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Wednesday | June 24, 2020

Colom vows transparency in future officer-involved cases

In light of Ball dismissal, DA explains about-face
from former policy of referring certain cases to AG
BY YUE STELLA YU dissatisfaction with how the Ball case ended, Colom concluded he would never
do that again.
Two press conferences. Two vastly
State prosecutors, working under
different conclusions.
then-AG Jim Hood, landed a manslaugh-
Speaking to a crowd gathering out-
ter indictment for Boykin, who shot Ball
side Lowndes County Courthouse in
after a traffic stop on Northside in Oc-
July 2016, newly elected District Attor-
ney Scott Colom announced he would tober 2015. The prosecutors also fought
make a standard practice of deferring off over four years several motions from
cases that involved the potential for Boykin’s attorneys to dismiss the case.
prosecuting law enforcement over to the But just four months into new AG
Attorney General’s Office, starting with Lynn Fitch’s tenure, her office abruptly
the high-profile fatal shooting of Ricky dismissed the case with prejudice, push-
Ball by Columbus police officer Canyon ing Colom to decide he would prosecute
Dispatch file photo
District Attorney Scott Colom speaks during a press conference at Lowndes County Boykin. such cases himself moving forward.
Courthouse on May 29. Ward 4 Columbus Councilman Pierre Beard, left, and Colum- Four years later, after standing out- “If I were to refer a case to the AG
bus Police Chief Fred Shelton listen. side the same courthouse to express See COLOM, 3A


drops in May, still
more than pre-
pandemic levels
Area leaders cautiously
optimistic as threat
of second pandemic
wave looms

Unemploy ment
rates were down sig-
nificantly in May in
Columbus, Starkville
and West Point as
part of a statewide
decrease, according
to preliminary statis-
tics released Tuesday McBrayer
by the Mississippi Department of
Employment Security.
But local officials stressed that
numbers aren’t back to pre-pan-
demic terms just yet. Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
In Clay County, for example, Amanda Cody casts a line at the Sam D. Hamilton National Wildlife Refuge in Starkville recently. Cody came out to the refuge
unemployment dropped from 23.6 on a whim. She made the hour and a half drive from Pontotoc, where she lives. “I’m glad I came out here. It’s been an adven-
percent of the labor force in April to ture,” she said.
14.6 percent in May.

Mississippi sees highest-ever daily

OCH nurses working
overtime to handle increase of COVID cases
COVID-19, return State health officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs: ated Press on
Tuesday eve-
ic people to their older rela-
uptick driven by community transmission ning. “As peo- “If you drive around and
of other patients of the virus from younger, asymptomatic
ple have tried
to embrace
look at how younger people
are having social gatherings,
BY TESS VRBIN normal, but they’re crowding into bars, people to their older relatives unsafe normal, it’s just not safe,” Dobbs
it is permitting said. “People are not comply-
Michelle Weland- BY LEAH WILLINGHAM The announcement came the virus to Dobbs ing, people are not wearing
er thought $20 The Associated Press/ Report as the Mississippi Senate spread. We’re really going to masks. It’s not a joke. Really
per hour would be for America is working to limit lawsuits end up paying the price for bad things are going to hap-
enough of an incen- by customers who say they it.” pen.”
tive. As Mississippi saw its were exposed to COVID-19 The Mississippi Depart- Dobbs said a big concern
The chief nursing highest single-day increase at businesses or medical of- ment of Health reported 611 of his is the stress the new
officer at OCH Re- in coronavirus cases Tues- fices. new cases and 11 deaths cases are putting on Missis-
gional Medical Cen- day, the state health officer “We’ve been seeing this Tuesday. Dobbs said the up- sippi’s heath care system. He
ter offered “crisis said he is not “remotely sur- trend evolving over weeks,” tick is driven by community said it’s already testing the
pay” to try to fill shifts, and some prised” and expressed con- Dr. Thomas Dobbs said in an transmission of the virus state’s hospital bed capacity.
See OCH, 3A cern for the future. interview with The Associ- from younger, asymptomat- See COVID, 8A


1 Which book, compiled by two brothers, was originally MEETINGS
named “Children and Household Tales,” but was meant for June 25: Clay
an adult audience? County Board of
2 The Maillard reaction occurs when amino acids react with Supervisors, 9 a.m.
which ingredient giving browned food its tasty flavor? Courthouse
3 After improbably reaching the 2015 World Cup quarterfi- June 30: Lowndes
nals, what 34th-ranked country’s Viking clap performance
went viral? County Board of Su-
Hutch Clemons pervisors meeting,
4 Which London cathedral has a U.S. Memorial Chapel,
Fifth grade, Annunciation 9 a.m., Lowndes
dedicated to the Brits’ brothers-in-arms who lost their lives

79 Low 68
in World War II? County Courthouse
High 5 Which Netflix series stars Steven Van Zandt as Frank July 6: Lowndes
Mostly cloudy, chance p.m. storm
“the Fixer” Tagilano, a mobster hiding out in Norway? County Board of Su-
Full forecast on Answers, 8B pervisors meeting,
page 3A. 9 a.m., Lowndes
County Courthouse
July 7: Colum-
INSIDE bus City Council,
Classifieds 7B Food 4B Jeffrey Keys lives in Columbus. He loves Municipal Complex,
Comics 3B Obituaries 4A his family, travel and volunteering. “It’s all 5 p.m., facebook.
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A about making time for what you really want com/CityofColum-
141st Year, No. 89 Dear Abby 3B to do,” Keys said. busMS/


2A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

Baptists and Walmart criticize

rebel-themed Mississippi flag
Mississippi Baptist Convention: ‘While some may task. Some lawmakers don’t want
change. Others want to kick a de-
see the current flag as a celebration of heritage, a cision to a statewide election be-
cause they think changing the flag
significant portion of our state sees it as a relic could endanger their own political
of racism and a symbol of hatred’ Members of the Mississippi Leg-
islative Black Caucus on Tuesday
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS the Southeastern Conference, renewed their longstanding calls
The Associated Press prominent business organizations for the Legislature to remove the
and other religious groups have al- Confederate symbol, saying anoth-
JACKSON — The Confeder- ready called for the state to adopt a
ate-themed Mississippi flag drew er statewide election would be bit-
more inclusive banner. ter and divisive.
opposition Tuesday from two big The conservative-leaning and
forces in the culturally conserva- In 2000, the Mississippi Su-
majority-white Mississippi Baptist preme Court ruled that the flag
tive state: Southern Baptists and Convention has more than 500,000
Walmart. lacked official status because leg-
members at more than 2,100 islators didn’t include the design
Walmart said it will stop display- churches. Mississippi’s population
ing the Mississippi flag while the when they updated other state
is about 3 million, and 38 percent of laws in 1906. That meant the Con-
state debates whether to change residents are African American.
the design. The Mississippi Baptist federate-themed design had been
“While some may see the current
Convention said lawmakers have used for nearly a century by tradi-
flag as a celebration of heritage, a
a moral obligation to remove the tion rather than by law. Then-Gov.
significant portion of our state sees
Confederate battle emblem from Ronnie Musgrove, a Democrat, ap-
it as a relic of racism and a symbol
the state flag because many people pointed a 17-member commission
of hatred,” the Baptist group said in
are “hurt and shamed” by it. to study flag design in 2000 and to
a statement. “The racial overtones
“We believe it’s the right thing of this flag’s appearance make this make recommendations to the Leg-
to do, and is consistent with discussion a moral issue.” islature.
Walmart’s position to not sell mer- White supremacists in the Mis- Democratic state Rep. Ed Black-
chandise with the confederate flag sissippi Legislature embedded the mon of Canton served the commis-
from stores and online sites, as symbol in the upper left corner of sion, which held public hearings in
part of our commitment to provide the state flag in 1894, amid back- late 2000.
a welcoming and inclusive experi- lash to political power that African “You have no idea of the vitriol,
ence for all of our customers in the Americans gained during Recon- the hatred and pronouncements of
communities we serve,” company struction. evil that were bestowed upon those
spokesperson Anne Hatfield said. During a 2001 state election, of us who were present,” Blackmon
The announcements increase voters chose to keep the design. said Tuesday. “It brought out the
pressure for change in a state that is Republican Gov. Tate Reeves has worst in Mississippians.”
slow to embrace it. Protests against said that if the flag is going to be Legislators chose in early 2001
racial injustice across the U.S. are changed, it should be done by an- to put the issue on the ballot rather
focusing new attention on Confed- other statewide election. than decide it themselves. Voters
erate symbols. Legislators are trying to finish rejected a design that would have
Mississippi has the last state flag their annual session in the next replaced the Confederate symbol
that includes the Confederate battle few days. A bipartisan group has with a blue field topped by a cluster
emblem: a red field topped by a blue been trying to gather enough votes of white stars representing Missis-
X with 13 white stars. The NCAA, to change the flag, but it’s a tough sippi as the 20th state.

Mississippi bill would ban abortion for race, sex, genetics

State House voted 91-25 Tuesday woman getting the abor-
tion would not be pun-
detected, which can be at
about six weeks — before
to pass the final version of the bill ished, and the ban would
not apply if the woman
some women know they
are pregnant. A judge
BY EMILY the Mississippi Center for faces a medical emergen- blocked the restriction
WAGSTER PET TUS Justice. cy because of the preg- from becoming law.
The Associated Press Sue Liebel is state pol- nancy.
icy director for Susan B. With the addition of
JACKSON — Missis- Anthony List, a group that conservative justices to
sippi Republican Gov. opposes abortion. She the U.S. Supreme Court
Tate Reeves is expected praised Mississippi law- in recent years, several
to sign a bill that would makers for passing the states have enacted abor-
ban abortion based on the bill. tion restrictions. Some
race, sex or genetic anom- “Abortions carried out laws are aimed at spur-
alies of a fetus, possibly because of a baby’s sex, ring court challenges
setting up another lawsuit race, or potential disabil- seeking to overturn Roe
by abortion-rights groups ity, such as Down syn- v. Wade, the landmark
in a state that already has drome, constitutes mod- 1973 Supreme Court rul-
some of the strictest laws ern-day eugenics,” Liebel ing that legalized abor-
in the U.S. said Tuesday. tion nationwide.
The state House voted Nine states ban abor- Mississippi has long
91-25 Tuesday to pass the tion because of the sex required a 24-hour wait-
final version of the bill, of the fetus, two ban it ing period for abortions.
which cleared the Sen- because of race and two Minors also must obtain
ate by a wide margin last ban it because of genetic permission from their
week. anomaly, according to the parents or a judge.
Supporters said the bill Guttmacher Institute, a In 2018, Mississippi
would prevent abortion research group that sup- tried to ban most abor-
for Down syndrome or ports abortion rights. tions at 15 weeks. The
other conditions. Oppo- Missouri is the only state state’s only abortion clin-
nents said it would inter- that has banned all three. ic sued, a federal district
fere with private medical Kentucky’s ban on all judge blocked the law and
decisions in a state with three reasons has been a federal appeals court
one abortion clinic. put on hold by court order. agreed with his ruling.
“This unconstitution- The Mississippi bill State officials have asked
al restriction adversely would set a prison sen- the U.S. Supreme Court
affects poor women who tence of up to 10 years to consider the case.
do not have the means for any physician or other In 2019, Mississippi
to seek assistance else- health care worker who legislators voted to ban
where,” said Beth Orlan- knowingly violates the most abortions once fetal
sky, advocacy director for ban. It specifies that the cardiac activity can be

Removal of slavery advocate statue begins in S. Carolina

BY MEG KINNARD brutality against African Crews also appeared to be
The Associated Press Americans. removing the plaques that
Some onlookers grew adorn the four sides of
CHARLESTON, S.C. restless just after 1 a.m. the pedestal on which the
— Several hundred peo- and began to leave just monument and statue sit.
ple gathered in Marion before crews used bucket Council members ap-
Square, in the historic trucks to soar more than proved the measure 13-0
South Carolina city of 100 feet in the air to the
Charleston, early Wednes- at a late-day meeting. The
top of the statue to make
day to watch the removal resolution authorized the
preparations for its re-
of a statue of former vice removal of the statue of
moval. Another piece of
president and slavery ad- the former U.S. vice pres-
equipment that appeared
vocate John C. Calhoun. to have pulleys attached ident and senator from
Officials voted unan- was being raised to the South Carolina.
imously Tuesday to re- height of the statue from City officials said even-
move the statue from the Calhoun Street, the road- tually that the Calhoun
downtown square, the way that marks the south- statue will be placed per-
latest in a wave of actions ern border of the square manently at “an appropri-
arising from protests where the statue sits ate site where it will be
against racism and police and also bears his name. protected and preserved.”

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
like this again, then there sparked demonstrations to review the cases.” rules of ethics requires Leake, Neshoba, New- Daniella Shorter,
would be distrust in the throughout the Golden However, he said, he them to recuse them- ton and Scott counties newly-elected district
outcome because of the Triangle, especially in Co- fears leaving the cases to selves from an officer-in- — said his office never attorney of District 22 —
way this case was han- lumbus. the AG would lead to pub- volved case unless, for transferred any case of representing Claiborne,
dled,” Colom told The Transferring offi- lic distrust. example, the district at- officer-involved incidents Copiah and Jefferson
Dispatch. “In that regard, cer-involved cases to the “People need to have torney is kin to the defen- to the AG and would only counties — shared Kil-
I feel like it’s better that attorney general, Colom trust in the criminal jus- dant, said Lowndes Coun- consider doing so after gore’s view. The prose-
people feel like they are said, used to be his way tice system. If the officer ty Circuit Court Judge an officer is indicted by a cutors should look at the
accountable to me and I’m to avoid the appearance is justified for the shoot- James Kitchens. grand jury. In the 14 years
evidence instead of the re-
accountable to them.” of conflict of interest. The ing, I’ll uphold his or her “The fact that a police of his tenure, he said no
lationship between the of-
In a June 4 prosecution Mississippi Bureau of In- rights,” Colom said. officer (is involved) in any officer was ever indicted
report, Fitch’s office con- vestigation (MBI) usually type of crime,” Kitchens in his district. fice and law enforcement,
Moreover, he said the she told The Dispatch.
cluded all evidence sup- conducts an independent office can remain trans- said, “does not automati- Kilgore acknowledged
ported Boykin’s claim he investigation into each of- cally require recusal.” the appearance of conflict “As prosecutors we
parent to dial down the
shot Ball in self-defense, ficer-involved incident, he Kitchens, who has of interest with his office are supposed to be unbi-
potential backlash.
despite contradictory evi- said. Following the inves- been a judge at the 16th handling such cases, but ased in our review of the
“In a situation where
dence in the case file that tigation, he would request the officer is not charged, District Circuit Court he said it is his office’s evidence, of the law, of
may suggest otherwise. an AG review and hand what we need to do is fol- for 18 years, said it is not duty to prosecute any the facts,” Shorter said.
Colom publicly re- over the case file. low the model that we did uncommon for local dis- criminal cases brought “Maybe something will
leased much of the case It is hard to remain im- after Ricky Ball, which is trict attorneys’ offices to to its attention, even offi- be awkward, maybe not,
file. The AG’s Office nev- partial while processing provide all the informa- prosecute such cases. He cer-involved ones. but you have to seek jus-
er gave a reason why the officer-involved shooting has witnessed five offi- “Once a person is in- tice.”
tion to the public,” Colom
case was dismissed de- cases through his own cer-involved shooting cas- dicted, they are entitled When asked about Co-
said. “We’ve got to have
spite the other evidence, office, Colom acknowl- es during his tenure, he to a fair trial, all the way lom’s approach to make
people trusting the sys-
including statements edged, because he and said, and four out of the through,” he said. “If it certain evidence public,
from witnesses describ- his staff work closely with five have been processed appears that it couldn’t be
Kilgore said he would be
ing Boykin’s previous law enforcement agencies by the local district attor- fair (if) handled through
run-ins with Ball and con- throughout his four-coun- Conflict of interest? ney. our office, then that’s
reluctant to follow suit.
flicting medical examin- ty district. It is up to district at- Other district attor- when we would consider “I understand the
ers’ reports. “I have five prosecu- torneys to determine if neys across the state (transferring the case).” need for transparency
Fitch’s dismissal also tors. All of them have to they should recuse from told The Dispatch they The MBI investiga- but there’s also other con-
came days after the police work closely with the po- certain cases, said Che- prosecute cases of offi- tions, Kilgore said, should cerns about privacy,” Kil-
killing of George Floyd lice and investigators,” he rie Wade, president of the cer-involved shootings assure the impartiality of gore said. “I’d be hesitant
in Minneapolis and the said. “So there’s no way Mississippi Prosecutors themselves. Steven Kilgo- the evidence presented to release evidence, but I
national unrest that fol- that I can have someone Association. re of The Eighth Judicial to the grand jury if neces- wouldn’t 100 percent ex-
lowed, a combination that that’s totally independent Additionally, no law or District — representing sary. clude it.”

