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A blockage monoclonal antibody protocol as an alternative strategy

to avoid anti-CD38 interference in immunohematological testing

Karen N. Chinoca Ziza,1† Tainá A. Paiva,1† Sabrina R. Mota,1 Marcia Regina Dezan ,2
Luciana Cayres Schmidt,3 Denise Menezes Brunetta ,4 Gustavo Ricci,1 Fernando Valadares Basques,3
Fernando Barroso-Duarte,4 Vanderson Rocha,1,2,5 Alfredo Mendrone-Junior,2 and
Carla Luana Dinardo 1,2

ultiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell neo-
BACKGROUND: As CD38 is expressed on red blood plasm with a chronic and incurable course
cells (RBCs), the plasma of patients on daratumumab requiring successive treatments that prolong
(DARA) reacts with the panel cells of pretransfusion and improve the patient’s quality of life. In
tests, masking underlying alloantibodies. The the past decade, the therapeutic landscape of MM has evolved
treatment of RBCs with dithiothreitol (DTT) is the dramatically with the validation of proteasome inhibitors and
most disseminated method to overcome DARA effect immunomodulatory agents.1 Despite the improvement, the
on immunohematological tests, but it hampers the disease typically relapses and new classes of drugs are needed.2
identification of potentially harmful antibodies. Our Monoclonal antibodies represent a novel class of therapeutics
goal was to validate a new strategy, the blockage in MM, targeting different antigens on plasma cells.3,4 Of these
monoclonal antibody protocol (BMAP), to mitigate the targets, anti-CD38 antibodies are in advanced stages of clinical
DARA interference on RBCs using anti-CD38 and development, with the approval of daratumumab (DARA) for
antihuman globulin. the treatment of MM patients in November 2015 by the US
METHODS: Samples of patients receiving DARA Food and Drug Administration.5–7
were included in the study. Sera were tested using The use of DARA and other anti-CD38 therapies leads
both DTT- and BMAP-treated RBCs, which comprised to interference with routine immunohematological tests,
three steps: 1) titration of monoclonal anti-CD38, 2)
treatment of RBCs obtained from donors with anti-
ABBREVIATIONS: AHG = antihuman globulin; BMAP = blockage
CD38, and 3) blockage of anti-CD38–adsorbed RBCs
monoclonal antibody protocol; DARA = daratumumab;
with antihuman globulin.
DAT = direct antiglobulin test; DTT = dithiothreitol; IATs = indirect
RESULTS: Twenty patients were included in the study.
antiglobulin tests; MM = multiple myeloma.
Donor RBCs were treated with anti-CD38 and
successfully blocked with antihuman globulin. In From the 1Discipline of Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy,
19 patients, DARA-mediated agglutination was eliminated University of São Paulo School of Medicine (FMUSP), São Paulo,
using both DTT- and BMAP-treated RBCs. In one patient, Brazil; 2Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo, São
agglutination persisted when tested against the BMAP- Paulo, Brazil; 3Fundação Hemominas, Belo Horizonte, Minas
treated RBCs, and alloantibodies were identified. Patient Gerais, Brazil; 4HEMOCE – Hematology and Hemotherapy Centre,
samples were mixed with commercial anti-D, -C, −e, -K, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil; and the 5Churchill Hospital, NHSBT,
−Jka, -Kpb and tested against antigen-positive BMAP- Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
treated RBCs, resulting in detection of these antibodies. Address reprint requests to: Carla Luana Dinardo, Fundação
CONCLUSION: This study validated a new strategy Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo, Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho
to minimize the interference of DARA on immuno- Aguiar, 155, 1 floor, Cerqueira César-São Paulo- SP, Brazil,
hematological tests. The protocol preserves the 05403-000. e-mail:

