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Amended on 12.12.2018

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.



The aim of this manual is to lay down necessary directives for smooth and
efficient administrative functioning of the Human Resources department. It is
provided as a central reference to all Regional Heads, Branch Heads and


The process and policy applies to all Indirect staff of CISS Ltd.

The specific policies that follow, promote the philosophy of CISS with regard to
standards of excellence, terms of employment, employee development, and
employee services.

Any changes to this Manual will be fully consulted on and communicated to all
staff through normal communication channels.

R N Pimple

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.


Section 1 – Employing Staff

1. Recruitment and Induction

2. Standards of Business Conduct

3. Salary and Benefits

4. Travel and Conveyance

5. Internet, Email and Social Media Usage

Section 2 – Managing Employee Performance

6. Attendance and Tardiness Policy

7. Leave Policy

8. Performance Appraisal Policy

9. Separation of Employment

Section 3 - Dealing with Employee Concerns

10.Prevention of Harassment at Work

Section 4 – Supporting our Staff in Workplace

11.Conflicts of Interest

12.Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

13.Health and Safety Policy

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

Section 1 – Employing Staff: Employing staff fairly and expertly, ensuring they
are properly inducted, and ensuring they are aware of the required standards
of business conduct including use of email and the internet.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

1. Recruitment and Induction

1. Objective

 To recruit the best qualified people and to maintain a pool of human

resources according to the manpower requirement and planning of CISS.

 It is also a policy of the company to transfer or promote well performing

and capable employees to fill vacancies so that the employees are
provided with opportunities to widen their exposure and further
development within CISS.

 All employees have equal opportunities of employment irrespective of

their age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, family status, disability ,race ,
nationality or religion (provided that these do not impede the abilities of
the prospective appointees to carry out normal job duties or affect the
health and safety of fellow employees).

2. Manpower Planning

 Manpower Planning for the Financial Year should be done in February /

March of the previous Financial Year, wherein the Organization chart
should be finalized and vacancies due to retirement, termination, new
requirement, should be identified along with salary budget for the

 Along with the same, the timeline /month by which position should be
filled should be decided.

 This Organization chart is prepared by Head - HR and approved by

Managing Director/ Board of Directors.

 The vacancies should be filled by Head - HR.

3. Recruitment Policy

 All new vacancies apart from those approved at Manpower Planning

Stage for Indirect Staff Vacancies need approval by the Managing
Director/ Board of Directors before Head - HR processes the
requirement. Such requisitions can be made by Regional Head/
Department Head to the Managing Director / Board of Directors.

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 Recruitment is done according to vacancies and job opening keeping cost
at minimal.

 Preference shall be given to internal candidates/ internal

transfer/internal promotion.

 All indirect staff shall be interviewed by the Head – HR, Functional or

/and Regional Head. Employees in level of General Manager and above
shall be interviewed by the Managing Director, as well.

 The Head - HR, based on Urgency, shall give the position advertisement
in Newspapers and Job Portals. Alternatively, it may be outsourced to
Recruitment consultants, at following terms:
Fees – 8.33% of Annual CTC at all Levels
Credit Period – 30 days
Replacement clause – 90 days
Jurisdiction – Mumbai

Any exceptions to such terms should be approved by Managing Director.

We should always try to negotiate for better terms, which do not require
any approval.

 Recruitment should be based on competence and ability of the

candidate. An Offer Letter should be emailed to the employee by the
Head - HR.

 Employees should be clearly told about the nature of work,

remuneration and other service conditions. The Roles and
Responsibilities format for position and the Appointment Letter should
be issued to the employee on joining.

4. Application through References/Relatives

 An endeavor will be made to source candidates through internal

references, provided that the employee meets the selection criteria laid
for the vacancy.

 If a relative is being looked at as a potential candidate, an approval

from the Departmental Head and Head – HR, will be required to ensure
that there is no conflict of interest.

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5. Notice Period

 The notice period to terminate employment by either CISS or the

employee shall be 1 month or 2 months for Regional Head & above.

 Same notice period shall apply in case of resignation.

6. Induction Policy

 CISS believes that all employees should be given a timely induction and
training in an organized and consistent manner such that the new
entrants are highly motivated and efficient in their functioning.

 All Branch Heads/Regional Heads, Operations Manager and employees

above category of General Manager must Visit Head Office for a 1 day
induction with Head – HR. Induction shall comprise of HR Policies and
Processes Manual, Business Policy, SOP – Finance & Accounts & SOP
Tender Business. Further to this they shall spent 2 days in our
Ahmedabad Training Centre and the Head, shall orient them to our
Company Functioning and their Job role. The Head of Training acts as a
Mentor to the incumbent for a period of 3 months and ensures the
Branch / Regional Head settles in the organization.

 All Business Development Managers must visit Head Office for a 1 day
induction with Head – HR. Induction shall comprise of HR Policies and
Processes Manual, Business Policy, SOP – Finance & Accounts & SOP
Tender Business. Further to this they shall spent 2 days with Head –
Business Development and the Head, shall orient them to our Company
Functioning and their Job role. The Head of Department acts as a Mentor
to the incumbent for a period of 3 months and ensures the Business
Development Manager settles in the organization.

 All Accountants must visit Head Office for a 1 day induction with Head –
HR. Induction shall comprise of HR Policies and Processes Manual,
Business Policy, SOP – Finance & Accounts & SOP Tender Business.
Further to this they shall spent 2 days with Head – Finance & Accounts
and the Head, shall orient them to our Company Functioning and their
Job role. The Head of Department acts as a Mentor to the incumbent for
a period of 3 months and ensures the Accountant settles in the

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

 For Field Officers and other staff, this 3 days induction should be done
by the Branch Head/ Regional Head and they are expected to mentor
7. Internal Transfers

 All positions are liable to transfer from one site to another, one
post to another, one location to another with or without

 All transfers need approval of the Managing Director.