Continued from Page 1A
nurses accepted it. But the space to treat more Chief Financial Officer day. make the remaining mon- graduates, so it’s going
others turned it down, she patients than it usual- Susan Russell said. Determining a “new ey last through Decem- to be a good three to four
told the hospital board of ly does, since the third The hospital fur- normal” at OCH, includ- ber but said it “could run months before we’ll even
trustees at its monthly floor was temporarily loughed some employees ing how to balance caring out quickly” without any have them adequately
meeting Tuesday. a COVID-19 treatment in mid-April and start- for COVID-19 patients additional funding. trained,” she said. “I’m
“We’re already sched- unit, and the hospital has ed bringing them back and other patients, will Meanwhile, Welander struggling, but I believe
uling them 84 hours in a still “adequately” met the in phases earlier this “take extraordinary man- is hoping that the ICU Tupelo and Columbus,
two-week period, so this challenges and demands month. Jackson said be- agement and foresight,” will get some relief via we’re all vying for the few
is above and beyond that, of the time, Jackson said. tween 80 and 90 percent Jackson said. two recently filled nurs- applicants that are out
and they just want some The ability to meet of furloughed employees The state received $2.1 ing positions. there and we’re doing our
time with their families those demands earlier have been restored to billion from the federal “They’re both new best.”
(because) they’re tired in the pandemic came their previous work sta- Coronavirus Aid, Relief,
right now,” Welander from nurses who usually tus and schedule, and ev- and Economic Security
said. work in operating rooms, eryone should be back to Act (CARES Act), and the
OCH has eight to ambulances and “busi- work by the end of July. Mississippi Hospital As-
12 positive cases of the ness-type positions,” said “The path we’ve been sociation requested $320
COVID-19 coronavirus in Welander, who helped on has million to be distributed
the building at any given critical care and emer- been get- to the state’s hospitals.
time, CEO Jim Jackson gency room nurses treat ting back Jackson said he is not
said. As of Tuesday it had COVID-19 patients. to a normal convinced the state will
10 cases, five of which Now that non- mode of grant the request, even
were in the intensive care COVID-19 patient volume operations, though the pandemic
unit. is returning to past levels, but we’ve could go on for several
The ICU had 12 beds Jackson said the hospi- been do- more months.
at one point and has nine tal is redelegating staff ing that in Jackson “I’m not sure state
at the moment, but the away from COVID-19 as- addition to leadership has agreed
hospital’s budget is only sistance. This requires seeing increased num- that they’re going to give
equipped for four patients nurses to work “a sig- bers of positive COVID us the (money),” he said.
and six beds, Welander nificant amount of over- patients,” Jackson told “For some reason, they
said. time” to pick up the slack, the board. “As long as think we have been made
“You can only push the Welander said. we don’t see huge spikes whole by all the prior
system so long, and we’re One standard prac- in that, I think we’re federal money we’ve re-
just at that breaking point tice that has resumed well-positioned to sustain ceived.”
right now and trying to is elective surgeries, that level of care.” OCH has received
get back down to what we which OCH put on hold in The Mississippi State about $13 million in fed-
are as an organization, March and started to re- Department of Health eral COVID-19 relief
which is a six-bed ICU,” vive in late May. The de- reported 611 new con- and has used about $4.5
she told The Dispatch. lay cost the hospital about firmed cases for a total of million of those funds,
OCH currently has $2.1 million in revenue, 22,898 as of 6 p.m. Mon- Jackson said. He hopes to


Man pleads guilty to tanyl, according to a U.S. When the narcotics 28. He faces up to 20 years
Attorney's Office press were tested by the Drug in prison and a $1,000,000
selling over 55 grams release. Enforcement Adminis-
of fentanyl Authorities began in- tration, authorities deter- fine.
BILOXI — A Missis- vestigating Tran in 2018, mined the Percocet was
sippi man pleaded guilty after they received infor- methamphetamine and
to selling over 55 grams mation about Tran using the purported Adderall
of fentanyl, which could his store and home to sell was 56.76 grams of fen-
have killed over 28,000 narcotics. tanyl.
people, officials said. An undercover agent According to the DEA,
Carter Tranh Tran, paid $900 for 100 doses of two milligrams of fentan-
43, pleaded guilty Mon- Percocet and 128 doses of yl can be lethal.
day to possession with Adderall on Aug. 29. 2018, Tran is scheduled to be
intent to distribute fen- The Sun Herald reported. sentenced on September

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thur.
Major 3:47a 4:43a
Minor 9:31a 10:39a
Major 4:15p 5:10p
Minor 11:04p ­—
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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4A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

Fauci: Next few weeks critical to tamping down virus spikes

‘Plan A, don’t go in a crowd. Plan B, if you do, “Plan A, don’t go in a crowd.
Plan B, if you do, make sure you
— as America’s largest pediat-
ric hospital began taking adult
120,000 have died, according to
data from Johns Hopkins Uni-
make sure you wear a mask’ wear a mask,” Fauci said.
Troubling surges worsened
patients to free up bed space
in Houston. The infection rate
Republican Rep. David
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Tuesday in several states, with in Texas has doubled since late McKinley of West Virginia
BY LAURAN NEERGAARD AND “We will be doing more test- Arizona, California, Mississip- May. And Nevada surpassed a asked if Fauci regretted that the
RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR ing,” Fauci, infectious disease pi, Nevada and Texas setting record one-day increase for the American public wasn’t urged
The Associated Press
chief at the National Institutes of single-day records for new coro- fourth time in the past eight sooner to wear face masks, and
Health, pledged to a House com- navirus cases, and some gov- days. Other states also were ex- then interrupted before the vis-
mittee conducting oversight of ernors saying they’ll consider periencing worrisome surges, ibly annoyed scientist finished
few weeks are critical to tamp-
the Trump administration’s re- reinstating restrictions or delay- including Louisiana, Utah and answering.
ing down a disturbing corona-
virus surge, Dr. Anthony Fauci sponse to the pandemic. ing plans to ease up in order to South Carolina. Fauci said he didn’t regret the
told Congress on Tuesday — is- The leading public health help slow the spread of the virus. Another worrisome trend: change in recommendations.
suing a plea for people to avoid officials spent more than five Arizona, where Trump was an increase in infections among Early in the pandemic there
crowds and wear masks just hours testifying before the com- headed for a speech at a Phoe- young adults. Fauci said while was a “paucity of equipment” for
hours before mask-shunning mittee at a fraught moment, nix megachurch, reported a new COVID-19 tends to be less se- health workers “who put them-
President Donald Trump was set with coronavirus cases rising in daily record of nearly 3,600 ad- vere in younger people, some of selves daily in harm’s way” and
to address a crowd of his young about half the states and politi- ditional coronavirus infections them do get very sick and even “we did not want to divert” those
supporters in one hot spot. cal polarization competing for Tuesday. Arizona emerged as a die. And younger people also scarce supplies, he said.
Fauci and other top health attention with public health rec- COVID-19 hot spot after Repub- may be more likely to show no Scientists eventually recom-
officials also said they have not ommendations. lican Gov. Doug Ducey lifted his symptoms yet still spread the mended the general public use
been asked to slow down virus Fauci told lawmakers he un- stay-home orders in mid-May. virus. cloth masks, after they better
testing, in contrast to Trump’s derstands the pent-up desire to Last week he allowed cities If people say, “’I’m young, understood that people with no
claim last weekend that he had get back to normal as the U.S. and counties to require masks I’m healthy, who cares’ — you symptoms could be spreading
ordered fewer tests be per- begins emerging from months in public places and many have should care, not only for your- the virus — even though they
formed because they were un- of stay-at-home orders and busi- done so. self but for the impact you might don’t offer as much protection
covering too many infections. ness shutdowns. But that has “to Texas surpassed 5,000 new have” on sickening someone as the sophisticated masks re-
Trump said earlier Tuesday that be a gradual step-by-step pro- cases for a single day for the first more vulnerable, Fauci said. served for health workers and
he wasn’t kidding when he made cess and not throwing caution to time — just days after it eclipsed About 2.3 million Americans aren’t a substitute for staying 6
that remark. the wind,” he said. 4,000 new cases for the first time have been infected and some feet away from other people.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH 2 p.m. Thursday, at arrangements. ents, she was preceded
OBITUARY POLICY Cleveland-Moffett Fu- Mrs. Reed was born in death by her siblings,
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
neral Home, with Butch July 15, 1930, in Hous- Fannie Schrock, Siloma
service times, are provided Moore officiating. Buri- ton, to the late Hender- Biehl, Rudolph, How-
free of charge. Extended al will follow in Hatley son Blanset and Nora ard, Johnny and Allen
obituaries with a photograph, Cemetery. Visitation McNaley Blanset. She Schrock.
detailed biographical informa- is from 5-8 p.m. today, was formerly employed She is survived by
tion and other details families at the funeral home. as the owner of Some-
may wish to include, are avail-
her siblings, Lovina
Cleveland-Moffett Fu- thing Special Steak- Maxwell, Barbara Ab-
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral neral Home of Amory house. bott, Dorothy Schrock,
homes unless the deceased’s is in charge of arrange- In addition to her par- Josephine Gibson,
body has been donated to ments. ents, she was preceded Dena Whitford, Frank
science. If the deceased’s Mr. Belue was born in death by her hus- Schrock, Joseph A.
body was donated to science, October 9, 1964, in band, Carlton Edward Shrock and Stephen
the family must provide official
Germany to Rita Friebel Reed. Schrock.
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form
Belue and the late She is survived by
provided by The Commercial Jimmy Chester Belue. her children, Reta Jones
Dispatch. Free notices must be He was a graduate of Templeton of Maben,
submitted to the newspaper Hatley High School and Linda Jaggers, and
no later than 3 p.m. the day was formerly employed Bubba Jones both of
prior for publication Tuesday as a frame builder in the Aberdeen; four grand-
through Friday; no later than 4
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
furniture industry. children; and three
edition; and no later than 7:30 In addition to his great-grandchildren.
a.m. for the Monday edition. mother, he is survived Memorials may be
Incomplete notices must be re- by his siblings, Jimmy sent to Victory Baptist
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Belue, Jerry Belue, Church located at 124
for the Monday through Friday Peggy Guyton all of Elliot Ave. Nettleton,
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
Aberdeen, Joe Belue of MS. 38858.
Becker, Petra Gardner
Doris Ann Bell McGlynn
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 of Missouri and Corne- Amanda Schrock Brad Lamar
lia Langer of Germany. Visitation:
p.m. for Sunday and Monday WEST POINT — Sunday, June 28 • 1 PM
publication. For more informa-
Amanda Schrock, 83, 2nd Ave. North Location
On Monday, June 22, 2020,
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Lucille Reed died June 22, 2020, at Memorial Services: Doris Ann Bell McGlynn,
Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM loving wife and mother passed
ABERDEEN — Lu- West Point Community 2nd Ave. North Location
Maggie Hubbert cille Blanset Reed, 89, Living Center. away surrounded by her
COLUMBUS ­­— died June 22, 2020, A private family William Pearman children and family at age 90.
Maggie Hubbert, 72, at the Care Center of service will be held at Memorial Services: Visitation will be held at the 716
To Be Held At A Later Date. 2nd Ave N Chapel of Memorial
died June 19, 2020, at Aberdeen. a later date. Calvert College St. Location
DCH of Tuscaloosa, Services will be Funeral Home of West Gunter Peel Funeral Home at
Alabama. at 11 a.m. Friday, at Point is in charge of Doris McGlynn 12:00 PM on Wednesday, June
Arrangements are Tisdale-Lann Memorial arrangements. Visitation: 24, 2020, with a celebration of
incomplete and will be Wednesday, June 24 • 12 PM her life beginning at 1:00 PM. Burial will follow
Chapel, with Robert Ms. Schrock was 2nd Ave. North Chapel
announced by Lee- Services:
immediately at Beersheba Cumberland Church
Earl Fowlkes officiating. born May 6, 1937, in
Sykes of Columbus. Wednesday, June 24 • 1 PM in New Hope with Rev. Timothy Lee officiating.
Burial will follow in Bay Minette, Alabama, 2nd Ave. North Location Doris was born on August 10, 1929, in
Oddfellow Rest Ceme- to the late Abraham and Burial
Columbus, MS to the late Durward Belmont
Joe Belue tery. Visitation will be Lydia Amstutz Schrock. Beersheba Cemetery
2nd Ave. North Location Bell Sr. and Rosa Estelle Beaty Bell. All five of
AMORY — ­ Joe 10:30-11 a.m. prior to She was formerly em-
her brothers, Clarence Wendell Bell, Durward
William Belue, 55, died services at the funeral ployed as a seamstress Charles D. Young Belmont Bell Jr. (D.B.), Douglas Carroll Bell,
June 21, 2020, at his home. Tisdale-Lann Me- for Garan Garment Memorial Services:
Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM
Harold Thomas Bell and William Leon Bell
home. morial Funeral Home of Plant.
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church preceded her in death. Doris’ father passed away
Services will be at Aberdeen is in charge of In addition to her par- 2nd Ave. North Location at a very young age during the depression era so
she voluntarily quit school to help her mom raise
her brother’s while her mother worked. She was
a wonderful homemaker all her life.
At the age of 17 she met the love of her life,
Is it safe to form a COVID-19 ‘support bubble’ with friends?
Dr. Perry W. McGlynn, who was stationed at
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the U.S. with reopenings smaller risk than resum- Columbus Air Force Base and they married
underway. And earlier ing previous socializing March 6, 1947. They had two children, Kathryn
Is it safe to form a this month, British Prime habits. & John. Perry died at only sixty and there wasn’t
COVID-19 “support bub- Minister Boris Johnson a day she did not miss him.
ble” with friends? announced that adults Doris’ love for cooking as well as her artistry
Yes, if done correctly. living alone or single par- with flowers only enhanced her ability to make
Support bubbles, also ents can form support her home a place of comfort. Being married to
known as quarantine bubbles with another a career serviceman allowed her to visit and
pods, may help fend off household. Members of a experience other cultures which she thoroughly
loneliness and anxiety bubble can meet, indoors enjoyed.
after months of social dis- or out, without remaining Survivors include her children, Kathryn
tancing. The idea, which 6 ½ feet apart. McGlynn Hill (Oran) and John McGlynn
originated in New Zea- It’s too soon to know (Martha). She had four grandchildren, Kahley
land, calls for two people whether the strategy will Hill, Danielle Hill, Erin Thompson (Ryan) and
or households to agree to work on a broad scale. But Kelly McGlynn as well as four great grandchildren,
socialize in person only a recent study indicated Justin Glover, Emily Barksdale, Kalen Reyes and
with each other to limit that bubbles with more Elena Reyes. She had a very special companion
the risk of infection. limited contacts worked and caregiver, Bobbie Henderson who not only
Experts say don’t do it better to flatten the curve cared for her but loved her through many painful
unless everyone agrees of infection compared
to follow social distancing
days. We will forever be grateful for the excellent
with other strategies,
guidelines while outside care she was given. She had many nieces and
such as limiting contact
the bubble. to one’s neighborhood.
nephews and loved them all. She was known for
“You are now swim- “I don’t think we can her infectious smile and quick wit. Momma, you
ming in the same pool promise people com- will remain in our hearts always.
with not just that person, plete safety when they Pallbearers will include Bill Dunham, Wendell
but all the people those have face-to-face contact Wiggins, Justin Glover, Haley Gallaspy, Emily
people are interacting with others outside their Barksdale and Robert Perkins.
with,” said Dr. Aaron Mil- household,” said study
stone at the Johns Hop- co-author Per Block of
kins University School of Oxford University.
Medicine. But he said limiting
Support bubbles are interactions to one oth-
already catching on in er family poses a much Sign the online guest book at
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Tell your child a bedtime story.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 5A

