Sitel (AT&T) Contract - Lising Stephen Michael

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April 28, 2020

Dear Stephen Michael Lising,

We are pleased to confirm the acceptance of your application for employment and agree to employ you as a Contact Center
Professional with Sitel Philippines Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “Sitel”) to take effect on
April 28, 2020 under the following terms and conditions:

1. Responsibilities

In such role, you are expected to:

a. Answer inbound calls within guidelines/goals established by the client and contact center management.
b. Consistently achieve call quality score goals to assist in achieving client and customer satisfaction goals.
c. Support customers via live chat, email, or phone support.
d. Respond to customer inquiries by referring them to published materials, secondary sources, or more senior staff.
e. Handle problem resolution that may require follow-up and/or escalation to a higher level of expertise.
f. Maintain knowledge of client’s business, products and/or services.
g. Attend training sessions to maintain or improve the level of skills.
h. Perform other tasks that may be assigned from time to time.

The Company may change and/or modify the above-enumerated responsibilities. In such instance, you shall be informed
and oriented of the same accordingly.

Your employment with the Company does not pertain to an assignment to one specific account or campaign, or to one
specific site or office location. Should business needs require, the Company may transfer you to another account or
campaign, or to another department, to another site or region, where your skills and/or acquired proficiencies may prove
to be more functional and helpful, without prejudicing the level of pay and benefits that you may be receiving at the time of
transfer or re-assignment.

2. Probationary Employment

You shall be on a probationary status for a period not exceeding six (6) months counted from the date you report for work.
Within and before the expiration of this period, your performance shall be evaluated, the result of which will determine
your qualification for regular employment with the Company. Should your evaluation results show that you failed to
comply with the Company's Standards for Regularization, the Company can terminate your employment for your failure to
qualify as a regular employee. For your reference and guidance, attached to this Employment Contract is ANNEX “A” that
outlines the Standards for Regularization.

Also within this period, the Company may terminate your service for just or authorized causes as defined by the Labor Code
of the Philippines and other administrative issuances, as may be amended from time to time, or for violation of any of the
provisions of the Company Code of Conduct or for other causes allowed by law or this contract.

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

3. Remuneration

Your gross monthly basic salary is Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Five (Php 16, 565.00).

The above basic salary we are offering you is exclusive of other additional incentives, over -time pay, holiday premium,
commissions, and bonuses the Company may give you depending on your performance and the Company’s discretion.

Your net salary will be paid in two tranches (every 13th and 28th of the month) through your payroll (ATM) account that
you shall open in a bank designated by the Company, or based on other schedule or through other means as may be
determined by the Company.

Your salary will be subject to withholding tax and deductions that the Company is authorized and/or required by law to
make such as, but not limited to, SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG contributions.

Shifting, Overtime and Night Work

Changes in shift schedule will take place from time to time. You may also be required to work at night.
For work rendered between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, you will be entitled to 20% Night Differentials.

You consent to render work outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours, such as overtime
work, whenever required by the Company. You further understand that overtime pay and any other premium pay for work
rendered outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours shall be paid only if suc h work is
expressly requested or approved by your supervisor or manager and you are legally entitled to such overtime or premium
pay under Philippine law. Otherwise, your base salary as stated in this contract shall be adequate compensation for all your
work, including work that is outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours, and you will not
be entitled to any payment in addition to your base salary for such additional work.

Rice Subsidy
You shall receive a monthly Rice Subsidy of Seven Hundred Fifty Pesos (Php 750.00), net of tax (subject to applicable tax
laws and regulations), paid in cash and deposited to your payroll account, in full every 13 th if the month.

Transportation Allowance
You shall receive a monthly Transportation Allowance of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (Php 1,250.00), net of tax
(subject to applicable tax laws and regulations), paid in cash and deposited to your payroll account in two equal
installments – First half of the amount on the 13th- and other half on the 28th- of each month.

13th Month Pay

You will be entitled to 13th Month Pay in accordance with Philippine labor laws.


Upon your successful completion of a 90 day tenure you can avail of the following annual leave privileges:

Vacation Leave 10 days/year

Sick Leave 10 days/year

You shall be eligible for Emergency Leave of 5 days per year after rendering continuous employment with Sitel for a period of
one (1) year.

Health Insurance

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

You and your eligible dependents will be entitled to the medical benefits provided by the Company (through an outsourced
healthcare provider) corresponding to your level/position. The Company reserves the right to modify, amend or revise any
existing health or medical benefits plan in force, and to outsource to a different healthcare provider.
Start of coverage shall be subject to eligibility requirements. Please refer to ANNEX “B” of this contract.

