Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity in Pervious Concrete: Felipe Montes and Liv Haselbach

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Volume 23, Number 6, 2006

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity in Pervious Concrete

Felipe Montes* and Liv Haselbach

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208


A computerized falling head permeameter system was used to measure hydraulic conductivity of pervi-
ous concrete from samples taken from three different field-placed slabs with known porosities. Important
differences between samples were found, and these follow the same trend as differences in porosity. The
relationship between porosity and hydraulic conductivity is suggested as a tool for designing pervious
concrete pavements as a stormwater pollution best management practice. A quantitative relationship be-
tween porosity and hydraulic conductivity was established based on the Carman-Kozeny equation for the
samples tested. Samples with porosities less than 15% presented limited hydraulic conductivity. Impor-
tant considerations on the measurement of hydraulic conductivity of pervious concrete samples are dis-
cussed, and the Ergun equation is used to explore the flow regime inside pervious concrete samples.

Key words: permeameter; water pollution; porosity; porous media flow; porous pavements; hydraulic
conductivity; infiltration; laminar flow

INTRODUCTION (EPA, 1999; Olek et al., 2003; Tennis et al., 2004; Fer-
guson, 2005).

P ERVIOUS CONCRETE is one of the important emerging

technologies for sustainable facilities and infrastruc-
ture. Applications of pervious concrete include residen-
Pervious concrete has been included in the manual of
technologies suggested by the Environmental Protection
Agency for stormwater runoff management (EPA, 1999),
tial alleys, roads, driveways, side walks and pathways, can be used to earn credits under the United States Green
parking lots, pavement, and edge drains. It is considered Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and
a green building material, easy to install, and can be pro- Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating
duced from readily available materials. Important envi- System (U.S. Green Building Council, 2002), it is a ther-
ronmental benefits of pervious concrete include the po- mally insulating material and can be used to reduce
tential reduction of urban heat island effects, recharge of acoustic noise in roads (Olek et al., 2003; Tennis et al.,
ground water, reduction of stormwater runoff potential, 2004; Ferguson 2005). It has a great potential as a sus-
and reduction of irrigation water use in urban landscapes tainable material for green building and sustainable in-
by permitting rainfall water to infiltrate and be stored in frastructure, but the material’s potential cannot be real-
the soil in areas where adjacent vegetation is growing ized without additional scientific information on its

*Corresponding author: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina, 300 Main Street,
Columbia, SC, 29208. Phone: 803-777-8318; Fax: 803-777-0670; E-mail:


