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BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,

Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020




(2017 - 2020)

José Luis Bazán

Ph. D. International Law
Independent Researcher and Analyst, Brussels (Belgium)
Contact: hispanialex@yahoo.es
Website: https://independent.academia.edu/JLBAZAN

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020

Introductory Remarks
Nigerians are suffering widespread and systematic terrorist attacks by, mainly, Boko Haram, the
ISIL-aligned Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP), Fulani militias and Ansaru1. The
Global Terrorist Index 2019 published by the Institute for Economics and Peace, indicates that
the primary driver of the increase in terrorism in the Sub-Saharan Africa was a rise in terrorist
activity in Nigeria attributed, not to Boko Haram, ISWAP or Ansaru, but to Fulani extremists:
in 2018, Fulani extremists were responsible for the majority of terror-related deaths in Nigeria
(1,158 fatalities), with an increase by 261 and 308 per cent respectively from the prior year.
Most of Fulani attacks were armed assaults (200 out of 297 attacks) against civilians (84 per
cent of the attacks). 2 Bandits and criminal gangs’ attacks are also part of the unfortunate reality
that Nigerians have to face in their lives.3

We have researched on the attacks in Nigeria attributed to presumably Fulani by mass media,
NGOs and, in few cases, private sources, and this list is the result of that work. The listed
attacks are sorted by date (of the attack, or if not possible to date it precisely, date of the report)
from 2017 until 7th May 2020. Some of the news compiled refer to certain statements, reactions,
events…which are connected to the Fulani attacks, that may be useful to understand better the
complex situation.

It is difficult to know the exact number of victims of the attacks since the news usually, in
particular when the attacks are massive, mentions a minimum number ("at least..."), or even
refers qualitatively to them ("many", "a large number"). This is particularly clear when it comes
to the destruction of properties -above all, when the houses of the victims are destroyed-, as well
as the number of displaced persons caused by the attacks, which are counted by dozens of
thousands.4 Most of the victims are farmers (predominantly, Christians), but Fulani
(predominantly, Muslim) have also attacked policemen, soldiers, etc. In some cases, media
identify the religious denomination of the victims (for example, when the attacks took place
during or after religious ceremonies), in particular Christian media, that have a better knowledge
about the affiliation of their own faithful.

Two further difficulties to have more information on the attacks are, in one hand, the fact that
the attacks often occur in rural areas, where there is no information structure to cover them in
detail; and, on the other hand, the passive attitude by public authorities, including police, that do
not provide complete, transparent and reliable information on them. In the news, media reports
make evident this attitude, and when there are official statements of the attacks, they tend to
limit their intensity and the number of victims, in contrast to the allegations by witnesses or
even victims of the attacks.

The present list includes only the attacks attributed to Fulani, without further double check,
which is in process with some experts in the country. This does not mean that the sources are
not reliable, as most of them are produced by professional mass media and experts. At the same
time, large part of these attacks has been reported by more than one source, among the 45

  The   UK   Foreign   Office   affirms   that   Ansaru   has   carried   out   attacks   and   kidnappings,   including   that   of  
westerners,  across  northern  Nigeria:  https://www.gov.uk/foreign-­‐travel-­‐advice/nigeria/terrorism    
  Institute   for   Economics   &   Peace.   Global   Terrorism   Index   2019:   Measuring   the   Impact   of   Terrorism,  
Sydney,  November  2019:  http://visionofhumanity.org/reports    
  France   24,   'Armed   bandits'   kill   dozens   of   villagers   in   northwest   Nigeria,   say   police,   20/04/2020:  
  UNCHR  estimates   that   in   Nigeria   there   are  over   2   million   IDPs   (Internally  Displaced   Persons),   most   of  
them  as  a  result  of  terrorism:  https://www.unhcr.org/nigeria-­‐emergency.html    

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
sources used for this research, that are quoted at the end of the list. Every attack compiled has a
link (or more) to these sources.

Fulani are approximately 15 million in Nigeria (numbers vary, depending on sources), and
therefore, it would be unreasonable the misuse of this list of Fulani attacks to criminalize this
ethnic (and religious) community as a whole. Certainly, the antagonism between Fulani
herdsmen and farmers is historical, and it has been exacerbated in recent times by a certain
number of factors, including climate change. But in the course of the last 3 years, as Sangare
has expressed,

“this antagonism has taken a dangerous turn of identity and religion between two
communities that have become irreconcilable and have been governed by different legal
systems since Islamic law was reintroduced in 2000 in twelve northern states. To
Christians, the Fulani want to "Islamize" them, if need be, by force.”5

In our view, we can’t remain blind to the reality of regular, systematic, targeted attacks carried
out by a minority of Fulani groups that spread terror among (Christian) farmers to achieve their
own purposes, using AK47s, too. The attacks of these Fulani armed groups that form militias fit
with the commonly accepted notion of terrorism as intentional and illegal use of violence or
threat of violence to intimidate a large spectrum of a society, in the pursuit of political,
religious, ideological or social objectives,6 and with the description of terrorist acts by the
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1566 (2004) as:

“criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or
serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of
terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a
population or compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain
from doing any act, which constitute offences within the scope of and as defined in the
international conventions and protocols relating to terrorism, are under no
circumstances justifiable by considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological,
racial, ethnic, religious or other similar nature.”7

In annex I, statistics about the reported attacks specify the number of victims and the type of
actions carried out by Fulani (killings, persons wounded, rapes, kidnappings, destruction of
homes and churches). In the period researched, 654 attacks took place, with more than 2,539
people killed, 393 wounded, 253 kidnapped, 16 raped, more than 7.582 homes and 24 churches
destroyed. Annex II includes the list of reported attacks.

 SANGARE,  Boukary,  “Fulani  people  and  Jihadism  in  Sahel  and  West  African  countries”,  Fondation  pour  la  
Recherche  Stratégique,  February  8,  2019.  
 2017  Global  Terrorism  Database  (GTD)  of  the  University  of  Maryland,  a  terrorist  attack  is  defined  as  “the  
threatened  or  actual  use  of  illegal  force  and  violence  by  a  non-­‐state  actor  to  attain  a  political,  economic,  
religious,   or   social   goal   through   fear,   coercion,   or   intimidation”:   https://www.start.umd.edu/research-­‐
  Security   Council   resolution   1566   (2004)   on   Threats   to   international   peace   and   security   caused   by  
terrorist   acts:   https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/blog/document/security-­‐council-­‐resolution-­‐1566-­‐2004-­‐on-­‐

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020

Statistics about reported attacks by Fulani

(2017-7th May 2020)


2020 141 335 46+ 137 2 176+    

MAY   2   4   5    
APRIL   33   107   16+   28   2   166+    
MARCH   23   102   2+   24    
FEBRUARY   16   33+   23   3     10+    
JANUARY   67   89     82    
2019 169 524 84 75 3 606 23
DECEMBER   7   2   1   1   1    
NOVEMBER   4   5   3   1    
OCTOBER   11   12     18    
SEPTEMBER   12   32   1   16    
AUGUST   14   17   3   15    
JULY   16   10   2   9     75   2  
JUNE   8   14   1   3   1   232   2  
MAY   53   165   20   2     12   15  
APRIL   14   80   14    
MARCH   19   105+   37+   10   1   247   4  
FEBRUARY   6   68   2     40    
JANUARY   2   14    

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020

2018 245 1.478 230 29 7 300 1  

DECEMBER   5   13   5   12    
NOVEMBER   2     5    
OCTOBER   3   31+   4    
SEPTEMBER   8   44   51    
AUGUST   17   24   4+     1   95    
JULY   10   63   3     16   1  

JUNE   12   132   40   4+     45+    

MAY   19   289   14+   1   3    
APRIL   36   296   49+   1   1   82    
MARCH   33   174   24+   1     50+    
FEBRUARY   41   118   6   4    
JANUARY   59   294+   30+   1   2   12+    
2017 99 202 33+ 12 4 6.500
DECEMBER   18   65   14+   3.000  
NOVEMBER   5   4+   1+   1+    
OCTOBER   2   7+     1+    
SEPTEMBER   6   22   10   1    
AUGUST   7   3+   1   3    
JULY   1    
JUNE   6   2   1   1   1    
MAY   19   26     3    
APRIL   8   42   2+   1     3.500    
MARCH   6   14     1   1    
FEBRUARY   10   4    
JANUARY   11   13+   4+   3    

TOTAL     654   2.539+   393+   253+   16   7582+   24  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020

(654 attacks to the date: 07 May 2020)
2020  (141  attacks  to  the  date)  
MAY  2020  
1.   05/05  Eight  Fulani  herdsmen  shot  and  wounded  Rev.  Bayo  Famonure,  head  of  
Christian  high  school  Messiah  College,  and  his  family  (wife  and  2  children)  while  
sleeping,  in  Gana  Ropp  village,  Barkin  Ladi  County,  Plateau  state    
2.   03/05   Herdsmen  ambushed  and  killed  4  Christians  near  Miango  County’s  Kwall  
APRIL  2020  
3.   26/04   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   with   machetes   a   Christian   couple   that   was  
riding  a  motorcycle  from  Kuru  to  Kwi,  near  Heipang  in  Plateau  state,  leaving  the  
husband  with  serious  injuries  
4.   25/04  Fulani  herdsmen  killed  13  Christians  and  kidnapped  13  others  in  attacks  
on  five  villages  in  the  counties  of  Kajuru  and  Chikun  in  Kaduna  state  displaced  
more  than  1,000  people  from  their  homes  
5.   24/04   Unidentified   person   and   a   Nigerian   army   soldier   were   killed   in  
predominantly  Christian  Akwunakwo  village,  near  Gwagwada  in  Chikun  County  
6.   23/04   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  2  people,  kidnapped  another  and  burned  down  a  
church   building   that   included   the   pastor’s   home   in   attacks   on   predominantly  
Christian  areas  in  southern  Kaduna  
7.   22/04   Armed   Fulani   herdsmen   abducted   Emmanuel   Iliya   Agiya,   elder   and  
treasurer  of  the  Evangelical  Church  Winning  All  (ECWA)  in  Atang  village,  Jema’a  
8.   21/04   Over  100  Armed  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Southern  Kaduna  Villages,  Kill  
4,  Burn  36  Houses  
9.   21/04   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  raid  Ondo  town,  attack  residents  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
10.  20/04   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   kill   NSCDC   Inspector   Joseph   Ochogwu,   in  
Benue  State  
11.  20/04   Eight  villagers  wounded  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  shootings  at  Mande  Gem  
village,  Guman  County,  Benue  state;  a  woman  and  her  baby  were  kidnapped  
12.  20/04 Fulani  cattlemen  attacked  Chongu  Gugor  and  Tse  Gishe  villages,  Guman  
County,  Benue  state,  destroying  houses  and  shooting  villagers:  many  injured  
13.  20/04   Christian  farmer,  Titus  Nyitar,  was  shot  to  death,  and  his  head  was  cut  
off  while  working  on  his  farm,  in  Tse  Vanbe  village,  Guma  County,  Benue  State;  
houses  burn  down  and  3  villagers  kidnapped;  villagers  take  refuge  in  the  town  
of  Daudu  
14.  20/04  Seven  Christians  killed  in  three  herdsmen   attacks  over  five  days  in  Rafi  
County,  Niger  state  
15.  20/04   Residents  in  five  villages  (Adejubu,  Adewole,  Olotin,  Olondan  and  Jojo)  
in   Akure   North   local   government   have   reportedly   fled   over   attack   by   some  
suspected  herdsmen  
16.  20/04   Suspected  Fulani  Kidnappers  Of  Anglican  Priest  In  Delta  Demand  N15m  
Ransom.  Rev.  Anthony  Oyi  was  abducted  along  with  his  wife,  children  and  the  
parishioner   as   they   worked   on   his   farm   at   Issele-­‐Mkpitime   village,   Aniocha  
North  County  

17.  19/04   Armed   Fulani   attacked   and   killed   4   in   Ntiriku   Village   of   Kaura   LGA,  
Kaduna  state:  2  members  of  the  ECWA  and  2  Catholics:  Hannatu  Joseph,  70  &  
Sunday   David,   45,   both   members   of   the   Evangelical   Church   Winning   All  
(ECWA);   and   Sarah   Sunday,   40,   and   Jummai   Sajeh,   75,   both   Catholics.   38  
houses  razed  down,  while  about  87  families  are  affected  
18.  19/04   Fulani   terrorists   killed   Lami   Adamu   and   her   child   and   injured   one   in  
Awake  village,  Kachia  County    

19.  18/04   Police  In  Edo  Recover  Bodies  Of  Kidnap  Victims,  Arrest  3  Fulani  Suspects  
20.  18/04   A   former   member,   House   of   Representatives,   representing   Bassa/   Jos  
North   Federal   Constituency,  Mr.   Lumumba   Dah   Adeh:   in   4   months   herdsmen  
attacks  claimed  40  lives,  8t  injured,  330  houses  torched  and  15  farms  destroyed  
in   19   separate   attacks   on   15   communities   in   Irigwe   chiefdom   of   Bassa   Local  
Government  Area  of  the  state    
21.  16/04   Herdsmen   Kill   Christian   Student   Sebastine   Stephen   in   Kaduna   State’s  
Gbagyi  Villa,  a  suburb  of  the  city  of  Kaduna;   2  Christians,  Jack  Nweke  and  his  
wife,  kidnapped    

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
22.  16/04   Six   Children,   Pregnant   Mother   among   9   Christians   Killed   in   Herdsmen  
23.  16/04   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  2  people  in  Ungwan  Maigero,  Kachia  County  
24.  16/04   Scores   of   farmers   and   some   rural   folks   have   been   killed   as   gunmen  
suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   invaded   villages   in   Omala   Local  
Government  Area  of  Kogi  State  
25.  15/04   Gunmen  suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  the  village  of  Hurra  
in   Bassa   Local   Government   Area   (Plateau   state),   killing   at   least   9   people   and  
burned  over  20  houses  in  the  attack  
26.  14/04   Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  decapitate  two  Christians  in  Benue  state  
27.  14/04   Suspected   Armed   Fulani   Herdsmen   Killed   9,   2  injured   while   33   houses  
completely  touched  by  fire  in  Maiyanga  Village  of  Bassa  LGA  
28.  14/04   Armed   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   Zakkan   village,   in   Kaduna   state’s  
Jema’a   County,   killing   1   Christian   (Abel   Danjuma,   40)   and   wounding   2   others  
brothers  (45-­‐year-­‐old  Henry  Tuta,  50-­‐year-­‐old  Chairman  Tuta)  
29.  14/04  Fulani   herdsmen   blocked   the   Abuja-­‐Jos   route   at   Zakkan   village,   Kaduna  
state’s   Jema’a   County,   and   kidnapped   2   young   girls   traveling   from   Abuja   to  
Taraba  state  
30.  12/04   Fulani   Herdsmen   attacked   a   church   site   where   a   wedding   was   taking  
place,   killing   12   Christians   and   abducting   the   couple   and   some   church  
members,  in  Tegina  Kabata  village,  Niger  state’s  Shiroro  County  
31.  10/04   Pastor   Stephen   Akpor   of   the   Celestial   Church   of   Christ’s   Breakthrough  
Cathedral  in  Ibusa,  killed  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  southern  Nigeria’s  Delta  state  
32.  10/04   Moses   Gata,   a   Christian   resident   in   an   area   of   predominantly   ethnic  
Irigwe  encompassing  Miango  and  Kwall  districts  in  Bassa  County,   denounces  
that  Nigerian  soldiers  detained  and  mistreated  him  for  complaining  about  lack  
of  security  in  Plateau  state  
33.  09/04   Herdsmen   killed   Christian   farmer   Austine   Nwaeke   in   the   agrarian  
community  of  Albert  Camp,  Oshimili  South  County  of  Delta  state  
34.  09/04   Mary  Jekeli  Edibo,  a  native  of  Agbenema-­‐Ife  in  Omala  was  said  to  have  
been   matcheted   to   death   by   Fulani   herdsmen   while   on   her   way   back   from   a  
neighboring  village  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
35.  09/04   Pastor  Matthew  Tagwai  of  Evangelical  Church  and  three  members  of  his  
congregation,   including   a   10-­‐year-­‐old   boy,   killed   by   Fulani   in   Plateau   State,  
Nigeria;  photos  
36.  08/04   Lawrence  Ojeashi,  a  resident  of  Asaba,  Delta  State,  tortured,  humiliated  
and  dehumanized  by  Fulani  kidnappers  
37.  07/04   Fulani  marauders  killed  4  in  Ngbrazongo  village  of  Bassa  LG  in  Plateau  
38.  05/04   Fulani  Herdsmen  in  Nigeria  Kill  More  than  60  Christians  in  Five  Weeks  
39.  04/04   No  fewer  than  three  persons  were  reportedly  murdered  in  the  farm  by  
herdsmen  in  Arimogija  community  
40.  03/04   Residents  flee  as  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  allegedly  kill  three  in  Ondo  
community;   Villagers   Allege   Seeing   Helicopter   'Dropping   Weapons'   In   Forest;  
victims:  Jacob  Odushe  and  his  son,  Adura;  Victor  Ejeh  
41.  01/04   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   7   Christians   in   Bassa   County’s   Hukke   village,  
Miango  District,  burned  24  houses  in  the  village.  Killed  were  Izinpa  Muntu,  72;  
Madah  Imeh,  80;  Jummai  Geye,  78;  Gado  Muntu,  67;  Mary  Alhassan,  70;  Gado  
Nguni,  90;  and  Rigwe  Muntu,  84  
42.  01/04   Herdsmen  attacked  Ancha  village  killing  3  Christians  
43.  01/04   Nkiedoro  village  attacked  by  the  herdsmen:  Christian  villagers  escaped  
unhurt,  but  15  houses  were  burned  by  the  herdsmen  
MARCH  2020  
1.   31/03   Father  and  son  killed  on  their  farm  by  allegedly  Fulani  herdsmen    
2.   31/03   Herdemen  attacked  Rosu  village:  three  Christians  lost  their  lives  
3.   30/03   No  fewer  than  6  defenseless  Christians  were  hacked  to  death  in  Komo  
Community,  Guruku  ward  in  Chikun  LGA  of  Kaduna  State  
4.   30/03   District  Head  of  Jagindi  in  Jema’a  LGA  of  the  State,  HRH,  Danlami  Barde  
and  his  brother,  Musa  Barde  were  killed  while  the  wife  of  the  latter  sustained  
several  gunshot  injuries  
5.   28/03   Groom,  five  others  kidnapped  in  Taraba  by  mostly  Fulani  herdsmen  
6.   27/03   Three  Christian  females  -­‐  Hassana  Bala,  Jamilu  Hassana  and  Halima  Bala  
Nawela-­‐   hacked   to   death   in   Kuduru,   a   Gbagyi   village   in   Chikun   LGA   of   the  
Kaduna  State  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
7.   25/03   Fulanis   attacked   Bakira-­‐Maro   village   killing   12-­‐year-­‐old   Beniah   Daniel,  
43-­‐year-­‐old   father   of   three   Ishaku   Apiletuwe   and   Rita   Atiteh,   33;   severely  