Life Insurance

Upon the effectivity of this contract, you will be included in the coverage of the Company’s Group Term Life Insurance
(through an outsourced insurance provider), with a package corresponding to your level/position. The Company reserves
the right to modify, amend or revise any existing Group Term Life Insurance coverage and to outsource to a different
insurance provider.

4. Nature of Employment and Governing Rules

Your employment with the Company is on a full-time basis. You are provided with a two-day rest day each week. When
circumstances require, you will be required to work on your scheduled rest day and you agree to perform such work.

The terms and conditions of your employment are governed by: the Company Code of Conduct, other Company rules and
policies already in existence and which may hereinafter be issued and implemented, the Labor Code of the Philippines and
other administrative issuances, and other related Philippine laws and regulations. Your compliance with - and observance
of- the said rules and laws are vital requirements for your continued employment with the Company.

You shall strictly adhere to and comply with any and all Company security policies and measures (related to information,
property, personal, workplace, etc.) that the Company has in existence and with any and all security policies and measures
that may hereinafter be issued and implemented.

It is expected that all information you have offered, told and/or submitted to the Company before and in the course of your
employment with the latter is truthful, complete, and accurate. Any misrepresentation of facts during your application for
employment or during the course of your employment with the Company will be construed as willful dishonesty and will be
grounds for your termination.

Sitel is a drug-free workplace. Pursuant to this, the Company conducts pre-employment drug-testing and random drug-
testing for its employees. You shall cooperate with the Company in the event that you are selected for random drug testing.
You authorize the Company to have copies of the results of the drug tests. Testing positive for drugs may be a ground for
corrective action, up to, and including termination.

5. Monitoring Disclosure

You expressly acknowledge that all of Company’s communication equipment and systems, including, but not limited to,
telephone, internet, email, voicemail, telefax and other related media (collectively, “Company Systems”), are properties of
the Company, and that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in your use thereof.

Sitel may intercept, monitor or record any and all of your incoming and outgoing telephone calls, electronic mails,
voicemails and other related media, communicated, retrieved, stored or otherwise transmitted with the use of Company
Systems, for quality control checks, to ensure your compliance with Sitel’s policies and procedures, for training, educational
and corrective action purposes, and for other legitimate interests of the Company.

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

Further, the Company Systems are to be used for Company’s business purposes only. Use of any of this equipment for any
personal purposes is prohibited.

The Company reserves the right to review, intercept, access or disclose any information on the Company Systems at any
time, and you agree to the Company's exercise of such right without the need of your prior knowledge or consent at each
instance. Any review, interception or access may occur during or outside working hours. The use of a password shall not
restrict the Company’s right to access any information you stored, transmitted or in any way processed on the Company

By conforming to this contract, you acknowledge that you understand the Company’s policy regarding the use of its systems
and communication equipment, and that you authorize the Company to review, monitor, intercept, access, record and
disclose any of your communications or files on the Company’s equipment and systems.

6. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets

Any information relating to your personal circumstances shall remain confidential. However, it is understood that you
hereby grant to the Company the authority to disclose such personal information to appropriate officers or authorities
when so required by law and/or judicial authority; or to the Company’s clients when required by the latter under
circumstances and conditions made known to you in advance; or to information verifiers in relation to employee
background check purposes under circumstances and conditions made known to you in advance. You understand and agree
that your consent shall be requested by Company prior to the disclosure to third parties of any of your sensitive personal
information which includes information: (1) about your race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, and religious,
philosophical or political affiliations; (2) about your health, education, genetic or sexual life, or your criminal history; and (3)
issued by government agencies such as your social security number, health records, licenses, and tax returns. Your consent
will not be required for the disclosure of your sensitive personal information if it is necessary for the protection of life and
health, for medical treatment, for court proceedings, or when provided to the government.

You shall not disclose your compensation package and other contents of this employment contract to other employees in
the Company.

You shall not disclose or utilize directly or indirectly, other than on behalf of the Company, its subsidiaries and associate d
companies, and shall keep confidential, during and after your employment, all confidential or proprietary information
which may come to your knowledge concerning the business or affairs of the Company, its subsidiaries and any associated
company, and their respective customer, clients, principals, and agents.

