Group 1J Assignment.

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Submitted by :
Name – Shambhu Kumar, Rajnandani, Swarnim Srivastaw , Mohit
Group – 1J
College – Amity University
City - Patna
Q1) Write any two distribution channel

a.Healthcare Pharma

Hospital Ethical Speciality OTC Retail chains

Nursing Prescription Oncology Online



Where, OTC – Over the Counter Drugs (Eg: Disprine, Strepsils etc.)

b.Consumer Etail

Modern Trade Key Account Focused Retail Mass Market COCO

Chain Stores Stand Alone SIS GT Franchise

Where, SIS- Shop in Shop (like Kiosk,etc)

GT – General Trade (Preferred Dealer)
COCO - Corporation Owned Corporation Operated
Q2) What is Ethical Sales mean in Healthcare.
In the health care industry, pharmaceutical sales representatives play an
important role. By educating physicians about their employers’ products and
offering insights into new and emergent therapies, they help doctors provide
quality care to their patients — and patients maintain good health.At least, that’s
the way it’s supposed to work. But for years, pharmaceutical sales
representatives were seen less as educators and health care facilitators and more
as salespeople, more concerned about meeting sales goals than ethical
considerations. From giving doctors elaborate gifts and experiences to
recommending off-label uses for drugs, the pharmaceutical industry had a
reputation for playing fast and loose with ethics in the name of the sale — but
that is changing.
The ethics involved within pharmaceutical sales is built from theorganizational
ethics, which is a matter of system compliance, accountability and culture.
Organizational ethics are used when developing the marketing and sales
strategy to both the public and the healthcare profession of the
strategy. Organizational ethics are best demonstrated through acts of fairness,
compassion, integrity, honor, and responsibility.

Some Ethical Guidelines should be kept in mind:-

Ethics is a complex and multi-faceted subject, and one that applies to all aspects
of health care and delivery, including the sales of medications, medical devices
and services.

That’s why, out of concern doctors were being swayed by the elaborate pitches
and the perks that pharmaceutical companies offered, several organizations took
a hard look at sales practices and developed a new code of ethics and stricter
guidelines to govern pharmaceutical sales. The Office of the Inspector General
(OIG) and the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America
(PHRMA) developed theseguidelines to create a stricter ethical environment
and maintain the integrity of both physicians and the pharmaceutical industry
when it comes to the sale and prescribing of drugs.

In short, pharmaceutical companies are now being held to anti-kickback laws,

prohibiting them from offering anything of significant value in exchange for
purchasing, referring or otherwise supporting a specific drug. In other words,
drug reps are now prohibited from offering items like tickets to a sporting event
in exchange for a meeting, with the idea being that doctors will be less inclined
to write a prescription as a “thank-you,” even if the drug is more expensive or
less effective (or both) than another treatment.

Q3) Explain MUL...beat...frequency of coverage.

I. MUL:-
MUL stands for the Master Universe List, It is the list of all available outlets
present globally.

The challenges we generally face in this MUL are:-

a) How to create a MUL

b) How to generate it


Thumb Rule – Outlets for per lakh Population.

Developed by Unilever

 For Food Industry(FMCG) – 150-175 outlets (per lakh of Population).

 For Detergents – 250-350 outlets (per lakh of Population)

 For Toffees – 600-700 outlets (per lakh of Population)

 For Paints – 8-14 (large packs 4,10,15,20L)

 For Fevicol (FMCG) – 150-175 outlets (per lakh of Population)

 Outlets are proportional to the Population.

ABC analysis:-
 One Shutter – C class

 Two Shutter – B class

 Supermarket – C class

II. Beat:-
It is the no. of outlets (retailers) covered in a day plan (defined for a single day).
Beat Plan is a day level route plan made for field sales/marketing personnel to
make visits to a number of stores at a pre-defined frequency. A Beat Plan
defines whom to visit, when to visit, based on company's priorities
on stores category/segment.

Route Plan - The overall route planning includes definition of active and

protective routes and mapping these onto available network paths in a cost
efficient manner. It is same as Beat Plan, which depends on how companies call

III. Frequency of Coverage:-

Coverage is the percentage of outlets covered out of the outlet universe. A few
reasons behind poor market coverage are low retailing time, ineffective beat
planning, Improper Outlet Segmentation, and poor beat health. And to improve
coverage, you might want to target metrics such as First Call Time, Retailing
Hours, Strike Rate, Total Calls (TC), Productive Calls(PC) No. of Outlets in a
Beat, Beat Frequency as per the Outlet Segmentation, No. of Outlets Not
Visited and No. of New Outlets Added.

Q4) What is Line Productivity.

A product line is a group of related products that are marketed under a single
brand name, sold by the same company. Companies offer multiple product lines
under various brand names.
Lines productivity refers to the number of product lines sold in a particular
outlet by a distributor. For example: A company offers product lines such as
baby care, home care, grooming, personal health care and oral care. But when a
distributor reaches to a particular outlet, he is able to sell products of product
lines that are baby care, home care and oral care. So, the line productivity will
be number of product lines sold/number of total product lines.In this case, it
would be 3/5.

Q5) What is Bills Productivity.

A bill is defined as a statement of fees or charge which contains the list of items
along with the prices that is provided from the seller to the buyer regarding the
products bought by the buyer.
Bills productivity refers to the number of orders received by the distributor from
the number of outlets visited by him. For example: A distributor visited 25
outlets a day but he was able to get orders from only 20 of them. So bills
productivity would be 20/25.

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