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Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materia Novum: The Journal of Homoeopathy

RNI: #### Editorial Board Print ISSN: ####

Editor –in-Chief

Dr. F. F. Motiwala, MD (Hom)

Dr. Ajay Valke Dr. Sarang Rahalkar

Dr. Dhanashree Kulkarni Dr. Shweta Patil

Dr. Gayatri Nimbhore Dr. Smitha Nair

Dr. KhuzemLokhandwala Dr. Subhash Yadav

Dr. Mita Gharte Dr. Vaishali Zodgekar

Dr. Ofa Shah Dr.Varsha Dharne
Dr. Rajamallu Jadi Dr.Vasudha Bagul

Dr. Rita Kundu Dr.Virendra Jain

Dr. Ruta Patharkar Dr.Vishal
Nimbhore Dr. Sachin Bhalerao

Peer Review Board

Dr. Gangaraju Prasad Dr. Swanand Shukla

Dr. Kamlesh Bagmar Dr. Tapas Kundu

Dr. Suheil Sheikh

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materia Novum:The Journal of Homoeopathy
Official publication of Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College

General Information

The Journal
Materia Novum (print ISSN____________ E-ISSN_____________) is a peer reviewed open
access journal published on behalf of Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik. This
journal publishes articles on the subject of Homoeopathy. The journal is published quarterly
in the month of January, April, July, October.

Information for Authors

All manuscript should be submitted online at for peer review.

Publisher’s & Printer’s Address

Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and F. G. Motiwala P. G. Institute of
Homoeopathy and Research centre, Nashik.
Motiwala Nagar, Gangapur- Satpur link road, Satpur, Nasik 422222.
Phone No: 0253-2351693

Editorial Office
Dr.F.F. Motiwala
Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and F. G. Motiwala P. G. Institute of
Homoeopathy and Research centre, Nashik.
Motiwala Nagar, Gangapur- Satpur link road, Satpur, Nasik 422222.
Phone No: 0253-2351693

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materia Novum:The Journal of Homoeopathy
Official publication of Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College
Volume 1 / issue 1 / Jan-Mar 2017



Exploring The Remedy Relationship

Dr. Ganesh Gavhane (PG Scholar)

Case Report

An Evidence Based Case Study Of Hepatitis B Infection

Prof.Dr.T. K. Kundu
Dr Sonali Rohom (PG Scholar)

A Cross Sectional Study Of Visual Impairment Among The Students Of Blind School In
Prof. Dr. F. F. Motiwala
Dr.Karuna Shejwal(PG Scholar
………………………………………………………………………………………… .

To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Medicines In The

Management Of Alopecia According To Ludwig And Norwood Scale
Dr.Sachin More (PG Scholar)

Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis
Dr Mahendra Dharua (PG Scholar)

Homoeopathy Keeps Away Surgeon’s Knife: A Case Study Of External Haemorrhoids

With Fissure.
Dr. Kirti Borhade. (PG Scholar)

Homoeopathic Treatment Of Primary Hypothyroidism

Dr. Mahesh Dusane (PG

A Case Study Of Migraine

Dr. Deepak Singh (PG Scholar)

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017


The opposition to the Homoeopathic Science has seen a marked increase and this
opposition comes from people with vested interest, at the same time the true scientists all
over the world are intrigued by this wonderful phenomenon and have used their knowledge to
up hold this wonderful science. Here we need to mention the names of these learned scientists
like Dr. Bellare J. R, Dr. Khuda Baksh A. R, Dr Ghosh K, Dr. Rajendran E.S, Dr. Sahani M.
K, Dr. Nayak C., Dr. Das E. Dr. Chikramane P. S, and Dr. Jindal G. D.The work done by
these scientists has put homoeopathy high on the pedestal of scientific ranking. The sceptics,
the biased, the foes and the jealous have joined hands to put down a science based on Natures
own laws and standing on the strong foundation of fundamental Principles that remain
unchanged even after two centuries.

The so called modern medicines seek evidences on standards set by their yardsticks.
The Modus Operandi of Homoeopathic Medicines differs from the Allopathic Medicines and
when a common yardstick is applied, the two Sciences do not balance. The Modern
Homoeopaths of today are under the scientific guidance of the Central Council for Research
in Homoeopathy. The above named scientists and the high modern equipments and
instruments at their disposal have put forth sufficient evidences for all unprejudiced observers
to accept the potential this wonderful science has to offer.


Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017


Exploring The Remedy Relationship

Dr. Ganesh Gavhane (PG Scholar)

One of the common failures in the beginners of homoeopathy is the lack of awareness about
the drug relationship. For a successful practitioner thorough knowledge of the drug
relationship is very much necessary. The last taken drug affords the best indication for the
next prescription. The experienced homoeopathic physician therefore gives particular
attention in the examination of case to ascertaining what drug have been previously used with
a view to stop their use and antidoting such as have been most influential in producing
disorder, as revealed by a study of symptoms. Like that of antidote, inimical relationship is
also very important to the physician, which prevents him from failures.

Studying the relationship part of drugs is clinically more important. Generally, drugs are
classified according to their source of origin- same botanical family or chemical groups. It is
not difficult to note certain great features common to these drugs. Unusually such features are
caused by common alkaloid or active principle. For example the Solanaceae family has
certain alkaloid in common (Atropin, Hyoscine and Hyscymine) and their toxic effect are
much alike due to this fact. Depending upon the alkaloid or its chemical contents the
characters of the drugs also differ and reflects as the group symptoms. The Sanguinaria,
Chelidonium and Opium though of the same family have vitally different symptomatic
indications such as can only be obtained by proving.

Key words
Antidote, concordant or compatible, complementary, inimical, Homoeopathy, drug
relationship and successful prescription.

Materials and methods

For study purpose the relationship part includes—the antidote, concordant or compatible,
inimical and complementary.

Antidotal relationship
Homoeopathic antidotes destroy the existing action of a remedy in the body. The antidotal
relationship between drugs may be general or partial, according as the similarity in their
action is general or confined to certain parts only. Thus, camphor antidotes the effects of
cantharis—only concerns the mucus membrane of an interesting phase the urinary tract,
while the same tissue elsewhere is not antidoted by it. An interesting phase of the antidotal
relationship is the mutual antidotal or atleast modifying power of the higher and lower
attenuation of the same drug, as well as the antidotal relationship between the chronic effects
of the crude drug and the attenuated drug, as seen in treating chronic tobacco poisoning with
tabacum in higher potencies. Similarity of action is the basis of this antidotal phenomenon.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Thus, Anacardium antidotes Rhustox , especially on the skin. Camphor is the most important
general antidote nullifying most vegetable drugs. The proper antidote for each drug is listed
in the Materia Medica. Some examples of antidotal relationship are as follows—

Antidotes: Aconite, Asarumeuropaeum, Calc, Coffea, Euphor.,Hepar, Ignatia, Magn.,
Natr.m., Opium, Plumb., Sepia, Stramonium, Tabac.
Antidotes: Acet. ac, Actearac., Coffea, Chamomilla, Coffea, Nux v., Paris, Petrol.,
Sepia, Sul., Verbascum; vinegar, wine.
Antidotes: Aconite, Baptisia.
Antidote: Nux v.
Antidotes: Opium; vegetable acids.
Antidotes: atropine, brandy, camphor, charcoal, coffee, fat or oil (relieves stomach),
wine; Calc, Pulsatilla, Rhus.
Antidotes: Aconite, Alumin., Calc, Camph., Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Chlorum,
Cinchona, Clem., Coff, Fragaria, Ignatia, Merc, Murex ac, Nux v., Pulsatilla, Rhus,
Antidotes: Cantharis, Cuprum m., Dulc, Lyc, Nitr. sp. d., Opium, Phosphorus, Squilla;
the effects of so-called worm medicines, tobacco, bitter almonds, and other fruits
containing prussic acid, likewise for the secondary affections remaining after
poisonings with acids, salts, metals, poisonous mushrooms, etc, in most other cases
the smelling of camphor is not antidotal, but palliative, by producing the symptom,
“pain better while thinking of it”; vaccine virus failed to take effect when kept in
proximity to camphor.

Concordant or compatible relationship

Certain remedies act better if given in series. They do not belong to than either one. The best
example is Lycopodium—Sulphur—Calcarea: the triad for many chronic cases. In acute
cases it has been found that such drugs as Belladonna and Mercurious, Pulsatilla and sepia,
China and Calcarea, Nitric acid and Thuja, Mercurius and Sulphur, Kali phos and Ignatia
follow each other well. Some other examples are---
Compatible: Nitr. ac, Terebintha.
Compatible: Arnica, Arsenicum, Aurum met., Bryonia, Calc, Caps., Causticum,
Chamomilla, Cic, Cinchona, Coccul., Conium, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ipec,
Lachesis, Lyc, Merc, Natr. c, Natr. m.,, Nux v.. Opium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla,
Rhus, Seneg., Sepia, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sul., Val., Verbascum, and
lemon juice.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Compatible : Arsenicum, Calc, Coccul., Coloc, Cuprum M, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia,
Kali iod., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux v., Petrol., Petrosel, Phosphorus, Phosphorus
ac, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Ruta, Sepia, Silicea, Stann., Staphysagria,
Stramonium, Sul., Zincum met. Sulph.
Compatible: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Calcarea Phos, Ferrum,
Ipec, Lyc, Merc, Nux v., Phosphorus, Phosphoric ac, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sepia, Sul.
Compatible: Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc, Carbovegetabilis, Graphites, Hyoscyamus,
Lachesis, Ledum, Merc, Nux v., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sepia, Silicea,
Stramonium, Sul, Verbas.

