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College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management


Balbueno, Bernajane
Castelltort, Phoeve Kate H.
Lelis, Gresica S.
Orale, Ajohn.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


People now-a-days prefer healthy food from their regular meals to snacks.
They are being conscious of what they are taking in their bodies and prefer a
healthy lifestyles. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve
people's health and well-being.
Governments and non-governmental organizations work at
promoting healthy lifestyles. They measure the benefits with
critical health numbers, including weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood
In achieving healthy lifestyles means practicing a healthy diet. It is also
called the health of the next generation. A healthy diet includes the following: Fruit,
vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g.
unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five
portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes,
cassava and other starchy roots (World Health Organization, 1999).
The benefits of a healthy lifestyles include: weight loss, reduced cancer risk,
heart health and stroke prevention, strong bones and teeth, better mood, improved
A healthy lifestyle has both short and long term health benefits. Long
term, eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise and maintaining
a healthy weight can add years to your life and reduce the risk of certain diseases
including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity.
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A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health. A healthy
diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients,
and adequate calories. A healthy diet may contain fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains, and includes little to no processed food and sweetened beverages.
Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined
with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain
a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and
cancer), and promote your overall health.
However fruits are also necessity in obtaining and maintaining healthy and
good lifestyles.
Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from
the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as
roots, leaves and stems (Medical News Today, June 22, 2018).
Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant
chemicals. They also contain fibre. There are many varieties of fruit and
vegetables available and many ways to prepare, cook and serve them. A diet high
in fruit and vegetables can help protect you against cancer, diabetes and heart
disease (Healthy Org Nov 8, 2018).
In this time, people not only prefer their regular meals to be healthy but also
snacks is being prepared also to be healthy Even though snacking has developed
a "bad image," snacks can be an important part of your diet. They can provide
energy in the middle of the day or when you exercise. A healthy
snack between meals can also decrease your hunger and keep you from
overeating at meal time.
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It is a trend for food establishments and food companies to manufacture
food that can be consumed by people having existing illnesses without suffering a
healthy lifestyle and diet even they have a certain condition due to some illnesses.
This leads people to consume and satisfy their cravings and enjoy food.
We can select various healthy foods or snacks available in various food
stalls or supermarket or can even prepare or manufactures our own food that is
healthy and affordable.
Other fruits go with other medicinal plants are sources of important
therapeutic aid for alleviating human ailments. Approximately 80% of the people in
the developing countries all over the world depend on traditional medicine and
organic diet for their primary health care. Interestingly, approximately 85% of
traditional medicine involves the use of plant extracts. With increasing awareness
of health hazards and toxicities associated with unsystematic use of synthetic
drugs and antibiotics, interest in the use of plants and plant-based drugs has
revived throughout the world. One of the plants that have gained a medicinal plant
status is Muntingia calabura (Aratiles).
Fortunately, as technology advances, food processing has made it possible
to store products which will usually rot. This opened a lot of possibilities for
importation of products across wide distances. While primitive methods of food
processing is still being used like drying, methods prove to be more effective, as it
changes the form of the raw product into something more creative, like candies,
cookies and jam which do not only appeal our taste buds but also offers a healthier
ingredient like the fruit Aratiles which brings lots of benefits on human health.
Aratiles fruits are abundant in the Philippines, usually in round shape;
approximately 1-1.25 cm wide, with red or yellow, thin, smooth, tender skin and
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light brown, soft, juicy pulp, with very sweet, musky, cherry like flavor and filled with
exceedingly tiny, yellowish seeds. Its fruit can easily be made into sauce of jam.
Aratiles fruits are picked, washed and blended. The prepared fruit is then
cooked for quite a long time, molded, and cooled. With this in mind, processing this
fruit into candies can help introduce brand new local delicacy.
In line with the desire to create food that is healthier and beneficial, the
researcher decides to design and develop an Aratiles cookies that will provide
healthier and consumable food product to promote a healthy lifestyle by
patronizing locally available fruits. Introducing the product to the market will
improve the quality and life of the people consumer as well as the Aratiles tree
owners by knowing that the fruit has a big contribution in consumers through the
production of Aratiles cookies.

