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1 Write the phrasal verbs in the box under the correct definitions. TAKE ON TAKE TO

resemble a parent; start doing start to like sb gain control of sth

similar to or sth
a new activity

1_______________ 2_____________________ 3____________________ 4___________________

move away accept, employ become

understand, successful


5_________________ 6_______________ 7______________ 8_______________

A) Complete the sentences with after, away, back, down, in, off, on, out, over, around, to or up:

1. When we last visited George, he took us _ _ _ _ _ _ for a drink.

2. Take the magazines _ _ _ _ _ _ and put them on the bottom shelf.
3. Kelly has just taken _ _ _ _ _ _ the post of the sales manager in Procter & Gamble.
4. I always take _ _ _ _ _ _ my shoes and put on my slippers when I get home.
5. Pamela took _ _ _ _ _ _ her father as for her character. She’ s equally stubborn.
6. Every year my grandpa takes me _ _ _ _ _ _ the factory he used to work.
7. I’ll have to take this sweater _ _ _ _ _ _ to the shop because it has shrunk.
8. Sue took _ _ _ _ _ _ my address and told me she would send me a postcard.
9. My mum took some of the chairs _ _ _ _ _ _ because I didn’t need them.
10. We took _ _ _ _ _ _ Venice on our way back from holiday.
11. Rachel is exhausted because she has taken _ _ _ _ _ _ too much work.
12. Recently Josh has taken _ _ _ _ _ _ jogging.
13. We took the new flat _ _ _ _ _ _ a few months ago.
14. The secretary took _ _ _ _ _ _ the message.
15. The shop assistant told me that I could take the shirt _ _ _ _ _ _ if Mike doesn’t like it.
16. If I were you I would take her _ _ _ _ _ _ to dinner.
17. The plane was delayed by the fog and took _ _ _ _ _ _ at 10 instead of 9 .
18. I’m worried how our daughter will take _ _ _ _ _ _ secondary school next year.
19. If you don’t take the books _ _ _ _ _ _ to the library, they will fine you.
20. You’d better take _ _ _ _ _ _ our phone number and don’t hesitate to call us when you
visit Paris.

B) Replace the words in italics in 1-9 with a phrasal verb with TAKE in the correct form:

a. Jane’s parents have decided they like her new boyfriend.

b. Our firm will be employing new staff next month.
c. Jack has started his judo lessons.
d. They say that John resembles his father. He looks a lot like him.
e. Mr. Smith gained control of the family business when his elder brother died.
f. The professor spoke so quickly that Sam couldn’t understand what he said.

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