properties and performance. Some steps towards estab- where pervious concrete is believed to have the greatest
lishing a sound scientific background have been taken by potential for stormwater runoff management.
Montes et al. (2005) in developing adequate tests to mea- There are several established methods to measure sat-
sure porosity, by Zouaghi et al. (2000) and Olek et al. urated hydraulic conductivity of porous materials. These
(2003) on defining the strength characteristics, and by methods are based on Darcy’s Law, and the most com-
Olek et al. (2003) and Neithalath et al. (2005) in char- mon are the constant head and falling head permeameter
acterizing the acoustic properties of the material. Re- methods (Hillel, 1980; Bear, 1988; ASTM, 2000, 2003).
search needs on pervious concrete to support sustain- Important characteristics of the method used to measure
ability include detailed information on hydraulic hydraulic conductivity of pervious concrete need to be
conductivity, pore structure, and flow through the media considered due to the high permeability of this material
for water and other substances. (Lindly and Elsayed, 1998; Olek et al., 2003). Traditional
This study focuses on the measurement of saturated permeameter setups such as those illustrated in the ASTM
hydraulic conductivity in field-placed pervious concrete, D2434 standards and ASTM D5084-03 are not recom-
its relationship with porosity, the assumption of laminar mended for materials with saturated hydraulic conduc-
flow inside the material, and the applicability of Darcy’s tivity greater than 1  103 cm/s (ASTM, 2000, 2003).
Law. Flow velocity inside the porous media will affect the
flow regime and therefore the hydraulic conductivity
measurements. Hydraulic conductivity measurements are
BACKGROUND based on the assumption of laminar flow and under tur-
bulent flow the assumptions on which Darcy’s law is
Important design parameters used for drainage and based are no longer valid (Hillel, 1980; Bear, 1988;
runoff control structures are the hydraulic conductivity Lindly and Elsayed, 1998). Adequate estimation of sat-
and the storage capacity of the infiltration substrate urated hydraulic conductivity in porous materials where
(Bohne et al., 1993; Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993). Hy- high flow velocities occur requires verification that lam-
draulic conductivity, some times referred as water per- inar flow is maintained throughout the measurements. It
meability (Hillel, 1980), is a quantitative measure that is common to assume laminar flow in materials such as
characterizes the flow of water through a porous media. sands and silts but in materials such as pervious concrete
It is derived from Darcy’s Law of flow through porous the possibility of turbulent flow can not be discarded.
media, and is an important parameter in mathematical It is generally accepted that Darcy’s Law is valid as
modeling and simulation of runoff, infiltration, surface, long as the Reynolds number is below 1 (Hillel, 1980;
and subsurface flow (Hillel, 1980; Bear, 1988). Bear, 1988; Lindly and Elsayed, 1998). The Reynolds
The hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous media number for flow through porous media has been defined
is considered to be constant and is a good quantitative as (Hillel, 1980; Bear, 1988):
measure to characterize the flow of water when compar-
ing porous media. Under unsaturated conditions hy- Rep   (1)
draulic conductivity varies with the water content in the 
porous medium, and it is generally considered a function where Rep is the Reynolds number for the particular fluid-
of the degree of saturation of the media or the matrix suc- porous media flow situation, d is the characteristic length
tion (Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993). Unsaturated hy- related to the porous media (cm); q is the specific dis-
draulic conductivity can be measured in the laboratory or charge as previously defined (cm s1) and  is the kine-
can be approximated from the saturated hydraulic con- matic viscosity of the fluid (cm2 s1). The characteristic
ductivity, the water saturation, and the matrix suction length d is generally related to the pore size or the di-
curves as proposed by Brooks and Corey (1964), Gard- ameter of the particles forming the porous media. It is
ner (1958), and explained in detail in Fredlund and usual for field placed pervious concrete to have particle
Rahardjo (1993) and in Hillel (1980). Most of the time sizes between 0.6 and 1.5 cm, pore sizes between 0.1 and
pervious concrete applications would work under unsat- 1.0 cm, and flow rates between 0.2 to 0.5 cm/s (Tennis
urated condition, but the most critical performance of et al., 2004). For water flowing through pervious con-
these structures will occur after intense precipitation crete at 20°C the values of the Rep as derived from Equa-
events where ponding, small flooding, and saturation tion (1), would be between 1 and 60, indicating a transi-
conditions are present. Applications such as curbs or col- tional flow between laminar and turbulent regime.
lection basins will be designed by considering a small The Ergun equation model, developed in chemical en-
flooding head from water flowing from adjacent areas to gineering studies of packed beds where a wide range of
the pervious concrete surface. Under these conditions is flow conditions are common, may better describe the