Background of the Study

Aratiles (Muntingia Calabura) is a child’s favorite tree to climb due to its

tiered branches and small stature, reaching only up to 5-11 meters in height. It is
more commonly called around the world as Kerson fruit, Calbur tree, Capulin,
Jamaica cherry, Panama berry, Singapore cherry, Sabah cherry, Bajelly tree,
Saresa and Mansanitas. Aside from being a child’s favorite, its wood is used for
general carpentry since the wood is fine-grained. Light, firm, durable, and compact.
It is also utilized as firewood because of its capability to ignite quickly, burn with
intense heat, and it gives off very little smoke. The bark is used to fabricate ropes
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since it produces soft and strong fiber. Its small white flowers and leaves, when
steeped with hot water, make a fabulous and tasty tea. While the children eat the
fruits straight from the tree, the fruit is also used for cooking pies or making jam
and preserves.
Known in the scientific field as Muntingia Calabura, it is not so long ago that its
medicinal value was known. According to studies, M. Calabura have antibacterial
properties that are comparable to standard antibiotics. It also has a more potent
antibacterial compound since it contains methicillin and flavavone constituents that
can counter bacteria that are resistant to most penicillin or common antibiotics.
Since Aratiles fruit is also known as an anti-inflammatory that treats swelling, it is
highly recommended for people who owns a hamster who has a swollen abdomen.
There are a number of ailments that can cause the abdomen of the hamster to
become distended (swollen, or extended). Some of those causes may be
constipation, cyst, a tumour, an abscesses, pyometra, fecal impaction, or ascites
cysts, tumors and abscesses rarely tend to be symmetrical (meaning both sides of
the abdomen). A swelling on one side of the abdomen only may indicate one of
these problems. Pyometra is one of the ailments that can also cause swollen
abdomen. This is an infection of the uterus, where the abdomen (stomach) will
become swollen.
According to what the researchers have searched and reviewed, the
phytochemical analysis of the aratiles’ (Muntingia Calabura) leaves extracts
yielded saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Saponins are glucosides with foaming
characteristics. Saponins consist of a polycyclic aglycones attached to one or more
sugar side chains. The aglycone part, which is also called sapogenin, is either
steroid (C27) or a triterpene (C30). A tannin (or tannoid) is an astringent,
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polyphenolic biomolecule that binds to and precipitates proteins and various other
organic compounds including amino acids and alkaloids. Flavonoids are a group of
plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling
pathways and antioxidant effects. These molecules are found in a variety of fruits
and vegetables. Flavonoids are polyphenolic molecules containing 15 carbon
atoms and are soluble in water.
As upper mentioned about the benefits of Aratiles, the researchers came up to an
end to make and bake cookies with main ingredients is Aratiles as there were
some cookie product relished with some fruits and vegetable to make it healthier to
consume by both young and adult consumers introduced by foreign dieticians and
culinary. It sounds outrage but baking Aratiles cookies will be a good product to
offer to the consumers to easily eat and enjoy the cookie product. Most of Filipino
people take advantage of this fruit and it seems like no one in the country use this
fruit as main ingredients of their product which it is abundant in every backyard. As
one of researchers, and owned an Aratiles tree in our backyard, I came up to the
decision to use this fruit of course with the approval of my group mates. First, we
studied and learned on how we can use this fruit properly as the main ingredients
of our cookie product, second, what are the possible mixtures we can add aside
from the basic mixture of cookie and lastly, the the researchers talk about the right
process of baking the cookies to come up with the tasteful and perfect Aratiles
cookies we can offer associated with the benefits in health it promise.
The researchers foresee to sell this product in the market in the future and will be
available for daily consumption especially by the young generation and encourage
parents and guardians to introduce to their kids the healthy eating habit with
Aratiles cookies.
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Theoretical Framework

The study covers the design and development of an Aratiles cookies. The
study includes discussion about Aratiles itself, the process of Aratiles cookie
production, past studies, medicinal value, health benefits and existing products for
this purpose. This study shall be knowledgeable about the culinary principles and
theories. For the production of the cookies the kitchen essential machine was
used. Proper mixture of ingredients, dimension, mixture consistency and taste are
to be considered in the production of the food. Preliminary taste testing is a must to
test consistency of the product. Lastly, the study intends to distribute the finished
product to the wide consumers in every ages.

Figure 1
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Figure 1 shows the cycle of Aratiles cookies production from input, the beginning
and conceptualizing of the product to process and to the output then, going
through the feedbacks for organizing and perfecting the final cookie product for
good and beneficial consumption.
The framework shows the cycle and development of the production of
Aratiles cookies from the general focus of the study (input) to mainly explain the
process from the beginning of the concept to the application process by means of
survey form and questionnaire distributed to the participants up to the performance
and task and come up with the final result (output) which is the main focus of the

Figure 2
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Figure 2 shows the independent variables of producing and making of Aratiles
cookies from its raw materials to its mixture. Honey mixture is the base product to
blend with the raw materials to come up with the right colloid that is suited for the
final taste of the product and to test its viscosity. Dependent variable shows the
sensory attributes from appearance and clarity, aroma, taste and texture,
aftertaste, and general acceptability of the product.

Statement of the Problem

The general focus of the study is developing cookies for food consumption.
The study focuses mainly on the production and distribution of an Aratiles cookies.
Specifically, it aims to:
1. Formulate an Aratiles cookie mixture considering the following:
1.1 Proper mixture of ingredients
1.2 Bakery style with an under-baked center texture
1.3 Mixture Consistency
2. Conduct preliminary taste testing to establish the following specification
2.1 Chewiness
2.2 Taste
3. Conduct cost-benefit analysis to ensure a profitable business model
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Scope and Delimitation

The study was primarily concerned with the production and distribution of an

Aratiles cookies. The study encompassed formulation of the ingredients

considering the raw product components and material specification. The study will

comprise the formulation such as the right ingredients and to achieve the desire

accepted taste of the final cookie product. The study also will also include the

laboratory testing of the Aratiles cookie to ensure food safety.

The ingredients proportioned include 6kg blended aratiles and 400 grams

organic honey to retain its health benefits. The process comprised mixing, cooking,

molding, blending, cooling and packaging of Aratiles cookies.

Significance of the Study

This study focused on the design and development of an Aratiles cooky and
cookies production.
The local and national consumer can benefit from the production of food
because of the potential increase in income from our local fruits, contributing to the
economy of local areas, as well as the Philippines.
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The medical value of Aratiles cookie will be known and its benefits on
human health preventing different forms of diseases and illnesses.
To the entire Culinary Department, this provided the faculty an idea of
passing on parallel research to their students for further application of principles of
Aratiles cookies production and consumption.
To the researcher, the study provided significant knowledge through
exposure and experiences that applies the theories and principles in their field of
Lastly, to the students and other future researchers that will conduct the
same studies, this may serve useful reference and basis of their own study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in the study and defines for further
understanding of the study:
 Aratiles - It is the raw ingredient to be used in the study
 Operating Time – It is the time from the Aratiles cookie mixture to be
proceesed up to the moment the mixture is fully baked and cooled. It is
expressed in minutes.
 Operating Temperature – It is the best temperature for the cooking of
Aratiles cooky mixture.
 Production Rate – It is the ratio of the output of the process of baking to
the operating time measured in kilograms per minute.
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 Quality of Product – It refers to the physical characteristics of the aratiles
candy. In this study, only color, mixture consistency, texture and taste were
 Colloid - a homogeneous noncrystalline substance consisting of large
molecules or ultramicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed through
a second substance. Colloids include gels, sols, and emulsions; the
particles do not settle, and cannot be separated out by ordinary filtering or
centrifuging like those in a suspension.
 Phytochemical - any of various biologically active compounds found in
 Muntingia Calabura - a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having
white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in
cordage and wood is valuable for staves.
 Viscosity - the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due
to internal friction.
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This chapter presents the conceptual literature, research literature that is
considered to be vital in the pursuance of the research study.
Conceptual Literature
I. Aratiles
A. Description
Muntingia calabura is known throughout the world as ‘Jamaican Cherry’ and
in Malaysia, particularly among the Malay, it is known as ‘kerukup siam’. Being the
sole species within the genus Muntingia. It is native to southern Mexico, tropical
South America, Central America, The Great Antilles, Trinidad, and St. Vincent. It is
also widely cultivated in warm areas in India and Southeast Asia such as Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Philippines. In our country, M. calabura are commonly
cultivated as roadside trees.
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Figure 3. Aratiles Fruit