Senate GOP police bill hits

roadblock, as Dems seek changes
‘This is a profound
moment, it is a moral
moment. The call is
AP-NORC poll: Nearly all in US
for us to act.’
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.
back criminal justice reform
The Associated Press
AP Congressional Correspondent
WASHINGTON — Americans overwhelmingly want clear standards
WASHINGTON — Congress is on when police officers may use force and consequences for officers
at a standoff over policing legisla- who do so excessively, according to a new poll that finds nearly all
tion, as Senate Democrats prepare Americans favor at least some level of change to the nation’s criminal
to block a Republican proposal justice system.
Wednesday as inadequate, leaving The new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Af-
the parties to decide whether to fairs Research also finds there is strong support for penalizing officers
take on the hard job of negotiating who engage in racially biased policing. Americans are more likely now
a compromise or walk away despite than five years ago to say that police violence against the public is a very
public outcry over the killings of serious problem and that officers who cause injury or death on the job
Black Americans. are treated too leniently.
The impasse threatens to turn “For me, as a Black person, I’m like, this has been happening,” said
the nationwide protests over the Kevin Richardson, 38, of Charlotte, North Carolina. “We should’ve been
deaths of George Floyd, Breon- knowing it, we should’ve been seeing this and so now what’s happened
na Taylor and others into another is, I’ll be honest, white people are seeing it and saying, ‘This is wrong.’”
moment that galvanizes the nation The survey of American adults took place after weeks of mass demon-
but leaves lawmakers unable to act. strations against police violence and calls from some politicians and
Common ground is not out of reach. activists to “defund” departments in response to the death of George
A new Associated Press-NORC Floyd, a Black man who died in custody after a white Minneapolis offi-
Center for Public Affairs Research cer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly eight minutes.
poll shows almost all Americans Americans are largely united behind the idea that action is required:
support some degree of criminal 29 percent think the criminal justice system needs “a complete over-
justice changes. haul,” 40 percent say it needs “major changes” and 25 percent say it
“This is a profound moment, it needs “minor changes.” Just 5 percent believe no changes are neces-
is a moral moment,” said Sen. Cory sary.
Booker, D-N.J., a co-author of the
Democrats’ proposal. “The call is GOP bill. He said it would be “great Tuesday, Scott played for colleagues
for us to act.” for both people of color and police.” the racist voice mail messages he
Yet Congress, as it has so many Trump tweeted, “Hope to sign it has recently received, according to
times before when confronted with into law ASAP!” a Republican granted anonymity to
crisis — on gun control or immi- Senate Majority Leader Mitch discuss the private meeting.
gration changes supported by McConnell acknowledged Wednes- The GOP’s Justice Act would
broad segments of the population day’s vote tally may fall short. If so, create a national database of po-
— is expected to stall out, for now. he vowed to try again, hoping to lice use-of-force incidents, restrict
Lawmakers are hesitant to make pass legislation before a July 4 holi- police chokeholds and set up new
moves upsetting to voters as they day recess. training procedures and commis-
campaign for the fall election. And “This is not about them or us,” sions to study race and law en-
President Donald Trump, facing his said Sen. Tim Scott, the only Black forcement. It is not as sweeping
own reelection, is an uneven part- Republican in the Senate and au- as a Democratic proposal, which
ner with shifting positions on the thor of the GOP bill. mandates many of the changes and
types of changes he would accept He said it’s about young people would hold police liable to damages
from Capitol Hill. and others, “who are afraid to jog in lawsuits. There are similarities
Ahead of Wednesday’s vote, down the street or get in their car on some issues, lawmakers say, but
Trump tweeted his support for the and drive.” During a GOP lunch also vast differences.

Once reluctant, GOP’s only Black senator now leads on race

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina a historic opportunity
to speak to Republicans
said in an interview.
“That he has to sit
Is Estate or
heads the task force of Republican about race — as a conser- there with those senators Long Term Care
vative, a Christian and a and go through his ex-
senators drafting the Justice Act Southerner from the state periences and hope that Planning Necessary
where the Civil War began. they have some measure
BY LISA MASCARO leading Republican voice, He rejects the concept of empathy,” said Bass, to Protect Your
AND HILARY POWELL teaching his party what it’s of systemic racism, which who is leading Democrats’
The Associated Press like to be a Black man in puts him at odds with policing bill and working Family’s Future?
America when the police many Black Democrats with Scott, whom she has
WA S H - lights are flashing in the who demand a broader po- known for years. • Do you have a Will, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Health Care
INGTON rearview mirror. lice overhaul than his pro- “It’s exhausting,” she
— When • Are you certain that your assets will be distributed according to your
He has been pulled over posed bill. Instead, he plac- said. “Racism is exhaust- wishes at your death?
he first ran by law enforcement “more es his faith where he says ing.” • Are you confused by the ever changing estate and gift tax laws?
for office in than 18 times,” Scott said he has seen the change, in As massive demon- • Are you worried that one day you may not be able to care for yourself
1994, they in an interview with The people’s hearts. He shares strations over the May 25 or make the necessary decisions to remain independent and in your
scrawled Associated Press. his experience as a Black killing of George Floyd in own home?
the N-word Scott “I’m thinking to myself American in the 21st cen- Minnesota spilled into a At Dunn & Hemphill, we can create a plan tailored to fit you
on his lawn how blessed and lucky I tury, including this year worldwide reckoning over and your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 to
signs. By the time he came am to have 18 different when he was pulled over police tactics and racial discuss your estate and long term care planning options.
to Congress, he had to encounters and to have for failing to signal early injustice, Scott quietly ap-
unplug the phone lines be-
cause callers brought the
walked away from each en-
enough for a lane change
— or, as he called it,
proached Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
staff to tears. Even after he As the only Black Re- stopped for “driving while at the GOP senators’ week- 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
became a U.S. senator, the publican in the Senate, Black.” ly private luncheon. 662.327.4211 |
Capitol quickly became Scott’s role is heavy with a “I just can’t imagine Scott whispered in Mc- Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
just another place where certain weight. He is lead- the pressure he must be Connell’s ear that he want- W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
he would be stopped by ing a task force of GOP under, though, as the only ed a seat at the table draft- you call to get a free 30 minute
the police. Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
senators drafting the Jus- African American Republi- ing legislation. *Background information available upon request.
Initially reluctant to fo-
© The Dispatch

tice Act, law enforcement can,” Rep. Karen Bass, the “I’m the guy that actual- Providing Our Clients Expertise With
cus on race, Sen. Tim Scott changes set for a test vote chairwoman of the Con- ly has the experience,” he Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
of South Carolina is now a this week. But it’s also gressional Black Caucus, told McConnell.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Black history Open letter from Harry Sanders to people of Lowndes County
is our history To the people of Lowndes County:
My carelessly-spoken comments that I made during and following the June 15, 2020 Lowndes

f you were to somehow be able to spread County Board of Supervisors meeting were thoughtless and hurtful to many people. My ill-spoken
Mississippi’s history out on a table, the first words betrayed the trust of those who elected me in good faith and angered and brought pain to
thing you would notice is a gaping hole in it. It others. For that, I am sorry.
would not be inaccurate to describe it as a black For 20-plus years, I have earnestly worked with other board officials, Columbus and state leaders,
hole. as well as our community members to make Lowndes County the best county it can be. Regardless
The full story of Mississippi’s history is un- of the significant contributions and accomplishments made during my board service, the divisive im-
told, and will likely remain untold because com- pact of my comments cannot simply be dismissed or overlooked. I deeply regret putting Columbus,
paratively little remains of the historical record of Lowndes County, the Golden Triangle and the state of Mississippi in such a negative light.
black Mississippians well into the 20th Century. It is my heartfelt desire for Columbus and Lowndes County residents to focus on the present and
That’s no small void. After all, blacks were to prepare for a successful future. This goal for our community can be accomplished if we set aside
the majority of Mississippi’s population between our differences and continue to work together to create an environment of unity and harmony.
1840 and 1940, according to the U.S. Census In sincerity,
figures. Harry Sanders
Because so little of that story was ever doc-
umented, the gaps in our state’s history will
remain. It is so important to capture as much of it When are we going to learn that teria before then, and I got hate
as remains. Points out the importance we have more in common than we mail for several months thereafter
That is why we are encouraged to see efforts of kindness to strangers think? We all want our families to for doing this. After graduation,
currently underway to preserve Brush Arbor I grew up in the 60s so I be healthy, happy, safe and loved. I was assigned for pilot training
cemetery in Starkville, one of the oldest black understand the frustration, hurt Often, we walk by a person and do and was given a room between
cemeteries in the state. Mississippi State anthro- and pain many feel from that not see them. Make a difference
era. I was one of a very few Black two northern black pilot students.
pology professors are working with the activist and introduce yourself to someone
children who attended West Point We earned our wings and went
group Starkville Stand Up in the effort to restore, you do not know. I did, and Mrs.
High School before integration. to graduation together as three
to as great an extent as possible, the old ceme- Brown thank you for taking the
tery. If it were simply an effort to give this space Two years before integration was close friends. My father was a son
time to talk with me.
the respect and dignity it deserves, that alone enforced, there was a choice, of a Baptist Preacher, who died
We have got to get it right,
would be an honorable effort. But in preserving meaning parents could send their before my father had a high school
because we all are going to die one
the cemetery, it will allow historians to piece to- children to a white or black school. day and when we do, we are going education. He was taught and lived
gether parts of black history that have long gone During my 9th grade year, my dad to meet our Creator. What will our that “we should love each other as
unexamined. sent me to WPHS. One day while answer be when He asks what did we love ourselves,” as one of God’s
All cemeteries hold a part of our history. For sitting in English, one of my white we do to advance His Kingdom? greatest Commandments. He had
three decades now, history students at MSMS classmates said, “We don’t want Plus, some of us are hating each a country store, and no one left his
have been telling the stories of the people buried no niggers here, why don’t them other over skin color, a reason store as a needy, hungry family,
at Friendship Cemetery in Columbus through monkeys go back to Africa?” I was none of us can do anything about. regardless of race.
its popular “Tales from The Crypt” event under so angry, but being the only Black If you feel like I do, introduce n Harry love Leroy Brooks
the guidance of MSMS history teacher Chuck in the class, what could I do? What yourself when you see me. n Leroy love Harry Sanders
Yarbrough. could my 14-year-old self do? What To supervisor Sanders, thank Only by God’s grace can we
In many cases, those stories are a “retelling” I did do was not cry in front of the you for reminding me of Willie love others as we love ourselves.
of history, which is why Yarbrough’s efforts to class even though I was angry Lynch. This will keep me pushing As for me and my house, we
apply the same research principles to the city’s from the top of my head to the my family to go further in life want to try to love our neighbors
historic Black cemetery, Sandfield Cemetery, soles of my feet. This whole class Rebecca Gibson as ourselves regardless of race.
may be even more important than the good work was laughing right along with West Point
my teacher, even though she was Dewitt T. Hicks Jr.
his students are doing at Friendship Cemetery.
At Sandfield, students participating in the annual saying, “Don’t say that.” Columbus
Eight 0’ May event are often telling stories that During all this, there were Importance of loving
might easily have otherwise escaped into histori- a few white boys who made my our neighbors Civil War was about slavery
cal oblivion. 9th grade year bearable, and I Hatred and racial division are Bloody Kansas was about slav-
Because of the paucity of archival records of thanked them. I will always be very damaging to our community ery. The Missouri Compromise
our black histories, cemeteries are especially grateful for them. One of those and our nation. I graduated from was about slavery. Senator Sumner
crucial to capturing the history of our black boys once asked me in class what Sledge High School, a segregated was beaten nearly to death on the
citizens. it was like to be Black. When I high school in a small town in floor of the Senate over remarks
When we see what is unfolding around us could not answer him, I asked the Mississippi Delta. I attended about slavery. Known abolition-
today in the debate over the state’s Jim Crow him what it was like to be white. and graduated from Mississippi ists were tarred and feathered
flag and the continuing presence of Confederate He had no answer for me. Later State University, an all white, male throughout the South. Five of the
monuments throughout the state, we can’t help in life I realized the answer, and university at that time. I ran for
Confederate states (Mississippi
but feel that a better understanding of our history the answer was neither one of and was elected Vice President
included) explicitly stated in their
— all of it — would calm the rhetoric and allow a us had anything to compare it of the student body in order to
smoother transition toward racial understanding, with so we could not answer the be in charge of entertainment in declarations of secession that
harmony and mutual respect. question. Here it is, five decades the big band era. We had Louis issues of slavery were the reason.
Each February, we celebrate Black History later, and I am still hearing these Armstrong and his band for a con- There were other pressures, but
Month. It is fitting that we do so. same words. I have a 3-year-old cert and dance. Restaurants were all of them combined paled into
But it is also important to remember that great-grandson and a 9-year-old segregated at that time, and I took insignificance before the issue of
Black history is not ancillary: It is our history and great-granddaughter. I had hoped Louis Armstrong and his band slavery. The Civil War was about
any telling of our history is incomplete without neither would have to experience to eat with me at the Mississippi slavery. Period.
embracing, uncovering and understanding black any of what I did or hear some of State Cafeteria. No blacks had Bill Gillmore
history. the things I have heard. eaten at the Mississippi State Cafe- Columbus