Complementary Relationship
If you are aiming for complete or permanent cure, the complementary drug plays a vital role.
A drug that completes the action of another drug is called complementary drug.
Complementary relationship is somewhat similar in as much as they must be compatible, but
here work done by one remedy is completed by another medication. This relationship is
especially useful in organic diseases where the person is under medication for long time. For
1) APIS complementary: Natrum muriaticum.
2) ACONITE complementary: Am., Coff, Sulph.
3) CHAMOMILLA complementary: Magnesia phos.
4) BELLADONNA complementary: Calcarea.
5) LYCOPODIUM Complementary: Iodium
6) NITRIC ACID Complementary: Arsenicum, Caladium
7) NUX VOMICA Complementary : Sul.
8) PHOPHORUS Complementary: Arsenicum, Cepa.
9) PULSATILLA Complementary: Lyc, Acid sulphuricum
10) STANNUM MET Complementary: Pulsatilla

Inimical Relationship
Inimical relation is the very opposite of the concordant and complementary. There seems to
be lack of harmony between certain drugs as it is also seen in certain chemical affinities. This
may be so marked that when following each other in the treatment of a case, disturbance
shows itself and cure is interfered with and the whole case mixed up. Such a relation seems to
exist between Apis and Rhus. Do not give these remedies after each other. Examples of
inimical relationship are—-
1) ARNICA MONTANA Inimical (Injurious in): after the bite of a dog or any rabid or
angry animal.
2) BELLADONNA Inimical: Dulc, vinegar
3) IGNATIA Inimical: coffee, Nux v., tobacco.
4) LACHESIS Inimical: Acet. Ac.
5) LEDUM PALUSTREInimical: Cinchona
6) LYCOPODIUM Inimical: coffee
7) PHOSPHORUS Inimical: Causticum
8) SEPIA Inimical: Lachesis
9) SILICEA Inimical: Merc
10) ZINCUM Inimical: Chamomilla, Nux v.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

The deep understanding about the relationship part and strictly following this method will
result in successful prescription. We should be very careful while prescribing –during
follow–ups, the prescribed drug should not be antidote and inimical. The physician who
follows the correct drug relationship during his prescription is automatically able to maintain
the health of his patient and brings the hope and improves physician’s confidence. It also
indirectly maintains a healthy relationship with the patient’s family and thereby doing a better
work to the growth of homoeopathy. The beginners should form a habit of referring
relationship part of drug in all your prescriptions and make the result remarkable.

1) DR.William Boricke, M.D. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and
Repertory. B. Jain publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
2) DR. HAHNEMANN SAMUEL: Organon of Medicine, 6th edition, translated by
William Boericke reprint edition October. 2008.
3) Dr. J.H.Clark ,A dictionary of practical material medica

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

An Evidence Based Case Study Of Hepatitis B Infection

Prof.Dr.T. K. Kundu
Dr Sonali Rohom (PG Scholar)


Background and objective: Hepatitis B is systemic infection caused by hepatitis B

virus with major pathology caused in liver and transmitted usually by parenteral route 1.
Spectrum of disease asymptomatic antigenemia chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular
cancer; early phase often associated with continued symptoms of hepatitis, elaveted
aminotransferase levels, presence in serum of HBeAg and HBV DNA, and presence in liver
of replicative form of HBV, later phase in some of patients may be associated with clinical
and biochemical improvement, disappearance of HBe ag and HBV DNA and appearance of
anti-HBeAg in serum, and integration of HBV DNA into host hepatocyte genome2. In
convetional line of treatment the cost for management is upto 3-4 lacs per annum but it is not
affordable for everyone. A pilot case study was conducted in Motiwala homoeopathic
medical college OPD, with the objective to reduce the viral load with homoeopathic medicine
and also to study cost effectiveness of homoeopathic management in hepatitis B infection.
The case was treated with Lachesis, a homoeopathic medicine reported here. This case shows
the efficacy of medicine in both subjective and objective parameters without conventional
medicine intervention.

Materials and methods: A case is taken from homeopathic medical college OPD and
prescribed on basis of totality of symptom according to law of similia.

Result: In a period of 1 year the viral load of patient decreased from 1, 65, 00,000 to
4, 39, 372. Total cost expenditure over 1 year was 130 Rs. (INR). Homeopathic Medicine is
the cost effective management for reduction of viral load in Hepatitis B infection.
Conclusion: Homeopathic Medicine is the cost effective management for reduction of
viral load in Hepatitis B infection.

Key words: Hepatitis B, viral load, homeopathic medicine.

Clinically hepatitis B infection is characterised by recurrent acute self limiting episodes of
liver diseases but the picture is complicated by chronic liver disease which may become sever
and may progress to liver cancer. In approximately 5 to 15 % of cases, HBV infection fail to
resolve and the affected individual become persistent carriers of virus2.
Treatment offered by conventional mode comprises of use of interferons and
immunoglobulin’s. But because of limited avaibality and high cost (4 to 5 lakhs per year) and
risk of complication general use of these medicines is not been recommended
Homoeopathic medicines are safe and less costly can be used as an alternative line of

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materials and methods:
A case is taken from homoeopathic medical college, on the base of totality the medicine is
selected and follow ups were taken.

Case presentation:
A 52 years old male consulted on 22/06/2013 for the treatment of Itching with burning pain
all over the body, since 3 yrs, aggravation after eating ,day and night rashes all over the
body with redness & itching. Multiple lipoma over upper limb & abdomen, since 10 to
15yrs. Blackish discoloration of face, since 2 to 3 yrs. Papular eruption on forehead & nose,
since 2 to 3 yrs. Unsatisfactory stools, ineffectual urging for stools, since 2 to 3 yrs,
consistency soft, aggravation from liquids. Flatulence distention of abdomen, since 2 to 3 yrs.
Bloating of abdomen with rumbling and gurgling sensation, aggravation after eating, and
amelioration by passing flatus.

Viral load- 16500000 IU/ml (16/01/2013) (HBV viral load by TAQ MAN)
Report of HBs Ag ELISA- HBsAg detected

Physical and mental generals:

The patient is hot thermally. His appetite was normal desires spicy food. The patient was
hopeful about recovery. Talkative, likes spiritual things for reading. Angry when someone
contradicts him. He has been used to give order to his family and friends. He was always
commented on his lack of confidence in case taking.

General physical examination:

Height-5’5”, weight- 67kgs, Anaemia-nil, jaundice-nil, cyanosis- nil, cyanosis-nil,
generalised lymphadinopathy- nil, pulse-84/min, BP- 140/90 mm of Hg, temperature- 98.4 F
Systemic examination:
Respiratory system, gastro-intestinal, locomotor and nervous system: NAD
The Reperterisation was done by using Radar 10 software, by using synthetic
repertory, the following rubric were selected for Reperterisation
Mind-delusions-possessed of being
Mind-delusions-persecuted-he is persecuted
Mind-delusion-injured-being injured is
Mind-delusion-poisoned- he-about to be poisoned, he is
Mind-wrong-suffered wrong he has
Mind-objective reasonable
Generals-warm aggravation

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Selection of remedies:
After repertorial analysis, the similimum was selected on the basis of totality of symptoms .
Lachesis was the remedy was strongly indicated.

Sr no Complaints Prescription with date

1 On the basis of totality 22/06/13 :

Lachesis 6c / 3doses /1 dose each

Followed by 15 days placebo
2 • Severe itching all over the body after 22/03/14
• Lipoma As It Is Lachesis 30 / 3doses /1 dose each
• Blackish Discoloration Reduced morning
• Stool : Satisfactory Followed by 15 days placebo
• Generalized Weakness Reduced
• BP : 130 /90 mm of Hg
• P : 82/min
• Viral load-37,10,000
3 • Itching All Over The Body Reduced 05/04/14
< After Sour Food
• Lipoma As It Is Lachesis 6c /1 dose stat
• Blackish Discoloration Reduced Followed by 15 days placebo
• Stool : Satisfactory
• Generalized Weakness Reduced
• BP : 130 /90 mm of Hg
• P : 82/min
4 • Itching all over the body increased 19/04/14
,more on back <after meals , spicy Placebo repeated for 15 days
• Sensation : flushes of heat from body
• Lipoma as it is
• Pimples on forehead
• Generalities better
• Bp :120/80 mm of Hg

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

• P : 88 /min
5 • Pimple reduced over forehead 26/04/14
• Itching persist Placebo repeated for 15 days
• Unsatisfactory stool since 2 days
• Bloating of abdomen
• Lipoma as it is
• Sleep disturbed
6 • Complaint reduced 10/05/14
• Itching reduced Placebo repeated for 15 days
• Pimple reduced
• Lipoma as it is
7 • Generalized weakness since 3-4 days 31 /05/14
• Tiredness feeling Lachesis 30 /1 dose stat, followed by
• Bitter taste in mouth placebo for 15 days
• Itching all over body reduced no
burning sensation
8 • Totally better after medicine 21 /06/14
• Lumbago Placebo for 15 days
• In general patient feeling better, feeling
• Stool : unsatisfactory , 2to 3 /day
• Lipoma as it was
• No itching all over body
• No pimples on face
9 • Eruption on face since 10 days 12/07/14
• Acidity better Placebo for 15 days
• Lipoma as it is
• No Itching all over body
10 • Eruption on face reduced 28/07/14
• Acidity better Placebo for 15 days
• Lipoma as it is
• No Itching all over body
11 • Cough since 4 days , whitish 16/08/14
expectoration <change of weather Lachesis 30 /1 dose stat,
• Eruption on face reduced Followed by placebo 15 days
• Acidity better
• Lipoma as it is
• No Itching all over body
• Lumbago
• Viral load- 4,29,372
12 • Eruption on face reduced 26/08/14
• Acidity better Lachesis 30 /1 dose stat,
• Lipoma as it is Followed by placebo 15 days