The fruit is very rich in Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Moreover,
according to a report, the nutritive value and medicine properties of aratiles fruit
per very 100g of the aratiles was reported that contain approximately:

Figure 4. Nutritive Value and Medicine Properties of Aratiles Fruit


An earlier study reported that the methanol extract of the fruit possessed
potent anti-inflammatory activity. Another study reported that the ethanolic extract
of the fruit exhibited an LC50 value of 1.63 µg mL−1 against first instar P.xylostella
larvae, while the hexane extract gave an LC50value of 5.5 µg mL−1. Furthermore,
the acetone, ethanol, methanol and aqueous extracts of the fruit were found to
possess significant antioxidant activities. Steam distillation-extraction of the fruit,
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followed by GC/MS analyses resulted in the identification of 56 compounds
composed of esters (31.4%), alcohols (15.9%), phenolic compounds (11.3%),
sesquiterpenoids (10.6%) and furan derivatives (8.3%).
The dichloromethane extract of the freeze-dried fruit of M. calabura yielded
squalene (1), triglycerides (2), fatty acids (3), and a mixture of β-sitosterol (4a) and
stigmasterol (4b).

Figure 5. Chemical structures of squalene (1), triglyceride (2), linoleic acid (3a),
α-linolenic acid (3c), β-sitosterol (4a) and stigmasterol (4b) from the fruits of M. calabura
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Squalene was reported to significantly suppress colonic ACF formation and

crypt multiplicity which strengthened the hypothesis that it possesses
chemopreventive activity against colon carcinogenesis. It showed cardioprotective
effect which is related to inhibition of lipid accumulation by its hypolipidemic
properties and/or its antioxidant properties. A recent study reported that
tocotrienols, carotenoids, squalene and coenzyme Q10 have
anti-proliferative effects on breast cancer cells. The preventive and therapeutic
potential of squalene containing compounds on tumor promotion and regression
have been reported.
Triacylglycerols exhibited antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, P.
aeruginosa, B. subtilis, C. albicans, and T. mentagrophyte. Another study reported
that triglycerides showed a direct relationship between toxicity and
increasing unsaturation, which in turn correlated with increasing susceptibility to
Linoleic acid belongs to the omega-6 fatty acids. It was reported to be a
strong anticarcinogen in a number of animal models. It reduces risk of colon and
breast cancer and lowers cardiovascular disease risk and inflammations. Palmitic
acid, a saturated fatty acid which was reported as a major constituent of C. ovatum
oil showed selective cytotoxicity to human leukemic cells, induced apoptosis in the
human leukemic cell line MOLT-4 and exhibited in vivo antitumor activity in mice.
β-Sitosterol was reported to exhibit growth inhibitory effects on human
breast MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 adenocarcinoma cell. It was shown to be effective
for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It attenuated β-catenin and PCNA
expression, as well as quenched radical in-vitro, making it a potential anticancer
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drug for colon carcinogenesis. It was reported to induce apoptosis mediated by the
activation of ERK and the downregulation of Akt in MCA-102 murine fibrosarcoma
cells. It can inhibit the expression of NPC1L1 in the enterocytes to reduce intestinal
cholesterol uptake.
Stigmasterol shows therapeutic efficacy against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma
bearing mice while conferring protection against cancer induced altered
physiological conditions. It lowers plasma cholesterol levels, inhibits intestinal
cholesterol and plant sterol absorption, and suppresses hepatic cholesterol and
classic bile acid synthesis in Winstar as well as WKY rats. Other studies reported
that stigmasterol showed cytostatic activity against Hep-2and McCoy cells,
markedly inhibited tumour promotion in two stage carcinogenesis experiments,
exhibited antimutagenic, topical anti-inflammatory, anti-osteoarthritic and
antioxidant activities.
B. Benefits from the Fruit Itself

1. It has antibacterial properties. 

One of the big concerns of medicine today is that bacteria of all types are
becoming resistant to the antibiotics that medical science produces. We have
overused antibiotics to the point that bacteria have mutated, growing stronger and
more resistant strains. Kerson Fruit is a natural antibioticthat will fight Staph
infections,S. Epidermis,P.Vulgaris, K. Rhizophil,  intestinal bacteria, sepsis,
diphtheria and other bacteria. Further testing may prove its value in fighting other
forms of invaders as well. This is important when we have so many antibiotic
resistant bacteria.
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2. It is a huge source of Vitamin C. 

One hundered grams of the berries is equal to 150 mgs of Vitamin C. We
already know that this vitamin helps to prevent flu and colds, has strong
antioxidants, and even works to improve some types of cardiovascular disease.

