characterized by openwork active layer made
out of large boulders have the potential to extend at lower altitudes and in warmer
MAAT conditions compared to the pebbly rock glaciers made of small clasts
(usually below 20 cm).
In the highest massifs of Southern Carpathians, the predominantly vegetation
free debris deposits (rock glaciers and talus slopes) are located between c. 1900 and
2300 m altitude roughly corresponding to MAATs between +1 and −1 °C. These
climatic conditions are specific only to marginal permafrost conditions (see above)
in which debris grain size is expected to play a major role for permafrost distri-
bution patterns. The question of the role played by debris grain size was raised by
the major differences of the ground thermal conditions encountered between
crystalline schist rock glaciers from Făgăraș Massif and the granitic rock glaciers
from Retezat and Parâng Massifs. The cold microclimatic conditions corresponding
to the Văiuga rock glacier (Făgăraș) did not trigger nowadays the permafrost
development in comparison to the slightly warmer microclimate from Retezat
glacial cirques of, e.g., Judele and Berbecilor, where rock glaciers contain per-
mafrost on almost their entire surfaces (Table 6.1).

Table 6.1 The main characteristics of two contrasting rock glaciers from Făgăraș and Retezat,
evidencing the role of grain size and porosity in determining permafrost presence
RG Rock type Altitude Aspect MAAT PISR RG Mean clast
(m) (°C) (kWh/m2) type volume
Văiuga Schists 2230 N −0.8 607 Relict 0.01
Berbecilor Granodiorites 2145 N −0.3 716 Intact 0.1
The bold is used to evidence the unexpected difference in rock glacier status, intact and relict
RG rock glacier; MAAT estimated mean annual air temperature at the rock glacier front; PISR
potential incoming solar radiation
124 R. Popescu et al.

Our direct measurements of clasts size revealed major textural differences

inter-sites. The three axis of each clast (length, width and depth) was measured
in situ on several 4 " 4 m2 sample plots and the volume of each clast was com-
puted using the equation: V = 0.6 " a " b " c cf. Matsuoka and Sakai (1999).
The mean volume of the 606 measured clasts from Văiuga rock glacier (two sample
plots) was found to be as low as 0.01 m3 while the mean volume of the 179 clasts
from Berbecilor rock glacier (three sample plots) is ten times larger (Table 6.1).
Also, a major difference in relative frequency distribution on volume clasts can be
observed (Fig. 6.2a). Besides lower grain size, the crystalline debris clasts present a
fine interstitial matrix in comparison to the granitic screes which are mostly
openwork (Fig. 6.2b).

Fig. 6.2 The grain size contrast between Văiuga crystalline rock glacier and Berbecilor
granodiorite rock glacier. a Cumulative relative frequency distribution of rock glacier gelifracts
on volume classes measured in 4 " 4 m sample plots; b Vertical photographs from 2 m height
used to measure the clasts size
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 125

Ground Overcooling Processes in Southern Carpathians

Several studies performed during the last two decades revealed different mecha-
nisms often acting complementary, that contribute to negative ground thermal
anomalies and permafrost development in mountain environments. They can be
summarized as follows:
– Underground air circulation in active rock glaciers (Bernhard et al. 1998), low
altitude talus slopes (Wakonigg 1996; Delaloye et al. 2003; Gude et al. 2003;
Sawada et al. 2003; Morard et al. 2008; Stiegler et al. 2014) and high altitude
talus slopes (Delaloye and Lambiel 2005; Lambiel and Pieracci 2008) is proved
to be one of the main reasons for ground overcooling and permafrost devel-
opment in coarse debris deposits. This mechanism called “chimney effect” is
determined by the density differences between warm and cold air and consists in
warm air exit and cold air absorption into the debris through a dense network of
snow funnels, especially at the beginning of the winter for rock glaciers, and
during almost the entire winter for talus slopes where snow melt “windows”
form in their upper parts. Warm air replacement with colder air occurring on flat
debris deposits (mainly vertical air movement) is known as “Balch-effect”
(Balch 1900). Besides air ventilation, the seasonal production of ice is another
factor for permafrost occurrence in high alpine regions (Schneider et al. 2012);
– The inhibition of underground warming effect caused by snow cover onset
(Gruber and Hoelzle 2008). This is a purely conductive mechanism and it is
based on the low conductivity of the coarse blocks under the snow layer;
– The shading effect imposed by the surface roughness which reduces the solar
radiation up to 40 % in a coarse debris deposit from the sporadic permafrost
alpine zone in comparison to fine sediments areas (Otto et al. 2012).
Ground surface thermal regimes were found to vary significantly on different
temporal and spatial scales in the Southern Carpathians. The former is evidenced by
the great oscillations of mean BTS values from one year to another in the same sites
of the same rock glacier (Fig. 6.3a). This applies on both crystalline and granitic
rock glaciers (Fig. 6.3b). The mean BTS is a relevant indicator of the thermal
balance because it responds only to significant variability in climatic and ground
conditions that have the potential to modify the underground thermal state down to
greater depths. “Normal” mean BTS values were recorded in 2009–2011 and 2013–
2014 winters in comparison to 2012 when a significantly lower value was
encountered in all of the investigated rock glaciers. Mean BTS values in the typical
years varied between −2 and −4.5 °C in the granitic rock glaciers (Pietrele and
Berbecilor) indicating possible and probable permafrost occurrence, while crys-
talline rock glaciers (Văiuga) displayed near 0 °C average BTS specific only to
seasonally frozen ground. In contrast, in the exceptionally cold year of 2011–2012,
the mean BTS values reached −2.6 °C in Văiuga rock glacier and −5.6 and −7.8 °C
in Pietrele and Berbecilor rock glaciers (Fig. 6.3b).
126 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.3 Intersite and interannual variability of the rock glaciers thermal regimes explained by the
ground overcooling intensity during autumn and early winter. a Six-years ground surface thermal
regime of Pietrele rock glacier with the cold snow free interval (CSFI) evidenced with light grey
(2008–2014); b The contrasting intersite variability of thermal regime reflected in mean BTS
values. Note the possible and probable permafrost related BTS values of granitic Pietrele and
Berbecilor rock glaciers in opposition with the non permafrost BTS values specific to crystalline
Văiuga rock glacier. c Interannual variability of ground overcooling intensity quantified by CSFI
index. Note the (i) unusual overcooling during 2011 and the (ii) higher potential of granitic rock
glaciers to lose heat during CSFI

