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Sampling is an important tool for collection of data. It is an investigation of certain units from the whole
domain of survey. Those units are selected as representatives of the whole domain. Only a part of an
aggregate, generally 5 or 10 percent, it is selected to represent the whole lot. Sampling method is a
process of drawing a definite number of individuals, cases or observations from a particular universe,
selecting part of a total group for investigation.

Definition of Sampling
1. According to P.K.Hatt, “a sample is a smaller representative of a large whole.”
2. Ya-Lun-Chou says, “sample refers to a collection of primary sampling units selected as
representative microcosm from which references about the population may be made.”
Basis of Sampling
1. The units selected for sampling must have similarity with other units of the whole group so that
sampling can be more scientific.
2. Sample unit should be capable of representing the whole group.
3. Efforts should be made to collect data as accurately as possible.
Characteristics/Features of Good Sampling
1. Sample should be truly representative and give a realistic picture.
2. It must be by adopting random process and completely unbiased.
3. It should be small and not too large and as economical as possible.
4. It must be complete and accurate.
5. It should depict such a real picture that can be entirely reliable.
Types of Sampling
1. Simple random sampling
2. Stratified random sampling
3. Cluster sampling/area-sampling
4. Systematic sampling
5. Self-selected sampling
6. Purposive sampling/Judgment sampling
7. Snow ball sampling
8. Replicate sampling
Merits of Sampling
1. It provides scope for more accurate data
2. When number of units is large, sampling technique is useful for data collection.
3. Sampling is a proper mode of inquiry in certain cases
4. Sampling is an economical method that saves cost and time.
5. Sampling is relatively a quick process of data collection.

Demerits of Sampling
1. Sampling is likely to be biased at survey stage.
2. When units are heterogeneous in nature, method of random sample is inapplicable.
3. Where the selection of sample is illogical or arbitrary, the conclusions are bound to be
4. Sterilizing the large population in sample method is always difficult.

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