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Electrodiagnosis: Nerve conduction and Electromyography. Chapman's Comprehensive

Orthopaedic Surgery, 4th ed., Chapter 261.

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Nerve Conduction and
261 Electromyography
Douglas Chang

• Introduction • Patient Preparation for a Test Leprosy

• Terminology • Special Considerations Diabetic Neuropathy
• Electromyography Overview • Pathological Conditions Disorders of Muscle
Electromyography Procedure Radiculopathies Disorders of Neuromuscular
Stages of the EMG Examination Entrapment Syndromes Junction
and Typical Findings Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Myasthenia Gravis
Summary of EMG Findings Traumatic Injuries
• Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) Peripheral Polyneuropathies

INTRODUCTION nation findings such as focal neurological deficits in deep

tendon reflexes, strength or sensory loss. The typical con-
Electrodiagnostic studies provide quantitative informa- ditions studied include radiculopathies, entrapment syn-
tion on the physiologic health and functioning of nerve dromes, trauma, and metabolic pathology such as diabetes
and muscle. They help localize injuries, quantify the extent and alcoholism. Other conditions include rheumatologic
of injury, suggest the age of the injury and give valuable disease, the universe of neuromuscular diseases, and vari-
prognostic information that can change treatment proto- ous infectious and neoplastic neuropathies. Details about
cols as well as monitor progression over time. This com- all of these conditions can be found in several electrodiag-
plements the static, anatomic structural information pro- nostic textbooks.1-6
vided by radiological imaging studies and the anatomic The objectives of this chapter are to introduce the basic
cause of the deficit such as infection, tumor, or disk her- principles of electrodiagnosis, clarify when an electrodiag-
niation. Together, electrodiagnostic and radiologic studies nostic test is ordered, and help interpret an electrodiag-
are extensions of the history and physical exam, and help nostic report.
refine the differential diagnosis. Consider electrodiagnos-
tic studies when a diagnosis is uncertain, either during the
initial patient presentation or as the result of non-response
to treatment. The studies can evaluate the possibility of Electrodiagnostic studies have two separate components:
additional lesions (e.g. concomitant nerve entrapment nerve conduction studies (NCS) and needle electromyo-
syndromes, peripheral neuropathies, and so-called “dou- graphy (EMG). The term EMG strictly refers to the direct
ble crush syndromes”), follow the interval progression of needle examination of muscle, but “EMG” is often used
both operative and non-operative treatments, and provide generically to refer to electrodiagnostic studies in general.
preoperative baselines. A typical setup is shown in Figure 261-1.
Common indications for ordering electrodiagnostic Nerve conduction studies use electrical stimulation
studies include complaints such as weakness, pain, numb- to evaluate peripheral nerve function. Conduction abnor-
ness and/or tingling in an extremity and physical exami- malities can suggest injury to myelin indicated by slowed
2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

The F-wave may be obtained from practically any mus-

Section 12

cle, but usually is used to evaluate cervical spinal nerve

root function via the median nerve. The clinical utility is
not agreed upon,1 but it may be helpful with evaluating
diabetic neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and mul-
tifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block. F-waves
are usually abnormal in radiculopathies only when sig-
nificant disease is present. Many practitioners do not use
routine F-wave studies in the workup of focal entrapment
neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome.1
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) measure
conduction between a large peripheral nerve and the
cerebral cortex or spinal cord. SSEP is sensitive to certain
Fig. 261-1: A typical configuration for an electrodiagnostic study. lesions in the central nerve system pathways, such as may
In this figure, a monopolar electrode (in orange) is inserted into occur in multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, tumor and
the right vastus medialis of a subject. On the computer monitor (to compressive myelopathies. Its ability to evaluate radicu-
the left) appear the motor unit potentials from voluntary muscular
lopathies and CNS motor pathways is poor.7
contractions. The equipment for a nerve conduction study would
vary slightly from this picture; instead of a needle electrode, there
would be recording electrodes. ELECTROMYOGRAPHY OVERVIEW
Electromyography Procedure
conduction velocity or a delayed response; injury to axons Electromyography (EMG) involves insertion of a 23–25-
indicated by diminished amplitude response or tempo- gauge needle electrode into muscle and recording the
rally dispersed waveforms, or problems with the neuro- resultant electrical activity as seen on the computer moni-
muscular junction demonstrated by diminished ampli- tor in Figure 261-1. The muscle is examined while at rest
tude response with repetitive stimulation. The distribution and during voluntary contraction. The physics are similar
of abnormalities seen in a particular patient distinguishes to the use of surface electrodes on the chest wall to record
focal from diffuse global processes. cardiac muscle contractions. In both cases, the EMG
The “late responses” are specialized nerve conduc- provides information about muscle motor unit health
tion studies. Two common late response studies are the and function. With needle EMG, specific muscles can be
“H-reflex” and “F-wave.” The H-reflex is an electrically examined, and the pattern of pathology seen in the mus-
measurable analog of the ankle deep tendon reflex. The cles sampled gives information about the overall disease
H-reflex and ankle deep tendon reflex are specific for the process.8 Each muscle is examined in four stages: during
S1 monosynaptic spinal reflex arc. In the H-reflex, an elec- initial needle insertion, at rest, during minimal contrac-
trical stimulus is applied to the tibial nerve behind the tion and maximal contraction. In the first stage, there is
knee directed toward the spinal cord. The stimulus elicits a insertional activity, in the second stage the clinician looks
wave of depolarization that travels proximally on Ia affer- for abnormal spontaneous activity. The third stage evalu-
ents. The wave traverses the spinal reflex arc, synapses on ates the motor unit potentials for amplitude, configuration
the anterior horn cell and elicits an efferent volley, caus- and recruitment. In the fourth stage, the interference pat-
ing depolarization and contraction of the gastrocnemius tern is examined.
muscle of the calf. The H-wave may be delayed or lost bila­
terally in large nerve fiber pathology, and unilaterally with Stages of the EMG Examination and
unilateral S1 nerve root lesions that may have occurred
Typical Findings
in the indeterminate past. Therefore it does not distin-
guish acute from chronic injury. It will be abnormal with Insertional activity is a volley of electrical potentials pro-
advanced age, tibial or sciatic nerve injuries, and periph- voked by the initial mechanical irritation of needle inser-
eral neuropathies.7 tion and movement. It lasts a few milliseconds. If muscle
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 3