The primary factor which determines ground cooling with different intensities
from year to year is of course climate, through the interplay between cold atmo-
spheric temperatures and the timing of snow cover onset. When surpassing 60, 80
or 100 cm according to different authors (Hanson and Hoelzle 2004; Ikeda and
Matsuoka 2002; Brenning et al. 2005), the snow mantle is in power to isolate the
ground from short-term atmospheric oscillations. Thus, the air temperature during
the cold snow free interval (CSFI) and its duration dictates the amount of heat lost
by the ground. This cooling degree was quantified through the CSFI index by
summing up all the negative Celsius degrees hours (h °C) during autumn and early
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 127

winter until snow cover onset. For the calculus, in situ ground surface temperature
data were used. Usually, in Văiuga rock glacier the SFI index is below 1200
negative h °C while in Pietrele and Berbecilor it oscillates between 1300 and 4400
negative h °C (Fig. 6.3c). In the exceptional cold and relatively dry autumn of
2011, the SFI index raised strongly in all of the studied rock glaciers, to almost
5000 negative h °C in Văiuga and around 6000 negative h °C in Pietrele and
Berbecilor rock glaciers, thus explaining the great disturbance in mean BTS reg-
istered in March 2012. These results indicate that granitic rock glaciers are sub-
jected to much more intense ground overcooling in comparison to the crystalline
rock glaciers. This fact can be related to the larger grain size and associated voids of
the granites that allows for a better cold air penetration and a longer period of CSFI
caused by the later snow induced insulation. In opposition, the small clasts and the
matrix developed in the crystalline rock glaciers usually inhibit the ground
Other factors than climate can influence mean BTS values as well. These can be
related to the internal structure and especially to the volume of permafrost and its
ice percentage. For example, Berbecilor rock glacier suffers greater oscillation of
mean BTS in nearly the same CSFI index conditions (Fig. 6.3) probably because of
the smaller permafrost surface (c. 2000 m2) in comparison to Pietrele rock glacier,
which has a more than double probable permafrost area (c. 5000 m2). This
mechanism which implies that seasonally frozen ground loses heat much faster than
permafrost could also explain the greater sensitivity of relict rock glaciers like
Văiuga to SFI index.
Air movement inside rock glaciers was proved to take place in Retezat and
Parâng Massifs. Besides efficient cold air penetration replacing warmer inside air in
rock glaciers during the early winter when thin snow cover occurs
(Vespremeanu-Stroe et al. 2012; Popescu et al. 2015), a continuous air exchange
between ground and atmosphere (Ishikawa 2003) was also proved to exist (Onaca
et al. 2015). In situ thermal measurements indicate that during the cold air fronts,
the thermistors located in relatively higher positions of rock glaciers, usually ridges,
registered minor warming trends (Fig. 6.4a). This usually happens until the end of
the winter, when melt water penetration at the snow bottom takes place (initiation of
the 0 curtain period). Other studies in the Alps (e.g. Delaloye and Lambiel 2005)
indicated that cold air can be absorbed directly through a thick and porous snow
layer in rock glaciers while warm air (with slightly positive temperatures) could be
expelled in the upper parts of the talus slopes. Given the position (inside rock
glaciers surface) and temperatures (negative values) found in “warm” locations
from Retezat rock glaciers, we do not exclude the idea of air stratification under an
insulating snow cover. We assume that this mechanism of air movement and
stratification inside debris deposits is restricted only to openwork and porous debris
Similar results were found in the steep talus slopes from Retezat Massif
(Fig. 6.4b) where “warm” (same negative temperatures) air evacuation was regis-
tered at the beginning of the winter in the upper part of Știrbu talus slope. Here, the
air stratification hypothesis determined by air density contrast is supported by the
128 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.4 Ground thermal regime from Pietrele rock glacier (a) and Știrbu talus slope (b) along air
temperature revealing internal air movement inside coarse debris deposits. In plot a it is shown the
efficient ground overcooling (a events) at a cold location and warm air ascent (b events) inside
rock glaciers at the warm location. Warm air ascent is enhanced during intense frost episodes as
revealed by reversed thermal relationship between air and ground surface (Onaca et al. 2015). Plot
b shows the warm air evacuation during November (marked by black arrow) and air stratification
below thick and insulating snow cover during January–April time interval in a talus slope, by
comparing the thermal regimes from lower and upper talus slopes