integrity of RBC antigens, permitting the detection of Contributed equally
antibodies from all blood group systems. The BMAP Received for publication January 29, 2018; revision received
has potential use in other situations where specific December 19, 2018, and accepted January 3, 2019.
antibodies may interfere with pretransfusion screening. doi:10.1111/trf.15202
© 2019 AABB
TRANSFUSION 2019;9999;1–9


representing a new challenge to blood banks worldwide.8–16 using anti-CD38 and AHG, with the benefit of keeping intact
CD38 is weakly expressed on normal human red blood cells the RBC structure, overcoming the major disadvantage of
(RBCs) and consequently anti-CD38 monoclonal antibodies the commonly used DTT method.
can bind directly to CD38 expressed on RBCs, causing pan-
reactivity in vitro.9,17 Although DARA does not interfere with
ABO/D typing, the plasma of DARA-treated patients con- MATERIALS AND METHODS
sistently causes positive agglutination reactions in indirect Patient samples
antiglobulin tests (IATs), including antibody screening, anti-
Whole blood samples (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and
body identification panels, and IAT crossmatches.8,9 Aggluti-
serum tubes) that were collected as part of routine clinical
nation due to DARA occurs in tests using normal saline,
care of adult patients with MM receiving DARA from the
low-ionic-strength saline, and polyethylene glycol.10 The
University of São Paulo Medical School, Hematology and
false-positive IAT can persist for 2 to 6 months after ending
Hemotherapy Center of Ceará and Fundação HEMOMINAS
the treatment with DARA, and it has the potential to mask
were included in the study. Samples were forwarded to the
the detection of RBC irregular antibodies in the patient’s
clinical immunohematology laboratory of the hospital of the
serum, compromising the transfusion’s safety.8 Dealing with
University of São Paulo Medical School and to the immuno-
the interference leads to time-consuming pretransfusion
hematology laboratory of the Hematology and Hemotherapy
assays. Appropriate solutions to negate the effect of anti-
Center of Ceará to perform the routine serologic tests
CD38 monoclonal antibodies on RBCs are important to rule
(ABO/Rh typing, antibody screening, antibody identifica-
out the presence of clinically significant alloantibodies and
tion, direct antiglobulin test [DAT] and auto-control) in a
minimize the delay in issuing a blood product.
gel column technique (Bio-Rad). Patient samples that were
Since DARA was approved for clinical use, many litera-
panreactive in the antibody screening were further tested
ture reports have been dedicated to describing methods to
using DTT-treated RBCs and RBCs treated with the pro-
overcome its interference with immunohematological pre-
posed BMAP, as described below. To ensure the reproduc-
transfusion tests.8–18 The currently described strategies in the
ibility of the BMAP, the protocol was performed by four
literature are dithiothreitol (DTT)-treated RBCs, trypsin-treated
laboratory technicians of different immunohematology cen-
RBCs, cord cell antibody screen, soluble anti-CD38, anti-CD38
ters involved in the study.
idiotype, and phenotype and genotype matching.8–18 Pub-
Institutional review board approval was obtained to
lished reports suggest that the most commonly used method
study methods to prevent DARA binding on these patient
is DTT-treated RBCs.9–13 Although the DTT technique is inex-
samples. The study was conducted in accordance with the
pensive and fairly easy to apply, the primary limitation is the
ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
damaging of RBC antigens other than CD38, which results in
failure to detect antibodies against clinically relevant blood
DTT treatment of RBCs
group systems: Kell, Dombrock, Yt, and Lutheran.9,10 Missing
antibodies against these blood group antigens may lead to A detailed method for DTT (Sigma) treatment of RBCs is
clinically significant hemolytic reactions.19 All the mitiga- described in the AABB Technical Manual.21 Briefly, 0.2 mol/L
tion methods already reported have their own advantages of DTT was prepared by diluting 1 g of DTT in 32 mL of
and disadvantages, and currently there is no standard-of- phosphate-buffered saline (pH 8). Kpb + control RBCs were
care technique. used to verify that DTT treatment had effectively denatured
There is a classical protocol in immunohematology Kell blood group system antigens. RBCs were washed three
designed to minimize the interference of autoantibodies times with saline, before adding 400 μL of DTT (0.2 mol/L) to
when attempting to phenotype RBCs using antihuman each tube (100 μL of RBCs +400 μL of DTT). They were then
globulin (AHG).20 The use of AHG blocks the autoanti- incubated at 37 C for 30 minutes with periodic mixing by
bodies that are bound to the RBC membrane by covering inversion (three to four times during incubation). Finally,
their Fc portion and leaving the other RBC antigens free RBCs were washed three times with saline and used for anti-
to be targeted on the phenotyping assay.20 This strategy body screening.
does not damage the RBC structure, letting the antibodies
bind to the antigens on the erythrocyte surface. We postu- Blockage monoclonal antibody protocol
lated that this protocol could be adapted to block CD38 The validation of the BMAP was performed in three steps.
sites on RBCs (after being saturated with monoclonal anti- Figure 1 outlines the study workflow.
CD38), preventing them from being targeted in the IAT by
the anti-CD38 in the patient’s serum. Step I: Anti-CD38 titration
Our aim is to describe and validate a new strategy to The anti-CD38 used in this study was the residual content of
mitigate the DARA interference in pretransfusion tests. As a DARA bottles (20 mg/mL; Janssen R&D), after its total infusion
fast, safe, and low-cost method is needed, we propose in in the patients (generously provided by Fernando Barroso-
this study a blockage monoclonal antibody protocol (BMAP) Duarte and Fundação HEMOMINAS). A small amount (10 μL)


