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 abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic (placental) tissue

 molar pregnancies (partial and complete)
 invasive moles
 choriocarcinomas
 placental site trophoblastic tumors

 ability to produce hCG: both as a tumor marker for diagnosing the disease and as a tool for measuring
the effects of treatment.
 most curable gynecologic malignancy.

 molar pregnancies (hydatidiform moles)

Physical Examination
 expulsion of grapelike molar clusters into the vagina or blood in the cervical os.
 Occasionally, may find large bilateral theca lutein cysts that result from high levels of B-hCG.
 abdominal exam: absent FHTs and size/date discrepancies.

Diagnostic Evaluation
 serum p-hCG levels can be extremely high (>lOO,OOO mIU/mL), relative to values for normal
 Confirmation of GTD pelvic UTZ: "snowstorm" pattern

Differential Diagnosis
multiple gestation pregnancy, erythroblastosis fetalis, intrauterine infection fibroids, threatened abortion,
ectopic pregnancy, or normal intrauterine pregnancy.
Treatment: immediate removal of the uterine contents
1) dilation and suction evacuation (D&E)  intravenous oxytocin
2) completed childbearing, hysterectomy is an alternate therapy.

INCOMPLETE MOLES: normal ovum is fertilized by two sperm simultaneously

Clinical Manifestations : History
 delayed menses and a pregnancy diagnosis.
 Present with miscarriage or missed abortions  may be diagnosed later
COMPLETE MOLES: fertilization of an enucleate ovum or "empty egg," one whose nucleus is  Diagnosis is often made on pathologic examination of the products of
missing or nonfunctional, by one normal sperm  conception.
 Universal avascular villi; higher malignant potential  May have similar but much less severe symptoms

Risk Factors Physical Examination: typically normal except for the absence of FHTs
 women under age 20 or over age 40. Treatment: immediate removal of the uterine contents.
 Paternal: >45 y/o
 Diet: Low carotene and animal fat  Chemoprophylaxis may be useful in situations where patients are at high risk of postmolar GTD
 areas where the diet is low in beta-carotene and folic acid and when post-evacuation surveillance is doubtful
 had prior miscarriages or a prior history of GTD  Advanced maternal age >35
Clinical Manifestations : History  Gravidity >4
 MC presenting symptom: irregular or heavy vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy (painless  Uterine size larger than gestation by >6weeks
but may be associated with uterine contractions)  Serum bhCG titer > 100,000 mlU/ml
 d/t high HCG  Theca lutein cysts >6cm
1) severe nausea and vomiting (from hyperemesis gravidarum);  Presence of any medical complication
2) irritability, dizziness, and photophobia (from preeclampsia); or  Repeat molar pregnancy
3) nervousness, anorexia, and tremors (from hyperthyroidism).
In fact, preeclampsia occuring prior to 22 weeks gestation is pathoneumonic for molar
Carvy Mea B. Torida
 Invasive moles, choriocarcinoma and PSTT
 50%: occurs months to years after a molar pregnancy.
 One distinguishing feature: extreme sensitivity to chemotherapy.
 NONMETASTATIC: Methotrexate or actinomycin D

 malignant transformation of a persistent benign disease or recurrence of GTD
 penetrate locally into the myometrium, sometimes reaching through to the peritoneal cavity.
Despite this, invasive moles rarely metastasize  respond well to chemotherapy

Clinical Manifestations : History

 as a result of plateauing or rising l)-heG after treatment for a molar pregnancy.

 pure epithelial tumor: syncitio- and cyto-trophoblast
 often metastatic spreads hematogenously to lungs, vagina, pelVis, b rain, liver, intestines, and
 GROSS: necrotic hemorrhagic masses or nodules
 MICROSCOPIC: exuberant trophoblastic growth WITHOUT villous pattern!
 Chemotherapy
 Methotrexate: 0.3-0.4mg/kg BW/day IM on days 1-5
 Actinomycin D: 10-12mcg/ kg BW/day SIVP on days 1-5
 Cyclophosphamide: 3mg/kg BW/day PO on days 1-5 or
 Chlorambucil: 0.2mg/ kg BW/day PO on days 1-5
EMA-CO chemotherapy
 Course 1: (EMA) etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin d
 Course 2: (CO) vincristine, Cyclophosphamide
 hysterectomy

 Serial monitoring of bhCG to detect malignant degeneration

 Weekly until normal for 2 values  every 2 wks for 3months  monthly for 6-
12mos  every 6mos for 1-2 yrs  ANNUALLY
 CXR initially and rpt if abnormal or if HCG plateaus or rises
 Pregnancy after a molar pregnancy: May be allowed after 6 months of normal serum bhCG level

Carvy Mea B. Torida

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