accentuating temperature contrast between up and down locations which increases

towards the winter’s end in opposition with rock glaciers, where temperatures tend
to homogenize.
At the same time, the furrows formed by the permafrost compressive flow,
characteristic for the largest rock glaciers in the Southern Carpathians (e.g., Pietrele,
Valea Rea, Galeşu) have a thermally protective influence, by preserving cold air
that isolates the active layer from the warmer atmospheric air, because during the
strong cooling of air temperatures in the first part of the winter, cold, denser air is
trapped in the furrows on both sides of the ridge and isolates the interior of the ridge
from the warmer atmospheric air (Hanson and Hoelzle 2004). The topographical
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 129

configuration of the mentioned rock glaciers is almost identical to the Murtèl rock
glacier, where the ‘chimney effect’ is not present (Hanson and Hoelzle 2004).
The other two mechanisms of ground overcooling in coarse blocks, i.e., snow
cover warming inhibition and the shading effect of large boulders are possible in the
granitic massifs of Southern Carpathians but they cannot be easily detected through
temperature monitoring.

Permafrost Distribution Patterns in the Southern



At its lower limit, discontinuous permafrost is highly fragmented and restricted in

only the most favorable conditions. These conditions are normally offered by coarse
debris which causes negative thermal anomalies in the underground (see
Section “The Key Factors for Permafrost Development”). Debris deposits can be of
periglacial origin (talus slopes and block fields) or of glacial origin (moraines and
glacial till). The former result from rock falls and develop permafrost by both
glacial (incorporation of perennial snow banks or small firn fields) and periglacial
(refreeze of percolating water and ice segregation) processes. Under the effect of
slope declivity, the debris containing permafrost creep downslope creating rock
glaciers with specific ridges and furrows topography (talus rock glaciers). Glacial
moraines and glacial till develop permafrost after the glacier retreat and evolve into
debris rock glaciers under permafrost creep conditions. In their young stages, rock
glaciers present only one frontal ridge that detaches from the perennially frozen
talus slope (Scapozza et al. 2011). These landforms, called protalus ramparts, are
embryonic rock glaciers (Haeberli 1973; Fukui 2003). However, there are many
landforms with only one terminal ridge that were considered to be of glacial origin
(e.g., Ballantyne and Kirkbride 1986) involving fragments of rocks from above
rockwalls sliding on former small glacierets or perennially snow banks. After ice
melting, the terminal arcuate ridge remains prominently above the ground. We
assume that both scenarios of protalus rampart formation are possible in alpine
environments and these landforms can be of both glacial/nival and periglacial
origin. One great difference between the two types of protalus ramparts is repre-
sented by the surface topography which is smoother in periglacial protalus ramparts
in contrast with glacial protalus ramparts which are characterized by a large hollow
between frontal ridge and talus slope. A distinct case is represented by debris
deposits underlain by permafrost that do not evolve into rock glaciers. These block
fields are located on quasi-horizontal surfaces where creep processes are inhibited
(dynamic inactivity cf. Barsch 1996). Such a case we assume to be found in Mândra
glacial cirques from Parâng Massif.
130 R. Popescu et al.

Perennially frozen rockwalls develop usually where mean annual rock surface
temperature (MARST) is below 0 °C (Noetzli et al. 2007), a few hundred meters
above the rock glaciers permafrost (Gruber 2005). However, local thermal offsets
must be taken into account when dealing with rockwall permafrost distribution
(Hasler et al. 2011). In general, MARST vary greatly with aspect and interannual
variations are larger in comparison to rock glaciers MAGST (Gruber 2005). Rock
jointing degree has a major influence on thermal regime of the top 3–4 m of the
rockwalls allowing air ventilation and overcooling during the cold season (Magnin
et al. 2015).