ENVIRON ENG SCI, VOL. 23, NO. 6, 2006


flow regime inside the pervious concrete (Macdonald et the water transport. The fraction of pores that participate
al., 1979; Bird et al., 2002). The Ergun equation has the in the conduction of fluids is called effective porosity.
following form, Quantitatively, the definition of effective porosity might
vary according to the application for which it is mea-
150 7
f     (2) sured. Domenico and Schwartz (1990) define effective
Re 4
porosity as the percentage of interconnected pores, while
where f is a dimensionless friction factor, Bear (1988) discusses how this definition could also ex-
clude dead-end and stagnant pockets as well as smaller
(H0  HL)w p3
f       (3) pores in which water movement is greatly reduced by
wq 2
L (1  p)
surface tension. Furthermore, Bear (1988) noticed that an
w and w are the specific weight and the density of wa- alternative definition of effective porosity is commonly
ter, p is the porosity of the medium, Re is a modified linked to the drainable porosity, and precisely this type
Reynolds number (Macdonald et al., 1979; Papathana- of definition was used by Wimberly et al. (2001) in the
siou et al., 2001), description of porous concrete. The high water conduc-
tivity of pervious concrete compared with other materi-
Re     (4) als of similar porosity suggests that most of the pore vol-
w (1  p)
ume in this material is actively participating in the
Dp is the equivalent spherical diameter of the particles of conduction of fluids. Experimental data presented by
the particles forming the media and w is the dynamic Montes et al. (2005), in which pervious concrete samples
viscosity of water. Dp is estimated as: were submerged underwater to estimate total porosity
showed how within 30 min most of the water that would
Dp  Davg   (5)
occupy the pores space inside the samples had already
where Davg is the average diameter of the particles form- entered, suggesting large size pores and effective poros-
ing the medium and  is the sphericity of the particle, ity being an important part of the total porosity. Due to
defined as the ratio between the surface area of a sphere the varying definition of effective porosity and the high
of diameter D divided by its volume and the surface percentage of the total porosity in pervious concrete, to-
area of a nonspherical particle of average diameter Davg tal porosity has been chosen as the porosity parameter to
divided by its volume (McCabe et al., 2001). Macdon- use in this study.
ald et al. (1979) used the Ergun model to predict flow The hydraulic conductivity of a porous medium de-
rates through a variety of packed beds that included mix- pends on three basic properties: porosity, medium con-
tures of several sized irregular-shaped particles and a ductance, and tortuosity (Bear, 1988). Most mathemati-
variety of consolidated media. They noted that the Er- cal relationships expressing the hydraulic conductivity as
gun model consistently underpredicts the flow in con- a function of porosity, conductance, and tortuosity are
solidated media and attributed their results to the diffi- semiempirical. Such models are complex, and so far have
culty associated with obtaining an adequate particle size limited practical use because they require a variety of pa-
value for this type of media, where particle gradation rameters that are not commonly available (Vervoort and
and shape are difficult to estimate and the cementing Cattle, 2003). Furthermore, pervious concrete is a con-
material create further distortion of the real particle and solidated medium constructed with particles cemented to-
pore sizes. gether, and a representative grain size distribution can-
The Ergun equation is considered as an analysis tool not be readily obtained. It is understood that porosity
in this research because little is known about the flow alone cannot define the permeability of pervious con-
regime occurring inside pervious concrete materials and crete; however, taking into account that determining tor-
because of the similarity between pervious concrete, tuosity or conductance is a rather complex task compared
packed beds, and other consolidated materials in which with the determination of porosity, it is expected that
the Ergun equation has been used to model the flow porosity will be a major determinant of the saturated hy-
(Macdonald et al., 1979). It is also important for pollu- draulic conductivity of pervious concrete. The Carman-
tant transport models to know when the flow inside per- Kozeny equation (Bear, 1988; Domenico and Schwartz,
vious concrete is laminar or becomes transitional or fully 1990):
turbulent. Absorption and adsorption processes may be
very different for the flow conditions mentioned.
Not all the pores participate effectively in retention and

Ks   2
(1  p)  (6)

conduction of fluids through pervious concrete; isolated, is a good model to investigate the relationship between
dead-end pores, and capillary pores do not participate in porosity and hydraulic conductivity in field placed per-

vious concrete. The factor  in Equation (6) is formed cut into 30  30 cm sections, was name-tagged, and
by: transported to the laboratories at the University of South
Carolina Department of Civil and Environmental Engi-
  (7) neering. Table 1 shows the main characteristics of each
pervious concrete pour.
where g is the gravitational acceleration (cm s2),  is Total porosity was measured following the water dis-
the kinematic viscosity of water (cm2 s1), Ms is the spe- placement methodology suggested by Montes et al.
cific surface area of the material cm1, and Co is an em- (2005). This methodology estimates the total porosity of
pirical constant. Given the simplicity of total porosity de- pervious concrete samples by measuring the weight dif-
termination and the availability of data about total ference between a dry sample and the submerged weight
porosity of pervious concrete, it is expected that estab- of the same sample after 30 min sunken under water and
lishing a working relationship between pervious concrete was determined to be accurate to 3% porosity for simi-
total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity will lar size samples (Montes et al., 2005).
serve as a preliminary design parameter for hydrologists Samples from the slab sections obtained from each pour
and stormwater designers. were drilled to obtain cylinder cores 10 cm (4 in.) in di-
The objective of this paper was to measure the hydraulic ameter by 10–15 cm (4–6 in.) high. Each cylinder was
conductivity from field-placed pervious concrete, relating tagged and its total porosity measured, and then was coated
it with total porosity and establishing initial parameters that with epoxy steel weld (J.B Weld®) around the perimeter.
will help in the design of pervious concrete systems for The drilled and coated core samples from each slab con-
stormwater management and sustainable design. stituted the experimental specimens used to measure hy-
draulic conductivity in the falling head permeameter.