How long will the vandals run amok?
T We erect statues to remember, revere and honor
he left’s war on ed with the injustice of slavery. But
America’s past hating history and denying history and
crossed several new
frontiers last week.
those whom we memorialize. And what is the tearing down the statues of the men
who made that history does not change
Portland’s statue of
George Washington, the
motivation of the people who tear them down history.
So, where are we going?
Father of his Country and
the first president of the
and desecrate them? Today, as was true in the 1960s, the
American establishment is on the run.
United States, the greatest are now repudiated by the “The Star-Spangled Banner,” after he It recoils from mob action but cannot
man of his age, was toppled left. watched all through the night in 1814 bring itself to condemn those tear-
and desecrated. Our Taliban have moved as British warships bombarded Fort ing down the statues, for it basically
While the statue stood, on, past Columbus and the McHenry. agrees with them and seeks to mar-
an American flag was Patrick Buchanan Confederate generals, to A third statue torn down in Golden shal their energy to help it get back
draped over its head and dislodge and dishonor the Gate Park was that of Father Junipe- into power in November.
set ablaze. After it was pulled down, a Founding Fathers and their patriot ro Serra, the Franciscan priest who But this cannot go on. The political
new fire was set on another American sons. founded nine of the 21 Spanish mis- and propaganda war on the cops, the
flag spread across the statue, and also In Philadelphia, the Tomb of the Un- sions in California that run from San vandalism of the statues and memori-
burned. The vacated pedestal was known Soldier of the American Revolu- Diego to San Francisco. als, the disgracing and dishonoring of
painted with the words, “You’re on tion, with its statue of Washington, was Serra lived in the 18th century, long American heroes cannot go on indefi-
Native Land.” defaced. The tomb is the final resting before the U.S. acquired California and nitely.
In Portland also, a statue of Thomas place for thousands of soldiers, known decades before Mexico won its inde- At some point, in the near future,
Jefferson that stood at the entrance of but to God, who died in the struggle pendence. Pope Francis canonized him the establishment, and its question-
a high school named for the author of for American independence. in 2015. able political instrument, Joe Biden,
the Declaration of Independence was “Committed Genocide” is the At the end of last week, the last will have to have his Sister Souljah
torn down. In New York, city council charge scrawled on the memorial. statue of a Confederate soldier in the moment, and stand up and stay, “This
members demanded that the Jefferson Local authorities or police did not nation’s capital, that of Gen. Albert should stop.”
statue in city hall be removed. stop the vandals. One wonders what Pike, who spent his years after the war For, whatever happens in this elec-
Anticipating what was coming, the will happen should the haters of Wash- doing good works, was pulled down, tion, the American people will not stay
New York Museum of Natural History ington and Jefferson decide to torch while Mayor Muriel Bowser’s D.C. united around a party and a movement
got the permission of city hall to have their ancestral homes at Mount Vernon cops watched from police cruisers. built on the proposition that America
the giant statue of Theodore Roosevelt and Monticello. We erect statues to remember, has been, from before its birth, a racist
astride a horse, flanked by an African Still another line was crossed last revere and honor those whom we me- criminal enterprise.
and a Native American, removed from week in the war against the past. morialize. And what is the motivation You cannot lead a people whose
the front of the museum. A statue of Ulysses S. Grant in San of the people who tear them down and history and heroes you hate.
What was wrong with the 80-year- Francisco’s Golden Gate Park was desecrate them? A house divided against itself can-
old statue? toppled. Police watched as hundreds In a word, it is hate. A goodly slice not stand. And a society whose history
Said museum president Ellen gathered to take down the general of America’s young hates this coun- is hated by millions of its members will
Futter, the problem is its “hierarchi- and 18th president, who accepted the try’s history and the men who made it. not survive.
cal composition.” Only Roosevelt was surrender of General Robert E. Lee’s It hates the discoverers and explorers Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally
mounted. Army of Northern Virginia. like Columbus, the conquistadores syndicated columnist, was a senior advi-
With Washington, Jefferson and Also pulled down in Golden Gate and colonists. It hates the Founding sor to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald
Roosevelt all under attack, three of the Park was a statue of Francis Scott Fathers and the first 15 presidents, all Ford and Ronald Reagan. His website is
four presidents on Mount Rushmore Key, who wrote our national anthem, of whom either had slaves or coexist-
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 7A

Budgets put limits on social

distancing options for schools
School Superintendents Association: It will cost shortfall over the current and next
fiscal years.
the average school district an estimated $1.8 New Jersey has not yet issued
guidelines for reopening schools,
million to make social distancing possible but McCombs said she hopes the
governor leaves flexibility for big
BY MIKE CATALINI In some grades, she said, she has urban districts like hers, where
AND MICHAEL MELIA individual teachers with as many as families could be at especially high
The Associated Press 27 students in their classrooms. risk for exposure, given the number
“My budget would be nonexis- of multi-generational households.
As schools consider how and tent,” she said. “I think the big thing that comes
when to reopen their buildings The vast majority of Ameri- to mind right away ... just thinking
during the pandemic, many are can school districts have yet to about those logistics of our city, I
finding themselves overwhelmed announce when they will resume would hope that as the governor is
by the potential expenses that in-person instruction. The trajecto- rolling out those recommendations,
would come with operating under ry of the outbreak remains uncer- they can take those unique factors
social distancing guidelines: pro- tain, and many are waiting on di- into consideration, especially in our
tective equipment, staff for smaller rection from their states. Many are large urban districts,” she said.
classes and additional transporta- developing plans for at least some As schools reopen, it will cost
tion to keep students spread out on distance learning, and budgets are the average school district about
bus rides. one of the factors that could deter- $1.8 million to make social distanc-
The burdens loom large in par- mine how much they do from afar. ing possible, according to an esti-
ticular for urban, under-resourced In Camden, New Jersey, one of mate published by the School Su-
districts that often have neither the the state’s poorest cities, Super- perintendents Association, which
space nor the budgets to accommo- intendent Katrina McCombs said goes by the name AASA, and the
date new health protocols. costs for classroom cleanings, Association of School Business Of-
In Hartford, Connecticut, Super- protective equipment and other vi- ficials International. The expense
intendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez rus-related expenses are a concern, will strain budgets of districts that
shudders at the thought of how to especially because the city relies are bracing for cuts because of the
afford a scenario where each teach- on cash infusions from a state gov- economic downturn and hoping for
er had dramatically fewer students. ernment that is facing a $10 billion additional federal aid.

Obama raises $7.6 million at fundraiser for Biden’s campaign

Former president implored the cent or smug or suggest
that somehow it’s so ob-
peared virtually alongside
Obama at the event, said it
audience to get engaged with Joe vious that this president
hasn’t done a good job be-
raised a record-breaking
$7.6 million from more
Biden’s presidential campaign cause, look, he won once, than 175,000 individual
and it’s not like we didn’t donors.
BY ALEX ANDRA JAFFE this energy is out there have a good clue as to Trump’s Dallas fund-
The Associated Press does not mean that it as- how he was going to oper- raiser earlier this month
sures our victory and it ate the last time,” Obama raised north of $10 million
does not mean that it gets said. for the campaign, Repub-
Former President Barack
channeled in a way that He implored the au- lican National Committee
Obama warned Demo-
results in real change.” dience to get engaged and the Trump Victory
crats against being “com-
placent or smug” about “There’s a backlash, with Biden’s presidential Fund.
the presidential race at that is fierce, against campaign, declaring that Tuesday’s event was a
a grassroots fundraiser change,” Obama added. “whatever you’ve done so kickoff of what Obama’s
Tuesday for presumptive The former president far is not enough.” team says will likely be
Democratic nominee Joe referenced the division The fundraiser marked a busy schedule heading
Biden, calling on viewers among Americans that Obama’s official return to into the fall, as he looks to
to learn the lessons from he said President Donald the presidential campaign help elect not just Biden
2016 and not take the elec- Trump “exploits,” as well trail and underscored his but Democrats running
tion for granted. as new challenges to vot- unmatched popularity for House and Senate.
Referencing what he ing rights in recent years. within the Democratic
called a “great awaken- “We can’t be compla- Party. Biden, who ap-
ing” going on among
younger Americans push-
ing for reforms, Obama
said that “just because

Police officer
involved in
Breonna Taylor
shooting fired

The Louisville Metro po-
lice department has fired
one of the police officers
involved in the fatal shoot-
ing of Breonna Taylor,
more than three months
after the 26-year-old Black
woman was killed in her
A termination letter
sent to Officer Brett Hank-
ison released by the city’s
police department Tues-
day said Hankinson violat-
ed procedures by showing
“extreme indifference to
the value of human life”
when he “wantonly and
blindly” shot 10 rounds of
gunfire into Taylor’s apart-
ment in March. The letter
also said Hankison, who
is white, violated the rule
against using deadly force.
Taylor was shot eight
times by officers who
burst into her Louisville
home using a no-knock
warrant during a March
13 narcotics investigation.
The warrant to search her
home was in connection
with a suspect who did not
live there, and no drugs
were found inside.
The no-knock search
warrant that allows police
to enter without first an-
nouncing their presence
was recently banned by
Louisville’s Metro Coun-
The letter said Hank-
ison fired the rounds
“without supporting facts”
that the deadly force was
directed at a person pos-
ing an immediate threat.
8A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

US meat industry puzzled by

China’s import ban for 1 plant
BY JOSH FUNK imposed a similar ban last week on “Hopefully it’s not going to mean
The Associated Press pork imports from a German plant anything,” Sumner said. “If it re-
where a number of workers tested mains at just one plant, it will not
OMAHA, Neb. — China’s deci-
positive for COVID-19, but it hasn’t have any meaningful impact, but
sion to ban imports from a single
taken action against other U.S. we don’t know what’s going to hap-
Tyson Foods poultry plant where
there was a coronavirus outbreak beef, pork and poultry plants that pen.”
has raised concerns about the im- have seen outbreaks among work- A U.S. Agriculture Department
plications on the U.S. meat industry ers. spokesman said Monday that there
if the action is expanded to other Jim Sumner, president of the is no evidence of the virus being
plants. USA Poultry & Egg Export Coun- transmitted by food or food pack-
Chinese customs officials didn’t cil, said he hopes the move won’t aging.
hint about expanding the ban in a hurt the overall relationship with “This action by the Chinese is
short statement it issued about sus- China, which had been improving completely unjustified,” National
pending imports from the plant in after a new trade deal was signed Chicken Council spokesman Tom
Springdale, Arkansas. The country early this year. Super said.

Continued from Page 1A
Meanwhile, a group you not, should you do “It still allows recovery owner acted maliciously,
of mostly Republican this, should you do that? of damages if there is a when the state usually
legislators are working It provides some pro- bad actor,” Doty said. caps non-economic dam-
to pass Senate Bill 3049 tection for our essential It cleared the Judi- ages in medical malprac-
and before the end of business who did remain ciary A Committee by a tice cases at $500,000.
the legislative session in open,” Senate Judiciary A voice vote Tuesday and Doty said lawmakers
July. The bill would shield Committee Chairwoman will move to the full Sen-
are trying to balance the
businesses, health care Sally Doty said during a ate for consideration.
providers, religious orga- hearing on the bill Tues- Several Republican needs of business owners
nizations and other enti- day. lawmakers praised the and those of the public.
ties from lawsuits related Doty, a Republican bill, including Sen. David The Mississippi Health
to COVID-19 if they show from Brookhaven, said Parker of Olive Branch, Department said Tuesday
a “good faith” effort to fol- fear of litigation has who runs an optometry that Mississippi — with
low public health guide- stopped businesses from and ophthalmology prac- a population of about 3
lines. providing services the tice. million — has had at least
Republican Gov. Tate last several months. She “There is a fear in the 22,898 cases and 989
Reeves has pushed for the said the problem is still medical community that I deaths from the coronavi-
bill at his regular corona- persistent now that state see that if they go back to rus as of Monday evening.
virus press briefings. If is reopening. doing procedures too ear- The Health Depart-
it lands on his desk and The bill would still al- ly than they will be pun-
ment said at least 2,418
he signs it, the bill would low people to sue if plain- ished for it,” Parker said.
take effect retroactively tiffs can show “clear and Democratic Sen. Der- cases of the virus have
to March 14. convincing evidence” that rick Simmons of Green- been confirmed in long-
“In the beginning of a business owner acted ville, a lawyer, asked why term care facilities such
this thing, nobody really with “actual malice or the bill caps damages at as nursing homes, with
knew what to do. Should willful, intentional mis- $250,000 for those who at least 494 virus-related
you wear a mask, should conduct.” prove that a business deaths in those facilities.

Continued from Page 1A
“We’re always grateful beha County. “We’ll just have to see,”
to see it headed in that di- “That’s very comfort- Spruill said. “This is a
rection,” West Point Ward ing in the sense that it’s waiting game in terms of
4 Selectman Keith Mc- going in the right direc- knowing how people are
Brayer told The Dispatch. tion,” she said. “I just going to get out.”
However, Clay County hope we’re able to sus-
has the eighth highest un- tain that and people will
employment rate among be able to maintain that
Mississippi’s 82 counties, Klutts Spruill
level of employment and
with an estimated 1,150 of the reason Starkville improve.”
people out of a job. In May reached a 14.5 percent un- With the state all but
2019, its unemployment employment rate in April reopened, Spruill hopes
rate was 7 percent. — Oktibbeha County as a to facilitate the return of
“It’s still nowhere near whole had a 13.9 percent business while encourag-
where we want it to be,” mark. As of May, it’s back ing mask-wearing and so-
McBrayer said. down to 9.6 percent in the cial distancing in the pro-
West Point is uniquely city and 9.3 percent in the cess. The city is planning
positioned in the Golden county. a “streatery” downtown
Triangle area. In April Lowndes County’s where patrons can be
and May, Clay County unemployment rate was spaced out while dining
had significantly higher 29th highest in the state outdoors at local restau-
unemployment rates than at 10.5 percent in May, rants.
did Lowndes, Oktibbeha down from 15.7 percent in “We’re trying to see
or Noxubee counties, but April and up from a mere if we can be creative as
sales tax revenue in West 5.3 percent in May 2019. we’re working our way
Point was up 27.8 percent The Paccar plant in Co- through this,” Spruill
in April — seemingly a lumbus was temporarily said.
contradiction. closed from March 25 to She also is remaining
West Point Growth April 6. cognizant of the threat
Alliance Director Lisa In West Point, the tem- of a second wave. Ideally,
Klutts said high sales at porary closures of the she said, the city will have
the city’s Walmart could Yokohama Tire and Peco adapted to limit such an
explain the increase in Foods plants were a “huge event.
sales tax revenue. Klutts problem,” McBrayer said. “It is my hope that
said at the start of the pan- Klutts pointed out that we’ve learned a good deal
demic, shelves went bare neither factory is likely from the first occurrence
at the retailer as residents back to full operation yet and the first instance of
stocked up on essentials. due to decreased demand. this and how to deal with
McBrayer also said “The production level it, so the second wave
Walmart sales had been could be consistent with won’t be as dramatic —
strong but that he wasn’t what their orders are, so and traumatic — for us
sure what else might have if their suppliers are not because we know that we
produced the disparity. ordering, their produc- can go without shutting
“There’s so many un- tion may not be back,” she everything down, which
knowns,” he said. “We’re said. is what happened last
doing all we can to sup- But both Klutts and time,” Spruill said.
port our local industry McBrayer know how im- Klutts, who said she
and our local businesses.” portant the full return of was happy to see the de-
the two major employers crease in unemployment
Closure of plants, retail will be on local unemploy- numbers in West Point
stores fueled spike ment statistics.
“Peco, when it comes
and Clay County, expects
Starkville Mayor Lynn to see fairly steady num-
Spruill can list the city’s fully online, it’s going to bers (or possibly a small
businesses that have be- really help guide the num- spike) in case of a second
come “casualties” of the ber in the right direction,” wave.
COVID-19 pandemic. McBrayer said. “I think what we see
Flexsteel, which em- Klutts said being now is what we’re going to
ploys 16, is fully shutting aware that the closures see for a little while,” she
down at the end of the weren’t permanent and said.
month. JCPenney de- that things continue to re- Spruill, meanwhile,
clared bankruptcy and open has helped maintain hopes for an incremental
plans to close this sum- local confidence. decrease that puts things
mer. Gordman’s, which “Knowing that it’s tem- back to normal — the city
also is closing, “basically porary and not because had a 4.9 percent unem-
never really got open,” it’s due to an industry ployment rate last May
Spruill said. Plenty of closing is always better,” — by this fall. That would
restaurants may not be she said. likely mean the return
able to reopen or survive. of sports and associated
“We’re still feeling A waiting game activities, which in turn
the effects,” Spruill said. Spruill said she expect- would increase hiring,
“It’s just a matter of how ed May’s unemployment Spruill said.
long it will go on and what rate to come down to 10 But due to the change-
will come in to take their or 11 percent, so she was able nature of the virus,
place.” happy to see the 4.6 per- she said, nothing is for
The closures were part cent decrease for Oktib- sure.
662-241-5000 B


Steven Branscombe/USA TODAY Sports

Mississippi State Bulldogs shortstop Jordan Westburg (11) attempts to complete a double play after forcing Louisville Cardinals outfielder Drew Campbell (1) in the eighth
inning in the 2019 College World Series on June 20 at TD Ameritrade Park.

