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Purpose of KMS

Improved performance .Competitive advantage.Innovation.Sharing of knowledge

IntegrationContinuous improvement
 Feedback database - A company may have a database of feedback from
customers and employees and shares this feedback with their design and research and
development departments. ...
 Shared project files - An employee team can work collaboratively on a project.

A Knowledge Managment System (KMS) is a type of information system that organizations use to
organize, store, organize and retrieve/find relevant information. Each company typically has a portal
where employees go to find information, those are KMSs. Even Google is an example of a KMS, it is
probably the best KMS out there

Decision Support Systems;Presents information to users in a manner that they can make informed
decisions more easily.

Database Management Systems; Database management systems assist in use the collection of data stored
within a database by enabling easy storage and retrieval.

Groupware systems facilitate collaboration between workers. They may assist workersin sharing
appointment calendars or
sending messages between them
 Document management systems enable users to perform versioning, store anshare documents, and
search through documents more efficiently.

 Faster & better decision making:

Knowledge management facilitates the delivery of right information at the right time through proper
structure and support and hence it provides the basis for faster & better decision making.
 Avoids redundant effect:
Knowledge management streamlines the work process for support agents and boosts them to focus on
something newer and challenging. Hence, Knowledge management ensures optimization of human
resources by avoiding duplication of efforts and thereby saving time and energy.
  Accelerating delivery to customers:
The sharing of knowledge, reuse and innovation help in reducing time to deliver a product or service.
Hence, KM has greater role play to improve customer experience.
  Innovation & growth:
Knowledge management facilitates knowledge sharing, collaboration, and information delivery which
leads to creation of knowledge and ultimately it stimulates innovation and growth of the organization.
 Making scarce expertise widely available:
There are a number of resources which are great in demand but are short in supply. In this regard,
Knowledge management makes those resources available to the entire organization by discussion forums,
blogs, podcasts, videos, white papers, trainings, etc.
 Empowers customers to find solutions themselves:
It is a common experience when we visit the website that we have directions on screen on how to set up
an account, how to use a product, what products or services the business offers and much, much more.

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