Rock Glaciers (RG) Permafrost

Rock glaciers are widely distributed across the highest sectors of Retezat, Parâng,
and Făgăraș Massifs (Urdea 1992). In lower altitude Massifs like Țarcu (2190 m),
Godeanu (2291 m) and Iezer—Păpușa (2469 m) rock glaciers have a sporadic
presence while in even lower altitude massifs they do not appear at all. A notable
exception is represented by the Bucegi Massif which despite its high altitude
(2504 m) and glacial sculpted valleys, it presents no rock glaciers. A major dis-
crepancy in rock glaciers distribution and characteristics exists between granitic
(Retezat and Parâng) and crystalline (Făgăraș) mountains. The former present a
higher rock glaciers density (Urdea 1998) and an openwork structure of the active
layer. Moreover, expressive morphologies, steep terminal fronts with sparse veg-
etation distribution indicate that rock glaciers above 2050–2100 m altitude could be
at least inactive in Retezat and Parâng mountain ranges. In opposition, the rock
glaciers from Făgăraș Massif, extending even at higher altitudes, are characterized
by less inclined fronts, a surface debris mantle filled with fine sediments and a
relatively uniform vegetation distribution across their surfaces which indicates their
contemporary relict state (Fig. 6.5).
BTS (bottom temperature of winter snow cover) measurements were applied
experimentally on Pietrele rock glacier from the Retezat Massif in the early 1990s
(Urdea 1993) and intensely in several sites from the highest massifs of Southern
Carpathians beginning with the year of 2008 (Vespremeanu-Stroe et al. 2012). This
method relies on the late winter (March) thermal stability at the snow-ground
interface, which reflects the thermal conditions from the underground. Usually, a
temperature colder than −2 and −3 °C is associated with possible and probable
permafrost occurrence in the Alps (Haeberli 1973). BTS methods is often used in
mapping the potential permafrost distributions in various mountain ranges (Ikeda
and Matsuoka 2002; Lewkowicz and Ednie 2004; Julián and Chueca 2007).
BTS measurements applied on rock glaciers from the Southern Carpathians
show usually mixed thermal conditions across their surfaces with both areas of
maximum overcooling and relatively warm state. In Retezat and Parâng Massifs,
sporadic patches of probable permafrost can be encountered in the rock glaciers
from the 2000–2100 m altitudinal floor as revealed by BTS maps. Between 2100
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 131

Fig. 6.5 The main typologies of rock glaciers from the Southern Carpathians: Berbecilor lobate
rock glacier probably active (a), Pietrele tongue shape inactive rock glacier (b) from Retezat
Massif; inactive tongue shape rock glaciers Roșiile 2 (c) and Gemănarea (d) from Parâng Massif;
relict rock glaciers Capra (e) and Lăițel (f) from Făgăraș Massif

and 2200 m a.s.l. the permafrost coverage enlarges significantly especially for the
most sheltered rock glaciers like Judele (Retezat), and Roșiile 1 (Parâng) (Fig. 6.6).
No great difference was found between lobate and tongue shape rock glaciers in
what concerns permafrost favorability. Below 2000 m a.s.l., only a few thermal
anomalies can be found on blocky surfaces. The BTS values were always close to
0 °C on alpine meadows confirming the absence of permafrost on this land cover
type no matter the altitude.
132 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.6 BTS maps of granitic rock glaciers from Retezat and Parâng Massifs. Pietrele rock
glacier (a) and Gemănarea (c) reveal isolated areas with permafrost related BTS values in
comparison to Judele (b) and Roșiile 1 (d) rock glaciers where negative thermal anomalies
(T < −3 °C), characteristic to probable permafrost, cover almost their entire surface

The BTS measurements on rock glaciers from Făgăraș and Iezer—Păpușa

Massifs indicate the absence of permafrost in most of the investigated RG. The
most notable exceptions belong to the upper part of Doamnei rock glacier (Făgăraș)
and to the debris deposits below the Tambura peak (Iezer—Păpușa) where mini-
mum BTS values indicate a high probability of frozen ground.
Continuous ground surface temperature (GST) measurements were performed
on several rock glaciers from the Southern Carpathians often in remote locations
that cannot be easily accessible for BTS monitoring. The method consists in con-
tinuous temperature monitoring at a fixed interval (two and a half hours) using
miniature digital data loggers (Hoelzle et al. 1999). We used iButtons loggers
(model DS 1922L) with less than 0.2 °C accuracy at near 0 °C temperatures
(Gubler et al. 2011).
More than twenty rock glaciers from the Southern Carpathians, most of them
from Retezat Massif, were monitored at least one year in the 2008–2014 period.
These data generally confirm the BTS measurements in terms of permafrost
probability in rock glaciers even though GSTs are slightly warmer than BTS points
measured in the same day and the same location. Delaloye (2004) indicated that
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 133

