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Velimir Abramović





To the readers becoming the new members of

– How was Tesla able to use the influence of super-low-frequency electromagnetic waves
on biological systems, especially the workings of the cerebrum; coalesce energy
structures, the so called “fire balls” from an inductive field of primary and secondary
electromagnetic coils; superconductivity of natural and artificial mediums; the so-called
wireless transmission of energy, and so on?
– What are the main axioms of Tesla’s cosmology?
– How do they follow from his metaphysics?
– How did he apply them in his physical experiments?
– Why are theorists and empiricists of modern physics of time so interested in the
reconstruction of Tesla’s missing theory of physical reality and his view on
electromagnetic phenomena?
– Why didn't Tesla formulate his scientific theory and publish it?
– Can Tesla’s sight on the ethical aspect of scientific discoveries help to ennoble modern
natural science, especially physics, which is in an idea crisis now?
– What can we expect in the near future from studying Tesla’s concepts?
– Is it an overstatement to say that Tesla, in 1900 founded the possibility of a global
information-oriented society in his famous project – World-wide Wireless System at
– Whether it is actually the technical and technological basis of what we now call the
“New World order”?
– Shall we consider Tesla to be a spiritual precursor of a new scientific and technological
civilization named as Tesliana? The Technology of “time design” rules in Tesliana,
where the time-shift or rather asynchronicity of various levels of physical processes will
be the only and inexhaustible energy source.

Tesla’s “World order” was constructed starting from principles of his own inventions.
Let’s enumerate some of them. These are:

 Tesla’s Transformer Motors , i.e. device for creation of electro-vibrations with

specific properties;
 Step-up Transformer – specially designed to excite the Earth (this device with its
electrical transmission is analogous to a telescope in astronomy).
 Tesla’s Wireless System – including certain devices, now considered to be an
untouched method to transmit electrical current without wires.
 Device For Individualization Of A Signal, which in comparison with a primitive
method to match signal means the same as advanced language in comparison with

inarticulate mumbling. Due to this device, it is possible to transmit secret signals
both in passive and in active form, because they do not jam other transmissions
and cannot be jammed by them. Any transmission is unique in its rhythm and has
individual features; actually, it is an unlimited quantity of stations and
instruments, which can act on one or two frequencies and at the same time they
would not cause any mutual jamming.
 Wave Processes In Earth’s Ionosphere ; in popular explanation, this discovery
means that the Earth's field reacts on electrical vibrations of a given frequency in
the same way as a tuning fork resonates with a certain length of a soundwave.
These electrical vibrations can have a strong influence on the Earth's magnetic
field. Such resonant effects can be used by different ways to change the universal
energy system.



Displacing from Europe to United States, June 6, 1884*, Tesla was firstly disappointed
with a great change:
“I wish that I could put in words my first impressions of this country. In the Arabian
Tales I read how genii transported people into a land of dreams to live thru delightful
adventures. My case was just the reverse. The genii had carried me from a world of
dreams into one of realities. What I had left was beautiful, artistic and fascinating in
every way; what I saw here was machined, rough and unattractive. A burly policeman
was twirling his stick which looked to me as big as a log. I approached him politely with
the request to direct me. “Six blocks down, then to the left,” he said, with murder in his
eyes. “Is this America?” I asked myself in painful surprise. “It is a century behind Europe
in civilization.” When I went abroad in 1889 – five years having elapsed since my arrival
here – I became convinced that it was more than one hundred years AHEAD of Europe
and nothing has happened to this day to change my opinion. My inventions, 1919.

Ignorant people very often remark why Tesla had destroyed the contract with
Westinghouse Company, which could make him extremely rich, and, what is the most
important – financially independent in his costly scientific research. They simply do not
realize the Tesla`s high spiritual position in the history of mankind. At the time, he was
already fully aware that he starts a completely new Civilization based on free
environmental energy, robotics, remote controlling and universal consciousness.


*However when summing up these digits, we get 3, 6, 9 combination: the 6th of June (day
of arriving) plus June, the 6th month in the year, equals 12, which finally equals 3.
1+8+8+4 (the year of arriving) equals 21 which is 3 again, while the whole date
6+6+1+8+8+4 equals 6. The day of arriving (6) plus year of arriving (3) equals 9. The
same number 9 we get if the Month of arriving (6) is added to year of arriving (6).


Theosophical principle of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: “There is no higher religion than

truth”, is purely scientific one.
We are contemporaries of birth of a Unique Common Spirituality of Planetary Mankind.
Historically speaking, this time a new, matching type of religiousness shall appear from
science. That would be New and Unique Spirituality, matching the Scientology Era of
Global Society, above the national cultures and especially above the existing religions, in
essence – deeper understanding of real, but still mystical mathematics, the one which
creates the World of things..
The united planet needs a new type of religiousness, which would surely be universal
teaching of Spiritualized Physics, rooted in transcendental level of existence, pertaining
to the very creation of the World, exceeding the cognitive powers of the human mind.
Each religion has had its human founder, the Aryans – Rama, Judaism – Moses,
Hinduism – Krishna, Zoroasters – Zarathustra, Christians – Christ, Buddhist – Buddha,
Moslems – Muhammad. The new scientific religion, matching the scientological global
society has its holy scientist, an ascetic, modern monk with highest mental and spiritual
properties – Nikola Tesla.
What should we do to make this new form of religion – scientific one – prevail at last?
We should articulate the modern theosophical thought which would give in physics
experimental results based on repeated research of time, space, light and heavy mass
based on Tesla Aether Technology. For the beginning, it is necessary to introduce
provable Time Hypothesis. Just time, in its pure form, separated from matter, does not
appear anywhere, it is outside the human sensory perception, extrasensory foundation of
the World, limitless Natural Continuum. The only manifestation of the time is
Consciousness, i.e. our whole world, the one we are aware of. Actually, the
consciousness or continuity of existence of the World is the main characteristics of
Constant Present Time, based on the Law of Continuity of which the World is constantly
created (creatio continua).
By introducing physical interpretation of the time in the science, even just with the very
consciousness about the need to do so, and even with the very intention or wish – not just
physics, but all the other sciences rooted in it, and these are actually, all human scientific
disciplines, the whole philosophy and human cognizance in general – shall receive new
meaning, shall become spiritualized and establish a link with impassable physical reality,
the foundation of which is Spirit, for which in physics we have the right name, but the

name which we cannot understand scientifically, and this is impassable universal time –
Constant Present Time, Eternity. It is always the same time – present time. The present
moment is independent of the change of time and mass, is permanently same in itself, it is
infinite and immutable; the time doesn’t move, has no flow, or speed.
“The world did not originate in time, but has derived from time” St. Augustine,
The time is not a simple, relative measure for space and mass, like it is observed today,
but a fundamental natural law of general cosmic change, and like all exact laws of
physics – there is no evolution. What is really ephemeral are space and mass, resulting
from time and changing according to the main and the deepest natural law of continuity,
common constitutive characteristics of ontological Continuum, mathematical objects of
point and zero, (also uninterrupted) and finally, of Constant Present Time, which due to
its infinity, has so many coexisting centers (polycentricism). That constant presence, I
have to stress, has generic capabilities, creative power. Two times two centers of
Ontological Continuum (or physically – of Infinite Present Time) form a radius, which
then decomposes the Continuum into internal spherical parts. Diameters of such formed
spheres are internal times separating unequal n parts of the space between themselves
(smaller spherical space from the bigger one) and the whole space from infinity
(spherical space from the point of time).
The whole world actually consists of eternal present time, as Saint Augustine understood
(VI century A.D.) while the Western and Eastern Church still haven’t initiated schism
and ignorance, while the reflection of true knowledge of the preceding civilizations still
reached those philosophers.
We shouldn’t grieve for anything, be afraid from anything, we shouldn’t plan anything,
because nothing passes nor comes (A man dreams, but God decides…) because all of us,
Cosmic Patriots, to us, who like Tesla – consider the Light Aether the real homeland,
have been secured based on spiritual necessity, that when we leave this world, we shall
expand our bodily limited sense of vision into comprehensive and eternal spiritual sight,
and freed from heavy mass, limitations and deception of senses – we shall observe all
frequencies, all wavelengths of Aether at once, and then we could see the real Cosmos in
whole its magnificent simplicity, we would see it and endowed with primordial
awareness we shall dive into that dazzling sphere of infinite radius.
And passing, conscious and fully awaken, through that last cosmic illusion of clear
sparkling light, we shall come to know the final truth, the one which can still be stated
linguistically, we shall find out all-pervading gravitation as immeasurable love – the last
foundation of existence, before the God.

Figure 1: Tesla’s coil Vortex of Constant Present Time



Figure 2: The Spirit of Tesla in his material form

A Being of the World is unpredictable. According to the principle of energetic economy,

everything that happens in the nature is always the easiest. On its way to be realized, an
idea passes where resistance is the least, where conditions are already been prepared for
it. That is the reason why Tesla was born neither in Vienna, London, Paris, nor in any
other scientific metropolis, but in the house of Georgina (Djuka) and Milutin Tesla, in the
idyllic nature of Lika.
Tesla’s earthly life is beginning…

“From time to time, in rare intervals, the Holy Ghost of discovery steps down to
the earth to announce some secret which should advance the mankind. It chooses the
best prepared, the most meritorious, and whispers the secret to his ear. The precious
knowledge comes like a flash of light. When he comprehended the hidden meaning,
the chosen man sees a marvelous change: a new world is before his thrilled eyes, that
hardly divine the similarity with the old one. That is not a temporary illusion, a mere
play of his excited imagination or a phantom of mist that is going to disappear. The
miracles he sees, no matter how far they are, will stay here. He knows that, there is
no a shadow of suspicion in his mind,he feels it by each part of his body: that is a
Great idea.”

– Tesla wrote in The Note on Cabanellas Patent no.164.995 around the year 1900, when
his polyphase system, established on rotating magnetic field, has already been applied,
and all confusions about the invention priority eliminated.
Led by providence above him and a great idea in himself, Nikola Tesla found himself in
the harbor for immigrants on the island Bedlow, near New York, on June 6th, 1884. He
started from Paris, by train, to Avre, then to Liverpool by ship, and from there, by the
steamer the City of Richmond, he sailed to America. He had four cents in his pocket,

several of his poems, the solution of one difficult integral and the drawings of a flying
In 1936, when he thanked for the annual prize given to him by the Institute for Immigrant
Affairs, he described his encounter with the New continent:

“Early in 1884, while I was working in a French company in Paris, I was making
great improvements in dynamo machines and motors, and the Edison company from
New York engaged me to draw and construct similar machines for them. The
highlight of my ambition and my most ardent wish has been to come in contact with
Edison and to see America. Therefore, I left on my journey after I had lost my money
and my tickets, experienced a series complications, including a revolt when I almost
lost my life. I landed to these blessing shores with four cents in the pocket. My first
intention had been to find my close American friend before than I went to Edison’s
main office. On my way to the center of the town I passed by one shop where a
mechanic was trying to repair an electrical machine made in Europe. He had just
given up from the hopeless work and I took the machine to repair, not even thinking
that there would be any payment. It was not easy, but I had repaired it to run
perfectly. I was astonished when the mechanic gave me twenty dollars and said that it
would have been good that I had come to America many years earlier.”

In 1689, when the Turks finally left Lika, the village Smiljan was inhabited by the Serbs,
the Croats from Backa and the inhabitants of a coastal region. They all were Christians,
but the Croats from Backa and the inhabitants of a coastal region were of catholic
religion, while the Serbs were of orthodox religion. Lika became a part of the Military
Border and a constituent part of Austria-Hungarian monarchy, and the center of the 11th
regiment under the command of a border guard captain,the Serb. The Military Border had
been a militarized border zone which served to west-European countries as a defense.
This has finally stopped the penetration of the Turkish empire toward the West. The
region extended from the river Drava on the north to the mountain Velebit on the coast of
the Adriatic sea.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Lika, as a part of the Military Border, was under
direct jurisdiction of the Austrian court and the Serbian inhabitants of Smiljan depended
neither on the Croatian nor on the Hungarian government. The Austrian headquarter in
Vienna was full of high-rank officers, the Serbs by origin. After Croatian-Hungarian
agreement (1869) and abolition of the Military Border, Lika lost its earlier importance
and privileged status, but remained an integral part of the Austria-Hungarian monarchy
up to 1918, when it was united with the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes,
changing its name into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929). At that time Croatia did not
exist as an independent state.
On April 10th, 1941, Croatian Nazi movement – ustashas, pro-fascist collaborators,
proclaimed the Independent state of Croatia, under protection of Germany, Italy, and
Japan and the Serbs were persecuted on their territory. Then, in Smiljan, the Serbian
orthodox church, where Tesla’s father had worked as a priest, and Tesla’s native house
were destroyed.

After World War II, Lika, by territory, belonged to the National Republic of Croatia,
being one of the constitutive republics of the Democratic Federative Yugoslavia (DFJ),
then the Federative National Republic of Yugosavia (FNRJ),and finally the Socialist
Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ). The Croatian borders were defined then and
they are valid even today. The Republic of Croatia, having passed a series of
transformations, finally got its independent state status by international recognition in
1992. After that, the great majority of the Serbian inhabitants had emigrated and the
Karlovac district office established, which also comprised Lika, as an organizational unit
in the political structure of a new Croatian state.
Nikola Tesla is a Serb, of the orthodox faith, was born in the zone of the Military Border
under the jurisdiction of the Austrian court, educated in Croatian and Austria–Hungarian
surroundings (high school in Karlovac, Politechnical Institute in Graz and Prague), who
had realized all his scientific ideas in the United States of America, where he also died.
Lika, the region he has originated from and where he has grown up, was much different
than America. Epic tradition of the Serbian people, summarized in the postulate that the
empire of heaven is more important than the empire of earth, contradicted to the
American practicality. High moral norms, received from his father, the orthodox priest,
have been clashing with the American reality whole his life. The photographs from those
days show his standing straight, a daring and clear look, purity and refinement in
clothing, which he has maintained up to the end of his life. In spite of being popular in
company, he highly appreciated loneliness, enjoying in early discovered spiritual world.
In middle age, Tesla turned to asceticism, restraining himself from everything that
separated him from work. He brought with him to America a genetic endurance of his
ancestors and instructions on lean and renouncement; the most interesting for him was a
part of the Bible which speaks about the genesis of the world. By long-lasting training he
had succeeded to adapt his body needs to mind demands.
The name of his native area Lika has its origin in the Greek word “likos” (wolf). Tesla’s
earliest memories are Lika’s “water and stone”.
Wider area of Lika is a natural fortress among high Dinaric mountains of Velebit,
Pljesevica and Kapela. The area of Smiljan is a large plateau in the center of Lika,
bounded on the north by the little river Otesica, on the east by the little river Lika and the
town Gospić, on the south by the hill Ostra, and on the west by the mountain Velebit.
Nikola’s native house had been at the foothill Bogdanic,next to the parish church, where
his father Milutin served. A brook Vaganac was flowing just near the house and the
The nearest neighbors were a few kilometers far from them. From the very beginning,
Nikola was used to be by himself so the familiarity with natural forces was something
usual. Tesla’s father, a priest Milutin, wrote about the nature of Lika, on Peter’s Day
(Petrovdan), in the Serbian diary, in 1855.