3. It provides gout relief. 

Over the centuries many countries used Kerson Fruit to stop the pain
associated with gout. Gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric
acid in your system, usually from consuming too much of certain types of food and
too little water. While Kerson Fruit cannot cure gout (it goes away on its own), the
berries, eaten 3 times a day in groups of 9-12, will relieve the pain — the worst part
of gout.

4. It is great for headache relief. 

People who suffer severe headaches do so because of blood vessel
constriction. Kerson berries relax blood vessels, so that blood can flow normally
again. Eating the fruit and drinking tea made of the leaves works great for getting
rid of headaches.

5. It is helpful for those with diabetes.

Diabetics fight their disease their entire lives. They have to constantly
monitor their blood sugar levels and take medication or injections. Kerson Fruit
helps to lower blood sugar, and regular consumption can mean less medicine or
lower injection doses. As a preventative against diabetes, Kerson Fruit is used
regularly in those countries in which it is prevalent.
6. It has strong antioxidant properties.
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Oxidation is a chemical process in your body that releases free radicals.
These damaging free radicals form chains and are considered to be culprits in
cancer and other diseases. Antioxidants kill free radicals, and Kerson Fruit and
leaves is full of them — 24 different flavonoids and phenolic compounds to be
exact like that found in green tea… plus saponin compounds. Don’t worry too
much about exactly what flavonoids and phenolic compounds are — you just need
to know that they are the “good guys.”
7. It contains important nutrients.
The fruit itself includes fiber, carbs, protein for strong muscles, calcium and
phosphorous for strong bones, iron for anemia, and B-vitamins for vitality and good
enhancers. With this type of excellent nutritional benefit, it is no wonder that
Kerson Fruit is such a staple in other parts of the world. People eat the fruit raw,
make jams and jellies, and use it for baking. Finding Kerson Fruit in the US is a bit
challenging. You can, however, buy it online in liquid form or in form of one or
a group of supplements, and according to nutritionists, this is just as beneficial as
the fruit itself.
C. Honey
Honey has been used by countless cultures all around the world over the past
2,500 years. While the numerous health benefits of honey have made it an
important element of traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic treatments, scientists
are also researching the benefits in relation to modern medicine, particularly in the
healing of wounds.
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Figure 6. Health Benefits of Honey


II. Methods of Cooking/ Baking

There are many ways to learn. Like in cooking, one of the first ways is to
know the right methods of cooking.
A. Process of Cookie Mixture
In baking, the process starts with picking and choosing the best fruit. A good
fruit has a bright red color, and does not have too many brown spots. The amount
of fruit to be used is 1 kilogram. There is no need to remove the whole covering of
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the fruit since it is also edible. The only parts to be removed are those that are
damaged and those that have a rotten-like color, then grinding the 1 kilogram
Aratiles using a blender. When the finely crushed texture is met, it is ready for
cooking putting it in the casserole with 100grams organic honey then mixing it
without the presence of heat until it resembles an appearance of a red smoothie.
After mixing, it will be put under a moderate oven heat for at least 15 minutes.
Once the mixture boils the flame should be lowered for the cooky mixture to reach
the desired consistency. The mixture is constantly mixed throughout the baking
process. After the mixture has cooled down enough, it is ready to serve.
III. Mixer
A mixer is an appliance for mixing, folding, beating and whipping food
ingredients. They are mainly used to mixed different materials using different types
of blades to make a good quality homogeneous mixture. Included are bleeding
devices, paste mixing designs for high viscosity products and high shear models
for emulsification, particle size reduction and homogenization.
Mixers are some of the most machines used in food services. Mixers are
used extensively in bakeshops and the cooking and preparation sections. Mixers
are used to stir, beat, knead, whip and emulsify. Attachments can be used to
operate the mixer motor for chopping, grinding, shredding, dicing and slicing. The
mixer is versatile piece of equipment that has a mixing bowl with a motor mounted
on the bottom. It is often used just to prepare lettuce for salads, but can be used
for variety of purposes.
Mixers have clamp-down lids and are either made of transparent material or
metal with a slide-back viewing window. Some models are hand operated and
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others are operated by motor (ranging from 1 to 25hp). A rotating lever on the top
can be used to scrape the sides of the bowl to move the food toward the blades.
IV. Methods of Mixing
Mixing is when two or more ingredients are evenly dispersed in one another
until they become one product. Each mixing method gives a different texture and
character to the baked good. The implements used, such as blades, whisks,
spoons, etc., themselves make a difference.
A. Mixing Manually
The operation is basically done through the use of whisk and a bowl. But
sometimes, it was done by using hands especially when it was hard to handle. On
the other hand, the residents were using a blender as their mixer to mix the
ingredients thoroughly.
B. Mixing Mechanically
1. Disperser-type Mixers
Disperser-type mixers generally fall into two categories rotor stator and
open-style dispersers. Both rely on high rotational speeds, or more specifically, on
high peripheral speeds, with impellers that create high velocity gradients in the
liquids and low liquid flow rate.
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Figure 7. Disperser-type Mixers


2. Low Intensity Mixer

The purpose is to gently move the material so as to have a homogenous
mix. The speed mixing toll will be between 1 to 3 rpm. It is needed in many food
and pharmaceutical grade applications to distribute ingredients thoroughly.

Figure 8. Low Intensity Mixer

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Source. www.

V. Methods of Molding
A. Hand Molding
Hand molding is a process where bare hands are used to mold the material.
This method has an advantage since it requires no cost for purchasing and
sustaining a machine but it has more disadvantages. This method fails on the
cleanliness of the molded product, inconsistency on the shape and size of the
product, and low production rate.