8.   24/03   Male   resident   of   Okpanam   community   of   Delta   State   has   been  

kidnapped  by  some  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
9.   24/03   No  fewer  than  5  persons  allegedly  killed  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
in   Kwal   district   of   Bassa   Local   Government   Area   of   Plateau   State,   in   two  
separate  attacks:    first  killed  3  children  from  the  same  family  (Rachel,  6,  Jacob,  
3;   and   one-­‐year   old   Charity)   in   Gbra   Zongo   village;   in   the   second,   2   women  
killed  in  Kperie  community  

10.  22/03   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  Benue  community,  kill  man,  abduct  3  
women;  photos  
11.  22/03   Herdsmen   opened   fire   on   ethnic   Adara   hunters   and   killed   Michael  
Yahaya  in  Mararanban  Afogo  village  
12.  20/03   Six  villagers  missing  two  weeks  after  suspected  herders  attack  Benue  
13.  21/03   How  Ughelli  Buried  10  Exhumed  Corpses  Killed  By  Fulani  Herdsmen    
14.  14/03   Herdsmen  Kill  Three,  Government  Insists  Gololo  Had  Foreknowledge  Of  
15.  14/03   Herdsmen  allegedly  kill  7  in  Guma,  Benue  community  
16.  13/03   Fulani   herdsmen   attack   Mr   Sola   Oguntade,   Oodua   People’s   Congress  
member  in  Akure,  Ondo  State  capital  
17.  11/03   58-­‐year-­‐old  security  man,  Kasali  Ajeigbe,  has  been  slaughtered  by  some  
suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Ondo  city  
18.  10/03   Delta   Assembly   Tasks   Gov.   Okowa   On   Areas   Under   Fulani   Herdsmen’s  
19.  10/03   Popular   gospel   act,   Lanre   Teriba   aka   Atorise   that   campaigned   against  
the   kidnapping   and   wanton   killings   especially   by   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen,  
allegedly  attacked  by  herdsmen  
20.  08/03   Uwheru  Killings:  We  Are  Fighting  Against  Higher  Powers  Not  Herdsmen  
–   Commissioner   for   Higher   Education,   Delta   State,   Prof.   Patrick   Muoboghare  
has  stated  
21.  07/03   Invasion   of   Ekiti   by   Fulani   herdsmen   cause   for   concern   —Aloba,   Ekiti  
APC  chief:  “They  killed  people  on  their  farms  and  raped  our  women“  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
22.  05/03   No  fewer  than  4  Christians  were  hacked  to  death  and  3  women   raped  
including   wife   of   a   traditional   ruler   (Tyoo   Chado)   in   Mbanyiar   Community,  
Guma  LGA  of  Benue  State  
23.  04/03   Law   enforcement   agencies   silent   over   reports   that   herdsmen   move  
around  with  AK-­‐47  rifles  in  a  community  in  Anambra  state,  accusation  by  Igbo  
socio-­‐cultural  organisation  
24.  03/03   Anarchy  Looms  In  Anambra  Over  AK-­‐47  Wielding  Herdsmen,  Ohanaeze  
Ndigbo  Alerts  Inspector  General  of  Police  
25.  03/03   Fulani  used  both  guns  and  machetes,  killing  six  persons  in  Abaji,  a  small  
community  of  farmers  
26.  02/03   At   least   4   persons   killed   after   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   launched  
fresh   attack   on   Waya   community   in   Jato-­‐Aka   of   Kwande   Local   Government  
Area  in  Benue  State  
27.  02/03   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   some   communities   in   Igabi   and  
Giwa   Local   Government   Areas   of   Kaduna   State   killing   over   50   persons   and  
injured  many  others  
28.  02/03   Catholics   protest   increasing   anti-­‐Christian   violence   in   Nigeria:   "We   are  
protesting  against  the  brutal  killings  of  innocent  Nigerians  by  Boko  Haram  and  
terrorist   herdsmen   who   are   invading   people's   farmlands   forcefully”,   says  
President  of  Nigerian  Catholic  Conference  of  Bishops  
29.  02/03   Five   missionaries   kidnapped   in   Kamuku   Field,   Niger,   when   armed  
Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   raided   a   school   in   Maruba,   Shiroro   County,   run   by  
Calvary  Ministries  (CAPRO)  
FEBRUARY  2020  
1.   29/02   Fulani   militants   attacked   a   Christian   village   named   Bange,   a   border  
community   between   Taraba   and   Adamawa   states:   the   village   head,   Alfa   Yayu  
(73   years   old)   was   fatally   shot;   Gayus   Abari,   72   years   old,   suffered   severe  
machete   cuts   to   his   head,   shoulder,   back,   and   legs.   Fulani   burnt   down   10  
homes   and   set   fire   to   several   bundles   of   woven   straw   fences,   and   stole   two  
2.   27/02   Armed  Fulani  herdsmen  have  stormed  some  communities  in  Ado  Local  
Government   Area   (LGA)   of   Benue   State   with   over   4,000   cattle,   compelling  
some  peasant  farmers  in  the  area  to  flee  their  homes  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
3.   26/02   Herdsmen   killed   one   man,   shot   his   daughter   and   abducted   the   wife,  
after  hours  of  sporadic  shootings  at  Isele-­‐Azagba  Community  in  Aniocha  North  
Council  Area  of  Delta  State  
4.   24/02   We’ve   lost   over   86   people   to   Fulani   herdsmen   since   2012   –   Delta  
5.   24/02   Female   Fulani   with   AK-­‐47   rifle   arrested   at   the   Ungwan   Salaha,  
Mararaban  Jos  community,  in  the  Igabi  Local  Government  Area  of  Kaduna  State  
6.   22/02   Delta  Monarch  Raises  The  Alarm  Over  Invasion  Of  Herdsmen  
7.   21/02   Anxiety  as  police  arrest  10  armed  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Ekiti  
8.   19/02  Farmers,  identified  as  Owoh  and    Samuel  Imonkhai,  were  killed  on  their  
farms  by  suspected  herdsmen  in  the  Ovia  North  East  Local  Government  Area  of  
Edo  State  
9.   16/02   Herdsmen   allegedly   dressed   in   army   uniforms   alleged   killed   11  
indigenes  in  Avwon,  Agadama,  Ohoror  and  other  communities  under  Uwheru  
kingdom  in  Ughelli  North  Local  Government  Area  
10.  16/02   Herdsmen   receive   military   training   in   Ekiti,   according   to   a   report  
prepared  by  a  committee  raised  by  Ekiti  Council  of  Elders    
11.  16/02   Fulani  herdsmen  entered  cashew  farm  and  burnt  well  over  210  cashew  
12.  16/02   Gunmen  suspected  to  be  herdsmen  kill  two  soldiers  and  injuring  one  at  
X-­‐Land  of  Barkin  Ladi  Local  Government  area  of  Plateau  
13.  15/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  allegedly  invaded  and  killed  eight  persons  in  
the  Urhobo  Kingdom;  residents  abandoned  their  homes  for  fear  of  being  killed  
as  the  Fulani  herdsmen  took  over  their  lands  
14.  14/02   Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Farms  In  Plateau  State,  Many  Feared  Dead  
15.  12/02   Kidnap  of  13-­‐year  old  girl  and  a  middle-­‐aged  man:  herdsmen  suspected  
to  be  behind  the  kidnap  
16.  10/02   Residents   Flee   Issele-­‐Azagba   area,   Aniocha   North   Local   Government  
Area  (LGA)  of  Delta  State  Over  Herdsmen’s  Incessant  Attacks,  Kidnapping  
17.  09/02   Residents   of   Abavo,   a   largely   agrarian   community   in   Ika   South   Local  
Government   Area   of   Delta   State,   have   raised   alarm   over   attacks   by   gun-­‐
wielding  men  suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
18.  06/02   ‘Fulani  herdsmen’  kill  three  policemen  in  Delta  
19.  05/02   Two   men   killed   in   Issele-­‐Azagba,   Community  in  Aniocha   North   Council  
Area   of   Delta   State,   by   herdsmen:   one   of   the   deceased   victims,   Sebastine  
Kadiri,   was   abducted   that   night   along   with   a   female   student,   who   was   freed  
four  days  later  
20.  04/02   Herdsmen   kidnapped   Miss   Deborah   Williams,   the   13-­‐year-­‐old   student  
of  Grace  Favour  Montessori  School,  and  demanded  for  N10  million  ransom  
21.  04/02   A  22-­‐year-­‐old  graduate  of  the  Olabisi  Onabanjo   University,  Ago-­‐Iwoye,  
Ogun  State,  Motunrayo  Rafiu,  abducted  by  suspected  Fulani  kidnappers  in  the  
Kabba  area  of  Kogi  State  
22.  04/02  Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  3  policemen  along  the  Ugbolu  -­‐Illah  Road,  
in  the  Oshimili  North  Local  Government  Area  of  Delta  State  
23.  03/02   Suspected  Hausa  Fulani  Suicide  Bomber  Attempting  To  Plant  A  Bomb  In  
Living  Faith  Church  aka  Winners  chapel,  Kaduna  

24.  02/02   Fulani  herdsmen  attack  Ebira  farmers  in  Ondo:  no  fewer  than  20  Ebira  
farmers  receiving  medical  treatment  
JANUARY  2020  
1.   30/01   Suspected  herdsmen  with  AK  47  riffles,  ambushed  policemen  after  Edo  
resident  was  killed  by  Fulani  

2.   28/01   One  killed  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Kwara  

3.   28/01   Governor   Lalong   Orders   Arrest   Of   Fulani   and   Community   Leaders   In  
Bokkos  local  government  council  of  his  state  following  continuous  hostilities  in  
the  affected  community  where  15  persons  were  killed    
4.   28/01   A   pregnant   woman   and   16   others   have   been   killed   in   an   overnight  
attack   on   Ruboi   community   under   Bokkos   Local   Government   Area   of   Plateau  
State  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
5.   26/01   Kwatas   community   of   Bokkos   Local   Government   Area   in   Plateau   State  
was  attacked  by  suspected  armed  Fulani:  14  people  lost  their  lives  
6.   26/01   Fulani   herder   reportedly   invaded   a   beans   farm   belonging   to   a   Tiv  
farmer,  Mr  Dooior  James,  in  Pangari  village  of  the  Bali  Local  Government  area  
of  Taraba  Stateand  while  the  farmer  sought  for  compensation,  the  herder  killed  
him.  Another  farmer  killed  by  hersmen  
7.   22/01   4  Fulani  herdsmen  arrested  for  raping  4  sisters  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
8.   21/01   A   26-­‐year-­‐old   member   of   the   Church   of   Christ   in   Nations   (COCIN)  
kidnapped  by  herdsmen  in  Kwata  village.  
9.   20/01   A   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   a   member   of   Rim   community   in  
Riyom  LGA  of  Plateau  state  
10.  20/01   Gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   militia   invaded   Abebe   community   in  
Keana   Local   Government   Area   of   Nasarawa   State   killing   a   cleric,   Augustine  
Avertse,  church  leader   of  Saint  Augustine’s  Catholic  Church,  Abebe,  alongside  
his  father,  Pa  Avertse  Akaa’am  
11.  20/01   Not   less   than   50   cases   of   Fulani   herdsmen   deliberate   activities   to  
destroy   farmlands   and   product   contained   therein   have   been   reported   to   the  
police   without   proper   action,   said   the   national   president   of   the   Igalamela  
Cultural  and  Development  Association  (ICDA)  
12.  20/01   Five  Travellers  Kidnapped  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  along  Onicha-­‐
Ugbo/Idumuje-­‐Ugboko/Abuja  road  in  Aniocha  North  Local  Government  Area  of  
Delta  state,  Regain  Freedom  In  Delta  After  Paying  Ransom  
13.  18/01   Suspected  Fulani  bandits  kill  village  head,  kidnap  17  others  in  Niger  
14.  18/01   Fulani   killed   a   farmer   in   Igalamela   /   Odolu   Local   Government   Area   of  
kogi  state,  after  the  deceased  had  gone  to  report  the  alleged  destruction  of  his  
farmland  by  the  fulanis  to  the  police  
15.  17/01   Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  killed  two  young  Christian  women  in  southern  
Kaduna  state  
16.  15/01   More   than   200   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   have   attacked   predominantly  
Christian  villages  in  southern  Kaduna  state,  Nigeria  since  Jan.  6,  killing  at  least  
35  people  and  kidnapping  58  others  
17.  08/01   Fulani  Hersdmen  kill  about  13  people  with  some  others  seriously  injured  
in  Kulben  community  of  Kombun  District  in  Mangu  Local  Government  Area    
18.  10/01   Catholic   Priest,   Rev.   Fr.   Cyprian   Ugwuanyi,   Parish   Priest   of   St.   Paul  
Catholic   Church,   Ogbosu,   Umulokpa   in   Uzo-­‐Uwani   Local   Government   Area   of  
Enugu  State  was  kidnapped  by  3  Fulani  herdsmen  