Fig. 1. Schematization of the BMAP with anti-CD38 and AHG. (A) Donor’s RBCs adsorption with anti-CD38. (B) Blocking step with AHG
binding to the Fc portion of anti-CD38. (C) IAT performed with the BMAP-treated RBCs. (D) Test result: On the left side, anti-CD38 of patient’s
serum does not cause agglutination reaction, because there is no free CD38 on RBCs surface. On the right side, the presence of alloantibodies
in patient’s serum cause agglutination on the IAT allowing their identification. [Color figure can be viewed at]

of anti-CD38 was suspended in saline at 1/1000 concentration version of this paper), anti-CD38 titration was performed using
and stored at −20 C. For the experiments, an aliquot of this solu- all donor RBCs that would be blocked to compose the antibody
tion was thawed and used for titration. As there is an interindivi- screening panel to be used in this study. Only RBCs stored for
dual variability in the amount of CD38 on erythroid membrane less than 7 days were used in the study, as this was the maximum
(Appendix S1, available as supporting information in the online storage length standardized in our reference laboratory.


The anti-CD38 suspension (1:1,000) was titrated to tube technique, with 20-minute incubation at room temper-
identify the drug concentration resulting in 1+ agglutination ature, followed by three cycles of washing with 1 mL of nor-
with selected blood donor RBCs. First, anti-CD38 suspen- mal saline, discarding the supernatant.20 All previously
sion was subjected to serial dilution with normal saline, treated donor RBCs were blocked with AHG. Then, 10 μL of
from titer 1 to 256. Nine tubes were used for the dilution each BMAP-treated RBC unit were diluted in 1 mL of low-
process: 100 μL of anti-CD38 were added to the first and to ionic-strength saline and this suspension was used in subse-
the second tube (titer 1 and 2, respectively). Next, 100 μL of quent tests. DAT was performed using the postblockage
normal saline was added to the tubes, starting from the sec- RBCs to confirm that there was no anti-CD38 (Fc fraction)
ond one. Then, 100 μL of the anti-CD38 suspension of the uncovered by AHG on erythroid membrane.
second tube (titer 2) were transferred to the third tube and After the three steps of the BMAP were completed,
so on, until the last tube (titer 256). antibody screening was performed, testing 25 μL of patients’
After the dilution process, donor RBCs (O type) with the sera with 50 μL of BMAP-treated RBCs (1% suspension) in
following phenotype were selected: 1) Phenotype I: ccDee;K–k both monospecific (anti-IgG) and polyspecific (anti-IgG and
+,Kp(a-b+);Fy(a-b-); Jk(a + b+); M + N + S-s+; P1-, Le(a + b-); anti-C3d) cards (Biorad). Patients’ samples were tested at
Dia-, Lu(a-b+); 2) Phenotype II: ccddee; K–k+, Kp(a-b+); three different times of the study to ensure reproducibility
Fy(a + b+); Jk(a + b-); M-N + S + s-; P1+, Le(a-b-); Dia-; and and reliability of the antibody screening using BMAP-treated
3) Phenotype III: CcDee; K + k+; Fy(a + b+); Jk(a-b+); M + N+ RBCs. Also, four different laboratory technicians performed