Figure 9. Hand Molding


B. Compression Molding
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Compression molding is a method in which the molding material is first
placed in an open molding. Pressure is applied to force the material in contact with
all the areas. Pressure is maintained until the molding material is sure to hold.
Compression molding is a high pressure, high volume method suitable for molding
difficult, high strength reinforcement. Also, it is one of the low cost molding

Figure 10. Compression Molding

Source. www.
VI. Methods of Cooling
When you cook food that will not be served immediately – for example,
when food handlers partially prep dishes early to save time when they’re ordered
it’s important to get the food out of the temperature danger zone quickly.
The temperature danger zone is the range between 41˚F and 135˚F (5˚C and
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57˚C). Harmful bacteria grow well in that zone. And within that zone, bacteria grow
even faster between 125˚F and 70˚F (52˚C and 21˚C). Food must pass through
this temperature range quickly to reduce this growth.


Manila Cookie has beautiful and vibrant packaging is a feast for the eyes, but
it's more than just colorful tin cans and decorative boxes. Consuelo, 2017, also tells a
delicious narrative the stories of Filipino pride and heritage.
The sugar cookies itself are shaped like the sun, to represent the eight rays
of the golden sun found on the Philippine flag. The cookies come in four different
flavors: butter, coffee, chocolate, and queso de bola-flavors which are close to the
hearts of Filipinos.
The plain Butter cookies only use premium butter and is a perfect match with
coffee or tea. The Coffee (Kapeng Barako, specifically) is a proudly local coffee
known for its smooth blend of strong and sweet flavors. For most Filipinos, a cup
of barako-paired with your favorite pastry or a plate of sinangag, is the perfect way to
kickstart the day.
Have a taste of Christmas wherever you are with their Queso de
Bola cookies. This ball of holiday cheese gets a scrumptious upgrade (yes, it's
possible!) when you combine it with the sugary dough. The Chocolate
Chip (tsokolate) is a treat we've known since our childhood, and its simplicity is what
makes it irresistible and timeless. Manila Cookie Story proudly sources from a local
chocolate confectionery: Risa Chocolate. The chocolate comes from South
Cotabato and has natural notes of caramel, tropical fruits which complements the
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buttery cookies. All of these scrumptious cookies are packaged in vibrant jeepney-
shaped tins, star-shaped tin cans, and decorative boxes inspired by the Philippines
design elements (Barong, Inabel, Yakan, t'nalak, Gaddang, Banig, and the Philippine
jeepney) and the various festivals around the country (Ati-atihan, Kaamulan, Parol
Today, the group of culinary arts and pastry makers are in tough line to
procreate a different taste and flavour of cookie from the raw materials coming from
almost home backyard and example of it is the Aratiles (Muntingia Calabura).

Foreign Literature

Tehmer, et. al (2015) conducted a study regarding “Cookie Baking

Procedure”. This cooking skills relates to baking cookies and has particular
reference to a baking for molding or making small pieces of cookies. The general
objective of baking Aratiles cookies is to provide a healthier and health beneficial
type of food which may be readily for consumption during the different seasons of
the year for the formation of various other pieces of cookies generally made in the
pastry kitchen. The components of the Aratiles cooky include Aratiles fruit, honey,
flour, baking soda, sugar and eggs. In baking cookies the baker can do automatic
or manual baking. Automatic is by help of mechanical tools upper mentioned and
manual by using bare hand in preparation to baking.

Porgesian, et. al (2016) patented a study entitled “Cookie Baking”. The

procedure relates to baking cookies and has one of its objectives including the
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provision of simplicity and efficiency in which the cookie baking may be mixed,
baked, cooked, cooled and worked without removal there from. The procedure of
baking is just simply mixing all the ingredients by the use of measuring cups into
baker’s desire amount to come up with the desire taste and texture of the finished

In a study conducted by Lewis, et. al (2017) When it comes to sautéing a

chicken breast or making a pasta dish, many cooks can wing it. But when baking,
it’s a completely different story, since ingredient amounts truly matter. That’s
because the structure of a baked goods like a cookie has to be built from the
ground up, and every ingredient flour, sugar, fat, eggs, leaven, and salt-plays a key
role. Here, we’ll explain the science behind the way these ingredients work to
create both flavor and structure.
Depending on its ratio to other ingredients in the dough, flour makes cookies
chewy or crisp or crumbly. In dry cookie dough, like shortbread, a high proportion
of flour to the small amount of liquid in the butter produces a tender, crumbly
texture. Cookies that need to hold their shape during baking, like biscotti or
pinwheel cookies, also have a high ratio of flour. In fluid-batter cookies like
brownies, a lower proportion of flour to the amount of liquid or egg results in a
cakey or chewy texture. Drop cookies tend to fall in the middle, with the exact ratio
depending on whether the cookie is to be thick or thin, chewy or crumbly, or soft or
Bleached and unbleached flours are basically interchangeable in cookie recipes,
but the bleaching process alters protein structures, resulting in less gluten
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formation in doughs and batters made with bleached flour. For this reason,
unbleached flour is a better choice where a slightly chewier texture is desired, as in
drop cookies and nut bars.
Another option for baking is whole-grain flour, such as whole wheat. Substituting
no more than 30 percent of the flour in the recipe with whole-grain flour imparts a
nuttier, heartier flavor. At higher ratios, whole-grain flours will make cookies
denser, less chewy, and slightly gritty.