BY BEN PORTNOY with classes and nights out the 2019 season with deal with throughout your title. that minutes earlier bore consumed by the roaring his hands bloodied and a career.” Seated in the locker painful tears that had
adulation, and, in varying mind still searching for Dreaming of a career room beneath TD Amer- since been wiped to the
STARKVILLE — Nes- instances, the animosity answers. in professional baseball, itrade Park in Omaha rubber floor told a differ-
tled down the third base of 10,000 fans coated in “Being able to go Westburg’s sophomore following MSU’s sea- ent story.
line of Dudy Noble Field a smokey haze from the through that long peri- campaign wore on him son-ending loss to Lou- Cut by the U.S. Na-
and buried three stories grills in the Left Field od of failing constantly, like a chainsaw through a isville, Westburg spoke tional Collegiate Team
beneath the press box Lounge. man, it humbles you a tree limb. He finished the with optimism for a 2020 12 days later — a squad
through coiling wires For most, the batting little bit,” Westburg said final 30 regular season season in which he and Foscue and Allen both
and steel beams sits the cage is a place to regroup. in his introductory press games of 2019 with just classmates Justin Foscue, made — Westburg had
Mississippi State batting It’s a venue to right a mi- conference with the Bal- six multi-hit contests. He Tanner Allen and Rowdey hit an impasse. With
cages. nor hitch or find the tim- timore Orioles on June also recorded just three Jordan — all players with his hands battered and
Tucked away from ing one’s lacked in recent 11. “It makes you realize hits in 14 at-bats during legitimate shots at major mind beaten, he depart-
the public view, the cage days. For Jordan West- that baseball is a game of the College World Series league careers — would ed for the harbor town of
offers a serenity for play- burg, it’s the place he left failure and it’s something as MSU again fell short be upperclassmen. But Hyannis, Massachusetts
ers whose days are filled day-after-day through- you’re going to have to of its elusive first national his puffy and sullen eyes See WESTBURG, 2B


Former MSU standout Banks brings college, NFL experience to New Hope assistant role
BY THEO DEROSA play five seasons in the the Trojans’ program — NFL — could go help how everybody had the
out Seth’s defense as an same attitude and the
Johnthan Banks assistant coach for the same mindset.
wasn’t ready. Trojans. “I just knew that was
The former Mississip- Feeling unprepared to the place I needed to be,”
pi State star cornerback return to the high school Banks told The Dispatch.
was working in sales ranks, Banks blew him Last week, New Hope
for a distributing com- off. hired Banks as its new
pany when he crossed Then Seth Stillman full-time secondary
paths with Vowells Mar- hit Banks up on Twitter, coach and high school
ketplace store manager and the former Bull-
Max Stillman, whose teacher. With certifica-
dogs standout, who
son Seth is the defensive tion in a variety of con-
coached defensive backs
coordinator for the New tent areas, Banks said
at Starkville in 2018 and
Hope High School foot- he will help out wherever
2019, got to thinking.
ball team. Stillman sug- Banks met with Seth, the school needs him.
gested that Banks — a head coach Wade Tack- “I’m excited,” Banks
Kim Klement/USA TODAY Sports
second-round pick of the ett and principal Matt said. “I’m just ready to
Former Mississippi State cornerback Johnthan Banks was drafted in the second round
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Smith. He liked how ev- get going.” by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the 2013 NFL draft. Banks was hired as New Hope
in 2013 who went on to erybody got along within See BANKS, 2B High School’s secondary coach last week.
2B WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

No charges in NASCAR noose incident involving Black driver

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS contacted the FBI, which of the ban by some long- for us” but was adamant NASCAR and assisted the late Sunday the noose had
sent 15 agents to the track time fans and security NASCAR would have con- investigation. been discovered and the
The noose found hang- to investigate. They deter- had been stepped up for ducted its investigation The discovery of the industry rallied around
ing in Bubba Wallace’s mined no federal crime Wallace, a 26-year-old the same way even now noose stunned the stock Wallace. All 39 of his rival
garage stall at Tallade- was committed. Alabama native who has knowing it wasn’t a hate car series as it takes an drivers and their crews
ga Superspeedway had The statement said the worn in the last month a crime. active position in a push helped push Wallace’s car
been there since at least garage stall was assigned shirt over his firesuit that “We would have done for inclusion while dis- to the front of pit road be-
last October, federal au- to Wallace last week in ad- read “I Can’t Breathe.” the same investigation. tancing itself from its fore the national anthem
thorities said Tuesday vance of the race sched- His paint scheme for a It was important for us rocky racial history. The and stood behind him in
in announcing there will uled for Sunday but held race in Virginia was Black to do,” he said, stressing series first tried to ban solidarity.
be no charges filed in an Monday because of rain. Lives Matter. that Wallace’s race team the Confederate flag five Wallace was joined by
incident that rocked NA- Through video confirmed NASCAR said in a had nothing to do with years ago but did nothing his team owner, Hall of
SCAR and its only full- by NASCAR it was dis- statement that “the FBI the incident. to enforce the order. Famer Richard Petty, who
time Black driver. covered the noose “was report concludes, and “The evidence was Wallace two weeks ago gently placed a hand on
U.S. Attorney Jay Town in that garage as early as photographic evidence very clear that the noose renewed the call for a ban Wallace’s shoulder as he
and FBI Special Agent in October 2019.” confirms, that the garage that was in the garage and NASCAR answered, sobbed. Wallace after the
Charge Johnnie Sharp The agencies said the door pull rope fashioned was in there previously. but it has yet to detail how race went to the fencing
Jr. said an investigation evidence did not sup- like a noose had been The last race we had in it will stop the display. Tal- along the grandstands
determined “although port federal charges. positioned there since as October, that noose was ladega marked the first and greeted supporters.
the noose is now known NASCAR said a check of early as last fall. This was present. The evidence we race since the coronavi- Many were Black and
to have been in garage every other stall in the obviously well before the had, it was clear we need- rus pandemic that fans wearing “I Can’t Breathe”
number 4 in 2019, no- garage showed the one 43 team’s arrival and ga- ed to look into this.” were permitted — 5,000 shirts.
body could have known for Wallace’s car was the rage assignment.” The Wood Brothers were allowed to purchase “It’s just been hectic,
Mr. Wallace would be as- only one in which the pull NASCAR President Racing team said one of tickets — and some upset you know, carrying this
signed to garage number down rope had been fash- Steve Phelps said the its employees informed with the flag ban paraded weight,” he said. “I’m
4 last week.” ioned into a noose. series is continuing its the team he recalled “see- past the main entrance proud to stand where I’m
A crew member for Wallace successfully own investigation to de- ing a tied handle in the with the Southern sym- at and carry a new face.
Richard Petty Motor- pushed the stock car se- termine why a noose had garage pull down rope bol. A banner flew over Look at (these fans). Is
sports discovered the ries to ban the Confed- been in that garage stall from last fall,” when NA- the speedway Sunday of a this the first time you’re
noose Sunday at the Al- erate flag at its venues at all. He added that it SCAR raced at Talladega Confederate flag that read here? From Atlanta? That
abama race track. NA- less than two weeks ago. wasn’t directed at Wallace in October. The team said “Defund NASCAR.” is so cool! The sport is
SCAR was alerted and There has been criticism was “a great conclusion it immediately alerted NASCAR announced changing.”

Column: Is the rush to play this year really worth it?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS all protocols. This IS NOT said she won’t play a pro- their lives. rent conditions. That’s es- safe.
A JOKE,” Australian play- posed season because of And as the rate of infec- pecially true in colleges, That includes the NBA,
Who knew a tennis ball er Nick Kyrgios tweeted. health concerns. tions rises in states across where protocols change which has a 113-page plan
could be so dangerous? Danger lurks every- NBA stars are worried, the country, the question from school to school and to protect players that
Certainly not Novak where in today’s new world and so are NHL players as has to be asked. there is no way to really might as well be tossed
Djokovic, whose incredi- and not just in Djokovic’s their leagues race to finish Is the rush to play this build a bubble to protect out the window with the
bly misguided decision to orbit, where three other makeshift seasons. The year really worth it? players. surge in cases in Florida.
flout the coronavirus pan- players in his exhibitions NFL, meanwhile, contin- Owners and team offi- The NFL has a better And who, if anyone,
demic with a series of ten- in Serbia and Croatia ues to forge ahead with its cials say yes, largely be- shot, but not much better. thinks MLB really is not
nis exhibitions ended with also tested positive. The plans to play even as teams cause there are billions of The nation’s chief infec- inept after all and can
the world’s best tennis pandemic that shut down report positive tests on an dollars in TV contracts at tious disease doctor said somehow safely handle
player, his wife and who sports three months ago almost daily basis. stake. Money is also the as much last week when staging games in stadi-
knows how many others continues to wreak havoc And while baseball motivation for players on asked about the possibility ums across the country?
infected. He’s now sorry, even as leagues, teams owners and players wast- the PGA Tour, who were of football returning. It may be time to ac-
of course, but tell that to and players struggle to ed time arguing about elated to be able to play “Unless players are cept the new reality in
anyone who ends up on find a new way forward. their season, spring train- for pay once again even essentially in a bubble — sports, just as we’ve had
a ventilator because he Colleges already are re- ing facilities were ordered as one of their own tested insulated from the com- to accept it in life. The
couldn’t wait to get back porting positive COVID-19 closed after a spate of new positive after playing last munity and they are test- things we once took for
on the court. tests among athletes re- infections and the Phillies week. ed nearly every day — it granted now have to be
His fellow players turning to campus in the reported a dozen cases in Fans are happy to see would be very hard to see rethought, with health
didn’t exactly line up in U.S., and there are reports their organization alone. sports coming back, that’s how football is able to be the No. 1 priority.
support of Djokovic, who of a number of positives in It was never going to be for sure. So are sports bet- played this fall,” Dr. An- That includes tennis
previously spouted an- the NFL that include star easy for any sport to return tors, who in recent months thony Fauci said. tournaments, from the
ti-vaccination views and Cowboys running back with a pandemic of histor- had little other than Rus- Indeed, if the PGA Tour U.S. Open still scheduled
did not encourage social Ezekiel Elliott. A woman’s ic proportions still raging. sian table tennis matches and boxing and UFC can’t in August to Djokovic’s
distancing or masks at the soccer team pulled out of There’s still way too much to wager on. keep their athletes from ill-fated exhibitions.
exhibitions. a proposed NWSL restart unknown about how the But it’s becoming in- getting the virus, it’s hard “I pray for everyone’s
“Speedy recovery fel- when several players were coronavirus spreads for creasingly clear that a to see how those running full recovery,” Djokovic
las, but that’s what hap- infected and at least one athletes to trust anyone — sport like football simply team sports can figure out said in a statement of re-
pens when you disregard WNBA player already has even the experts — with can’t be played under cur- a way for everyone to stay morse.

Continued from Page 1B
New Hope has won “I couldn’t ask for a digious past didn’t hurt from the area, who was Banks said he plans Matt Smith said the addi-
just four games over the better job,” Banks said. things. a “big deal” in college to use his experience to tion of Banks to the staff
last two years, but the “They would run through “One of the first things and who is a household “bring a different per- is a “huge hire” for the
former all-American and a wall for you.” that attracted me to John- name among his players spective from somebody school.
Jim Thorpe Award win- Tackett said he saw than was just his playing is a major addition for his who’s done it at the high- “We’re lucky and
ner said he views the the same passion in experience at the colle- team. est level.” blessed to have him, and
school as one of the best Banks, part of the reason giate level and the NFL “To get somebody of “I think it’s just going we expect him to have
in the state — thanks to the hiring worked as a level,” Tackett said. that caliber on your staff, to help overall and help a huge impact on our
players who are willing to mutual fit for both coach- The head coach said it’s very rare,” Tackett the team,” he said. young kids all around,”
learn. es. Of course, Banks’ pro- hiring someone who is said. “It’s welcomed.” New Hope principal Smith said.

Continued from Page 1B
for a month-long spell While the on-field told The Dispatch. “It handful of other Harbor who appeared in more the Baltimore Orioles at
in baseball therapy, bet- competition is stiff, was work.” Hawks. Emphasizing the than 10 games and first 9:02 p.m. that night as the
ter known as the Cape there’s a refreshing feel On the diamond, West- speed in which they had in OPS and slugging per- first pick of the Competi-
Cod Collegiate Baseball to the league. Players burg’s bat began to show to get to ground balls in centage — while his glove tive Balance Round and
League. live with host parents signs of a rebound. A order to catch runners improved consistently. 30th overall.
“He was a superstar throughout the tiny welcome addition to a in the Cape Cod League, Heading back to “In the game of base-
about it,” MSU hitting beach communities of squad that struggled to Polk would time each Starkville for his junior ball a slump can do amaz-
coach Jake Gautreau told Northeast Massachu- a combined .237 batting player on how quick- campaign, Westburg’s ing things to you,” Lem-
The Dispatch. “He said ‘I setts. Practices amongst average, he hit .326 in ly they could retrieve confidence that he was onis told The Dispatch.
defended well. I did well the league’s 10 clubs are 95 at-bats with 12 runs, a grounder hit toward hell-bent on finding at the “And I think him getting
while I was there, I didn’t sparse, or nonexistent. 14 RBIs, six doubles and them before asking them bottom of the buckets of to The Cape, just relaxing
hit very well.’ He went to MLB scouts constantly four home runs during to guess their respective baseballs beneath Dudy — he made a couple small
Cape, got there and for in attendance offer some his 25 games on Cape scores. Noble Field had returned. changes — but most of it
him it was ‘Thanks for added pressure, sure. Cod. “The guy who came “Being able to work
was just getting in a good
the opportunity Team But on Cape Cod, the fo- “Our team didn’t have the closest to the (time) through that and go up
spot mentally and I think
USA, it was a great time. cus is on the game. the greatest season, got a prize,” Polk ex- to The Cape and use it as
boy it really took off for
Now I’m going to go get Arriving midway but he tried to give us a plained to The Dispatch. motivation and learn from
him at that point.”
to work.’” through the Harbor chance to win every night “The prize was a hug my failures and improve
upon them just made me Entering the 2020
Hawks’ 2019 season, and you can see that from Coach Polk. The MLB Draft, scouts re-
nnn there was a business-like when you’re coaching a second closest guy got a a better baseball player,”
Westburg said. “It made mained split on West-
approach to Westburg’s young man like Jordan,” handshake from me. The
me a more mature player burg’s ability to hit at
Since its inception days in Massachusetts. Gassman said. “...Every third guy, if there were
and more mature person the next level. But with a
in 1885 and through its As some players spent night he was trying to do three (players) out there,
off the field as well.” summer on Cape Cod be-
transition in the early off days on the beach, the what he could to help the gets a nipple crusher.
hind him and a shortened
and mid-20th century as New Braunfels, Texas team turn it around.” They had a ball with
junior year in which he hit
a landing spot for base- native toiled in the gym In the field, Westburg that.” nnn
.317 with two home runs,
ball-playing GIs return- almost every morning improved on the versatil- “I saw (Westburg)
before sessions in the ity that made him half of last year when I went out six doubles and 11 RBIs
ing home from World Watching the MLB
batting cages. Following the nation’s most formi- to practice one day (at in just 16 games, he’d giv-
War I and II, the Cape Draft from his home
almost daily games, his dable college middle-in- Mississippi State) and I en scouts a longer look at
Cod League has devel- in Starkville on June 9,
nights were consumed field beside Foscue cour- said, ‘How do your nip- the raw hitting ability and
oped into a haven of col- Chris Lemonis began to
lege baseball talent. by dinners alongside his tesy of longtime MSU ples feel?” Polk contin- work ethic that’s expect-
fist pump.
Transitioning to wood host family — Harbor coach Ron Polk. ued through a laugh. “He ed to carry him through
Celebrating as West-
bat use in 1985, the Hawks’ General Manager Having spent eight said, ‘I only had one all the Orioles minor league
burg, Foscue, and soph-
Cape Cod League has and Barnstable Police de- summers coaching on summer!’ But you know omore JT Ginn and MSU system.
sent 1,400 players to the tective Brian Guiney, his Cape Cod coupled with what it does, is it makes signees Austin Hendrick And while there are
major leagues in its de- wife, Dawn, and 11-year- the 29 years he helmed them pay attention. They and Blaze Jordan were se- sure to be countless fu-
cades-long history. old son, Deignan, whom the baseball program in didn’t want to have their lected in this year’s five- ture hours spent in batting
“It’s the best college Westburg would spend Starkville, Polk quickly nipple crushed.” round draft — a measure cages sorting through
baseball players in the his little down time with connected with his latest Twisting of chest pro- instituted due to the ongo- hitches and quirks that
country put on a little playing catch and giving Bulldog import. trusions aside, Westburg ing COVID-19 pandemic have yet to reveal them-
outlet of New England hitting pointers. After Most days before began to quell the hitting — each each pick brought selves, the questions that
jutting into the ocean,” the meal, lights were out a game, the longtime questions scouts asked of with it it’s own sense of left Westburg’s hands raw
former Hyannis Har- by 10:30 or 11 p.m. coaching veteran hosted him after his sophomore pride. and bloodied in the Dudy
bor Hawks coach Chad “He wasn’t staying up infield practice for West- season — finishing sec- But there was a level of Noble Field batting cag-
Gassman told The Dis- all night playing video burg, Ole Miss shortstop ond on the team in batting closure when it came to es as a sophomore have
patch. games,” Brian Guiney Anthony Servideo and a average amongst players Westburg’s selection by since been answered.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 3B