A falling head permeameter was constructed in the lab-
Pervious concrete samples
oratory to measure hydraulic conductivity (Hillel, 1980;
Samples from three different pervious concrete field Bear, 1988; Domenico and Schwartz, 1990). The basic
placements in South Carolina were used to determine hy- design of the permeameter consisted of a 10.2 cm (4 in.)
draulic conductivity. The first was a 10-cm deep test slab diameter PVC pipe “U”-shape assembly and is shown in
poured over a sand subbase at Edisto Beach; the second Fig. 1. The “U” shape assembly was mounted over an
was poured 15-cm deep over a sand subbase at Spartan- Ohaus Scale Base Model B505 with I10 indicator, 50 kg
burg, and the third field pour was made in Charleston capacity, 0.01 kg precision, to record head change and
over an impermeable pavement base. Each slab was saw- flow data from the permeameter system by measuring the

Table 1. Characteristics of each field pervious concrete pour.

Edisto Beacha Spartanburg Charleston

Date of pour 4/03/03 1/6/04 4/1/04

Cement (kg) — 692 237
Admixture (kg) — 1.7 (MLR) 0.6 (WRDA17)
Water (L) — 174 72b
Aggregate (kg) — 2803 1115
Fly ash (kg) — 0 41
Water/cement ratio — 0.25 0.30
Water/cementitious material ratio — 0.25 0.26
Aggregate/cement ratio — 4.05 4.70
Aggregate/cementitious material ratio — 4.05 4.01
Average porosity (%) 16 18 28
Number of samples taken for saturated 4 7 6
hydraulic conductivity measurements
aLimited information was available from this initial pour.
bWater was added in the field before the pour started to correct water deficiencies observed in the field. This water is not included


ENVIRON ENG SCI, VOL. 23, NO. 6, 2006


Figure 1. Falling head permeameter and computer system used to measure hydraulic conductivities. Fv, filling valve; WOB,
water outlet basin.

weight of the system over time. A second scale, Ohaus Falling head permeameter experiments were conducted
Explorer EP220001, 22 kg capacity, 0.1 g precision, was with the initial pressure head starting at 50 cm. Water pres-
used to track the infiltration flow coming out of the per- sure head was recorded every second after the experiment
meameter system over time. At the bottom of the “U”- started, until water stopped flowing out of the system and
shape assembly a control valve [7.6 cm (3.0 in.) ball the pressure head was reduced to 0. From each experi-
PVC valve] controlled the flow from the water column mental data set, the subset formed by the pressure head
head to the pervious concrete sample. A 1.3-cm (0.5 in.) between 20 and 1 cm, and its corresponding time values
valve and plastic tube were installed in the bottom sec- was selected for statistical analysis. Data between 20 and
tion of the “U” shape in the water column side of the 50 cm head corresponded to the initial part of the test, af-
control valve, in order to fill the system with water. Both ter the valve in the permeameter had just been opened and
scales were connected to a personal computer through water began to flow. Allowing the first 30 cm of head drop
a multiple serial port. Win Wedge® data acquisition to flow through the pervious concrete sample let the sys-
software from TAL Technologies Inc. was used to trans- tem reach dynamical equilibrium. The last part of the head
late the signals coming from the scales into Microsoft drop, between 1 and 0 cm, results in such a low flow that
Excel spreadsheet data files on which data was recorded the sensibility of the scales used to estimate the head
continuously and the experimental procedure was mon- change was not adequate to accurately measure it.
itored. The system registered the change in mass of the The data set from each experiment was analyzed
head column and the total volume flowing out of the using the following equation as suggested by ASTM
system every second. Hydraulic head changes used in (2003), Bear (1988), and Hillel (1980):
the determination of the hydraulic conductivity of the
samples are based on the rate of water flow out of the aL H1
Ks   Ln  (8)
system. A(t  t1) Ht

where Ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, a is the culated for the data subset of each particular pervious
cross-sectional area of the PVC pipe holding the sample, concrete hydraulic conductivity measurement experi-
A and L are the cross-sectional area and the length of the ment. It is difficult to estimate the equivalent particle di-
pervious concrete sample, t1 is the time at which the wa- ameter when a consolidated medium is used. The aver-
ter head reached the H1 mark at 20 cm, and t is the time age diameter size of the aggregate used these pervious
corresponding to each record as the pressure head Ht concrete samples is 1 cm (3/8 to 5/8 in.), but the ce-
dropped from 20 to 1 cm; Ln is the symbol for the nat- mentitious material holding the discrete particles together
ural logarithmic function. reduces the porosity and the diameter of the porous chan-
nels. To account for this effect, and for the fact that the
aggregates were not spherical, three different values for
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dp where used: 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6 cm. Those values can
be interpreted as average particle size in the medium with
Flow regime in the hydraulic 1 cm and sphericity values of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6, or parti-
conductivity measurements cles with different average diameters and sphericities so
The Ergun equation model provided an adequate tool that Dp would be equal to 0.1, 0.3, or 0.6 cm. The results
for the analysis of flow conditions inside the pervious of the Ergun model calculation presented for the samples
concrete samples. Values of the Ergun equation were cal- with lowest and highest porosities and saturated hydraulic

Figure 2. Plot of the Ergun equation and values calculated using the falling head experimental data from samples A5d (p 
16%), B22c (p  22%), and C11b (p  32%) calculated with Dp  0.1, Dp  0.3, and Dp  0.6. (Adapted from Bird et al., 2002.)

ENVIRON ENG SCI, VOL. 23, NO. 6, 2006


conductivities are presented in Fig. 2. The figure shows ductivities below of what is common in the literature
that the best fitted data was obtained when Dp  0.1 cm, (Tennis et al., 2004). Samples A5a and A5c apparently
a smaller value of what the characteristic particle size for had no connecting pore channels through the sample, re-
these material is. It also shows that most of the samples sulting in no flow through, even with a pressure head
were in the laminar flow region, but applications with higher than 50 cm. Samples from Spartanburg had porosi-
higher porosity and higher hydraulic head transitional ties between 16–25% and hydraulic conductivities of
flow may need to be considered. 0.132 to 0.404 cm s1. These values are representative
of the expected saturated hydraulic conductivities for per-
Hydraulic conductivity measurements vious concrete. Samples from Charleston had the high-
est porosities, 22–32%, and hydraulic conductivities, 0.46
Saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks was estimated to 1.32 cm s1. The highest conductivity values obtained
from the following manipulation of Equation (8): from these samples are outside the range of common ex-
H1 pected values for pervious concrete, but were on the
(t  t1)  Ln  (9) vicinity of the highest laboratory measurements reported
by Tennis et al. (2004).
by plotting (t  t1) vs. Ln (H1/Ht), fitting a line through
the data set and calculating the slope of the best fitted
line, . The hydraulic conductivity was obtained from  Relationship between total porosity and saturated
as: hydraulic conductivity
L The Carman-Kozeny equation was used to model the
Ks    (10) relationship between porosity and hydraulic conductivity
in the field-placed pervious concrete. Nonlinear regres-
Table 2 presents the porosity, the estimated hydraulic sion was used to fit Equation (6) to the data set obtained
conductivity for the falling head permeameter experi- from all the field samples used. Because parameters Co
ments included in the study, and the R2 values for the re- and Ms are unknown for field-placed pervious concrete,
gression used to estimate the saturated hydraulic con- factor  in Equation (6) was used as a nonlinear fitting
ductivity. The repeatability of the measurements was constant. Figure 3 shows the data of porosity and hy-
within 10% of the saturated hydraulic conductivity for draulic conductivity for all samples considered in this
a particular sample. study compared with the nonlinear fitted model. Equa-
Samples from the Edisto beach had the lowest poros- tion (6) was fitted to the data using the Marquadt method
ity range, 16–20%, and a lower hydraulic conductivity, of the NLIN procedure in the SAS/STAT version 8.2 sta-
0.014 to 0.025 cm s1. These samples had hydraulic con- tistical software (Draper and Smith, 1998; SAS, 1999).

Table 2. Porosity and hydraulic conductivity of field placed pervious concrete.

Sample number Location p (%) Ks (cm/s) R2*

A5b Edisto 15.8 0.014 0.989

A5d Edisto 16.1 0.025 0.975
B20b Spartanburg 17.7 0.132 0.992
B20c Spartanburg 18.5 0.237 0.981
B20d Spartanburg 15.6 0.180 0.991
B22a Spartanburg 24.4 0.272 0.990
B22b Spartanburg 17.7 0.145 0.992
B22c Spartanburg 22.4 0.154 0.991
B22d Spartanburg 24.9 0.404 0.994
C4a Charleston 25.5 0.457 0.996
C4b Charleston 29.9 0.783 0.994
C4d Charleston 26.8 0.869 0.997
C11a Charleston 29.5 0.941 0984
C11b Charleston 32.0 1.317 0.977
C11d Charleston 30.1 1.190 0.979

*R2 values from the regression analysis used to estimate Ks.