Aside from adding sweetness, granulated white sugar makes cookies browner (by
caramelizing) and crisper (by absorbing moisture in the dough). It also encourages
spreading as the sugar melts. The proportion of sugar in most cookie dough
recipes is so high that only about half of the sugar dissolves during mixing. During
baking more of the sugar dissolves, which causes the dough to soften and spread.
For the best results, use pure cane sugar because products that contain both beet
and cane sugars tend to be less consistent in quality.
Brown sugar makes cookies moister and chewier than does white sugar. That’s
because it contains molasses (about 10 percent molasses for light brown sugar
and 20 percent for dark brown sugar). The molasses adds moisture and, because
it’s slightly acidic, causes the proteins in cookie dough to firm up faster, creating a
chewier texture.
Shortening and butter make cookies tender. When mixed into flour, fat coats some
of the flour and protects it from the liquid in some recipes. This prevents gluten
from developing, making the cookies more tender and less chewy.
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Butter contributes significant flavor, so substituting shortening or margarine for
butter (or vice versa) changes the taste. It can also affect the texture of a cookie.
Butter has a lower melting point than shortening or margarine, causing it to spread
more during baking, so a cookie made with butter will be thinner and crisper than
the same cookie made with shortening or margarine.
Changing the type of butter can also make a difference. Premium European-style
butter is higher in butter fat and lower in moisture than regular butter, making
cookies a little thinner, crumblier, crisper, and more butterytasting. As for salted vs.
unsalted butter, the amount of salt added to salted butter varies widely, so it’s best
to bake with unsalted butter to better control the amount of salt.

These are a major source of moisture and protein in cookie dough. The liquid in
eggs gives a cookie structure by bonding with the starch and protein in the flour,
and their protein helps to make cookies chewy. Most cookie recipes call for large
eggs. If you want to substitute a different size, note that the weight difference
between each size is only about 1/4 ounce per egg. This isn’t enough to make a
big difference unless you’re using more than six eggs in a recipe, so for most
recipes you can use egg sizes interchangeably.
In most baked goods, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) acts as a rising agent, but
in cookies it’s much more important for encouraging browning. It does so by
neutralizing acidic ingredients in dough, such as brown sugar, honey, vanilla, and
butter, which would normally inhibit browning. Sometimes baking powder, which is
a mixture of baking soda and an acidic ingredient, most commonly calcium
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phosphate, is added instead of baking soda to give cookies a light, cakey texture.
When moistened and heated, the alkali and acid in baking powder react,
neutralizing each another and giving off carbon dioxide gas, which aerates the
dough, making the finished cookie puffier.

Without this flavor enhancer, the secondary flavors in a cookie fall flat as the
sweetness takes over. Salt also strengthens the protein in a dough, making
cookies chewier.
Kosher salt and table salt are identical in flavor, so you can use them
interchangeably if you adjust for volume differences. Kosher salt is coarse and
table salt is fine, so the same weight of kosher salt takes up more space. To
substitute kosher salt for table salt, use double the volume to match the saltiness
of the table salt. Conversely, if you’re substituting table salt for kosher, use half the
Understanding how all of these ingredients work together can help you improve or
even fix a cookie recipe when things go wrong. To see several practical examples
of this knowledge in action.
Beyond Ingredients
A number of other key elements can affect the way your cookies bake.
Mixing Mixing develops gluten in the dough, giving cookies a chewy consistency.
Beware of overmixing, which can turn chewy into tough, especially in dough that
contains less than 50 percent fat by weight. Fat inhibits gluten development, so
high-fat dough doesn’t have the same toughening problem.
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Shaping Round dough balls take longer to bake, resulting in softer, thicker
cookies. Flattening the balls yields thinner, crisper cookies.
Spacing High-fat dough or cookies baked at low temperatures spread more during
baking and need about 2 inches between them. High-flour cookies or those that
bake for a shorter time need only an inch of space between them.
Time and temperature These work together in baking. A low temperature and
longer baking time yields crisper, thinner cookies; a higher temperature and shorter
baking time makes softer, thicker cookies.
Equipment Ovens can vary, so for accurate temperatures, check yours with a
thermometer. For even heating, use heavy-gauge aluminum baking sheets, and
line the pans with parchment to minimize hot spots, prevent sticking, and speed
Oven position For best results, bake a single sheet of cookies on the center rack.
If baking more than one sheet, set racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven
and rotate sheets from top to bottom and back to front once during baking. This
advice applies to convection baking as well.
Cooling Cool cookies completely before storing, or trapped steam can turn them
from crisp to soggy.


This study aims to produce and develop an Aratiles cookies with health
beneficial. The gathered information and ideas from the conceptual and review
literature aids the researchers in the acquisition of pertinent knowledge and data to
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process the baking. Significant facts presented include the properties and nutritive
values of Aratiles fruits. Ripe Aratiles should undergoes several processes before it
is converted into raw ingredient for cookie. The presented research literatures had
a similar purpose which is to prepare for an easy production and utilization of an
Aratiles fruit cookie. This study unlike the existing studies is to focus on processes
such as baking, mixing, cooking, molding, cutting and cooling. In comparison to
those previous studies presented the main difference of our study is that it
incorporates heat in the mixing process.
Furthermore, unlike the studies stated above, this study pursued to
produce healthier cookie product from raw Aratiles. Also, this study determined the
health beneficial of the fruits once use as a main ingredients to the cookie product.
Variations of the percentage substitutions was incorporated in order to determine
whether which of the percentage substitutions would give the accepted properties
to the Aratiles cookies.


The purpose of baking fruit cookies is to understand how consuming healthy

cookies every day for two weeks will affect different types of fat in the blood.
Specifically, the overall goal of this study is to find out if the healthy cookies can
increase a polyunsaturated fat called linoleic acid in plasma, red blood cells and
white blood cells.  linoleic acid has many health benefits including altering body
composition and energy metabolism, possibly through its impact on cardiolipin. It is
therefore imperative to develop foods products that allow for Americans to easily
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increase their intake of linoleic acid. It's also important to understand the
mechanism in which linoleic acid exerts these positive health effects, particularly in
states of muscle mass and quality loss associated with mitochondria dysfunction.
The investigators tested that the central hypothesis and accomplish the
overall objective. according to Butos et. Al. 2017 this research by pursuing the
following three specific aims: (1) determine the extent to which cookies, made with
fruits , increase linoleic acid in plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), and peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) fraction of blood after two weeks consumption
(2) determine the extent to which cookies, made with fruits, increase cardiolipin
and linoleic acid content of cardiolipin in PBMCs after two weeks of consumption
(3) determine and compare the acceptability of consuming cookies made with fruits
or high oleic safflower oil every day for two weeks.