 Consequent to transfer, employee is entitled to one – way

travelling expenses for self and family as per company travel

 The salary may be revised considering the cost of living, position,

achievement of KPIs, etc.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

2. Standards of Business Conduct

1. Objective

 CISS expects its staff (including temporary, agency interim, contractor or

consultant staff) to be scrupulously impartial and honest in all affairs
relating to the Company and their job within it. All staff also bears a
responsibility as employees to act as ambassadors for the Company in
terms of their general conduct both within and outside the organization.

 CISS expects its employees to maintain a high standard of conduct and

work performance to make sure the business maintains its good
reputation with customers and suppliers. Good personal conduct
contributes to a good work environment for all.

This policy outlines the responsibilities of staff working for CISS.

The duties of an employee are as follows:

 To be ready and willing to work

 To take reasonable care in the exercise of the service, including the
duty to be competent at work and to take care of the Company’s
 To not willfully disrupt the Company’s business
 To obey reasonable orders as to the time, place, nature and method of
 To treat all colleagues with courtesy and respect
 To treat customers and clients in a professional manner at all times
 To work safely at all times
 To work only for the Company in the Company’s time
 To hold solely for the Company the benefit of any invention relevant to
the business on which the Company is engaged
 To respect the Company’s trade secrets
 To keep any private phone calls to reasonable levels
 In general, to be of good faith and do nothing to destroy the trust and
confidence necessary for employment
 To account for all benefits – monetary or in kind – received in the course
of employment
 To indemnify the employer for loss caused by the employee

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

2. Standard of conduct required by the Company

2.1 Transaction of Private Business

Employees having official dealings with contractors and other suppliers

of goods or services must avoid transacting any kind of private business
with them by any means other than the Company’s normal commercial
channels. No favor or preferences as regards price, or otherwise, which
is generally available, should be sought or accepted.

2.2 Identification

Employees should wear or carry their identity badges whilst carrying out
their duties.

2.3 Confidentiality

At all times confidentiality must be maintained. No information can be

released to unauthorized persons or organizations.

2.4 Personal Relationships

If a personal relationship between two employees develops within the

working environment, the onus is on the senior employee concerned to
bring this to the attention of his her manager to confirm that there is no
conflict of interest, nor will a conflict of interest arise. The company
reserves the right to move one of the employees concerned if it deems
it necessary to do so.

2.5 Outside Interests and Employment

Outside interests include directorships, ownership, part ownership or

material shareholdings in companies, business or consultancies likely to
seek to do business with CISS. These should be declared to the
individual’s line manager as should the interests of a spouse /partner or
close relative.

2.6 Misconduct as per Model Standing Order. 1946 (Section 24)

The following acts will also be treated as misconduct:

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

a) Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether or not a
combination with another, of any lawful and reasonable order of a
b) Going on an illegal strike or abetting, inciting, instigating or acting in
furtherance thereof
c) Wilful slowing down in performance of work, or abetment or
instigation thereof
d) Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the employers business
or property or the theft of property of another workman within the
premises of the establishment
e) Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification
f) Habitual absence without leave, or absence without leave for more
than ten consecutive days or overstaying the sanctioned leave
without sufficient grounds or proper or satisfactory explanation
g) Late attendance on not less than four occasions within a month
h) Habitual breach of any Standing Order or any law applicable to the
establishment of any rules made there under
i) Collection without the permission of the Manager of any money
within the premises of the establishment except as sanctioned by any
law for the time being in force
j) Engaging in trade within the premises of the establishment
k) Drunkenness, riotous, disorderly or indecent behavior on the
premises of the establishment
l) Commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behaviors on
the premises of the establishment
m) Habitual neglect of work, or gross or habitual negligence
n) Habitual breach of any rules or instructions for the maintenance and
running of any department, or the maintenance of the cleanliness of
any portion of the establishment
o) Habitual commission of any imposed under the Payment of Wages
Act, 1936
p) Canvassing for union membership or the collection of union dues
within the premises of the establishment, except in accordance with
any law or with the permission of the Manager
q) Wilful damage to work in process or to any property of the
r) Holding meetings inside the premises of the establishment without
the previous permission of the manager or except in accordance with
the provisions of any law for the time being in force
s) Disclosing to any unauthorized person any information in regard to
the process of the establishment which may come into the possession
of the workman in the course of their work
t) Gambling within the premises of the establishment

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

u) Smoking or splitting on the premises of the establishment where it is
prohibited by the employers
v) Failure to observe safety instruction notified by the employer or
interference with any safety device or equipment installed within the
w) Distributing or exhibiting within the premises of the establishment
handbills, pamphlets, posters and such other things or causing to the
displayed by means of signs or writing or other visible representation
on any matter without previous sanction of the Manager
x) Refusal to accept a charge-sheet or other communication served in
accordance with these Standing Orders
y) Unauthorized possession of any lethal weapon in the establishment
z) Sexual harassment which includes unwelcome sexual determined
behavior (whether directly or by implication), such as
(i) Physical contact and advances; or
(ii) A demand or request for sexual favours; or
(iii) Sexually coloured remarks; or
(iv) Showing pornography; or
(v) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non – verbal conduct
of sexual nature.

Explanation: - No act of misconduct, which is committed on less than three

occasions within a space of one year, shall be treated as habitual.

This list is only indicative and not exhaustive. All employees are advised to
refrain from any acts of omission / commission which could be viewed as
misconduct by the management.

2.7 Consumption of intoxicating drinks/drugs

Every employee shall ensure that the performance of his/her duties is

not affected by the influence of intoxicating drugs/ drinks.

2.8 Company Property / Equipment

All property of the Company (including company flats / company leased

accommodation) entrusted to the employee during the course of his /
her employment shall be returned in good condition, on separation from
the Company, as directed by the Management.

2.9 Personal Grooming & Dress Code

 All employees are expected to maintain a high standard of

personal grooming and observe proper dress norms.
Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.
 During week days either office uniform or a formal dressing is
mandatory for Employees.

 Indecent, skimpy, revealing and suggestive dressing shall

tantamount to misconduct leading to disciplinary action.

 Informal clothes (Jeans, T-shirts etc.) are unacceptable as office

wear during week days. This is especially important when an
employee is on official tour.