During or after your employment with the Company, you shall not, remove from the premises any client list, client
information, database of any description, whether on hard copy, digital copy, computer disk or computer tape, other than
that which may be required during your employment, for the conduct of the business of the Company.
You shall not remove or make copies of any Sitel records, reports, documents and/or database of any description without
prior management approval.

Upon your separation from the Company, you shall forthwith deliver to the Company all books, documents, papers,
materials, equipment and any other property of the Company, which may have, come to, and/or are under your possession
or control, without need of any demand.

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

7. Non-Compete Clause

During your employment with the Company and for one year after your separation from the Company for whatever reason
or cause, and within the cities or municipalities where the Company or any of its branches operate, you will not, either
individually or in partnership or jointly or in conjunction with any other person, as principal, agent, shareholder, consultant,
employee or in any other capacity whatsoever, directly or indirectly carry on or be engaged in or concerned with or have
any ownership or other interest in, or advise, lend money to, guarantee the debts or obligations of, or permit your name or
any part thereof to be used or employed by or associated with, any Competitive Business; provided that nothing contained
herein shall prevent you from owning not more than 1% of any publicly traded class of shares of any company or from
acting in any capacity on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. "Competitive Business" means any business or
other enterprise providing or offering business process outsourcing services or products similar to those offered by the
Company including, but not limited to, inbound and outbound telephone, mail, and electronic based services; back office
and item processing services; collections, insurance, or other financial services; risk management services; and customer
interaction, maintenance, and marketing services in any geographic region in which the Company conducts business and in
which you either worked or represented the Company, either in person or virtually (defined broadly to include all forms of
communication other than in person), during the one-year period prior to the end of your employment with the Company.
By signing this contract, you guarantee that— you are not prevented or restricted from entering into any employment
relationship with the Company, or restricted or limited in the scope of services that you can perform on behalf of the
Company by any agreement, judgment, decree, order, or other restraint; and that you agree to indemnify and hold the
company free and harmless from any and all expenses, losses or damages it may incur, including, but not limited to all
expenses of defense and attorneys’ fees, caused by reason of your breach of covenants contained in this paragraph.

8. Stipulation Against Conflict of Interest and Non-Solicitation Clause

You shall not take improper advantage of your position in the Company and you will at all times be faithful to the
Company’s interest. During or after your employment with the Company, you shall not, directly or indirectly, whether on a
personal level, or as an officer, employee or consultant of another enterprise, or any other capacity whatsoever:
a. Enter into any consultancy, employment or business arrangement which conflicts or tends to conflict with the
Company’s business or interests or your obligations under this Contract; or
b. Otherwise act contrary to the interests of the Company.

Furthermore, during your employment with the Company and for one year after your separation from the Company for
whatever reason or cause, you shall not solicit, encourage, or influence (a) any employee, contractor, or other service
provider of the Company to leave employment or cease providing services to the Company or (b) any individual or business
that is a Customer of the Company or its current or future affiliates to decrease or discontinue its business with the
Company. You also agree that for a period of one year following your separation from the Company for whatever reason or
cause, you will not, without the advance written consent of the Company, directly or indirectly, for yourself or as an agent,
employee, consultant, member, owner, partner, stockholder, or otherwise of others contact any Customer for the purpose
of marketing, selling, or providing to any Customer any product or service similar to that offered by the Company or accept
as a customer any Customer for such purpose. "Customer" means any person or entity (i) who was or is a client or
prospective client of the Company and (ii) about whom you learned Confidential Information or with whom you had
dealings or contact in the course of your employment with the Company.

For a period of one year following the termination of your employment, you agree to provide your other or new employers
and, as may be applicable, your principal, business partner, co-stockholders, co-owners with a copy of paragraphs 7 and 8
of this agreement.

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

9. Developments/Improvements

All ideas, inventions, trademarks, works of authorship, software, source and object code, databases and data, technologies,
trade secrets, know-how, designs, patterns, marks, names, industrial designs, and other developments, improvements, or
intellectual property conceived by me, alone or with others, during the term of my employment, whether or not during
working hours, that are within the scope of the Company's business operations or that relate to any Company work or
projects (collectively "Intellectual Property"), are the exclusive property of the Company. I acknowledge and agree that any
copyrightable Intellectual Property conceived, created, or developed by me is part of my regularly-assigned duties, and that
pursuant to R.A. 8293 (Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines), the Company will own the copyright in the Intellectual
Property exclusively. I agree to fully disclose and to assign to the Company upon request all right, title, and interest in and
to any and all Intellectual Property (whether or not it is patentable, registerable, recordable, or protectable by copyright or
otherwise and regardless of whether the Company pursues any of the foregoing) and to assist the Company in any way
(during and after my employment with the Company), including but not limited to executing any necessary documents, in
obtaining patents, copyrights or other registrations or protections for such Intellectual Property in the Company's name.