“Yesterday there was a terrible heat and the air was heavy, in the afternoon it
rained from Velebit, and toward the evening it cleared up and the air was cold, the
sky was smiling and the stars were shining as never before. Suddenly, it flashed from
the east, and it was as if three hundred torches would burst into flames, it went off

toward the west, the stars disappeared, and one could say the whole nature had
stopped. The appearance along the sky firmament seemed so close as if one could
reach it by a sling, and it was heard just like a distant waterfall throwing off sparks
and leaving bluish stripes behind, and when it poured there,over the nearest hill, it
looked like a dawn, an echo was stretching on the south side of Velebit for a long
time,as if a big tower had fallen down. Then, a few minutes later, darkness arose and
myriads of heaven lights turned pale seeing the face of this little God’s

A year had not passed after this noticed and described natural phenomenon, but the fourth
child, a son Nikola, was born to the priest Milutin Tesla.
His wife Djuka bore him his first son Danilo in Senj, where the priest served,
immediately after finishing theology. The second child, a daughter Milka, was also born
there. After moving to Smiljan, the first born was Angelina, then Nikola, at midnight
between 9th and 10th of July, 1856. Tesla himself gave this detail about being born at
midnight, and he described the occasion how he had known it. One rainy night, mother
called him to say good-bye to his dead brother, with the words:

“God gave me one at midnight, but at midnight he took me the other.”

The transcript of his birth certificate, which is saved today in the Museum of Nikola
Tesla in Belgrade, and written in Church Slavic language, has the birth date June 28th
according to Julian Calendar, or July 10th, according to Gregorian Calendar. In the birth
certificate the name Nikolaj has been written, and he got it by the both of his
grandfathers. The godfather was a friend of the priest Milutin, a captain Jovan Drenovac,
and christening has been carred out in the church of Peter and Paul in Smiljan by a
clergyman Toma Oklobdzija, the administrator of Gospić. At that time, Smiljan was the
main parish, and Gospić a chapel’s office.
Christening was carried out the day after the child’s birth, which was not in the usual
way. Such a fast christening used to be carried out only with the children who were weak,
often ill and when the parents were concerned that the child could die.
On May 18th, 1917, when he thanked for Edison’s decoration, Tesla remembered that his
parents, from his birth, had intended him to be in a service of a priest and that the cause
for it probably was some exceptional event when he was born:
Nikola’s mother Georgina, all called her Djuka, was born in 1812, as the oldest of eight
children of Nikola Mandić and Sofija, born Budisavljevic. Like the majority of women
from poor and passive region, Djuka has never been photographed and few material data
left about her life. Tesla wrote about her:

“My mother comes from one of the oldest families in the country, she was an
inventing talent of the first class and I am convinced that she would have done great
things if she had not been so far from modern life and its countless opportunities…
she was an ingenious woman, particularly gifted with intuition.”

Tesla’s school friend Mojo Medic testified that he, together with other boys, had often
asked Nikola to take them to his mother who would show them a miracle of skill – how
to tie a knot on the eye-lash, with two fingers. She herself constructed and made a loom,
having never seen it before. She was improving and finding new ways how to make
unusual threads from various plants and then she made fabrics.
On inner peace and spirituality of this woman there is also a datum that, on one occasion,
she went to the house of one family where all the members had died from a dangerous
contagious disease, and she bathed them, dressed them and prepared for the funeral,
which nobody dared to do it.
Among all the families whose gene had been crossed in Nikola Tesla, the most written
data left on the family Budisavljevic, of which his mother’s mother came from. The
Budisavljevics have been among the most respected Serbian families-tribes in Lika. Two
members of the Budisavljevics got aristocracy from the Austrian emperors in the
eighteenth and the nineteenth century. They were educated and rich, with sufficient
conscience and free time to deal with their own origin. Alexander Leko Budisavljevic, a
son of the Austrian general Buda, Tesla’s uncle, wrote and published a manuscript The
Tribe of the Budisavljevics in The Upper Military Border, in Novi Sad, in 1890.
The crucial year in the history of the family Budisavljevic was the year 1459. After the
battle of Kossovo, in 1389, when the prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic was killed,the last fully
independent Serbian medieval ruler, the prince’s widow Milica gave her youngest
daughter to the Turkish sultan Baiasit to a harem, providing in such a way a short period
of vassal status for Serbia. When in 1459, the Turkish empire moved their army again for
the intention to conquer Europe, the Turks specially attacked the Serbian orthodox

“Once a year, some old monk, a hermit would go out to the mountain to make a
cross on all the four sides and blessed: What was born, let it be christened, what was
met, let it be married, what was dead, let it be praised.”

A historical role of the Serbian clergy of that time was to save the characteristics given to
the Serbian church by its first archbishop St. Sava, whom the bishop Nikolay
Velimirovic, obviously being inspired by Tesla’s mission, calls “an inventor”, and who
had cut a hesitation of the Serbian parish priests between the Byzantium and Roman
church power, and who “had invented the third power, neither the Byzantium nor the
Roman – but the power of free national church.”
In the study Lika’s Group from 1931, the anthropologist Jovan Cvijic gave the key data
on the character of the people of the Lika region:

“…They have a wide span of a soul: they can forgive a lot and sacrifice them, but
also revenge to madness… To make a mistake on the God and on the man, which is
the same for the Lika’s people, that is the hardest and the deepest feeling… which
burns the soul most horribly and there are no amends they could bear in atonement ,

only to make it easier. They particularly appreciate the people “coming from God”,
good and making good; for a man of bad properties and who doesn’t maintain “the
faith”, they have a word “rascovek” (not a man / free translation). In the worst
situations they use to console themselves by their destiny and they obey it.”

During the Turkish occupation of Lika, up to the half of the nineteenth century, haiduk
life (way robbery) had been developed, when the people of Lika were cruel, but also
“noble”. For them, “the faith”, the promise given to an enemy, also was a sacred thing.
They loved duels. There were also haiduk women. They were very pious and “they used
to carry a bone of some saint in their riffle butt; when leaving for a battle they would turn
to the east and pray to God.”
General Bude Budisavljevic was born in Pecani, in 1790. He had finished the German
military schools and already at the age of nineteen he took part in all important clashes
during the French invasion in Lika. In the year 1812, like a professional soldier, he joined
the campaign of Napoleonic army to Russia. His notes from that campaign was published
as a diary in the journal Srbobran, in 1912.
In the stormy 1848, Bude, together with his four sons officers, fought in the army of his
godfather ban Jelačić, who, knowing his abilities and utter courage, had placed him to
lead the advance guard. For his merits, he was nominated a general by the special decree,
but he didn’t get the medal of Maria Teresia, which he had deserved, according to the
words of Jelacic himself.
Bude’s life goal became introducing of Serbian schools in Lika and he particularly made
influence to Milutin Tesla, who continued his work.
Friendship and respect which Milutin cherished towards Buda and all his family are
certainly in close connection with his marriage to Georgina, Djuka, the oldest daughter of
the priest Nikola Mandić and Sophia, born Budisavljević.
According to John O’Neill, the family Tesla moved to Lika from the Old Serbia, in the
end of the 17th or at the beginning of the 18th century. According to the testimony of
Nikola himself, and according to tradition preserved in their family, their earlier surname
had been Draganic.
Grandfather of Nikola Tesla by father, also called Nikola, had been married to Ana, born
Kalinić, and except a son Milutin, he had two daughters more and a son Josif, who was
well-known as an excellent mathematician among the members of the family.
Milutin Tesla was born in February 1819, in the village of Raduč. Together with his
brother Josif, he finished the German school in Gospić at first, then he went to a military
school, and he dropped out of it and enrolled theology in Plaski,which was still in the
house of Lukijan Mušicki. When he had finished theology, he married Djuka Mandić, in
According to the description of his contemporaries, Milutin has been a tall and a slim
man, of a pale and long face,pronounced cheekbones and a concerned look.
There is an unusual datum left by Nikola, telling that Milutin had carried out his
clergyman’s service in the region of Smiljan and its surrounding not only for the
Christians, but also for the Turks of Mohammedan faith. Those were probably certain

Serbs converted to Islam, who called the Serbian priest secretly to say them a prayer, on
the day of their former family Slava (the family feast of the patron saint).

“My father was a real philosopher, a poet and a writer… he had extraordinary
memory and he would very often recite long fragments from the works written in
various languages. He even used to tell, while joking, that he would be able to write
by memory any classic work if it was lost… He had a funny habit to speak to himself
and in his room he would discuss loudly while even changing his voice.
If somebody, not knowing that, had heard him, he could have sworn that in the
room there were a few persons with him.”

In one interview given in America, Tesla told that, when he was a ten-years boy, he had
heard a story from his father about a Christian saint, who put his hand into the fire in
order to show the firmness of his faith and that he did not pull it until it had burnt. He ran
for the oil lamp, lit it and put his index finger above it. His meat began to burn and his
father ahd his sister hardly succeeded to persuade him to pull it.
Tesla’s early development was followed by a lack of self-confidence. The cause for that
was his brother Danilo, who was thought of a genius in their family. There were no
evidences left about his ingenuity, either appearance description or a photography,
testimonies of the father, mother or relatives. Danilo was about twelve years old when he
died. Tesla himself was also undetermined regarding his feelings.
In the letter written to the Turkish consul in New York, Mehmet Ali Jukselen, Tesla
described that tragic event in detail:

“My father was a very learned and famous clergyman of the Greek Orthodox
church who did missionary work for Christians and Mohammedans alike about
eighty years ago. He had to cover great distances, cross mountain passes with steep
and precipitous pathways and although a splendid rider he had difficulty in obtaining
a speedy and sure footed horse especially as the mountains were infested by wolves.
He rendered valuable services to your people which were reported to an enlightened
and wealthy Pasha who deserving to my fathers humanitarian efforts made him a
present of a magnificent horse of pure Arabian blood whose normal pace was gallop
at great speed. These horses save the life by incredible intelligence and courage in the
greatest danger from wolves. But unfortunately my brother / a youth of commending
genious / was thrown from the saddle and sustained injuries from which he never
recovered. The horse was much attached to him and showed its grief and heart
gripping manner. I witnessed this tragic scene when I was three years old and it is
indelably recorded in my memory. After brother’s death my despering father returned
the horse to its generous donnor.”

At that age, Nikola started to feel disgust towards woman’s earrings, he found out that he
could not stand pearl, he was fascinated by the shape and radiance of crystal, he would
get fever when he only watched peaches, he would count mouthfuls and steps walking, he

would calculate the volume of plates and coffee cups, and everything he had come in
contact with and could be counted, should have been divisible with three.
The conscience of fact that he had been different than others and that something strange
was happening with him, frightening but beautiful, slowly but certainly overcame him
more and more. Together with his school education, his father gave him an additional
teaching which consisted of various useful exercises like:

“Guessing of other people’s thoughts, revealing of various mistakes and phrases,

repeating of long sentences or calculating by heart.”

He learned German quickly, with regard to the fact that the lessons at school had been
carried out in that language and he started to read everything. Soon his father started to
limit him, being worried for his health. The priest did not like his reading of heretic
books, alien to Christianity, as well as the fact that he did not see any enthusiasm in his
son for the clergyman vocation.
One of the books which had made great influence upon Nikola, after arriving to Gospić,
was the novel Abafi, by a Hungarian writer Jozika, in Serbian translation. The novel is a
life story of a young man, who was gradually going astray and who changed himself by
an accidentally awaken will and decisiveness to make his life better. Tesla was eight
when he read it and when he, with a young boy’s delight, started to train his will. He
discovered soon how he could control his wishes by his mind.
The foundation of his inventive method, conceived in those young boy’s days in Gospić,
had been the ability to imagine a picture of some object, a device or a machine in space in
front of him, precisely, with all details and in proportion, with the possibility to move the
parts, to change the proportion and to lessen or magnify the picture according to his wish.
At the age of twelve, for the first time, he succeeded to remove a spontaneous eye-date
picture by means of his will power. Delighted, he ran to his mother and father, and
shouted out: “I can pronounce a word, without seeing it.”
From 1867, he attended three years of high primary school, so called “realka” (the school
in which modern languages and sciences are stressed). “He was a great card player”–
his friend Bracan was talking– “He would mostly meet Vurdelja and Pusa, then they
would go under our stacks and play cards all day long.”
Tesla’s good friend from that time, Mojo Medić, emphasizes generosity as a special
Tesla’s virtue: “Nikola has been born with opened hands.”
The most powerful spiritual influences have been made under the auspices of his family.
Before leaving for Karlovac he was a caster of bells and he was reading in his father’s
church. He prayed, took part in liturgy life, fasted and took Communion.
Lika has been on the periphery of the Serbian nation and there the Serbs had a strong
nostalgia for mother country. The most important things for the Lika’s people were not
material but spiritual values like defense of truth. They followed the original Christ
teachings strictly and they maintained the morality under the hardest conditions by the
belief in soul immortality.

The rational view upon the world was something that made a difference between Tesla
and his ancestors. Uncle Petar, the future metropolitan “dabrobosanski” was responsible
for his meeting with Decart’s skepticism. According to Tesla’s testimony, uncle Petar
“had read Decart out of boredom”, and because of that other priests made fun of him.
Under his auspices, Nikola studied the foundations of modern philosophy-scientific
thought and led discussions with him on Decart’s mechanism. A conflict of two spiritual
qualities happened then in Tesla’s soul: St. Sava’s preaching and western pragmatism.
There are some authors (Dan Mrkić) who consider that the same thing has happened with
Tesla as with many other Serbian intellectuals in modern history: strengthened by
education and in that sense superior to their parents,simultaneously deceived by the
simplicity of the orthodox faith teaching, they were apt for becoming adherents of
western philosophy of life which was growing in all its varieties, bearing an ideal of
rationalism, as an exchange for the ideal of the God.
In 1870, Tesla became a student of High real school, and came to Karlovac, in Croatia.
On the way from Gospić to Karlovac, he saw a railway train for the first time, which
thrilled him greatly. Consideration on invention of an ideal transport means became one
of his favorite topic he would deal with up to the end of his life.
“Realka” in Karlovac has been a famous and a respected school where students have been
preparing for the studies of engineering. According to the preserved data, in the school
year 1880/81, in the cabinet of physics, there were 277 apparatuses and devices.
Professor Martin Sekulić had an important role in Tesla’s life. He was introducing his
students with the latest achievements in electrical engineering, discovery of a lead
accumulator, Gramme machine of direct currents, connection of America and Europe by
transatlantic cable laying. Tesla would remember the lessons of physics and the
experiments his professor demonstrated gladly: “I can not describe you the power of my
feelings even approximately when I would attend his experiments with that mysterious
phenomena. Each of those experiments met thousands of echoes in my brain. I wanted to
get to know more about that extraordinary power, was eager for experiments, researching
and I stepped back with a pain in my soul…”
Tesla’s school friend, Julije Bartoković says:

“He has never learned a lot from the school books, but he listened to the lectures
carefully, especially the professor of physics, whose words he would involve into a

He was reading Jules Verne, and in school he worked just as much as it needed. His
secret internal life became deeper and deeper. In Karlovac he succeeded to control mental
pictures so, that they represented the source of his great satisfaction.
He got a high-school diploma in 1873, being very good, because his mark in descriptive
geometry was only sufficient. In the first semester of the seventh grade he achieved rather
bad success – sufficient mark in mathematics, physics and descriptive geometry, which
showed that he had been doing something else, much more important than schooling.
The hour came when he had to face the destiny their parents had determined for him. It
was assigned to him from his birth, and everything that was happening to him later, just

made his parents be more sure in their persuasion that Nikola’s life should be devoted to
God, and that he had to be a clergyman. When he fell into the cauldron of hot milk from
the roof of the house, and and did not have any injuries and burns, the parents said:
“Hasn’t it been strange? He will certainly be a bishop, a metropolitan, maybe a
Young Tesla would often show disobedience toward his parents, particularly toward his
father. He would escape from school, play cards,later read books passionately, smoke,
drink coffee too much, and all that in spite of his father’s wishes. Immediately after
coming to Gospić, he became ill from cholera badly and caught bed spending there the
next nine months. It was expected that he would die. In one moment, the old Tesla
approached his bed, caressed his son on his head and said: “You will be good.” Nikola,
delirious, stammered: “Maybe, if you leave me to study engineering.” Milutin felt that in
everything what was happening with his son there was God’s providance, and he
promised his son that he would send him to the best technical school in Europe. All were
amazed when Nikola had recovered, and his recovery was helped by an old servant-
woman who had cured him with the bitter extract of beans.
Having spent a year of recovery in the mountains, in autumn of 1875, Tesla enrolled
Polytechnics in Graz, one of four schools in Austria-Hungary which were giving
education to engineers, in addition to Polytechnics in Vienna, High Technical School in
Prague and Technological Institute in Brno.
Thanks to the authority of his relative Branković, he secceeded to get a scholarship from
Military department in Karlovac, which “covered” ten school months. Tesla tried to pay
the family back for their efforts by his hard work and persistence.