Association of Food and Pastry conducted a study of how nutritious food

(Fruit cookies) can also benefit the majority of the consumers in all ages. Also the
study comprises the nutritional facts and bi products that the fruit cookies
assembled. One of this is the dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is not only used for its
nutritional properties, but also for its functional and technological properties. The
food industry produces significant amounts of by-products which are problems in
their disposal. Usually, these products are used in animal feeding. However, the
high content of dietary fiber could permit their usage in food products. The dietary
fiber in the diet has been recommended on the level 25-30 g/day. Thus, to
supplement daily diet, dietary fiber should be incorporated into frequently
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consumed foods. The objective of this study was an effort to use raspberry
pomace, by-product of food processing, in cookies.
The material of the study was cherry sourced directly from a fruit processing
plant. cherry is obtained in a dried form. Two sorts of cherry ar applied: crumbled
(ME) and non-crumbled (NM). These preparations were used as replacement of
flour at the level 25 and 50%. The baked goods were sensory evaluated by a
consumer method. Contents of neutral detergent dietary fibre (NDF) and its
fractions were determined by the detergent method according to Van Soest and
total dietary fibre (TDF), soluble dietary fibre (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF)
according to Asp et al. 2015.
About the results, the content of dietary fiber in cherry was very higher.
These by-products were found to be rich in cellulose and lignin. Cookies with
dietary fiber preparations contained much more dietary fiber – NDF (from 10.1
g/100 g – 25% NM to 24.7 g/100 g of products – 50% NM) in comparison with the
control sample (1.7 g/100 g of product). The use of cherry in cookies resulted in
fiber contents increase. Moreover, the addition did not have negative influence on
organoleptic characteristics of the product and was accepted by consumers.
The substantial dietary fiber content of fruit by-products and, in particular, fruit
seeds, should attract the interest of dieticians.


Cookies are most commonly baked until crisp or just long enough that they
remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not baked at all. Cookies are made in a
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wide variety of styles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices,
chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts, or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie
may depend on how long it is baked.

A general theory of cookies may be formulated this way. Despite its descent
from cakes and other sweetened breads, the cookie in almost all its forms has
abandoned water as a medium for cohesion. Water in cakes serves to make the
base (in the case of cakes called "batter") as thin as possible, which allows the
bubbles – responsible for a cake's fluffiness – to better form. In the cookie, the
agent of cohesion has become some form of oil. Oils, whether they be in the form
of butter, vegetable oils, or lard, are much more viscous than water and evaporate
freely at a much higher temperature than water. Thus a cake made with butter or
eggs instead of water is far denser after removal from the oven.

It is in fact that cookies can be high in carbohydrates because of its main

ingredients, on the other hand, it may also beneficial once the baker plays with the
flavour and ingredients of the cookies itself. Farm oils as well as fruits in cookies
can be source of vitamins and nutrients needed by the body. In all over the world,
chefs and bakers played the cookie flavour in different available fruits from the
country and there is a great impact and demand on the cookie product


Research Design
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Filipinos, more specifically students from primary, secondary and tertiary

school is known for having a sweet tooth. After every meal and during mirienda
time, students take its traditional snack which is commonly a sweet delicacy.
School canteens’ food menu mostly caters sugary snacks and drinks that
increases one’s risk of heart disease, diabetes and causes lower immunity. In
order for it to be solved, the research team created an idea on how to make the
student’s snack enjoyable, delicious and most importantly healthy. According to
research, Aratiles contains lots of benefits and it is incredibly nutritious. In addition
to its benefits, Aratiles is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids
that is believe responsible for the health benefits of olive oil. In order to determine if
the students prefer Aratiles cookies as a healthy alternative for normal cookies, the
researchers used descriptive method and questionnaires which served as an
instrument in determining how many individual are interested in buying the said
product and if they would recommend it to their friends and family. As planned, the
data has been collected in March 10, 2020. The money that has been used
throughout the whole research isn’t very costly since we’ve been gathering data
through surveys.

Locale of the Study

The study is conducted in the community and in Lyceum of, March 10,
2020. The school is offering college program which means that there are college
students within the campus as well as to the researchers’ community in Sunrise
Drive Paranaque City. The said school has been selected due to the lack of
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healthy snacks offered inside their canteen. In addition, most of the snacks offered
are sugar consumed products. This leads the students in purchasing unhealthy
sweet snacks because healthy snacks are not available within the canteen’s menu.
And addition, the researchers also have the tasting test to the community of
Sunrise Drive in Paranaque City as part of the study when the COVID-19
pandemic occurs.

Population or Sample of the Study

A total of 20 HRM College students from Lyceum of Alabang were surveyed to
be able to know if they would want to purchase or try the product. All of them care
from HRM Department which is diminutive percentage from the total sample of the
study. 30 came from the community of Sunrise Drive in Paranaque City who
submitted and agreed to take the sample of the cookie product of the researchers.
It is also a diminutive percentage from the entire community.

Research Instruments
The researchers used questionnaire based survey that highlights the said
product which is Aratiles cookies as healthy alternative for normal cookies. This is
to determine if the participants prefer Aratiles cookies as their snacks. In
preparation of the questionnaires, the team selected seven questions that are
mostly answered by yes or no. This will help the researchers identify if Aratiles
Cookies will have the chance to succeed or will end up failing.

The researchers also determine the level of acceptability of the cookie

product presented to the respondents. By the means of survey form provided by
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the researchers, the researchers aimed to find out the acceptability on following
contents like odor, color, texture, taste, affordability and nutritional content.