 The Management can declare weekends for smart casual dressing

where T shirts and Jeans are allowed.

 If your job profile requires you to wear your uniform while on

duty, ensure that your uniforms are neat, clean, wrinkle free and
properly fitting. Do not wear your employee uniform while not at

 All employees must contribute to the positive impression of CISS,

including their appearance and personal hygiene. Regardless of
their particular duties all employees are expected to be clean,
free of offensive odour and neat in appearance.

 The Management reserves the right to add or delete any or all of

the above provisions at the any time without notice and without
assigning any reason thereof. Such changes shall become
effective immediately upon being notified to the employees

2.10 Conflict of Interest

 Company expects all its employees to be free from actual or

potential conflicts of interest when dealing with other persons or
business entities on behalf of the Company.

 While Company desires that its employees be free to make

personal investments and enjoy social relations and normal
business relations, they must not have any personal interests that
conflict with those of the Company, or which might influence or
appear to influence their judgement of actions in performing
their corporate duties.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

 The key to addressing any conflicts of interest is full disclosure.
Often, with prior disclosure, a potential conflict may be resolved.

3. Anti- Bribery

 Bribery is the giving, offering or receiving of any advantage, which need

not to be financial, including any payment, gift, loan, fee or reward, to
or from any person in order to influence them corruptly or improperly in
the exercise of their duty. CISS will not tolerate any instance of bribery.

 You must not accept any offer by the way of gift or hospitality which
could give rise to a reasonable suspicion of influence on your part to
show favour or disadvantage to any individual or organization.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

3.Salary & Benefits Policy

1. Objective

The objective of the Salary & Benefits Policy is to provide employment which
offers fair and equitable remuneration in relation to responsibility and
performance. It is designed to attract, motivate and retain a high-caliber
workforce by providing a tax beneficial salary structure.

2. Scope

The policy applies to full-time permanent indirect employees. In case of part-

time/contractual employees, it is applicable as discussed during appointment.

3. Salary Components

Basic salary – It shall be minimum as per minimum wages and maximum of 50%
of Gross Salary
HRA – It shall be minimum 5% and maximum of 50% of Gross Salary
Conveyance Reimbursement – Upto 1600 pm
Medical Reimbursement – Upto 1250 pm
Children’s Education Allowance – Upto 200 pm
Other Allowance – Balance amount from Gross
Provident Fund – As per Act & Rule taken
Professional Tax- As per statutory requirement
Income Tax- As per act

Structuring of salary structure may be done by Branch such that employee can
avail maximum tax benefit. The Taxation department shall guide employees
further on the same.

4. Company Car

 To be provided to each major branch for purpose of Official travel of

Regional Head/ Branch Head and Business Development team.

 This is recommended mode of travel and a log book to be maintained by

each branch.

 The company shall be responsible for all expenses related to car,

maintenance and fuel.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

5. Mobile Allowance

 Mobile to be used for Official calls only. Mobile Bill Limit for the same
shall be on actuals or as per limit given.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

4. Travel & Conveyance Policy

1. Objective

The objective of the Travel & Conveyance Policy is to provide norms for
reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred during travel on Companies
work within and outside Branch/ HO.

2. Scope

The policy applies to full-time permanent indirect employees. In case of part

time/contractual employees, it is applicable as discussed during appointment.

3. Local Conveyance

 For the purpose of this policy Local travel shall mean any journey taken
within the city /town premises for purpose of Official duty.

 This does not include travel from residence to office and back.

 The entitlement & mode of transport shall be as per Grade and nature of

 In case of use of own vehicle toll may be claimed.

 Local Conveyance should be claimed on a monthly basis.

 Any exceptions to limits shall be approved by Managing Director.

4. Domestic Travel

For the purpose of this policy domestic travel shall mean any journey beyond
100 kms of the city /town premises for purpose of Official duty.

Class A Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore,

Delhi, Hyderabad
Class B Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Baroda,
Bhubaneshwar, Indore, Jaipur,
Jammu, Jodhpur, Nagpur, Kolhapur,
Kota, Nashik, Pune, Goa, Raipur,
Surat, Siliguri, Udaipur, Varanasi,

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

Class C Bhuj, Jamshedpur, Rajkot

5. Mode of Travel

 Employees shall travel as per approved mode of travel at lowest cost.

The entitlement shall be as per grade.

 One day trips are preferred and overnight stay shall be strictly as per

6. Accommodation

 Employees should book in liaison with Company Admin who shall have
the approved list of Hotels and tariff for each City as per Class A, B and

 The daily allowance for food shall be as per grade for each City as per
Class A, B and C.

 The travel itinery should be consulted with Regional Heads/ Admin for
purpose of claim before proceeding on tour.

5. Internet, Email and Social Media Usage

1. Objective

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

IT facilities are provided to employees including temporary staff to assist with
day to day work. It is important that they are used responsibly, are not abused,
and that individuals understand the legal professional and ethical obligations
that apply to them.

2. Email Policy

 The email records of other persons should not be accessed other than
management or persons authorized by management.
 A person must not pretend to be another person when sending email or
use another person’s computer.
 “Reply to all” must be avoided where it is not required.
 Company recommends documentation where necessary however, this
must not replace speaking face to face and on phone when necessary.
 Recheck email at least 3 times before hitting the send button.
 Reconfirm whom the email is intended for and who should be informed
CC when sending an email.
 Avoid BCC, we intend to develop a transparent organization culture
based on trust.

3. Internet Use

 Internet should be used for official use.

 Management has right to access the system to check if private use is
excessive or inappropriate.
 Sites for Gambling, Pornography are blocked.

4. Social media Policy

 Posting blogs, comments on internet regarding the Company on various

websites is strictly prohibited.
 Only authorized personnel of company may use LinkedIn, Facebook etc.
to do so.