S + s-; Le(a-b+), Dia+. A suspension was prepared by diluting the protocol in parallel, using the same samples.
10 μL of donor RBCs in 1 mL of low-ionic-strength solution To evaluate whether the BMAP was capable of accurately
(Biorad). Then, 50 μL of 1% donor RBCs suspension and 25 μL detecting antibodies, 10 μL of commercial antisera of different
of each titer of anti-CD38 were added to the micro columns of specificities—anti-D, -C, -K, −Jkb, -S, -Kpb (Lorne Laborato-
monospecific (anti-IgG) cards (Biorad), which were incubated ries)—were added to 200 μL of saline, and 10 μL of this solu-
for 15 minutes at 37 C and centrifuged for 10 minutes, as tion was added to 500 μL of the sera of three samples of
specified by the manufacturer. Agglutination was graded from nonalloimmunized patients using DARA. Antibody screening
0 to 4+, as specified elsewhere.21 Anti-CD38 titer resulting in 1+ was then performed using RBCs treated with the BMAP.
was selected for the next step. If more than one dilution To prove that the most important erythrocyte antigens
resulted in 1+ agglutination, then the more concentrated titer are not affected by the BMAP, the expression of C, c, E, e; K;
should be tested first. Fya, Fyb; S, s; and Jka and Jkb in BMAP-treated RBCs was
tested by phenotyping in the gel method according to the
Step II: Treatment of RBCs with anti-CD38 manufacturer’s instruction (Biorad).
Before starting the protocol, DAT was performed with all
selected donor RBCs (Phenotypes I, II, and III) to certify the Stability of BMAP-treated RBCs
absence of autoantibodies and/or complement fractions on The stability of BMAP-treated RBCs stored at 2 to 6 C was
erythroid membrane. Then, 300 μL of donor RBCs (undiluted) evaluated after 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 7 days, 21 days,
were added to 300 μl of anti-CD38 (titer determined in the and 28 days after the treatment with anti-CD38 and AHG,
previous step), incubated for 15 minutes at 37 C, and washed using the sera of nonalloimmunized patients using DARA to
three times with 1 mL of normal saline, discarding the super- perform the antibody screening.
natant. This treatment was performed with the three selected
RBC units. DAT was repeated after the adsorption to confirm
Cost analysis
the linkage of anti-CD38 antibodies to RBCs with 1+. If DAT
The approximate costs of the BMAP were calculated based
agglutination strength after adsorption was 1+, the blockage
on the value of the supplies and of labor per patient sample.
could be done. If 2+ or more, then more diluted anti-CD38
The costs were obtained from the amount paid by Hospital
should be tested before blocking the RBCs.
das Clínicas of University of São Paulo School of Medicine
In the course of BMAP validation, the adsorption of
to the manufacturers and included all supplies: gloves,
RBCs with undiluted DARA (20 mg/mL) for blockage was
pipette tips, AHG, test tubes, gel cards, and saline. Values
tested but failed. Details about these initial experiments are
may vary according to the buyer.
given in Appendix S1.