19.  04/01   Fulani  gunmen  invade  Kogi  town,  kill  23  

20.  01/01   A  member  of  the  Church  of  Christ  in  Nations  (COCIN)  killed  by  herdsmen  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2019  (169  attacks  counted  to  the  date)  
DECEMBER  2019  
1.   29/12   Tension   As   200   Herdsmen,   Cattle   Storm   at   Ajowa-­‐   Akoko   in   Akoko  
North-­‐west   local   government   area   of   Ondo   State;   herdsmen   were   found   in  
possession  of  weapons  
2.   29/12   Curtailing  Herders’  Threat  To  Ekiti  State  Farmers:  herders  occupied  and  
destroyed   crops   planted   on   the   abandoned   2500   acres   of   land   at   Orin   Farm  
settlemen  and  destroyed  crops  worth  over  N50  million  in  farms  belonging  to  70  
3.   28/12   Fulani  herdsman  identified  as  Laulo  Isa  raped  to  death  a-­‐54-­‐old  woman,  
Mary  Okereke  in  Ugwulangwu  
4.   22/12   COCIN  member,  Ayuba  Lanjo,  was  wounded  in  an  attack  by  herdsmen  in  
Tanjol  near  Jol  in  Riyom  County  
5.   19/12   Augustine   Eziashi,   a   native   of   Ubulu-­‐Uku,   in   Aniocha   South   local  
government  area  of  Delta  state  was  kidnapped  by  Fulani  men  
6.   16/12   Herdsmen   killed   a   Christian   woman,   Mary   Machief,   and   her   baby  
daughter  in  Plateau  state’s  Bokkos  County  
7.   02/12   Armed  Herders  Destroy  100  Hectares  Of  Rice  Farm  at  Asolo  in  the  Uso  
area  of  Owo  Local  Government  Area,  Ondo  State  
8.   02/12   Fulani’s   involvement   in   kidnapping   compounded   security   situation,  
Commander  of  Intelligence  Response  Team  said  
NOVEMBER  2019  
1.   20/11   In   2018,   Fulani   extremists   were   responsible   for   the   majority   of   terror-­‐
related  deaths  in  Nigeria  at  1,158  fatalities,  according  to  Global  Terrorism  Index  
2.   17/11   Kidnapped  Girl,  8,  Escapes  From  Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  
3.   14/11   Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  killed  four  Christians  in  north-­‐central   Nigeria,  
attacking  them  with  machetes  as  they  slept  in  their  beds  
4.   14/11   A  group  of  herdsmen  attacked  predominantly  Christian  Agom  village  in  
southern  Kaduna  state:  an  87-­‐year-­‐old  Christian  killed  by  machete  and  another  
by  gunshot  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
5.   11/11   Herdsmen   have   created   fear   among   farmers   causing   food   scarcity   in  
Imo  State  
6.   08/11  Fulani  herdsmen  were   reported   disrupting  local  farms  and  civil  centers  
around   the   government   areas   of   Kirikasamma   and   Guru:   a   local   farmer   and  
police  officer  shot  
7.   02/11   Govt  officials  are  buying,  keeping  cattle  with  Fulani  
8.   01/11   The   Livestock   Farmers   Association   Laments   Incessant   Attacks   By  
Herdsmen  in  Shotubo  community,  in  Sagamu  local  Government  of  Ogun  State  
OCTOBER  2019  
1.   27/10   Girl,  6,  dies  after  allegedly  being  shot  by  suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  in  
Enugu  State  (Graphic  photos)  
2.   23/10   Delta  State  Council  of  Traditional  Rulers  has  condemned  armed  invasion  
and  aborted  kidnap  of  teachers  at  the  Azagba  Mixed  Secondary  School,  Issele-­‐  
Azagba  in  Aniocha  North  local  Government  Area  by  gunmen  suspected  of  being  
3.   22/10   Governor   Ortom   of   Benue   State   advised   the   Federal   Government   to  
close   Nigeria’s   borders   against   the  influx   of   foreign   herdsmen   that   come   into  
the  country  to  cause  mayhem  
4.   16/10   8  Masked  gunmen  suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  stormed  the  School  
premises   and   abducted   the   Principal,   and   four   other   teachers   of   the   Aniocha  
North   Local   Government   Area   in   Azagba   Mixed   Secondary   School,   Issele-­‐
5.   11/10   Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  Teenage  Worker  Joseph  Otoile  In  Delta  
6.   12/10   30   year   old   Wakili   Ayuba   -­‐husband   to   Margaret   Wakili,   a   27   year   old  
pregnant   woman   killed   by   herdsmen-­‐   was   ambushed   and   killed   by   people  
suspected  to  be  herdsmen    
7.   07/10   Fulani   militias   are   said   to   have   invaded   a   Tomatoes   farm   of   Vatt  
Community,  Barkin  Ladi  
8.   07/10   Attack  on  Vatt  village  in  Barkin  Ladi  County  by  suspected  armed  Fulani  
militias  killed  2  Christian  women,  Tabitha  Joro  Dung  and  Yop  Gwom  Pam,  and  a  
Christian  man,  Peter  Zong,  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
9.   07/10   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   Ezra   Haruna,   a   member   of   Godiya  
Baptist  Church  in  Ungwan  Barau  village,  in  an  attack  on  the  village  near  Udawa  
in   Chikun   County,   Kaduna   state;   4   other   church   members,   including   Jummai  
Ido,  the  church  pastor’s  wife,  were  kidnapped.  Armed  herdsmen  stormed  the  
community  and  shot  indiscriminately  into  houses,  forcing  residents  to  flee  into  
bushes  surrounding  the  village  
10.  05/10   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  a  young  Christian  man  Bartholomew  David,  23,  
from  the   Evangelical  Church  Winning  All  (ECWA)  in  Akilbu,  after  stopping  him  
on  a  highway  in  Kaduna  state  
11.  04/10   Catholic  priest  Father  Arinze  Madu  of  Enugu  Diocese  and  Vice  Rector  of  
the  Queen  of  Apostle  Spiritual  Year  Senior  Seminary,  Imezi  Owa  in  Ezeagu  Local  
Government  Area  of  Enugu  State,  kidnapped  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
12.  03/10   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   kidnapped   six   Christian   female   students   and  
two   teachers   from   Engravers’   College,   a   Christian-­‐run   high   school   in   Kakau  
13.  03/10   Herdsmen  killed  4  members  of  the  Church  of  Christ  in  Nations  (COCIN)  
in  Vatt  
1.   30/09   Since   February   2017,   48   recorded   cases   of   abduction   in   with   a   total  
ransom  of  over  N277million  paid  out,  with  some  of  the  victims  murdered  even  
after   the   demanded   ransom   had   been   paid,   Spokesman   of   the   Igbo   Union   in  
Benue  State  said  
2.   28/09   In   Jol   village   in   neighboring   Riyom   County,   herdsmen   ambushed   and  
killed   3   Christians,   members   of   the   Church   of   Christ   in   Nations   (COCIN),  
returning  to  their  community  who  had  been  displaced  by  violence  a  year  ago            
3.   23/09   Three   members   of   the   Baptist   Church   were   killed   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  at  Hukke  Village,  Miango,  Bassa  LGA  of  the  State.  Those  killed  were  
two   women,   Ladi   Wuh,   45,   and   36-­‐year-­‐old   Laraba   Audu,   and   community  
leader  Musa  Yevuh,  40    
4.   23/09   Suspected   herdsmen   abduct   14   passengers   at   Ajeoku   junction,   along  
Otan-­‐ile-­‐Okemesi  road  in  Obokun  Local  Government  of  Osun  State  
5.   22/09   Fulani  Herdsmen  Invade  A’Ibom  Community  and  Stab  Security  Guard  
6.   15/09   Leader   of   the   Indigenous   People   of   Biafra   (IPOB),   Nnamdi   Kanu   has  
raised   an   alarm   that   there   are   some   Fulani   assassins   outside   his   home   at  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
7.   14/09   Fulani   herdsmen   kidnapped   and   killed   a   pastor’s   wife   in   north-­‐central  
Nigeria’s   Kaduna   state   three   days   after   suspected   herdsmen   killed   a   Baptist  
pastor  in  another  part  of  the  state  
8.   11/09   Rev.  Alhamdu  Mangadus,  pastor  of  Nasara  Baptist  Church  in  Asso,  was  
killed  while  working  on  his  farm  
9.   07/09   Plateau:  We  have  lost  43  villages  to  Fulani  herdsmen  in  17  years  –  Reps  
10.  07/09   Gunmen  Kill  12  In  Plateau  Attacks,  10  In  Ebonyi  Community  
11.  05/09   Fulani   Militia   attacked   farmers   at   Abonong   in   Barkin-­‐Ladi   of   Plateau  
12.  05/09   Prof.   Gideon   Okedayo   kidnapped   at   Akoko   Junction   on   the   Igara-­‐Auch  
highway  in  Edo  State  
13.  04/09   Fulani  Militia  shot  dead  2   natives  of  Vatt  community,  Foron  District  of  
Barkin  Ladi  LGA,  Plateau  State  
14.  04/09   Baptist  Pastor  Rev.  Elisha  Noma  kidnapped  by  Fulani  freed  after  17  days  
of  torture  and  paying  ransom  (3  million  naira,  US$8,181)  
AUGUST  2019  
1.   29/08   Fulani   Militias   shot   7   seven   natives   of   Attakar   of   Kaura   LGA,   Kaduna  
2.   29/08   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   5   Christians   and   destroyed   many   homes   in   an  
attack  on  predominantly  Christian  Kiri,  in  Kaduna’s  Kaura  County  
3.   26/08   Senator  Nnamani:  Fulani  herdsmen  activities  in  Igbo  land  barbaric  
4.   22/08   Suspected  herdsmen  kill  pregnant  woman  in  Enugu  
5.   15/08   Catholic   priest   Rev.   Chimezie   Ani   narrowly   escaped   death   in   an   attack  
by  armed  Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  shooting  at  his  vehicle  
6.   14/08   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   abducted   a   Baptist   pastor   Elisha   Noma   of  
Nagarta  Baptist  Church  in  Makiri  and  his  son  
7.   09/08   Over   500   Christians   kidnapped   in   Kaduna   State   in   the   last   two   years:    
over   N300   million   as   ransom   paid   to   kidnappers,   armed   bandits   and   Fulani  
8.   05/08   Enugu  monarch,  wife  kidnapped  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
9.   05/08   Catholic   parishioner   Kenneth   Igwe   found   dead   after   being   taken   by  
Fulani  in  an  ambush  
10.  05/08   Herdsmen  attacked  a  Roman  Catholic  parish  in  Kasuwan  Magani,  a  town  
south   of   the   city   of   Kaduna:   Rev.   Fr.   Joseph   Kato   Kwasau,   narrowly   escaped  
death;  his  house  security  guard,  Samuel  Jerome,  38,  was  killed  by  the  band  of  
15  terrorists  
11.  04/08   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  pastor  Jeremiah  Omolewa  of  Living  Faith  Church  
in  the  Romi  New  Extension  area  of  the  city  of  Kaduna  and  kidnapped  his  wife  
12.  04/08   Fulani  herdsmen  abducted  the  traditional  ruler  of  Agbogugu,  Awgu  LGA,  
Enugu  State,  Igwe  Sunday  Orji  and  his  wife  
13.  02/08   5   pastors   of   the   Redeemed   Christian   Church   of   God   kidnapped   near  
Ijebu-­‐Ode  allegedly  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
14.  01/08   Father   Paul   Offu,   the   parish   Catholic   priest   of   St.   James   the   Greater  
Parish,  Ugbawka,  reportedly  was  shot  and  killed  by  suspected  armed  herdsmen    
15.  01/08   Fulani  herdsmen  ambushed  and  shot  3  Christians,  who  were  wounded.  
Timothy  Joseph,  23,  Nuhu  Ishaya,  22,  and  Achi  Danjuma,  21,  were  returning  to  
Ancha  village  from  Hukke  when  they  were  attacked  
16.  01/08   Redeemed  Christian  Church  of  God’s  deaconess,  Chidinma  Ibeleji,  and  4  
other   persons   (Chidioze   Eluwa,   Chiemela   Iroha,   Okoro   Ohowukwe,   Ndubuizi  
Owuabueze)   abducted   by   Fulani   herdsmen   around   the   J3   forest   on   Ogbere  
Road,  in  Ijebu-­‐East  Local  Government  Area    
JULY  2019  
1.   29/07   Anxiety,   anger   in   Ondo,   as   Fulani   vigilantes   invade   major   roads:  
Farmers,  travellers  can  no  longer  move  in  peace,  residents  groan  
2.   27/07   Inhabitants   of   Pandagi,   a   village   in   Abaji   Area   Council   of   the   Federal  
Capital   Territory   (FCT),   have   run   away   following   alleged   threats   by   Fulani  
herdsmen  to  invade  and  attack  the  community  
3.   27/07   Fulani   already   prosecuting   their   war   against   Nigerians   —Prof   Banji  
4.   26/07   Southern   Middle   Belt   Forum   accuses   Fulani   Herdsmen   of   committing  
Genocide  against  Nigerians  
5.   23/07   Nnamdi  Kanu:  Fulani  Jihadist  are  seriously  working  to  take  over  Yoruba  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
6.   23/07   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  abduct  3  Bayelsa-­‐bound  women  travelers  in  
Edo,  demand  N30m  
7.   21/07   3   friends   and   2   children   were   attacked   and   kidnapped   by   a   gang   of  
gunmen  suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  along  Okada  Road  in  Edo  State:  N30  
million  ransom  
8.   demanded  
9.   21/07   Alaafin  of  Oyo,  Oba  Lamidi  Adeyemi,  wrote  an  open  letter  to  President  
Buhari  denouncing  the  incessant  and  increasing  menace  of  Fulani  herdsmen    
10.  19/07   Nigerian   big   men   sponsoring   Fulani   herdsmen   attacks,   Gani   Adams  
11.  17/07   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  naval  Warrant  Officer,  as  police  recue  7  
kidnap  victims  in  Edo  
12.  17/07   Catholic   priest   Fr.   Ikechukwu   Ilo,   in   charge   of   St.   Patrick   Church   at  
Numeh,  attacked  by  Fulani  herdsmen  armed  with  AK47  along  Numeh-­‐  Nenwe  
road  in  the  Nkanu  East  Local  Government  Area  of  Enugu  Stat;  other  victim,  Mrs  
Chika  Egbo,  shot  in  her  leg  and  waist  
13.  16/07   Catholic   priest   of   Nsukka   Diocese,   Rev.   Fr.   Celestine   Eze:   we   were  
kidnapped  by  Fulani  militias  
14.  15/07   Herdsmen   attacked   the   Christian   communities   of   Ancha,   Tafigana,  
Kperie,   Hukke   and   Rikwechongu,   killing   3   Christians   (a   27-­‐year-­‐old   pregnant  
woman  Margaret  Wakili,  Thomas  Wollo,  46,  and  his  son,  Ngwe  Thomas  Wollo,  
7),  and  burning  down  75  houses  and  2  church  buildings    
15.  14/07   46-­‐year-­‐old  Thomas  Wollo  was  killed  and  beheaded  together  with  his  7-­‐
year-­‐old  son  Nggwe  Thomas  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Tafigana  village  
of   Bassa   Local   Government   Area   of   Plateau   State.   The   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen   also   killed   a   27   year   old   pregnant   woman   identified   a   Margaret  
Wakili  and  an  aged  woman  in  Ancha  village    
16.  14/07   Rafiu  Showemimo,  a  farmer  has  been  stabbed  and  killed  by  suspected  
herdsmen  at  Adao  community  in  Alabata  area  of  Odeda  Loca  
17.  12/07   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  daughter  of  Fasoranti,  Afenifere’s  leader  
18.  08/07   Anglican  Bishop:  Ruga  an  attempt  to  Islamise,  Fulanise  Nigeria  
19.  08/07   Fulani   herdsmen   suspected   to   be   kidnappers   have   been   arrested   in  
Irese  in  Ifedore  Local  Government  Area  of  Ondo  State  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
20.  07/07   Herdsmen   ambushed   and   killed   a   Christian   identified   as   Ezekiel   Audu,  
25,   member   of   ECWA   [Evangelical   Church   Winning   All],   in   Kperie   village   of  
Kwall  District,  Bassa  County    
21.  06/07   Fulani   herdsmen   have   taken   over   our   farmlands;   they   kill,   rape   our  
people  –  Delta  communities’  residents  
22.  06/07   Our  kidnappers  were  typical  Fulani  men  and  were  on  drugs,  they  were  
herdsmen,  they  told  us  themselves  —Bauchi  victim  
23.  04/07   Fulani   Group   Threaten   To   Start   Terrorizing   Nigeria   In   30   Days   Over  
Suspension  Of  RUGA  Settlement  Plan  
24.  03/07   Three   Locals   of   Jol   community   of   Plateau   state   attacked   by   Fulani  
25.  02/07   Herdsmen  Are  Now  Threatening  Staff  And  Students  Of  the  University  of  
JUNE  2019  
1.   30/06   Protest  in  Ekiti  as  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  hunter  and  rice  farmer  Emmanuel  
Ilori,  68  at  Orin  Farm  Settlement,  Orin-­‐Ekiti  in  Ekiti  State  
2.   26/06   A  policy  by  President  Buhari  to  use  public  funds  to  set  up  Ruga  farming  
settlements  for  herdsmen  in  12  states  has  been  rejected  across  the  country  
3.   25/06   Fulani  Herdsmen  Accused  Of  Raping  &  Killing  A  Lady  In  Edo  
4.   24/06   Christian  Association  of  Nigeria  (CAN)  tasks  MACBAN  to  expose  criminal  
Fulani  herdsmen  
5.   19/06   Police  Reveal  How  Herdsmen  Use  Cattle  To  Move  Firearms  
6.   17/06   Over   200   armed   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   invaded   predominantly  
Christian  Ungwan  Rimi  Kamuru  village,  Kauru  County.  Kaduna  state,  killing  a  9-­‐
year-­‐old,  Ashimile  Danladi,  and  a  17-­‐year-­‐old,  Samson  David  
7.   17/06   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   Kikoba,   a   Christian   village   in   Kauru   LGA   of  
Kaduna   state:   93   houses   belonging   to   Christians   burned,   and   farm   crops  
8.   17/06   Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  on  Kangbro  village,  Plateau  state:  killed  
25-­‐year-­‐old   Gado   Peter,   Stephen   Ziah,   60,   and   Adam   Sabo,   65;   a   fourth  
Christian,  Samson  Audu  Rivi,  was  receiving  treatment  for  gunshots  wounds;   2  
church  buildings  -­‐one  Catholic,  another  of  ECWA-­‐   were  burned  alongside  185  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
houses;   the   entire   Christian   villagers   who   survived   the   attacks   are   now  
9.   17/06   Muslim   Fulani   herdsmen   shot   6   Christians   to   death   in   the   attack   on  
Nakai  Danwal  village,  Plateau  state;  at  least  54  houses  were  set  on  fire  
10.  17/06   Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  kidnap  Catholic  Priest  in  Edo  
11.  17/06   Herdsmen  entered  villages  outside  of  the   Taraba  state  capital,  Jalingo,  
shooting   firearms   that   reportedly   also   killed   11   people   in   predominantly  
Christian  villages,  burning  houses  
12.  14/06   Nigerians   describe   horrors   of   Fulani   atrocities:   'There   is   a   genocide  
going  on'  
13.  12/06   Suspected  Fulani  bandits  rob  commuters  on  Ife-­‐Ibadan  expressway,  kill  
Osun  civil  servant  
14.  10/06   Fulani  herdsmen  kidnap  mom,  son  in  Ondo  
15.  08/06   Jihadists   have   recruited   heavily   from   Fulani   pastoralists   across   West  
Africa  —Report  
16.  05/06   Former  governor  of  Oyo  State,  Rashidi  Ladoja,  warned  that  the  alleged  
plan   of   the   Federal   Government   to   Fulanise   Nigeria   would   lead   to   crisis   that  
could  consume  the  country  
MAY  2019  
1.   31/05   Catholic   priest,   Rev.   Fr.   Cyriacus   Kamai   in   a   homily   at   Church   of  
Assumption   in   Kona   village:   51   Kona   indigenes   were   killed   across   11   villages  
during  an  alleged  attack  on  Kona  people  by  Fulani  herdsmen  last  month,  8,494  
people  were  displaced    
2.   30/05   Fulanisation   and   Islamisation:   Another   salvo   from   former   President  
Olusegun  Obasanjo  
3.   29/05   Buhari  Preparing  Ground  For  Fulani  Take  Over  Of  Nigeria,  Says  Catholic  
Bishop  of  Awka,  Most  Rev.  Paulinus  Ezeokafor  
4.   27/05   Fulanisation:   Yoruba   leaders   back   Obasanjo…Urge   Buhari   to   stop  
pampering  Fulani  
5.   27/05   Gunmen  believed  to  be  Fulani  militants  reportedly  killed  6  members  of  
of  the  Lo-­‐Gwong  Du  family:  2  children,  their  parents  and  grandparents      