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Section 2 – Managing Employee Performance: Setting objectives, assessing and
managing Employee Performance Including Absences, Misconduct and
Capability Issues

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

6. Attendance and Tardiness Policy

1. Objective

 It has been observed that certain Employees do not come to Office on

time, which hinders the normal process, coordination and work
environment. Tardiness is defined as arriving late for work, returning
late from meals, or early departure from work. Critical, time-bound
activities could suffer if such practice is continued.

 This Attendance and Tardiness Policy is being implemented to ensure

uniformity, better coordination and productivity, as all Employees would
be together in the Office for a longer duration.

 Office timings

Monday – Friday : 10.00 am to 6.00 pm (Lunch time 1.30 – 2.00 pm)

Saturday : 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

2. Attendance

 Attendance would be recorded with the biometric device and through a

Register entry for computation of number of days worked after adjusting
leaves and compensatory off.

3. Late marking

 Grace period of 15 minutes is allowed.

 Employee reaching Office between 10.15 am – 10.45 am will be marked

as late. While three (3) such late occurrences in any calendar month
would not be acted upon, any additional late markings from 4 th
occurrence onwards would be considered as a half-day leave.

 During the monsoon season June to September five such late

occurrences in any calendar month would not be acted upon, any
additional late markings from 6th occurrence onwards would be
considered as a half-day leave.

 Employee reaching Office between 10.45 am – 2.00 pm will be

considered as being on leave for first half of the day.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

 Employee reaching Office after 2:00 pm will be considered as having
taken a leave for the entire day.

4. Leave set off against late coming

 For leaves aggregated on the basis of late marking as mentioned above,

10 leaves will be considered for adjustment against number of leaves
available for the year.

5. Deduction from salary

 Leaves aggregated on the basis of late marking, if not adjusted against

total leaves (privilege leaves) available as mentioned above, will result
in deduction of salary for the calendar month.

 In an event where there is no leave balance available due to total leaves

having been exhausted, the entire leaves aggregated on the basis of late
marking would be considered for deduction of salary for the calendar

 Salary deduction would be based pro rata on the number of days in the
specific calendar month (30 or 31).

6. Out Duty Attendance:

 Any official work, for which an Employee either comes late to the
Office, or has to depart early, is to be with prior reporting to/
permission from at least the immediate Reporting Manager, by way of
email or phone.

7. Please Note:

 In case of emergency, any leave to an Employee will be approved by the

immediate Reporting Manager, or the senior most management
personnel present in the Office.

 In case, of massive train/local transport disruption, Regional Heads may

give a levy on Late coming.

 A lapse in either attendance or punctuality presents hardship to the

remainder of the staff and will be considered when Employee
Assessment is being done. Excessive and continuous abuse of the work
schedule could result in disciplinary action.

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7. Leave Policy

1. Objective

The objective of the Leave Policy is to provide work-life balance and encourage
employees to have regular holidays and Leave for rest and relaxation.

2. Scope

The policy applies to full-time permanent/ contractual indirect employees. In

case of part-time employees, it is applicable on a prorata basis or as defined in
terms of employment.

3. Period

Period of Leave shall be from January to December.

4. Privilege Leave

 All employees are entitled to 21 days Privilege Leave per continuous

year of service. This leave is earned by employees at the rate of 1.75
days for one completed month of service and shall be credited to the
Leave account at the end of every month.

 This can be broken into small segments.

 Leave on Saturday shall be considered as full day Leave.

 Application for Leave more than 6 days at a stretch should be made

atleast 15 days in advance to enable planning of work.

 Privilege Leave entitlement for new employees will be calculated in

proportion to the remaining part of the year.

 Privilege Leave cannot be carried forward to the next year. Balance

leave in excess shall lapse.

 Privilege Leave shall not be encashed.

 Privilege Leave can be adjusted during Notice period being served at the
time of Separation.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

 In case, an employee is sick for more than 3 days, he is required to
submit a medical certificate. Intimation via phone call/ SMS is
mandatory even during sickness. Failure to do so, in lack of proper
explanation may lead to deduction in Salary.

5. Leave without Pay

 Approval of leave without pay is at the discretion of management. This

type of leave can be applied for if individual employee has a pressing
requirement and privilege leave has been availed.

6. Compensatory Off

 Compensatory Off may be availed preferably on the next day of such

worked holiday/weekly off or within one week.

 Compensatory Off cannot be carried forward or encashed.

7. Sick Leave

In case of long term illness, an employee may avail 15 days Sick Leave on
provision of Medical Reports and Doctors Certificate. However, this
Leave is at discretion of Management and shall be adjusted only after
first adjusting the same in Privilege Leave. This Leave can be clubbed
together with Privilege Leave. Beyond that, it will be Leave without Pay.

8. Marriage Leave

An employee is eligible for 15 days Marriage Leave, when he completes 2

years with the organization. This Leave can be clubbed together with
Privilege Leave. Beyond that, it will be Leave without Pay.

9. Maternity Leave

An employee is eligible for 6 months Maternity Leave, when she

completes 2 years with the organization on the date of proceeding on
Maternity Leave. This Leave can be clubbed together with Privilege
Leave. Beyond that, it will be Leave without Pay.

10.Paternity Leave

An employee is eligible for 1 month Paternity Leave, when he completes

2 years with the organization on the date of proceeding on Paternity

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

Leave. This Leave can be clubbed together with Privilege Leave. Beyond
that, it will be Leave without Pay.

11.General Conditions

 Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and can only be granted

after considering the exigencies of work. The immediate Supervisor has
the discretion to refuse/ curtail or revoke leave at any time according to
exigencies of work.

 Employee must furnish contact details while on Leave.

12.Company Holidays

 Total Holidays – 15 days

 Compulsory Holidays –Total 15 days holidays shall include the 3

compulsory holidays Republic Day, Independence Day and
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti.  For Maharashtra, we shall also have
compulsory holiday on Maharashtra Day. However, May Day
(Labour Day) falls on the same day and hence, some states may
declare the holiday where mandatory.

 The balance holidays need to be decided by Regional Heads by

taking into account the respective states preferences.

 All 6 regional heads may please send their list to Head – HR for
collation and circulation.

 Holiday falling on Saturday is considered full day.


