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I have frequently made stubid mistakes like that MANY'S

->Many's the time that I have made stupid mistakes like that
I rarely sleep in the afternoon HABIT
->I'm not in the habit of sleeping in the afternoon
You think that fat people are always jolly, but you're wrong CONTRARY
->Contrary to your belief, fat people are not always jolly
It was not until five years had elapses the the whole truth about the murder
came out NOT FOR
->Not for another five years did the whole truth about the murder come out
Erika said I had caused the accident BLAMED
->Erika blamed me for causing the accident
My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night
->My grandfather didn't have any recollection of phoning me last night
Many custom restrictions within the EC have been abolished AWAY
->Many customs restrictions within the EC have been done away with
At the moment I can't afford to buy a new car QUESTION
->At the moment my buying a new car is out of the question
student at the school are not allow to be into the RD BOUNDS
The RD is out of bounds to students at the school
When they broke the news, she stayed perfectly calm and controlled HAIR
When they broke the news, she did not turn a hair
You may think you are tallented but hourses will always show you are not
No matter how tallent you think you're, hourses will always bring you down a
I avoided mentioning Jack's demotion as I realized that it might be upset him
Realizing that mentioning Jack's demotion might upset him, I let sleeping a
dogs lie
Susan is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge WHEN IT COMES
When it comes to technical knowledge, I am to match for Susan
It is important that we have to get the team to comply with the rules LINE
It is of importance that we have to toe the line
Prompt action from the police helped to reduced the number of people killed
and injured in the fighting WERE IT ...CASUALITIES
Were it not to have been for prompt action from the police , the fighting would
have suffered heavy
His efforts to find a solution didn't deserve such a savage criticism HE...TO
He shouldn't have been savagely criticized for his efforts to find a solution
He did not succeed in reaching the top of the highest mountain in this area IN
In vain did he reach the top of the highest mountain in this area
It is quite obvious that we shall have to work faster in order to finish the project
on time THERE IS NO
There is no way of escaping the fact that we shall have to work faster in order
to finish the project on time
Julie always listens to my complaint about work, which is very kind of her
Julie is so kind that she lend an ear to my complaint about work
The sequel to the best seller was a great disappointment to the public THE
The sequel to the best seller failed to live up to the expectation
There was loud applause as he left the stage HE...LOUD APPLAUSE
He left the stage to the accompaniment of loud applause
I was bitterly disappointed they didn't give me a part in the school play VERY
Very much to my disappointment, I was passed over for a part in the school
Mr. Brown has been a gardener for years so let's consult his opinion first
Let's pick up Mr.Brown's brain because of his wealth of experiece as a
Mrs.Thomas seems to find the way her daughter behaves more a sorce of
amusement than embarrasment FAR FROM...
Far from being embarrassed by he daughter's behaviour, Mr.s.Thomas seems
to be amused by it
Money is no value on a desert island MONEY
Money counts for nothing on a desert island
She agreed without the slightest hesitation DROP
She agreed at the drop of her hat
I heard a rumour that they are getting married GRAPEVINES
I heard through the grapevine they are getting married
Who gave you my name and adress?
Who put you in tough with me?
I don't personally care if they come or not (MATTER)
It doesn't matter to me whether they come or not
Sally persuaded me not to sell my car SALLY TALKED....
Sally talked me out of selling my car
Don't make me suffer because of your problem DON'T TAKE
Don't take it out on me
The arrangement for our holiday didn't come to anything OUR HOLIDAY
Our holiday fell through
I don't think you mean what you say about helping me (EARNEST)
I don't think you are in earnest about helping me
My boss says I can use his car whenever i want to, so long as I'm careful
My boss says his car is at my disposal so long as I's careful
James realised that he could never be an architect (CUT)
James realised that he wasn't cut out to be an architect
What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the history
What he told me whetted my appetite for the rest of the story
I don't mind staying on a Sarturday night if I have a good company (AVERSE)
I'm not averse to staying in on a Sarturday night if I have a good company
What put me off the idea was simply how expensive it was going to be THE
The sheer cost was what put me off the idea
Trudy was quite relieved when she found out the truth IT WAS SOMETHING
It was something of a relief to Trudy when she found out the truth
The brochure gives hardly any useful information PRECIOUS
Precious little useful information is given in the brochure
If you don't pay on time, your booking will be cancelled FAILURE
Failure to pay on time will result in your booking being cancelled
You'll have to spend at least $500 to get that sort of camera YOU WON'T
You won't get that sort of camera less than $500
.you need to hurry because there's little time left to do this essay. (take)
=) You mustn't take your time because there's little time left to do this essay.
Idiom: to take one's time = not to hurry: thong thả làm việc

 He is so big-headed that he always looks down on everyone. (boots)

=) He is/gets too big for his boots to look down on everyone
2.I will be there quickly! Keep waiting for me just for a while! (tail)
=) I will be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail ! Keep waiting for me just for a
while !
3. The flood has lasted for a long time, and it has left many people homeless. (come
=) The flood has lasted till the cows come home, and it has left many people
4. He is a person who usually gets angry easily. (fly)
=) He is a person who usually seems to fly off the handle
5. I sometimes come in for my mother's criticisms. (piece)
=) My mother sometimes give me a piece of her mind

give sb a piece of your mind: angrily tell sb your true opinion of them; criticise sb
E.g: If he doesn't turn that music down soon, I'm going to give him a piece of my

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