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

• No Itching all over body
• Lumbago
• Stool : satisfactory
13 • Pain in lumbar region persist , < 20/09/14
prolong standing , > rest Lachesis 30 /1 dose stat,
• Cold and cough since 4 days Followed by 15 days placebo
,expectoration yellowish
• Generalized weakness
• Lipoma persist
14 • Pain in lumbar region reduced 04 /10/14
• No weakness Followed by 15 days placebo
• No coryza.
• Blackish discoloration over face.
• Lipoma
• Appetite : increased
15 • Pain in lumbar region reduced 18/10/14
• No Itching all over body Lachesis 30 /1 dose stat,
• Lumbago Followed by 15 days placebo
16 • Itching all over the body ,since 4 days 15/11/14
• Lipoma on upper limb increased in Lachesis 6c /1 dose stat,
number Followed by 15 days placebo
• Sleep disturbed
17 • Pimples reduced 29/11/14
• Itching all over the body since 15 days Followed by 15 days placebo
• Pain in lumbar region on & off
• Stool : unsatisfactory ,2 – 3 times/day
18 • Itching better 27/12/14
• Pain in both the knees ,since 15 days Followed by 15 days placebo
<morning after waking up
• Swelling over both ankle joint ,since
15 days <standing
• Backache since 15 days < morning
,night >massage
• Stool unsatisfactory 2-3/ day
19 • Itching better 10/01/15
• Pain of knees better Followed by 15 days placebo
• Backache reduced
• Swelling over both ankle joint
20 • Pain in knee joint 14/02/15
• Swelling over both ankle joint Followed by 15 days placebo
• Generalities better
• Bp : 110/80 mm of hg
• P : 84 /min

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Discussion and conclusion:

Homeopathic Medicine is the cost effective management for reduction of viral load in
Hepatitis B infection. The viral load was profoundly lowered with only homoeopathic
treatment without conventional treatment. As the patient was better symptomatically and the
viral load was reduced the patient discontinued the treatment so that we cannot come to viral
load zero. Such an evidence-based study will prove the information given in homoeopathic
literatures and will establish the homoeopathic system on modern scientific parameters.
Report 1 Report 2

Report 3 Report 4

1) Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, 21st edition
2) Harrisons manual of Medicine, 17th edition
3) Hahnemann Samuel. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed.New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt.
Ltd; 1994
4) Vithoulkos George. Essence of Materia Medica. 2nd ed. New Delhi, B. Jain Publishers
Pvt. Ltd; 1990.
5) Radar 10 software, synthesis repertory by Schroyens

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

A Cross Sectional Study Of Visual Impairment Among The

Students Of Blind School In Nasik.
Prof. Dr. F. F. Motiwala
Dr. Karuna Shejwal (PG Scholar)
A pilot cross sectional study was performed to identify causes of blindness (BL) in blind
school children with an aim to gather information on preventable and treatable causes of
visual impairement. An informed consent from parents were obtained. Relevant ocular
history and basic ocular examinations were carried. A total of 70 students were examined.
The main causes of severe visual impairment and BL in the better eye of students were
microphthalmos (37.14%), corneal scar (4.28%), anophthalmos (14.28%), optic nerve
atrophy (7.14%), buphthalmos/glaucoma (2.85%), staphyloma (4.28%), cataract (5.71%),
retinal dystrophy (2.85 %), coloboma (7.14%), etc. It was found that corneal scar, glaucoma
and cataract were the prominent causes of BL among the students of blind school. Almost
38% of the students had preventable or treatable causes, indicating the need of genetical
counseling and focused intervention.

Keywords: Blind school, cataract, corneal scar, hereditary diseases, ocular morbidity,
prevention of blindness

Visual impairment (VI) is a worldwide problem that has a significant socioeconomic impact.
Childhood blindness (BL) is a priority area because of the number of years of BL that ensues.
Data on the prevalence and causes of BL and severe VI (SVI) in children are needed for
planning and evaluating preventive and curative services, including planning special
education and low vision services.[1] Considering the fact that 30% of India's blind lose their
eyesight before the age of 20 years and many of them are under five when they become blind,
the importance of early detection and treatment of ocular disease and VI among young
children is obvious.[2] Although BL in children is relatively uncommon, this age group is also
considered a priority as severe visual loss in children can affect their development, mobility,
education, and employment opportunities, which can have far reaching implications on the
quality-of-life of children and affected families.[3,4] India has an estimated 320,000 blind
children, more than any other country in the world. [5] Even though this represents a small
fraction of the total BL, the control of BL in children is one of the priority areas of the World
Health Organization's (WHO) “vision 2020: The right to sight” program. This is a global
initiative, which was launched by WHO in 1999 to eliminate avoidable BL worldwide by the
year 2020.[6] The aim of vision 2020 is to reduce the current projection of 75 million blind
people by the year 2020 to a target of 25 million. To achieve this, all the stakeholders,
particularly the ophthalmologists and pediatricians, must play a leadership role. [7]
Regrettably, there are inadequate data on causes and prevalence of visual impaired among
children of the developing world. We aim in this paper to study the prevalence and causes of
ocular morbidity among children with a view to amassing data that can be used to plan
interventional measures that can stem the tide of avoidable BL.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materials & methods:
This cross sectional study was carried out in total 70 students of schools of the blind. The
required permission for screening of the children was obtained from the principal/headmaster
of each school. The concerned authorities of each school were briefed about the aims and
objectives of the study. The school authorities were requested to inform the parents of the
children at the time of screening. UNICEF defines childhood as 0–16 years inclusive. All
students aged 16 years or less in the schools were included in the study. Students older than
16 years but who became blind before that age was also included. An ophthalmologist and an
optometrist examined the students in the respective school premises. The relevant
information was collected from the class teachers and parents (whenever possible). The
ophthalmologists carried out a detailed eye examination of each student. Visual acuity was
assessed in each eye using a Snellen tumbling ‘E’ visual acuity test chart. The students, who
did not cooperate with the ‘E’ chart, were assessed for the ability to fix and follow light. The
visual status of students was recorded using WHO categories of VI before and after
To categorize a student under low visual category, simple tests of functional vision were used
as the ability to navigate around two chairs set 2 m apart unaided with a visual acuity of
<20/60 to light perception; to recognize faces at a distance of 3 m and to recognize the shape
of three two-cm symbols at any near distance. The students who failed to cooperate with
these tests due to additional handicaps were judged on their visual behavior. Refraction and
low vision aid assessment were performed in all students who were able to perform the tests
of functional vision by an optometrist. Anterior segments of the eye were examined using a
light and loupe magnifier and/or with a handheld slit-lamp. The posterior segment was
examined using direct and indirect ophthalmoscope after dilatation of the pupil. The
WHO/PBL program's eye examination record for children with BL and low vision was used
to categorize the causes of BL and to record the findings using the definitions in the coding
instructions.[8] The anatomical classification of causes of visual loss defined that part of the
eye which had been damaged leading to visual loss (such as cornea, lens, retina, optic nerve,
whole globe). Where two or more anatomical sites were involved the major site was selected,
or where two sites contributed equally, the most treatable condition was selected. For each
student, the need of optical, medical or surgical interventions was recorded, and the visual
prognosis was assessed. Students requiring further investigations and treatment procedures
were referred. A report of the findings and recommendations was given to the principal of
each school.

The WHO in 1972 proposed a uniform criterion and defined BL as, “visual acuity of <20/400
(Snellen) or its equivalent.” In order to facilitate the screening of visual acuity by no
specialized persons, in the absence of appropriate vision charts, the WHO in 1979 added the
“Inability to count fingers in day-light at a distance of 3 m” to indicate vision <20/400 or its

A total of 70 students were examined in school of the blind in Nasik and in its vicinity. In all
70 students who participated in the study, 3 (4.28%) were males and 67 (95.71%)
werefemales. There is female preponderance in the study with the sex ratio (Female: male
ratio) being 15.65:0.03. Out of 70, 3 students (4.28%) belonged to age ≤5 years, 40 students
(57.14%) were between ages 6 and 10 years, 23 students (32.85%) were between ages 11 and

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

15 years, 25 students (7.14%) were belonged to age ≥16 years. The majority, i.e. 45 (64.28%)
students were from the rural area, and 25 (35.71%) students were from the urban area. Only 3
(3.33%) students in blind schools were having an associated disability while the remaining 87
(96.67%) students were not having any associated disability. Among the 70 students who
participated in the study, 6 (6.67%) students gave history of BL in the family members and
rest 64 (91.42%) did not have had history of BL in family members. Parental consanguinity
was identified in 5 cases (5.56%); no indication of consanguinity was reported in 57 cases
(63.33%); and 28 cases (31.11%) were unknown because of lack of information. Almost all
students were fluent in Braille.
A total of 44 (62.85%) students were blind, 24 (34.28%) students were severely visually
impaired and 2 (2.85%) students had no VI.