Chapter 261
Figs. 261-2A and B: Abnormal spontaneous needle EMG action potentials at rest (negative values are above the baseline). (A) Inser-
tion potentials are seen in the first 250 ms of this record. They were produced as the needle moved through muscle fibers. The insertion
potentials are followed by a train of positive sharp waves; (B) Fibrillation potentials. The sharp spikes are seen against a background of
positive sharp waves. A single fibrillation potential is also illustrated.

In the third stage, the subject is asked to contract

the muscle minimally to study the motor unit potentials
(MUP). A muscle motor unit is defined as all the muscle
fibers innervated by a single motor neuron (Fig. 261-3).
The motor unit potential is the electrical discharge of the
contracting motor unit. MUP amplitude, duration, shape
and discharge frequency is recorded (Figs. 261-4A to C).
These parameters are commented upon in an elec-
trodiagnostic report. The findings can be described as
“normal,” “myopathic,” or “neuropathic.” MUP amplitude
can be decreased in conditions involving a loss of muscle
fibers (e.g. myopathy), axonal neuropathy or motor neu-
Fig. 261-3: The components of a single motor unit. The muscle
fibers of the unit (shaded) are interspersed among fibers of other ron disease. It can be increased because of re-innervation
units. The myoneural junctions are located approximately midway with spatially larger motor units (e.g. recovery from neu-
between the ends of the muscle fibers. ropathy). MUP duration can be decreased when there is
atrophy of muscle fibers (seen in myopathy), or increased
with reinnervation with spatially dispersed muscle fibers
fibers have degenerated, there are fewer electrically excit-
as seen in recovery from neuropathy or myopathy.
able cells available. As a result, there is reduced insertional
In the fourth stage, the subject is asked to increase
gradually the force of muscular contraction up to a maxi-
Secondly, the electrical activity of the muscle at rest
mal effort. The number and firing rates during recruitment
is examined. With stable muscle membranes, normally
there is electrical silence when needle movement ceases. are evaluated. With progressively forceful contraction in
Abnormal spontaneous activity arises from persistent normal muscle, the recruitment of muscle fibers follows a
electrical potentials that occur despite the lack of needle pattern: an individual muscle fiber will fire and reach a fre-
movement. It is a sign of unstable muscle membranes. quency of 15–20 Hz, at which point a second fiber will be
The abnormal spontaneous activity can take the form of recruited. The second fiber will reach a frequency of 15–20
fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, and complex Hz and then a third fiber is recruited, and so on. Maximal
repetitive discharges (Figs. 261-2A and B). Spontaneous contraction in normal muscle reveals the discharge of
and benign endplate spikes and endplate noise can also many MUPs, which flood the screen. The interference pat-
be observed occasionally. tern at maximal contraction is evaluated subjectively from
4 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Table 261-1 Typical EMG findings seen in normal,

neurogenic and myogenlc lesions.
Section 12

Neurogenic Myogenic
EMG stage Normal lesion - UMN lesions
1. Insertional Normal Normal— Normal—
activity (brief) increased increased,
A 2. Spontane- Normal Normal (silent), Normal
ous activity (silent) Fibrillation (silent),
potentials, Fibrillation
Positive sharp potentials,
waves Positive
sharp waves
3. Motor unit 0.5–1.0 mV Normal to large Small ampli-
potentials amplitude amplitude, tude,
B 5–10 msec Normal to Early
duration increased recruitment,
Normal duration, Normal Myotonic
recruitment to limited discharges
4. Interference Full Reduced Full,
pattern Low ampli-
Source: Adapted from Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in Diseases
of Nerve and Muscle: Principles and Practice. 3rd edition. New
York: Oxford University Press; 2001.

