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Fluids 5


The resultant force on a submerged body by the fluid The principles of buoyancy make it possible to determine
around it is called the buoyantforce,and it always acts up- the volume, specificgravity, and specific weight of an un-
wards. If v is the volume of the fluid displaced by the sub- known odd-shaped object by just weighing it in two Merent
merged (wholly or partially) body, y is the fluid specific fluids of known specific weights yl and y2. This is possi-
weight, and Fbuoyant is the buoyant force, then the relation ble by writing the two equilibrium equations:
between them may be written as:

In derivations of any of the basic equations in fluids, the 3. 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
concept of control volume is used. A control volume is an 4.Proper boundary conditions
arbitrary space that is defined to facilitate analysisof a flow
region. It should be remembered that all fluid flow situa- Apart from the above relations, other equations such as
tions obey the following rules: Newton’s law of viscosity may enter into the derivation
process, based on the particular situation. For detailed pro-
1. Newton’s Laws of Motion cedures, one should refer to a textbook on fluid mechanics.
2. The Law of Mass Conservation (Continuity Equation)

Continuity Equation

For a continuous flow system, the mass within the fluid Q is defined as Q = A.V, the continuity equation takes the
remainsconstant with time: dm/dt = 0. If the flow discharge following useful form: ,

rh= PlAlVl= p2A2V2 (6)

Euier’s Equation

Under the assumptions of (a) frictionless, (b) flow When p is either a function of pressure p or is constant, the
along a streamline, and (c) steady flow; Euler ’s equation Euler’s equation can be integrated. The most useful rela-
takes the form: tionship, called Bernoulli’s equation, is obtained by inte-
grating Euler’s equation at constant density p.
dP + + v.dv = 0
- (7)

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