At least half and possibly up to three-quarters of causes of childhood BL are avoidable. It is
estimated that in developing countries, only 10% of the blind children attend blind schools. [9]
Ignorance of parents and geographical inaccessibility to the schools are major factors among
those residing in remote and poor areas. A culture of mistrust and skepticism exists in some
tribal and village communities regarding such centers, which further hinders access. Most
blind schools do not admit children below 5 years of age and hence, preschool children are
excluded from these studies.[10] Corneal BL was the second most common cause of SVI/BL,
and the major preventable cause identified. Although it is difficult to specifically ascertain the
etiology of corneal scarring several years after the original pathology, Vitamin A deficiency
appears to be the major cause majority of children Retinal causes, primarily retinal
dystrophies, accounted for 3.3% of the cases, and disorders of the lens accounted for 10.0%.
Overall, 37.7% of children with blind from potentially preventable or treatable conditions.[11]
Preventable causes included Vitamin A deficiency, trauma, etc. These findings suggest the
importance of public health strategies promotion of breastfeeding, health and nutrition
education, and continued programs for the control of Vitamin A deficiency through child
survey programs. Treatable causes included cataract, glaucoma, and refractive errors. There
is a need to expand specialist pediatric ophthalmic services in India, and it has been
recommended that there shouldbe one well-equipped child eye care center for every 10
million total population.[12] In India, this would translate to 100 centers throughout the
country. There is a need to train pediatrician in screening for early detection of cataract and
glaucoma with appropriate referral to a tertiary care center. Comparison of causes of SVI/BL
in different age groups needs to be interpreted cautiously, as the data are not population-
based and only a small proportion of blind children are in special education. Another factor to
consider is the age at which children become blind from different disorders varies that is,
keratomalacia usually occurs during preschool years, whereas BL from retinal dystrophies
may not occur until later in childhood. Having said this, the data do seem to suggest that
corneal BL is a less important cause in younger children than in older children. If true, this
may reflect a decline in the incidence of corneal scarring in response to rapid improvements
in socioeconomic development experienced by many communities in India particularly with
respect to better water supplies and sanitation, improved measles immunization coverage, and
highly effective programs for child spacing with many states reaching the replacement level
of fertility. Some limitations were encountered in this study including poor history by some
students and parents/guardians of the precise period of onset, cause, and process of BL; this
made correlation of findings and determining the exact diagnosis difficult.
In this study, it was found that corneal scar and cataract were the prominent causes of BL in
childhood. Most cases of corneal scars are most likely attributed to infections and nutritional

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

deficiencies in infancy and are preventable conditions. Almost 38% of the students in schools
for the blind had preventable or treatable causes, indicating the need of specific public health
strategies. More studies and visual assessment need to be carried out on students in blind
schools to determine which students can benefit from a distance and near visual aids. By
decreasing the rate of consanguineous marriage and performing a regular genetic consultation
before marriage, we can prevent the genetic/hereditary eye diseases. As this study provides
information on the causes in a selected population, the findings as to absolute numbers have
to be interpreted with caution. Population-based studies are, therefore, necessary in order to
obtain more appropriate epidemiological information on childhood BL and provide relevant
information for national or regional BL prevention policy-making.
1. Gilbert CE, Anderton L, Dandona L, Foster A. Prevalence of visual impairment in
children: A review of available data. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 1999;6:73–82. [PubMed]
2. Danish Assistance to the National Program for control of Blindness. New Delhi:
India; 1996. Vision screening in school children. Training module 1.
3. Rahi JS, Gilbert CE, Foster A, Minassian D. Measuring the burden of childhood
blindness. Br J Ophthalmol. 1999;83:387–8. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
4. Bhattacharjee H, Das K, Borah RR, Guha K, Gogate P, Purukayastha S, et al. Causes
of childhood blindness in the northeastern states of India. Indian J
Ophthalmol. 2008;56:495–9. [PMC free article][PubMed]
5. Gilbert C, Rahi J, Quinn G. Visual impairment and blindness in children. In: Johnson
G, Minassian D, Weale W, West S, editors. Epidemiology of Eye Disease. 2nd ed.
UK: Arnold Publishers; 2003.
6. World Health Organization. WHO/PBL/97.61. Geneva: WHO; 1997. Global Initiative
for the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness.
7. Rao GN. VISION 2020: The right to sight. Indian J
Ophthalmol. 2000;48:3. [PubMed]
8. Gilbert C, Foster A, Négrel AD, Thylefors B. Childhood blindness: A new form for
recording causes of visual loss in children. Bull World Health Organ. 1993;71:485–
9. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
9. Gilbert C, Foster A. Childhood blindness in the context of VISION 2020 - The right
to sight. Bull World Health Organ. 2001;79:227–32. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
10. Madgula I. Childhood blindness in India - Regional variations. J Clin Diagn
Res. 2009 Feb: 1255–60.
11. Titiyal JS, Pal N, Murthy GV, Gupta SK, Tandon R, Vajpayee RB, et al. Causes and
temporal trends of blindness and severe visual impairment in children in schools for
the blind in North India. Br J Ophthalmol. 2003; 87:941–5. [PMC free
article] [PubMed]
12. World Health Organization. WHO/PBL/00.71. Geneva: WHO; 2000. Preventing
Blindness in Children. Report of a WHO/IAPB Scientific Meeting.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Medicines In The

Management Of Alopecia According To Ludwig And Norwood
Dr. Sachin More (PG Scholar)

Abstract: “ALOPECIA” is excessive fall of hair or loss of hair in bunches from a particular
area of head or beard. Hairloss is the commonest problem affecting every other person
around us almost people around the world suffer from it. Though People don’t speak but
within deep core of their heart everyone has a wish to have beautiful hair since hair are most
precious part of one’s personality. Even though hair loss is such a common problem, People
do not know how to tackle with it. This was the basic thought that clicked us to choose
“alopecia” as a theme of our research.
As the research has shown that Hairloss affects 8% of adults aged of 35 years and 3% adults
aged of 60 years. As hair largely influences the external appearance of a person among Hair
complaints Alopecia plays an important role in damaging the beautiful face of human being.
In this study, we tried to explore the common Homoeopathic Medicine and applicability of
common constitutional Homoeopathic Medications and its usefulness in various cases of
alopecia along with the miasmatic dominances behind it. We hope our study work, provides
the students and readers with the proper acknowledgement of alopecia and Homoeopathic
approach towards it.

Keywords: Alopecia, homoepathic.

Introduction: The word "alopecia" is the medical term for hair loss. Alopecia does not
refer to one specific hair loss disease -- any form of hair loss is alopecia. The word alopecia is
Latin, but can be traced to the Greek "alopecia," which itself comes from alopek, meaning
Alopecia describes loss of hair from areas where, hair normally grows. It comes in variety of
patterns with a variety of causes. We lose upto hundred hairs from our scalp everyday that’s
normal and most people those hairs grow back, but many men and some women lose hair as
they grow older. Hair loss can be caused by any number of conditions, reflected in a specific
diagnosis. Some diagnoses have alopecia in their title, such as alopecia areata or scarring
alopecia, but many do not, such as telogen effluvium and also certain diseases such as thyroid
problem, diabetes, or lupus. If you take certain medicine or have chemotherapy for cancer,
we may also lose our hair. Other causes are stress, low protein diet, a family history or poor
1) Alopecia Areata :- Hairloss in patches, signifies with sudden hairloss, causing patches
to appear on the scalp or other areas of the body.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

2) Alopecia Totalis :- If left untreated or if the diseases does not respond to treatment
result in complete baldness.
3) Alopecia Universalis:- Where entire body suffers from complete hair loss similar
occur in chemotherapy.....
Several hundred diseases have hair loss as a primary symptom. Other, rarer forms of
hair loss may be difficult to diagnose, and some patients may wait months, even years
for a correct diagnosis and undergo consultation with numerous dermatologists until
they find one with knowledge of their condition.
Clinically in cases of hairloss where the other mode of treatment did not act well
homoeopathic constitutional medicine proved better in these cases. Homeopathy is a science,
which is based on similia similibus curentur i.e., likes cure like. It has its own principals and
logics and its medicine also follows its rule. Each medicine has its own aspects, its own core
and its own picture.
Normally about 40 (0-78 in men) hair reach the end of their resting phase each day and fall
-Normally hair growth each day scalp hair grows approximately 0.35 mm (6 inch/year)app
100/day fall out,clinical hairloss (telogen effluvium) may occur….(3)
-Disruption of the growing phase cause abnormal loss of anagen hairs (anagen
In Androgenetic alopecia:- Specific pattern of temporal frontal loss in men and central
thinning in women.
Many Classification schemes exist to define type and extent of baldness,however the most
widely accepted standard is the.....(10)
1.Norwood Classification for Men
2.Ludwig classification for Women

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Objectives 1. To know the Miasmatic dominance in cases of all forms of Alopecia.
2. To know the common Homoeopathic Medicine in management of Alopecia.
3. Efficacy of constitutional homoeopathic medicines in treatment of alopecia.

Material and methods

-Type of study:- A Prospective observational case study.

-Method of selection of cases.

60 CASES – as per specific CRF.
-Source of data :-
-Cases from MHMC OPD, of college students,college staff,cases from private practitioners.