In case of situations like Riots, Flood, Cyclone, government declared

Bandh etc., Regional Heads may declare holiday keeping HO in loop.

Such Holidays are over and above the Privilege Leave and Company

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

8. Performance Appraisal Policy

1. Objective

 CISS is committed to supporting every employee to reach their potential

and achieve their personal goals, which in turn will assist the
organization to achieve its objectives.

 The performance appraisal policy supports the performance appraisal

scheme. The scheme is a formal process centered on an annual meeting
of each employee and their line manager to discuss his/her work. The
purpose of the meeting is to review the previous year’s achievements
and to set objectives for the following year. These should align
individual employee’s goals and objectives with organizational goals and

2. Core Principles of the Appraisal Policy

 The appraisal process aims to improve the effectiveness of the

organization by contributing to achieving a well-motivated and
competent workforce.
 Appraisal is an ongoing process with an annual formal meeting to review
progress. The annual review meetings for performance appraisal process
will commence in the month of April and will be effected from the
month of July every year.
 The appraisal discussion is a two way communication exercise to ensure
that both the needs of the individual, and of the organization are being
met, and will be met in the next year.
 The appraisal discussion will review the previous year’s achievement,
and will set an agreed Personal Development Plan for the coming year
for each member of staff.
 All directly employed employees who have completed their probationary
period are required to participate in the appraisal process. (In such
cases, appraisal may not necessarily result in salary raise.)
 The appraisal process will be used to identify the individual’s
development needs.
 All staff will receive appraisal training as an appraisee, and where
appropriate as an appraiser.
 The appraisal process will provide management with valuable data to
assist succession planning.
 The appraisal process will be a fair and equitable.
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 The Talent Management process will be supported by relevant tools.

3. Performance Appraisal Implementation

 Annual appraisal will be conducted for all employees. Performance

appraisal discussions will be held over a designated 4 week period on an
annual basis. The appraisal will be done by the appraisee’s line
manager. Line managers are encouraged to provide the opportunity for
an additional 6 month verbal appraisal review, mid-year and other
informal reviews as necessary throughout the year.
 The discussion will be held in private. Information shared during the
appraisal will be shared only with Senior Management and HR. Any
training / developmental needs will be provided to the HR /
administration for action. Confidentiality of appraisal will be respected.
 The appraiser will be expected to have successfully completed appraiser
training, and to be familiar with the appraiser’s work.
 All appraisal documents should be issued to the appraisers and the
appraisees prior to the discussion, in order to allow time for both parties
to reflect and prepare. The appraisers will rate the appraisee on the
Appraisal form.
 The appraisals will be carried out on merit basis and no personal bias
will be entertained.
 A time and venue for the discussion will be advised at least one week
before the meeting takes place.

4. The Appraisal Discussion

 The appraisal discussion will allow an opportunity for both the

appraisee, and the appraisers to reflect and comment on the previous
year’s achievements.
 The appraiser is accountable for giving the employee constructive,
timely and honest appraisals of their performance, which should take
into account both the goals of the organization and of the individual.
 The discussion should be a positive dialogue, and will focus on assisting
the appraisee to acquire the relevant knowledge, skills and
competencies to perform to perform his/her current role to the best of
his/her abilities
 The appropriate forms will be completed and signed by both parties. The
appraisee will be given the opportunity to note any comments that
he/she does not agree with complete a self-assessment.
 The appraisee and line manager should agree on a Personal Development
plan for the appraise for the following year. This will reflect the

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

appraisee’s aspirations and organization’s requirements and should align
personal and organizational goals.

 Any training needs, future training requirements, planned qualifications,

development opportunities and career planning should be discussed in
the light of the Personal Development Plan.

5. Promotions

 CISS provides its employees the opportunities to grow and develop in

their career.

Criteria for Promotion:

 Consistently good performance measurable against KPIs for at least 3

years or consistently excellent performance measurable against KPIs for
at least 2 years.

 The employee possesses potential to handle next higher level of job,

which automatically means a substantial and qualitative additional set of

 Promotion will be normally decided once in a year during performance

reviews. It is also possible in case of a vacancy created due to exit or
new vacancy in the middle of the year with the approval of the Managing

6. Award/Appreciation

 If any employee performs extraordinary work beyond their scope of

work, the Head of Dept. is expected to forward the name of that
employee who has performed such an extraordinary task to HR dept.
/CEO/ MD/Director. This should be supported with relevant facts.
 The company will recognize/reward the employee for the extraordinary
work as per the company’s policy at the time.

7. Training and Monitoring

 Senior Management is responsible for the appraisal process, and he/she

shall ensure that appraisers and appraisees are adequately equipped and
trained to undertake the performance appraisal.


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 The main objective of training and development in CISS is to help
develop key competencies which enable individuals to perform current
or future jobs successfully. In this regard, all training and development
programs organized by the Head - HR will be geared towards the
following objectives:
 Strengthening the job skills/knowledge of employees
 Improving operational efficiency and productivity
 Developing the potential of employees for maximizing mutual benefits to
individuals and CISS.


 The basic policy in administering and implementing any type of training

or development activity is in accordance with the strategic business
objectives of CISS. The Head – HR will work closely with Heads of
Department/ Regions in assessing the training and development support.

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9.Separation of Employment

1. Objective

 The main purpose of this policy is to identify the guidelines that are
necessary at the time a staff member separates employment from CISS
through resignation or termination.

2. Scope

 This policy applies to all employees including full-time and part-time.

3. Policy Guidelines

 When an employee is separated from employment, the supervisor has

the responsibility to communicate the separation to Human Resources
and other appropriate departments to ensure the procedures of this
policy are followed.

A. Notice Requirements

 Employees who voluntarily resign from their employment should give a

notice as per the Company Policy. They shall overwrite the terms in
appointment letter. Once the resignation has been accepted, the
supervisors, with approval of Head- HR, may choose to have the
employee leave immediately rather than continue working through the
notice period. The employee may still be paid for the notice period, in
case of a termination.
 The notice period for the employees in management cadre Regional
Heads/ Departmental Heads and above shall be 2 months. For others, it
shall be 1 month.
 Resignation during the probation period does not require notice period
of more than 7 days.

