Worksheet 1 Solve Galilean Transformation of Position

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Worksheet 1
Solve Galilean Transformation of Position

How to relate the position of the event

observed by you and your friend

uconstant << c
y y’
x, y, t
x’, y’, t’


you x your friend x’

Classical Relativity Maths Problem Solving Series

Illustrate galilean transformation of position ( u << c)

TWO assumptions for time measurement in galilean transformation

1 2
At t = 0
y , y’ both reference frames coincides t = t’ time is the same in both frames
(unless stated otherwise)

x , x’

At t > 0

y y’
x, y, t
x’, y’, t
x = ut + x’


you x your friend x’

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean transformation: mathematics of classical relativity 2
To help you learn on how to transform the position in one reference frame to the other when the relative speed << c, let’s
go over Example 1.1 and Example 1.2

Example 1.1 Use galilean transformation to calculate the position

Adam is standing at the bus stand. Mary passes by him at 3 m s−1 at the instance a fire cracker
explodes. If 4 seconds after the explosion, Mary is 8 m away from the explosion site, how far is the
explosion from Adam?

Steps Actions

1 Sketch the situation u = 3 m s−1

y y’


x’ = 8 m at t = 4 s

Adam x Mary x’

2 From the question, identify the relative speed

relative speed << c, so use galilean transformation to calculate the positon

Adam is standing at the bus stand. Mary passes by him at 3 m s−1 at the instance a firecracker
explodes. If 4 seconds after the explosion, Mary is 8 m away from the explosion site, how far is the
explosion from Adam?

3 Solve using the galilean transformation of position equation

x= ut +=
x′ ( 3)( 4 )=
+8 20 m

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 3

Example 1.2 Use galilean transformation to calculate the position

At time, t = 1.3 s, a firecracker explodes on the ground at x = 30 m. According to a car moving at

12 m s−1, what is the position and time of the explosion?

Steps Actions

1 Sketch the situation

y y’

x = 30 m at t = 1.3 s

x’ = ? at t’ = ?

x x’

2 From the question, identify the relative speed

At time, t = 1.3 s, a firecracker explodes on the ground at x = 30 m. According to a car moving at

12 m s−1, what is the position and time of the explosion?

relative speed << c, so use galilean transformation to calculate the positon

3 Solve using the galilean transformation of position equation and time assumption

30 − (12 )(1.3) =
x′= x − ut = 14.4 m
t= t ′= 1.3s Galilean time measurement assumption

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 4

Activity 1.1 Solve the following galilean trnsformation of position problems

1. A highway digital billboard warns drivers of an accident 1.5 km ahead. How far is a car
travelling at 60 m s−1 from the accident 10 s after passing the billboard?

2. A 400 m train moving at 6 m s−1 passes by a stationary paramedic. Hundred seconds after the
rear end of the train passed by the paramedic, a passenger at the centre of the train had a heart
attack. What is the position of the passenger according to the paramedic?

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 5

3. A red laser gives out a pulsed light at time, t = 1 s and position, x = 20 m. Three seconds later a
green laser gives out a pulsed light at position, x = 45 m. What are the positions and times of
these two events to a drone flying parallel to the x-axis at 5 m s−1?

4. A bird is seen to be 24 m away from a stationary observer and 8 m away from a car after 12 s
of passing each other. What is the speed of the car?

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 6

5. During a fire at a gas refinery complex, an explosion occurs at time, t = 1 s followed by another
explosion at the same position at time, t = 3 s. A drone flying in the x-direction over the refinery
complex detected the first explosion at position, x’ = 4 m and the second at position, x’ = − 4 m.
Calculate the
(a) speed of the drone.

(b) location of the explosion at the refinery complex.

6. A police car moving at 10 m s−1 emits siren 40 min of each other.

(a) What is the distance between the two events as measured by
(i) the policeman.

(ii) a stationary observer at the roadside.

(b) what can you conclude from your calculations?

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 7

7. Two firecrackers explode simultaneously 125 m apart along a straight railroad track. A train
moves along the track at 25 m s−1.

(a) How far apart are the explosions as measured by the train driver?

(b) If instead of a simultaneous explosion, the firecracker 125 m farther ahead explodes 3 s
before the other. How far apart would the explosions be to the train driver?

(c) What can you conclude from your calculations in (a) and (b)?

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 8

8. Ziad is in a bus travelling at 25 m s−1 passes by Ana who is standing by the road side. Thirty
seconds after Ziad had passed by, Ana sees a drone 800 m from her flying in the same direction
as the bus.

(a) What is the distance of the drone from Ziad?

(b) Five seconds after the first sighting, the drone is 850 m from Ana. Determine the speed of
the drone relative to

(i) Ana.

(ii) Ziad.

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 9

Time to reflect:

What is your strategy in solving the galilean transformation of position? Why do you use such













Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 10

ANSWER WORKSHEET 1 Solve Galilean Transformation of Position

No. Answer

1 x‘ = 900 m

2 x = 800 m

3 xred’ = 15 m xgreen’ = 25 m

4 ucar = 1.3 m s−1

5 udrone = 4 m s−1 xexplosion = 8 m

6 (a) (i) ∆xpoliceman’ = 24000 m

(ii) ∆xstationary observer = 24000 m
(b) same distance for both stationary observer and policeman → length is absolute
under galilean transformation

7 (a) ∆xtrain’ = 125 m

(b) ∆xtrain’ = 125 m
(c) same distance for both stationary observer and train driver in each case (a) & (b)
→ length is absolute under galilean transformation

8 (a) x’ = 50 m
(b)(i) v = 10 m s−1
(ii) v’ = −15 m s−1

Worksheet 1 Galilean transformation of position JIF 103 Galilean Relativity Spacetime 11

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