-The case of Alopecia were selected on the spot on the basis of inclusion and exclusion
-Suitable homoeopathic medicine were given based on totality of symptoms.
-Potency were selected and repetition were done as per susceptibility of the individual on
homoeopathic principles.
-Adivces on diet & regimen was given.
Step 2:- -Follow up were taken after every 15days.
Inclusion criteria:-
i. Those patient who had hairfall at least for 1 week duration.
ii. Age 10 to 40 years.
iii. Both the sexes.
iv. Chemical or drug induced hairloss.
-Exclusion criteria:-
i. Pregnant Women.
ii. lactating females.
iii. HIV Patients.
iv. Patients on Chemotherapy
-Diagnostic Criteria:-According to signs & symptoms
-Selection of similimum:- After complete case taking analysis,evaluation & repertorisation
will be done & similimum will be given depending on the case.
-Methods of study:- -Studying individualizing charateristics of the patient both mental &
physical level on basis of totality of symptoms,pace of diseases & their peculiar association.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

-To note changes required in diet & regiment & Auxillary measures required during the
course of illness.
-Test Done;-
1. The pull test:- Both temple region and vertex region.
-gentle pulling of hair from three different area 3 hair/area comes out with each area, if more
than 10 hair are obtained than test is positive.
2.Daily hair counts:- (Done when pull test is negative)
-Normally 100/day, except after shampooing it is upto 250 is normal if more than this then
test is positive.

1. To know the Miasmatic dominance in cases of all forms of Alopecia.
Points to diagnosis of Miasm…..(7)
a) Hair – dry thin
b) Disease history
c) Graying of hair in midline of head or in spot
d) itching & dryness
a) circular circumscribed patches
b) Baldness
c) Aboundes of premature greying of hair
a) oily and moist hair
b) hair loss in bunches
c) hair loss on side of head & vertex
d) Dandruff
Tubercular: Hair may be either dry, rough or oily & Moist

Psora 58.33% Sycosis 28.33% Syphlitic 10% Tubecular3.33%

2. To know the common Homoeopathic Medicine in management of Alopecia.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017


3. Efficacy of constitutional homoeopathic medicines in treatment of alopecia.

NOT improved cases



Master chart
Sr Name Age Se Occupat Marital Miasmat Remedy Result Type of
. x ion status ic Alopecia
no dominan Before After
ce (1st (6thfoll
follow ow
up) up)
1 Miss P.M 21 F Student Unmarried Tubercul Silicea Improve L.C 2 L.C 0
2 Mr S.S 24 M Worker Unmarried Sycosis Sulphur Improve N.C 2 N.C 0
3 Mst A S 10 M Student Unmarried Sycosis Phosphorus, Improve N.C 3V N.C 0
4 Miss R P 18 F Student Unmarried Tubercul Pulsatilla Not L.C 2 L.C 2
ar Improve
5 Miss M. K 25 F Worker Unmarried Sycosis Silicea Improve L.C 2 L.C 1
6 Miss C.P 22 F Student Unmarried Sycosis Natrum mur Improve L.C 2 L.C 1
7 Mr P.L 32 M Worker Married Sycosis Sulphur, Not N.C 3A N.C
Lachesis improve 3A
8 Mr G. K 24 M Student Unmarried Sycosis Stramonium, Not N.C 3A N.C
hyoscyamus improve 3A
9 Miss S.S 21 F Student Unmarried Sycosis Calcarea carb Improve L.C 2 L.C 1
10 Mr A.K 23 M Student Unmarried Sycosis Lachesis Improve N.C 1 N.C 0
11 Mr A.S 23 M Student Unmarried Sycosis Lachesis Improve N.C 1 N.C1
12 Mr D.A 35 M Worker Married Sycosis Lycopodium Improve N.C 1 N.C 1

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

13 Mr A.K 18 M Student Unmarried Psora Phosphorus Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
14 Mr S.P 24 M Worker Unmarried Syphilitic Phosphorus Improve N.C 5 N.C 5
15 Mr N.K 32 M Worker Married Syphilitic Arsenic alb Improve N.C 4 N.C 2
16 Mr S.D 18 M Student Unmarried Psora Natrum mur Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
17 Mr V.S 24 M Student Unmarried Sycosis Arsenic alb Improve N.C 2 N.C 2
18 Mrs V.S 28 F H/W Married Psora Arsenic alb Improve L.C 2 L.C 2
19 Mr R.N 38 M Worker Married Sycosis Lycopodium Not N.C 2 N.C 2
20 Mr S.B 24 M Student Unmarried Syphilitic Silicea Improve N.C 4 N.C 4
21 Mr I.S 32 M Worker Married Sycosis Lycopodium Improve N.C 3 N.C 2
22 Mrs A.S 39 F H/W Unmarried Sycosis Natrum Mur Improve L.C 1 L.C 1
23 Mr A.S 36 M Worker Married Sycosis Phosphorus Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
24 Mrs N.G 23 F H/W Married psora Phosphorus Improve L.C 1 L.C 1
25 Mr A.S 25 M Worker Married Sycosis Phosphorus Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
26 Mr S.S 21 M Student Unmarried Psora Lycopodium Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
27 Mr D.A 34 M Worker Married Sycosis Natrum mur Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
28 Mrs S.P 29 F H/W Married Psora Lycopodium Improve L.C 1 L.C 1
29 Mrs R.S 30 F H/W Married Psora Lycopodium Improve L.C 2A L.C 1
30 Mrs S.K 27 F H/W Married Psora Lycopodium Improve L..C 1 L.C 1
31 Mr M P 34 M Worker Married Psora Nux Vomica Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
32 Miss A K 19 F Student Unmarried Psora Carcinocin Improve L.C 2 L.C 2
33 Mr R K S 20 M Worker Unmarried Psora Calc sulph Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
34 Mr D B 27 M Business Married Psora Sulphur Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
35 Miss M.K 13 F Student Unmarried Psora Calc sulph Improve L.C 2 L. C 1
36 Mr N K 40 M Business Married Psora Lycopodium Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
37 Mr N P 40 M Worker Married Psora Nat mur Improve N.C 1 N.C 0
38 Mr M B 27 M Enginer Married Psora Sulphur Improve N.C 1 N.C 0
39 Miss V K 16 F Student Unmarried Psora Sulphur Improve L.C 1 L.C 0
40 Mr P C 24 M Worker Unmarried Psora Lycopodium Improve N.C 1 N. C 0
41 Mr J.S 24 M Worker Unmarried Psora Arsenic alb Improve N.C 1 N. C 1
42 Miss P.A 16 F Student Unmarried Psora Lycopodium Improve L.C 1 L.C 1
43 Mr A.B 24 M Student Unmarried Psora Lycopodium Improve N. C2 N. C2
44 Mr S.S 17 M Student Unmarried Psora Phosphorus Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
45 Mr V.G 25 M Worker Married Psora Phosphorus Improve N.C 1 N.C 1
46 Mr S.P 23 M Job Unmarried Psora Barty carb Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
47 Mr S.L 30 M Business Married Psora Arsenic alb Improve N.C 4 N.C 4
48 Mr R.H 31 M Worker Married Psora Lycopodium Improve N.C 2 N.C 1
49 Mr C.P 23 M Student Unmarried Psora Lycopodium Improve N. C2 N.C 1
50 Mrs A.C 40 F H/W Married Psora Kali phos Improve L.C 2 L.C 2
51 Mr A S 21 M Student Unmarried Psora Phosphorus Improve N. C 1 N. C 1
52 Mr A S 24 M Worker Unmarried Syphilitic Nux vomica Improve N. C 1 N. C 1
53 Miss S V 19 F Student Unmarried Psora Pulsitilla Improve L. C 1 L. C 1
54 Miss P R 18 F Student Unmarried Psora Sulphur Improve L. C 1 L. C 1
55 Miss M S 18 F Student Unmarried Psora Phosphorus Improve L. C 1 L. C 1
56 Mr S J 21 M Worker Unmarried Syphilitic Nux vomica Improve N. C 1 N. C 1
57 Mr R P 39 M Officer Married Syphilitic Mer sol Improve N. C 2 N. C 1
58 Miss R S 17 F Student Unmarried Psora Carcinocin Improve N. C 2 N. C 1
59 Miss S P 18 F Student Unmarried Psora Nat mur Improve L. C 2 L. C 1
60 Miss V P 18 F Student Unmarried Psora Pulsitilla Improve L. C 1 L. C 1

H/W – House wife, N.C – Norwood classification for males, L.C - Ludwig classification for

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

After considering all the 60 cases we have observed that, the remedy Lycopodium in 13
patients and Phosphorus in 11 patients have helped the patient well, being there totality. The
miasmatic background observed in alopecia was dominantly psora with 58.33% and sycosis
with 28.33%. Homoeopathic remedies have helped out the patients showing 90%
improvement in the patients.

Cases were given constitutional medicine for Alopecia. Out of them cases shown some
improvement. Cases shown any chances of improvement. In this study of 60 cases of
alopecia, we came across 18 cases of Norwood Grade 1 & 11 cases of Norwood Grade 2 in
men while in women, 12 cases of Ludwig Grade 1 & 10 cases of Ludwig Grade 2.
We saw cases with excessive hairloss, alopecia aerate & alopecia totalis. Most of them do not
have any genetic predominance. Through our study, we found that it affects both sex equally.
Homoeopathy has we found wonder effect in most stubborn cases of alopecia, not only does
it help at the physical plane by stimulating regrowth of hair but it boosts up the patient as a
whole by its action on mental plane, Homoeopathy works on two principles. It cures the cause
from the root & not merely the symptom. It works holistically taking into account the state of
patient physical, emotional & physiological strengthens the immune system
While making this study through homoeopathic medication we found that the efficacy of
constitutional medicine is better as compare to specific medicine in alopecia .In cases of
miasm operating behind alopecia we found that any of three basic miasm of their
combination may led to alopecia as presenting feature but the pre dominant miasm in
maximum cases is psora.