10. Termination

(a) By You

You may voluntarily terminate your employment with the company by submitting to your direct supervisor and manager
your duly signed Resignation Letter at least thirty (30) days in advance from the date you wish your resignation to be

(b) By the Company Due to Performance

Should your evaluation results within your probationary period show that you failed to comply with Company''s Standards
for Regularization, the Company can terminate your employment for your failure to qualify as a regular employee.

During your regular employment, should your acts and/or omissions show: you fail to comply with company performance
standards, reflecting your gross inefficiency in the performance of your duties; or your gross or habitual neglect of duties;
or serious misconduct or willful disobedience of the lawful orders of your supervisors and managers in connection with your
work, as defined by the Labor Code of the Philippines and other related jurisprudence, the company can terminate your

(c) By the Company for Other Lawful Cause/s

The Company can terminate your employment should you commit any other acts determined and defined as lawful
grounds for termination by our Code of Conduct, and/or our company rules and policies in existence or those that may
hereinafter be issued and implemented.

The Company likewise reserves the right to terminate your employment based on just and/or authorized causes as
provided for by Philippine labor laws, guidelines and jurisprudence.

(d) Consequences of Termination

• Termination of your employment by the Company will automatically result in the termination of your employment
with, and/or secondment to any subsidiary or associated company and any position or office which you may hold with
any such company, without giving you the right to claim any damages, compensation or termination payment or
benefits of any kind from any such subsidiary or associated company, all rights on termination being as set out herein
and enforceable only against the Company.

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

• In the event of termination for any cause attributable to your fault or for any just cases to terminate employment
under the Labor Code of the Philippines, the Company shall not be liable for any remuneration, bonus (if any), benefits
or compensation after your termination date, and all rights to unpaid bonus (if any) for the year in which the
termination occurs shall be forfeited.

• In the event of termination of your employment for authorized causes such as installation of labor -saving devices;
retrenchment to prevent losses; redundancy; or the closing or cessation of operations not due to serious business
losses, or a department or section thereof; or termination by reason of disease, you shall be entitled to Separation Pay
as provided under the Labor Code of the Philippines and applicable rules and jurisprudence.

• Should you owe the Company any sum of money at any time during your employment or at the termination of your
employment you expressly authorize the Company to deduct the said amount from any and all sums due as your final
pay. Any remaining balance shall be forthwith paid by you without need of further demand. This includes, but is not be
limited to, amounts owed to the Company for overpayments, use of unearned benefits, and damaged or unreturned
equipment. This is without prejudice to the right of the Company to effect settlement or payment of your obligation
through other legal means should the amounts payable to you be insufficient to cover your unpaid or pending
obligations to the Company.

If any section or provision of this contract is held unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions shall not be

You do hereby certify that all information and documents you have provided in relation to your application (including any
statements made in any resumes or other documents and correspondence provided) and in the course of your employment
are all true and accurate. You understand that any omission, false information or documents or any form of
misrepresentation in your job application or employment constitutes fraud or dishonesty which, upon discovery, shall be a
ground for the withdrawal of any offer of employment, the denial of your application or your dismissal for just cause.

Lastly, by signing this Employment Contract, you hereby declare that you have voluntarily entered into it; that there are no
inducements, promises, terms, conditions, and/or obligations made or entered into other than those contained herein; and
that the terms and conditions above-mentioned are acceptable to you.

Welcome to Sitel!

CONFORME: (Please print name and sign)

___________________________ ________________________________________
Maridell Galang Name: __________________________________
Senior Talent Acquisition Manager Date:

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

To the Employment Contract


All or a combination of the following are the standards upon which your performance during your probationary period will
be evaluated to determine your fitness for regular employment—

1. Attendance
2. Schedule adherence
3. Satisfactory participation and performance during- and satisfactory completion of- trainings and/or remediation
efforts (example: performance improvement plans or programs)
4. Ability to effectively follow instructions
5. Compliance with company- and account- specific rules or policies
6. Output quality
7. Adherence to account-specific or department-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
8. Ability to work well with others
9. Work attitude, relating to, among others, discipline, cooperation, inter-office relations
10. Adherence to the company’s values (accountability, integrity, open communications, teamwork, service

Before the end of your probationary period of employment, your behavior and performance will be evaluated via a
prescribed evaluation or appraisal form, with goals and competencies embodying the items mentioned above.