MLB holds off on imposing schedule until protocols locked in

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS There was still one issue service credit needed for el- Deputy Commissioner the sides reached on March MLB initially had
in the manual of protocols igibility for free agency and Dan Halem were infuriated 26, which was to have been sought last month in its ini-
NEW YORK — Major still unresolved, several salary arbitration. when Clark said he consid- opening day, players would tial economic proposal to
League Baseball held off people said. MLB originally hoped ered the result of a one-on- receive prorated portions reduce pay to about $1 bil-
formally imposing a 60- In a twist, the sides to be the first U.S. major one meeting with Manfred of their salaries if the 60- lion, and players vowed not
game schedule Tuesday intend to expand the des- league to return, with an last week a proposal rather game schedule is not cut to give up full prorated pay
on its feuding players while ignated hitter to games 82-game schedule starting than what MLB termed a short by the virus. Salaries and proposed a 114-game
negotiating an operations involving National League around the Fourth of July, framework for a deal. originally totaled $4 billion, schedule that amounted to
manual, but was on track to teams and institute the rad- but public sniping broke out Depending on a final and the prorated portion of $2.8 billion.
start the season from July
ical innovation of starting between management and decision on when to start, about 37% reduces pay to The relationship deteri-
23-26 in empty ballparks.
extra innings with a runner players who distrust teams’ the season would be played $1.48 billion. orated back to the level of
Owners and players
on second base. Those pro- claims of economic losses in roughly 64-67 days and Salaries were to have the labor wars that led to
have spent more than three
visions were in the agree- following years of franchise would be scheduled to end ranged from $563,500 at eight work stoppages from
months of mostly fruitless
talks on how to play amid ment the union rejected appreciation. MLB claimed Sept. 27. That would leave the minimum to $36 million 1972-95, and the union has
the coronavirus pandemic. Monday but were to survive that without gate-relat- little margin to make up for Mike Trout and Ger- threatened a grievance
A day after the play- as part of the operations ed revenue it would lose September rainouts. rit Cole at the top, but the claiming MLB didn’t fulfill
ers’ association rejected a manual. $640,000 for each addition- Players would be given spread would now be from the provision in the March
negotiated agreement to The union committed its al regular-season game, a staggered reporting times $208,704 to $13,333,333. deal requiring the longest
account for the financial members to starting report- figure the union disputed. over several days for intake With no minor leagues, season economically feasi-
fallout of the virus out- ing July 1 — those who de- MLB became exasper- screening. The time will be teams would be allowed ble, conditioned by several
break, Commissioner Rob cide to report. High-risk in- ated with the union’s lead- used for coronavirus test- to retain 60 players each. other provisions. MLB
Manfred was hoping to an- dividuals would be allowed ership team, headed by ing ahead of the resump- Active rosters would be 30 would claim the union
nounce a schedule. It would to opt out and still receive former All-Star first base- tion of workouts, which during the first two weeks bargained in bad faith,
be MLB’s shortest since salary and service time, but man Tony Clark and Bruce were stopped March 12 due of the season, 28 during the and the case would be
the 1878 National League others who sit out would Meyer, a litigator hired in to the pandemic. second two weeks and 26 argued before arbitrator
season. get neither money nor the August 2018. Manfred and Under terms of the deal after that. Mark Irvings.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I should have should I do? — ANXIETY-RID-
My friend known how she DEN IN ATLANTA
“Lauren” felt about him DEAR ANXIETY-RIDDEN:
and her husband and that I’m a Welcome to the club! If you
separated for a terrible friend for think you have been alone in
few months last having sex with experiencing these emotions,
summer. During him, let alone fall- you couldn’t be more wrong.
the separation, ing in love. Abby, Many people feel just the way
she had a short are her feelings you do — anxious, isolated and
fling with my friend justified? Am I in depressed.
“Zack,” whom she the wrong? Or are You can manage negative
met at my house. we all still adults? emotions by getting out of the
ZITS Lauren decided — ACCIDENTALLY house and exercising — alone
to continue her IN LOVE or with friends or neighbors —
marriage and, DEAR AC- while staying a social distance
obviously, chose CIDENTALLY IN apart — and keeping in touch
to stop seeing LOVE: Lauren’s with friends and classmates
Dear Abby feelings justified? using your computer and cell-
A few months Heck, no! If you phone. There’s no reason you
ago, Zack came to a party I and Lauren are still speaking, couldn’t collaborate with some
threw. Lauren wasn’t able to “remind” her that when she of them on an art project and
make it. Everyone had a few went back to her husband, create something spectacular
margaritas, and as the night she relinquished all claims on using those devices.
ended, I found myself having the man she slept with in the Remind yourself that this
sex with Zack for the first time interim. He’s entitled to a life quarantine is temporary. It isn’t
since our friendship began and so are you. If I were you, I’d going to last forever. Unless
10 or so years ago. It was so distance myself from this wom- you have an underlying health
GARFIELD great, and we decided to do it an. She shouldn’t begrudge you condition or someone in your
again. I wasn’t sure I should tell for enjoying someone she can’t household does, you can
Lauren, even though she’s a enjoy herself. Shame on her. mingle with others wearing a
married woman, because I was DEAR ABBY: I’m a student face covering and keeping your
afraid it might upset her. at an art school, and I’m strug- distance. From what I have
A week ago, Zack confessed gling with anxiety and depres- been observing, some relation-
that he may be in love with sion. I have been on lockdown ships have been strengthened
me, and I feel the same way in my hometown due to the as people reach out to comfort
toward him. I decided to go COVID-19 pandemic, isolated and help each other. A surefire
ahead and tell Lauren, since my from my friends and unable to way to overcome the blues is to
relationship with Zack is getting socialize with others. Some- start thinking about what you
serious. She reacted terribly. times when I watch the news can do for someone else, even
She was furious and accused I become very anxious, and I if it’s just a phone call to say,
me of “betraying” her and wonder if there’s a light at the “I’m thinking about you. How
trying to “one-up” her. She said end of these dark times. What are you doing?”
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June practice to ready yourself? quite a lot else. Effectiveness
24). The year is marked by an TAURUS (April 20-May requires some things be judi-
openness, and in many ways, 20). It is good to have a broad ciously left unnoticed.
you will be continually renewed understanding of how things LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Peo-
over the next 12 months so work, though it is not necessary ple are doing their best. When
that, by your next birthday, to know all about all. Once you you believe that all are acting in
you’ll be younger. You’ll look for have an overview, step back and accordance with their own heart
inspiration and find so much decide which part interests you and understanding, it is hard to
of it that you’ll become an enough to drill down deeper. fault anyone. It is better to leave
inspiration to others. Schooling, GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the scene than to hover around
charity work and novel routines Greatness behaves greatly. the object of your annoyance.
are all part of the fun. Scorpio Smallness plays in petty VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
and Pisces adore you. Your sandboxes, prying too minutely You have it in your head that
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 8, 10, 3, 40 into unpleasant matters. Your you owe people, although your
and 37. results will be commensurate feelings on the matter make
ARIES (March 21-April with the scale in which you are you less than objective. What
19). Sometimes your natu- playing. would an incredibly loving and
ral inclinations are not quite CANCER (June 22-July 22). supportive advocate say about
enough to bring the situation in Generosity is the mark of class. the situation?
order. Think ahead. Anticipate It will be noble and gallant to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
problems. What can you learn or see what matters and overlook Of all the things in life to be
wasted or lost, time is among
the most precious because
you can never get it back.
You’ll make the most of your
hours now, thinking ahead and
bringing something to do while
you wait.
21). When you want to know
what your face is like, you look
in a mirror. When you want to
know what your mind is like,
you need a different sort of re-
flective agent. A friend will work
beautifully for this today.
21). If virtue is its own reward
and vice is its own punishment,
why does it feel so hard to be
good sometimes? And why
is it so much fun to do bad
things? Moral dilemmas will be
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Learning is like cardio. It
activates pleasure centers of
the brain while energizing the
whole body with greater health.
You have not even begun to
know the force of your own
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Most people don’t devote
themselves to futile activities
on purpose, but it so happens
that there is futility hidden in-
side some activities that seem
FAMILY CIRCUS like perfectly good ideas on the
surface. Look into the layers
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Your thoughts have even
more power than usual, so be
careful how you focus yourself.
Realities will be quickly borne of
your ideas. Fill your head with
enjoyable outcomes.

Life is full of little ironies

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

They’re heeere
Simple, flavorgul ingredients go into this
burger with grilled pineapple and honey
garlic barbecue sauce.

How to clean up
your summer
grilling game

here’s something about sum-
mertime that ushers in an
easygoing spirit. The long, hot
summer months are often celebrated
with backyard barbecues, beach days
and spending time with family. It’s a
time to fire up the grill, slow down and
roll with the punches.
Jan Swoope/Dispatch Staff
Fresh tomatoes are showing up, and boy, are we ready for them. It was a delight a few days ago to open the door So, when you’re thinking about
to the carport at home and find a bag of just-picked tomatoes hanging on the doorknob, a gift from a green-thumb what to feed your family off the grill, it
neighbor. should be a breeze, and you shouldn’t
have to choose between good and

Tomatoes — a summer super favorite

good for you. Next time you turn on
your grill, consider these tips for creat-
ing healthier, flavorful meals you can
feel confident serving.
n Keep it simple: Skip the com-
BY JAN SWOOPE sun-loving harvest is coming in. “I’ve gotten lucky. I’ve had plicated recipes that call for a wide “We have tomatoes showing up pretty decent showers at the right variety of ingredients, a multitude of

now,” said Katherine Lucas, coor- time,” said Ellis, who sells toma- steps and long cook times. Instead,
s the tomato sandwich a South-
dinator of the market at Second toes and other produce at his fam- seek out products and dishes that are
ern invention? We can’t say for
Street and Second Avenue North in ily’s farm at 452 W. Artesia Road, made with ingredients you recognize
sure, but we do know lots of
Columbus. She enjoys a summer- and on Saturdays at the Hitching and have just a handful of instructions.
folks around here seem to consider
it the essence of summertime. At time BLT. “And I love just eating Lot market. This will ensure less time in the kitch-
the Hitching Lot Farmers Market tomatoes with salt and pepper,” she Of course, some of the harvest en and more time with loved ones.
last week, I witnessed several cus- added. “I just cut them up and eat makes its way to the Ellis kitchen. n Focus on seasonal, clean ingre-
tomers asking vendors, “Got toma- them.” “I eat ’em every lunch,” the vet- dients: Get inspired by your local
toes yet?” A couple of the curious Grower Mel Ellis of Mayhew eran farmer said with a grin. “I put farmers market. One of the best parts
simply cruised by in their vehicles Tomato Farm in Lowndes County salt and pepper and mayonnaise about summer is the abundance of
and asked from their windows. is seeing a good tomato crop and, if on them and eat them with saltine fresh fruits and vegetables that can
Well, wait no more. At area farm- Mother Nature cooperates, expects crackers. To me, I love that combi- add flavor and nutrients to your plate.
ers markets, at produce stands, in to be picking them until mid-Sep- nation of taste.” Plant-based meat, like the burgers,
backyard gardens — the ripe, red, tember. See TOMATOES, 5B ground and sausages from Lightlife,
are also a healthier swap for tradition-
al animal meat products. The pea pro-