Davidson: Principle & Practice Of Medicine Chapter no 27 skin disease, presenting
problems in skin disease: 22nd ed: p.1296
2. GOLWALLA VAKIL: Textbook of Medicine by Golwala:9thed: Jaypee
3. HAHNEMANN SAMUEL: Organon of Medicine: 6th ed.
4. done)
5. (classification and grades)
6. Dr.N Shear: Dermatology:. pg no 32 Alopecia.
7. Dr. Subrata.k. Banerjee : Miasmatic no 27,28

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis
Dr Mahendra Dharua (PG Scholar)

Abstract: Excessive sweating cannot only be an embarrassment, but it also leads to having
a very uncomfortable feeling. Excessive sweating, in fact, is a medical condition and is
termed Hyperhidrosis. When there is excessive sweating over the entire body it is called
generalized hyperhidrosis while on specific parts is called focal hyperhidrosis. With the use
of the most suitable homeopathic medicines, excessive sweating can be properly treated.
While selecting the Homeopathic medicine the constitutional features- both physical and
mental symptoms –are given equal importance for that individual.

Keywords: Hyperhidrosis, homeopathic, constitutional, embarrassment.

Introduction: Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by abnormally increased
sweating in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature. Although primarily a
physical burden, it can deteriorate quality of life from a psychological, emotional, and social
Hyperhidrosis can either be generalized or localized to specific parts of the body. Localized
excessive sweating (e.g. palms, soles, face, underarms, scalp) is referred as primary or focal
hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating involving the whole body is termed generalized or
secondary hyperhidrosis. It is usually the result of some other, underlying condition.
Primary or focal hyperhidrosis may be further divided by the area affected, for instance
palmoplantar hyperhidrosis (symptomatic sweating of only the hands or feet) or gustatory
hyperhidrosis (sweating of the face or chest a few moments after eating certain foods) .
(Visual scale for the quantification of hyperhidrosis to measure or quantify hyperhidrosis
clinically with a visual scale on the basis of drawings, ranging from being drier than normal
to having the worst possible level of hyperhidrosis.)

Hyperhidrosis can also be classified by onset, either congenital or acquired. Primary

hyperhidrosis usually starts during adolescence or even earlier and seems to be inherited as an
autosomal dominant genetic trait. It must be distinguished from secondary type which can
start at any point in life. It may be due to a disorder of the thyroid or pituitary glands, diabetes
mellitus, tumors, gout, menopause, etc.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Another classification scheme is based on possible causes of hyperhidrosis. The cause of
primary hyperhidrosis is unknown but anxiety may be one of them. Similarly, secondary
hyperhidrosis has many causes including certain types of cancer, disturbances of the
endocrine system, infections, medications.
Diagnosis depends on the side affected. Symmetry of excessive sweating is most consistent
with primary hyperhidrosis while if only one side of the body is affected it is suggestive of
secondary hyperhidrosis and further investigations are recommended.
Treatment includes use of antiperspirant preparations, anticholinergic medicines. There are
also some procedures as well as specific surgeries like sweat gland suction, retrodermal
curettage etc. which cannot be managed by medications.
Persons suffering from excessive or increased sweating can hugely benefit by the use of
natural Homoeopathic medicines. Modern medicine provides just a temporary, short term
measure and just suppresses the problem while with the use of most suitable homoeopathic
medicines, excessive sweating can be properly treated and that the problem is eradicated from
its root.
The prominent Homoeopathic remedies like Calcarea carb, Silicea, Psorinum, Sulphur, Merc
sol are of great help in the treatment of excessive sweating.
The present case will bring to light the efficacy of a single homeopathic medicine in the case
of primary Hyperhidrosis.

Case presentation:
A boy of moderate built, aged 15 years, a student attended the OPD on 10/12/2016 with
complaints of excessive sweating in both palms and soles for last 4 to 5 years. The sweating
increases in morning and on going unbared foot. The hands are usually wet. The complaints
has started gradually and symmetrical over both palms and soles. No other specific
complaints and no treatment taken previously.
Past history- Nothing specific was found.
Personal history- Nothing specific was elicited.
Family history- Nothing contributory history found.
Physical general- He has a good appetite and desire for sweets. He drinks adequate amount
of water with regular bowel movement. Tongue moist & clean, passes urine 5 – 7 times daily.
Skin is oily but healthy. Has sound sleep at night with no specific dreams. Patient is chilly .
Thermals: Chilly
Mental symptoms- Patient is timid and shy before strangers. He is hardworking, silent, co-
operative but takes time to open up. Difficulty in talking during conversations. Sometimes
thoughtful when asked questions.
On systematic and local examination- No specific abnormalities found. Blood pressure &
pulse were recorded 110/80 mm of Hg and 74/min respectively.
Analysis of the case- After case taking all mental, physical generals, particular symptoms
were classified, analyzed and each symptom evaluated as per their merit. Among mental
symptoms-timid , shy before strangers, hardworking, silent, difficult in talking during
conversations and physical generals loves winter season, desires sweets were taken for
constructing the totality. Among particulars excessive sweating in both palms and soles < in
morning was considered in the totality. Rubric on excessive sweating also considered in
repertorization. The case was full of general symptoms, so Synthesis repertory 9.1 version
was selected and RADAR software [10.5] used for repertorization. Silicea was prescribed to
the patient considering the totality and miasmatic expression which is predominantly psora.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Prescription: Silicea 200 3 doses 8 hourly
placebo 30, 4pills TDS X 15 days
Follow up Schedule
Date Presenting complaints Visual scale Prescription
24/12/2016 Complaints better with no Rubrum 200 single dose,
new complaints. Humid hands followed by placebo for 15 days
Excessive sweating
28/1/2017 Complaints reappeared Wet hands Silicea 200 single dose, followed
again due to gap in taking by placebo for 1 month
medicine with no new
13/ 2/2017 Complaints better and no Dry hands Placebo for 15 days.
new complaints.
27/2/2017 Complaints improved. Normal hands Placebo for 15 days.

Conclusion: In the above case, Silicea was prescribed considering overall totality of the
patient which improved the quality of life of the patient. On basis of his presentation of
mentals of being shy before strangers highly placed Silicea in forefront above other remedies
along with thermals of being chilly and physical symptoms in background.
Discussion: Persons suffering from Hyperhidrosis can benefit by the use of homoeopathic
medicines. These are cheap, noninvasive and treat the problem of excessive sweating. The
homoeopathic medicines ensure that the problem is rooted out permanently. In future, more
such case studies would enhance the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in such type of
Hyperhidrosis cases.
1. Synthesis 9.1 repertory RADAR 10.5
2. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and repertory. Rep. ed.
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 1998

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

Homoeopathy Keeps Away Surgeon’s Knife: A Case Study Of

External Haemorrhoids With Fissure.
Dr. Kirti Borhade (PG Scholar)

Abstract: A haemorrhoids[1] is a very common clinical condition that a physician

encounters in day to day practice. Here is a condition of haemorrhoids with fissure [1] which
affect the daily routine of patient, preventing him to earn for his bread and butter. In
conventional medicine the only known treatment is surgical removal of the haemorrhoids and
fissures. Many times patients do not afford cost of surgeries and also the painful procedures.
Homoeopathy is a ray of hope for such cases. This patient was unable to do his job on
account of pain and discomfort since 3 months. But after taking treatment he joined his work
again within 15 days. There is no recurrence of complaint since last six months this cure can
proceed towards rapid, gentle cure.

Key words: Haemorrhoids, fissure, dentate line, VAS,

Haemorrhoids are the enlarged veins located at the lower part of the rectum and anus.
External haemorrhoids originate below the dentate line. While internal haemorrhoids are
above the dentate line and are classified into 4 grades, grade 1 are visualized on anoscopy,
bulge into lumen but do not extend below the dentate line, grade 2 prolapse out of the anal
canal with defecation or with straining but reduce spontaneously. Grade 3 is prolapse out of
anal canal with defecation or straining and requires reduction. Grade 4 haemorrhoids are
irreducible and may be strangulated [3]. These haemorrhoids are located at 3 o’clock, 7
o’clock & 11 o’clock position. Fissures are many times present along with complaint of

About 75% of people will have haemorrhoids atsome point in their lives [4]
Haemorrhoids is most common among adults aged 45-65[5] About 80% of people in India
develop haemorrhoids. And about 80% aged over 50 have some form of symptomatic
Haemorrhoidal disease [6]

Case report:
A 38 years male patient presented to clinic with burning pain, pulsating pain and bleeding
after defecation at anal region. He had that complaint since 3 months, because of which
patient was unable to go to his job. His mother also had haemorrhoids. The patient had
complaint of burning pain and bleeding at anal region during and after defecation for 3-4

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Patient said “doctor I am really fed up because of these piles as my work is to stand or sit
alternately (he was giving very details of symptoms as if he was theorizing).By standing I get
more trouble, when I sit and stand alternately that anal region gets stretched. If there is any
change in food my condition gets worse. If my water intake decreases my stools become hard
too much. Also I have profuse sweating. Doctor I am otherwise very healthy except this piles
complaint (as if showing wealth of is health) till now Ayurveda treatment was going on but I
have no relief”.