Step III: Blockage of anti-CD38–treated RBCs RESULTS

with AHG
The blockage of anti-CD38-treated RBCs was performed Patients’ samples
with monospecific anti-human IgG (Fc specific) produced Twenty patients with MM using DARA who required routine
in rabbits - AHG (Fresenius HemoCare, São Paulo, Brazil), serologic tests were included in the study from March to
in the proportion of 950uL of AHG and 50uL of RBCs cov- September 2017. Eleven patients were from Hospital das
ered with anti-CD38 (undiluted). It was performed with the Clínicas/University of São Paulo, seven were from Fundação


HEMOMINAS, and two from the Hematology and Hemother- strength in RBCs of Phenotypes I and III (from 2+ to 1+) and
apy Center of Ceará. No information was provided about dos- removed the agglutination in RBCs of Phenotype II. When
age and duration of DARA treatment, but the goal of the study the same sample was tested against BMAP-treated RBCs, the
was to develop a method to remove the interference of this agglutination strength in RBCs of Phenotypes I and III was
drug irrespective of the postinfusion interval. All included increased (from 2+ to 3+) and negative in RBCs of Phenotype
patients (n = 20) presented with positive antibody screening II, suggesting the presence of antibody-directed antigens pre-
and panagglutination with all RBCs of the identification panel. sent only in RBCs of Phenotypes I and III. In the patient’s
Consequently, all samples were tested with both DTT- and immunohematology records before the start of DARA treat-
BMAP-treated RBCs. ment, irregular antibodies had already been identified.
Antibody identification confirmed the following specificities:
RBC blockage with anti-CD38 and AHG anti-D, -C, −G, and −Lea. The increase in agglutination
strength observed when antibodies were present in the
Titration of the anti-CD38 suspension (1/1,000) in monospe-
patients’ sera may be due to AHG transfer from CD38 to
cific (IgG-only) cards was the first step for validating the BMAP.
nearby IgG antibodies.
Anti-CD38 titers selected for this study varied from 16 to
One-half of the included samples were stored at 2 to
128, suggesting the existence of an interindividual variability of
6 C up to 7 days and tested three times by different labora-
CD38 antigens sites on the erythroid membrane, which was
tory technicians using BMAP-treated RBCs, and the results
further explored in additional experiments (Appendix S1).
were reproducible. Anti-CD38 titration was repeated in
The second step was to treat selected RBCs with anti-CD38.
every experiment for each batch of RBCs selected for block-
RBCs obtained from three different blood donors were selected,
age. Even though no significant changes in the selected
all exhibiting negative DAT before the beginning of the protocol.
titers were observed throughout the experiments, the stabil-
After the adsorption of anti-CD38, DAT was again performed
ity of the frozen anti-CD38 suspension was not evaluated in
and resulted positive (1+) in all treated RBCs. In the third step,
this study, and consequently, the recommendation is to per-
AHG was added to anti-CD38–treated RBCs and, after that, DAT
form the titration before initiating any RBC BMAP.
resulted negative. Figure 2 exhibits DAT results in all steps of the
As described in the Methods section, antibody screen-
protocol: negative with untreated RBCs, positive after adsorption
ing was performed using both BMAP- and DTT-treated
with anti-CD38, and negative after blockage with AHG.
RBCs in monospecific (IgG only) and polyspecific (anti-IgG
and anti-C3d) gel column cards. It was observed that when
Antibody screening using BMAP-treated RBCs sera containing DARA were tested against BMAP-treated
Antibody screening on all included samples included both RBCs in polyspecific cards, there was a significant decrease
BMAP- and DTT-treated RBCs. The results of antibody in the strength of DARA-mediated agglutination, but it did
screening using treated and nontreated (BMAP- and DTT- not disappear. When the IAT was performed using BMAP-
treated) RBCs are described in Table S2, available as support- treated RBCs in the monospecific cards, DARA interference
ing information in the online version of this paper. In 19 of was removed (Table 1).
20 patients, DARA-mediated agglutination was eliminated Commercial anti-D, -C, -K-, −Jkb, -S, and -Kpb were added
when sera were tested against both DTT- and BMAP-treated to the sera of three study patients and antibody screening was
RBCs on monospecific cards (IgG only). In 1 of 20 patients, it repeated using DTT- and BMAP-treated RBCs (Table 2). Anti-
was observed that DTT treatment reduced the agglutination D, -C, −Jkb, and -S were accurately detected by both methods.

