V Val L Liz M Maria S Sue E Emma J Joe C Chris P Paul D Damien V

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Upper Intermediate Unit 5 BBC Interviews Script

V = Val L = Liz M = Maria S = Sue E = Emma J = Joe

C = Chris P = Paul D = Damien
V: Hi. I enjoy walking around the shops, and I buy things like books and
make-up on impulse. But, I always do my food shopping online—it’s
such a fantastic service, and you get everything delivered to your door.
Today I’m talking to people about shopping and innovative products.
What items do you enjoy buying most?
L: Oh, I enjoy buying food, and particularly food from farmers’ markets. I
also like buying clothes for myself, and I love buying plants for the
M: Like most women I should say, like shoes, bags, I think, and make-up.
Yeah, three top things, yeah.
S: Quite diverse really: I love food shopping. I love going to food markets,
fish markets.
E: Well, actually, I’m in the perfect place for me right now, which is, er,
markets: antique markets and vintage clothes.
J: I enjoy buying, I probably enjoy buying books the most, so, er, oh, and
music as well, so anything where somebody’s given a
C: I love to browse around bookshops and look at the latest books that
are out, and also CD shops.
V: What sorts of things do you buy on impulse?
P: Music, I suppose I buy that on impulse, erm, clothes.
L: Clothes, but not as much as I used to.
C: Food. I decide when I’m walking down the street one day I want to cook
this this evening, I jump in a market and get the ingredients and go and
do that.
M: Well, I’m not that type of person that buys things on impulse, I’m
actually very controlled, self-controlled.
D: Just now I was walking down the antiques market and I saw a pair of
silver tongs, which looked like a great bargain, so I bought those on

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Upper Intermediate Unit 5 BBC Interviews Script

S: On impulse? Oh, dreadful! Handbags, that’s probably my biggest

impulse buy.
V: What sorts of things do you plan to buy?
P: Train tickets, plane tickets because I have to travel a lot in my job, so I
need to plan in advance, so I get good value for money on the tickets.
E: Plan, I never plan, actually, in advance. No, I haven’t got the kind of
money to plan.
D: Things like holidays. Anything over, like, a hundred pounds I’d say was
a planned purchase.
V: What recent product or service do you think is impressive?
P: iPhone. Absolutely amazing. I mean, I bought one, and it’s just, it’s
really changed my life.
S: Probably my mobile phone. I’ve just changed it to a BlackBerry Storm,
where I can get all my emails ...
M: The new camera that I saw on television, on the commercial, so you’re
taking a picture and you are seeing yourself on the other side.
V: If you could start a business or invent a product or service, what would
it be?
P: I don’t know. I’d like to sell joy. If you could sell joy that would be good:
I don’t know how you could do it.
L: My fantasy business is to have a thing called Sophia’s Bakery and to
make really fantastic cakes that you can’t buy in this country.
E: I love the arts, so anything that would, kind of, bring more creativity to
people’s lives and expression, I think that would be great.

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