B. Separation Procedures

 All resignations after being accepted by Head of the Department and

corporate functional Head to be sent to HR.

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 Employee has to serve the notice period as mentioned in his/her
appointment letter. Any exception to this would require approval form
the corporate functional head.
 HR should conduct the exit interview of the employee.
 No adjustment of leave is done during notice period and / or leave is not
adjusted in lieu of notice period.
 On receiving the duly accepted resignation letter , HR would arrange for
the clearance from various departments
 The immediate supervisor would be responsible to organize a complete
handover of all tasks and responsibilities.
 A final full and final statement would be prepared by Accounts at least
one day before employee’s leaving and handed over to him.
 In case final settlement is payable Finance will process the same along
with the relieving letter from HR.

4. Retirement

 Objective

The main purpose of the retirement policy is to state company’s plan

and position regarding staff planning up to certain age to ensure
maximum productivity from each employee up to a certain level as well
as to provide benefits to all employees after taking off from their
regular work.

 Application Scope

This policy is applicable to all permanent employees working with CISS

and comes to effect whenever a staff member is 65 years old. In case of
employees in cadre of Sr. Manager and above this comes to effect
whenever a staff member is 72 years old. Beyond this, employees may
remain part time/full time advisors to the company. The company shall
try to help in rehabilitation of the retired personnel in good faith.

 Benefits on Retirement

All eligible employees shall receive Provident Fund.

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Section 3- Dealing with Employee Concerns: Hearing Grievances, Dealing with
Harassment, and making provisions for whistleblowing

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

10.Prevention of Harassment at Work

 CISS is committed to encouraging and maintaining good employee

relations within a working environment which fosters team working and
encourages employees to give of their best. Everyone in the Company
and those who have dealings with Company has a responsibility to
maintain a good working relationships and not use words or deeds that
may harm the wellbeing of others. Everyone has the right to be treated
with consideration, fairness, dignity with respect. This contributes to a
workplace environment in which individuals feel safe and can work
effectively competently and confidently.

 The Company’s policy applies to all staff working within the organization
and to all employees working off the premises. It extends to include
non-permanent workers such as contractors, agency or temporary staff,
consultants and any other workers. The policy, in addition, covers the
behavior of staff outside working hours which may impact upon work or
working relationships.

 All employees have the right to work in an environment free from all
forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered harassing,
coercive or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Anyone engaging in
harassing conduct will be subject to discipline, ranging from a warning
to termination.

Key Principles

 The Company will provide and sustain a safe working environment in

which everyone is treating fairly and with respect. Those working or
dealing with the Company must not encounter harassment, intimidation
or victimization on the basis of gender, race, color, ethnic or national
origins sexual orientation, marital status, religion or belief, age, trade
union membership, disability, offending background or any other
personal characteristics.

 Everyone carries a personal responsibility for their own behavior and for
ensuring that their conduct is in accordance with the principles set out
in this policy. In addition, each person has a responsibility to report any
instance of bullying or harassment which they witness or which comes to
their attention.

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 Employees have a responsibility to act as role models, pro-actively
addressing existences of bullying and harassment. Manager should also
make themselves aware of their responsibility.

Harassment may be defined as a conduct which is:

 Unwanted by the recipient
 Is considered objectionable
 Causes humiliation, offence, distress or other detrimental effect

Harassment may be an isolated occurrence or repetitive, it may occur against

one or more individuals. Harassment may be, but is not limited to:

 Physical Contact – ranging from touching to serious assault, gestures,

intimidation, and aggressive behavior.
 Verbal – unwelcome remarks, suggestions, propositions, malicious gossip,
jokes and banter, offensive language.
 Non-Verbal – Offensive literature or pictures, graffiti and computer
imagery, isolation or non-cooperation and exclusion or isolation from
social activities.

 Any employee who wishes to make a compliant of harassment is

encouraged to first discuss matters informally with their line manager or
with Human Resources, provided that they feel able to do so. Should the
issue not be resolved at this stage, or the employee feels unable to raise
the issue informally, then a formal resolution should be sought.
 When a complaint of Harassment is brought to the attention of a
manager at any level, whether informally or formally, prompt action
must be taken to investigate the matter, Corrective action must be
taken to raise the issue informally, then a formally, then a formal
resolution should be sought.
 When a complaint of Harassment is brought to the attention of a
manager at any level, whether informally or formally, prompt action
must be taken to investigate the matter. Corrective action must be
taken where appropriate and this may require an investigation under the
Company’s Disciplinary Policy & Procedure.
 If it is considered that one of the parties concerned in a case should be
moved from their current workplace, then as a matter of principle the
Company will normally remove the alleged perpetrator rather than the
complainant. However, the final decision on who should be moved from
their current workplace should reflect the particular circumstances of
the case and advice from Human Resources to the relevant manager.

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 All matters relating to the investigation of complaints of harassment or
bullying will be treated in strict confidence. Any breach of
confidentiality in this regard may render those responsible liable to
disciplinary actions.
 No employee will be victimized or suffer detriment for making a
complaint of harassment or bullying and no manager shall threaten
either explicitly or implicitly that an employee’s complaint will be used
as the basis for decisions affecting that employee.

3. Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual Harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances, or visual,

verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes
many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender based harassment
of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list
of Sexual harassment examples:
 Unwanted sexual advances
 Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors
 Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to
sexual advances
 Visual conduct that includes leering, making sexual gestures, or
displaying of sexually suggestive objects, or pictures, cartoons, or
 Verbal conduct that includes making or using derogatory
comments, epithets, slurs, or jokes
 Verbal sexual advances or propositions
 Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries
about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to
describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or
 Physical conduct that includes touching, assaulting, or impeding
or blocking movements

Complaints Committee

 The complaint mechanism, referred to above, should be adequate to

provide, where necessary, a complaints committee, a special counsellor
or other support service, including the maintenance of confidentiality.