Fig. 2. Results of direct antiglobulin test (DAT) using untreated, anti-CD38–adsorbed and BMAP-treated RBCs of different phenotypes.
(A) Negative DAT of untreated RBCs showing that there are no antibodies bound to the RBCs surface. (B) Positive DAT after anti-CD38
adsorption. (C) Negative DAT after blocking RBCs with AHG. [Color figure can be viewed at]


TABLE 1. Strength of RBC agglutination on polyspecific and monospecific LISS cards when testing sera of DARA-
treated patients against BMAP-treated RBCs
Polyspecific card - LISS/antiglobulin test 2+ 2+ 2+ ! Using BMAP RBCs w w w
Monospecific card - anti-IgG w / 1+ w / 1+ w / 1+ ! Using BMAP RBCs 0 0 0
BMAP = blockage monoclonal antibody protocol; DARA = daratumumab; LISS = low-ionic-strength saline

Completely negative reactions were obtained when sera treated systems, including Kell, demonstrating that the protocol does
with anti-K and anti-Kpb were tested against DTT-treated RBCs. not modify the erythroid membrane or damage any RBC
In contrast, agglutination with antigen-positive RBCs was antigen. It was tested with 20 samples of patients using DARA
observed when using BMAP-treated RBCs, accurately indicating and removed the drug interference in all cases. It was also
the presence of antibodies. Results comparing the efficacy of shown that enough anti-CD38 to perform the BMAP could be
BMAP and DTT strategies in the presence or absence of anti- obtained from bottles of DARA after its total infusion in
Kpb are shown in Fig. 3. patients, reducing the costs associated with the method and
Phenotyping for C, c, E, e; K; Fya, Fyb; S, s; and Jka and foreseeing its application to other monoclonal drugs that tar-
Jkb was performed with blood donors’ BMAP-treated RBCs. get CD38 or other RBC antigens, depending on the amount
Satisfactory results were observed, showing that antigens expressed on the erythroid membrane.
were still detectable and that no false-positive agglutination The main advantage of the studied BMAP is overcom-
took place (not shown). ing the major drawback of the most currently applied
method to eliminate DARA interference on pretransfusion
Stability of BMAP-treated RBCs tests: DTT treatment of RBCs, which hampers the evaluation
The stability of BMAP-treated RBCs stored at 2 to 6 C was of antibodies directed against antigens of the potentially
tested five times after preparation: at 12 hours, 24 hours, clinically relevant blood group systems Kell, Dombrock, Yt,
36 hours, 7 days, 21 days, and 28 days. Satisfactory results, and Lutheran. During oncologic therapy, patients may
meaning a negative antibody screening, were obtained only develop antibodies directed against antigens of these other
in the 12- and 24-hour storage length (Table 3). systems, which were not included in the prospective
antigen-matched transfusion program.22 These antibodies
may be associated with significant delayed posttransfusion
Cost analysis
hemolytic reactions. Also, if they are targeted to high-
The calculated costs associated with the BMAP, including frequency antigens (i.e., k, Jsb, Kpb, Hy, Gya), differentiation
supplies and labor, are described in Table 4. with anti-CD38 interference is impossible using the DTT
strategy, compromising transfusion safety. The use of soluble
CD38 and anti-CD38 idiotype are alternatives to the BMAP
that, similarly, do not compromise the evaluation of any
This study validated and proved the efficacy of the BMAP blood group system antigen. However, these methods have
using AHG and monoclonal anti-CD38 to mitigate the inter- restricted applicability in daily practice because of the lim-
ference of DARA on immunohematological tests. The pro- ited availability and high cost.8,13,18
posed serologic technique proved to be accurate in detecting In the immunohematological investigation, the most appro-
underlying irregular antibodies against diverse blood group priate scenario is that in which the BMAP is complementary to