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
6.   27/05   Herdsmen   remove   pregnant   lady’s   womb   after   putting   a   stick   in   her  
private  part  
7.   27/05   Northern  Nigeria  pastors’  fellowship  known  as  the  Arewa  Christians  and  
Indigenous   Pastors   Association   (ACIPA),   the   Rev.   Luke   Shehu   denounces   the  
arrest   of   over   30   Christian   women   fruit   and   food   vendors   by   soldiers   around  
Tina  junction  in  Jos  after  the  attack  of  Fulani  killing  30  Christians  and  destroying  
20  houses;  and  that  executive  order  by  President  Buhari  revoking  all  firearms  
licenses   beginning   June   1   is   a   ploy   to   keep   Christians   and   minority   tribes  
unarmed  in  the  face  of  the  heavily  armed  Fulani  militias  and  terrorists  
8.   26/05   The  continuous  Fulanisation  and  Northernisation  of  Nigeria  
9.   26/05   Gunmen  suspected  to  be  local  Fulani  Muslims  killed  7  Christians  as  they  
made  their  way  home  from  church  services  in  Jos,  Plateau  state;  12  additional  
Christians  wounded  in  the  attacks;  more  than  12  houses  burned  
10.  26/05   Shock  As  Fulani  Herdsmen  Storm  Akoko  Palace  In  Osun,  Threaten  To  Kill  
The  King  
11.  25/05   Armed   Fulani   herders   invaded   and   abducted   a   lady   at   Plateau   State  
12.  23/05   Southern   and   Middle   Belt   Leaders   Forum   cautioned   the   Federal  
Government   not   to   proceed   with   its   plan   to   set   up   a   radio   station   for   Fulani  
herdsmen,   saying   the   move   would   become   a   weapon   for   spreading   hateful  
propaganda  against  other  nationalities  
13.  21/05   Abia  Monarch  Raises  The  Alarm  Over  Activities  Of  Fulani  Herdsmen  
14.  21/05   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   have   allegedly   killed   a   35-­‐year-­‐old   farmer,  
Mr.   Ariyo   Aina,   on   his   way   to   the   farm   at   Ogga   community,   in   Yagba   West  
Council  of  Kogi  State.  
15.  20/05   Gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   killed   a   farmer,  
Chief   Albert   Chikwe,   the   Ade   of   Abugba   at   his   farm   in   Udo   village,   while  
another  young  man  escaped  with  a  bullet  wound  in  Ubulu-­‐uku,  Aniocha  South  
Local  Government  Area  of  Delta  State  
16.  20/05   20   Killed   As   Fulani   Herdsmen   Invade   Ukpabi   Nimbo   Agrarian  
Community,  Uzo-­‐Uwani  Local  Government  Area  of  Enugu  State  
17.  20/05   Unidentified  Muslims  killed  Moses  Victor,  a  member  of  the  Evangelical  
Church  Winning  All  (ECWA),  in  the  Rikkos  area  of  Jos,  Plateau  state  
18.  18/05   Farmer  Ariyo  Aina  Kano  from  One  Ogga  Compound,  Ogga,  Yagba  West  
LGA,  Kogi  State  was  killed  by  Fulani  Herdsmen  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
19.  15/05   Fulani  herdsmen  with  machetes  are  said  to  have  attacked  Owa-­‐Alero  in  
Ika  North  East  Local  Government  Area  of  Delta  State,  hacking  a  woman  working  
on  her  farm  
20.  11/05   Fulani  Herdsmen  attack  farmers  and  shot  dead  a  49  year  old  farmer  at  
Foron  district,  Barkin-­‐Ladi  
21.  08/05   Professor  Olayinka  Adegbehingbe:  I  Was  Abducted  By  Fulani  Herdsmen,  
Paid  N5m  Ransom  
22.  06/05   Beginning  of  a  one-­‐month  attack  of  Fulani  herdsman  against  Jukun  Kona  
Farmer   at   Yawai   Abbare   in   Jalingo   Local   Government   of   Taraba   State:   18  
villages   were   attacked   and   burned   down,   65   persons   were   killed   and   9000  
displaced,  15  Churches,  two  primary  schools  and  a  health  care  centre  were  also  
23.  06/05   Another   invasion   of   Plateau   State   Polytechic   by   kidnapping   Fulani  
24.  05/05   Another  attack  at  Kpang  village  of  Heipang,  Plateau  State:  2  locals  killed  
25.  05/05   Fulani  herdsmen  invade  Imo  community,  kill  1,  injure  another  
26.  03/05   Fulani   herdsman   shot   7-­‐year-­‐old   Christian   boy   in   Gwanje   village,  
Nasarawa  state,  after  a  Baptist  church  member,  uncle  of  the  boy,  tried  to  fight  
off  an  armed  Muslim  Fulani  herdsman  
27.  03/05   Moses  Ayuba,  a  29-­‐year-­‐old  member  of  the  Evangelical  Church  Winning  
All  (ECWA)  in  Gwanje  was  shot  in  his  hand  and   waist  by  herdsmen  who  were  
invading  the  village  
28.  03/05   Herdsmen  attacked  Hukke  and  Rikwechongu  villages,  killing  a  Christian  
identified   as   63-­‐year-­‐old   Di   Zere.   His   corpse   was   burnt,   and   his   10-­‐year-­‐old  
daughter  sustained  gunshot  wounds  
29.  02/05   No   fewer   than   six   persons   have   been   reportedly   killed   by   suspected  
Fulani  herdsmen  in  some  villages  (Tambo,  Murposa,  Bankam  and  Wuro  Hausa)  
in  Girei  Local  Government  
30.  02/05   Suspected  Muslim  Fulani  herdsmen  ambushed  and  killed  a  26-­‐year-­‐old  
Catholic  David  Musa  around  the  stream  west  of  Dong  village  near  Jos    
31.  01/05   Herdsmen   killed   Audu   Rivo   as   he   made   his   way   to   his   farm;   another  
unidentified  resident  going  home  to  Jebbu  Miango  was  shot  and  was  receiving  
treatment  at  Enos  Hospital,  Miango  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
APRIL  2019  
1.   29/04   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   demolished   structures   that   are   being  
erected   by   Internationally   Displaced   Persons   (IDPs)   of   Ruku   community   of  
Gashish  District,  Barkin  Ladi  LGA  of  Plateau  State  
2.   28/04   Herdsmen  ambushed  Christians  Emmanuel  Ishaya  and  Jummai  Ijah,  who  
along   with   a   7-­‐month-­‐old   baby   identified   only   as   Tabitha   were   wounded   but  
survived,  in  Rotsu  village  
3.   27/04   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   Sunday   Di   and   a   Christian   identified   only   as  
Baram  as  they  made  their  way  home  in  Dong  village  
4.   20/04   Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  13  In  Adamawa,  11  Feared  Dead  In  Benue  
5.   18/04   Suspected  Fulani  militants  raze  community,  kill  4  (two  aged  couple  and  
their  two  granddaughters),  injure  3  on  Bolon  town  in  Demsa  local  government  
of  Adamawa  State  
6.   15/04   Two  Killed,  Three  Injured  As  Fulani  Herdsmen  Raid  Community  In  Ekiti  
7.   14/04   No   fewer   than   17   persons   who   had   gathered   after   a   baby   service  
dedication   at   Ruhaniya   Baptist   Church   were   gruesomely   massacred   and   8  
wounded   when   suspected   Fulani   herders   opened   fire   on   them   in   Kochum-­‐
Numa   village   in   Akwanga   council   area,   Nasarawa   state;   victims   killed:   Ali  
Nkene,   80;   Gode   Kako,   13;   Afiniki   Kako,   10;   Matthew   Emmanuel,   28;   Tafiya  
Baya,   17;   Sarakuna   Haruna,   21;   Amos   Julius,   60;   Mary   Amos,   40;   Sunday  
Adebayo  John,  21;  Talatu  Mada,  40;  Saratu  Kabiru  John,  21;  Justina  Barrau,  60;  
Simon  Anfani,  37;  Kadon  Sule,  20;  Ayuba  Bulus,  11;    Haruna  Bawa,  22;  and  the  
musician,   Samame   Andaha,   28;   victims   wounded:   John   Kabiru   Ali,   32;  
Maikasuwa  Engila,  30;  Biyaya  Engila,  60;  Ayuba  Maikano,  80;  Juliana  Clement,  
47;  Gode  Tijani,  30;  Nicholas  Danzaria,  26;  and  Alkali  Raba,  43  
8.   14/04   Herdsmen  killed  2  people,  Janah  Dare  and  Dadi  Ibrahim,  in  an  ambush  
in  Hura  village    
9.   11/04   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   in   connivance   with   the   Jukun   militia  
attacked  the  Vaase  and  Jootar  communities  all  in  Ukum  local  government  area  
of  Benue  state  leaving  at  25  people  mostly  farmers  dead  
10.  10/04   Fulani   Herdsmen   Kill   Four   In   Abraka,   Ethiope   East   Local   Government  
Area  of  Delta  State;  photos  
11.  10/04   A   Christian   identified   only   as   Emma   from   Ri-­‐Do   village   was   killed   by  
Fulani  herdsmen  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
12.  09/04   Salah  Akpa,  a  Christian  and  head  of  Kigam  village,  was  killed  on  his  farm  
by  Fulani  herdsmen  
13.  03/04   Zamfara  State  Govt  Says  Some  Fulani  Responsible  For  Terror  Attacks  in  
the  State  
MARCH  2019  
1.   27/03   Gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   ambushed   and  
killed  3  farmers  in  Bagana  community  in  Omala  Local  Government  Area  of  Kogi  
State,  victims:  Samson  Ajene,  Adah  Audu  and  Monday  Ocho  
2.   25/03   Rev.   Emmanuel   Haruna   of   the   Evangelical   Church   Winning   All   (ECWA)  
kidnapped   at   gunpoint   outside   his   home   on   church   premises   in   Gidan   Ausa,  
Nasarawa  state  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
3.   25/03   In   Kaduna   state,   gunmen   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly  
abducted  the  Rev.  John  Bako  Shekwolo,  priest  of  St.  Theresa  Catholic  Church  in  
Ankwa  Kachia  County    
4.   23/03   Suspected   herdsmen   have   sacked   Merte   and   Nendem   villages   in  
Akwanga  local  government  area  of  Nasarawa  state,  burning  27  houses  
5.   23/03   Suspected  Fulani  herders  rape  a  19-­‐year-­‐old  Christian  lady,  Joy  Danlam,  
to   death   in   Andaha   village   area   of   Akwanga   Local   Government   Area   of   the  
Nasarawa   state;   16-­‐year-­‐old   Patience   Danlami,   and   14-­‐year-­‐old   son,   Aboy  
Danlami,  escaped  with  gunshot  and  machete  wounds  
6.   23/03   Fulani   herdsmen   attack   Mante   village,   burning   down   17   houses,   and  
Nidan   village,   Nasarawa   state,   burning   another   11   homes.   They   also   burned  
two  Evangelical  Church  Winning  All  (ECWA)  buildings  and  two  belonging  to  the  
Evangelical  Reformed  Church  of  Christ  (ERCC)  in  the  two  villages;  hundreds  of  
Christians  displaced  in  the  attacks  have  taken  refuge  in  Akwanga  town  
7.   20/03   Catholic   priest,   Reverend   Father   Clement   Ugwu,   kidnapped   from   his  
Parish,  St  Mark  Catholic  Church,  Obinofia  Ndiuno  in  Ezeagu  Local  Government  
Area  of  Enugu  State,  has  been  found  dead  
8.   18/03   Nasarawa  GovernorTanko  Al-­‐Makura  calls  on  the  Nigerian  army  to  stem  
the   rising   tide   of   kidnappings   in   his   state   denouncing   that   “it   is   a   highly  
sophisticated   syndicate   that   is   carried   out   by   so   many   specialists:   kidnappers  
are  well-­‐funded,  as  they  have  highly  sophisticated  weapons  and  operate  from  
deep  in  remote,  secret  camps  
9.   16/03   Ten   killed,   30   houses   burnt   in   fresh   attack   by   armed   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen,   in   Nandu   -­‐Gbok   village,   Sanga   local   government   area   of   Kaduna  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
10.  15/03   A   cleric,   Innocent   Agiade,   was   held   hostage   alongside   eight   others,  
including  two  women;  one  of  them,  Pastor  Meliorate  Eboh,  suffered  a  cardiac  
arrest  and  later  died  

11.  14/03   At  least  7  people  escaped  in  injuries  when  suspected  herdsmen  carried  
out  an  attack  in  Rafiki  and  Dutse  Kura  communities  of  Bassa  Local  Government  
Area  of  Plateau  State  

12.  12/03   Shocking  Photos  As  Fulani  Herdsmen  Strikes  In  Kaduna,  Kill  Many    
13.  11/03   52  people,  including  women  and  children,  killed  and  around  100  homes  
destroyed  in  attacks  on  Inkirimi  and  Dogonnoma  villages  in  Maro,  Kajuru  Local  
Government  Area  (LGA)  by  Fulani  militia    
14.  11/03   Dozens  of  people  were  injured  and   43   houses  were  burnt  in  an  attack  
on  Ungwan  Gora  village  by  Fulani  militia    
15.  11/03   Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Agagbe  In  Benue,  Inflict  Injuries  
16.  10/03   Ungwan  Barde  village  in  Kajuru  suffered  an  attack  by  Fulani  in  which  17  
people  died,  and  dozens  of  homes  were  burnt  
17.  06/02   Armed   men   suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   carried   out   attacks   at  
Taavaan,   in   Mbadwem,   Guma   LGA   of   Benue   State,   killing   many   and   leaving  
good  number  of  persons  injured  
18.  02/03   Suspected   herdsmen   killed   16   people   and   inflicted   life-­‐threatening  
injuries   on   several   others   in   an   attack   on   Agagbe   community   in   Gwer   Local  
Government  Area  of  Benue  State  
19.  02/03   Suspected   Fulani   armed   men   have   attacked   Sabon   Sara   Village   in  
Kidandan  community  of  Giwa  Local  Govt  Area  of  Kaduna  State  killing  6  persons  
and  leaving  8  wounded  
FEBRUARY  2019  
1.   28/02   9  day  old  baby  survived  after  alleged  Fulani  herdsmen  killed  her  mother  
in  Benue  and  left  her  father  fighting  for  life  
2.   26/02   At  Least  40  Christians  Killed  in  Two  Attacks  in  Kaduna  State;  around  40  
homes  were  destroyed  in  attacks  on  the  Karamai  community  in  Maro,  Kajuru  
3.   25/02   Group   raises   the   alarm   over   plot   by   some   Fulani   to   smuggle   weapons  
into  S’West  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
4.   20/02   Hundreds  of  Christian  women  from  Jagindi,  in  Jema’a  County  in  Kaduna  
State,  took  to  the  streets  of  Jagindi  and  Godogodo  towns  to  protest  the  killing  
of   12   Christians   at   a   wedding   reception   in   the   Jagindi   suburb   of   Ungwan   Pa  
Gwandara  on  Dec.  16  
5.   20/02   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  16  persons  in  Ebete  in  Usha  ward  in  Agatu  Local  
Government  Area  of  Benue  State  
6.   18/02   Agrarian  community  of  Umumbo  in  Ayamelum  Local  Government  Area  
of  Anambra  State  has  cried  out  to  Governor  Willie  Obiano  to  rescue  them  from  
attacks  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  the  area  
7.   18/02   Boy  Brutally  Macheted  By  Herdsmen  While  Harvesting  Cashew  Nuts  
8.   16/02   Judgment   of   the   Community   Court   of   Justice   of   the   Economic  
Community  of  West  African  States  (ECOWAS)  found  the  Nigerian  Government  
“in    violation    of    their    obligation    to    protect    the  human  rights  of  the  Agatu  
Community   and   prevent   its   violation”,   orders   him   “to   investigate   the   mass  
killings  and  destruction  of  properties  in  the  alleged  Agatu  communities  of  Benue  
State,  identify  and  prosecute  the  perpetrators  and  redress  the  victims”,  and  “to    
provide    adequate    security,    deploymore  security    personnel    to    the    area    to    
protect    the    community    to    prevent    further  occurrences  of  that  mayhem”  
9.   10/02   Ten   people,   including   a   pregnant   woman,   were   killed   in   an   attack   on  
Ungwan  Barde    
JANUARY  2019  
1.   27/01   “Fulani   herdsmen   sack   whole   communities,   burn   their   houses,   rape  
their   women,   slaughter   human   beings   in   the   most   barbaric   and   sadistic  
manner,  and  take   over  their  land  as  an  army   of   occupation“:  Rev.  Dr.  Francis  
Ujunwa   Simeon,   General   Overseer,   Bible   Wisdom   Ministries   International,  
2.   02/01   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  at  least  14  people  coming  back  from  Churches,  
injured  scores  of  others  and  burnt  several  houses  in  fresh  attacks  in  Barkin  Ladi  
Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  State;  photos  
3.   01/01   Herdsmen  set  ablaze  a  rice  farm  belonging  to  Governor  Samuel  Ortom  
of  Benue  State  at  Gbajimba  in  Guma  Local  Government  Area  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2018  (245  attacks  counted  to  the  date)  
DECEMBER  2018  
1.   24/12   Fulani   herdsmen   murdered   Mr   Iorwuese   Myaga,   a   father   of   seven  
children,  and  member  of  the  Universal  Reformed  Christian  Church,  on  his  farm  
where   he   went   to   harvest   corn,   in   Tse   Ikyem,   Ukemberagya   Gaamne-­‐Tiev,   in  
Logo  LGA  Benue  State  
2.   17/12   10  hectare  of  cassava  due  for  harvest  allegedly  set  ablaze  by  suspected  
Fulani  herdsmen  
3.   16/12   12   Christians   killed   and   5   injured   at   a   wedding   reception   by   armed  
Fulani  herdsmen  in  the  Jagindi  suburb  of  Ungwan  Pa  Gwandara  
4.   15/12   8   travellers   including   two   civil   servants   in   the   workforce   of   the   Ondo  
State   Government,   have   reportedly   been   kidnapped   by   suspected   Fulani  
5.   06/12   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   nearly   1,700   people   in   2018,   says   Global  
Terrorism  Index  report,  six  times  more  people  than  those  killed  by  Boko  Haram  
in  2018  
6.   04/12   Four   workers   of   Osun   State   College   of   Technology,   Esa   Oke,   abducted  
by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
NOVEMBER  2018  
1.   07/11   Armed   Fulani   herdsmen   kidnapped   5   Catholic   priests   at   Abraka,   in  
Ethiope  East  County.  The  priests  were  later  released  
2.   04/11   Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Nasarawa  Monarch  
OCTOBER  2018  
1.   13/10   Confession  Of  A  Fulani  Killer  Herdsman:  How  We  Kill,  Burn  Houses  
2.   03/10   Suspected   herdsmen   shouting   “Allah   Akbar”   killed   18   persons   and  
injured   four   others   during   an   attack   on   Ariri   community   in   Bassa   Local  
Government  Area  
3.   02/10   13   people   killed   following   an   attack   by   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   in  
Riyom  Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  state  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
4.   01/10   Fulani   Gunmen   Attack   Another   Plateau   Town,   Kill   Many,   Burn   Down  
1.   27/09   15   people   killed   and   5   injured:   out   of   them,   10   members   of   the   same  
family   in   a   residential   neighbourhood   of   Rukuba   Road,   in   the   southwestern  
outskirts   of   Jos,   Plateau   state.   Attackers   “wearing   black   clothes   spoke   Hausa  
and  Fulani,  while  the  others  wearing  army  uniforms  spoke  correct  English”  
2.   25/09   Riyom   LGA   of   Plateau   State   witnessed   another   armed   invasion  
perpetrated  by  armed  Fulani  herdsmen:  one  shot  dead  and  another  with  fatal  
3.   16/09   At   least   27   people   lost   their   lives   following   fresh   attacks   by   Fulani  
militants   on   five   predominantly   Christian   communities   (Gon,   Bolki,   Ndumusu,  
Yotti   and   Yanga),   in   Numan   local   government   area   (LGA),   Adamawa   state   in  
recent  days.  Many  of  them  drowned  as  they  attempted  to  escape  via  the  local  
river.  More  than  45  others  injured  
4.   02/09   Chief   Pharmacist   of   Jos   University   Teaching   Hospital   shot   dead   by  
suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Plateau  State  
AUGUST  2018  
1.   31/08   Fulani  herdsmen  with  over  200  cattle  invaded  the  Rakung  community  in  
Barkin   Ladi,   and   destroyed   maize   farms;   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly   also  
invaded  farms  in  Dorowa  community,  in  Mangu  LGA,  destroying  farm  crops  and  
forcing  villagers  to  flee  
2.   29/08   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   beheaded   the   Chairman   of   the   Peoples  
Democratic   Party   in   Bare   ward   in   the   Numan   Local   Government   Area,  
Adamawa   State,   Charles   Chrisanthus,   in   the   presence   of   his   wife,   Dorcas   and  
her  four  months  old  son,  in  his  farm  
3.   28/08   Communities   including   a   mining   site   at   Wereh   village   (Ropp   District),  
Abonong,   Ziyat   and   Bek   villages   (Foron   District),   Nafan,   Sagas,   Rawuru,   and  
Rambuh  villages  (Fan  District),  all  in  Barkin  Ladi,  under  heavy  attack  by  Fulani  
militants:   more   than   14   killed,   included   a   pastor   and   four   members   of   his  
family.   Rev.   Adamu   Wurim   Gyang,   50,   and   his  three   children   were   set   ablaze  
and  burnt  beyond  recognition;  his  wife,  Jummai,  45,  was  shot  and  left  to  die  in  
a   pool   of   blood;   95   houses   were   burned   down   and   225   farm   crops   awaiting  
harvest  were  destroyed

