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mount up to increase gradually in size and quantity

weigh somebodydown 1 to make somebody feel worried or anxiousSYNONYM BURDEN;2to

make somebody/something heavier so that they are not able to move easilyI was weighed down
with baggage.

size somebody/something up (informal) to form a judgement or an opinion about

somebody/somethingSYNONYM sum somebody/something up (2)She knew that he was looking
at her, sizing her up.

break down to divide into parts to be analysedExpenditure on the project breaks down as
follows: wages $10m, plant $4m, raw materials $5m.RELATED NOUN BREAKDOWN
build up (to something) 1 to become greater, more powerful or larger in numberAll the pressure built
up and he was off work for weeks with stress; 2 build somebody/something up [usually
passive] to give a very positive and enthusiastic description of somebody/something, often
exaggerating your claims

add up to something 1 to make a total amount of somethingThe numbers add up to exactly 100.2 to
lead to a particular result; to show something SYNONYM amount to something
pay somethingout  to pay a large sum of money for something
buy somethingup to buy all or as much as possible of somethingDevelopers are buying up all the land
on the island.
club together (British English) if two or more people club together, they each give an amount of money
and the total is used to pay for something
clock up something to reach a particular amount or numberOn the trip we clocked up over 1 800 miles.
drum something up to try hard to get support or business
buy somebodyout to pay somebody for their share in a business, usually in order to get total control of it
for yourself
carry somethingover 1to keep something from one situation and use it or deal with it in a different
situation;2 to delay something until a later timeThe match had to be carried over until Sunday.
buy somebodyoff
to pay somebody money, especially dishonestly, to prevent them from doing something you do not want
them to do
at (long) last after much delay, effort, etc.; in the end SYNONYM FINALLYAt last we're home!
made of money (informal) very richI’m not made of money, you know!
thick/thin on the ground (British English) if people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there are a
lot/not many of them in a place
weak at the knees (informal) hardly able to stand because of emotion, fear, illness, etc.His sudden smile
made her go weak at the knees.
in depth  in a detailed and thorough way
size how large or small a person or thing is. It's similar in size to a tomato

a fat lot of good, use, etc. (informal) not at all good or usefulPaul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use
when I broke my arm.
the length and breadth of… in or to all parts of a placeThey have travelled the length and breadth of
Europe iving concerts.
get your money’s worthto get enough value or enjoyment out of something, considering the amount of
money, time, etc. that you are spending on itLet’s spend all day there and really get our money’s worth.
 pay and displaya system of car parking in which you buy a ticket from a machine for a period of time and
put it in the window of the car
share and share alike(saying) used to say that everyone should share things equally and in a fair way

out of thin air from nowhere or nothing, as if by magicUnfortunately, I can’t just conjure up the money
out of thin air!
pay your way to pay for everything yourself without having to rely on anyone else’s money
That's your lot! (= that's all you're getting)
a big noise/shot/name an important person
make a (big) thing of/about something (informal) to make something seem more important than it
really is
make it big (informal) to be very successfulHe's hoping to make it big on TV.
look/feel small to look or feel stupid, weak, ashamed, etc.There’s no need to make me look small in front
of all these people.
 SMALL CHANGE 1 coins of low valueHave you got any small change for the phone?2 something that is of
little value when compared with something else
Small talk polite conversation about ordinary or unimportant subjects, especially at social
occasionsThey made small talk for half an hour.
in a big/small way on a large/small scaleThe new delivery service has taken off in a big way.

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