4. Grievance Policy

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 The grievance procedure is intended as the tool by which a member of
staff may formally have a grievance, regarding any condition of their
employment, heard by the management of the Company.
 In the event of a member of staff wishing to raise a grievance, it is
preferable for the grievance to be satisfactorily resolved as close to the
individual and their line manager as possible. It is understood however
that this is not always possible and that a formal procedure is required
to ensure the swift and fair resolution of matters which aggrieve the
Company’s employees. Grievances may be highlighted to Head – Human
Resources as required.

 Time scales have been fixed to ensure that grievances are dealt with
quickly, however these may be extended if it is agreed upon by both

5. Whistleblowing

It is the responsibility of every group employee to bring to the attention of

appropriate management any concerns that they have that:
 Bribery or corruption has taken place, or is likely to take place;
 There may be fraud or other irregularities going on in way transactions,
goods or services are being paid for, recorded or invoiced (or in the
failure properly to record or invoice them);
 The health or safety of any individual is being, or is likely to be,
endangered by the way activities are being carried out;
 Any other criminal offence has taken place, or is likely to take place;
 There has been, or is likely to be, a failure to comply with legal
 There has been, or there is likely to be a miscarriage of justice;
 Or the environment has been, or is likely to be damaged;
In such cases employees should feel able to bring these matters to the
attention of their line managers, who are in turn under a duty to pass on the
information to appropriate senior management.
However if an employee feels that this is an inappropriate route in the
circumstances or is uncomfortable with it, or believes that the matter has not
been dealt with satisfactorily by the line manager, they should use the
individual company’s whistleblowing procedures.
It is the responsibility of Regional Heads to ensure that systems are in place to
publicize the whistleblowing procedures are known to existing employees and
new joiners, and are refreshed from time to time.

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Section 4 – Supporting our staff in the workplace: By ensuring Equality and
fairness in all aspects of Employment; dealing with Alcohol and Drug issue,
ensuring their Health & Safety is properly guarded and keeping them engaged
by various activities.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

11. Conflicts of Interest

1. Objective

 Employees have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that

prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. The purpose of these
guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees can seek
further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable
standards of operation.

 Transactions with outside forms must be conducted within a framework

established and controlled by the executive level of company. Business
dealings with outside companies should not result in unusual gains for
those firms. Unusual gain refers to bribes, product bonuses, special
fringe benefits, unusual price breaks, and other windfalls designed to
ultimately benefit the employer, the employee, or both. Promotional las
that could be interpreted to involve unusual gain require specific
executive–level approval.

 An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in

a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for
that employee or for a relative because of company business dealings.
For the purpose of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by
blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to
that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.

 If employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases,

contracts, or leases, it so imperative that they disclose to an officer of
company as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential
conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all
parties. Transaction with outside form must be conduct within the
framework established and controlled by director level. Business
dealings with outside forms should not result in unusual gains for those
forms. Unusual gain refers to bribes; product bonuses, special fringe
benefits, unusual price breaks, and other windfalls design ultimately
benefit the employer, the employee, or both.

2. What should you do to comply?

 Request management approval of outside activities, financial interests

or relationships that may pose a real or potential conflict of interest.
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Remember that management approval is subject to on-going review, so
you need to periodical update your management on your involvement.
 Avoid personal relationships with other company employees where
parties in the relationship may receive or give unfair advantage or
preferential treatment because of the relationship.

 Avoid actions or relationships that might conflict or appear to conflict or

with your job responsibilities or the interests of company.

 Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can damage an important

company interest.

 Obtain necessary approvals before accepting any position as an officer or

director of an outside business concern.

3. What should you do to avoid non-compliance?

 Receiving personal discounts or other benefits from suppliers, service

providers or customers that is not available to all company employees.

 Receiving personal honoraria for services to perform that are closely

related to your work at company. Your supervisor should approve
occasional honoraria, such as from a university presentation or charity or
for a social cause.

 Working with a business outside your company responsibilities that is in

competition with any company business.

 Accepting a gift that does not meet the standards in the company.

 Having a direct or indirect financial interest in or a financial relationship

with a company competitor, supplier or customer.

 Having a second job where your other employer is a direct or indirect

competitor, distributor, supplier or customer of company.

 Having a second job or consulting relationship that affects your ability to

satisfactorily perform your company assignments.

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12. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

1. Objective

 CISS recognize that alcohol and drug abuse related problems are an area
of health and social concern. It also recognize that a member of staff
with such problems needs help and support from his/her employer.

 The Company also recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse problems can
have a detrimental effect on work performance and behavior. The
Company has a responsibility to its employees and customers to ensure
that this risk is minimized.

 Accordingly, Company Policy involves two approaches

 Providing reasonable assistance to the member of staff with an alcohol

or drug abuse problem.

 Disciplinary rules, enforced through disciplinary procedures, where use

of alcohol or drugs (other than on prescription) affects performance or
behavior at work.

2. Assistance for a member of staff

The company will, where possible, provide the following assistance to a

member of staff:

 The opportunity to remain or return to work following the completion of

a course of a course of treatment, as far as its practicable, in either the
employee’s own post or an alternative post.

 The company and its employees must recognize the following limits to
the assistance the Company can provide:

 Where a member of staff fails to undergo treatment or rectify behavior,

no special assistance will be given and any failure in work performance
and behavior will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.

 If the process of treatment is completed but is not successful, and

failure in work performance and behavior will be dealt with through the
disciplinary procedure.

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 A member of staff’s continuation in his/her post or an alternative post
during or after treatment will depend upon the needs of the Company at
that time.

3. Disciplinary Action

In line with the Company’s disciplinary rules, the following will be regarded as
serious misconduct:

 Attending work and or carrying our duties under the influence of alcohol
or drugs these breaks must not be taken at the entrance to CISS offices.
Excessive smoking breaks will be regarding as absenteeism and
performance improvement action ma y be taken. Alcohol and drugs
whilst on duty (other than here prescribed or approval has been given.)