“I was expecting that moment with great impatience and I approached to my

studies with happy tokens and a full belief in success. My preparation had been
higher than middle, which I could thank to my father, his everyday worries for my
education, his wise instructions. In those years I have already been able to speak in
several languages, I have read many most different books so I had a notion on many
less or more useful things. I could, finally, for the first time in my life, grasp those
subjects which I had been most interested in. Drawing has never tortured me any
more. Firmly making a decision to amaze and make my parents happy, during the
first year I was studying without a break, from three o’clock in the morning to eleven
o’clock in the night. And so day after day, both on Sundays and on holidays. My
school chums were not so serious regarding studying so it was not so strange that I
had been the first among them. During the first year I passed all nine exams and my
professors were unanimous that I deserved the highest possible marks. I came home
for a short holiday with a lot of the most praiseworthy characteristics, being sure that
they would greet me with highest honors. But what a great disappointment it was
when I had seen how my father was indifferent toward the praises I had deserved.
That has swayed my ambitions a lot; but later, when I arranged my father’s papers
after his death, I got to know the real reason for such his behavior. It turned out that
my professors in their letters had advised my father to forbid my further schooling,
because my too ambitious studying could, ostensibly, have ruined me. Upon my

return to Graz, I devoted myself mainly to the studies of physics, mechanics and
mathematics, and all my free time I was spending in the libraries.”

Among the papers of Milutin Tesla, there were also some other letters from his
correspondence with Nikola’s professors, the letters which testified of extraordinary
ability of his son to have a showdown with the most complex problems of the studying
program, which made an impression to all the members of the faculty. Tesla’s success at
the University in Graz observed in the light of the figures who created the highest points
of European science and culture, like John Kepler, who wrote his first great treatise The
Mystery of Cosmos in Graz, or a famous physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, who has held the
lectures in theoretical physics from 1869, seize the dimensions of significant steps for his
In the memory of Nikola Tesla, regarding to this period of life, an important place has
been taken by his professors Moritz Ale, the head of the Advanced Mathematics
department, and Jacob Poeschl, a professor of physics:

“My successes were unusual and professors were interested in them.

Among them, there were Dr Ale, who held lectures in differential equations and
other branches of advanced mathematics, whose lectures distinguished themselves by
unusual intelligence, and professor Poeschl, who was the head of theoretical and
experimental physics department. I always remember that man with a feeling of
gratitude. Poeschl was an eccentric: it was rumored that he had not changed his suit
for twenty years. A lack of external attraction he was compensating by irreproachable
way of presentation, and the experiments he had shown were, according to their
precision, like a watch.”

Poeschl’s experiments, with a generator of direct current, were crucial for Tesla’s future.
During the lectures on Gramme machine, he opposed to the authority of the professor.
Something forced him on that day, when the professor Poeschl was showing the
phenomena of direct current self-induction to the students, to stand up and say, in spite of
great respect, that he did not think the same regarding the explanation of Gramme motor
functioning. He added that the motor which operated by direct current and used a
collector with brushes, could be constructed in other way, that it could be made much
simpler, to operate without a collector and by alternating current. That what Tesla had
uttered then, was a great heresy. The fact that alternating current could not be used for
formation of rotating force, among the scientists – electric technicians of those days, was
as firm as Newton’ Law. Realization of that idea has been considered impossible, which
professor Poeschl said to his talented student immediately. Realization of such an idea
“was just the same as transformation of the force which acted in one direction, for
example, of the force of gravitation, into the force of circular motion, which was
absolutely impossible.”
It was not for the first time that he stood and commented the lectures of his professors.
His study friend Antun Zorić, in the letter he sent to Tesla on July 30th, 1926,
remembered how professor Roegner, who taught differential and integral calculation,

would often put a question,to which all students used to be silent, except Tesla, who
always knew the answer.

He has joined the student society Srbadija, which cultivated and maintained the spirit of
the Slavs. In an almanac of the society, issued in Novi Sad, in 1884, there is a datum that
Tesla had delivered a lecture On Capillary Tubes. The phenomenon of fluid surface
tension was then a completely new achievement of molecular physics.
As the society, in addition to science, had also cultivated entertainment, Tesla would
recite, act and include gladly into the work of the society. Kulusic mentioned Tesla’s
lecture On the Noses, which was very witty.
On the second year of his studying, he was on the list of debtors of the tailor Murko’s
usurer workshop.
On the third year of his studying, he would more and more exchange the university for a
cafe. In the letters directed to Nikola, Antun Zorić was remembering their evenings spent
in playing preference and eins, Tesla’s mastery in playing carom, and their cafe
acquaintanceship with Panajotović, Kosirić, Mimi and Pfafi.

“My parents were very worried due to my passion toward gambling. Father was
particularly angry, he despised my wasting of time and money. However, I have
never promised him to stop playing, but, on the contrary, I would justify myself in
various and quite vulgar ways…”

The epilogue of such events is not hard to be foreseen: from January 1878, Tesla is no
more a student of Polytechnics in Graz.
Having lost his scholarship, he turned to Matica Srpska, for the second time. From the
request, sent on September 1st, 1878, we see that he wanted to continue his studies in
Vienna or Prague, but not in Pest, because at that time, in addition to German, he had
learned French, Italian and English, and Hungarian he had not known yet. Even the sound
of humiliation, which was a general characteristic of the style when somebody applied in
such a way, has not helped:

“Undersigned please the famous Serbian Matica the humblest,to enable him to
finish the started sciences in engineering by giving him a scholarship for Vienna or
Prague… He is a Serb which goes without saying…”

He was rejected again. But, in 1902, being a distinguished scientist, he forgave the “sin”
to the famous Matica and became its member.
At the end of the year 1878, not informing anybody, he left Graz. A gloomy period of his
life began. Nobody still needed Tesla’s ingeniousness.
His relative, Djuro Banjanin, on the plea of his parents,began to search for Nikola,
without a success. Quite accidentally, he was found by his study friend, Kulisic, who

after getting a diploma came to Maribor, the then Marbourg, searching for a job. He came
across him in an inn near the railway station.
According to the preserved documents from the town administration of Maribor, Tesla
was expelled from this town, by a decision of March 8th, and escorted under police guard
to Gospić. On March 17th, the administration in Gospić informed the colleagues in
Maribor that the escorted person came. According to the then valid laws of Austria-
Hungary, homeless people, prostitutes, prematurely released personers and the persons
without the means for living were being expelled.
A month later, on April 30th, 1879, Tesla’s father Milutin died.
According to the testimony of Mojo Medić, Tesla’s friend, who held an eulogy at the
priest’s funeral, Nikola was not present while his father was dying, and where he was at
that time, it has not been known.
What really tortured Tesla then, was illusory “aimlessness of his ingeniousness.”
At the beginning of January 1880, he departed to Prague. About that short-lasting stay the
data were given by Frantisek Zurek in the text The Memories on Nikola Tesla, published
in the Prague newspapers, in 1927.

“I got to know him in the eighties of the last century, in the then cafe Nacional in
Vodickova street, a favorite meeting place of the students. Distinguished artists were
also gathering there, among which Bedzich Smetana and Antonjin Dvorzac. The hall,
the windows of which were facing the street, had billiard tables. A student Tesla has
been unconquered master of this play… he was tall, slim and nicely built young man
with a tanned face, without moustache and a negligently tied necktie. It was a man
without great demands, who made impression of a reasonable male by his sarcastic
smile. He spoke Czech well… The students of that time were astonished by his
mathematical knowledge… After a certain time I met him in the Czar’s public library
in Clementinum. In those years all of us here were delighted by Byron. I was reading
his rhymes in German translation, comparing them to English original. Suddenly, in
front of me, like an illusion, Tesla appeard, and his bony hand stretched out toward
my book. He suggested me to read the beginning of each strophe, and he would citate
further text by heart, and if I wanted – he could do it up to the end of the book. I tried
several times, and I was persuaded that he knew practically the whole Byron by

In Prague, Tesla was educated as a part-time student of Physical-Mathematical Faculty of

Karlo’s University, or Carolinum, on the Department for natural philosophy. He lived on
Smeckagasse no. 13, went to the lectures to Carolinum, and to Tzar’s public library –
Clementinum, and in the evening, obligatorily, to “The Nacional” for a party of carom or
chess. One distinguished Serb of the XIX century more, Njegoš, was also a great
enthusiast, whose The Mountain Wreath Tesla’s mother had known by heart. The
residence of Njegos in Cetinje, people called Billiard.
At the University of Prague, Tesla attended the lectures in analytical geometry, drill
sessions in experimental physics, as well as the lessons of the professor of philosophy
Carl Stumpf. In that semester, on the schedule there was Hume’s Philosophical Essay on

Human Sense. The professor particularly insisted on importance of observation, and that
it could be demonstrated more convincing, he dipped his finger into a bitter liquid, then
he licked the other finger, and asked from the students to “repeat that what they had
Tesla enjoyed in electric light for the first time in his life on the streets of Prague. “The
Russian light” by P.N. Jablockov, shown in Paris, in 1878, lit the Hibernska street in
Prague, too, thanked to Czech electrician Frantisek Krzizik, who has founded a small
factory for lamp production in Plzen.
Tesla’s period of life spent in Prague was marked by searching for a new electric motor
without a collector:

“I would draw to myself, before all, a machine of direct current, put it into
operation and watch how the current transforms in its rotor. Then I would imagine
one alternator and do the same thing. Finally, I would visualize the systems which
consist of motors and generators. … I would separate a collector from the machine,
put it on the other axle and let it operate in my consciousness… and with a such
practice I have continued without interruption…”

He left Prague without acquired diploma of an engineer, but faithful to unerring internal

“Instinct is something that is placed from the other side of a scientific

researching. We possess, there is no doubt, very sensitive nerve cells, which enable
us to feel the truth, even then when it is still unreachable to logical conclusions or
other mind efforts. Under the influence of the professor’s authority I almost denied
my idea for a short time…”

Still in his youth, Tesla had great problems with professors and colleagues, engineers,
who did not comprehend that each creativity, to those who did not know its secret, at the
beginning had to seem like a mistake. Particularly to an expert, because his conviction
that he knows more than others, so his power to accept the new things is reduced.
Thanks to the relations of his uncle Paja Mandić, active officer in Austria-Hungarian
army, married to a daughter of a rich landowner, in 1882, Tesla came to Budapest. He got
a job in an electric-power station, the owner of which was his uncle’s friend Ferenz
Pushkas. Ferenz’s elder brother Tivadar, was at first a close cooperator of Edison, had
specialized telephony, a completely new area of applied engineering in those days, and
participated in building of the first main telephone exchange in the world Western Union
Telegraph in Connecticut. As en Edison’s representative, he transferred the telephone
business to Europe. On the World exhibition held in Paris, in 1881, he established a
telephone transmission from the Paris Great opera, which, then, created a sensation. The
rights for establishment of main telephone exchanges in Hungary, Tivadar transferred to
younger brother, and when Tesla started to work with Ferenz, the installation of the first

main telephone exchange in Pest was finishing right along. Tesla was offered a job of
“the main electrician.”
On February 4th, 1882, Ferenz Pushkas, with a great success, realized the telephone
transmission of the opera “Janos Hunyadi” from the National theater to the concert hall
Vigado. Tesla’s acquaintance with a Hungarian engineer and inventor Karoly
Cipernovski originates from that time.
The transmission quality was better than that from Paris, thanks to Tesla’s invention, a
telephone amplifier. According to A. G. Cvereva, the russion author of the biographic
book Nikola Tesla, published in 1974, this invention referred to improvement of a
telephone receiver. Tesla increased the number of magnets in the receiver and exchanged
their places with regard to the membrane, by which he eliminated noises and increased
Tesla’s early emphasized ability that, in the apparatus which was the object of
improvement, would notice all main elements and classify them punctually according to
the importance of the role they had, also made a victory here. Later on this would become
one of the key properties of his work, the secret of his construction skill.
The invention of a telephone amplifier has been only one of his contributions to the
success of Pushkas’s company, from which he did not have any material benefits. Later
on, in America, Tesla revealed to Pupin a variant of this invention, when he tortured
himself to comprehend the secret of telephone signal amplifiers.
In the beginning of the year 1882, at the age of 26, Tesla became ill badly again. A
strange disease would be manifested in such a way that all his senses enlarged everything
they had accepted many a times. The ground under his legs would constantly be
trembled, Tesla’s ear would accept a fly landing to a table like a dull blow, whistle of a
locomotive at large distance would shake his whole body, in the darkness, like a bat, he
could recognize the objects at the distance, by a feeling of a chill on his forehead, his
pulse would vary up to the flatter, high-frequency trembling, and his whole body would
jerk and tremble. Torture would be interrupted by short-lasting moments of break in bed
which he separated from the floor by rubber washers. Doctors did not have a diagnosis
for this disease, and he himself considered that a nervous breakdown had been in
question. In medical literature there are not many descriptions of such conditions, but
description of symptoms identical as with Tesla,we find in the story The Fall of the
Ushers by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. In contrast to Poe’s hero, Tesla has healed.
Antal Szigety appeared in this important moment of his life like a man who helped him,
by advice and example, to devote himself to physical trainings and re-direct his habits.
But his exaggerations continued. Once he bet with Szigety who would drink more milk,
but he lost with thirty– eight bottles.
He had drawn to Szigety a historical drawing of a motor without a collector, which he
presented in 1888, in his lectures before the American Institute of Electrical Engineering.
The principle of formation of rotating magnet field by alternating currents has been given
in a simple rough draft, made in the sand of a town park in Budapest, where an induction
motor represented the most important embodiment. The whole polyphase system will
result from that simple rough draft.

“My visions became equal with reality. My ideal was Archimedes. I admired the
works of artists, but they had been, according to my comprehension, only the
shadows and figures in a mirror.
An inventor, I have considered, gives the world the works which really live.”