Reportorial totality-
Mind-DELUSION-persecuted- he is persecuted
Mind-BUISNESS-incapacity for
Mind-DELUSIONS-wealth of
RECTUM – PAIN – burning – stool – after-hard stool.
Repertorial sheet (table 1)

Sulphur, Lachesis, Lycopodium, was the remedies came in front, but Sulphur was the most
similimum to the case. Hence it was selected for case.

Prescription: sulphur 200 stat 1 dose was prescribed.

Table 2: (symptoms and prescription and VAS score[2].)

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

19/09/2016 Burning pain Severe Sulphur 200 stat 1
Bleeding during stools Score 10. dose.
Hard stools
22/09/2016 Stools are soft now Severe SL stat 1 dose.
Burning pain present Score 9
Bleeding present
28/09/2016 Stools hard followed by soft Moderate SL 4 pills BD for 15
stools. Score 5 days
Bleeding decreased
Burning pain decreased
14/10/2016 Burning pain decreased but Mild Sulphur 1 M stat 1
present Score 2 dose.
Bleeding absent now
Bowels are soft now
21/11/2016 Patient feels better now. No pain
Score 0
Since last prescription he had no episode of haemorrhoids up till now.

Conclusion: a case of haemorrhoids with fissure was treated successfully with

Homoeopathy. Patient’s quality of life was also improved as he joined his work within 15
days after there is no recurrence of complaints since last medicine it can be a
permanent gentle cure.

Discussion: Patient was prescribed with sulphur 200 potency 1 dose, considering his
mental physicals and particulars. Haemorrhoids were lying below dentate line and at 7
o’clock position, so it was a case of external haemorrhoids with co-morbidity fissure. In
conventional medicine surgery is choice of treatment for such cases. But homoeopathy in this
case removed ‘Surgeons knife’. Large scale studies, such as randomized controlled trials
should be done on these types of cases.

1) DAS S; A concise textbook of Surgery.4th edition. Published byS.Das[page no.1067]
3) Banov L Jr, knoepp LF Jr, Erdman LH, Alia RT. Management of
haemorrhoidal disease. J S C Med Assoc 1985;81:398 – 401.
4) Baker H. Hemorrhoids. In: Longe JL, editor. Gale Encyclopedia of
Medicine. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale; 2006. p. 1766-9.
5) Chong PS, Bartolo DC. Hemorrhoids and fissure in ano. GastroenterolClin of North
Am 2008;37:627-44, ix.
6) Treatment for hemorrhoids; the hindu; August 15, 2010. Available
from: tpdowntown/

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

Homoeopathic Treatment of Primary Hypothyroidism

Dr. Mahesh Dusane (PG Scholar)

Hypothyroid is believed to be a common health issue in India, as it is worldwide. However
there is a paucity of data on the prevalence of hypothyroidism in adult population of India. [1]
In India, too, a large population suffers from thyroid disorders. Previous studies reveal that
almost 42 million Indians suffer from thyroid disorders. Unfortunately, awareness about the
disease is extremely low. However a recent study across 8 cities of the country reveal the
prevalence of around 11% in the urban population in India, with the women being 3 times
more prone to the disease than men.[2]
Women’s are more likely to develop hypothyroidism than men. People over the age of 60 are
more commonly affected. The only known treatment for the condition in conventional
medicine is requires thyroxin therapy relieves symptoms and restores ‘normal’ thyroid
function. The case reported here is that of a Primary Hypothyroidism in an 18 year old girl
who was treated successfully with homoeopathic medicine. The patient has been observed for
more than 2 years. In these 2 years her thyroid function was accessed by investigating with
thyroid function test at regular interval which showed thyronormalcy in almost all subsequent
reports, this suggest that a ‘near permanent’ cure is achievable through individualised
Homoeopathic treatment.

Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Homoeopathy

Hypothyroidism, also called thyroid or low thyroid, is a common disorder of the endocrine
system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.
Worldwide, too little iodine in the diet is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. In
countries with enough iodine in the diet, the most common cause of hypothyroidism is the
autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Less common causes include: previous
treatment with radioactive iodine, injury to the hypothalamus or the anterior pituitary gland,
certain medications, a lack of a functioning thyroid at birth, or previous thyroid surgery. The
diagnosis of hypothyroidism, when suspected, can be confirmed with blood tests measuring
thyroid- stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxin levels.[3]
Hypothyroidism is divided in primary, caused by failure of thyroid function and secondary
(central) due to the failure of adequate thyroid- stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion from
the pituitary gland or thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) from the hypothalamus.
Secondary hypothyroidism can be differentiated in pituitary and hypothalamic by the use of
TRH test. In some cases, failure of hormone action in peripheral tissues can be recognised.
Primary hypothyroidism may be clinical or subclinical where FT4 is normal and TSH is
increased. In secondary hypothyroidism FT4 is decreased and TSH is normal or decreased.
Primary hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, less
common causes being radioiodine treatment and thyroidectomy. Salt iodination, which is
performed routinely in many countries, may increase the incidence of overt hypothyroidism.
The incidence of clinical hypothyroidism is 0.5-1.9% in women and <1% in men and of
subclinical 3-13.6% in women and 0.7-5.7% in men. It is important to differentiate between

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism as in clinical symptoms are serious, even coma may
occur, while in subclinical symptoms are less and may even be absent. Subclinical
hypothyroidism may be transformed to clinical and as recent research has shown it may have
various consequences, such as hyperlipidemia and increased risk for the development of
cardiovascular disease, even heart failure, somatic and neuromuscular symptoms,
reproductive and other consequences. The administration of novel tyrosine kinase inhibitors
for the treatment of neoplastic diseases may induce hypothyroidism. [4]

Clinical presentation
The early symptoms are tiredness, mental lethargy, cold intolerance, increase in weight,
constipation, menstrual disturbance; significant physical signs are a slow pulse rate, dry skin
and hair, cold extremities, periorbital puffiness, hoarse voice, slow movements. [5]
Serum T4 is low and TSH raised. Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase may be detected. In
symptomatic patients no further investigation is necessary. If the clinical features suggest a
transient cause of hypothyroidism (such as non-thyroidal illness, neck pain suggesting sub-
acute thyroiditis or recent pregnancy) repeat measurements after few weeks may be required
before embarking on long term Thyroxine therapy. [6]

Case report
A female aged 18 years came on 06/10/2015 for the homoeopathic treatment of primary
hypothyroidism with the following symptoms.

Presenting Complaints and History of Presenting Complaints

1) Irregular menses since one year. Either too early or too late, scanty menses. The shortest
cycle lasting for 17 days while the longest cycle lasted for 42 days.
2) Headache which aggravated on stooping++, by noise++, ameliorated by sleep since from
7-8 months
3) Generalised weakness with aversion to do any mental or physical work since from 7-8
4) Hair fall since one year with dandruff

Her appetite was good. She has desire for sour++, spicy food and thirst is of moderate
amount, she has aversion for sweets. Bowel movements are normal. She has irregular menses
either too early or too late discharges are scanty. Thermal reaction of patient is chilly. A
general feeling of weakness with aversion to do any mental or physical work.

Personal History:
Patient by occupation is a student of science graduate, belonging to middle class socio
economic family.

Past History
Nothing specifi
Family History
Father: Diabetes mellitus
Mother: Hyperacidity with asthmatic complaints
Present Medication

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Under allopathic treatment- Thyronorm 50 mcg OD since from 1 year.
On examination: NAD
She was a well-mannered girl not much communicative in nature. She said her complaints
started after death of her grandfather who died because of cancer. This incidence happened
so suddenly that it created a great psychological turmoil in her life. She was very much
attached to him. After his death she was very disturbed started staying alone. She always
dwells on memories of her grandfather. She likes dancing a lot but her father never allows her
for it.
Investigation: 06/10/2015
T3- 117 ng/dl Normal value 60-200ng/dl
T4- 7.6 µg/dl Normal value 4.5-12.0 µg/dl
TSH- 9.21µIU/ml Normal value 0.30-5.5 µIU/ml
Diagnosis: Primary Hypothyroidism
Case was repertorised on the following symptoms by using RADAR 10.5 (Schroyens f.
synthesis 9.0) is shown in Table 1

A detailed account of the treatment is given below

First Prescription
Ignatia amara 30/ one dose
Phytum 30/ 6 pills TDS for 15 days
Basis of prescription
In repertorisation Ignatia (18/8), Natrum muriaticum (15/8), Calcarea carb (14/8) and
Causticum (13/8) were coming in leading score. In this case, Ignatia was selected as it was
most suitable to psychological trauma (death of grandfather) and grief which disturbed
patient a lot and also the physical complaints of the patient. Which remained unchanged in
the subsequent follow-ups as the patient was responding well to the medicine. On the other
hand though calc.carb and causticum were coming in repertorisation but they were not
matching with the intensity of mental symptoms of patient.
Her follow ups are mentioned in detail in table 2
After giving Ignatia 30 she started feeling fresh, generalized sensation of weakness reduced.
Complaints of headache reduced much in terms of intensity and frequency. Secondly interval
between two periods shifted to normal and it is seen to appear monthly in subsequent follow
ups. In due course of treatment all her physical complaints disappeared. First thyroid function
test was done on date (06/10/2015) which showed thyronormalcy. At first patient is advised