GSTs are usually 1–1.5 °C warmer than BTS because the data loggers are located
deeper in the ground while BTS probes reach only the exposed and overcooled
surface of gelifracts.
Interannual amplitudes of temperatures during the thermal stability periods are
similar in all of the investigated rock glaciers. Very low temperatures were regis-
tered in March 2012 and relatively warm temperatures during March 2009, but
these differences do not usually surpass 5 °C.
In the granitic rock glaciers, the GST curves indicate the lack of permafrost
below 2000 m in Upper Ana (Retezat) and Roșiile 3 rock glacier (Parâng), and
possible and probable permafrost above these altitudes. The lowest GST during the
late winter are registered at 2100–2200 m a.s.l., in rock glaciers located in shaded
cirques like Judele, Galeșu, and Știrbu (Retezat) and Roșiile 1 (Parâng), indicating a
high probability of permafrost presence.
In the crystalline rock glaciers, the results show near 0 °C GST at the end of the
winter not only in rock glaciers below 2050 m (Capra and Bâlea) but also at
2300 m a.s.l. (Văiuga rock glacier). An exception is represented by Doamnei rock
glacier, where GST measurements confirm probable permafrost in its upper part in
accordance with the BTS survey. Moreover, the GST indicates possible permafrost
also in its lower sector, into an isolated area of the rock glacier, which should be put
in relation with the site-specific enormous unconsolidated blocks, quite unusual for
the Făgăraș Massif. In Iezer—Păpușa, the GST curves from 2012 to 2014 period
indicate boundary conditions for possible permafrost presence in the blocky surface
under the Tambura peak.
A synthetic thermal indicator is represented by the mean annual ground surface
temperature (MAGST) (Fig. 6.7). Usually, the GST is measured at 0–20 cm in the
ground and the sensors are covered by small fragments of rock (e.g., Ribolini and
Fabre 2006). However, in the Southern Carpathians we measured GST in two
manners: iButtons were hung at 40–80 cm between the gelifracts (near surface GST

Fig. 6.7 Homogenized MAGST values for Southern Carpathians rock glaciers (averaged from
multiple years and multiple sites in the same rock glacier where available) (Popescu et al. submited)
134 R. Popescu et al.

in order to avoid exposure to solar radiation) or they were placed in 2 cm drilled

holes (skin GST) in surface blocks and then covered with a 10 cm thick gelifract.
The near surface average MAGST range from +1 °C in 2000–2100 m a.s.l. to 0 °C
at 2100–2200 m a.s.l. only on northern, northeastern and northwestern rock gla-
ciers. In comparison, the skin MAGST is in average 1 °C warmer. In Retezat
Massif, negative MAGST were encountered in Judele, Știrbu and Galeșu rock
glaciers, while in Parâng Massif the only negative MAGST was encountered in
Roșiile 1 rock glacier.
In the crystalline massifs, the MAGSTs are usually positive, with an exception
of the upper part of Doamnei rock glacier. In Iezer—Păpușa Massif, the MAGST
values were between 1.5 and 2.1 °C in the 2012–2014 time interval.
In all of the investigated massifs, MAGST showed no great difference from
probable permafrost sites to non permafrost sites which indicates that caution is
needed when using MAGST as a permafrost predictor.
The late summer (August and September) spring water temperature is another
indicator of permafrost presence in alpine environments including the Southern
Carpathians (Urdea 1993). The probable permafrost limit is at 1 °C (Haeberli and
Patzelt 1982; Frauenfelder et al. 1998) while permafrost is still possible between 1
and 2 °C (Warhaftig and Cox 1959; Haeberli and Patzelt 1982). Itinerant temper-
ature measurements confirmed the possible and probable permafrost occurrence in
several rock glaciers (Fig. 6.8) from Retezat, Parâng and Făgăraș Massifs where

Fig. 6.8 Itinerant measurements of spring water temperature from Retezat, Parâng, Făgăraș, and
Iezer—Păpușa Mountains. Asterisk other sources imply talus cones, alpine meadows and
rockwalls. The acronyms stand for: J—Judele, Pi—Pietricele, B—Berbecilor, P2—Pietrele 2, P—
Pietrele and VR—Valea Rea (Retezat); C—Cârja and Ge-Gemănarea (Parâng); D—Doamnei and
Ca—Capra (Făgăraș) (Popescu et al. submited)
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 135

values are below 2 °C. In contrast, the springs with other sources than rock glaciers
revealed values above 2 °C which decrease with altitude (Vespremeanu-Stroe et al.
2012). The continuous monitoring of several rock glacier springs during summer
revealed the typical pattern related to intact and relict rock glaciers. The former are
characterized by cold (0.7–1.8 °C) and isothermal regime while the latter are warm
(above 5 °C) and oscillating in accordance with the monthly air temperatures. By
measuring the temperature of Gemănarea and Judele rock glacier creeks several
hundred meters downstream from the spring point, we found a rapid increase rate of
0.1 °C at 17 and 10 m, respectively, on horizontal distance (Popescu et al. 2015).
This increasing rate could explain the temperatures between 1 and 2 °C associated
with intact rock glaciers springs, if we take into consideration that most of them
were intercepted at distances of 60–200 m from the frozen source.