With a reference of his employer, in 1882, he went to Paris to work in Edison’s

continental company, which was held by Ferenz’s brother Tivadar.
In Paris he lived on the Boulevard St. Marcel, in a poor suburb Saint Marceau. The
building of the factory in Ivri, where various electric machines and the newest Edison’s
invention, a candescent bulb, have been producing, was five kilometers far. After the
morning bathing in the Seine, he would go to work on foot, admiring “the light city”
along the way,which had already been a two-million city in those days. He missed the
Eiffel Tower, which would be built seven years later.
On electric exhibition in Paris, held in August, 1881, the newest achievements in
engineering were presented: Bell’s telephone, Edison’s system of illumination by
candescent bulbs, supplied, in those days, by the largest generator of direct current power
of 110 Kw, called “Jumbo”. On the same exhibition, a famous naturalist and the editor of
the journal The Nature, Gaston Tissandi, together with his brother Albert, presented a
model of the balloon with electric motor.

“In Paris I became acquainted with a few Americans who got to like me due to
my skill in playing billiards. I have explained my invention to these people and one
of them, Mr Cunningham, a foreman of the mechanical department, offered to found
a stock company. The suggestion seemed to me utterly funny. I had know nothing
about it, except that it was the American way of working.”

When in Strasbourg (today France), in the presence of the German emperor, in 1883,
Edison’s company experienced failure by putting into operation of direct current
electrical system, Tesla put everything in order.
In this town, in 1883, Tesla made his first business contract with George H. Stout on
commercialization of his great invention and the first model of an induction motor, where
he had used the principle of formation of rotating magnet field by alternating currents. As
an object of the contract they put “a new system of electrodynamic armature”, which
Tesla marked as “the armature of an iron bar” and which had been the first name for
polyphase system and Tesla signed it in Cyrillic.
He knocked at the door of Edison, on New York South Fifth Avenue, number 65, on June
5th, 1884, with a famous letter of recommendation of an engineer Charles Batchelor:

“I know two great men. One of them are you, and the other one is this young man
who is standing in front of you.”

Edison was not fascinated by praises and stories, but only by hard work and ability for
realization of the results. In the beginning, Tesla hoped that he would make Edison be
interested in his inventions, but there were no opportunities for his conversation with the
boss. In December of the same year, when Tesla finished essential improvements on
direct current generators, for what the prize of 50000 dollars had been promised to him,
and when he heard that the promise had been only a bitter joke, he decided to leave the
job. The last date marked in his diary from Edison’s workshop was December 7th. On the
next page, Tesla has written in capital letters: “Good-bye to Edison’s mechanical
At the age of twenty-nine, on March 30th, 1885, he filed his first patent application for
Electric Arc Lamp. But still there was no support. In the winter of 1886 – 1887, he was
left without money and had to work physical jobs for the wages of 2 dollars.
In those years, electric motors and generators began to be used for electric illumination,
but the range of electric power transmission was short, so almost at each square
kilometers of the town area electric-power stations with direct current generators were
built, which could supply power enough only for such an area. Then, in New York, there
were about 200 electric-power stations.
In 1886, when Westinghouse realized that the range of electric power transmission could
be increased by means of transformers, he bought the patent rights for transformer
exploitation, the inventors of which were Gullard and Gibbs. In the period from 1886 to
1888, Westinghouse’s company erected 130 small power stations of single-phase
alternating current, of low power up to 6 Kw, which operated with frequency of 133 Hz.
A real “current war” began, because Westinghouse’s power stations with alternating
current kept being more and more economical for illumination, and Edison’s direct
current power stations for supply of trams, and other electric motor drives. The adherents
of alternating currents were in market worse position, because they had a lack of not only
of an adequate motor, but also a consumption measuring device.
Tesla jointed into a real play in March, 1887, over Charles Peck, a lawyer and a secretary
of The Union Company. Already on April 5th, 1887, he and Peck signed an agreement on
cooperation by which Peck obliged himself that he would invest 1000 dollars in
foundation of Tesla’s Electrical Company and development of Tesla’s inventions, and
that he would personally, for his life costs, pay him 60 dollars a month, during the next
three months. In return, he got one third of the actions of the future company, one third
belonged to Tesla and the third part should be transformed into the working capital.
Although he had believed in application of his new system immensely, he could not
foresee the development of the events. In the course of the next seventeen years, the
duration period of patent protection for polyphase system, in America only, 6 billion
dollars have been invested in Tesla’s inventions. In comparison to present-day value, this
should be multiplied by 30.
Soon he applied two patents in the area of polyphase system: Commutator for dynamo
electric machines and Pyro-magnetoelectric generator. With the help of Szigety, who
came to America in May, 1887, he constructed his first models of the motors with rotors,
in the shape of a steel disc. From October 12th, to December 23rd, the lawyer Parker
Page, from the then famous Patent office Duncan, Curtis&Page, prepared for application

to the Patent Bureau, seven of Tesla’s patents, by which he covered the main models of
induction motor in two-phase and three-phase performance, as well as two-phase and
three-phase synchronous generators. All these seven patents were approved in the Patent
Bureau of the United States of America, on May 1st, 1888.
Having been informed that Tesla had got patents for alternating current motor and that a
company for their capitalization had been formed, Westinghouse, urgently, sent his
lawyer Billesby to make a contact. The day after meeting with Tesla, an industry spy, the
engineer Stanley also wrote to Westinghouse:

“His motor is the best thing of the kind I have ever seen. I believe it is more
efficient than most DC motors.”

But Westinghouse has also estimated the value of the work on the other side. His
assistant, engineer Guido Panteleone, negotiated, at the same time, with an Italian
inventor Ferrari about his invention of alternating current motor. In the end, he made a
decision to cooperate with Tesla’s Electric Company. This contract made Westinghouse
company be a leading electrical concern of the nineties, in the XIX century.
The historical contract, was concluded on July 7th, 1888. Being careless, Tesla agreed to
attorn all his patent rights to Tesla’s Electrical Company. He was one of the owners, but
control over the destiny of the company and the patents was not in his hands.

“It was the greatest mistake I made in my life”– he declared on April 20th, 1908,
as a witness on a trial Wagner Electrical Company against Century Electrical
Company – to consent to such a change, because it had deprived me of a great and
valuable commercial asset. There are now thousands of millions of dollars in this
country alone invested in my system of transmission and had I not consented to that
arrangement, the Westinghouse Company and also the General Electric, and
numerous others would all be my licencees, and the bulk of the electrical apparatus
on the market to-day would be sold under my name. As it is now, this apparatus is
sold under the names of individual companies, notwithstanding the fact, that it has
been and is still being manufactured under patents of mine.”

In the book Prodigal Genius, a journalist and a publicist John O’Neill, who has known
Tesla, was the first who published the story that Tesla,on the request of Westinghouse to
revise the contract, tore it generously, to offer a support to the great industrialist. But, in a
letter to his friend Robert Underwood Johnson, on December 24th, 1914, Tesla gave a
detail which confirmed a thesis that he had been cheated at the very beginning, that the
contract had been written in such a way that, for him, it could have been worthless, and
that, according to the same contract, he could not have got anything:

“The old clippings you have forwarded are a sad reminder of my former folly. I
had thirty-six patents on my system of power transmission in which billions are

invested now. I won every suit without exception and had it not been for a “scrap of
paper” I would have received in royalties Rockeffelers fortune.”

Total value of the bonuses Westinghouse allegedly should have paid to Tesla’s Electric
Company, up to 1906, when the value of Tesla’s main patents had expired, has been
estimated, according to the installed power up to that year, to 12 million dollars of that
In the nineties of the XIX century, Tesla passed over to a new area of alternating currents,
currents of high frequencies.
In 1887, Hertz published the work under the title On Very Fast Electric Oscillations,
where he described his experiments which became a part of the history of electric
engineering. Upon Helmholtz’s stimulus, a young Hertz, by a simple apparatus consisting
of a sparking generator and a symmetrical dipole antenna, proved that electromagnetic
waves were formed by fast changeable alternating currents, which confirmed Maxwell’s
Hertz’s great goal was to demonstrate that electromagnetic waves were the same as light.
His apparatus produced strong muffled oscillations of frequency 50 million times in a
second, and with such a frequency he got the waves which propagated in a straight line
and, just like the light rays, they could not avoid the obstacles. Because of that, Hertz did
not believe in the possibility of application of these currents for message transmission in
global proportions.

“When I consider the events from the past, I comprehend how refined the
influences which form our destinies are. An event from my youth can serve as an
illustration for that. One winter day I managed to climb a very steep mountain in the
company of other boys. Snow was very deep and a warm south wind pleased us. We
made fun throwing showballs downslope, which were rolling, catching snow on them
and growing, some less, some more…one snowball exceeded all previous, growing
more and more…until it became big like a house and ran down a valley, with
tremendous thunder. I was watching bewitched…Weeks after that a picture of the
avalanche was being in front of my eyes and I was asking myself how possible it was
that something so small could grow so much. From then I have been fascinating with
amplifying of weak affects, and when, years later, I started experimental studying of
mechanical and electrical resonance, I was interested in it from the very beginning.
Maybe, without that experience from the childhood, which had left a powerful
impression on me, I would not have followed a small spark which my coil produced
and I would have never improved my best invention…”

The first Tesla’s alternators – devices for production of high-frequency current, were of a
mechanical type, constructed on the principle on which his asynchronous motors and
generators had operated. One such device, which he protected by his patent on March
10th, 1891, could produce alternating current with frequency of 10 to 20 kilohertz. He
achieved his first important results in this area with them, and the effects which
astounded the public at the lectures that followed. But the possibility of getting relatively

low frequencies up to 50 kilohertz, with such alternators, forced him to search further on
for the machine which would give far higher frequencies and, regarding quality, produce
different electrical oscillations.
He has never hurried in making decisions on the steps in a research.
Thanks to an inspired idea, in 1891, he discovered the oscillatory transformer, today
known as Tesla’s coil. He had used, in that time well-known fact, that a condenser which
was supplied by high-voltage generator, of defined capacity and its own induction, and
which was discharged through and air split in circuit, produced very fast and irregular
oscillations of frequency more million times in a second. Still in 1842, Henry noticed this
phenomenon on Leyden jars and Lord Kelvin formulated it mathematically in 1853. As it
had been the case with asynchronous motors, Tesla showed his ingenuity again. What for
the researchers of that time, limited by electromagnetic theory, was a phenomenon
completely explainable by the combination of well-known values like capacity, self-
induction, resistance, frequency and voltage, for Tesla that was a possible beginning of
the development of one whole technology.
The basic patent in which he described the operation of a new device, the oscillatory
transformer, he applied on April 25th, 1891, and acquired it on June 23rd, of the same
year, under the number 454 622. He could produce weak muffled and continuous high-
frequency currents by his transformer. Before the appearance of his invention, we can not
even talk of existence of high-frequency currents, because that what has been produced
up to then by well-known oscillatory circuits, were the packets of strong muffled high-
frequency impulses. The new currents were, soon, called Tesla’s currents, and the device
Tesla’s transformer.
On May 20th, 1891, he was called to hold his second lecture before the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers at the Columbia College in New York, under the name
The Experiments with Alternating Currents of a Very High Frequency and Their
Application in Artificial Lighting. The expert part of the public wanted to convince
themselves if Tesla’s success with polyphase system had been accidental, or it was about
a researcher of great possibilities.
The lecturer did not disappoint those present. He demonstrated the newest generators of
high-frequency currents which he was connecting with Ruhmkorff’s coil, in order to get
high voltages and a great number of different discharges. He demonstrated illumination
of the bulbs of original constructions, in which he brought the body, made of an adequate
material, to be red-hot, connecting it to the source of current with high voltage and
frequency. He also mentioned some other effects, like inductance heating, ozone
production and medical effects. He also presented a commercially important idea that oil
could be used successfully for insulation of high-voltage coils. He finished his lecture
with the announcement that his future work would be directed toward comprehension of
energy potentials of nature environment.

“We, all together, are rushing through an immense space by incredible speed,
everything around us are rotating, moving, we are surrounded by energy. There have
to be some more direct approach to this energy. With the light coming from the
environment, by energy also drawn out from there, with many forms of energy from

boundless and inexhaustible source given to us without effort, the mankind will
advance by giant paces.”

This lecture was also published in the journal The World of Electricity, on July 11th,
1891, and in the Almanac of The Society of Engineers and Technicians, it has been
translated into all leading world languages and reprinted in professional journals. It made
a great impression to Robert Millikan, and the inventor Mac Farlain More, who
commercialized “cold light” in America, at the beginning of the twentieth century.
In 1891, he patented a series of new inventions: oscillatiory transformer, constructions of
special bulbs, electric meter, condenser. In the journals The World of Electricity and The
Electric Engineer, he published the articles on high-frequency current and voltage effects,
discharges in vacuum tubes, electrolytic watch and single-pole dynamo-machine. On July
30th, of the same year, he became the citizen of the United States of America.
He arrived to London on January 26th, 1892, on the invitation of The British Institute of
Electric Engineers. A coach of the manager of the Post and Telegraph, Sir William
Preach, waited for him, and the invitation to stay at his home. After resting of several
days, on Wednesday evening, on February 3rd, he held a lecture under the title The
Experiments with Alternating Currents of High Potentials and High Frequency, where
William Crooks, James Deughar, William Preach, J. J. Thomson, Oliver Heaviside,
Silvanus Thomson, Joseph Swan, John Ambrose Fleming were present.
While being a pupil, he was reading the work of William Crooks, The Radiating Matter,
in German, and now he saw him in the first row, how he was applauding him sincerely.
The next day, during making a rounds of the Royal Institution and inspection of Michael
Faraday’s laboratory, Sir James Deughar, persuaded him to repeat his lecture before the
members of the Royal Institution. He seated Tesla in an armchair, poured him a whiskey
from a crystal bottle and said: “Now, You are sitting in the armchair in which Michael
Faraday was sitting and You are drinking the whiskey he was drinking.”
Tesla’s address to English scientific public was with a particular conviction and
inspiration. He was aware that England, in those days, had been a center of modern
science. So he prepared for the appearance by choosing the equipment. The most
spectacular was to install electricity of high voltage through his own body.
Before leaving, he gave Crooks one of his transformers as a gift and was present at one
spiritual seance. William Crooks, Oliver Lodge, Lord Rayleigh, and many other British
scientists, at that time, were trying to explain scientifically the phenomenon of
spiritualism which, then, was very spread in London. To everyone’s surprise, instead of
exposing the deception, they became convinced spiritualists, demonstrating firm
evidences on existence of ghosts.
In his letter to Monroe Sunshine, on October 6th, 1919, Tesla wrote about spiritualism
with skepticism:

“Personally I do not believe in these manifestations and all the mediums who
have tried to exhibit them to me have failed miserably. Whenever they suggested a

method of procedure, I insisted on changes eliminating every possibility of deception
and that settled it.”

In Paris, he repeated the lecture from London, before the members of the Society of
Physicists and the International Society of Electricians. He was introduced to the belgian
prince Albert, he met a French doctor D’Arsonval, who had experimented with high-
frequency currents, not accepting that Tesla had announced observations on their
physiological effect before him. Tesla has already had one court procedure on priority in
invention of induction motor over Ferrari, and then he was thinking to start the other
against D’Arsonval, but he gave up, being disarmed by the charm of the doctor from
Paris. His rest was broken off by a telegram of his uncle Petar: “Your mother is on her
deathbed, hurry up…”
On April 15th, he arrived to Gospić by train and by coach, in time to hear mother’s last
words: “Nikola, pride of mine.”
Completely touched and tearstained, he was taken to the neighbour’s house to calm
himself. As it can be seen from the notes of his distant relatives, he said good-bye to his
badly ill mother, and went to Paris, where he had a mystic experience of seeing his
mother’s death, although he was not present there, both when his mother and when his
father died.