Further, satisfactory verification of your certificates, transcripts of records, personal particulars, credentials, and
background checks, including criminal history record searches, education and employment verifications, and satisfactory
results of your medical / physical examinations are also standards for determining your fitness for regular employment.


I have read foregoing, and I declare that I understand these standards for regularization. At any point in time during my
probationary period of employment, should I have any questions regarding these standards, I also understand that it is my
responsibility to approach my immediate supervisor, manager, and/or the appropriate HR Officer for the clarification and
addressing of the same.

Employee Signature over Printed Name

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

To the Employment Contract
Health Insurance

You and your eligible dependents will be entitled to the medical benefits provided by the company (through an outsourced
healthcare provider) corresponding to your level/position.

Your Health Insurance Coverage will start within the first 30 days of you employment with the company PROVIDED that
you comply with- or fall under- the following conditions—

 Must have six (6) continuous months of relevant call center experience* from the same employer within the
last 12 months at the time of one’s application with Sitel

* “Relevant Call Center Experience” – Has held positions/jobs that make the applicant well-suited
for the position of a Contact Center Professional in Sitel, as it presents the applicant as one
requiring minimal training to perform tasks and responsibilities assigned to him/her

 Must have worked in an international call center, catering to English-speaking customers/callers**

** Customers or callers from the Unites States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand, among others

 Has completed all forms, and has submitted all requirements relevant to the successful enrollment of the
employee and his/her dependents with the health insurance provider

OTHERWISE, your Health Insurance Coverage will start upon your regularization with the company.


I have read foregoing, and I declare that I understand the conditions set forth regarding my Health Insurance coverage with
the company. At any point in time during my employment, should I have any questions regarding these conditions, I also
understand that it is my responsibility to approach my immediate supervisor, manager, and/or the appropriate HR Officer
for the clarification and addressing of the same.

Employee Signature over Printed Name

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

Appendix Y – Agreement Regarding Non-Employment Status with AT&T
This Agreement (“A greement”) is made by the individual named below (“I” or “me”), who is an employee of
______________(“Supplier”), and who has been hired or engaged to perform work for Supplier in fulfillment of the terms and
conditions of the agreement(s) between Supplier and AT&T Services, Inc. and/or its Affiliates (collectively “AT&T Company”).

1. Status
I hereby agree and acknowledge that I have been engaged by Supplier to provide services on behalf of Supplier in fulfillment of its
contractual obligations to AT&T Company. I am not being hired or engaged by any AT&T Company in any capacity. I have no right or
authority to assume or to create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of any AT&T Company.

No employment , joint venture or partnership relatio nship has been creat ed between me and AT&T by this Acknowledgment or by
any other agreement between me and Supplier for the provision of services on behalf of the Supplier.

I acknowledge and agree that Supplier shall be solely responsible for all payments to me for my work performed o n the Supplier’s
behalf under its agreement(s ) for s ervices with any AT&T Company, including payment o f compens ation, premium payments for
overtime, bonuses, and other incentive payments, if any, and payments for vacatio n, holiday, sick days or other personal days, if
any. Also, I will be solely responsible for negotiating and agreeing with Supplier for participation in any Supplier benefit plans,
including any pension, savings, or health and w elfar e pl an. Unless AT&T Company expressly provides otherwise in writing, I
further understand and agree that I am not eligible to participate in or receive any benefits under the terms of any AT&T
Company’s pension plans, s avings plans, health plans, vision plans, dis ability plans, life insurance plans, stock option plans, or any
employee benefit plan sponsored by any AT&T Company for any period o f time. I understand and agree that the cash payments
and benefits which I receive from Supplier shall repres ent the sole compensatio n to which I am entitled, and that Supplier will be
solely responsible for all matters relating to compliance with all employer tax obligations, arising from any work performed by me
on behalf o f Supplier in fulfillment o f its co ntractual obligations with any AT&T Company. These tax obligatio ns include but are not
limited to the obligation to withhold employee taxes under local, state and federal income tax laws, unemployment compens atio n
insurance tax laws, state disability insuranc e tax laws, social sec urity and Medic are tax laws, and all other payroll tax laws or
similar laws.

