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Reflecting on the National Championship maintain the cohesiveness, and constantly

football season of 2014, Urban Meyer recounts enhance the models within the culture they
life lessons and leadership traits in his book developed, is something I refer to often in my
Above the Line. He outlines a very demanding, leadership style. While it this model is very
structured, purposeful and caring way of demanding, it has rewards that are
leading through good and bad times. Leading unparalleled. Managing this through numerous
this way, he has simplified his beliefs into being years is the thought I’d like to understand more
on one side of a line or the other. While many as leadership styles are studied and compared.
facets make up this style, Above the Line
demonstrates the behavior with clarity and
conviction all can follow.
With everything, there’s a line
I noted a few of the aspects I find most
appealing through the book on the previous
pages. Each value shares different ideas and
On one side of the line it’s a
concepts involved in leadership. The simplistic greater chance to make good
view and writing of this book makes one think things happen(better results,
these are easy disciplines to follow. However, I better relationships, more
feel while some can be incorporated in your opportunities). On the other side,
own style, most are a “feel” for the situation
there’s less of a chance
that is presented. Thus, the E+R=O approach
can be applied to all aspects of life. How we
choose is totally up to our responses Lessons in Leadership and
throughout life. And with each line, you have a
choice. Life from a Championship
By reading this book, and having gone through
the models in various occasions, it has made me
simplify some of my philosophies in leadership. You want to cross the line or you
don’t. You want that better chance
The more simplistic we can make leadership to
those that are following, the more success one at making good things happen
Urban Meyer
can have. Using the followers to become (meaningful things) or you settle With Wayne Coffey
leaders in their own right will only enhance the
culture that a leader instills.
with the lesser chance

Probably the most rewarding part of this

reading was getting in depth with that season of
2014. Personally, I (with family) was in
attendance when it all culminated with the first
BCS Championship in Dallas. Understanding the
work and time it took to build through the year,

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