ger because the fewer surviving neurons assume control
Figs. 261-4A to C: Samples of voluntary motor unit potentials, over more and more of the muscle fibers. When the bigger
recorded by monopolar needle electrodes. (A) Normal triphasic
wave. (B) polyphasic (eight phases) wave of longer duration and motor units fire, there is an observable pattern of muscle
of similar amplitude. (C) Large amplitude potential with a triphasic fiber recruitment which is termed a “neurogenic” recruit-
base component and a small late component, a satellite potential ment pattern. This is also called “decreased recruitment,”
(*). Note amplitude calibration in C compared with that in A and B. or “reduced recruitment.” There are decreased numbers of
MUPs, firing later at increased rates, in order to meet the
the observed density of electrical spikes, along with their force demanded of the muscle.
amplitude, frequency and sound. On the other hand, the so-called myopathic recruit-
The analysis of recruitment patterns is subjective and ment pattern (also called “early” or “increased” recruit-
can be difficult. Modern computerized analysis of the ment) comes from the fact that insufficient force is gener-
waveforms is helpful, but the whole process depends also ated by any given motor unit, and additional motor units
on the patient’s effort. Because of pain, language problems, are recruited earlier or more rapidly than expected. The
poor comprehension by the patient or poor motivation the observation is that there are too many motor units fir-
patient may not be able to comply with the instructions ing for the amount of contraction requested. There is an
to provide a slow and progressively forceful contraction increased number of MUPs, firing faster and earlier in the
while a needle electrode is inserted and moved around in myopathic disease state.
the muscle belly.
In disease states, there are characteristic patterns of Summary of EMG Findings
firing, recruitment and interference, which suggest either The EMG findings in upper and lower motor neuron disor-
muscle denervation (neuropathies), or muscle fiber ders and myogenic lesions are summarized in Table 261-1,
destruction (myopathies). Neuropathic disease processes which was adapted from Kimura.2 The exact findings seen
denervate the motor unit acutely. This is followed by rein- in a given subject depend on the disease process itself, as
nervation from collateral sprouting of nearby surviving well as the timing of the electrodiagnostic exam in rela-
motor units. As a result, the motor units become big- tion to the disease process. In normal muscle, there is brief
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 5

Chapter 261
Fig. 261-5: Typical mammalian nerve, involving the movement
of axons from one fascicle to another during their course. Here
lesions at A and B may be easily distinguished electromyographi-
cally by the fact that lesion A produces changes in the distribution Fig. 261-6: Different types of surface recording electrodes.
of branch C, whereas the lesion at B does not.
Source: Redrawn from Pease et al.6

nerve fibers in an interwoven course along the nerve6

insertional activity, no spontaneous activity, motor unit (Fig. 261-5). Therefore, a partial nerve injury in the periph-
potentials (MUPs) of 0.5–1.0 mV and 5–10 msec duration, eral nervous system does not result in a Brown-Sequard
and a full interference pattern. like lesion that might result from a partial injury in to the
In neuropathic lesions, the EMG findings show normal spinal cord. In the peripheral nervous system, a partial
to increased insertional activity, normal (silent) to abnormal nerve injury will often result in partial function of most
spontaneous activity (with positive sharp waves and/ muscles, because of spared fascicles. Furthermore, each
or fibrillation potentials), MUPs that are normal to large of the nerves distal to the injury will have at least some
amplitude with increased duration, complex configura- abnormality that will be detectable. This intraneural anat-
tion and limited recruitment. During maximal contraction omy permits partial function after a nerve injury, and per-
(stage 4) there is a reduced interference pattern. mits electrodiagnostic studies to pinpoint a lesion.
In myopathic lesions, the EMG findings show normal Nerve conduction studies test the integrity of the
to increased insertional activity and occasionally there peripheral nervous system, both sensory and motor. The
are myotonic discharges. There can be normal (silent) to techniques are standardized, and there are banks of refer-
abnormal spontaneous activity (with positive sharp waves ence data.8 Reference data are established in age-matched
and/or fibrillation potentials). The MUPs have small normal individuals who have no neurological problems.
amplitudes with early recruitment, and possibly seen are However, subjects at the extremes of age or limb size may
myotonic discharges. The interference pattern is full but of not fall within these norms. In these cases, the sensitivity
low amplitude. of NCS can be increased if a contralateral asymptomatic
limb is used for comparison.6
In motor nerve testing, the peripheral nerve is stimu-
NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES (NCS) lated by passing electrical currents through the skin to
The intraneural anatomy of the nerve fiber gives the body produce synchronized muscle contraction “downstream,”
a functional reserve, which protects it against catastrophic distally. The motor response is recorded with surface
loss with partial nerve injuries. The peripheral nerves are recording electrodes (Fig. 261-6) placed over the muscle
similar to insulated cables, and are composed of individ- being studied. The recording is referred to as a compound
ual nerve fibers traveling together in bundles, called fasci- motor action potential (CMAP), with the key parameters
cles. However, the internal organization of the peripheral being onset latency and amplitude. Latency is the time
nervous system is different from a typical electric cable, between the stimulus and the observed response. It meas-
and does not have the somato-topic organization seen in ures conduction in the fastest nerve fibers. Amplitude is
the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system. a result both of the total number of fibers conducting the
In the peripheral nervous system, the fascicles exchange electrical signal and their degree of synchrony (Fig. 261-7).
6 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Nerve conduction velocity is determined by measuring the velocities less than 20 m/s.6 On the other hand, with axonal
Section 12

