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single-minded  only thinking about one particular aim or goal because you are determined to achieve something

hot-blooded (of a person) having strong emotions and easily becoming very excited or
angrySYNONYM passionate(nồng nhiệt say sưa )
house cung cấp nhà ở cho
impecunious having little or no moneySYNONYM penniless, poor
molest somebody to attack somebody, especially a child, sexuallySYNONYM abuse
shrink (something) to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth,
etc. smaller in this way(co lai)
crumble /'krʌmbl/(nghĩa bóng) sụp đổ, tan ra mây khói.
resent/ri'zent/ phật ý, không bằng lòng, bực bội.
inquire into something to find out more information about somethingSYNONYM investigate
all things consideredthinking carefully about all the facts, especially the problems or difficulties, of a situation
She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful, all things considered.
n agreement with somebody on/about something My wife is in complete agreement with me on this issue.
lose your head to become unable to act in a calm or sensible way
lose your mind to become mentally ill. He feared he was losing his mind.
gabble nói lắp bắp, nói nhanh và không rõ, đọc to và quá nhanh.
incoherent  không mạch lạc, không rời rạc.
shed tears (formal or literary) to cry She shed no tears when she heard he was dead.
remain to do something  It remains to be seen  (= it will only be known later) whether you are right.
catch up with somebody to finally start to cause problems for somebody after they have managed to avoid this
for some time
press ahead/on (with something) to continue doing something in a determined way; to hurry forward
peter out to gradually become smaller, quieter, etc. and then end The campaign petered out for lack of support.
bargain for/on something usually in negative sentences) to expect something to happen and be prepared for
it.We hadn't bargained for this sudden change in the weather.
wear off to gradually disappear or stop
anaesthetic thuốc tê, thuốc gây mê.
be on your/its last legs to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad condition
 utter used to emphasize how complete something is
devastation sự tàn phá, sự phá huỷ, sự phá phách.
 loosely in a way that is not exact
a pain in the neck(British English also a pain in the arse/backside)/(North American English also a pain in
the ass/butt) (informal) a person or thing that is very annoying.That man's a pain in the neck!
ray of something a small amount of something good or of something that you are hoping
forSYNONYM glimmer
 flawless without flaws and therefore perfect
 defamation the act of damaging somebody’s reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them
 daybreak the time of day when light first appears SYNONYM dawn
rarity sự hiếm có, sự ít có, vật hiếm có, của hiếm
escapism khuynh hướng thoát ly thực tế.
outright complete and total
 electrification the process of changing something so that it works by electricity
impressionable dễ xúc cảm, nhạy cảm.
unrelated  không có liên quan.
philosophical bình thảnh, khôn ngoan, thông thái.2 (thuộc) triết học, theo triết học, hợp với triết học.
undertake something to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it
innovator 1. người đưa vào những cái mới, người có sáng kiến về (cái gì)
reliance /ri'laiəns/ sự tin cậy, sự tín nhiệm.
splash out (on something) | splash something  out (on/for something)(British English, informal) to spend a
lot of money on something
come over also  come across) to be understood
there’s no telling used to say that it is impossible to know what happened or will happen
be torn (between A and B)to be unable to decide or choose between two people, things or feelings.I was torn
between my parents and my friend.
be/have nothing to do with somebody/somethingto have no connection with somebody/something.Get out!
It's nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it).
(as) pleased/proud as Punchvery pleased/proud.Now he’s passed his driving test, he’s as pleased as Punch.
put somebody  up to let somebody stay at your home.We can put you up for the night.
mean business= serious
at liberty to do something (formal) having the right or freedom to do something
beside yourself (with something) unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling
make a clean breast of something to tell the truth about something so that you no longer feel guilty
=confess= own up to

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