Boyhood and Youth –

a mind which works like nature

Until he reached the age of eight, he had been weak and uncertain, he had not had
strenght and boldness to make any firm decision. Feelings would arrive by turns and
uncontrolled, in waves, and a little Nikola would constantly oscillate between two
extrmes – enthusiasm and sadness.

“My wishes had a destructive power”, he remembers, “and they multiplied like
the head of the myth Hydra.”

He was obsessed by thinking over the pain and the life, over the death, faith fear.

“Superstitious beliefs were destructing me, I have lived in constant horror of an

evil spirit, of ghosts, of giant man-eaters and other Satan monsters of darkness. And
then suddenly, a root change occurred and the whole my essentiality started a new

At that time, many weird likings, intolerances and habits have developed in him, some of
which can be explained by external impressions and allergy, but some stay almost

unexplained. It was enough to see a pearl, and something like an attack would catch him.
On the contrary, he would be obsessed by glittering of crystal, of some objects of sharp
edges and flat surfaces. He got fever whenever he would catch sight of a peach, and if
there would be a particle of camphor in the house, that caused the most unpleasant
awkwardness in him.

“Even today”, wrote he some sixty years later, “I am sensitive to some of those
unpleasant stimulations. As soon as I put square pieces of paper in a dish with liquid,
I usually feel some strange and unpleasant taste in my mouth.”

He loved books more than anything else, and as his father had a large library, he tried to
satisfy his early roused reader’s passion in it. However, father opposed it and rage would
seize him when he found him reading at night. He would hide candles from the son,
because he did not want him to spoil his eyes. But, he would supply a tallow, and make
wicks, cast thin tallow sticks, and night after night, after having clogged the keyhole and
all cracks, he would read, often until dawn.
With his mind overworked, he began to suffer from a strange disorder of “appearance of
images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light”, which is the ability of people who
have para-psychological power. “These strong light flashes covered the scenes of real
objects and simply replaced my thoughts. That images of things and scenes had the
character of reality.” Tesla remarked that he had differed them from imaginations very
well. Explaining what had happened to him, he stated how the image of some scene,
which thrilled the nerves, and he had seen it during the day, would appear suddenly by
night as completely real, and stay as such in the space before him, even if he tried to
remove it by hands.
In order to make himself free from that suffer which the appearance of “strange real
images” was bringing into his soul, he would try, in those moments, to concentrate on the
scenes from everyday life.

“In order to make myself free in such a way, I kept searching for new images,
and very soon, I exhausted all the scenes I had known – the scenes from the house
and the closest environment. After I had applied these mental operations many times,
trying to drive my visions away, I noticed that “the common life” was losing the
battle, and reality of the visions was becoming firmer and firmer. Then, instinctively,
I commenced making mind trips beyond the limits of the small world of which I had
knowledge and I saw new scenes. These were at first very blurred and indistinct, and
would flit away when I tried to concentrate my attention upon them but, by and by, I
succceeded in fixing them; they gained in strength and distinctness and finally
assumed the concreteness of real thing. I soon discovered that my best comfort was
attained if I simply went on in my visions further and further, getting new
impressions all the time, and so I began to travel – of course in my mind. Every night
and sometimes during the day, when I alone, I would start on my journeys, see new
places, cities and countries, live there, meet people, make friendships and

acquaintances and, however unbelievable, it is a fact that they were just as real and
dear to me as those in actual life and not one bit less intense in their manifestations.”

To his satisfaction, Tesla noticed that he could clearly visualize his discoveries, he did
not need experiments, models or drawings. In such a way he developed his own methods
to give material form to his creative ideas. Tesla sharply distinguished ideas, which were
coming into his mind and as visions, and those which appear due to analytic mind

“The moment when somebody designs an imaginary device is connected with a

problem of transfer from raw idea to the practice. That is way any discovery made
this way has lack of details, and usually it is inferior. My method is different. I do not
hurry nor follow with an empirical check. When an idea appears, I immediately begin
to elaborate on it in my imagination. I change its design, improving it – and “switch
on” the device to begin its operation in my head. For me, it doesn’t matter whether I
test my invention in the laboratory or in my mind. I can notice if something will
prevent my invention from working properly... in the same way I can develop a
perfect idea without any physical touch. Only then will I give a concrete look for this
final product of my mind. All my inventions are developed by this method – with no
exception, during twenty years… I think there is hardly any scientific discovery that
can’t be foreseen mathematically, without visualization… Introduction of unfinished,
crude ideas to the practice is always a waste of energy and time.”

Studying the mechanisms of his mental life, Tesla found that a number of visions “from
virtual reality” always had certain connection with events of “true reality”. He had and
ability to realize this causation. He was glad to understand that even his thoughts were the
result of the influence of external impressions. He noted that not only thoughts, but
actions, also appeared in the same way. Some time passed, and it became clear to him
that he was only a kind of “automation of cosmic forces” endowed with abilities to
move, respond to irritations of the sense organs and thoughts. His invention of
teleautomatic control was a result of this conclusion many years later. He understood the
laws of this control through a clear feeling and external conditioning of his own behavior.
In contrast to Einstein, who emphasized a decisive significance of “kinaesthesia” and
“agreement with internal feeling of accuracy and completeness” of some idea, or theory,
Nikola Tesla underlined imagination of an invention as a psychological precursor of well-
ordered disclosure made by mathematical methods. We can say nothing of this about his
contemporary, inventor Thomas Edison, because having a weak knowledge in
mathematics, Edison at first was guided by long and laborious experiments.
In his records, Tesla often speaks about his predisposition to the mental processes. These
processes correspond to the same principles, which Nature should follow. He considered
this inborn gift to be given as a “diffused pressure”, which calls a sense to make another
invention, because the experiment of a previous researcher was lacking something. Here
he sees not only a source of invention in general, but also some proof that the law of

different realities affects the man. Briefly, Tesla considered creative imagination
thresholds of a conscious discovery act.
Particularity of Tesla’s relation of non-agreement with acquired,and by experiments
verified scientific knowledges, as well as his non-agreement with the so-called university
science,originated from the comprehension that the scientific principle also exists out of
the area of human knowledge. For Tesla, as well as for the astronomer James Jeansohm
and for the philosopher Leibniz, cosmos was alive in all its parts.
According to Tesla’s words, certain conclusions were born in his mind spontaneously, in
the form of geometric images. Then followed the understanding of the discovery and its
physical interpretation. Only then, mathematical formalization took place, followed by
finding the necessary technical properties and material essential for a continuous
operation of the constructed physical model. In accordance with the personal experience
of his inventiveness, Tesla thought that work was being done by natural laws, and not
material structures. The work he understood at first as a struggle for mental clarification,
i.e. elimination of secondary ideas and sensible details, which blur imaging principles and
complicate the approach to the real nature of relations between fundamental geometrical
According to Tesla, the principle was considered finished and ready to apply, when the
connection between geometrical objects was stated. Thus, discovery appeared at the
moment when correspondence of the elements and their physical manifestations was
defined, so we can find a physical law, which rules in the real world, in the algorithm
itself. For Tesla, an idea found its manifestation in the act of creative thinking. Only then,
the operating parameters of a specific device took place, following from general
understanding. The result can be a design of an inductive engine or a model of rotating
magnetic field. As he told it, a method of mental improvement was polished to such a
great extent. Making even minute corrections of the discovery in his mind, without any
physical check, would assure it correct operation. It can open an illusive secret to his
work, amounting to a great volume, taking into consideration all of his scientific and
technical innovation; it is a remarkable fact.
In Tesla’s work, inductive prediction is very rare, and the character of such a prediction is
strictly stimulative, effects only the change of thinking into deductive. Tesla is
characterized by a special type of deductive prediction which starts with an image, be
continued by insight into geometric principle, from which, not until the third pace, the so
called general attitude is formed, made mathematically, by a certain relation of the
numbers. Further course is a usual hypothetical attitude which refers to an unknown fact,
for example, operation parameters of an apparatus, and comes from a general attitude, as
its consequence. That consequence is the construction of an induction motor, a model of a
rotating magnet field etc.
It is difficult to understand the facts on which Tesla insisted decisively in the descriptions
of the ways he had carried his inventions, and it was, that a clear image of an invention
preceded principle comprehension itself, as well as all other subsequent presumptions
which led it to its realization in a concrete material. As he himself would say, in the
course of time, he had improved his method of imaginative experimenting up to the level
that he was able to do all the corrections of his idea in his mind, without a single physical
test, which partly, but surely, enlightens the enigma of the quality of his work,the scope

of which, with regard to scientific or at least to technical innovations in many segments,
is remarkable.
In an attempt to explain to himself the secret of precise imagination of an applicable
invention, prior to comprehension of operation principles themselves, he had also made a
hypothesis on the extraordinary effects of external irritants on human thinking and
memory, and referring partly to Rene Decart’s theory, he concluded that subjective
human work and human life, as a whole, has such features as automatism, which is
stipulated, by space. But since the result of automatic operation of a brain, just according
to his own experience, can be creative (appearance of unknown visual ideas), because of
coherence, he developed an additional supposition about the reversible effect of the brain
visual centers on the retina. Here he saw a reason for the appearance of his images, which
led to descoveries. Thus, though the human brain processes information about external
irritants, it can create new images and relations between the phenomena of the real world
reflected in it and images of the imaginary world.
And finally, it was Tesla’s opinion that thought, memory, and motion are feedback
processes, that’s why we should mention that with an attempt to understand his inborn
gift of invention, he also understood the role of cybernetics as a reflection of cosmic
principles of material and informational organization.
Believing that the whole Universe is alive and people are “automates” in some extent,
acting according to the Creator plans, Tesla made an original theory of memory. He
considered that the human brain does not have the ability to remember in the way that we
consider it (biochemical or rather biophysical way) and memory is only a reaction of the
human brain recurring external irritants. It is unusual that Tesla, who had a very good
memory (he spoke seven or eight languages) and had the ability for eidetic imagination,
was sure that there was no human memory. It is more important that as the author of a
few hundred scientific discoveries, Tesla did not consider his creativity to be his own,
and surely stated, it is only a conductor of ideas, which come from the world of ideas to
the world of people and practice. All this does not seem contradictory, if we remember
that Tesla, being the son of an orthodox clergyman, answered the question about his
religion, believing in the only God. Later Tesla himself became closer to Buddhism, he
even went in yoga, watched after nutrition, meditated, and, the last years before his death
he lived as an ascetic in New York City (like an India guru or an Orthodox monk).
At the age of twelve, Tesla could override his visions by act of will and change them to
other visions. However, as he noted, he couldn’t override the light flashes. These flashes
usually appeared in cartain dangerous situations or when he was excited greatly.
He wrote:

“In some certain moments I noticed that all air around me was full of tongues of
real flame. Intensity of these tongues grew after a number of years instead of falling
and reached maximum at the age of twenty-five. Once I had a feeling that my brain
was enveloped in flames and a little Sun shines in my head.
Tesla wrote when he was 65: “These light phenomena sometimes still appear,
especially when some new idea shows me unprecedented possibilities, but their
intensity is relatively weak.”

In the states of relaxation, before falling asleep, he would have interesting visions.

“When I close my eyes, I always notice as first a dark and a unique blue
background, similar to the sky in clear night without stars. In a few seconds this field
would fulfill with numerous green spots which oscillated, arranged in several layers
which was approaching me. Then from the right side, a beautiful pattern of two
systems of parallel lines would appear, mutually very close and under right angle.
This image glistens in all colors, but yellow-green and golden prevail. Immediately
after this, the lines become lighter and the whole scene would be covered densely
with the spots of twinkling lights. This whole image is passing slowly through the
field of the vision an disappears to the left, leaving the background of unpleasant and
immobile grayness behind, which soon would be replaced by the sea of clouds for
which it is obvious that they try to form themselves into living figures. It is strange
that I can not project any form into that gray background before the scene goes to
other phase…
Each time before sleeping, the picture of people and objects would pass in front
of my eyes. When I see them, I know that soon I will lose consciousness. If they are
absent and refuse to come, that always means a night without dream for me”

Over a long period of time, Tesla tried to solve the question of death and attentively
looked for any manifestations of death in real life. Tesla wrote:

“Only once in my present existing I experienced something that looked like

supernatural. It happened during my mothers death. I was ill and exhausted with
fever, and was lying in the bed. Suddenly I thought that if my mother dies far from
me, she possibly will give a sign. Two or three months later I was in London with my
now the late friend, English scientist sir William Crookes, where there was a
discussion about spiritism. I was impressed by his case and remembered his work on
radiant matter, which I read when I was a student. Due to this work, I understood my
vocation to be an electrician. I thought that prerequisites for looking beyond were
favorable since my mother was a woman with extraordinary intuition. All night every
fiber of my brain was strained in expectation, but nothing happened until morning,
and only when I felt asleep or may be began to nod, I saw a cloud, which carried
cherubic figures of divine beauty. One of them looked on me with love, and little by
little I recognized in it my mother. The ghost was flying along the room slowly, and
finally disappeared. I abruptly woke up with the sound of indescribable pleasant
voices. In this moment a confidence, which cannot be described by any words, came
over me: I knew that my mother died. And it was true.”

The same day Tesla sent a letter to Crookes under the influence of this vision, and, while
still being ill. These two scientists were in correspondence for many years, but Tesla’s
letters to Crookes disappeared together with Crookes’s archives, in 1918. Crookes’s huge
scientific material contains numerous records of spiritistic seances, held in a strictly

scientific and experimental nature, and gives clue to many hundreds of pictures with
materialized ghosts from different historical epochs. The Tesla museum in Belgrade
keeps Crookes’s letter to Tesla of 1893, where Crookes thanked Tesla for a special
electromagnetic spiral coil Tesla sent to him. This spiral coil created a field, which made
the contours of ghosts clearer and at the same time it had good effects on the mediums
condition, making an experiment easier.
At the same time when Crookes began his scientific study of spiritistic phenomena in
London, Mendeleev began to do the same in Saint Petersburg in 70-s of XIX century. A
committee of specialists formed in Saint Petersburg and after a short time, about ten
seances later concluded that it is just a superstition. English and Russian science is
subdivided on the conclusions, or secrets, calling them “factitious” (including Tesla’s
physics of ether).

Figure 3: The Photo of the ectoplasm Spirit of Anne Morgan evoked by the medium
Florence Cook; photo is made at Crookes`s home on photo plate by excitation of
Louminoferous Ether

Let’s return to Smiljan, where Djuka Tesla died in the night of April 15th, 1892, shortly
before Easter, on Holy Saturday, at one o’clock after the midnight. She was buried at the
cemetery in Jasikovac, next to Milutin, in the silk dress Nikola gave her as a gift three
years ago.
After his mother’s death, on the invitation of his uncle Petar, a monk Nikolaj then, who in
the previous 1891, having lost his wife and children, received a monk tonsure, Tesla went
to the monastery Gomirje, located in the peaceful nature of the mountain Kapela, close to
the river Ribnjak.