TABLE 2. Antibody screening using BMAP-treated RBCs and samples of patients using DARA treated with different
commercial antibodies
Untreated RBCs BMAP-treated RBCs
RBCs Anti-D Anti-C Anti-K Anti-Jkb Anti-S Anti-D Anti-C Anti-K Anti-Jkb Anti-S
I 2+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 0 0 1+ 0
II 1+ 1+ 1+ w+ 2+ 0 0 0 0 1+
III 2+ 4+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 4+ 2+ 2+ 1+
Phenotype I: ccDee;K–k+,Kp(a-b+);Fy(a-b-); Jk(a + b+); M + N + S-s+; P1-, Le(a + b-); Dia-, Lu(a-b+).
Phenotype II: ccddee; K–k+, Kp(a-b+); Fy(a + b+); Jk(a + b-); M-N + S + s+; P1+, Le(a-b-); Dia-.
Phenotype III: CcDee; K + k+; Kp(a-b+); Fy(a + b+); Jk(a-b+); M + N + S + s-; P1-; Le(a-b+); Dia+.
BMAP = blockage monoclonal antibody protocol; DARA = daratumumab.


Fig. 3. Results of antibody screening of DARA-treated patients using BMAP-RBCs and DTT-treated RBCs. (A) Patient’s serum with DARA
agglutinates all three untreated RBCs. Agglutination was eliminated using both BMAP-treated RBCs and DTT-treated RBCs. (B) Patient’s
serum with DARA + anti-Kpb agglutinates untreated RBCs and BMAP-treated RBCs. Agglutination was eliminated in DTT-treated RBCs.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

DTT. As there is a possible transfer of AHG to nearby IgG alloan- detection of alloantibodies to antigens of high prevalence
tibodies when the BMAP is applied to samples containing irregu- that had been damaged by DTT treatment of the commer-
lar antibodies, methods such as adsorption and elution can be cial antibody-screening cells. RBCs should be replaced once
hampered. Therefore, DTT should be the method of choice for a week or every time hemolysis is detected and, in this cir-
antibody identification, while the BMAP with selected donor cumstance, anti-CD38 titer should be reassessed. Daily, the
RBCs should be used in parallel to reveal irregular antibodies selected donor RBCs should undergo BMAP treatment, and
directed to antigens that might have been damaged by the DTT the commercial antibody screening cells should be treated
treatment. with DTT (or less frequently depending on the facility-specific
As a suggested workflow, RBCs from two randomly protocols). Unless the selection of RBCs for the BMAP includes
selected donor units and from commercial antibody screen- a K+ sample, donor units for transfusion should be K-. This
ing panels might undergo daily BMAP and DTT treatment, workflow is described in Table 5.
respectively. The specific phenotype of the donor cells does To help blood banks, AABB developed a bulletin with
not need to be known, as selection of two samples should recommendations regarding DARA interference with sero-
ensure that at least one would carry Kell, Dombrock, Yt, logic testing.15 To prevent delays in the pretransfusion pro-
and Lutheran antigens of high prevalence. The DTT-treated cess, it was suggested that hospitals should inform the
commercial antibody screening cells would be used to transfusion service when patients start receiving the anti-
detect alloantibodies to common RBC antigens except for CD38 monoclonal antibody. Also, it is suggested that RBC
anti-K. The BMAP-treated donor samples would allow the phenotyping and genotyping and antibody screening should