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
4.   24/08   Governor  Samuel  Ortom  of  Benue  State  has  again  raised  the  alarm  that  
Fulani  herdsmen  were  planning  to  kidnap,  torture  and  kill  him  
5.   20/08   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  5  in  Plateau  villages;  3  others  wounded  
6.   14/08   Woman  allegedly  raped  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Kalachi,  a  Tiv  
community  in  the  Giza  area  of  Keana  LGA  
7.   13/08   Singer's  near-­‐death  experience  in  the  hands  of  'Fulani  Herdsmen'  
8.   13/08   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  have  attacked  Tiv  farmers  in  the  Awe  Local  
Government  Area  of  Nasarawa  state,  killing  a  pregnant  woman  and  raping  and  
injuring  scores  of  others  
9.   03/08   No  less  than  3  persons  were  shot  dead  in  Zanwra  area  of  Jebbu  Miango,  
Bassa  Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  State  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen,  
throwing  the  whole  community  into  a  fresh  apprehension,  victims:  Emmanuel  
Gado  ‘M’  aged  22,  Ladi  Monday  ‘F’  age  30  and  Mary  Monday  ‘F’  aged  5  years  
JULY  2018  
1.   19/07   "Violence  between  farmers  and  herders  is  increasingly  a  major  security  
threat   in   the   region   and   risks   morphing   into   the   terrorist   attacks   that   have  
defined  the  security  landscape",  said  Mohamed  Ibn  Chambas,  who  is  Head,  UN  
Office  for  West  African  and  the  Sahel,  UNOWAS,  in  a  report  presented  to  the  
UN  Security  Council.  
2.   17/07   6  people  butchered  by  Fulani  herdsmen  brought  to  FMC  Jalingo  
3.   16/07   It’s   better   to   face   death   than   run   away   and   allow   Fulani   herdsmen   to  
conquer   our   land   for   grazing”   This   is   the   sentiment   resonating   across   the   17  
Internally   Displaced   Persons   (IDPs)   camps,   spread   across   Barkin-­‐Ladi,   Riyom  
and  Jos  South  local  government  areas,  where  scores  of  survivors  of  the  armed  
herders  butchery  
4.   10/07   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  50  in  Gojefa,  Bujum  Yashi,  Bujum  Waya,  Sabonlayi  
and   Bujum   Kasuwa   villages   in   Numan   Local   Government   area   of   Adamawa  
5.   09/07   Locals   worship   in   their   burnt   church   after   the   building   was   torched   in  
the  Plateau  massacre  carried  out  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  (photos)  
6.   05/07   Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  Policeman,  Several  Others  In  Adamawa  
7.   04/07   Gunmen  Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Kola  Village  of  Guyuk  LG  In  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
8.   01/07   Six   people   killed   and   16   houses   burnt   down   by   Fulani   herdsmen   at  
Sabon  Angwa  in  Barkinladi  Local  government  Council  of  Plateau  state  
JUNE  2018  
1.   30/06   Grieving  daughter  shares  graphic  photos  of  her  parents  who  were  killed  
by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Plateau  (photos)  
2.   29/06   The  Catholic  Bishops  renew  their  request  asking  President  Muhammadu  
Buhari  to  resign,  after  the  massacre  of  over  200  Christians  
3.   29/06   Benue  State  Government  says  about  one  million  persons  were  displaced  
by  Fulani  herdsmen  attacks  from  1st  January  to  June,  2018  
4.   29/06   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  reportedly  kill  young  soldier  in  Benue,  chop  
off  his  penis  
5.   27/06   Popular   Jos-­‐based   clergyman,   Isa   El   Buba   reportedly   been   arrested   by  
the  DSS  after  he  made  a  video  condemning  government’s  inaction  towards  the  
Fulani  herdsmen  killings  
6.   27/06   Suspected   herdsmen   attacked   Bare   village   in   the   Numan   Local  
Government  of  Adamawa  State,  killing  two  people  and  inflicting  29  others  
7.   26/06   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  2  soldiers,  injure  2  others  in  Benue  
8.   25/06   Fulani  herder  militia  perpetrated  at  least  106  attacks  on  communities  in  
central  Nigeria  in  the  first  quarter  of  2018,  claiming  1061  lives;  over  400  deaths  
in  46  attacks  during  the  second  quarter  of  2018;  and  have  destroyed  over  500  
churches  in  Benue  state  alone  since  2011.  
9.   24/06   ‘Over  100’  shot  dead  in  Plateau,  while  houses,  including  churches,  were  
torched  by  suspected  herdsmen  
10.  22/06   Federal   Government   Desperate   To   Impose   Fulani   Hegemony   In  
11.  18/06   Former  Aviation  Minister,  Femi  Fani-­‐Kayode:  5  Christians  of  the  Numan  
tribe   have   been   sentenced   to   death   by   a   Fulani   Judge   in   Adamawa   for  
defending   themselves   against   a   Fulani   terrorist;   No   Fulani   terrorist   has   been  
reprimanded  or  jailed  for  killing  more  than  5,300  Christians  in  2018  alone  
12.  13/06   Nasarawa   fresh   attacks:   Four   farmers   allegedly   killed   by   Fulani  
13.  10/06   Fulani  herdsmen  kidnap  Methodist  priest,  2  others  in  Osun  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
14.  09/06   Fulani  herdsmen  attack  farmer  with  machetes  and  destroy  the  crops  on  
his  farm  at  Arigidi  Akoko,  in  Akoko  North  West  Local  Government  Area  of  Ondo  
15.  05/06   No   fewer   than   9   persons   killed   in   separate   attacks   by   suspected  
herdsmen  in  Guma  and  Logo  LGAs  of  Benue  State;  over  45  houses  were  also  set  
ablaze  while  several  persons  have  been  declared  missing  
16.  04/06   At  least  4  Tiv  people  killed  on  their  farm  along  Dogon  Ruwa  Road  while  
9  others  sustained  bullet  and  matchet  wounds  as  armed  herdsmen  attack  Tiv  
farmers  in  Gassol  Local  Government  Area  of  Taraba  State  
17.  03/06   Eight   farmers   (Sale   Ozala,   Oyigoso   Sale,   Danladi   Joko,   Abdulahi   Musa,  
Adamu  Haruna,  Musa  Adamu,  Yakubu  Sale,  and  Shehu  Sabo)  reportedly  killed  
by  rampaging  herdsmen,  houses  razed  in  Aisa  and  Aguma  communities  in  the  
Nasarawa  Local  Government  Area  of  Nasarawa  State  
18.  03/06   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   have   reportedly   abducted   the   traditional  
ruler   of   Ogodor   Kingdom   in   Aniocha   North   Local   Government   Area   of   Delta  
State,  HRM,  Obi  Sunday  Olisewokwu  
MAY  2018  
1.   29/05   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  3,  injure  7  in  Gashish  and  Ropp  villages  in  Gashish  
District  of  Barkin-­‐Ladi  Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  State  
2.   28/05   Geoffrey   Jangwok   and   Sylvester   Ishaya,   natives   of   Kakuruk   Ward,  
Gashish  District  in  Barkin  Ladi  LGA,  Plateau  State  were  killed  in  cold  blood  by  
suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  who  invaded  the  community  
3.   28/05   Armed   Fulani   Herdsmen   Attack   Catholic   Seminary   In   Jalingo,   shot  
Reverend  Father  Cornelius  Kobah  in  the  leg  and  beat  up  Fr.  Stephen  Bakari.  
4.   27/05   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked,   raped   and   almost   killed   a   young  
pregnant  woman  in  Yogbo  town  Makurdi,  Benue  state  capital  
5.   26/05   Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  200  Tivs,  Burn  Over  8,000  Houses  In  Nasarawa  
6.   24/05  A  Mumuye  youth  working  on  his  farm  killed  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
7.   22/05   Fulani   Herdsmen   Kill   2   People   Returning   From   Catholic   Priests’   Burial    
along  the  Naka/Makurdi  Road  In  Benue  
8.   21/05   Five  more  killed  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Logo  village  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
9.   21/05   Killings   of   Christians   by   the   Fulani   herdsmen   all   over   the   country   was  
part  of  the  Islamic  agenda  for  Nigeria,  said  Victor  Oghotuama,  the  Archdeacon  
of  Ekete  Archdeaconry,  Anglican  Diocese  of  Ughelli,  Delta  State  
10.  18/05   A  13-­‐year-­‐old  boy,  Osabuohien  Okpoya  was  allegedly  shot  by  suspected  
Fulani  herdsmen  along  Benin-­‐Abraka  Expressway  on  his  way  to  Benin,  Edo  state  
11.  17/05   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  three  in  in  Logo  Local  Government,  Benue  
12.  17/05   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen    killed  five  farmers  at  Ukemberagya  district,  
near  Anyiin,  in  Logo  local  government  area  of  Benue  State  
13.  16/05   Suspected  herdsmen  killed  6  teachers  from  Makurdi  Local  Government  
Education   Authority   near   Ikpayongo,   Gwer   Local   Government   Area   of   Benue  
14.  15/05   Paul  Angya:  Benue  has  lost  over  40%  land  mass  to  Fulani  incursions  
15.  14/05   A   Fulani   herdsman   allegedly   raped   a   14-­‐year-­‐old   girl   in   Umuifi  
community,  in  the  Anioma-­‐Isu  Onicha  Local  Government  Area  of  Ebonyi  State  
16.  12/05   56   Fulani   allegedly   responsible   for   killings   and   kidnappings   in   Birnin  
Gwari,  Kaduna  State  and  Zamfara  State,  arrested:  70  AK47  recovered    
17.  09/05   Some   persons   were   injured   in   a   fresh   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen  
attacks  in   Mande   Mbaawa   Council   Ward,   Guma   Local   Government   Area   of  
Benue  State  
18.  09/05   Nine  Villagers  Going  For  Early  Morning  Prayers  were  killed  and  3  others  
injured   by   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   that   attacked   Tutuwa   community   in  
Ussa  Local  Government  Area  of  Taraba  State  
19.  09/05   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   attack,   rob   passengers   and   rape   a   female  
enroute  Kaduna  
20.  08/05   “There  is  an  ongoing  plot  to  completely  Islamise  Nigeria  by  some  forces  
using   armed   Fulani   herdsmen”,   said   Chief   Mbazulike  Amaechi,   First   Republic  
Minister  of  Aviation  
21.  05/05   At   least   58   people   were   killed   in   the   attack   attributed   to   Fulani  
extremists  in  Gwaska,  Kaduna  
22.  05/05   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  passengers  heading  to  Kaduna,  rape  
23.  02/05   Graphic:   Newly   married   young   lady   severely   injured,   one   passenger  
killed  as  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  vehicle  in  Benue  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
APRIL  2018  
1.   30/04   Declare   Killer   Herdsmen   Terrorists,   Anglican   Bishop   Odutemu   Urges  
Federal  Government  
2.   28/04   No   fewer   than   5   persons   killed   and   over   20   others   injured   when  
suspected   herdsmen   attacked   Tse   Agagbe,   in   Sengev   Council   Ward   of   Gwer  
West  LGA  of  Benue  State;  over  15  houses  were  reportedly  set  on  fire  during  the  
3.   28/04   Three  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  armed  with  AK47  riffles  arrested  
4.   26/04   Rev.   Paulinus   Ezeokafor,   the   Catholic   Bishop   of   Awka   Diocese  
condemned   the   killing   of   two   priests,   Rev.   Fathers   Joseph   Gor   and   Felix  
Tyolaha,  one  catechist  and  14  worshippers  who  attended  Morning  Mass  at  St.  
Ignatius  Catholic  Church,  Ayar-­‐Mbalom,  in  Gwer  East  Local  Government  Area  of  
Benue  State  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
5.   26/04   Fulani   herdsmen   entered   a   church   in   Logo   Local   Government   Area   of  
Benue  State  and  killed  7  people  
6.   25/04   Suspected  AK  47  wielding  Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  Ihuman,  one  of  the  
largest   Tiv   communities   in   Awe   Local   Government   Area   of   Nasarawa   state,  
killing  7  persons  and  injuring  scores  
7.   25/04   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen    attacked  Ali  Agudu  village,  Mbawa  council  
ward,  GUMA  LGA,  Benue  State  and  slaughtered  over  19  persons;  Photos  
8.   24/04   42  persons  have  reportedly  lost  their  lives  to  another  Fulani  herdsmen  
attack:   34   in   Guma   Local   Government   Area   (LGA)   of   the   state,   while   8   in  
another  attack  at  Abiem,  Naka  LGA  of  the  state  
9.   24/04   16   persons   killed   by   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen,   among   them   two  
Catholic   Priests:   Reverend   Father   Joseph   Gor   and   Rev.   Fr.   Felix   Tyolaha   of   St.  
Ignatius   Quasi   Parish,   Ukpor-­‐Mbalom,   Gwer   Local   Government   Area   (LGA)   of  
the  state  
10.  24/04   No   fewer   than   20   persons   killed   and   several   persons   declared   missing  
after  herdsmen  attacked  Tse  Agudu  in  Mbawa  Council  Ward,  Guma  LGA  Area  
of  Benue  State;  setting  over  67  houses  on  fire  
11.  22/04   Isaac   Egbunu,   the   Directorate   of   Information   and   Communication  
Technology   (ICT)   department,   University   of   Agriculture   Makurdi,   Benue   State  
was  shot  dead  by  Fulani  herdsmen  along  Lafia  -­‐  Makurdi  road  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
12.  21/04   Suspected   herdsmen   have   again   killed   about   30   people   in   Kabaro   and  
Danmani  villages  in  Maru  Local  Government  Area  of  Zamfara  State  
13.  19/04   Fulani  herdsmen  killed  four  persons  in  Plateau  
14.  19/04   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  residents  of  Agasha  town  in  Guma  
Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State,  killing  at  least  10  villagers  
15.  18/04   Four   persons   confirmed   dead   during   a   fresh   attack   on   workers   at   a  
construction  site  at  Nche-­‐Tahu  close  to  Rafi  Bauna  in  Bassa  Local  Government  
Area  of  Plateau  State  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
16.  17/04   Fulani   herdsmen   unleashed   mayhem   on   Chembe   settlement   in  
Ukemberagya/   Tswarev   council   ward   of   Gaambe   –   Tiev   ,   in   Logo   Local  
Government  Area  of  Benue  State,  killing  a  village  head  
17.  16/04   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   kill   32   villagers   in   Nasarawa,   leaving   19  
others  with  severe  gun  and  machete  injuries  
18.  13/04   Fulani  Herdsmen  Murder  A  Lady  On  Her  Way  To  Her  Farm  in  Nteje,  Oyi  
LGA  of  Anambra  state  
19.  10/04   Herdsmen   Kill   10   In   Benue   Attack   (in   in   Ukum   and   Logo   local  
government   areas)   and   5   In   Nasarawa   (Kadarko   village   and   environs   in   Obi  
Local  Government  Area)  
20.  10/04   Decomposing   body   of   Pastor   Pius   Eromosele   of   the   Church   of   God  
Mission   in   the   Ovia   North   -­‐East   Local   Government   Area   of   Edo   State,  
discovered   in   bush   five   days   after   he   was   kidnapped   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  in  Edo  
21.  09/04   Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  Tati  village  in  Takum  LGA  of  Taraba  state  and  
killed  about  four  innocent  villagers  
22.  08/04   Fulani   herdsmen   accused   of   destroying   primary   school,   seizing   land   in  
23.  08/04   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  open  fire  on  fun-­‐seekers  at  popular  drinking  
spot  in  Plateau  State,  killing  8  and  injuring  3  
24.  08/04   Suspected   Fulani   Herdsmen   Kills   5,   Injures   3   at   Inding   Village   in   the  
Barkin  Ladi  Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  State  
25.  08/04   At  least  7  farmers  killed  in  the  last  one  week  in  Logo  local  government  
area   of   Benue   state   by   suspected   armed   Fulani   herdsmen   immediately   after  
the  soldiers  deployed  to  the  area  known  as  Exercise  “Ayem  A  Kpatuma”  (“cat  
race”)  concluded  their  operation  and  departed  from  the  state  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
26.  08/04   Miraculously,   a   10-­‐year-­‐old   girl   reportedly   survived   a   gruesome   attack  
by   Fulani   herdsmen   on   her   community,   at   Mbanev,   Imbesev,   Yaav   ward   of  
Turan  in  Kwande  Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State  
27.  07/04   Enugu   police   arrests   suspected   Fulani   herdsman   over   alleged   illegal  
28.  07/04   Rosemary  Okuefuna  was  found  dead  at  the  farm:  she  was  raped  before  
being  murdered  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Anambra  State  
29.  07/04   Two  brothers  died,  sister  survives  after  they  were  brutally  hacked  and  
thrown   into   a   well   by   Fulani   herdsmen   at   Mbanev,   Imbesev,   Yaav   ward   of  
Turan  in  Kwande  Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State  
30.  07/04   Suspected  Fulani  herders  invaded  Jimin  Nyaku  in  Aloshi  chiefdom;  and  
Guidan  Ayua  in  Kadarko  area  of  Keana  Local  Government,  Nasarawa  State,  and  
killed  about  6  Tiv  villagers  
31.  05/04   10  Feared  Dead  In  Fresh  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  In  Benu  
32.  05/04   Two   persons   were   reportedly   killed   by   Fulani   herdsmen   who   attacked  
Aso  in  Southern  Kaduna  
33.  05/04   Two  persons  reportedly  killed  while  3  others  were  injured  by  suspected  
Fulani  militia  in  Agasha  town,  Guma  Local  Government  area  of  Benue  State  
34.  05/04   Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  a  family  of  6  in  Takum  area  of  Taraba  state,  
murdered  all  the  members  of  the  family  including  young  children  
35.  04/04   Fulani  Herdsmen  Machete  10-­‐Year-­‐Old  Girl,  Throw  Her  In  Well  With  Her  
2  Brothers  
36.  04/04   Investigation:  Survivors  of  herdsmen  attacks  tormented  by  deaths,  rape  
at  Benue  IDP  camps  
37.  01/04   Two   people   have   been   killed   and   9   kidnapped   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  in  Tsohuwar  Gwari  village  in  Birnin  Gwari  local  government  area  of  
Kaduna  state  
MARCH  2018  
1.   31/03   A   chieftain   of   the   All   Progressive   Congress,   APC,   identified   as   Amile  
Tsukwa,   was   brutally   murdered   in   his   farm   by   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   in  
Tombo  Logo  Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2.   31/03   A   murderous   gang   of   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly   killed   a   man   and  
burnt   down   houses   in   Gerbu,  a   community   close   to   Tambo   in   Girei   Local  
Government  Area  of  Adamawa  State  
3.   30/03   Fulani   herdsmen   and   their   cattle   have   taken   over   Plateau   State  
University,  Bokkos:  community  worried  that  students  might  be  attacked  
4.   26/03   Fulani   hired   killer   machineries   (Bodabe)   attacked   Mambilla   people   at  
Yerimaru   village   of   Kakara   ward   while   working   in   their   farms.   Many   were  
5.   26/03   Soldiers  Helping  Fulani  Herdsmen  To  Fight  Us  –  Taraba  Residents  Make  
6.   25/03  Four  persons  were  reportedly  killed  by  herdsmen  at  the  Guma  and  Agatu  
local  government  areas  of  the  Benue  state  
7.   24/03   3  killed  in  fresh  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  at  Dong  community  in  Jos  North  
Local   Government   Area   of   Plateau   State.   Photos   The   names   of   the   victims:  
Yakubu  Ado,  Aberi  Ado  and  Jepthta  Moses  
8.   22/03   Two   People   Killed   As   Fulani   Herdsmen   Strike   Benue   Community;   20  
victims  in  critical  conditions  while  food  crops  and  houses  were  reportedly  burnt  
down  by  the  assailants  
9.   22/03   Three   people   killed   as   gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   Herdsmen  
attacked  Dong  Community  of  Jos  North  LGA  in  Plateau  State  
10.  21/03   Fulani  herdsmen  and  their  cattle  have  taken  over  the  premises  of  Isaac  
Jasper  Boro  College  of  Education  Sagbama  Bayelsa  State  
11.  20/03   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   kill   four   farmers   in   Delta.   Their  
bodies   were   found   in   a   bush   in   Uwheru   community,   in   the   Ughelli   North  
Council  Area  of  Delta  State  
12.  19/03   10   dead   as   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   slaughter   villagers   in   separate  
attacks  on  villages  in  Kogi  state,  cut  off  body  parts  
13.  18/03   How   Fulani   herdsmen   slaughtered,   butchered   our   people   —Victims   of  
Kogi  attacks    
14.  16/03   A   first   year   student   and   his   friends   were   killed   by   men   believed   to   be  
Fulani  herdsmen  in  Edo  state  
15.  16/03   Communities   in   Uwheru,   Ughelli   North   LGA   of   the   state   had   been  
completely   taken   over   by   herdsmen   who   allegedly   charge   fees   before   the  
community  members  can  access  their  farms  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
16.  15/03   Benue   buries   another   24   victims   of   Fulani   herdsmen   attack   in   mass  
17.  14/03   Savage  attacks  allegedly  carried  out  by  about  500  herdsmen    dressed  in  
military  fatigue  and  wielded  AK-­‐47  assault  rifles,  in  communities  in  Dekina  and  
Omala  Local  Government  Areas  of  Kogi  State  led  to  the  death  of  32  people  
18.  13/03   Fulani   Herdsmen   Kill   3   Persons   In   Benue.   One   of   them,   a   Catechist,  
Christopher   Umenger,   was   shot   on   his   way   to   morning   mass   at   RCM   Church,  
19.  13/03   Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  Catholic  Church  Catechist  Christopher  Unenge  into  
Tse-­‐Igbe  in  Nyiev  council  of  Guma  local  government  area  of  the  Benue  state;  2  
brothers,  Aondowase  Uma  and  Ahanbee  Uma,  ambushed  and  killed  by  armed  
Fulani  herdsmen  in  the  local  government  and  several  houses  reportedly  razed  
20.  12/03  No  fewer  than  25  persons,  including  2  women  and  3  children,  have  been  
reportedly  killed  in  fresh  Attack  in  Dundu  village,  Kwall  District  in  Bassa  Local  
Government  Area  of  the  Plateau  state  by  suspected  herdsmen    
21.  11/03   Suspected  herdsmen  attacked  Tse  Orogbo  in  Nyiev  Council  Ward,  Guma  
LGA  of  Benue  State,  killing  2  police  officer  
22.  11/03   9-­‐Month-­‐Old  Baby  Shot  And  Mother  Killed  By  Fulani  Herdsmen  In  Leme  
Tela  in  Mambilla,  Taraba  State  
23.  11/03   Pregnant   Woman   Raped   By   Fulani   Herdsmen   Dies   In   The   Presence   Of  
Benue  Governor  
24.  09/03   11   people   killed   in   attacks   in   Ganda   village   of   Daffo   District   in   Bokkos  
Local  Government  Area  and  Miango  village  in  Bassa  Local  Government  Area  of  
the  Plateau  state,  by  Fulani  herdsmen;  over  50  houses  were  burnt,  six  persons  
killed  at  Ganda  
25.  06/03   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   invaded   Eche   Alike   Ikwo   in   Ikwo   Local  
Government   Area   of   Ebonyi   state,   killing   unconfirmed   number   of   people.  
Several  others  were  wounded  in  the  attack  
26.  05/03   5   Feared   Dead   In   Fulani   Herdsmen   Attacks,   in   Umenger,   Guma   Local  
Government  Area,  LGA,  of  Benue  state  
27.  05/03   Over  26  persons,  mostly  women  and  children,  were  hacked,  butchered  
and   strangulated   by   suspected   herdsmen   who   stormed   the   community   of  
Omusu,   Ojigo   Ward   of   Edumoga   in   Okpokwu   local   government   area   of   the  
Benue  state  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
28.  04/03   Buhari  govt  must  address  Fulani  ‘Boko  Haram’  
29.  04/03   Suspected  herdsmen  have  chopped  off  the  fingers  and  toes  of  a  farmer  
identified   as   Osakwe   Benard,   in   Abraka,   Delta   State,   for   trying   to   stop   them  
from  grazing  their  herd  on  his  farm  
30.  04/03   Heavily-­‐armed   Fulani   mercenaries   entered   Yelwa   in   a   convoy   akin   to  
regular   army   deployments,   selected  Mambilla   houses   in   Yelwa   shooting   men,  
women  and  children  and  burning  down  the  houses;  several  girls  abducted  
31.  04/03   No  fewer  than  200  persons  rendered  homeless  and  several  persons  still  
missing   after   suspected   herdsmen   attacked   Tse   Sumaka   and   Tse   Atorough  
Vishigh  in  Mbadwem  Council  Ward  of  Guma,  Benue  State  
32.  04/03   Fulani  Men  Arrested  With  Weapons  After  Attacking  Village  In  Adamawa:  
5  AK47  and  161  live  ammunition  recovered  
33.  03/03  Slaughter  of  a  Mambilla  woman  from  Takam  Village,  east  of  Maisamari,  
by  Fulani  
34.  02/03   Two   farmers,   Sunday   Yakubu,   38,   and   Joseph   Garba,   42,   were   shot   by  
suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   while   watering   their   farms   at   Rotsu   Village   in  
Miango  District  under  Bassa  Local  Government  Area  
35.  01/03   Fulani   militia   shot   dead   2   Mambilla   men   in   their   farmland   at   Nyiwa  
FEBRUARY  2018  
1.   27/02   Fully  Armed  Fulani  Herdsmen  Invade  Mbatoho  community  in  Makurdi,  
Benue  State  capital,  Order  5,000  Villagers  To  Vacate  Homes  
2.   27/02  Sam  Zadok,  former  Youth  and  Sports  Commissioner  in  Adamawa  State,  
killed   along   with   over   24   others   when   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked  
Gwamba  community  in  Demsa  Local  Government  Area  of  the  state  
3.   27/02   Farmer   butchered   by   Fulani   herdsmen   at   Akaeze   in   Ivo   Local  
Government  Area  of  Ebonyi  State  
4.   27/02   Catholic   and   Lutheran   farmers   were   among   19   killed   in   an   attack   by  
Muslim  herdsmen  in  Gwamba  village  in  Adamawa  state  
5.   26/02   Arrested  10  suspected  herdsmen  destroying  farmlands  at  Tse-­‐Tigir  and  
Tse-­‐Ndugh  villages,  in  Benue  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
6.   26/02   Mrs.  Patience  Akpomiemie,  who  was  attacked  in  her  farm  by  suspected  
Fulani   herdsmen   in   Abraka,   Ethiope   East   L.G.A,   died   at   the   Delta   State  
University  Teaching  Hospital;  the  victim’s  husband  Mr.  Happy  Akpomiemie  died  
on  the  spot  after  he  was  shot  in  the  back  
7.   25/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  allegedly  killed  a  15-­‐year-­‐old  boy  identified  
as   Mahmudu   Audu   at   Guchidan   village   of   kupa   district,   Lokoja   Local  
government  area  of  Kogi  State  
8.   23/02  A  woman  farmer,  identified  as  Patricia  Okpako,  escaped  being  raped  by  
Fulani  herdsmen  
9.   22/02   Leaders  of  the  Tiv  nation  accused  the  army  of  allegedly  providing  cover  
for  armed  herdsmen  to  take  over  the  land  
10.  21/02   Lawmaker   Cries   Out   After   His   Farm   Was   Attacked   and   Burnt   By  
Suspected  Fulani  Men  In  Kogi  
11.  20/02   Osun  State  Government  called  on  the  Federal  Government  to  declare  a  
state   of   emergency   on   the   ongoing   Fulani   herdsmen   menace   in   order   to  
checkmate  the  killings  
12.  20/02   Governor  Ortom:  Fulani  herdsmen  plotting  to  kill  me  
13.  19/02   Three  suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  accosted  Mrs.  Patricia  Okpako  on  her  
way  to  her  farm  in  Abraka-­‐   Ethiope  East  LGA  Of  Delta  State  and  attempted  to  
rape  her  
14.  18/02   Former  chairman  of  the  National  Human  Rights  Commission:  President  
Buhari  acting  like  Fulani  president  
15.  17/02   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   stabbed   Pastor   Danjuma   Tanko   (Christian  
Reformed   Church-­‐Nigeria,   CRCN)   in   Baissa,   Kurmi   Local   Government   Area   of  
Taraba  State  
16.  15/02   Suspected  Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  Another  Police  Officer  In  Jos  
17.  15/02   100   acres   of   ripe   mangoes   and   pineapple   plantations   have   been   set  
ablaze   in   Esa   Oke   of   Obokun   East   Local   Council   Development   Area   (LCDA)   of  
Osun  State  by  herders  
18.  15/02   Fulani  Herdsmen  Cut  Off  Woman’s  Ear,  Brutally  Attack  Her  Daughter  at  
Ofumwengbe   village   in   Ovia   South   West   local   government   area   In   Edo,   for  
daring  to  report  them  to  the  police,  as  her  farm  was  destroyed  by  herdsmen  in  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
19.  14/02   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   attacked   a   Tiv   man   identified   as  
Chiukum  from  Kuduku  village  but  living  in  IDPs  camp  in  Giza  in  Keana  LGA   of  
Nasarawa  State  
20.  13/02   Two   Nigerian   Students   of   Federal   University,   Lafia,   Nasarawa   State  
Allegedly   Killed   By   Fulani   Herdsmen.   Both   students   are   said   to   be   of   Tiv  
extraction  from  Benue  State  
21.  12/02   Destruction  of  the  University’s  multi-­‐million  naira  research  and  training  
farms  by  herdsmen,  who  also  poisoned  the  dam  with  chemicals  
22.  12/02   40  Tiv  farmers  killed  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Nasarawa    
23.  12/02  2   officers  identified  as  Adams  Godwin  and  Abah  Patrick,  were  killed  by  
Fulani  herdsmen  in  Awange  near  Kasseyo  Town,  Guma    
24.  12/02   Fulani  Herdsmen  Kill  Young  Man  In  A  Farm  In  Kogi  
25.  12/02   Fulani   herdsmen   attack   an   Urhobo   woman   and   her   daughter   on   their  
farm  in  Ofunwengbe  community,  in  Ovia  South  West  LG  of  Edo  State  
26.  12/02   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   beheaded   an   elderly   farmer   identified   as  
Mustapha,  in  his  farm  at  Iseyin,  Oyo  State,  injured  his  son  and  destroyed  crops  
in  the  farm  
27.  11/02   Fulani  herdsmen  ambush  police  patrol  in  Benue,  4  MOPOls  missing  
28.  11/02   Between  175  and  250  Hausa/Fulani  settlements  are  currently  scattered  
in  the  South-­‐West  and  South-­‐East  regions  
29.  11/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  mobile  police   in  Benue,  burn   patrol  
30.  11/02   Gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   Southern   Kaduna,  
killing  four  people,  members  of  a  church  in  the  village  
31.  11/02   Father   Of   2   Killed   By   Fulani   Herdsmen   in   Ipao   Ekiti   in   Ikole   Local  
Government  Area  of  Ekiti  State  
32.  11/02   Residents  of  some  communities  in  the  southern  part  of  Nasarawa  State  
have  fled  their  homes  due  to  killings  and  attacks  by  armed  men  suspected  to  be  
Fulani  herdsmen  
33.  11/02   Gunmen  suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  invaded  Bakin  Kogi  village  in  
the   Jema’a   Local   Government   Area   of   Kaduna   State,   killing   4   persons   and  
injuring  a  woman  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
34.  10/02   President  Buhari  sending  Fulani  soldiers  to  protect  herdsmen  in  Benue  –  
35.  10/02   Police  recover  3  corpses  as  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  Plateau  commuters  
36.  09/02   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  3  persons  in  midnight  attack  in  Benue  
37.  08/02   Tiv   People   In   Nasarawa   Flee   For   Their   Lives   To   Benue   As   Fulani  
Herdsmen  Stage  Attack:  Women  with  children  on  their  back  were  seen  trekking  
long  distances,  looking  tired  and  hungry.  Some  of  the  children  were  half-­‐naked,  
just  as  men  carrying  mattresses  and  personal  belongings  also  fled.  Benue  State  
Governor  Samuel  Ortom  said  there  are  7  IDPs  camps  with  over  100,000  people    
38.  08/02   Osun  govt  raises  alarm  over  menace  of  Fulani  herdsmen  