“Wandering through the mountain I searched for a shelter from the coming
storm. The sky was covered with dark clouds, but it was constantly preparing to rain,
while suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and some minutes later a deluge
happened. This scene induced me to thinking. It was obvious that those two
phenomena were closely connected, like a cause and a consequence. After thinking a
little, I concluded that electric energy which had caused so pouring of water was
insignificant, while the flash played the role of a sensitive trigger… If we could
produce electrical effects, of required characteristics, the whole planet and living
conditions on it would be changed… we would irrigate deserts… get water driving
force in immense quantity. This could be the most effective way to use the Sun for
human needs. Realization of this depends on our possibility to develop electrical
powers identical to those in the nature.”

His closeness with nature, he had had in his childhood, from which the great idea had
been born, was amazing.
After the monastery, he went to Vienna, Varazdin, Zagreb, Budapest, where a delegation
of the Belgrade Municipality, with Djordje Stanojevic at the head, found him, and on his
invitation Tesla visited Belgrade on June 1st, 1892, for the first and only time in his life.
He arrived by an express train from Pest in the evening, at 11 p. m. Welcome at the
Belgrade railway station made a strong impression on him. As soon as he got out of the
train, several thousand of gathered citizens, headed by the mayor and several professors
of the High School, saluted him with stormy: “Long live Tesla!”
He stayed in the hotel Imperial which today does not exist, but then it was located next to
Kapetan Misino zdanje, today’s plateau in front of the Faculty of Philosophy. The next
day, on Thursday, June 2nd, he had an audience with the king Aleksandar Obrenovic who
gave him the Medal of St. Sava.
He visited the Belgrade fortress and was introduced with the plans for introduction of
electrical lighting by direct current. In those years, Belgrade had about 60 000 inhabitants

and a tram driven by a horse. Djordje Stanojevic will enlarge the plans for introduction of
electrical lighting by a request for two machines of alternating current.
A dancing party was prepared on Kalemegdan, in Tesla’s honor, but the most relaxed was
at the solemn supper in Smutekovac, which was located at the place of today’s brewery
on Topcider hill. At the moment when Zmaj was reading a welcome poem to Tesla, being
touched, Tesla jumped and kissed his hand, many of the present cried.
Before returning to New York, in the summer of 1892, he took advantage of the
opportunity to visit famous German scientists Helmholtz in Berlin and his, even more
famous pupil, Heinrich Hertz in Bonn.

“I had at that time already perceived enough to get the idea that energy could be
transmitted without wires. It was of no consequence to me at that time whether it was
to be used for telegraphy, or telephony, or power transmission… wireless
transmission of energy, if it could ever be accomplished, is not an invention; it is an
art. Bell’s telephone, Edison’s phonograph, or my induction motor was inventions,
but the wireless transmission of energy is an art that requires a great many inventions
in combination”.

Tesla made a plan of revealing the principle on the basis of which energy flows through
the planet and over the planet, respectively the plan of researching the area of high-
frequency currents and voltages, which should offer the answer to the key question – is it
possible to realize global, and not only local effects, by electrical influences?
The information that he was chosen to the Royal Society, arrived to him on September
12th, 1892. He was also the first scientist from America who got the award of the Society
of English Engineers. Significant English awards made influence and soon he also got the
awards from American institutions – gold medal of Franklin’s Institute “Elliott Cresson”
and the honorary title of a doctor of the Columbia University. However, it is interesting,
because it tells much about the envy of the Serbian “academic elite”, that in that same
year, while choosing the regular members of the Serbian Royal Academy, Tesla was not
elected by secret vote.
At the lecture On Light and Other Phenomena of High-Frequency, on March 1st, 1893,
before the National Association for Electrical Illumination in Saint Louis, he performed a
spectacle. Over six thousand people came to see him conducting current of voltage of 200
000 volt through his body, without wires he turned on the bulbs of various shapes,
“pulled” flame tongues out of the fingers of his hand, up to 20 cm long. He showed the
improved variants of his oscillatory sparking transformer, and by such an improved
transformer, he could obtain uninterrupted and weak muffled high-frequency currents and
voltages of a very wide range. In the process of a hasty extinguish of the spark, he used
powerful electric magnets, air streams or specially constructed rotary switches. In order
to show that his alternating current, at defined frequencies was not dangerous upon life,
many a times, he, in public, turned himself as resistor into the circuit of high-frequency
alternating current and achieved a fantastic effect; the carried out electrical discharge of
his own body, in the darkness, so that his whole body was lighting, which seemed as if he
was burning, covered with the tongues of a ghostly bluish flame.

In 1892, in London, when he held his famous lectures before the Royal Scientific Society
of Great Britain, he demonstrated lighting of lamps by wireless transmission of energy,
simply placing a vacuum-filled neon tube near the field of one of his transformers, and
the lamp illuminated.
Due to these wonderful lectures on the topic Light and Other High-Frequency
Phenomena, in England, he gained a great reputation and acquired many friends in
scientific world, among them, the scientists, Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge and
Lord Kelvin.

“When I explained how I have shown a phosporescent bulb to Lord Kelvin in

England, and told them that the bulb was going to spring into light, and the current
was turned on and it did burst into light, there was stampede in the two upper
galleries and they all rushed out. That was the way my experiments were received”

On his previous lectures, at the Columbia College in 1891, in London and Paris in 1892,
he showed that, under certain conditions, high-frequency current could be transmitted
through one wire, that a reversible conduct was not necessary and that the bulbs of
special construction could be supplied in that way. Emphasizing the importance of
resonance in operation of the apparatuses with alternating currents, he repeated the
similar experiments, managing while doing it, to drive even the small motors with a disc
by means of one wire.

“Now, when we know that electrical vibrations can be transmitted through one
single conductor, why don’t we try to take the Earth to serve us for that?... When an
electrician thanks about the speed by which electrical distrubances propagate through
earth, all his ideas regarding distance must disappear completely.”

Tesla’s further considerations in this direction contained certain ingenious presumptions

which would lead him to essential discoveries:

“It would be of great importance, as first, what capacitance of the Earth is? And
what kind of electrical charge it contains if it is being electrified? Although we don’t
have a positive proof that in space there is an electrified body, and that in its vicinity
there are no other electrified bodies, there is a quite probability that the Earth is such
a body, because if it had been separated from other bodies by any process – and that
is an accepted attitude toward its origin – it must have kept electrical charge, as it
usually happens in all processes of mechanical separation. If it had been the
electrified body separated in space, its capacitance would have been extremely low,
maybe less than the thousandth part of a farad. However, upper layers of the air are
conductible, and that is maybe the halfway in the free space out of atmosphere, so
they might contain the opposite electrical charge… If ever we could establish by
which periodicity the Earth’s electrical charge oscillates, when disturbed, in relation
to opposite electrically charged system or known circuit, we will know the fact which

is probably of the greatest importance for human race welfare… It is possible that
external air layers which conduct current, or free space generally,contain opposite
electrical charge and that, together with the Earth, form a condenser of a very high

From Kelvin’s lectures in 1860, published in the book Works in Electricity and
Magnetism, which is today preserved in Tesla’s personal library in the Museum of Nikola
Tesla, it is seen that what was known was only the fact that the Earth bore negative
electrical charge. They knew nothing about electrical charge of upper layers of
Already then, Tesla explained his fundamental plan of wireless telegraphy and introduced
a notion of so called open current circuit which comprised antenna and ground.
On the place of reception and transmission, he had a pair of circuits coupled in resonance.
Both at the reception and at the transmission station there was a secondary of Tesla’s
transformer, tied by its one end for the lifted insulated body of high capacitance, and by
the other for the ground. By changing capacitance and self-inductance, all the four
circuits were brought into resonance.
The anniversary of the discovery of America was celebrated by the exhibition in Chicago,
on May 1st, 1893. The President of the United States of America, Groover Cleveland,
pressing the button of gold and ivory, turned thousands of bulbs in Chicago on. The
buildings, fountains, squares, Venice-like canals – one whole town arranged specially for
this occasion, glistened. It was the triumph of Westinghouse. In 6 months, for how long
the exhibition had been opened,twenty five million of the Americans saw the possibilities
of alternating currents.
At the exhibition, Tesla had a separate stand, where there were exhibited induction
motors, models of rotating magnet field, mechanical and electrical oscillators and the
bulbs filled with rarefied gas, formed according to the names of Faraday, Maxwell,
Franklin and the Serbian poet Zmaj. At the same time, III International Congress of
Electricians was held, with the main aim of standard determination of electrical and
magnetic units. Within the Congress, on Friday evening, on August 25th, in the hall of
the Agriculture Pavilion, Tesla held his ninth lecture under the title On Mechanical and
Electromechanical Oscillators, which has never been published, nor preserved. But,
thanks to T.C. Martin, the contents of the lecture is retold in the book “Inventions,
Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla”, and the photographs are shown of some of the
apparatuses the operation of which have been demonstrated there.
Westinghouse’s success at the World Exhibition in Chicago was decisive for making a
long-delayed decision of the International Commission for exploitation of the Niagara
Falls, to whom the erection of the system should be committed. In became clear to
everybody that Tesla’s polyphase system did not have any alternative.
Still in 1890, initiated by “Niagara Falls Power Co.”, The International Commission for
The Niagara Falls was founded , the head of which was the leading scientific authority of
that time, Lord Kelvin. This Commission invited tenders and soon accepted 17 projects
of 20 authors from 6 countries. Many of these projects seem funny today. Edison was one
of the most serious participants of the competition, but his proposal on transmission of

direct currents was rejected. Only the plan of a Scottish professor George Forbes had
foreseen the usage of Tesla’s polyphase system, but due to opposition to the system of
alternating currents of Lord Kelvin, neither the plan of the professor Forbes was

To the question of Edward Adams, the writer of two-volume study on the Niagara
project, if he was going to comment, in his book, the fact that Lord Kelvin, at the
beginning, had been against the alternating currents, Tesla answered by the letter of
August 19th, 1895:

“It might have been also better not to disappoint Lord Kelvin, as nothing can be
gained, but much lost by pointing out an error of a great man.”

Officially, on May 6th, 1893, the Commission made a decision to use Tesla’s system. For
Tesla, this decision was only the remembrance of a long-waiting destiny: not fulfilled
twelve, when he read about the Niagara Falls, he said to his uncle Petar:

“One day I will go and build a big wheel on the Niagara.”

Tesla’s sincere friend, Robert Underwood Johnson, the editor of the Century Magazine, a
poet, and his wife Catherine, often invited the guests to his house in Lexington Avenue,
number 327, most often writers, poets, composers and painters. Tesla was one of the rare
scientists who used to come. By the time, their drawing-room became famous as a place
of spirit, nobility and taste. Some of the most important Tesla’s articles have been
published in Johnson’s magazine.
In the house of the Johnsons, Tesla got to know Mark Twain. He told him, how he
became ill, after he had finished his final primary school examination in Gospić, and how
the reading of his books, in German translation, helped him to recover. This caused tears
in Twain’s eyes.
In the conversation with ingenious pianist Ignacy Padarewski, he stated that they both
had stayed in Strasbourg, in 1882, at the same time. With the Johnsons he also got to
know Antonjin Dvorzak, the composer of the New World Symphony, which was
performing in New York those days, Radyard Kipling, the writer of The Book of Jungle,
as well as Theodor – Teddy Roosevelt, the future president of the United States of
He often took his friends to his laboratory, where he would show rare and spectacular
experiments, inducing the guests themselves to participate in them. He directed such
gatherings with a lot of imagination, organizing supper in a restaurant at first,with the
dishes according to his recipes, entertaining the guests by reciting the most beautiful
Italian, German and English poetry, and then all of them would end in the laboratory,
where Tesla, in the darkness, would show sparking of the powerful oscillators or the
latest phosphorescent light.

Energy of sincere admiration of high and artistic society of New York was for Tesla a
clearer stimulus than suspicious scientific asking questions.
In the great fire, on March 13th, 1895, in the building on the South Fifth Avenue, number
35, Tesla’s laboratory burned to the ground, and with it also, a manuscript of the nearly
finished book The Story on 1001 Induction Motors.
He informed his new friend and a patron, the president of the Company for Civil
Engineering, Edward Adams, by a telegram:

“Building 35 South Fifth Avenue caught fire this morning. All my mechinery,
plans, writings, entirely destroyed. I am in despair.”

The fire in the laboratory, fastened the agreement on foundation of “Nikola Tesla
Company”, where in the Management Board there were also, beside Adams and Tesla,
Tesla’s partner from the previous company Alfred Brown and William Rankin, the
secretary of the Company for Civil Engineering.
At the end of March, he moved to the new facilities on the second and the third floor of
the building number 46 and 48, East Huston street. Adams gave his writing desk as a gift.
The fire in the laboratory hindered him to become aware that he was the first who had
discovered X-rays.
Just before the catastrophe, working with the currents of very high frequency and special
vacuum lamps, he stated that some photographic plates, scattered around his laboratory,
were being lit up under the influence of the unknown radiation. Investigation of the
causes of this phenomenon he has postponed indefinitely. When he heard for Roentgen’s
results and when he compared them to the experiments he had carried out earlier, he
comprehended that he had been on the threshold of the great discovery. Not trying to
deprive professor Roentgen of his priority rights, he finished his experiments and
announced the results in the period from March 11th, 1896 to August 11th, 1897, in a
series of articles in the journal Electrical Review, Enthusiastically, without a shadow of
vanity, he sent a telegram to professor Roentgen:

“Have obtained with my apparatus extraordinarily intense effects. Convinced no

ether waves, still great possibilities. All only fruit of your efforts. Thousands thanks
for many joyful moments.”

A few years later, he revealed many details in connection with the significant work in this
area, which had been left in the shadow of his other great results. On April 6th, 1897, in
The New York Academy of Sciences, he held the lecture The Streams of Lenard and
Roentgen and Novel Apparatus for their Production, where he also demonstrated the
work of his special apparatuses for production of X-rays. In the letter to Richard Dodge,
president of the Committee for organization of the lectures in the Academy of Sciences,
dated May 7th, 1897, he wrote:

“It is probable that I would not have written anything on the Roentgen
phenomena had I not thought that my former works have indirectly contributed to
this development, and had I not been convinced that I had a higher right to
investigate this field, since in my laboratory some of the first demonstrations were

From the very beginning, he was interested in the global effects and the possibilities of
transmission both signals and power, without wires. So as time went on, realizing non-
efficiency of Hertz’s apparatus, he directed his investigations toward the area of low-
frequency and long waves.
Transmission of energy by wires, being a current interest in the world at that moment,
thanks to Tesla’s inventions at all, made his new attempts to do it in some other way,
without wires, completely uninteresting. Very soon, his work would become
unintelligible to other experts, and differences in access to solution of the problems of
energy transmission, insurmountable.
On suggestion of Thomas S. Martin, who was a kind of a manager to him in those days,
he agreed that all his published works, patents, lectures and articles would be collected in
one book and presented to the public. In February, 1894, the book The Inventions,
Investigations and Writings of Nikola Tesla was issued, published by the journal
Electrical Engineer. The book was dedicated to “his compatriots in eastern Europe”.
Next year, in 1895, the book was translated into German and published in Halley, and in
1894, in Belgrade, Djordje Stanojević, in similar form, published the book under the title
Nikola Tesla and His Inventions. In the same year in Vienna, Etienne Fodor published
Tesla’s investigations in the part called Experimente mit Stromen hoher Wechselzahle
und Frequenz – Experiments with High-Frequency Alternating Currents.
In that way, a paradox situation has happened: on one side, Tesla did not announce all he
had known and which, later on, in the processes of establishment of the priorities of radio
inventions could help to confirm his undeniable priority; on the other side, his up-to-then
works, where he presented his completely new ideas which he had not protected by
patents, were accessible to other inventors. So, he himself enabled his concurrents to
build their work on his ideas.
In March 1897, he filed a patent application, by which he protected the transformer with
spiral primary and secondary. He continued to improve constructive parts of this
apparatus and, gradually increasing the power of his oscillators, he realized that he got
stronger propagation of emitted impulses at distance at lower frequencies and longer
He was making secret experiments with wireless telegraphy and, as he declared many
years later, as a witness on one court trial, he managed to transmit wireless signals from
his laboratoy in Huston street to Military Academy in West Point, at the distance of 30
miles. Having on disposal rough technology and imprecise measuring instruments, he
made a break-through into the area, in which, not until the twentieth century, electronic
revolution would happen. He boasted that he had worked for 75 hours without a break
and then revealed the secret of this amazing condition: “All my efforts are the efforts of

He got to know Far East teachings over an India monk and a preacher Swami
Vivekananda. He discussed with Swami on Brahma, a universal mind who produces
Prana – life power and Akasha – ether.
“Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a
tenuity beyond conception and filling all space – the Akasha or luminiferous ether –
which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in
never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.”