Talus Slope Permafrost

The BTS measurements on talus slopes from Retezat Massif were performed in
2011 (within average climatic conditions; Fig. 6.9). All the investigated talus slopes
are connected downwards to lobate rock glaciers (Pietrele 2 and Pietricele) or
tongue shape rock glaciers (Pietrele and Lower Ana) and present very cold values
only in the lower half. An exception is represented by Pietricele talus slopes where
the Northeastern BTS profile indicated cold values up to the rockwall base. In the
case of Pietrele 2 and Lower Ana, the BTS values from their lower parts are even
lower in comparison to those from rock glaciers indicating that permafrost may be
present even in the talus slopes located next to relict rock glaciers like Lower Ana.
The BTS measurements performed in Parâng Massif indicated similar results
with those obtained in the Retezat Massif (Popescu et al. 2015). Low temperatures
in the basal part (1/2–2/3) of the talus slopes were obtained in the Roșiile 1 cirque.
Shorter BTS profiles in Făgăraș and Iezer—Păpușa Mountains indicated a predis-
position for colder temperatures at the lower parts of the talus slopes close to
Doamnei rock glacier and Tambura talus slope.
The continuous thermal monitoring of talus slopes from Retezat Massif con-
firmed the temperature contrast between the lower and the upper parts. In Știrbu
lower talus slope the temperature is colder than in the upper part during almost the
entire winter (to see Fig. 6.4b). Increasing temperatures in the upper part con-
comitantly with temperature decreases in the lower parts during several days in
November suggests the warm air evacuation at the beginning of the cold season,
and the efficiency of the chimney effect acting into these well-inclined (>20°)
features, respectively. Under a thick snow cover, the smooth thermal regime and the
mean temperature offset of 2 °C, increasing to 5 °C in late winter, indicate rather
snow isolated conditions and an underground stratification of warm air in the upper
parts and the cold air in the lower parts of the cavernous system of openwork debris.
The GST measurements in Văiuga talus slope (Făgăraș) revealed a different,
mostly conductive thermal regime. During the first part of the winter the upper and
136 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.9 BTS measurements on talus slopes from Retezat Massif indicating negative thermal
anomalies in their lower sectors (Popescu et al. submitted)

lower parts present a relatively similar thermal regime, while between December
and February the temperature is lower in the upper part. Towards the 0 curtain
period, the temperature distribution becomes “normal”, with colder regimes in the
lower parts and warmer in the upper parts. However, the differences are much
smaller (1–1.5 °C) in comparison to those obtained in the Retezat Massif. The data
suggest that here the underground air circulation in the almost consolidated fine
debris is rather absent. The low temperatures from the lower talus composed by
coarser grain size could be related to the purely conductive cooling mechanism
proposed by Gruber and Hoelzle (2008).
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 137

Rockwall Permafrost Probability

Continuous monitoring of steep rockwall thermal regimes was performed at dif-

ferent altitudinal levels and slope aspects from Romanian Carpathians. Usually, the
rock temperature is exposed to cold atmospheric temperatures during the entire
winter because snow cover cannot settle. Freeze-thaw cycles frequency was found
to be much greater on southern slopes (Vasile et al. 2014). In opposition, on
northern slopes the short-term freeze-thaw cycles frequency is much lower but
seasonal frost penetration reaches greater depths. Using the Berggren equation
modified by Matsuoka and Sakai (1999), the maximum potential frost depth in the
highest north exposed rockwalls of Southern Carpathians rockwall surpasses 7 m
(Vasile et al. 2014). In Parâng Massif, at 2190 m a.s.l., using the annual rock
surface temperature data and the mentioned equation, an annual frost penetration
depth of more than 5 m was calculated and it was estimated that above 2350–
2400 m, the northern rockwalls could maintain perennially frozen areas (Popescu
et al. 2015). On northern rocky slopes, mean annual rock surface temperatures
(MARST) varied between 0.7 and 2 °C at altitudes between 2140 and 2270 m. At
2490 m, MART was found to be slightly negative in the Retezat Massif during one
year of measurement (−0.2 °C in 2010–2011). On southern and eastern slopes,
MARST is higher than 3 °C even at altitudes between 2200 and 2450 m
(Fig. 6.10).
Taking into consideration the thermal regime, it is probable for rockwalls to
present only patches of perennially frozen areas in their most shaded zones.
Moreover, considering the warmer air temperatures from the last decade, it seems
plausible that during the eighth and ninth decade of the last century, rockwall
permafrost was more widespread (Popescu et al. submitted).

Fig. 6.10 Mean annual rock surface temperature (MARST) variations with altitude on rockwalls
with different aspects from Făgăraș, Bucegi, Parâng, and Retezat Mountains (Popescu et al.
138 R. Popescu et al.