39.  08/02   Troops  arrest  Fulani  herdsmen  planning  attack  on  Benue  community  
40.  08/02   Fulani  Herdsmen  Batter  2  Men  With  Cutlasses  While  Trying  To  Bath  In  A  
Stream  in  a  Nasarawa  State  community  
41.  06/02   Fulani  herdsmen  destroy  Governor  Ortom’s  farm  
42.  08/02   Osun   govt   raises   alarm   over   menace   of   Fulani   herdsmen:   threats   to  
food  security  and  security  of  lives,  most  especially  in  rural  communities  
43.  07/02   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  SARS  boss  in  Oyo  
44.  07/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  allegedly  invade  Ondo  community  
45.  07/02   Farmer   Augustine   Mnyin   Allegedly   Butchered   By   Fulani   Herdsmen   In  
Benue  State  
46.  07/02   Former   president   of   the   Ijaw   Youth   Council,   Chris   Ekiyor,   shot   at   his  
vehicle  by  two  Fulani  herdsmen  while  he  was  driving  with  his  driver  on  the  East  
West  road  by  Unenure  bridge  between  Ughelli  Patani  road  
47.  05/02   Killings:  Thousands  Killed,  Property  Worth  N100bn  Destroyed  By  Fulani  
Herdsmen:  Benue  State  Government    
48.  05/02   Three  Fulani  Men  Attacked  A  Boy  In  Delta,  Injured  Him  &  Blinded  One  
Of  His  Eyes  
49.  05/02   Fulani  Herdsmen  Invade  Farming  Communities  and   open  fire   on  locals  
in  Ketu  Local  Council  Development  Area  in  Ogun  State        
50.  03/02  Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  burnt  down  a  plantation  in  Ekiti  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
51.  03/02   Fulani  herdsmen  Attack  at  Yogbo  village  in  Guma  local  government  area  
of  Benue  state,  Kill  Policeman  And  Others  
52.  02/02   Villager  injured  upon  confronting  the  herders  in  Song  local  government  
area  of  Adamawa;  many  houses  destroyed;  photos  
53.  02/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  4  Tiv  villagers  in  Ngutswen  village,  near  
Wurojam  in  Gassol  Local  Government  Area  of  Taraba  State;  Photos  
54.  01/02   Four  Fulani  herdsmen  arrested  with  arms  in  Ondo  
55.  01/02   A   heavily   pregnant   woman   was   burnt   beyond   recognition   by   Fulani  
herdsmen   in   Dumne   village;   Simba   and   Shure   villages   and   other   adjourning  
communities   were   razed,   while   an   unspecified   number   of   people   were  
allegedly  killed  by  the  herders  
JANUARY  2018  
1.   31/01   Fulani  Herdsmen  Caught  And  Disarmed  By  Youths  at  Okpe  town  in  Delta  
2.   31/01   Killer  Fulani  Herdsmen  Invade  Kadarko  community  in  the  Keana  LGA  of  
Nasarawa  state,  Attack  and  Slaughter  Residents  
3.   31/01   Six   people   have   been   reportedly   killed   and   several   others   sustained  
injuries  in  fresh  attack  in  Kaguru  village  of  Kaduna  state  
4.   30/01   Crops  worth  millions  of  naira  lost  as  Fulani  herdsmen  destroy  farms  in  
Osun  state  
5.   30/01   Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Tiv  People  in  Kadariko  In  Benue,  Kill  11  
6.   29/01   Benue:  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Guma  Again,  Leave  Scores  Injured  
7.   29/01   Fulani  herdsmen  invade  late  Tor  Tiv  village,  in  Guma  local  government  
area  of  Benue  State,  many  injured  
8.   29/01   Fulani  stabs  driver  to  death  in  Ondo    
9.   29/01   Fulani  Herdsmen  macheted  a  man  to  death  at  IGBUA  village  in  IBI  Local  
government  of  Taraba  state,    Shoot  His  Wife  on  her  leg  with  her  fingers  cut  off  
10.  28/01   Suspected  Fulani  militia  kill  2  in  fresh  Taraba  attacks  
11.  27/01   Federal  govt  justifying  Fulani  herdsmen  killings  –  Governor  Ishaku  
12.  26/01   Yoruba  leaders  ask  federal  govt  to  declare  Fulani  herdsmen  as  terrorists  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
13.  26/01   Three  persons  dead  and  over  12  houses  razed  during  an  attack  by  Fulani  
herdsmen  in  Huke  village,  Miango  in  Bassa  Local  Government  Area  of  Plateau  
State;  victims:  Ahmadu  Hwie  (male  100  years  old),  Odoh  Hwie  (male  90  years)  
and  Gado  Kondo  (male  70  years  old)  
14.  25/01   Four  feared  killed  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Benue  
15.  25/01   Fulani   herdsmen   attack   2   female   school   teachers   using   machetes   in  
Onigbedu  community  in  Ewekoro  Local  Government  Area,  Ogun  state;  photos    
16.  25/01   Fulani   herdsmen   destroy   N6.8   million   farm   in   Likosi-­‐Alabata   village   in  
Papalanto,   Obafemi-­‐Owode   Local   Government   Area   of   Ogun   State;   inflicted  
machete  cuts  on  one  of  the  workers  
17.  25/01   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly   killed   5   people   and   injured   8   others   in   an  
attack   on   Bassa   Local   Government   in   Plateau   state;   over   20   houses   were  
18.  24/01   Fulani  herdsmen  blocked  the  Okada  Benin  road  of  Edo  State,  shot  and  
kill  young  man  with  automatic  rifle        
19.  24/01   A  25-­‐year-­‐old  woman  Victoria  Sunday  was  shot  and  killed  by  the  Fulani  
on   her   farm   in   retaliation   in   Dasho,   a   village   in   Daffo   District   in   Bokkos   LGA,  
while  another  boy  riding  a  bicycle,  was  also  gunned  down  
20.  22/01   Suspected   Fulani   gunmen   attacked   Rikwe   Chongu   village   in   Miango  
District  of  Bassa  Local  Government  Area:  three  victims  killed  
21.  22/01   Fulani  herdsmen  rape  woman,  injure  3  in  Delta  
22.  22/01   I’ll   hold   you   responsible   for   any   attack   –   Governor   Fayose   tells   Fulani  
23.  22/01   Suspected   Fulani   gunmen   attacked   Rikwe   Chongu   village   in   Miango  
District  of  Bassa  Local  Government  Area  in  Plateau  and  kill  3  returning  from  a  
mining  site    
24.  21/01   Federal  government  can  not  continue  to  remain  silent  over  the  wanton  
killings  of  Fulani  Muslims,  said  The  Jamaatul  Nasarul  Islam    
25.  21/01   4   Killed,   Houses   Burnt   In   Fresh   Numan,   Fulani   Herdsmen   Attacks   In  
Adamawa  Villages;  Photos    
26.  21/01   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   invaded   Lagun,   a   suburb   of   Ibadan,   Oyo  
State,  and  set  ablaze  150  acres  of  palm  plantation  owned  by  Former  Secretary  
to  the  State  Government  (SSG),  Chief  Ayodele  Adigun,  in  a  night  raid  operation:  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
about   1,500   palm   trees   destroyed;   ame   fate   two   years   ago   when   his   poultry  
farm   valued   at   N100   million   was   destroyed   and   six   of   the   farm   attendants  
27.  21/01   Three  persons  injured,  and  one  middle  aged  woman  allegedly  raped,  in  
a   fresh   attack   by   suspected   herdsmen   in   Ovwor-­‐Olomu,   Aniocha   North   and  
Ughelli  south  area  of  Delta  State.  
28.  20/01   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  set  ablaze  the  farm  of  the  former  Secretary  
to  the  Government  of  the  Federation  at  Ilado  Community  in  Akure  North  Local  
Government  Area  of  Ondo  State  
29.  19/01   Father   Of   Two   Allegedly   Shot   Dead   By   Fulani   Herdsmen   In   Aniocha  
North  local  government,  Delta  State  
30.  18/01   Two  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Orin-­‐Ekit  allegedly  shooting  dead  a  26-­‐year-­‐old  
pregnant  woman  and  mother  of  three,  Myuga  Yakpe  
31.  18/01   Suspected  herdsmen  allegedly  killed  a  farmer,  Adetona  Owolabi,  on  his  
farm  at  Afon  in  Imeko-­‐Afon  Local  Government  Area  of  Ogun  State  
32.  18/01   Father  Of  10  Children,  Mr  Mike  Akwaja,  Shot  And  Butchered   By  Fulani  
Herdsmen  at  Gbor  Igyo  in  Mbagwen  in  Benue  state  
33.  17/01   Fulani  Herdsmen  Write  Bishop  Oyedepo,  Declare  Jihad  On  Nigeria  Over  
Cattle  Colonies  
34.  17/01   Six  people  reported  dead  in  fresh  attacks  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  in  Logo,  
Guma  and  Okpokwu  Local  Government  Areas  of  Benue  State  
35.  16/01   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  a  man  along  the  Ibillo-­‐Imoga  road  
in  Akoko,  Edo  State  
36.  16/01   A   man   has   escaped   death   in   Emu   Ebendo,   Ndokwa   West   Local  
Government   Area   of   Delta   State,   after   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   brutally  
attacked  him  on  his  farmland  
37.  15/01   Suspected  Fulani  militia  attack  Taraba  community,  kill  traditional  ruler  
38.  15/01   A  helicopter  loaded  with  arms  and  ammunition  landed  Jibu  village,  Ibi  
Local   Government   Area   of   Taraba   state:   Senior   Special   Assistant   to   Governor  
Darius  Ishaku  on  Media  and  Publicity,  said  that  the  arms  were  meant  for  militia  
groups  in    the  state  
39.  14/01   Fulani  men  arrested  with  guns  in  Boshikiri,  Adamawa  state  
40.  14/01   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  10  in  Kaduna  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
41.  13/01   Man  Killed  By  Fulani  Herdsmen  in  Anyiin,  Benue  State  
42.  13/01   11  Dead  Bodies  Killed  By  Fulani  Herdsmen  Recovered  In  Taraba  
43.  12/01   Elderly  man  killed  after  clash  following  an  incident  when  a  Fulani  man  
allegedly  stabbed  a  sugarcane  seller  over  a  minor  misunderstanding  
44.  12/01   10   people   killed   by   people   suspected   to   be   herdsmen   in   Birnin   Gwari  
Local  Government  of  Kaduna  state  
45.  11/01   Village   Head   &   his   two   wives   brutally   murdered   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  in  Taraba  State  (graphic  pics)  
46.  11/01   Mass  burial  for  the  75  victims  of  the  Fulani  herdsmen  attacks  on  New  
Year  day  and  January  6th  in  Benue  state    
47.  10/01   Fulani   herdsmen   have   declared   war   against   Nigeria,   Nobel   Laureate,  
Prof  Wole  Soyinka  
48.  10/01   25  bodies  of  those  killed  by  Fulani  herdsmen  recovered  and  given  mass  
burial  in  Taraba  State  
49.  08/01   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  kill  2  Policemen  In  Benue  state  
50.  09/01   Police  arrest  Fulani  herdsmen  with  AK49  rifles,  other  ammunition  
51.  09/01   Do  something  to  stop  Fulani  herdsmen  attacks,  governor  Ortom  pleads  
with  Buhari  
52.  08/01   Instagram  Comedian  Calabar  Chic,  Kidnapped  By  Fulani  Herdsmen  
53.  08/01   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   and   killed   two   policemen   at   their   camp   in  
Awashuwa  village,  Logo  Local  Government  Area  (LGA)  of  Benue  state  
54.  08/01   Three   persons   killed   while   six   others   injured   by   Fulani   herdsmen   in  
Maisamari  town  in  Sardauna  local  government  area  of  Taraba  state  
55.  07/01   At  least  8  killed  in  the  Bachama  Christian  village  by  Fulani  herdsmen    
56.  07/01   Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  Tombo  village  in  Logo  Local  Government  Area  
of  Benue  State  and  killed  11  persons  
57.  07/01   Man   was   attacked   in   his   farm   in   Ojah,   Akoko   Edo   by   Fulani   herdsmen  
who  cut  off  his  hand  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
58.  06/01   The   Christian   Association   of   Nigeria   (CAN),     has   accused   the   Federal  
Government  of  complicity  in  the  various  attacks  by  herdsmen  
59.  06/01   Burial   of   final   year   student   due   to   graduate   in   8   months   that   was  
allegedly  murdered  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
60.  05/01   Fulani  herdsmen  killings  a  planned  genocide  –  Benue  elders  
61.  05/01   Fulani  herdsmen  worse  than  Boko  Haram  –  Colonel  Stan-­‐Labo  
62.  05/01   Several   women   from   some   communities   in   Bende   Local   Government  
Council   of   Abia   State,   protest   against   massive   destruction   of   their   crops   and  
farmland  by  cows  under  the  control  of  Fulani  herdsmen  
63.  05/01   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   a   middle   age   woman   after   invading  
her   farm   at   Arodoye   community,   in   Akure   South   local   government   area   of  
Ondo   State:   the   herdsmen   dissected   the   woman’s   body   with   machete,   after  
destroying  over  200  acres  of  farmlands  in  the  area  
64.  04/01   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   Wukari   local   government   Area   of   Taraba  
state  and  killed  three  persons  including  a  child  
65.  03/01   Thousands  of  Tiv  farmers  of  Nasarawa  extraction  deserted  their  homes,  
following  attacks  on  some  communities  in  neigbouring  Benue  State,  by  gunmen  
suspected  to  be  Fulani  herdsmen  
66.  03/01   Two  Bachama  young  men  were  reportedly  attacked  by  some  Fulanis  at  
Ngurore  market,  Yola,  Adamawa  State  
67.  02/01   Six   Fulani   herdsmen   allegedly   involved   in   the   killing   of   20   farmers   in  
Akor  village  of  Guma  Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State  
68.  02/01   Several   persons   have   been   reportedly   killed   after   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  attacked  Tse  Igbudu  Taraka  in  Benue  State  
69.  02/01   Cathechist   of   the   St   Anthony   Catholic   Church,   Kabusa   parish   in   Abuja,  
Michael  Alumo:  his  right  hand  was  severely  cut  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
in  Abuja  
70.  02/01   Man   reportedly   attacked   and   had   his   head   slashed   open   with   the  
cutlasses  of  the  herdsmen  in  Benue  state  
71.  01/01   No   fewer   than   than   50   persons   killed   in   coordinated   attacks   on   Tom-­‐
Atar  and  Umenge,  Akor  villages  in  Guma  by  Fulani  herdsmen    

