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Question: The table below shows the

particle size distributions of two

aggregates A and B, which are to be ...

The table below shows the particle size distributions of two aggregates A and B, which are to be
blended to produce an acceptable aggregate for use in manufacturing an asphalt concrete for
highway pavement construction. If the required limits of particle size distribution for the mix are
as shown in the table below, determine a suitable ratio for blending aggregates A and B to
obtain an acceptable combined aggregate.
Show transcribed image text The table below shows the particle size distributions of two
aggregates A and B, which are to be blended to produce an acceptable aggregate for use in
manufacturing an asphalt concrete for highway pavement construction. If the required limits of
particle size distribution for the mix are as shown in the table below, determine a suitable ratio
for blending aggregates A and B to obtain an acceptable combined aggregate.

Two Blend Ratio is shown that can be adopted

Pecentage Passing [(Wt. of Material Passing)/(Total Wt.)] x 100 Let the wt of material (in
percentage )from 45 PERCENTAGE PASSING PERCENTAGE PASSING Difference (A+B- Mid
Range Value) 0.9 5.3 0.25 Sieve Size Lower Limit Upper Limit Required Mid A+B (45* Column
A) (55* Column B) Mix 100 98.9 Within Range Within Range 96-100 77.8 Within Range Within
Range65-80 47.25 Within Range Within Range 40-55 37.5 Within Range Within Range35-40
25.5 Within Range Within Range15-35 6.2 19 9.5 4.25 98 76 45 53.9 41.8 24.75 18.15 16.5 4.4
36 22.5 19.35 72.5 47.5 37.5 25 6.5 0.425 20 30 0.5 0.3 7.25 0.075 Within Range Within Range
05-08 <...- This should b min Pecentage Passing= [(wt. of Material Passing)/(Total Wt.)] x 100
Let the wt of material (in percentage from PERCENTAGE PASSING PERCENTAGE PASSING
RequiredMid Difference Range (A+B- Mid Range Value Sieve Size Lower Limit Upper Limit (50*
Column A) (50* Column B) Mix Within Range Within Range 96-100 Within Range Within Range
65-80 100 98 76 45 50 40 25 21.5 10 49 38 22.5 16.5 15 4 72.5 47.5 37.5 25 6.5 4.25
47.5Within Range Within Range 40-55 38 Within Range Within Range 35-40 Within Range
Within Range 15-35 Within Range Within Range 05-08 0.5 0.425 0.075 20 30 25 4 <- This
should b min

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