distance between two stimulation sites along the course of pathology there is no slowing of conduction in individual
a nerve, and comparing the latency. fibers. Instead, there is loss of axons, which result in
Sensory nerve testing involves techniques and analy- reduced CMAP amplitude. Many disease states, such as
sis similar in concept to motor testing, although there are a compression neuropathy, cause combined demyeli-
a few differences. The electrodes come in different shapes nation and loss of, axons in varying proportions. Also, if
and forms (Fig. 261-8). Sensory nerves may be tested in an the pathology is severe, absent responses can occur with
antidromic fashion, stimulating the nerve proximally and either process.
recording a response distally (Figs. 261-9A and B). They Pathology of the myelinated neuron comes in three
may also be tested in an orthodromic fashion, stimulating patterns: conduction slowing, segmental conduction
the nerve distally and recording the response proximally. block, and full-length conduction loss. Conduction slow-
The response from either technique is referred to as a sen- ing can be seen in demyelination, remyelination and rein-
sory nerve action potential (SNAP). nervation. Conduction block occurs at a specific location
Neural pathology may be identified by examining
the CMAP and SNAP parameters (Figs. 261-10A to C). In
general, demyelinating diseases will lead to prolonged
latency measurements and slowed conduction velocity.
A long demyelinated nerve segment will have conduction

Fig. 261-7: CMAP parameters. (CMAP: Compound motor action

potential). Fig. 261-8: Different types of stimulators.

Figs. 261-9A and B: (A) Antidromic sensory conduction studies of the median nerve. (B) Sensory nerve action potential parameters
from antidromic median nerve conduction studies.
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 7

Chapter 261
Figs. 261-10A to C: Schematic representation of the determination of median nerve motor conduction velocity (NCV) from the elbow to
wrist, illustrating three different types of responses: tE and tW are the latencies from time of stimulation to time of onset of response of the
muscle, from elbow and wrist stimulation, respectively. D is the distance between the two points of stimulation. (A) A normal response.
Note that the amplitude of the response from the elbow and wrist stimulations are essentially equal, as are the wave shapes. (B) Tem-
poral dispersion associated with segmental demyelination. Note the smaller amplitude of the response on elbow stimulation compared
with stimulation at the wrist, as well as distortion of the wave when the elbow response is compared with the wrist response. (C) Partial
neurapraxic block between the two points of stimulation. Note the much smaller response from elbow stimulation without distortion of
wave form when compared with the response on wrist stimulation.1

along the nerve. It is frequently caused by local trauma, day or an inch per month. Motor nerves may then require
ischemia, autoimmune, metabolic or vascular disease. yet another month after the regenerating nerve estab-
Axons are spared, and the segments above and below the lishes connection to the muscle in order to establish new
lesion will conduct signals normally. myoneural junctions.
Axon loss, total or partial, occurs in various disease
states and injuries. Some examples include diabetic neu- PATIENT PREPARATION FOR A TEST
ropathy, vitamin E deficiency, alcoholic neuropathy,
chronic renal failure with uremia and hereditary neu- Inform patients prior to the examination not to use heavy
ropathies such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Complete lotions or creams on their skin. Place the patient in the
axon loss, following a stab wound for instance, results in a most comfortable position possible on an exam table or
characteristic picture. For 3 to 7 days after complete axonal chair, with pillows and blankets. To reduce anxiety and fear
injury, the distal nerve will continue to conduct because of pain counsel, educate and reassure the patient about
there are enough stored materials and energy sources for the procedure. Expose and cleanse the area to be studied
independent function.6 After this period, the conduction with an alcohol pad. An important environmental factor is
of the distal nerve will fail completely because of neural temperature and every EMG report should report the skin
dissolution, a process known as Wallerian degeneration. temperature. Keep the patient warm because cool limbs
Regeneration of the injured distal nerve segments can result in slowed nerve conduction and latency measure-
occur as long as the nerve cell body is intact. Addition- ments, and increased amplitudes. A wrist temperature of
ally, there must be some connective tissue integrity about 32°C and ankle temperature of 29°C is considered stand-
the nerve fiber to provide a permissive environment and ard. Many clinics have warmer requirements. Regulate
conduit for regeneration. In a completely severed nerve, the patient’s temperature with a combination of heating
surgical approximation is required to permit regenera- pads, blankets, and heat lamps. Sometimes a patient can
tion. After interruption of the axons, the cell body requires be asked to exercise or drink hot beverages. Lastly, tem-
about a month before regeneration begins. Thereafter, the perature correction formulae exist to normalize the elec-
regrowth occurs at a rate of approximately a millimeter per trophysiologic data obtained from suboptimal studies.1,8
8 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The only other medication consideration is stopping