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2017  (99  attacks  counted  to  the  date)  
DECEMBER  2017  
1.   24/12   Suspected  Fulani  herders  kill  two  in  Benue  community  
2.   23/12   President   Buhari   unwilling   to   fight   Fulani   herdsmen   menace   –   Ex-­‐
Nigerian  Bar  Association  chief  
3.   22/12   One  killed  as  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  Bilachi,  a  community  in  
Fufore  Local  Government  Area  of  Adamawa  State  
4.   22/12   Fulani   herdsmen   attacked   Nindem   village   in   Southern   Kaduna   and  
brutalised  many  
5.   21/12   Man  Attacked  By  Fulani  Herdsmen  In  Adamawa  
6.   21/12   Herdsmen   have   fired   at   the   Alpha   Jet   and   the   EC   135   Helicopter  
deployed   by   the   military   in   the   troubled   communities   of   Numan   and   Demsa  
LGAs  of  Adamawa  State  
7.   20/12   Two   farmers   have   been   reportedly   killed   by   Fulani   herdsmen   in  
Giromasa  village,  Bagudo  Local  Government  Area  of  Kebbi  State  
8.   09/12   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   accosted   four   women   in   Oja-­‐Odan   and  
inflicted  several  machete  cuts  on  them  for  resisting  rape;  photos  
9.   09/12   Several   houses   burnt   down   in   fresh   Adamawa   attack   by   suspected  
Fulani  herdsmen  
10.  08/12   Two   Killed,   10   Injured   As   Herdsmen   Ambush   Farmers   In   Ocala   Local  
Government  Area  of  Kogi  State  
11.  05/12   Female   Staff   Of   Savannah   Sugar   Company   Shot   Dead   By   Suspected  
Fulani  Herdsmen;  the  herdsmen  had  set  ablaze  some  sections  of  the  company’s  
sugar  cane  plantation  
12.  04/12   35-­‐year-­‐old   Jamila   Godfrey   shot   dead   by   suspected   Fulani   herdsmen  
attacking  communities  in  Numan,  Adamawa  State  
13.  04/12   Nigeria’s  air  force  sent  fighter  jets  to  fire  rockets  at  villages  as  hundreds  
of  herdsmen  attacked  at  least  5  villages  (Lawaru,  Dong,  Kodomti,  Shafaron  and  
Nzuruwei)  in  Adamawa  state  ;  86  said  were  killed  (51  had  gunshot  or  machete  
wounds;   35   died   as   a   result   of   the   air   raids);   3,000   homes   destroyed;  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
devastating  cumulative  effect  of  the  herders  and  Air  Force  attacks,  with  at  least  
8  villages  heavily  damaged  or  completely  destroyed  by  fire  
14.  01/12   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly   hacked   one   Musa   Tijani,   to  
death  in  Ibi  Local  Government  Area  of  of  Taraba  State  
15.  02/12   Fulani  herdsmen  kill  4  policemen  in  Numan,  Adamwa  State  
NOVEMBER  2017  
1.   28/11   Fulani   Herdsmen   Attack   Adamawa   Communities   As   They   Kill   Some   &  
Injure  Others  
2.   24/11   500,000  persons  still  displaced  in  Benue  due  to  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  
3.   12/11   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  killed  two  men  residing  in  Wereng  camp  in  
Riyom  local  government  area  of  Plateau  state  
4.   11/11   Fulani  Herdsman  Kills  A  Man  In  Benue,  Tries  To  Throw  The  Body  In  Rive  
5.   06/11   Suspected   Fulani   Herdsmen   Kidnap   Businessman   In   Ondo   State,  
Demand  N5m  For  Release  
6.   01/11   Benue:  One  Killed,  Several  Missing,  70yr-­‐Old  Injured  In  Suspected  Fulani  
OCTOBER  2017  
1.   30/10   Ekiti  State  governor,  Ayodele  Fayose,  asks  President  to  stop  protecting  
the  interests  of  herdsmen  against  those  of  other  Nigerians  
2.   24/10   Bishop  of  the  African  Church,  Rt.  Revd.  Samuel  Ojo,  abducted  by  Fulani;  
his  Chaplain,  Revd.  David  Ayeola,  killed  by  suspected  kidnappers  in  Ekiti  State  
3.   14/10   Gunmen   suspected   to   be   Fulani   herdsmen   killed   no   fewer   than   6  
persons  in  a  community  near  Jos  Wild  Life  Park,  in  the  Bassa  Local  Government  
Area  of  Plateau  State,  while  6  houses  were  burnt  down.  
1.   28/09   Special   Assistant   to   President   Buhari   on   Prosecution   Matters,   says   it  
would  amount  to  ethnic  profiling  and  hate  speech  for  the  federal  government  
to  declare  Fulani  herdsmen  terrorists  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2.   16/09   Two   Fulani   brothers   allegedly   raped   a   14-­‐year-­‐old   girl   at   Tudun  
Lambaga  in  the  Eggon  Hills  area  
3.   12/09   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   stormed   the   farm   of   the   Adekunle   Ajasin  
University,  Akungba-­‐Akoko,  Ondo  State,  destroying  some  crops  worth  millions  
of  naira  
4.   11/09   Teenage  Fulani  Herdsmen  Attack  Delta  Man  With  AK47,  Get  Caught  
5.   09/09   Fulani   herdsmen   kill   20   in   Ancha   Village   in   Miango,   Bassa   Local  
Government  Area  of  Plateau  State;  10  others  injured  
6.   02/09   Fulani  Herdsmen  Killed  Man  In  Ologbo,  Edo  State  
7.   01/09   A   man,   father   of   12   and   identified   as   Mr.   Efosa   was   allegedly   gunned  
down  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Edo  state  
AUGUST  2017  
1.   30/08   Again,  Fulani  herdsmen  invade  Falae’s  farm  