2. Work Policies and Rules

I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my personal conduct and co mments in the workplace support a professi onal
environment free of inappropriate behavior, language, joke or actions which could be perceived as s exual harass ment or as biased,
demeaning, offensive, derogatory to others based upon rac e, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, s exual orient ation, m arital
status, veteran’s status or disability. I further agr ee to refrain from words or conduct that is threat ening and/or disrespectfu l of

If AT&T Company provides me acc ess to its co mput er systems, I agree (a) to use such systems in a professional manner, (b) to use
such systems only for business purposes, (c) to use such systems in co mpliance with AT&T Company ’s applicable standards and
guidelines for computer systems use and applicable laws, and (d) to use password devices, if applic able and if requested by AT&T
Company. Without limiting the foregoing, AT&T Company property, including but not limited to Intranet and Int ernet services,
shall not be us ed for personal purposes or for any purpose which is not directly related to the performance of work in fu lfillment of
Supplier’s agreement(s) with any AT&T Company. I acknowledge and agree that I must have a valid AT&T Company business
reason to access the Intranet and/ or the Internet from within AT&T Company’s private corporate network.

3. Administrative Terms
This Agreement shall be effective as of the date execut ed below, and shall remain in effect shall r emain in effect through my
termination of employment or engagement with Supplier or my reassignment by the Supplier to another job unrelated to t he
Supplier’s provisioning of services to any AT&T Company unless and until I notify AT&T in writing that the statements set forth in
this Agreement are no longer accurate.

In the event that any provision o f this A greement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such invalid or enforceable provisions
shall be severed, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

My signatur e below attests to the fact that I have read, understand and agree to be legally bound by the terms of this Agr eement
Regarding Non-Employment Status with AT&T.

By:_________________________________________ Date:_____________________________

Printed Name:________________________________ Address:________________________

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

to the Employment Contract


In line with the Company’s commitment of providing our Associates with equitable remuneration in line with the skills require ment of
their assignment, presented herein are the Basic Salary Components of associates hired for the AT&T ISM account:

1. Base salary of Php 16, 565.00.

2. A Line of Business (LOB) allowance of Php 1,500.00 per month, subject to applicable taxes, effective upon being hired to
support this account.
a. The amount mentioned shall depend on your attendance for a given month, where complete attendance shall entitle
you to the full amount of the allowance. You shall be entitled only to a prorated amount should you incur any
absences, with or without pay, within the said period.
b. It is understood that this allowance is specific to your current account/ LOB assignment and therefore, shall cease to
be received by you should you be transferred to another LOB or site (or a different account) for whatever reason. For
intercity/region movements such as Manila to Baguio or Baguio to Manila (irrespective of whether the same account
or not) the LOB allowances for the previous city/region may cease to exist.
c. The LOB allowance may cease to exist in case of a change in job role, for example, if you move to a track trainee
program or a support group (CSR/TSR to Learning Specialist Track Trainee or CSR/TSR to Coach Track Trainee or
CSR/TSR to HR/Finance/Workforce/Quality).

3. Upon successfully accomplishing the requirements in the OCP -Operations Check Point period, this will imply that you passed
the initial certification standards prescribed by the AT&T ISM account. Hence upon passing OCP which marks the start for you
to take in calls, this will entitle you to receive:
a. A Complexity Allowance amounting to Php 2,550.00, subject to applicable taxes, in consideration of the work, skill
and intricacy related to the nature of the business of the account – AT&T ISM.
b. It is understood that this allowance is specific to your current account and therefore, shall cease to be received by you
should you be transferred to another campaign or site (or a different account) for whatever reason. Fo r
intercity/region movements such as Manila to Baguio or Baguio to Manila (irrespective of whether the same account
or not) the complexity allowances for the previous city/region may cease to exist.
c. The complexity allowance may cease to exist in case of a change in job role, for example, if you move to a track
trainee program or a support group (CSR/TSR to Learning Specialist Track Trainee or CSR/TSR to Coach Track Trainee
or CSR/TSR to HR/Finance/Workforce/Quality).
I have read foregoing, and I declare that I understand the items and conditions mentioned above. At any point in time during my
employment with the company, should I have any questions regarding the same, I also understand that it is my responsibility t o approach
my immediate supervisor, manager, and/or the appropriate HR Officer for the clarification and addressing of the same.

Employee Signature Over Printed Name

Date: _____________________________________

2 ND Floor Robinson’s Luisita Complex, MacArthur Highway San Miguel,

Tarlac City, Philippines
A company of

+632.860.000.0005 | |

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