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Depict the character of lady Macbeth /

লেডি মেকবেথের চরিত্র বৈশিষ্ট্য বর্ণনা কর

টেকনিকঃ লেডি ভয়ঙ্কর উচ্চাকাঙ্খায় স্বামীর পুরুষত্ব নিয়ে পাগলামী শুরু করে।

Lady Macbeth is one of the most infamous female character and the protagonist of Shakespeare’s
bloodiest play “Macbeth”. She is more ambitious and power-hungry than her husband. She
exercises great influence upon her husband’s decision and action. In fact, Macbeth is motivated
in the play by the will of Lady Macbeth. And being influenced by her, Macbeth sows the seed of
his tragedy.

Frightening Character: Lady Macbeth is most famous and frightening female character
in Macbeth. She is determined that she will be queen, yet she is very loving person. She is
stronger, ruthless and more ambitious than her husband. She is also cruel and pushes Macbeth to
kill Duncan in order to fulfill the prophecy of witches. She would do anything to have power.

More ambitious than husband: When she was informed the news of witches’
prophecy by her husband , she becomes greedy to be the queen of Scotland. And when Duncan is
arriving at her castle, she forces Macbeth to ensure the murder of Macbeth.

Challenges Macbeth’s manhood: Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband with

remarkable effectiveness. When her husband hesitates to murder. Repeatedly questions his
manhood until the feels that he must commit murder to prove himself.

Suffers guilt and insanity: By the close of the play, Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking
through the castle and seems to be washing her hands saying “Out, damned spot! Out, I
say!” .Her guilt is coming to the surface ashes sleeps and dreams. In this state, She attempts to
clean Duncan’s invisible blood off of her hands. Lady Macbeth eventually becomes insane as a
result of guilt and at last she kill herself.

Therefore, Lady Macbeth’s dominance upon her husband plays a crucial role in developing the
main action of the play. And being inciting by his wife, Macbeth murdered the king Duncan.
Made by: Kafayet Ullah

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