Internal Structure and Characteristics of Permafrost

In order to determine the permafrost thickness and composition, the borehole

drillings in rock glaciers, talus slopes and rockwalls provide the most accurate
results (Haeberli 1985; Arenson et al. 2002; Gruber et al. 2004; Scapozza et al.
2011). However, this operation is very expensive in the remote mountainous areas
and also very difficult from a technical point of view (steep slopes and blocky
materials that have to be cored). In this context, geoelectric techniques like elec-
trical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used to determine the subsurface con-
ditions (Maurer and Hauck 2007; Kneisel et al. 2008). Ground penetrating radar
(GPR) investigations are also useful for this purpose (e.g., Sass and Krautblatter
2007). According to Scapozza et al. (2011) who compared in detail the ERT data
with physical evidences of permafrost internal structure (recovered from borehole
drillings), resistivity values between 10–20 and 50 kXm are specific for porous
sediments or low resistivity permafrost with temperate ice, values between 50 and
200 kXm are characteristic to frozen sediments undersaturated or saturated with ice
while values >200 kXm are related to supersaturated permafrost with active creep
processes. For GPR investigations, Otto et al. (2012) interpreted the dense reflection
patterns and the electromagnetic propagation velocities of more than 0.15 and less
than 0.12 m/ns as indicating the presence and absence of permafrost, respectively.
Both ERT and GPR methods were applied on several sites from the Southern
Carpathians in the last years, in order to sound the internal composition of rock
glaciers and talus slopes and to detect permafrost (Vespremeanu-Stroe et al. 2012;
Onaca et al. 2013, 2015; Popescu et al. 2015). Results confirm significantly more
extensive permafrost in Retezat and Parâng in comparison to Făgăraș Massif.
Pietrele rock glacier revealed a high resistivity layer (25–240 kXm) that can be
interpreted as permafrost under a thick active layer of c. 10 m in its Southeastern
sector (Onaca et al. 2013) (Fig. 6.11). Further investigations revealed permafrost
presence in the lower part of the frontal talus slope feeding the Pietrele rock glacier
(Onaca et al. 2015). Here, the high resistivity layer (35–140 kXm), probably per-
mafrost, is found at a 7–8 m depth and has a thickness of about 10–12 m. GPR
profiles also confirmed the patchy permafrost presence in the southeastern sector of
Pietrele rock glacier and the lower part of the talus slope. The ERT profiles on
Pietricele rock glacier also revealed a fragmented high resistivity layer at 5–7 and
8–10 m depth with values of 45–120 and 20–65 kXm respectively in the western
and eastern part of the rock glacier which, most probably, is permafrost. These areas
are separated by a vegetation covered debris flow deposit. In the lower part of the
talus slope located above Pietricele rock glacier, a high resistivity layer of
30–170 kXm and a thickness of 8–12 m was found under an active layer of about
5–7 m (Onaca et al. 2015) (Fig. 6.11). Raw ERT data indicated an isolated high
resistivity core (several hundreds of kXm) in the central sector of Lower Ana rock
glacier which is most probably related to a permafrost core associated with boulders
presence (Vespremeanu-Stroe et al. 2012).
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 139

Fig. 6.11 ERT profiles from Roșiile 1 rock glacier (Parâng) (a), a talus slope feeding Pietricele
rock glacier (Retezat) (b), Doamnei rock glacier (Făgăraș) (c), and Văiuga rock glacier (Făgăraș)
(d) (data compiled from Onaca et al. (2013, 2015) (profiles b, c and d) and Popescu et al. (2015)
(profile a)

High resistivity pockets of more than 100 kXm were encountered in Berbecilor
and Judele rock glaciers but the high resistivity of the dry and extremely coarse active
layer (consisting of metric boulders) did not allow identifying the active layer—
permafrost limit (Popescu 2015). However, several transversal GPR profiles on
Judele rock glacier (Onaca et al. 2015) revealed a widespread distribution of the
dense reflection pattern with electromagnetic propagation velocities of more
140 R. Popescu et al.

Fig. 6.12 Transversal GPR profile from the upper part of Judele rock glacier revealing dense
reflection pattern characteristic to permafrost on almost the entire length of the profile

0.13 m/ns along almost the entire length of the profiles (Fig. 6.12). This suggests a
wider permafrost presence in this rock glacier at least in its upper part.
In Parâng Massif, the ERT profiles performed on Roșiile 1 rock glacier revealed
a high resistivity layer of 20–175 kXm that can be interpreted as permafrost
(Fig. 6.11a). The thickness of this layer is about 15–20 m and develops under an
active layer of 6–12 m (Popescu et al. 2015). At lower altitudes, the Roșiile 2 (Ieșu)
rock glacier displays a high resistivity layer of 30–85 kXm at a depth increasing
from 3 m in the upper part to 8 m towards the middle sector of the rock glacier
(Onaca et al. 2013). Also, its thickness decreases from 15 to 5 m.
In Făgăraș Massif, the ERT investigations revealed probable permafrost only in
Doamnei (Pietroasa) rock glacier (Onaca et al. 2013) (Fig. 6.11c). In its upper part,
two ERT profiles indicated a high resistivity layer of 7–10 m thickness and resis-
tivity values of 25–140 kXm under an active layer of 3–5 m. However, the active
layer did not reach its maximum thickness at the date of measurements, the end on
July. In Văiuga rock glacier, even at higher altitude (2280 m) the resistivity values
were lower, ranging between 5 and 20 kXm (Fig. 6.11d) indicating the presence of
either low resistivity permafrost or porous sediments layer. Even lower resistivity
values (<10 kXm) confirm the relict state of Capra and Bâlea rock glaciers.
According to all presented geophysical results, we assume that thin (<10 m) and
undersaturated permafrost prevails in the Southern Carpathians (mostly in the
granitic massifs) located under a thick (8–10 m) active layer. The latter also suggests
a probable disequilibrium relation of permafrost with the present climate. In colder
conditions, at altitudes between 2100 and 2200 m in the granitic massifs, especially
in Retezat, permafrost seems to be thicker (>10–20 m) and supersaturated in ice at
least on certain sectors of the rock glaciers and in the lower part of the talus slopes.