TABLE 3. Stability of BMAP-treated RBCs stored at 2 to 6 C

BMAP-treated RBCs Untreated RBCs
Donor RBCs Immediate 12 h 24 h 36 h Immediate 12 h 24 h 36 h
I 0 0 0 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
II 0 0 0 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
III 0 0 0 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
BMAP = blockage monoclonal antibody protocol.


before performing the tests and having to strictly select the

TABLE 4. BMAP cost analysis dilution, which results in low strength of RBC agglutination
BMAP Costs (1+), as more heavily coated RBCs were associated with
Titration supplies US$2.53 false-positive results. These factors can make it difficult to
BMAP supplies US$0.11
Antibody screening supplies US$1.98 implement the BMAP in a busy transfusion service or in a
Labor US$21.63 reference laboratory where multiple DARA patients may be
BMAP = blockage monoclonal antibody protocol. tested every day. Another drawback is that the BMAP was
validated for fresh (<7 days of collection) noncommercial
RBCs. In this study, we selected samples from donors whose
be performed before the initiation of DARA treatment. How- phenotype composition was suitable for composing a
ever, the information if the patient is using DARA usually screening panel. As such, the service must have a certain
lacks in the blood requests. The most common situation number of phenotyped donors to gather those samples.
involves the transfusion laboratory suspecting of DARA inter- None of the patients tested with the BMAP in this study
ference based on the results of pretransfusion tests in a patient had the immunohematological tests compromised due to
diagnosed with MM and having to confirm that with the medi- panagglutination, and the values of monoclonal immuno-
cal team. In this scenario, if extended phenotype was not per- globulin varied from 0.3 to 7.7 g/dL. However, higher levels
formed before, even the selection of antigen-matched RBC of gamma globulin can affect pretransfusional testing and,
units would be hampered and the performance of IAT cross- potentially, the BMAP. Finally, in the present study, the left-
match with DTT-treated erythrocytes would be error prone. overs of DARA were used for performing the laboratory tests
On the other hand, the BMAP could be applied in this situa- after patients’ consent, similarly to what is usually done to
tion to remove anti-CD38 interference with both antibody investigate drug-induced autoimmune hemolysis. Each ser-
screening and IAT crossmatch, decreasing the risks of incom- vice must consult the local ethics committee and the hospi-
patible transfusions and, consequently, increasing transfusion tal regiment before using this source to perform the BMAP.
safety. In conclusion, the BMAP using anti-CD38 and AHG is
Several monoclonal antibody therapies are in advanced capable of neutralizing the effect of DARA on routine immu-
stages of development, and similarly to DARA, they might nohematological tests. It represents an inexpensive, accu-
interfere with routine blood bank tests. For future applica- rate, and simple method that preserves the integrity of
tion, the BMAP with AHG possibly can be used to overcome RBCs, allowing the identification of clinically significant
the panreactivity in vitro for other monoclonal drugs target- alloantibodies. In the future, the BMAP can be applied to
ing RBC antigens, enhancing the importance of the devel- minimize the interference on pretransfusion tests of any
oped technique. However, the applicability of the BMAP to monoclonal drug that incidentally targets erythroid lineage,
mitigate the interference of other monoclonal drugs on the with no need to acquire different specific reagents.
immunohematological tests would depend on the antigen
density of the target antigen, as the risk of spontaneous
agglutination is higher than with CD38, which is present CONFLICT OF INTEREST
at a low antigen density on the erythroid membrane.
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The fact that the BMAP has some drawbacks is impor-
tant to highlight. The most relevant ones are the technical
difficulty of the method, the unavailability of anti-CD38 for
some health institutions, and the need to titrate anti-CD38
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
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15. Mitigating the anti-CD38 interference with serologic testing
[Internet]. AABB Association Bulletin #16–02. Bethesda (MD): Appendix S1. Supporting Information.


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