Cookout cravings 3 teaspoons mayonnaise

2 cups The Little Potato Company
Dynamic Duo bagged Creamer Pota-
Appease summer appetites with grilled fare toes, cut in half
4-6 boneless, skinless chicken
thighs, cut into 1-inch cubes
FAMILY FEATURES typically doesn’t require fancy 8 wooden skewers dipped in water

seasoning — a pinch of salt Pita bread (optional)
he first thought that works just fine. Add your salt
comes to mind when anywhere between 30 minutes
picturing grilling in 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
to a few hours before grilling 4 sliced Lebanese cucumbers
the summer sun might be a time to help retain moisture 1/4 cup red onion, finely sliced
perfectly cooked steak or a and improve flavor. 1 cup feta cheese
juicy burger, but no backyard n Aim for high heat: A 1 cup pitted kalamata olives
barbecue is complete without two-zone fire is usually the way
the all-important sides and bev- n To make dressing/marinade: In
to go — one side of the grill measuring cup, mix olive oil, lemon
erages that complete the meal. should be hot (using direct juice, lemon zest, oregano, Dijon
Whether you’re pairing a heat) with the other side not mustard, garlic and sugar. Season
main protein with separate Along with sizzling steak, these grilled Greek kababs can be a sum- generously with salt and pepper, to
quite as warm (indirect heat).
side dishes or going all-in-one mer favorite. Read on for the recipe, plus five steps for turning out a a taste. Pour 1/3 cup marinade into
This allows you to create a sear
by combining tender chicken great steak. large bowl. Refrigerate remaining.
over direct heat before finish- n To prepare skewers: Add pota-
with veggies on skewers, the
ing cooking through — with- Skewered solution cold and fruity. Simply com- toes and chicken pieces to bowl
opportunities are endless for a
out burning — over indirect Make summer grilling easy bine frozen strawberries with with marinade. Mix well to coat and
crave-worthy cookout. marinate 30 minutes, or as long as
heat. and delicious by cooking your frozen pink lemonade concen-
Find more summer grilling overnight in refrigerator.
n Sear and slide: Cooking side dish and main dish to- trate to create a cool concoc-
recipes at n Preheat grill to medium heat.
your steak over direct heat 1-2 gether so you can spend more tion perfect for a sizzling day. n Skewer potatoes and chicken
minutes on each side is nor- This fizzy summertime treat cubes alternately on wooden skew-
Five steps for sizzling steak mally about right for creating
time outdoors and less time
meal planning. These Grilled can delight your taste buds ers. Grill 6-8 minutes on both sides.
A sizzling steak is a sure- a proper sear. At this point, and keep you quenched while Grill pita bread, if desired. Finish
fire sound of summer, and Greek Kebabs pair cubed dressing by adding mayonnaise.
depending on the thickness chicken thighs with little po- enjoying the sun’s rays.
the flavors achieved from one n To make salad: In large serving
of your steak, you’ll want to tatoes on skewers, making for dish, mix tomatoes, cucumber, on-
that’s perfectly grilled are hard
to match.
check for doneness. If it’s not a classic cookout combo. A simple stuffed side ions, feta cheese and olives. Place
kebabs on top and drizzle with
quite to the temperature you’re With no washing or peeling Whether you need a quick
Before you fire up your grill, dressing. Serve with grilled pita
looking to achieve, simply slide required, Creamer potatoes appetizer or something to
consider these five basics for bread, if desired.
it over to the indirect heat for a from The Little Potato Com- snack on, these Stuffed
cooking a chef-worthy steak:
finishing touch. Keep in mind pany require little prep, which Cherry Tomatoes make for an
n Prepare your cut: Taste
preferences (and prices) may
these general guidelines for helps make this recipe a appealing bite. STRAWBERRY SPRITZER
doneness: 120-125 F is rare, breeze, and they cook quickly Find more snack recipes
differ among sirloins, ribeyes, 1 package (10 ounces) frozen
130-135 F is medium-rare, 140- on the grill. Just marinate and summer drink recipes at
T-bones and more, but the way sliced strawberries, sweetened and
you prepare steaks likely won’t 145 F is medium, 150-155 F is your chicken and potatoes thawed
change much from cut to cut. medium-well and 160-175 F is with this zesty dressing and 2 liters lemon-lime soda, chilled
well done. prepare for a taste bud-tin- 1can (12 ounces) frozen pink lem-
You’ll want to trim the thick-
ness down to 1/2-1 inch for n Let rest: Finally, as hun- gling backyard barbecue. GRILLED GREEK KEBABS onade concentrate, thawed

proper cooking, and setting the gry as you may be at this point, Visit n In blender, process strawberries
meat out ahead of time allows it resting steaks is an important summertime for more sum- 3/4 cup olive oil until blended thoroughly.
to warm to room temperature last step before diving in. Giv- mer grilling recipes. 2 lemons, zest and juice only n Pour strawberries into large
ing your steaks 5-10 minutes 1 teaspoon dried oregano pitcher; stir in soda and pink lem-
before hitting the grill. onade.
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
n Add some salt: Feel free (foil or no foil) allows flavors to Sipping on sweetness 1 garlic clove, finely chopped (Source: Adapted from Taste of
to add any spices you prefer, redistribute and moisture to be When it’s summertime, 1 teaspoon sugar Home)
but remember a good steak retained in the meat. many people crave something Salt and pepper, to taste See CRAVINGS, 5B
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 5B

Continued from Page 4B
a week. But if you love 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon goat cheese.
Sandwich savvy tomatoes, you can just 1/2 teaspoon chili powder (Keep remaining phyllo covered
Pack a room with 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin with plastic wrap and a damp
tomato-lovers, and you’re keep on eatin’.”
towel to prevent it from drying
likely to hear that many Hitching Lot Farmers n Wash your hands well with out.) Repeat layers, brushing oil
versions of the perfect to- Market, Columbus, is soap and hot water. Turn the all the way to edges.
open Mondays 4-6 p.m. eye of the stove to medi- n Sprinkle onion over top to
mato sandwich. They all um-high. Preheat a medium pot.
start with vine-ripened and Thursdays and Satur- n Add the oil to the pot. Add within 1 inch of edges; sprinkle
days 7-10 a.m. Starkville the onion. Stir as the onion with fontina cheese. Arrange
’maters, but beyond that, tomato slices in a slightly
purists will debate the Community Market cooks. Cook until the onion is
soft, but not brown. overlapping pattern over fontina
mayo — Hellmann’s and (Lampkin at Russell cheese. Sprinkle with chives,
Street) is open Saturdays n Add the garlic to the pot. Stir
Duke’s both have vocal and cook for about 1 minute. basil, salt and pepper. Bring up
camps. But you be you. If 8-11 a.m. West Point n Open the can of chickpeas. edges of tart over filling.
Miracle Whip calls you, Farmers Market (Mossy Drain off the liquid. Rinse chick- n Bake until crust is golden
follow the muse. If avoid- Oak Pavilion) is open peas with cool water, in the can brown, 30-35 minutes.
Thursdays 4-6 p.m. or using a colander. Pour off the (Source:
ing mayo altogether, you water. Dabney)
might opt for avocado, n Add chickpeas to the pot.
guacamole, hummus, TOMATO PIE Add tomatoes and their juice.
Greek yogurt, pesto or Then add water, ginger, chili
powder and cumin.
Hitching Lot update
nut butter. Or mozzarella 1 pie crust n Stir gently to mix all ingredi- Hitching Lot
cheese, a little olive oil, 4-6 tomatoes ents. Keep cooking until chick- Farmers Market
ranch dressing or cream 1 cup mozarella cheese, grated pea mixture comes to a boil. coordinator Katherine
cheese may suit best. 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, n When mixture boils, reduce
grated Lucas announced that,
Bread? Prevailing heat to medium. Let chickpeas
1/2 cup onion, chopped simmer, gently bubbling, for beginning Saturday,
sentiment seems to 1/2 cup mayonnaise about 10 minutes. Do not put a June 27, all vendors,
favor good ole loaf white 1/2 bottle real bacon bits cover on the pot. including craftspeo-
bread. Sourdough, 1/2 teaspoon each basil, orega- n Cook until there is only
no, Italian seasoning ple, are welcome at
ciabatta, multigrain, pita enough liquid in the pot to cover
the bottom. Then chickpeas are the market in Colum-
and French, however, n Bake pie crust for a few min- bus. Due to COVID-19
ready. Serve while hot. Refriger-
like those chin-dripping utes. Slice tomatoes and onion ate leftovers within 2 hours. health guidelines,
tomatoes, too. into pie crush. (Source: happyhealthy.exten-
n Drop a mixture of the may- only produce and
If looking for more
onnaise, bacon bits and spices baked goods had pre-
variety, arugula, water-
over the tomatoes and onions. viously been allowed
cress, chopped herbs and
bacon (always bacon)
Sprinkle cheese on top. RUSTIC TOMATO this season.
n Bake at 325 F for 45 min-
can enhance flavor and utes, or until brown. CHEESE TART Vendor booths will
texture. (Source: “Taste and See Too” Prep time: 30 minutes continue to face to-
cookbook, First Baptist Church, Bake time: 30 minutes ward the parking lot,
The South’s love affair Makes 12 servings
West Point, 2007/Elizabeth to avoid tight crowds.
with fresh tomatoes Bounds)
doesn’t stop at sandwich- 7 sheets phyllo dough (14-by-9 All shoppers are
es. Think fried green to- inches) strongly urged to wear
matoes, tomato pie, chow CHICKPEAS 1/3 cup olive oil masks and continue
7 tablespoons crumbled goat
chow, the list goes on. AND TOMATOES cheese social distancing.
I’m reminded of Makes 6 servings 1 cup thinly sliced sweet onion The Fourth of
something Ellis said 1 cup shredded fontina cheese July holiday falls on a
several years ago, when I 1 teaspoon oil 4 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced Saturday, but Lucas
1 1/4 cups onion, cut into small 2 tablespoons minced chives
was doing a tomato story pieces 1 tablespoon minced fresh stressed that the mar-
for Catfish Alley maga- 2 cloves garlic, crushed, peeled, basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil ket will be open that
zine, published by The and cut into tiny pieces 1/4 teaspoon salt day, from 7-10 a.m.
Dispatch. 1 can low-sodium chickpeas 1/4 teaspoon pepper For more informa-
“You can love wa- (also called garbanzo beans)
(about 15 ounces) n Preheat oven to 375 F. Place tion, contact Main
termelon, you can love 3 cups canned crushed or diced one sheet of phyllo dough on a Street Columbus, 662-
cantaloupe, but you can’t tomatoes with juice, low-sodium parchment-lined baking sheet. 328-6305.
eat but about two of those 1/4 cup water Brush with oil and sprinkle with

Continued from Page 4B
tein-based product line asparagus or sweet corn based recipes and burger and two cut slices each
features only simple in place of other salty, solutions. of grilled pineapple. Sprinkle on
ingredients, like pea processed options. Fruits crispy fried onions, drizzle with
honey garlic barbecue sauce
protein, beet powder and like peaches and pineap- BURGER WITH GRILLED and place toasted sesame seed
red bell pepper, and are ple work well on the grill, bun on top.
non-GMO, gluten-free too, but remember to PINEAPPLE AND HONEY
and soy-free, perfect for group produce by similar GARLIC BBQ SAUCE
use in recipes like a Burg- cooking times. Total time: 30 minutes
er with Grilled Pineapple n Aim for a quick and Servings: 2
and Honey Garlic Barbe- fun cleanup. Perhaps one
2 rings freshly cored pineapple
cue Sauce. of the most overlooked 2 Lightlife Plant-Based Burger
“I know how hard secrets to a stress-free patties, thawed
it can be to create fast meal is to cut down on Salt, to taste
and flavorful meals that cleanup. A backyard bar- Freshly ground black pepper,
to taste
the entire family will becue can be one of the 1 cup baby arugula
love,” said Dan Curtin, easiest messes to main- 2 sesame seed burger buns,
president of Greenleaf tain as most of the prep is lightly toasted
Foods. “That’s why done outside on the grill. 1/4 cup crispy fried onions
2 tablespoons honey garlic
we’re focused on making Try setting up a buffet barbecue sauce
delicious food with the line on your deck or patio
cleanest ingredients where your family can n Heat grill to medium heat.
possible. The fact that build their burgers with Grill pineapple slices 4-5 min-
utes per side until grill-marked
they’re all plant-based is customized toppings, and slightly caramelized. Cut
just a bonus.” like cheese, veggies and slices in half and set aside.
n Don’t forget the sauces. Then add a little Wipe down grill to cook burger
sides: Food should be bit of fun by putting on patties.
n Season burger patties with
a source of confidence, your favorite music play- salt and pepper, to taste. Grill
with everything en- list to help make a simple, 4-5 minutes per side until burg-
joyed in moderation. To everyday meal feel even ers are evenly browned with
balance your spread of more special. internal temperature of 165 F.
n To assemble, layer handful of
burgers and hot dogs, Visit baby arugula leaves on toasted
consider serving fresh to discover more plant- bottom buns, top each with

Continued from Page 4B

24-48 cherry tomatoes
1 package (8 ounces) cream
cheese, softened
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 medium cucumber, peeled
and diced
3 green onion stalks, diced
2 teaspoons minced dill
Fresh dill, for garnish

n Cut thin slice off top of each

tomato. Scoop out pulp. Invert
tomatoes on paper towel to
n In medium bowl, combine
cream cheese and mayonnaise
until smooth. Stir in cucumber,
green onion and dill. Spoon
mixture into tomatoes. Top with
fresh dill. Refrigerate until ready
to serve.
(Source: Courtesy of culinary.

Visit us
on the web at
6B WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •
the terms of said deed of trust, West along a fence for 415.0

WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND feet to a point that is 353.3
SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF feet South 88 degrees 46
MENT TRUST, the legal holder
of said indebtedness, having
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
minutes East from a fence
corner at an existing 30-inch-
diameter gum tree; thence
requested the undersigned
Substituted Trustee to execute
the trust and sell said land and
North 00 degrees 05 minutes
West for 288.88 feet to the
point of beginning.
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
property in accordance with the
terms of said deed of trust and
for the purpose of raising the
I WILL CONVEY only such title
as vested in me as Substi-
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er with attorney's fees,
tuted Trustee. call 662-328-2424 or visit
trustee's fees and expense of WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
sale. this 28th day of May, 2020.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & Shapiro & Brown, LLC
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Legal Notices Legal Notices
public outcry and sell within Legal Notices
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite General Help Wanted General Help Wanted

legal hours (being between the B-202
The following vehicles have hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Flowood, MS 39232 ORGANIST POSITION at St.
been abandoned at TVG Paint p.m.), at the Southeast Door of (601) 981-9299 David Anglican Church in
& Body, 305 Evergreen Dr., Ab- the County Courthouse of
Mayhew, MS, to provide
Call us: 662-328-2424 erdeen, MS 39730. Lowndes County, located at
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
107 Canon Dr
Caledonia, MS 39740 music for Sunday service &
Year: 2015 bus, MS 39701, to the highest 20-025724 occasional special ser-
Legal Notices Make: Nissan and best bidder for cash or cer- vices. Knowledge/experi-
Model: Altima tified funds the following de- Publication Dates: ence with Anglican Liturgy
Request for Water & Waste Wa- VIN# 1N4AL3AP9FC262072 scribed property situated in June 10, June 17, June 24 and helpful, but not necessary.
ter Management/Operations Lowndes County, State of Mis- July 1, 2020 The 1928 Book of Com-
Proposals Year: 2009 sissippi, to-wit:
mon Pray & the 1940 Epis-
Make: BMW
3.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, copal Hymnal are used.
The Lowndes County Industrial Model: 528I