Alpine permafrost in the Southern Carpathians has a marginal character developing

only in the most favorable conditions. These consist in cold microclimates imposed
by topography, but also in specific ground surface characteristics. Among all,
coarse openwork debris is the most favorable land cover type for permafrost
development because of the cooling effect it exerts on the underground. Because of
6 Spatial Distribution and Main Characteristics … 141

the large surfaces of coarse blocks and of the high altitudes, Retezat and Parâng
Massifs present the largest areas of permafrost from the Southern Carpathians.
The main mechanism responsible for the ground overcooling of coarse blocks,
i.e. the internal warm air evacuation and cold air infiltration at the beginning of the
cold season, was proved to exist in the Southern Carpathians. Grain size and
(related) porosity of the debris deposits were found to be the driving factors for the
efficiency of such thermal processes.
The permafrost creep related landforms, i.e., rock glaciers and protalus ramparts
are mostly relict and therefore a component of a rather inherited periglacial land-
scape. Nevertheless, the present-day climatic conditions of Southern Carpathians
are cold enough to allow patches of permafrost to maintain in inactive rock glaciers
within the 1950–2100 m altitudinal level, located on shaded northern slopes of
Retezat and Parâng Massifs. This permafrost is rather thin, it is undersaturated in ice
and it has a well developed active layer. At higher altitudes, between 2100 and
2200 m a.s.l., the coldest microclimatic conditions determine a more widespread
permafrost distribution in some rock glaciers. This situation is characterized by
greater thicknesses, higher ice content and smaller active layer depth of per-
mafrost that could be subjected to creep related movement. Also, the lower sectors
of northern talus slopes above 2050–2100 m are as well underlain with permafrost
in granitic massifs. Air circulation and stratification in their interior also develop
and are enhanced by their steep topography.
The MAGST registered in permafrost containing debris deposits (both rock
glaciers and talus slopes) are usually positive in the Southern Carpathians indicating
permafrost degradation conditions. However, a few sites with 0 °C or slightly
negative MAGST indicate local conditions for permafrost equilibrium with the
present climate.
In crystalline schists massifs, the scree deposits are usually fossilized at all
altitudinal levels. Both rock glaciers and talus slopes are mostly consolidated by
interstitial matrix and covered by vegetation. Permafrost is absent at most inves-
tigated sites. The matrix provenience was related to the less resistant rock, which
disintegrates in situ. Moreover, the grain size was proved to be statistically much
smaller than for granites and the lower pore space volume is much easier to be filled
up with fine sediments. Atypical areas of coarse blocks deposits like Doamnei rock
glacier still have some chances for permafrost preservation in the present, but such
situations are scarce in crystalline massifs like Făgăraș and Iezer—Păpușa.
Rockwall permafrost probability was inferred based on negative MART occurring
at the top of the northern rockwalls at 2500 m a.s.l. Thus, theoretically, perennially
frozen rockwalls could occurr even above 2350–2400 m in the most shaded sites with
negative MARST. Besides the highest massifs cited so far (Făgăraș, Parâng, Retezat,
and Iezer Păpușa) we assume that Bucegi Massif could also host some patches of
rockwall permafrost because of its high altitudes and rockwalls.
For the vast number of remaining massifs from the Southern Carpathians, espe-
cially the calcareous ones, we assume the potential to be subjected only to atypical and
azonal low altitude permafrost conditions in porous debris deposits down to MAAT
isotherms of 2–5 °C, corresponding roughly to altitudes of 1600–1250 m.
142 R. Popescu et al.

Acknowledgments This study was supported by a postdoctoral scholarship offered by the

University of Bucharest Research Institute (ICUB) to RP in 2015. The contribution of colleagues
from both University of Bucharest and West University of Timișoara is greatly appreciated. Many
thanks go to Mirela Vasile and Nicolae Cruceru for their valuable scientific assistance, data
processing and long-term fieldwork involvement. The effort of Loredana Bîzgan and Monica
Voinea in thermal and grain size data processing and also in fieldwork assistance was of great
help. The colleagues Florin Tătui, Luminița Preoteasa, Alexandru Manoliu, Sabin Rotaru and
Florin Zăinescu had an important contribution in fieldwork campaigns. Adrian Ardelean, Flavius
Sîrbu, Raul Șerban and Patrick Chiroiu from the West University of Timișoara had a major role in
obtaining and processing of the GPR and ERT data presented.


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