 Breach of these rules will normally result in summary dismissal, and only
in exceptional cases will either notice or the reduced disciplinary action
of a final written warning be applied.

4.Smoking Policy

 CISS has a non-smoking policy. Smoking is not permitted on the company

property or in offices at any time.

 Smokers who need to take breaks should do so in their allotted breaks.

These breaks must be limited to ten minutes from leaving the workplace
to recommencing work. These breaks must not be taken at the entrance
to CISS offices. Excessive smoking breaks will be regarded as
absenteeism and performance improving action may be taken.

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13. Health and Safety Policy

1. Objective

 CISS considers and fully accepts Health and Safety of its employees as a
fundamental management concern.

2. Management Organization and Arrangements

 The purpose of this Policy is to establish general standards for health

and safety at work and to distribute responsibility for their achievement
to all managers, supervisors, and other employees through the normal
line management processes.

3. Management Responsibilities

Senior Management

 The Regional Head & Branch Head has overall responsibility for the
implementation of the Company’s policy. In particular he is responsible
for ensuring that the policy is widely communicated and that its
effectiveness is monitored.

 The managers are wholly accountable to the Managing Director for the
implementation and monitoring of the policy within the area of their
specified responsibility.

4. Health and Safety Management Process

 The Company believes that consideration of the health, safety

and welfare of staff is an integral part of the management
process. Responsibility for health and safety matters shall be
explicitly stated in management job descriptions.
 The Company requires managers to approach health and safety in
a systematic way, by identifying hazards and problems, planning
improvements, taking executive action and monitoring results so
that the majority of health and safety needs will be met from
locally held budgets as part of day-to-day management, although
many health and safety problems can be rectified at little
additional cost. For major additional expenditure, cases of need
will be submitted by Heads to management.
 If unpredictable health and safety issues arise during the year, the
Branch Head must assess the degree of risk, in deciding the

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necessary resources and actions to commit to addressing these

5. Health, Safety and Welfare Guidelines

 It is the policy of the Company to require departmental managers to

produce appropriate health and safety policies or guidelines. These
should be embody the minimum standards for health and safety for the
department and the work organized within it.

 It shall be responsibility of the manager to bring to the attention of all

members of his or her staff, the provisions of the guidelines as per
standard CISS operating procedures, and to consult with appropriate
Health and safety Representative about the updating of these guidelines.
The model contents of a guideline are:

 A clear statement of the role of the department;

 Regulations governing the work of the department;
 Clear reference to safe methods of working;
 Information about immediate matters of health and safety concern, such
as fire drills, fire exits, first aid;
 Training standards;
 The role and identity of the Health and Safety Representative;
 Names of specialist advisers who can be approached about the work of
the department;
 The manager responsible for organization and control of work;
 Accident reporting procedures;
 Departmental safety rules;
 Fire procedures;
 Policies agreed by the Company.

6. Identification of Health and Safety Hazards

 Annual Audit and regular risk assessments

It is the policy of the Company to require a thorough examination of

health and safety performance against established standards in each
department, at least annually. The technique to be adopted for such
examinations will be the Safety Audit. The Audit requires review of:

 Standards laid down in the policy;

 Departmental guidelines;
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 Relevant Regulations;
 Environmental factors;
 Staff Attitudes;
 Staff instructions;
 Method of work;
 Contingency plans;
 Recording and provision of information about accidents and hazards and
the assessment of risk.
 The information obtained by the Audit will be used to form the basis of
the plan for the department for the following year. Audits must be
completed by July of each year.

 It is the management’s responsibility to ensure that any deficiencies

highlighted in the Audit are dealt with as speedily as possible.

 In addition to carrying out Audits, it is the responsibility of the

departmental manager to check at least quarterly, all portable
equipment, including electrical appliances, in their area and to ensure
that all problems are immediately dealt with. Managers have a continual
responsibility for the elimination of the hazards in order to maintain a
safe working environment and will also be expected to carry out regular
risk assessments in line with the Health and Safety Executive Guidelines;
that is follow the 5 steps:

1. Identify the hazards

2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
4. Record the finding and implement the precautions
5. Review the assessment and update when necessary

 Training
Health and Safety training shall be incorporated within annual training
programs, as part of the development of a systematic plan. Health and
Safety training needs will therefore be identified and planned for in the
same manner as other training needs.

 Records, Statistics and Monitoring

The Company will operate systems for recording, analysis and
presentation of information about accidents, hazard situations and
untoward occurrences information obtained from the analysis of
accident statistics must be acted upon and, where necessary, bids for
additional expenditure made to the Managing Director.

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7. Cleanliness

 The premises of every office shall be kept clean and free from effluvia
arising from any drain or privy or other nuisance and shall be cleaned at
such times and by such methods as may be prescribed. These methods
may include lime washing, color washing, painting, varnishing,
disinfection and deodorizing.

8. Ventilation

 The premises of every office shall be ventilated in accordance with such

standards and by such methods as may be prescribed.

9. First Aid

 It is the policy of the Company to make provision for First Aid and the
training of ‘First Aiders’ in accordance with the Factories Act 1948.

10. Fire

 The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that the staffs receives
adequate fire training, and that nominated fire officers are designated
in all Company premises,

 In addition the Company will nominate a Fire Officer (this may be the
Safety Officer or someone external to the Company)

 Report and advice on the standard of fire safety in the Company’s

premises and the standard of fire training of its staff;

 Undertake overall responsibility for fire training;

 Assist in the investigation of all fires in the Company’s premises and to

submit reports of such incidents

11.Lifting and Handling

 The premises of every office shall be sufficiently lighted during all

working hours.

 Managers are responsible for informing staff off safe lifting techniques.
The safety officer will identify specific training needs. The Head office

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will ensure training in lifting and handling is provided to staff who
require it.

12.Control of Substances hazardous to Health

 The Company must provide and use controls to prevent exposure to

substances hazardous to health; maintain controls by monitoring
exposure, or by health surveillance of employees; and provide
information, instruction and training for employees on all these matters.

Version 1.0 © Central Investigation & Security Services Ltd.

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