Based on the answers to the survey given to the respondents, it showed

that the important factor to consider in inventing the product is the taste. Is the
taste not far on the usual cookies in the market? And most of the answer falls into
taste above all.

On taking up to the level of the acceptability, the researchers also found out
in the result of the research through the means of survey form that also taste took
the highly acceptable with 40% followed by affordability with 25% moderate
acceptable, followed by Nutritional content with 10% along with texture with 10%
and then odor with 10% and lastly, color with 5% less acceptable.

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This chapter exhibits the data gathered from the respondents. These data are presented

in graphic and textual presentations including the analysis and interpretation.

Results of the Study

No 1. Do
12% you


a. Yes b. No
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Majority of the surveyed

Figure 11.1 participants likes Aratiles,
where 44 individuals
answered YES and 6
answered NO.

2. Do


a. Yes b. No
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Figure 11.2

Majority of the surveyed

participants also likes
cookies, where 48 individuals
answered YES and 2
answered NO.

3. What type of cookies do you like to eat?

a. Crunchy b. Soft
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c. Chewy d. Crumbly


Figure 11.3

Many participants prefer

cookies that are CRUNCHY
gaining 42 votes. Next in
line is SOFT with 5 votes,
CHEWY with 2 and
CRUMBLY with 1vote.

4. Do you like fruity cookies?

a. Yes b. No
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Figure 11.4

Individuals who like to eat

accumulated 38 votes and
those who do not gained 12

5. Which do you prefer?

a. Healthy and organic cookies
b. Normal cookies
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Normal Cookies

Healthy and Organic Cookies

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Figure 11.5

Individuals prefer to eat

healthy and organic cookies
than normal ones having 31
votes and the other 19

6. What do you think of Aratiles cookies?

a. Sounds good b. sounds gross
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I don't know

Sounds Good

c. I don’t know
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Figure 11.6

The number of participants

thinks Aratiles Cookies
sounds good, with a total of

7. Would you like to try the product if it is available?

a. Sure b. Most likely
c. No d. I don’t know

I don't know
No 12%

Most Likely

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Figure 11.7

Majority of the
participants are sure to
try the product once
it’s available, gaining
39 votes claiming a
total of 78% over the

The Pie graphs showed the interpretation of the respondents in the

particular questions being asked through survey questionnaire. It is clear and vivid
that the Aratiles cookie product has a possible market value once produce to the
consumers. Its potential supported by the nutritional facts it incorporated rather
than the normal cookie we have in the market now-a-days.

It is also mean that the experiment to the product using organic Aratiles fruit has a
big impact as being exposed to the small number of consumers who represented
the entire consumer community both in school and residential community.

Cost Analysis:

Major ingredient which is Aratiles is free harvested in the backyard. Some other
ingredients cost no less than 100 Pesos.
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The table shows the actual cost of the main ingredients for baking Aratiles
cookies and it can bake 50 pieces of cookies and can be sold for 10 pesos per
piece. The total cost of production is 240 pesos and once sold the researchers can
earn 500 pesos. 105% profit from the original budget costing.
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Figure 11.8

The above table figure 11.8 shows the level of acceptability on the following
categories with fifty (50) active respondents in different ages. It is clearly and vivid
that majority of the consumers are after to the taste of the cookie product.



Summary of Findings

Based from the data acquired from the survey, Aratiles cookies are most
likely going to be saleable. Many are willing to try and buy the product once it is
out. Plus most of them prefer to eat a healthy product, specifically female
respondents. The number of female students wanting to try a healthy snack
exceeded the number of male paerticipants who wants to try it because most
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males like normal cookies more. This just proves that they will definitely try the
product and will choose Aratiles cookies as their snack.


Aratiles will be an excellent alternative and healthy snack for Filipino people
because of the health benefits of its compounds. The possibility of it becoming a
permanent choice for snack is high because many of the consumers like fruits and
cookies. This concludes that the product is accepted into the market just like
normal cookies and it’s physical characteristics will still be the same with the
normal ones because the process of how it is made is just the same, and they only
differ when it comes to the ingredients and how it is presented, making it more
yummy and healthy.


Consumers need to eat healthier foods more that is why it is recommended to

create and develop products that are more on the healthy side to help lessen
unhealthy effects of foods on the body. The availability of healthy foods will create
a better future for the consumers and will create better food choices for them.
There are lots of healthy fruits out there that can be used to produce food that are
healthier and will surely please the others considering that Filipinos love to eat
fruits. Best examples are banana and pineapple. Food that use fruits as main
ingredients will definitely contribute more to the well-being and for the betterment
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of the lives of others. We should use our resources more wisely and more
effectively from now on. The researchers foresee to sell this product in the market
in the future and will be available for daily consumption especially by the young
generation and encourage parents and guardians to introduce to their kids the
healthy eating habit with Aratiles cookies. And also to benefit the people with
health condition like diabetes.



March 5, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

Lyceum of the Philippines Alabang
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Alabang, Muntinlupa City

Dear Ma’am/ Sir:

Good day!

The undersigned are currently undergoing a research on Aratiles Cookies as part of our
course requirement on __Subject Here__ at the Lyceum of Alabang, Hotel and
Restaurant Management Department

In connection with this, we would like to request your kindest support by allowing
us to conduct a research to the individuals in our Department. Your support to this
endeavor will greatly help in gathering sufficient data to identify importance of
healthy food to our individual consumers.

Rest assured that all data to be gathered shall be treated with utmost
confidentiality and shall be for research purposes only.

Respectfully yours,

Balbueno, Bernajane
Lelis, Gresica

Orale, Ajhon
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Castelltort, Phoeve Kate H.

(HRM Students, Researchers)

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