the use of pyridostigmine in patients being tested for
Section 12

An EMG study is a mildly unpleasant experience for patients. a neuromuscular junction disease such as myasthenia
Perception of pain is affected by various psychological gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
factors such as advice from friends, fear of needles, sound Lastly, after the needle EMG examination, a patient’s
emanating from the medical instrumentation speaker and serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) may be mildly
unfamiliarity with the test. Certainly, the puncture of skin elevated for up to 3 days. This may affect a workup for
by the electrode and movement through the tissue fascia
causes most of the pain. Some areas are more painful than
others. The most painful are the cervical and lumbosacral
paraspinal muscles, and the hand intrinsics. Concentric
needles are more painful than mono-polar Teflon® coated The EMG-NCS examination can provide diagnostic infor-
needles. Rarely, a short-acting benzodiazepine may be mation to help clarify the diagnosis. It is useful in several
required for anxious patients. situations, such as radiculopathy, focal nerve entrapment
There are no absolute contraindications to a focused syndromes, trauma, and peripheral neuropathies due
EMG exam, but the risk-benefit ratio should be weighed. to such conditions as diabetes, hypothyroidism or alco-
Bleeding after EMG is rare, and there is risk in stopping hol abuse. It is vital for the diagnosis of other conditions
anticoagulation in certain patients. Relative contraindi- such as neuromuscular junction disease (e.g. myasthenia
cations to an EMG include bleeding risk in patients with gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, botulism), neuropathies
mild thrombocytopenia, whose platelet counts are below
(e.g. Guillain-Barre syndrome, amyotrophic lateral scle-
50,000/mm3. In patients on anticoagulation there are spe-
rosis), and myopathies (e.g. the inheritable dystrophies
cial considerations.9,10 Expert opinion suggests there is no
and inflammatory myositis conditions). Although clini-
reason to exclude patients on aspirin, antiplatelet agents,
cians need to be mindful of these important conditions,
non-steroidal antiinflammatory medications, herbal sup-
these diseases are not regularly encountered in a typical
plements, prophylactic heparin, or patients with an INR
< 3.0. For patients with INR > 3.0, discretion is necessary. orthopedic practice. For the sake of brevity, the ensuing
Some practitioners suggest stopping Coumadin three days text will not focus on these conditions apart from the brief
prior to an EMG examination. Subcutaneous adminis- summary at the end of the section. Further details may be
tered low-molecular-weight-heparin may be stopped 12 found in common Neurology and Electrodiagnostic medi-
hours prior to the study. Other strategies include gentle cine texts.1-6
use of a small EMG needle (e.g. 30 gauge) and being selec-
tive about which muscles to test, avoiding deep muscles Radiculopathies
that are difficult to manually compress, or muscles that are
For many patients suspected of having a radiculopathy,
near vital blood vessels or nerves.
there is little practical value from electrodiagnostic testing.
Pneumothorax is a rare but potentially catastrophic
This is the case for a younger patient with a consistent his-
complication of EMG studies. Use caution when study-
tory of radicular pain, a neurological exam with focal defi-
ing the muscles of the shoulder girdle such as the serratus
cits, and radiological images showing spinal stenosis at the
anterior, trapezius, pectoralis, rhomboids and paraspinous
appropriate neurological level. However, many patients do
muscles near the cervicothoracic junction.
not have such a tidy presentation. With a more complex
With regard to NCS examinations, precautions are
presentation, electrodiagnostic testing can be very helpful.
advised in patients with implanted pacemaker-defibril-
A common presentation is an older patient with a com-
lators.11 There are no reported complications of nerve
plex past medical history including diabetes and surgical
conduction studies in patients with regular, implanted
pacemakers.9 However, general guidelines suggest that release for CTS, scattered neurological exam findings, and
NCS studies be performed more than 6 inches away from spine imaging showing various stages of degeneration at
the pacemaker, using a stimulus duration of 0.2 ms or less, multiple levels.
and a stimulus rate of less than 1 Hz. For patients with an To understand the electrodiagnostic nerve conduction
implantable automatic cardioverter-defibrillator, there is findings in a radiculopathy a good knowledge of anatomy
a greater theoretical risk and consultation with a cardio­ is essential (Figs. 261-11A and B).12 Spinal radiculopathies
logist is recommended. One option is to deactivate the usually involve stenosis of the spinal nerve roots at a loca-
device and provide cardiac monitoring during the study.9 tion that lies proximal to the dorsal root ganglion (DRG).
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 9

The peripheral nerve cell bodies of the sensory neurons For example, a severe L5 radiculopathy could result in

Chapter 261
reside in the DRG and send their nerve fibers distally. decreased CMAP amplitude in the deep peroneal nerve
Usually in the case of a radiculopathy, there are normal conduction studies to the extensor digitorum brevis. In
sensory nerve conduction studies because the site of ste- general however, radiculopathies do not result in observ-
nosis is proximal to the entirety of the sensory nerve cell able abnormalities in the nerve conduction studies.
bodies and tracts. In contrast, motor nerve function can Needle EMG exam provides specificity but has poor
be compromised in cases of severe radiculopathy. The sensitivity in the diagnosis of a radiculopathy. The EMG
site of stenosis may impact the spinal cord anterior horn, diagnosis of an acute or subacute radiculopathy depends
which affects the motor nerve cell bodies and results in on the observation of abnormal spontaneous activity,
axon loss in the motor nerve fiber tracts. This loss shows with positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials. Such
loss of amplitude in the motor nerve conduction studies. spontaneous activity should be seen in two peripheral

Figs. 261-11A and B: Relationship between the intervertebral disc, spinal cord, spinal nerve roots, and the ventral and dorsal rami.
(A) Cervical spine axial depiction. (B) Lumbar spine MRI (left slice is a T2 sagittal, right is a T2 axial slice) images. Notice that the dorsal
root ganglion is at the intervertebral foramen.
Source: Redrawn from Pease WS, Lew HL, Johnson EW. Johnson’s Practical Electromyography. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins; 2007.
10 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

muscles that share the same nerve root origin, but are Table 261-2 Representative muscle nerve root and
Section 12

innervated by different peripheral nerves. An example peripheral nerve innervation.

