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Course Objective

 To learn the law of forces, principle of moments and equilibrium of forces

 To interpret the axial forces acting in the truss members and compute centroid of a lamina
 To compute the coefficient of friction and verify Newton’s law of motion
 To study the concept of moment of inertia of a flywheel
 To understand the concept of conservation of energy

Course Outcome

At the end of the course, the student

CO1: Applies the concept of law of forces, principle of moments and equilibrium of forces (k2)

CO2: Computes the axial forces acting in the truss members and centroid of a lamina (k3)

CO3: Applies the coefficient of friction and Newton’s law of motion (k3)

CO4: Infers about the concept of moment of inertia of a flywheel (k3)

CO5: Demonstrates the concept of conservation of energy (k3)

1. Verification of triangle law & parallelogram law of forces

2. Verification of polygon law of forces
3. Verification of the Principle of Moments using the Bell Crank Lever apparatus
4. Verification of support reactions of a simply supported beam
5. Verification of condition of equilibrium of a system of forces
6. Verification of equilibrium of three dimensional forces.
7. Verification of axial forces in the members of a truss
8. Verification of centroid of different lamina
9. Determination of coefficient of friction between two surfaces
10. Verification of newton’s laws of motion
11. Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel
12. Verification of motion parameters using conservation of energy.

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