Man’s Greatest Achievements, Nikola Tesla, (Milwaukee Sentinel, Sunday 13. July

He was losing connection with his relatives more and more, by the middle of the nineties
of the ninetieth century. His sister Milka, hoped that he would come to Lika to rest

“Receive a nice regard from all of us here, who are looking forward to your
coming, as once to Christ, they were looking forward…”

More and more rare letters were being replaced by Tesla’s telegrams written in a hurry,
and soon even they stopped to come.
In New York, a journalist of The Evening Post, D. Nichols, wrote to him:

“Mr Tesla, I have talked with Presidents and Governors, with Thomas Edison
and Dr Einstein, but the glow of their personalities was as nothing compares to that
indefinable lift and stimulation I got from you.”

Publicity was necessary in order that financiers would be provided easier. In Tesla’s
legacy in Belgrade, about 50 000 newspaper clippings are preserved, which show his
personality and his work.
In the middle of 1896, on the occasion of his latest results in the area of wireless
telegraphy, in the article Tesla’s New Miracle – Machine for Communication with Stars,
he declared:

“From my recent experiments I am convinced that within a very short time we

shall be independent of the clumsy methods of generating electricity now in vogue.
The electrical fluid in the atmosphere will give energy enough. The same electric
envelope of the earth will enable us to send messages from one part of the glove to
another part in an instant of time. The same element, which I believe, is infinite and
is not confined to this atmosphere, may be used to communicate with the other

Only a month before publishing this interview, Tesla visited the newly-built generator
station on the Niagara Falls, together with Adams, Rankin and Westinghouse. During that
time, sensational enough was the statement that signals could be sent without wires. To
declare that messages would be transmitted to distant planets as well, was shocking. It
was only one of a series of proofs more, of Tesla’s abilities to foresee clearly the
development of technology. However,as a statement of a man who was just contracting
new business agreements, this was an irrational act. Tesla himself is the real carrier of
sensationalism which, even today, follows the mentioning of his name.
Superiority and easiness of carrying out the experiments in the areas in which the others
realized short steps with great difficulty, caused professional envy. The most persistent
Tesla’s rival in those days was professor Elihu Thomson. Their conflict started as early as
1888, on Tesla’s lecture before the members of the American Engineer Society. Later on,
they also found themselves on the court, but Tesla won in the dispute with Thomson
regarding the priority in the invention of “the vacuum bulb.”
Michael Pupin was also among Tesla’s enemies of those days, who, at the beginning, was
defending Tesla’s work on alternating currents, but later on, he maintained a rival relation
with him, and he often attacked him directly. One detail which Tesla had told to his
nephew Sava Kosanovic, talks a lot about envious relation between these two Serbian
compatriots. According to Tesla’s story, in the University club in New York, before the
audience, they both were playing the then-popular game of thumb drawing. Tesla won
and during the drawing he broke Pupin’s thumb.
In 1898, Tesla’s former friend Thomas Comford Martin, also went to the enemy side.
They entered the conflict regarding the lecture High-Frequency Oscillators for Electro-
Therapeutic and Other Purposes, which Tesla had prepared and which was read before
the American Electro-therapeutic Association, in Buffalo, on September 3rd. Martin
published it without a permission in the journal Electrical Engeneer and Tesla protested
fiercely. Telling the truth, in the same journal, in the period from 1890 to 1898, Martin
had published 167 articles on Tesla’s work and he considered that he had a certain
monopoly on publishing his inventions.
All these mentioned people have been of great influence in scientific circles and they
contributed to a great extent that, by the time, the mood of the scientific community
would turn against Tesla, and that his work would be presented as being not serious and
worthless. Professor Joseph Ams, in the article published in 1901, under the titile The
Latest Triumphs of Electrical Invention – The Work of Marconi, Tesla and Pupin, wrote
with eulogy on Marconi’s and Pupin’s investigations and works in radio-technique, and a
critical chapter about Tesla he started with the words:

“It is extremely difficult to take Mr Nicola Tesla seriously, and still more so to
understand the credulity of the people to whom the daily paper is an organ of

In February, 1898, when, under suspicious circumstances the American ship “Main”
sunk, and which was anchored in the Havana harbor, with 260 members of the
crew,under the public pressure, the Congress declared war, accusing Spain. Rich

Americans like Hurst, Astor, Morgan and others, showing their patriotism, put their
luxurious yachts on disposal to the navy. Sensational news on new weapons were being
searched for. The reporters sieged the inventors. Neither Edison, nor Tesla overcame
temptation. And so, on April 29th, 1898, Edison granted an interview, when he stated that
he could produce the light which would make the Spanish fleet harmless, and Tesla, the
day before, declared that he was improving a new war machine which he would put on
disposal to the government of the United States of America. In those very days Tesla
started the patent process for “remote control”
The English journalists did not believe that he had really realized the mentioned
invention. So to the news which was published in the London newspaper the Daily
Mirror, on November 9th, over its correspondent from America, that Tesla had already
made a model of remote controlled ship without a crew, which could bear explosion and
be used for was purposes, the editor of a professional journal Electrical Engineer, reacted:

“The man who delivered such a nonsense is just the same as the editor who
accepted and announced it as a truth, or near to the truth. Tesla has already been
working for a long time with exceptional energy and directions in which he is
operating are well-known, and each attempt that such nonsenses given in the Daily
Mirror are connected with Tesla’s inventions, will finish by a disaster.”

Highly appreciating individuality and loneliness in scientific work, Tesla has had a
complete control in all the phases of his inventions, up to the final model.
Astor became interested in Tesla’s system of lighting, famous under the name “cold
light” and on January 10th, 1899, he redeemed 500 shares of Nikola Tesla Co., at the
price of 200 dollars per a share. By this, Tesla reached the capital 100 000 dollars worth.
The progress he had made from 1892 to 1899, was more then satisfying. All fundamental
elements of the system for radio-transmission were there, and if he had wanted to devote
to commercialization, he would have been undoubtedly the first in this area. But,
according to the theory he had developed, although in one grounded antenna system
radiation of so-called Hertzian waves was also obtained, the main reason of economical
possibility of signal and power transmission was in the fact that conducting of currents
through the ground was also carried out simultaneously. He believed that the process of
wireless transmission of energy could be able by conducting, and not by radiation.
Before he went to Colorado, he had demonstrated a model of current conducting through
rarefied layers of atmosphere, using the invention that conductivity depended on gas
pressure proportionally as less as the voltage was higher.
For current tansmission through the ground he had a hypothesis of a hydraulic analogy.
Namely, according to his theory, the earth is full of electricity and behaves like a big ball
with elastic walls, filled with water. “We do not know what electricity is – he would say,
but we know that it behaves like stirred fluid.”
Analogy between electricity and water was complete. If we place a piston on the rim of
such a ball, which will act in accordance or in resonance to the waves which it itself
produces, its influence can be registered on the instruments which are arranged all over
the rim, and which, in that case, accept transmitted energy of pressure, and by adequate

reaction show its value. In the same way, he supposed, the earth transmits an electrical
impulse. If it is strong enough and notified on resonant frequencies of the earth,it will
reflect from antipode on the other side of the planet and return to the source, and in that
case it can be amplified unlimitedly by new impulses. By such resonant “pumping in” of
electricity, strong enough electrical disturbances can be produced which could be
registered as signals on each part of the planet, and they would do some definite work.
In May, 1899, he decided to leave New York temporarily, because the conditions he had
in the laboratory in the street Houston, were not adequate any more to the plans of
erection of oscillators of extremely high voltages. He accepted the invitation of his friend
and a lawyer Leonard Curtis, to go to Colorado Springs, where free-of-cost location was
offered to him for a new laboratory and the power for transformer supply.
On his way to Colorado Springs, he stopped in Chicago and on May 15th, before the
members of the Commercial club, he held an important lecture, a little known,
unexplained, preserved only in parts,but of great importance for understanding of his
philosophical thought, On Art of Remote Control.
He reached Colorado Springs on May 18th, 1899. To the journalists, who were interested
in the reasons of his arrival, he told that his gaols were to “construct a generator of high-
frequency currents of great power, to improve the methods of individualization and
mutual insulation of transmitted energy and to state the laws of current propagation
through the earth and atmosphere.”

Figure 4: Research of the Louminoferous Ether and Ionosphere properties: Interior of
Experimental Laboratory in Colorado Springs where Tesla discovered the Stationary
waves, July 9th, 1899, Tesla is reading Michael Faraday`s laboratory Diary.

According to his instructions, a laboratory had been built in two weeks – a simple
wooden hut, 20 m long, 17 m wide and 9 m high. Above the door he put the inscription
from Dante’s Divine Comedy – ”Leave all hopes behind you, you, who enter!”
The laboratory surmounted numerous storms, even one direct thunderbolt. It was located
at a plateau, at the height above sea level of about 2000 m. That region had long been
inhabited by the Cheyenne. The surrounding rivers, lakes and mountains even today bear
the name Divine garden and Manitou springs. Tesla was absolutely delighted by the
beauty of the sky above Colorado, incredible clouds of the most different colors and
shapes, which reminded to “the balls of gold”, or, “pieces of red-hot metal”. A
description of the nature in his diary, dated August 1st, 1899, is fascinating, as well as the
descriptions of operation of his famous transformer of 12 million volts.
Everything had been adjusted for maintenance of the connection with the world of ideas.
He was surrounded by star-studded sky, enormous space and silence. “Originality of a
flower in loneliness, free of external influences which threaten to cripple a creative mind.
To be alone with an idea, that is the condition for invention.”– said he some time later.

It was here that he had constructed his mysterious apparatus, “oscillator with additional
His aim was to get powerful effects at large distance. Discharges of this oscillator
produced lightnings up to thirty meters long, which can be followed on the pages of his
diary from Colorado Springs, neatly written in black ink.
Yet, Colorado will be remembered by the invention connected to his third and the most
ambitious aim – electrical properties of the planet. In a letter to the editor of The
Magazine of Popular Mechanics, on June 2nd, 1912, he said:

“But what has impressed me as more wonderful than anything else is the
discovery of the stationary waves I made in 1899, demonstrating that the entire planet
on which we live, despite of its inconceivable size, can be made to quiver in response
to the faintest whisper of the human voice.”

Immediately after the storm which attacked Colorado Springs, in the night between 3rd
and 4th, of July, he described the experiment:

“It was on the third of July – the date I shall never forget – when I obtained the
first decisive experimental evidence of a truth of overwhelming importance for the
advancement of humanity. A dense mass of strongly charged clouds gathered in the
west and towards the evening a violent storm broke loose which, after spending much
of its fury in the mountains, was driven away with great velocity over the plains.
Heavy and long persisting arcs formed almost in regular time intervals. My
observations were now greatly facilitated and rendered more accurate by the
experiences already gained. I was able to handle my instruments quickly and I was
prepared. The recording apparatus being properly adjusted, its indications became
fainter and fainter with the increasing distance of the storm, until they ceased
altogether. I was watching in eager expectation. Surely enough, in a little while, the
indications again began, grew stronger and stronger and, after passing through a
maximum, gradually decreased and ceased once more. Many times, in regularly
recurring intervals,the same actions were repeated until the storm which, as evident
from simple computations, was moving with nearly constant speed, had retreated to a
distance of about three hundred kilometers. Nor did these strange actions stop then,
but continued to manifest themselves with undiminished force. Subsequently, similar
observations were also made by my assistant, Mr Lowenstein and shortly afterward
several admirable opportunities presented themselves which brought out, still more
forcibly, and unmistakably, the true nature of the wonderful phenomenon. No doubt
whatever remained: I was observing stationary waves.”

On the basis of discovery of stationary waves, he stated the fundamental electrical

properties of the whole planet, necessary for adjustment of his oscillator with additional
coil, so that these two systems, the oscillator and the earth, could oscillate in resonance.

In the patent Transmission Techniques of Electrical Energy through Natural
Environment, which he applied on May 16th, 1900, he gave a datum that the lowest
resonance frequency of the Earth was 6 hertz, which would be confirmed only in the
sixties by the measurements carried out by Schuman. While this datum provided him
great acknowledgement of modern science, one other datum was the cause of critics and
opinions that, somewhere in his measurements and calculations, he had made a mistake.
Namely, he claimed that stationary waves produced in a described way, were propagating
over the planet by the average speed higher than the speed of light, more accurately 471
240 kilometers in a second.
By the end of the year 1899, he had carried a series of experiments and come to other
important discoveries and observations which were left in the shadow of his work on
wireless transmission. He stated the conditions under which, during discharging of the
oscillator, fire balls appeared, in one moment, in regular time intervals, he registered
signals of unknown origin, for which he thought that were coming from intelligent beings
from some other planet, he produced artificial fog in the laboratory and assured himself
in technical possibility of artificial production of rain. Before leaving Colorado, Robert
Johnson had sent him a photographer who made photographs of the most important
details of his experiments.
After Colorado, the world seemed different to Tesla. In the article The Problem of
Enlargement of Human Energy, he exposed a new vision of the fundamental problems of
mankind in future and caused stormy reactions, attracting the attention of the intellectual
world to the energy as a factor of human life.
By publishing the sensational photographs from Colorado, he wanted to assure the rich
and influentail readers, that the one who could make a discharge of 30 m, could realize
everything he promised. And, in his article, he was promising new technologies and their
application, not only in wireless communication, but also in agriculture, metal processing
and other important branches of industry.



In the theoretical and experimental physics of 20th century, we can mark three different
styles of thinking. Quantum mechanics, relativism (near-light speeds), and traditionalism,
to which Tesla belonged (although he is not recognized as such). Tesla tried to find the
truth, the real nature of time, space, energy and matter, and particularly, the essence of
Before we go into Tesla’s metaphysics, namely into the world of fundamental principles
of Tesla’s physics let’s try to pinpoint the place which Tesla ranked in the world of
modern scientific systems.