Figure 3. Model resulting from the nonlinear fitting of the satrurated hydraulic conductivity and total porosity data to the Car-
man-Kozeny equation.

The model proposed in Equation (6) fitted the data well signers. Even though all the samples coming from a
with   17.9 2.3, as is observed in Fig. 3. The sum particular placement were taken from the same slab,
of squares of the regression model was 96% of the total differences in porosity and hydraulic conductivity
sum of squares, residuals are distributed randomly across within a slab were important. One sample will not suf-
the regression line, and the mean of the residuals is not fice to identify the porosity or the hydraulic conduc-
statistically different from zero, all indicative of adequate tivity of a pervious concrete placement. It was ob-
fitting of the data. The final equation for these samples served that field-placed pervious concrete with
is therefore: porosities below 15% had very limited hydraulic con-
ductivity, and it is assumed that some parts of the per-

Ks  18 2
(1  p)  (11) vious concrete may not have had connecting channels.
Stormwater pervious concrete designs can be made by
This nonlinear expression relating total porosity and selecting the hydraulic conductivity that best fits the
hydraulic conductivity is only valid for the samples and application and by making sure that the minimum
the range of values covered in this research, but may porosity corresponding to that hydraulic conductivity
be used as a guide for stormwater planners and de- is achieved in the field.

ENVIRON ENG SCI, VOL. 23, NO. 6, 2006


CONCLUSIONS f   dimensionless friction factor used in the Ergun

The flow regime inside pervious concrete for many g  acceleration of gravity (cm s2)
typical applications is laminar, as demonstrated by the Ht  water head at different times during the falling
Ergun equation analysis. Therefore, Darcy’s law can be head saturated hydraulic conductivity measure-
used to describe the hydraulic conductivity and the in- ments (cm)
trinsic permeability of this material. A relationship be- H1  water head corresponding to 20 cm
tween total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity Ho  initial hydraulic head forcing the flow through
based on the Carman-Kozeny equation is proposed as a the porous medium (cm)
design tool for pervious concrete stormwater systems. It HL  residual hydraulic head remaining after the flow
was valid for pervious concrete with aggregate around 1 has surpassed the medium (cm)
cm (3/8 to 5/8 in.) and porosity ranging from 15 to 32%. Ks  saturated hydraulic conductivity or coefficient of
Pervious concrete materials with less than 15% porosity permeability (cm s1)
have limited hydraulic conductivity. Applications with L  pervious concrete sample length through which
high porosities and high head may fall outside the lami- the fluid has to flow (cm)
nar range. Ms  specific surface area of the material (cm1)
p  porosity expressed as a fraction of total volume
q  specific discharge or flow per unit cross sec-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tional area of the medium (cm s1)
Rep  Reynolds number for a particular fluid-porous
We would like to thank Scott Langford of the S.C. De- media system
partment of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Chapman Re  modified Reynolds number used in the Ergun
Concrete of Spartanburg, S.C., Gordon Singletary of S equation.
& W Ready Mix, Van-Smith Concrete of Charleston, SC, R2  square of the multiple correlation coefficient
and Members of the Carolina Ready Mixed Concrete As- t  corresponding time of each hydraulic head
sociation (CRMCA) for their contributions to this proj- record as it dropped from 20 cm to 5 cm in the
ect. We are also grateful for the support and funding for falling head permeameter measurements
this research made available through the Center for Man- t1  time at which the water head reached the 20 cm
ufacturing and Technology (CMAT) at the University of mark H1
South Carolina. We would also like to recognize students w  density of water (g cm3)
Robert Freeman and Srinivas Valavala and assistant pro- w  dynamic viscosity of water (gm cm1 s1)
fessor Dr. Erik Anderson in the Civil and Environmen- w  specific weight of water (g cm3)
tal Engineering Department of the University of South   kinematic viscosity of the fluid (cm2 s1)
Carolina for their help.   sphericity of the particle

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