involves the abducens pollicis brevis (APB) and first dor- Muscle Spinal nerve root Peripheral nerve
sal interosseus (1st DI) muscles of the hand. Both of these Upper Limb
muscles originate from the C8 and T1 nerve roots. However Supraspinatus C5, C6 Suprascapular
the APB is innervated by the median nerve, while the 1st Deltoid C5, C6 Axillary
DI is innervated by the ulnar nerve. The diagnosis of suba- Biceps brachii C5, C6 Musculocutaneous
cute radiculopathy can also be made with the observation
Brachioradialis C5, C6 Radial
of abnormal spontaneous activity in one peripheral mus-
Pronator teres C6, C7 Median
cle and one proximal trunk muscle, such as the paraspi-
Triceps brachii C6, C7, C8 Radial
nal muscles. An example would be the APB and the lower
Extensor indicis C7, C8 Radial
cervical spine multifidus muscles. Nerve root innervation proprius
of the muscles has some degree of individual anatomi-
Abductor pollicis C8, T1 Median
cal variation. Nevertheless, there are commonly acepted brevis
tables to guide the electromyographer (Table 261-2). Dorsal interossei C8, T1 Ulnar
A screen for radiculopathy should involve no less than Abductor digiti minimi C8, T1 Ulnar
5 muscles in an affected limb and include the proximal
Lower Limb
trunk musculature.13
Adductor longus L2, L3, L4 Obturator
As mentioned the needle EMG examination does not
Vastus medialis L2, L3, L4 Femoral
have good sensitivity. An exam that does not uncover
Anterior tibialis L4, L5 Deep peroneal
abnormal spontaneous activity does not rule out a radicu-
Gluteus medius L4, L5, S1 Superior gluteal
lopathy. There are several reasons why a needle EMG exam
might not show muscle abnormalities in the presence of a Peroneus longus L5, S1 Superficial
true radiculopathy. A false negative result can arise from
Flexor digitorum L5, S1 Tibial
sampling errors. For example, there are several L5 inner- longus
vated muscles to examine with a needle electrode. The
Biceps femoris short L5, S1 Sciatic (peroneal)
electromyographer may choose to examine the peroneus head
longus (L5) and anterior tibialis (L4, L5) muscles, but the Gastrocnemius S1 Tibial
muscle abnormalities could be limited to the flexor digito-
rum longus and medial head of the gastrocnemius (L5, S1).
There may not be representative muscle groups to sample, False-positive examinations are rare. The false posi-
for instance in a C3 radiculopathy. Furthermore, a given tive problem arises from the diagnosis of a radiculopathy,
muscle should be sampled with a needle placed in four or when there is actually a systemic problem such as a poly-
five different locations within the muscle. The ability of the radiculopathy, plexopathy, or motor neuron disease. The
patient to cooperate (by keeping relaxed during an uncom- false-positive problem comes either from a deficient study
fortable needle exam) can introduce muscle noise artifacts (not sampling enough muscles during EMG or performing
that make it difficult to see or hear subtle spontaneous an inadequate NCS), or from testing too early in the dis-
muscle activity. The timing of the EMG needle exam can ease process before widespread findings are apparent.
also affect the results. Abnormal spontaneous activity dis-
appears with time even though clinical symptoms persist. Entrapment Syndromes
The likelihood of false negative exams increases with cer-
vical spine radiculopathies lasting longer than 6 months, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
and with lumbosacral radiculopathies lasting longer than Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common
12–18 months.13,14 Proximal muscles heal faster than distal entrapment neuropathy. It is caused by compression of
muscles, and false negative results are more likely in a high the median nerve under the transverse carpal ligament
cervical or high lumbar radiculopathy, than with a radicu- that provides the “roof” of the carpal tunnel in the palmar
lopathy affecting a lower nerve root. wrist. (see Chapters 80 and 84).1
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 11

There is some increased association between cervical and normal forearm conduction velocity. In severe cases,