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

not to consume Thyronorm for one day in a week. In successive follow ups with regular
check-ups /TFT the dose of Thyronorm is tapered gradually. Presently her dose of
Thyronorm is completely stopped. Till today she is kept on placebo and regular assessment of
her TFT is done which shows thyronormalcy.
Follow ups
Table 2
Date Symptoms Medicine Potency Dose
22/10/2015 -General condition Ignatia 30 One dose
improved. Phytum 200 For 15 days / 6
-Menses appeared pills TDS
after 38 days.
-Intensity and # Thyronorm 50 mcg OD
frequency of
headache reduced
08/11/2015 General condition is Phytum 30 For 15 days/ 6
static pills TDS
# Thyronorm 50 mcg OD
14/02/2016 -General condition Ignatia 30 One dose
improved Phytum 200 For 15 days/4
-Menses appeared pills TDS
after 32 days
-Hair fall reduced # Thyronorm 25 mcg OD
-Complaints of
headache since 2
On 11/02/2016
T3- 137 ng/dl
T4- 9.4 µIU/dl
TSH- 5.02 µIU/ml
09/06/2016 -General condition Phytum 30 For one month/
better 4 pills TDS
-No headache
Investigation- # Thyronorm 25 mcg Not to take for
On 06/06/2016 2 days in a
T3- 98 ng/dl week
T4- 8.6 µIU/dl
TSH- 3.71 µIU/ml
17/08/2016 -Hair fall reduced Phytum 30 For one month/
-No headache 4 pills TDS
-Appetite improved
Investigation- # Thyronorm 25 mcg Every alternate
On 16/08/16 day
T3- 1.12 ng/dl
T4- 8.6 µIU/dl
TSH- 3.44 µIU/ml
20/11/2016 -General condition Phytum 200 For one month/
better 4 pills TDS
-Menstrual cycle
regular on 29 day

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

On 18/11/16
T3- 1.14 ng/dl
T4- 8.3 µg/dl
TSH- 3.17 µIU/ml
02/02/2017 -General condition Phytum 30 For one month/
improved 4 pills TDS
-She reported after
two month with
improvement of
-Menstrual cycle
regular, flow normal
TSH- 4.00 µIU/ml
(0.3 -5.5) on
Follow ups are still going on with regular assessment of TFT allopathic medication stopped
since last 6 months and patient is continued on Placebo.

Homoeopathic literature mentions many medicines for the condition of which a similimum
can help a patient for keeping the disease at bay for a longer period as evidenced in this case.
Homoeopathic remedies can offer gentle and safe relief and reduces the chances of
recurrence significantly. Patient has highest satisfaction after taking the treatment. Although
the case was successfully treated, a better compliance from the patient’s side in terms of
regular follow ups could have helped in quick recovery of patient.

Homoeopathy can take care of chronic problems in an individual, where in Allopathy or
conventional medicine is Hormone replacement Therapy advised. Non- recurrence of
complaint in past two years suggests that Hypothyroidism can be treated successfully through
individualised homoeopathic treatment. Ignatia was found to be effective in normalizing
thyroid stimulating hormone function and relieving the symptoms. However, the results from
this single case report are by no means conclusive regarding the long-term clinical
effectiveness of homoeopathy for hypothyroidism. Well-designed studies are required for
establishing effectiveness and efficacy of homoeopathy in treating the condition.

1) on Wednesday, March 01, 2017, IP:
Prevalence of hypothyroidism in adult: An epidemiological study in eight cities of India
2)[Last accessed on 20/03/17 at
3)[Last accessed on 19/03/17 at 07:30PM]
4) 2895281/ [Last accessed on 20/03/17 at
5) Davidsons, Principles &Practice of Medicine, 19th edition, page no.699
6) Bailey & Love’s, Short Practice of Surgery, 21st edition, 1991, page no.737
7) RADAR 10.5 (Schroyens f. Synthesis 9.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Case Report

A Case Study Of Migraine

Dr. Deepak Singh (PG Scholar)

Migraine: Headache is one of the most common and difficult clinical problems in medicine.
In the majority of patients the cause is trivial and reversible and a careful clinical history and
examination often allows a specific diagnosis there by avoiding unnecessary investigation
Prevalance of migraine usually starts after puberty and continues until late middle life.
According to book of medicine Harrison 15% females & 6%males are suffering from
migraine. Frequency of occurrence is more common in females as compared to male is matter
of interest because of this disproportionate sex ratio. We were influenced by this information
& we wanted to find out scope of homoeopathy in migraine. The case reported here is that of
a migraine in 16 years male who was treated successfully with homoeopathic medicine.

Keywords: Migraine, Homoeopathy medicine.

“Migraine is a benign and recurring syndrome of headache, which is clinically characterized
by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, visual disturbances, vertigo and light-
headedness.”[Harrison]. Migraine is characterized by episodic headache, which is typically
unilateral and often associated with vomiting and visual disturbance. The single most
characteristic feature is the episodic nature of headache. Frequently women notice an
aggravation of migraine symptoms during peri-menstrual phase or in patients taking oral
contraceptives. Approximately half of patients who suffer from migraine have an affected
relative, suggesting a genetic predisposition. Recurrent episodes of this disease having
predisposing factors of dietary factors, including chocolate, cheese, and alcohol may
precipitate attacks. It is seen in approximate 15% women and 6% men. [Harrison]

Case history
A male aged 16 came for the homoeopathic treatment of migraine with the following
Presenting Complaints
Headache on and off frontal with more in left sided and both the temple since 4 years
Duration 1-2 hrs/2-3 times in week < sun exposure to, < light and cold weather 12-3 pm,
> sleeping in dark
Room/ head cover with pillow.

Associated complaints:-
Graying of hair (sign)
Nauseated feeling

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Past history:-
History of: Having bronchial asthma up to5 years .Taken homoeopathic treatment

Family history:-
Father -healthy
Mother -having dust allergy

Personal history:

 Food :
Desire:-Dabeely& spicy
 Thirst:4-5 glass /day
 Appetite: adequate
 Exposure to Sun:- having headache
 Sleep:-sound sleep
 Dreams:-not remembered
 Allergy:-dust
 Addiction:-no
 Urine:-4-5times/day
 Bowel habit:-constipation/urge 3-4 time/day/unsatisfactory
 Perspiration:-more in back and forehead
Constitution:- Well-built whitish complexion
Thermal state:-Hot

Summer Winter Rainy

Bathing Luke warm water L.W L.W

Covering NO 1required Yes

Fanning Yes No No

Woolen No Yes No

Physical examination:-

General survey:-

i. Built:-well built
ii. Weight:-85

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

iii. Height:-168cm
iv. Pulse:-82/min
v. B.P.:-100/80mmof hg
vi. Respiratory rate:-
vii. Pallor:-no
viii. Cyanosis:-no
ix. Clubbing:-no
x. Peripheral pulse:-well felt
xi. Lymph node:-no swelling
xii. Oedema:-no
xiii. Icterus:-no

Systemic examination:-

i. CVS:-s1 s2 normal

ii. CNS:-conscious oriented

iii. P / A:-soft non tender


Examination for refractory error


 During headache irritability
 Jevha chidto tevha kahitari todave ase vatate
 Daat chavto
 During headache badabad karto
 Desire for company
 Quite want to be
 Irritable pain during
 Despair recovery
 Anxiety health about
 Fear of birds

D/D: Migraine headache

Cluster headache
Gastric headache


Case was repertorised on the following symptoms by using RADAR 10.5 (Schroyens F.
synthesis 9.0) is shown in Table 1

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

A detailed account of the treatment is given below

Calcarea Sulph 200 single dose

Placebo TDS X 7 days

Diet and regiment:-advised

Auxiliary modes suggested:- Naturopathy: head massage

Follow Up:-

1. No of attacks since last follow up-2 time

2. Possible triggering factors-light
3. Location-temporal & above eyes
4. Duration-1 hours
5. Sensation- pricking
6. Modalities-< light > sleep

Calcarea sulph 200 1 dose

SL 30 3 pills x 15 days


1. No of attacks since last follow up- 1 attack on 29/9/13

2. Possible triggering factors-
3. Location-left frontal & temporal
4. Duration-1 hour

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Calcarea sulph 200 3 dose 8 hourly
SL 3 dose x 15 days
1. No of attacks since last follow up-1 attack of headache on 13/10/13
2. Possible triggering factors-
3. Location-frontal
4. Duration-half hours
5. Sensation-pricking
6. Modalities-<light

Calcarea sulph 200 1 HS

SL 200 TDS X 1 Month

Discussion & Conclusion: This patient’s constitutional remedy was Calcarea Sulph as
per totality of symptoms. In this case report, the patient showed improvement after the
homoeopathic medicine not only in the migraine but also in other associated complaints;
stools became satisfactory, Though the homoeopathic treatment has shown favourable results
in this case, in the future, randomized controlled trials with larger sample size are required for
validation of the effects of the homoeopathic medicine Calcarea Sulph.
1. Harrison: Harrison principles of internal medicine 18th edition 2 nd volume Mc Graw
Hill 2015 ; 2586
2. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia medica and repertory. Rep.
ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 1998.

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017
Materia Novum The Journal of Homoeopathy/Vol 1 /Issue 1 /Jan – Mar 2017

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