2.   25/08   Farmer   attacked   with   machete   cutting   on   his   back   shoulder   and  
chopping  off  five  of  the  his  fingers  by  a  suspected  Fulani  herdsman  at  his  farm  
in  Umane  Ngene  Bush    
3.   23/08   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   raped   a   72-­‐year-­‐old   woman   identified   as  
Akinseye  (other  names  withheld)  to  coma  on  her  farmland  in  Ore,  Odigbo  Local  
Government  Area  of  Ondo  State  
4.   14/08   Fulani  Herdsman  Raped  A  Married  Woman  In  Ibadan  
5.   10/08   Fulani’s   cows   strayed   into   the   farmlands   at   Akpagodogbo,   in   Otukpa  
Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State  at  the  time  farmers  were  still  working  in  
their  farms  in  Benue:  3  killed  
6.   09/08   Herdsmen   occupied   the   farmland   of   residents   at   Akpagodogbo,   in  
Otukpa   Local   Government   Area   of   Benue   State,   destroying   farm   produce:   3  
dead  in  clash  
7.   04/08   Director  of  the   Evangelical  Church  Winning  All  (International)  Christian  
Education  Center,  Rev.  Jen  Moses,  has  been  kidnapped  by   7  suspected  Fulani  
herdsmen,  demanding  N100  million  ransom  for  his  release  
JULY  2017  
1.   05/07   1,878   people   were   killed   and   200   still   missing   during   the   Fulani  
herdsmen  attack,  Benue  governor  cries  to  UN  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
2.   04/07   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  attacked  Rev  Peter  Audu  of  ECWA  Church  in  
Aban  in  Numana  Chiefdom  of  Sanga  LGA  in  Kaduna  state  
JUNE  2017  
1.   28/06   Young  man  hacked  to  death  on  his  farm  by  suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  
at  Ukomi  in  Uromi,    Delta  State  
2.   20/06   Rice  farmers  brutally  hacked  by  Fulani  herdsmen  in  Benue  State  
3.   18/06   Fulani   herdsmen   and   their   cows   disrupted   a   church   service   at   Holy  
Ghost  Parish  Makurdi,  Benue  state  
4.   17/06   Fulani  herdsmen  kidnap  housewife,  rape  her  serially  for  3  days  
5.   12/06   Fulani   herdsmen   invade   Anambra   school   with   cows,   sending   terrified  
screaming,  pupils,  students  and  teachers  scampering  for  safety  
6.   12/06   Efosa  Nehikhare  from  Edo  State  was  gunned  down  by  suspected  Fulani  
herdsmen  along  the  Benin-­‐Asaba  road  
7.   02/06   Killings:   Benue   State   Assembly   Call   On   Inspector   General   of   Police   To  
Arrest  Fulani  Herders’  Leadership  
MAY  2017  
1.   25/05   Two   women   allegedly   raped   and   murdered   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  in  Ewu,  Esan  central  LGA  of  Edo  State  
2.   17/05   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  reportedly  raped  and  murdered  a  woman  in  
the  Oben  community  in  Orhionmwon  Local  Government  Area  of  Edo  State  
3.   17/05   Death   toll   rises   to   27,   many   still   missing   in   Fulani   herders’   attack   in  
4.   14/05   Fulani  youth  reportedly  stabbed  a  villager  to  death  in  Tungan  Malam,  a  
cattle  market    in  the  Paikoro  Local  Government  Area  of  Niger  state  
5.   13/05   8  more  people  killed  in  renewed  Fulani  attacks  on  Logo,  Buruku  
6.   11/05   Again,  suspected  Fulani  herders  killed  4  in  Benue  
7.   11/05   Suspected   arms-­‐wielding   Fulani   herdsmen   beheaded   a   commercial  
motorcycle  rider,  identified  as  Udoka  Ossai,  and  6  farmers  who  were  indigenes  
of  Ossissa  community  in  Ndokwa  East  Local  Government  Area  of  Delta  State  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
8.   10/05   Senate  President  says  killer  herdsmen  get  weapons  from  neighbouring  
9.   07/05   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  stormed   Tse  Akaa  village,  Ugondo  Mbanar  
District  of  Logo  Local  Government  Area  of  Benue  State,  leading  to  the  killing  of  
3  persons  
10.  05/05   Fulani   herdsmen   attacks:   12   Benue   communities   still   under   siege   in  
Benue  ―Benue  State  governor  
11.  05/05   Christian   Association   of   Nigeria   warned   against   continued   attacks   on  
Christians  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
APRIL  2017  
1.   26/04   3  killed  as  Fulani  herdsmen  attack  Ortom’s  LG  

2.   25/04   43-­‐yr-­‐old   on   mission   to   rescue   mum   beheaded   by   Fulani   herdsmen   in  

Delta;  photos  
3.   24/04   Man  shot  and  hacked  to  death  by  Fulani  herdsmen  who  kidnapped  his  
mother  in  Abraka,  Delta  State  
4.   20/04   Angry   youths   barricade   Makurdi-­‐Aliede   road   with   tyres   and   corpse   of  
one  of  those  killed  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
5.   19/04   Suspected   herdsmen   invaded   Tse   Igba   Uke   village   and   killed   two  
persons  and  one  other  seriously  injured  
6.   15/04   At  least,  12  persons  reportedly  killed  while  several  others  got  injured  in  
a  fresh  attack  by  suspected  herdsmen  on  the  residents  of  Asso  Community  in  
Jemaa  Local  Governments  Area  of  Southern  Kaduna  
7.   10/04   Suspected  Fulanis  killed  one  woman,  injured  other  in  Benue  
8.   10/04   Again,  Fulani  herders  kill  12  in  Benue  
9.   06/04   “We  must  prepare  to  face  a  future  of  food  scarcity  if  we  cannot  rise  up  
to   say   no   to   the   menace   of   Fulani   herdsmen”,   said   environment   columnist  in  
Punch  newspaper,  Greg  Odogwu  
10.  02/04   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   reportedly   killed   10   people   and   destroy  
3,500  homes  in  Obio  Usiere,  Odukapni  local  government  council  of  Cross  River  
MARCH  2017  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
1.   30/03   Women  Protest  Over  Attacks  By  Fulani  Herdmen  
2.   28/03   The  Bishop  of  Kafanchan  denounces:  "The  violence  of  the  Fulani  fueled  
by  government  complicity"  
3.   24/03   Senior  staff  of  Delta  State  University,  Abraka  was  brutally  murdered  by  
suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  at  his  farm  
4.   24/03   Ebonyi  women  protest  rape  of  70-­‐yr-­‐old  widow  by  Fulani  herdsman  
5.   17/03   Decomposing   body   of   Delta   DPO   kidnapped   by   suspected   Fulani  
herdsmen  12  days  ago  has  been  found  
6.   17/03   Renewed   herdsmen   attacks   in   Benue:   Over   500   killed,   300,000  
displaced,   and   properties   and   livelihoods   worth   billions   of   Naira   destroyed,  
group  alleges  
7.   16/03   Continuation   of   Fulani   herdsmen’s   assaults,   killings   in   Yoruba  
communities  ―Afenifere  
8.   16/03   Members   of   the   National   Union   of   Benue   State   Students   took   to   the  
major  streets  of  Makurdi  to  protest  murder  of  colleague  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
9.   10/03   No   fewer   than   10   persons   killed   and   several   others   injured   after  
suspected   herdsmen   attacked   Mkgovur   village   in   Buruku   Local   Government  
Area  of  the  Benue  state  
10.  07/03   Fulani  Men,  Others  Abduct  52-­‐Year  Old  Woman  In  Ibadan  
11.  03/03   Herdsmen  invaded  Gbemacha  community  with  about  5,000  cows  which  
destroyed  cassava  farms  in  the  area  
12.  02/03   Fulani  herdsmen  allegedly  kill  3  people  in  Rivers  and  Delta  state  
FEBRUARY  2017  
1.   28/02   Three  men  killed  in  a  community  in  Benue  State  when  suspected  Fulani  
herdsmen  attacked  and  butchered  the  indigenes;  victims:  Jimmy  Angbian  Ugon,  
Benjamin  Iorcher  Agah  and  another  man,  whose  identity  was  given  as  “Puusu”  
2.   23/02   Fulani  herdsmen  burn  woman  to  death  4  days  after  giving  birth  (Graphic  
3.   21/02   Fulani  invasion:  10  students  missing,  800  abandoned  school  in  Plateau  3  
years  after  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
4.   18/02   Over  100   herdsmen  with  over  2,000  cows  invaded  the  communities  in  
Ochafu,   Akaeze,   Ishiagu   and   Amasiri   of   Ebonyi   State,   where   they   erected  
several  huts  
5.   15/02   Rice   farms,   tools   and   other   farm   facilities   estimated   at   about   N50  
million   allegedly   destroyed   by   the   Fulani   herdsmen   in   Ugbene,   Ugbenu,   and  
Achalla  communities  in  Awka  North  Local  Government  Area  of  Anambra  State  
6.   03/02   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  were  apprehended  by  police  with  AK47  and  
two  cutlasses  at  Samaru  Kataf  
7.   02/02   Fulani  Men  Allegedly  Caught  With  Assault  Rifles  And  Cutlasses  
JANUARY  2017  
1.   31/01   Herdsmen   reportedly   launched   an   attack   on   members   of   the   Gereng  
community  fishing  in  a  pond  near  the  River  Benue  
2.   24/01   Fulani   Herdsmen   have   killed   over   800   individuals   in   southern   kaduna,  
consisting  of  men,  women,  and  children,  which  are  predominately  Christian:  TV  
3.   22/01   Fulani   Herdsmen   Abduct   Ex   Council   Chairman   Chief   Friday   Akpoyibo,  
and  two  others  along  the  Auchi-­‐Abuja  Road  In  Delta  State  
4.   20/01  A  year  after  the  kidnapping,  Cardinal  Onaiyekan  recalls  Catholic  priest  Fr.  
Oyaka,  whose  fate  we  know  nothing  
5.   19/01   Travelers  stranded  as  aggrieved  Delta  women  barricade  East-­‐West  Road  
over  rape  and  killing  by  Fulani  herdsmen  
6.   18/01   Fulani   Herdsmen   Launch   Deadly   Attack   On   Farmers   at   Okoti-­‐Odekpe  
community  in  Ogbaru  local  government  area  of  Anambra  state.  
7.   17/01   Herdsmen  allegedly  invaded  the  farmland  of  a  farmer  and  destroyed  all  
his  crops:  four  persons  injured  and  hospitalized  
8.   14/01   Suspected   fulani   herdsmen   attack   man   on   his   farm   in   Emu   Ebendo,   in  
Ndokwa  West  LG  ,  Delta  state  
9.   11/01   Benue,  Nasarawa  govs  meet  to  end  Fulani  invasion  of  Agatu  
10.  11/01   “In  recent  times  the  attacks  are  of  a  completely  different  kind  compared  
to  the  old  clashes  between  farmers  and  herders,  as  the  latter  use  "sophisticated  
weapons   that   did   not   exist   before,   such   as   AK-­‐47,   whose   origin   is   unknown",  
said    Mgr  Bagobiri,  Catholic  Bishop  of  Kafanchan,  in  the  state  of  Kaduna,  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
11.  09/01   Suspected  Fulani  herdsmen  reportedly  hacked   5   farmers  to  death  in  2  
separate   attacks   in   Abraka   and   Obiaruku,   both   in   Ethiope   East   and   Ukwuani  
area  of  Delta  State  
12.  08/01   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   kill   3   police   officers,   others   in   Adamawa  
13.  06/01   No  fewer  than  5  persons  killed  and  several  others  injured  after  gunmen  
suspected   to   be   Fulani   Herdsmen   attacked   Edumoga   community   in   Okpokwu  
Council  Area  of  Benue  State.  

14.  04/01   5  farmers  killed  by  Fulani  in  Benue  

15.  03/01   Panic   as   Fulani   herdsmen   threaten   to   forcefully   take   over   Ijaw  
16.  03/01   Suspected   Fulani   herdsmen   invaded   Sunji/Kagoro   community   in   Kaura  
local  government  area  of  Kaduna  state  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
-­‐   Agenzia  Fides:  http://www.fides.org    
-­‐   Aljazirah,  Nigerian  Newspapers:  https://aljazirahnews.com    
-­‐   Amnesty  International:  https://www.amnesty.org    
-­‐   Christian  Persecution  News:  https://christianpersecutionnews.com  
-­‐   Christian  Solidarity  Worldwide:  https://www.csw.org.uk    
-­‐   CSM  Nigeria:  http://csmnigeria.org    
-­‐   Daily  Times:  https://dailytimes.ng/  
-­‐   Emancipation  Centre  for  Crisis  Victims  in  Nigeria  (ECCVN):  https://eccvn.org/    
-­‐   Garda  World:  https://www.garda.com    
-­‐   Global  Terrorist  Index  2019  
-­‐   International  Christian  Concern:  https://www.persecution.org    
-­‐   Information  Nigeria:  https://www.informationng.com    
-­‐   International  Centre  for  Investigative  Reporting:  https://www.icirnigeria.org    
-­‐   Journalist  101:  https://journalist101.com/    
-­‐   La  Croix  International:  https://international.la-­‐croix.com    
-­‐   Lailas  News:  https://lailasnews.com/    
-­‐   Linda  Ikeji’s  Blog:  https://www.lindaikejisblog.com    
-­‐   Morning  Star  News:  https://morningstarnews.org    
-­‐   Naija  Loaded:  https://www.naijaloaded.com.ng    
-­‐   Nairaland  Forum:  https://www.nairaland.com    
-­‐   News  Express:  https://newsexpressngr.com    
-­‐   Nigerian  Bulletin:  https://www.nigerianbulletin.com    
-­‐   Nigerian  Tribune  Online:  tribuneonlineng.com  

BAZÁN, José Luis, Fulani militias’ terror: 2017-2020,
Working Paper, Brussels, 16 May 2020
-­‐   Nigerian  World:  https://nigeriaworld.com    
-­‐   P.M.  Express:  http://pmexpressng.com/    
-­‐   Political  Economist:  http://www.politicaleconomistng.com    
-­‐   Premium  Times:  https://www.premiumtimesng.com    
-­‐   Pulse  NG:  https://www.pulse.ng    
-­‐   Punch:  https://punchng.com    
-­‐   The  Cable:  https://www.thecable.ng    
-­‐   The  Christian  Post:  https://www.christianpost.com    
-­‐   The  Guardian:  https://guardian.ng    
-­‐   The  Independent:  https://www.independent.ng    
-­‐   The  Nation:  https://thenationonlineng.net    
-­‐   The  News:  https://www.thenewsnigeria.com.ng    
-­‐   The  Pointer:  https://thepointernewsonline.com    
-­‐   The  Sun:  https://www.sunnewsonline.com    
-­‐   This  Day:  https://www.thisdaylive.com    
-­‐   Today:  www.today.ng  
-­‐   Tori.ng:  https://www.tori.ng    
-­‐   Trezzy  Helm:  http://www.trezzyhelm.com    
-­‐   Sahara  Reporters:  http://saharareporters.com    
-­‐   Vatican  News:  https://www.vaticannews.va/    
-­‐   West  Africa  Reporters:  https://www.westafricareporters.com    
-­‐   World  Watch  Monitor:  https://www.worldwatchmonitor.org    


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