Chapter 261
spine degenerative disease, ulnar nerve pathology at the slowing of the median motor nerve conduction velocity is
cubital tunnel and median nerve pathology at the carpal seen in the forearm. This slowing, occurring proximal to
tunnel.5 The best objective diagnostic test is an electrodi- the wrist, may be due to retrograde changes in the nerve.
agnostic evaluation with nerve conduction studies and Severe cases of CTS may demonstrate axonal loss in the
needle electromyography to determine which factors may distal median nerve innervated muscles, i.e. APB.
be contributing most to a patient’s symptomatology. An For these reasons, CTS evaluation should include
electrodiagnostic study can be useful also to document sensory and motor nerve conduction studies of both the
presurgical and postsurgical function. Ultrasound is an ulnar and median nerves. The sensory exam of choice is
alternative test, and can confirm the diagnosis of CTS with “antidromic,” meaning the electrical stimulus is applied
equal sensitivity to electrodiagnostic testing in certain indi- proximally on the median nerve and the recording is made
viduals, although with inferior ability to grade carpal tun- distally. If this exam is “normal”, a short segment “ortho-
nel severity and limited ability to evaluate other possible dromic” sensory exam is indicated because the orthodro-
comorbid conditions (such as a cervical radiculopathy, mic studies have less likelihood of false negative results
ulnar neuropathy or peripheral polyneuropathy).15 with higher sensitivity.22 With regard to the ulnar nerve,
Recently, the condition of carpal tunnel has also been electrodiagnostic studies show that 15%-40% of patients
studied using automated, “handheld” nerve conduction with CTS also have objective evidence of ulnar nerve
study systems.16-18 Such systems have also been used to dysfunction.1 The likely explanation is that many CTS
study the ulnar and peroneal nerves.19 The systems use patients may have a predisposition to multiple entrap-
pre-packaged surface electrode configuration panels, ment neuropathies, or a more generalized peripheral
and proprietary computational algorithms. They attempt neuropathy.
to automate the technical aspects of NCS testing. Needle Lastly, the CTS evaluation should also include needle
EMG is not performed. The goal is to expand the number exam of the APB to determine the presence of axon loss.
and types of practitioners, beyond neurologists and phy- The needle EMG exam is less sensitive than NCS in the
siatrists, who utilize NCS in their clinical practice. evaluation of CTS, because the pathology is mainly demy-
There is a growing consensus that the newer automated elination. Demyelinating diseases affect the sensory nerve
systems may have a role in evaluating CTS18 however many responses with slowing and prolongation of the SNAP
of the studies have been funded by commercial interests, latency. The needle exam is usually not too revealing in
contain methodological flaws, and have other limita- most CTS cases until late in the disease. If there is evidence
tions.20 There is a tendency to “overdiagnose” CTS20 or to of membrane instability in the APB, then it is important to
have a high false-negative rate.17 Other limitations are the sample another C8-T1 innervated muscle to evaluate for
lack of an EMG examination and well-established refer- cervical radiculopathy. The first dorsal interosseus mus-
ence values. Thus, after a decade of research, such hand- cle is a good muscle to sample because it is a C8-T1 mus-
held systems have yet to stand independent scrutiny and cle innervated by the ulnar nerve. Also, needle sampling
gain widespread acceptance.21 of C6, C6 innervated muscles such as the pronator teres
Carpal tunnel syndrome is fundamentally a clinical or flexor carpi radialis can be helpful, because C6 and C7
diagnosis. In the syndrome, electrodiagnostic studies will radiculopathies commonly present with thumb and hand
demonstrate conduction abnormalities of the sensory pain. Lastly, 11% of patients with CTS have a concomitant
and/or motor nerve branches of the median nerve only. cervical radiculopathy,1 a phenomenon termed “double
In mild cases, abnormalities of the sensory nerve SNAPs crush syndrome.”
will precede abnormalities of the motor nerve CMAPs, The diagnosis and treatment of CTS is discussed in
although the reverse may occur. If the SNAPs are recorded Chapters 80 and 84. The usefulness of electrodiagnostic
between the wrist and digits, an abnormality may not be studies is illustrated in this case:
localized to the wrist. The abnormal SNAPs could also be A 56-year-old female with mild central canal stenosis
the result of proximal compression (e.g. pronator teres at C3/4 and C5/6, with moderately severe right C5/C5 neu-
syndrome) or a diffuse neuropathy. Any of these condi- roforaminal stenosis (Fig. 261-12) was treated with three
tions would produce distal abnormalities. A better local- cervical epidural steroid injections during the course of
izing feature would be slowing of the CMAP distal latency, a year. The shots were mildly helpful in treating her bilat-
12 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Table 261-3 Anatomic sites susceptible to traumatic

Section 12

nerve injury.
Traumatic event Vulnerable nerve
Upper Limb
Penetrating neck wound, trac- Brachial plexus
tion injury at birth
Shoulder dislocation, intra- Axillary
muscular injection
Humerus (spiral groove) frac- Radial
ture, pressure
Elbow subluxation, fracture, Ulnar
Humerus, elbow, radioulnar Median
joint fractures
Lower Limb
Fig. 261-12: Sagittal T2 image of the cervical spine, showing mul-
tilevel degenerative disc disease with mild central canal stenosis Regional anesthesia (femoral Femoral
at C5-6 and C3-4. Axial images (not shown) demonstrate moder- block)
ate to severe right neuroforaminal stenosis at C5-6. Hip, pelvic fracture Sciatic (peroneal > tibial)
Knee injuries Peroneal
Ankle fractures Tibial, peronea

eral hand and forearm pain. Because of the muted ben-

efit of epidural injections, an electrodiagnostic study was acute phase to identify outright nerve injury, as opposed
ordered. to pain inhibited function or cognitive impairment (e.g.
Evaluation of the left median nerve CMAP had normal an obtunded patient). If no volitional motor activity is
amplitude with decreased latency and normal conduction observed with the needle EMG exam, then there is no
velocity across the forearm. The right median nerve CMAP nerve conduction to the muscle. This could be due to
had decreased latency, amplitude and conduction veloc- complete severance of the nerve, or temporary conduc-
ity. These results demonstrated a bilateral median nerve tion block (neuropraxia). If some motor unit potentials are
sensorimotor mononeuropathy. On the left there was evi- seen, then there is neural continuity to the muscle. Nerve
dence of demyelination, on the right there was evidence conduction studies give information about neural trans-
of demyelination with axon loss. Both sides are consistent mission.
with a diagnosis of moderate CTS. The EMG exam refo- In the chronic phase, the needle EMG becomes very
cused the treatment plan. useful. If nerve section or axon death exists, then there
will be observable membrane instability with abnormal
Traumatic Injuries spontaneous activity. The nerve interruption is complete
if membrane instability is present and no voluntary motor
Trauma can cause a nerve injury in just about any part of unit potentials are present. The location of the injury can
the body. Some of the more common scenarios are pre- be identified by strategically examining muscles along the
sented in Table 261-3, adapted from Liveson.5 Nerve tran- course of a particular nerve. In the chronic phase, nerve
section can occur with fractures or penetrating injuries. conduction studies permit the distinction between tem-
Traction injuries are commonly seen with dislocations, porary conduction block and complete axon interruption.
blows to the shoulder and neck and in infants during Serial examinations over time can document interval pro-
childbirth. Compression injuries may result from blunt gress and healing.
trauma, hematomas, compartment syndromes, or posi-
tioning issues during surgery.
During the acute phase, within 4 weeks of injury, the
Peripheral Polyneuropathies
electrodiagnostic exam can identify the location of the There are many different types of acquired peripheral poly-
injury, the possibility of muscle paralysis, and whether neuropathies, involving infectious, toxic, metabolic, phar-
the nerve is in continuity. It can be important in the macologic, hereditary, autoimmune, nutritional, systemic
Electrodiagnosis: Nerve Conduction and Electromyography 13