Development Authority will re- VIN# WBANU53509C118539 lying in the Southwest Quarter (318)527-9213 for info.
ceive proposals with price for of the Southeast Quarter of
Management/Operations of its If these vehicles are not Section 32, Township 16 THE COMMERCIAL
water supply and waste water claimed they will be put up for South, Range 17 West,
DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
systems for all located in or sale on the 29th day of June Lowndes County, Mississippi, Call us: 662-328-2424 ated, contracted carrier for
near the Golden Triangle Indus- 2020 at 7:00 a.m at TVG Body more particularly described as
trial Park in Lowndes County, Shop, 305 Evergreen Dr., Aber- follows: the Brooksville & Macon General Help Wanted
Mississippi. deen, MS 39730. Contact TVG General Help Wanted area. Excellent opportunity
Body Shop at 662-346-9426. Commencing at the Northwest to earn money for college.
All proposals and work to be Corner of the Southeast WANTED: Qualified Must have good transporta-
performed shall be in accord PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 & Quarter of said Section 32, run Automotive Technicians tion, valid driver's license
with scope of services and sub- 6/24/2020 thence South for 1534 feet; Call for details.
thence South 89 degrees 23 & insurance. Delivers on
mitted to the Lowndes County 662-574-4221 Sunday morning and Mon-
Industrial Development Author- The following vehicles have minutes East for 353.0 feet to
ity. been abandoned at Moore's POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Fri afternoons. Apply at The
Garage Auto Repair, Guntown, continue South 89 degrees 23 Commercial Dispatch, 516
minutes East for 500.1 feet to AREA BUSINESS Main Street in Columbus.
A copy of the project scope of MS, 38849. is seeking a mature,
services can be emailed to pro- a point on the circumference of No phone calls please.
spective operators from Meryl Year: 2009 a cul-de-sac at the end of a motivated person who
Fisackerly, Administrative As- Make: Toyota public road known as Canon enjoys interacting with
sistant, Lowndes County Indus- Model: Camry Drive; thence Southeasterly people, being outdoors
trial Development Authority at VIN# 4T4BE46K19R088834 along said circumference and a and multitasking. Skills or
picked up. The proposals will Year: 2009
curve to the left (Delta = 13 de-
grees 33 minutes, Radius =
related to maintaining
equipment and/or farm
It’s a classified
50.0 feet, Chord South 36 de-
require personnel list, qualifica- Make: Chevy
tions of personnel, equipment
list, and experience.
Model: Tahoe
VIN# 1GNEC233X9R289984
grees 34 minutes East - 11.8
feet) for an arc distance of
work are desired but not
required. Person needs to rule-of-thumb:
The proposals may be emailed IF THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT
11.8 feet to the northwest
corner of Lot 4 of an unrecor-
ded plat of the William W. Can-
be flexible enough to pitch
in where ever needed but We tell readers
to Meryl Fisackerly or delivered CLAIMED THEY WILL BE PUT also keep their core
to the Lowndes County Industri-
al Development Authority of-
DAY OF JUNE, 2020 AT 7:00
on property; thence South 17
degrees 59 minutes West
responsibilities in mind.
If you enjoy a different ex-
what they need
fice, 1102 Main Street, Colum- along the west line of said Lot4
bus, Mississippi 39701, no
later than 7:30 a.m. on July
2578, GUNTOWN, MS 38849.
for 297.41 feet to an existing
fence corner and the southw-
perience on the regular,
meeting new people and to know to buy
believe in customer
what they need.
16th, 2020. Additional Informa- est corner thereof; thence
tion may be obtained by con- PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 & North 88 degrees 46 minutes satisfaction this job might
tacting Meryl Fisackerly, Admin- 6/24/2020 West along a fence for 415.0 be for you.
istrative Assistant, Lowndes feet to a point that is 353.3 Please submit resume to:
County Industrial Development feet South 88 degrees 46
The following vehicle has been minutes East from a fence Blind Box 675 c/o The Medical / Dental
Authority. abandoned at Pull'em Auto Re- Commercial Dispatch
corner at an existing 30-inch-
pair, 1811 Main Street, Colum- diameter gum tree; thence PO Box 511
The Lowndes County Industrial bus, MS, 39701.
Development Authority re- North 00 degrees 05 minutes Columbus, MS 39703
serves the right to reject any West for 288.88 feet to the
Year: 2009 point of beginning.
and all proposals and further Make: Nissan
reserves the right to accept Model: Maxima CALEDONIA BUSINESS
proposals on the basis of cri- I WILL CONVEY only such title needs General Laborer.
VIN# 1N4AA5AP2AC8083706 as vested in me as Substi-
teria other than price. Experienced weed-eater,
tuted Trustee.
IF THIS VEHICLE IS NOT $10-12/hour. Valid driver's
Owner: Lowndes County Indus- CLAIMED IT WILL BE PUT UP
trial Development Authority WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on license, transportation &
FOR SALE ON THE 29TH DAY this 28th day of May, 2020. experience helpful. Call
By: Thomas Lee OF JUNE, 2020 at 7:00 A.M.
Title: President PULL'EM AUTO REPAIR,
Jesse & Beverly's Lawn
Shapiro & Brown, LLC Service at 662-356-6525.
Publish: June 17th , 2020
June 24th, 2020 PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 & Shapiro & Brown, LLC
6/24/2020 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
B-202 Good help isn’t hard
Bryan Jones, who was sen- TICE OF SALE (601) 981-9299
to find if you know
tenced for two counts of Sale
of Cocaine and one count of WHEREAS, on November 12, Read local.
107 Canon Dr
where to look. Start
Aggravated Assault in Lowndes
County, Mississippi, has ap-
2009, Jason B. Willingham, a Caledonia, MS 39740 your search here.
married man and wife, Amber 20-025724
plied for executive clemency. Willingham executed a certain
Persons wishing to comment deed of trust to Title & Closing Publication
should send information in writ- Services, Trustee for the bene- June 10, June 17, June 24 and
ing to the above address with- fit of Mortgage Electronic Re- July 1, 2020
in fifteen (15) days after the gistration Systems, Inc. as
date of publication. nominee for JTS & Co., its suc-
cessors and assigns which
Bryan Jones was arrested in deed of trust is of record in the
2007, and subsequently con- office of the Chancery Clerk of
victed of two counts of Sale of Lowndes County, State of Mis-
Cocaine and one count of Ag- sissippi in Book 2009 at Page
gravated Assault, following his 26773; and
plea and sentenced to six (6)
years to serve in the custody of WHEREAS, WILMINGTON SAV-
Mississippi Department of Cor- INGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS
rections for each count of Sale TRUSTEE OF QUERCUS MORT-
of Cocaine to run consecut- GAGE INVESTMENT TRUST has
ively to each other and one heretofore substituted Shapiro
count of Aggravated Assault to & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in-
serve ten (10) years in the cus- strument dated February 14,
tody of Mississippi Depart- 2020 and recorded in the
ment of Corrections to run con- aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of-
secutively to the two counts of fice in Book 2016 at Page
Sale of Cocaine. 4602; and
Mr. Jones is by any measure WHEREAS, default having been
rehabilitated and ready have all made in the terms and condi-
rights restored based on my tions of said deed of trust and
encounters and correspond- the entire debt secured thereby
ence with him. In addition, as having been declared to be due
evidenced by the character let- and payable in accordance with
ters from family and friends, the terms of said deed of trust,
Mr. Jones has demonstrated WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND
his willingness to work well SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF
within the rules, policies and QUERCUS MORTGAGE INVEST-
expectations of society. Mr. MENT TRUST, the legal holder
Jones presents no danger to of said indebtedness, having
himself, and is not a threat to requested the undersigned
others. The retributive in- Substituted Trustee to execute
terests of justice have been the trust and sell said land and
fairly and adequately served. property in accordance with the
terms of said deed of trust and
PUBLISH: 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, for the purpose of raising the
6/10, 6/17 & 6/24/2020 sums due thereunder, togeth-
er with attorney's fees,
trustee's fees and expense of
All notices must be
emailed to NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro &
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust-
classifieds@ ee in said deed of trust, will on
July 8, 2020 offer for sale at public outcry and sell within
legal hours (being between the
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00

Just a click away!

p.m.), at the Southeast Door of
the County Courthouse of
Lowndes County, located at
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
bus, MS 39701, to the highest
and best bidder for cash or cer-
tified funds the following de-
scribed property situated in
Lowndes County, State of Mis-
sissippi, to-wit:


lying in the Southwest Quarter

The best place for personalized

of the Southeast Quarter of
Section 32, Township 16
South, Range 17 West,
Lowndes County, Mississippi,

advertising in your community.

more particularly described as

Commencing at the Northwest

Corner of the Southeast
Quarter of said Section 32, run
thence South for 1534 feet;
thence South 89 degrees 23
minutes East for 353.0 feet to
continue South 89 degrees 23

minutes East for 500.1 feet to


a point on the circumference of
a cul-de-sac at the end of a
public road known as Canon
Drive; thence Southeasterly

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

along said circumference and a
curve to the left (Delta = 13 de-
grees 33 minutes, Radius =
50.0 feet, Chord South 36 de-
grees 34 minutes East - 11.8
feet) for an arc distance of Premium placement Preferred placement in search
11.8 feet to the northwest
corner of Lot 4 of an unrecor- on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.
ded plat of the William W. Can-

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

on property; thence South 17
degrees 59 minutes West
along the west line of said Lot4
for 297.41 feet to an existing
fence corner and the southw- Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
est corner thereof; thence
North 88 degrees 46 minutes with a dash of color. an attention getter.
West along a fence for 415.0
feet to a point that is 353.3
feet South 88 degrees 46
minutes East from a fence
corner at an existing 30-inch-
diameter gum tree; thence

One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

North 00 degrees 05 minutes
West for 288.88 feet to the
point of beginning.

I WILL CONVEY only such title

as vested in me as Substi-
tuted Trustee.
8B WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2020 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: North


OWNER. 220 Mclemore
Garage Sales ON THE WEB
Road, Columbus. 1750sqft
Ads starting at $25 Brick house in quiet neigh− Two free signs Visit
borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2
Apts For Rent: North full baths. No HUD, Garage Sales: New Hope for a printable copy of
Columbus City school
FOX RUN APARTMENTS district. $1000/mo with 73 CONCOURSE Rd. Sat. these puzzles.
1 & 2 BR near hospital. 1 mo deposit. Serious 7a−until. Women’s/girl’s/
$595−$645 monthly. inquiries only please. Call men’s clothes & shoes,
Military discount, pet area, 662−574−3202 to see the home & xmas decor, party
pet friendly, and furnished house or make application. supplies, books & more.
corporate apts.
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Mobile Homes for Rent

24−HOUR CAMERA Utilities & cable included,
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & from $145/wk − $535/mo Ads starting at $12
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Columbus & County School
locations. 662−242−7653
or 205−442−2011. General Merchandise
Apts For Rent: West
2018 40FT Gooseneck

Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
ton axles, 10−4inch straps
& tarps. $7,000.
RENTALS Have a rental property?
List it here for fast results. FREE HORSE MANURE,
1 Bedrooms mixed with sawdust.
By appointment. Will load.
2 Bedroooms 3 BEDROOMS
West Lowndes.
3 Bedrooms
© The Dispatch

Furnished & Unfurnished

$0.50 each − 24"x23"
1, 2, & 3 Baths
Lease, Deposit
Ads starting at $25 Visit 516 Main Street
or call 662−328−2424 Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
& Credit Check Houses For Sale: New Hope Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 3 7 9 5 6 4 2 8 1
662-329-2323 Lawn & Garden ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 4 6 1 8 3 2 9 7 5

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. NEW CONSTRUCTION
based onthe a 9x9 5 8 2 1 9 7 4 3 6
327-8555 NEW HOPE SCHOOLS is to place numbers
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 3 6 2 5 1 7 4 9
COLUMBUS, MS This 4 bedroom beauty is Open mornings. M−S.
1069 New Hope Rd. Call
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 1 4 5 9 7 3 8 6 2
almost ready. Take object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
advantage of historic low 662−251−6665.
numbers 9 2 7 4 8 6 1 5 3
Houses For Rent: North interest rates. Hardwood, contains the1same to 9 number
7 1 3 6 2 8 5 9 4
granite, security and more. Wanted To Buy the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 2 9 8 3 4 5 6 1 7
Call P & D Builders, Inc. that each row, each
135 HORSESHOE LOOP, USED COMPUTER. Must level increases from
@ 662−328−0770. column and each 6 5 4 7 1 9 3 2 8
fenced yard, quiet & retired
Builder/Broker/Owner. work good. 806 Shiloh Dr. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 6/23
area. Storage building in Lots & Acreage the same number only once. The difficulty level
back yard. $700/mo +
increases from Monday to Sunday.
dep. 901−314−3098. 1.75 ACRE LOTS.
Good/Bad Credit Options.
You’ll find the best deals Good credit as low as 10%
when you advertise down, $299/mo. Eaton
and shop here!
2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath Land, 662−361−7711.
Ads starting at $12
Fenced in yard. $675.
Waterfront Property Autos For Sale 662−549−9555.
Ask for Glenn or text.
bedroom, two 1/2 bath tops, hard & soft. Little
Houses For Sale: Other home in private community over 100k mi. Excellent
with community boat Condition. Call Holly at
landing. Property sits on Eaton Motor Company in
Tibbee Creek and is Houston, 662−705−1143.
conveniently located to
West Point, Columbus, and Trucks, Vans & Buses
Starkville. Home has a
screened in back patio with 2009 Red, Extended cab,
a deck that overlooks Chevrolet Silverado 1500,
Tibbee Creek. $198,800. less than 78k mi. Can be
662−549−2768 seen @ Stokes on 82 on
Monday, 6/22. Cashier’s
check only. $11,500.

Ads starting at $12
Travel & Entertainment


@ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
Call for pricing.

Did you
know ?

In 2015 The Dispatch won the

Daniel E. Phillips Freedom of ACROSS
Information Award for our 1 Scarlett’s home
5 Ancient Mex-
investigative journalism. icans
11 Trojan War
Five Questions: 12 Battled
13 Arrived
14 Encroachment
Looking for goods 1 “Grimm’s 15 Sphere
or services? Fairy Tale” 16 Difficult trip
17 Prying tool
19 Flock father
22 Goes out
2 Sugar 24 Diver’s gear
26 Body shop
3 Iceland 27 Foreboding
sign DOWN 21 Quite a few

Find it in the 4 St. Paul’s

28 Black cattle
30 With dignity
1 Folded food
2 Cracked
3 Meandering
22 Dutch cheese
23 Fictional
warrior princess
Cathedral 31 Rural mothers
observations 25 Put in the
32 Put down 4 Lumbering tool fridge
34 Fourth-down 5 Blazing 29 Cube face
5 “Lilyhammer” play 6 City planners 30 Tennis need
35 “— pig’s eye!” 7 Ankara native 33 Single

Service Directory
38 Dr. Phil’s last 8 Sense of self 34 Stage item
name 9 Chinese tea 36 Close by
41 Salon sound 10 Regular: Abbr. 37 Church area
42 Pal of Pooh 16 DVRs connect 38 Got together
43 Quiche start to them 39 Semicircular
Promote your small business starting at only $25 44 Helped out in 18 Question from shape
an office Caesar 40 Trainer’s place
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping 45 Tennis great 19 Sounds of 41 Great ex-
Arthur discontent panse
Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
20 Cain’s brother
$545 plus Filing Fee
Free Estimate.
CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY Call 662−574−1225.
All Attorney Fees Through The Plan If no answer please leave
Jim Arnold, Attorney message.
662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914
104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
No lawn too large or too
Garage Door Services small. Mowing, trimming &
DAVID’S CARPET & M&M Garage Door, LLC SKILLED CRAFTSMAN. Any weedeating.
UPHOLSTERY Offering competitive prices kind of work! We can build, Call 662−243−1694
CLEANING and quality service. paint, drywall, clean,
1 Room − $50 Available for all of your pressure wash & cut grass. Painting & Papering
2 Rooms − $70 garage door needs. Reasonable rates. Safe &
3+ Rooms − $30 EA Call us today for your free Reliable. 662−386−3658. QUALITY PAINTING.
Rugs−Must Be Seen consultation. Ext/Int Painting.
Car Upholstery Cleaning 662−251−4904 Lawn Care / Landscaping Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Available Repair. Pressure Washing.
662−722−1758 WORK WANTED: Licensed Jake’s Mowing Free Estimates. Ask for
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor Mowing, Weed−eating, specials! Larry Webber,
General Services electrical, minor plumbing, Blow off walks, Trim shrubs 662−242−4932.
insulation, painting, Free quote. Great pricing.
A & T TREE SERVICES demolition, gutters Call, text, leave message. SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Bucket truck & stump cleaned, pressure washing, 662−570−8815 SERVICE
removal. Free est. landscaping, cleanup work. Special Prices.
Serving Columbus 662−242−3608. JESSE & BEVERLY’S Interior & Exterior Painting.
since 1987. Senior LAWN SERVICE 662−435−6528
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Got leaky pipes? Mowing, cleanup,
242−0324/241−4447 landscaping, sodding, Are you a painter?
"We’ll go out on a limb for Find a plumber in the & tree cutting.
you!" classifieds. 662−356−6525 Advertise here!

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