illness-related, malignant, and endocrine disorders.23 tal extremities. Early signs include decreased perception of

Chapter 261
Most polyneuropathies cause distal, symmetrical weak- vibration and pain. In advanced disease, proprioception is
ness and/or sensory loss. The sensory deficit is frequently affected and also there is weakness in the distal muscles.
most severe in the distal extremities in a “stocking-glove” Painless injuries and loss of balance are common. Later,
distribution. Occasionally a polyneuropathy will preferen- proximal weakness can occur.
tially affect the proximal limbs. The disorder may present Most asymptomatic, neurologically intact diabetic
over a variable time course, and the predominant neuro- patients have nerve conduction velocities that are mildly
logical deficit may involve motor, sensory, and autonomic slow, around the lower limit of normal.6 As the severity
nervous system manifestations. of the neuropathy advances, sensory amplitudes disap-
pear in the lower extremities. Motor amplitudes become
Leprosy reduced. Abnormal temporal dispersion and partial
conduction block are common. Needle EMG findings
Leprosy (Hansen’s disease) is the most common cause will show abnormal spontaneous activity in the distal
of polyneuropathy worldwide. Worldwide use of leprosy muscles.
drugs in the 1980s and 1990s has led to a drastic decline A pure autonomic neuropathy is rare, but some degree
in new cases, but still more than 210,000 cases are newly of autonomic involvement is present in most patients with
reported each year, especially in India, Brazil and Indo- diabetes. Autonomic symptoms include pseudomotor
nesia.24 In this disease, mycobacterium leprae invades (dry skin), papillary (poor dark adaptation), cardiovas-
Schwann cells in the endoneurium and perineurium. cular (orthostatic hypotension), urinary (incontinence,
Three manifestations of the disease are recognized: lep- impotence), or gastrointestinal (transit, constipation
romatous, borderline, and tuberculoid. The host’s immu- problems).
nologic status determines which form of the disease There are several other presentations of diabetic neu-
develops. Patients with lepromatous disease may develop ropathy. Some diabetic patients will have a polyneuropa-
diffuse and symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathies, thy affecting mainly the small-diameter sensory fibers
mononeuropathies and mononeuropathy multiplex.1 (A delta and C fibers) that manifests as painful paresthesias.
Patients with tuberculoid disease exhibit nerve damage Another presentation is diabetic neuropathic cachexia,
about the skin lesions, with sensory and/or motor impair- which involves a precipitous and profound weight loss. It is
ment when the hands and feet are affected. The disease rather uncommon. Mononeuropathies are more common
is slowly progressive with chronic complications such as in diabetics (refer to the previous entrapment neuropathy
sensory loss, muscle atrophy, deformities and non-healing section). A diabetic femoral neuropathy may present with
wounds. Multidrug therapy over the course of 6–12 months pain, weakness and atrophy of muscles innervated by the
is the treatment, but resistant strains of the bacteria are femoral nerve. The presentation of a diabetic polyradicu-
emerging. lopathy resembles a radiculopathy due to spinal degener-
ation (see the previous radiculopathy section).26 The neu-
Diabetic Neuropathy ropathy usually begins with severe, unilateral pain in the
low back, hip and thigh. However multiple spinal nerve
The most common cause of neuropathy in the United
roots are involved and there is weakness in the expected
States is diabetes.6 The common etiology involves chronic
myotomal distributions. Coexisting symmetrical polyneu-
hyperglycemia, however there appear to be diverse causes.
ropathy often is present.
The precise mechanism is not known, but direct axonal
The presentation of a patient with diabetes can arise
injury due to hyperglycemia, autoimmune injury with
from a combination of degenerative musculoskeletal and
anti-neural antibodies, and increased intraneural pressure
nervous system disorders. The electrodiagnostic exam
and ischemia seem to be contributing factors.25 Addition-
helps to refine the diagnosis, direct treatments, and estab-
ally, patients with renal failure independent of diabetes
lish treatment expectations.
develop a sensorimotor neuropathy due to uremia. About
half of the patients with diabetes have a distal symmetric
polyneuropathy. It is most common in patients older than Disorders of Muscle
50 years. Patients experience sensory complaints with dys- Myopathy is disease of skeletal muscle that presents with
esthesias, painful parasthesias, and sensory loss in the dis- symmetrical, proximal muscle weakness. These are dis-
14 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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Section 12

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