Planks Constant, uncertainty of relations by Heisenberg, Pauli Principal, and Wave
Function, by Schroedinger, were the main theoretical instruments of quantum-mechanical
approaches to the cosmic phenomena during Tesla’s time. The main goal of quantum
mechanics, to discover fundamental or elementary particles of matter, is still not realized
to this day. In spite of the great success in studying the process of chain reactions, physics
of atomic nucleus, processes of formation of nuclei of heavy elements from nuclei of
light elements, etc., many things are still mysterious and they are beyond technical
We can make a conclusion that the productive basis for the notions of quantum-
mechanical physics are exhausted. It becomes evident that we should research such
categories as time and space again, at a deeper level of realization, at an ontological level,
to determine the true nature of physical processes.
The Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein, published in 1905 in the German magazine
“Annalen der Phisik”, in Bern, Switzerland, marked the second milestone in theoretical
physics and used the four-dimensional space-time continuum by Minkowsky, as a model
of physical reality. Logic consequence of setting conditions of local time by motion speed
of the observer himself, was non-causality. According to this new theory, it was possible
to foresee the events which would follow, or in other words,to know the consequence
before its cause. Einstein marked light as a main informer of cosmic phenomena and
postulated constancy and finality of its speed in vacuum.
The theory of relativity is based philosophically on the statement of Emanuel Kant that
time and space are primary forms of human experience. And due to the fact that there is
no one physical system in cosmos which is absolutely still, and light moves by
determined constant speed, the observers at all physical systems which move by speeds
different than light will have their characteristic local time. In that way no one will
perceive the events objectively, but only relatively. Using the works of a famous Irish
mathematician Hamilton, Einstein formed such a calculation system of real parameters of
physical events, which exceeded the variants of subjective impressions and described
reality mathematically correct.
In General Theory of Relativity, published in 1919, Einstein succeeded to replace
Newton’s notion of force, by means of tensor calculation and assumption on space
curvature, and calculate the orbit of the planet Mercury around the Sun more accurately
than that he has used Kepler’s laws of heavenly bodies and Newton’s law of gravitation.
In his famous “epistemological defect”, at the very beginning of the General Theory of
Relativity, Einstein shows the possibility that the ball which is still, can be flattened,
without application of any force, only on the basis of assumption on fast rotating of some
other ball where there is an observer who controls the process. By the curvature of the
space and introduction of so-called world lines of motion, he succeeded to obtain the
acceleration of the body by changing the motion direction itself, without an additional
impulse. He also explained suspension of heavenly bodies, their dynamic balance without
a conception of force, only on the basis of the law of action and reaction, by equalizing
inert and gravitational mass. Einstein considered the matter itself as a space-time event.
His critic of Newton’s conception, isolation of absolute time, absolute space and rough
matter, is well-known. “If we throw all matters out of cosmos, there will be left neither
time nor space.”

The third method to understanding physical reality relating to Tesla’s ideas is to start
from works by M. Faraday and D. Arago from one hand, and L. Galvani and A. Volta
from the other hand. Tesla created his own original theory of the world on the basis of the
theory of acoustic resonators by Helmholtz and modified ether model by lord Kelvin.
This theory gave outstanding results in his experiments. The initial axiom of his theory
was that universal energy of one physical system is based on the laws of resonance of
vibrations, on the coincidence of oscillations of a system’s parts. He considered that the
Theory of Ether can not be excuded from physics, because matter and space can not at all
be completely and strictly separated. It was Tesla’s opinion that the electrified state is a
fluid-state, based on the substance having the properties of perception and elements of
consciousness. In mathematics, he was a follower of the realistic approach, holding the
idea that properties of mathematical and physical objects directly correspond. In
experiments, to solve problems, Greek mathematician Archimedes served as an example
to him. Archimedes stated that “time should be excluded from physics” as an excess
phenomena. It should be noted that even in XIX century scientists H. Hertz and
D’Alamber tried to create theoretical physics without notion of force, but this attempt
failed. Russian scientist N. A. Kozyrev was much better in it, but neither his theory
brought to the level of micro-experiment, or laboratory application. The problem of
relations between force and time in physics is still unsettled.



Tesla’s experimental technique mainly consisted in ascertaining the joint

properties of phisical systems, and how they may be brought into resonance. Evidance
suggests his complex electormagnetic oscillator, Wardenclyffe Tower (built at Long
Island near New York, in 1901 – 1905) was soles based on resonance. He could make
simultaneous vibrations in the ionosphere and the globe by means of this tower. In
mathematics as well as in physics, Tesla was the follower of strict determinism. He held
sacred mathematics, but also considered that physical processes could be described
further, and not just by mathematical methods, alone. It was Tesla’s opinion that control
shall be made by foresight; just as foresight provides control. Such a position is radically
different from the theory of relativity. According to this theory, objective (immediate)
cognition is impossible and reality is recognized by mathematical calculation.
Tesla’s and Einstein’s view on the problem of physical reality are fundamentally


According to Einstein, the world is non– causative and relative, for Tesla strictly
causative and determined.

According to Einstein, human experience is relative, fictitious and doesn’t correspond to
true physical reality. For Tesla, physical reality is universal and penetrates all levels of
cosmic existence, i. e. no body in any way can avoid cartain cognition of the truth

According to Einstein, the world is dual, consisting of human vision and objective cosmic
reality, and mathematics is a pure gnoseological instrument by which human experience
is brought to physical reality; for Tesla, the world is unique and the matter which arouses
from spirituality is emanation of time and space.

Acorrding to Einstein, Ether is not s real category, but exists as a result of fallacious
scientific opinions. For Tesla, Ether is a joint, undifferentiated field, which consists of
time, space, enargy and the formation of matter and is a result of resonant process in

According to Einstein, force is a property of space which is demonstrated by its
curvature; for Tesla, force is a series of mathematical operations which has real effect,
manifested by conditions of the physical world; for Tesla mathematics has the nature of
force, while for the majority of other scientists, as well as for Einstein, reversely, force
has mathematical character.

According to Einstein,Time is only a rank phenomena; it is not a substantial physical
entity nor category and it is registered only by means of measurements with reference to
every system. For Tesla, Time is a real algorithm of materialized Mathematics. Matter is
created from Ether due to time-resonance of physical systems, and returns to Ether.

According to Einstein, maximum speed is achieved in a Vacuum; the speed of light equal
to 300 000 km/sec. For Tesla, the speed of electromagnetic waves was not limited, and
experiments and calculations were made and showed that the transfer of waves and
energy at any distance were possible in principle and the speed of mechanical and
electrical waves penetrating the Earth, highly exceeds the speed of light in a vacuum.

Speaking to his friends, Tesla often refuted some of Einstein’s statements, especially
those, which were related with the curvature of space. He considered that it “breaks the
law of action and counteraction and if the roundness of space is formed due to the huge
gravitational fields, than it should become staight due to the counteraction.”
Einstein was a pure theorist and Tesla was mainly an experimenter. There exists no
information about contacts and talks between these two scientists. Nevertheless, Einstein
congatulated Tesla his 75th birthday. He underlined Tesla’s important merit in science,
his multiphase system of generators and alternating current motors, which are to all
appearances his less important discoveries.



Upon his return to the United States of America, in 1893, he dedicated himself carefully
to the problem of radio-technology, tele-guiding (by remote control), wireless
transmission of energy to long distances without losses. In Colorado Springs, he
experimented with the Earth’s stationary electromagnetic waves and wireless
transmission. Although his diary of work from that period has been preserved and
published, the real scientific results he has kept for himself. But, that what he had
achieved there, encouraged him to promise the world system for wireless tansmission of
force and intelligence. This planetary transmission of information and energy should be
based on the application of such important inventions and discoveries like Tesla’s
resonant transformer without iron core, and the amplifying transmitter, from which the
scientist expected particularly a lot. It was a special transformer, particularly adjusted to
excite the planet Earth. Still in Colorado, by means of it, he realized electrical discharges
of intensity higher than atmospheric lightnings, and produced the current of such a power
that he lighted up more than two hundred of bulbs arranged over the ground, in miles
around the laboratory. For Tesla, it was an irrefutable proof of rightness of his conception
of wireless transmission of energy – activity at distance.
There is no doubt that Tesla had a great feeling of uniformity of terrestrial nature and
cosmic processes.
He brought the essence of his “World System” announced in 1900, to 12 positions, which
reflect the very essence of technical and technological network of modern world
telecommunications. At the same time, this system is also a technological basis to
establish a global informational society. Tendencies of this society to the universal
unification manifests in many things.
Tesla’s “World Order” was constructed starting from the principles of his own
inventions: Tesla’s Transformer Motors, i.e. device for creation of electro-vibrations with
specific properties; Step-up Transformer – specially designed to excite the Earth (this

device with its electrical transmission is analogous to a telescope in astronomy); Tesla’s
Wireless System – including certain devices, now considered to be an untouched method
to transmit electric current without wires; Device for Individualization of a signal, which
in comparison with a primitive method to match signal means the same as advanced
language in comparison with inarticulate mumbling. Due to this device, it is possible to
transmit secret signals both in passive and in active form, because they do not jam other
transmissions can not be jammed by them; Any transmission is unique in its rhythm and
has individual features; actually, it is an unlimited quantity of stations and intruments,
which can act on one or two frequencies and at the same time they would not cause any
mutual jamming; Wave Processes in Earth’s Ionosphere; in popular explanation, this
discovery means that the Earth’s field reacts on electrical vibrations of a given frequency
in the same way as a tuning fork resonates with a certain length of a sound wave. These
electrical vibrations can have a strong influence on the Earth’s magnetic field. Such
resonant effects can be used by different ways to change the universal energy system;
Tesla defined the goals of “Worldwide System” in such a way that it becomes clear; that
establishment of dense communicational network of all kinds and levels should serve to
humanize scientific technology. In this sense, in the very beginning of the twentieth
century, he was a prophet of the twenty-first century, since only now have real
metaphysical problems began to penetrate theoretical physics, together with the origin of
the Universe, time and space. Therefore,even in 1900 Tesla interceded in favor of:

Establishment of connection between existing telegraph stations and centers all over the
world; (realized)

Organizing of secret state telegraph service, without the possibility of jamming (not
realized, due to the fact that inventions by Marconi were used instead of Tesla’s patents
on radio transmission. Marconi’s inventions required a separate frequency for every
synchronous transmission);

Establishment of connection between existing telephone centers, or stations on the Earth

United diffusion of common gazette news by means of telegraph and telephone;

Organizing of service with principles of “Worldwide System” to transmit private
information; (realized by the worldwide computer web, the Internet);

Establishment of interconnections of all telegraph systems in the world; (realized during
Tesla’s life)

Organizing of service for distribution of music by means of this system; (realized)

Uniform timing clock, which marks seconds with an astronomic accuracy. (realized)
Universal registering of time by cheap watches which, by astronomic precision, mark
seconds and there is no need to take care about them; (realized)

Transmission of signs, letters, sound signals etc. all over the world, either they are typed
on the machine or written by hand (realized – precise description of telefax)

Organizing of worldwide service for needs of mercantile marine, which should help in
navigation, in compass-less voyages. It will help to determine location and speed, to
prevent collisions and accidents and so on; (realized)

Introduction of worldwide printing system; on the land and on the sea (realized)

Reproduction of photos and all kinds of drawings or hand-written texts to send them over
the world; (realized)

Though development of modern science and technology mainly confirmed Tesla’s

oracular ideas, it did not match with them in the fundamental sense, namely – forethought
ideas Tesla wanted to realize by means of transmission through the Earth, but not from
surrounding orbits. Due to the same reasons, which made him stand up against using
atomic energy, Tesla considered that any infringement of cosmic space, or the magnetic
field of the Earth, was an infringement of harmony inherent to natural laws. In addition, it
is a consequence of negative influences of people’s free will, which becomes destructive
in the absence of ethical components in science. Free will can be creative only with
kindness, which accompanies the higher understanding and conscious selection of
positive intentions. He considered that humankind living on the Earth should understand
all kinds of natural alliances with the planet – otherwise people will be deprived of it.

After Colorado, he attracted the attention of somebody who had been more influential
than Astor – John Pierpont Morgan, a steel magnate and a powerful banker who stood in
the background of all important financial projects in America. There was a rumor
regarding Morgan, that in those days, he had controlled 700 manager positions in 250
greatest American companies. He was a man who had stood at the back of the great
General Electric company,he forced Westinghouse to share the monopoly in exploitation
of alternating currents with others, and he financed a great deal of the erection of the
power plant on the Niagara.
At the end of the year 1900, Tesla was invited to the wedding of Morgan’s daughter,
which meant that he had belonged to the jet-set of New York’s noble society. At that time
he lived in Waldorf Astoria, the most luxurious hotel in New York, and enjoyed a
reputation of one of the best educated people on the Fifth avenue.
He addressed his first latter to Morgan, in November of 1900, in which he exposed a part
of his plan, regarding to overseas wireless communications. He failed to disclose his
main goal, wireless transmission of power. He also stated how much money he needed
for equipment: 10 000 dollars for transaltantic transmission of messages and 250 000
dollars for transpacific. Morgan did not react immediately. On December 10th, Tesla
addressed him a new letter:

“Before going further permit me to remind you, that if there had been only faint-
hearted and close-fisted people in the world, nothing great would have been done.
Rafael could not created his marvels, Columbus could not discovered America, the
Atlantic cable could not be laid. You, of all, should be the man to embark boldly in
this enterprise only seemingly hazardous, prompted by superior insight as well as
desire to advance an art of inestimable value to mankind.”

Morgan agreed, but not out of philanthropic motives. The advisors were talking to him
that the solution of the problem of wireless telegraphy was visible and judging by the
great success of electrification business, a control should be established over those who
would bring a new techology of radio-communication. At the beginning of 1901, an
agreement was concluded according which Tesla got 150 000 dollars for erection of his
transatlantic system for message transmission, and Morgan, in return, established his
control over 51% shares of Nikola Tesla Company.
One of the most powerful man of the world stood insincerely on Tesla’s side:

“How can I begin to thank you in the name of my profession and my own, great
generous man! My work will proclaim loudly your name to the world. You will soon
see that not only am I capable of appreciating deeply the nobility of your action. But
also of making your primarily philanthropic investment worth a hundred times the
sum you have put at my disposal in such a magnanimous and princely way!”

The most violent Tesla’s enemy, Elihu Thomson, attacked him fiercely on the pages of
the professional presses, declaring him to be “unpractical dreamer”. Tesla answered in a
letter written to the editor of the journal The Dream, stating his position precisely:

“I know Thomson as I know my teleautomation, and last time I called I had it on

my lips that such a letter was coming, but refrained from making the remark for fear
that you might misunderstand me. Some of my recent statements, seemengly
innocent, contained strong medicine and I expected that my patients, of which he was
one, would be thrown into convulsions. Still, when I receive the letter last evening, I
did not know whether to laugh at the amazing weakness he exebited, or to feel sorry
about it… It is just as difficult for men of honor to make revulutionary
announcements as it is to prove them. Thomson overlookes that I am not marely
advancing ideas, but givin results. They are arrived at through expeirment,
calculation and logical deduction, and not hit upon o. guessing… You must not allow
yourself to be misleading by such efforts of a clique of techincal writers, who are
envious of the power which a kind providence has given me, and which I am using
conscientiously, often at the sacriffice of my own interest for the best of my
fellowmen. I mind this crowd about as much as I would a pack of coyotes. Rest
assured, I will soon cow them into submission.
Some time ago they made a silly attempt to injure my credit by a vote, which was
to show that I was not among the twenty-five “great men of the nineteenth century.” I
gave the clique to understand that only jackasses could vote on such a question. With
all that they could not get my name lower than the fifteenth on the list, and in the
general ballot, which was less influenced, I came outh sixth. You know, of course,
that I consider such an estimate altogether, for it is impossible to tell what one’s work
is worth until a century his passed, and that at least.”

Tesla had forgotten his enemies and in March 1901, with a signed contract in his pocket,
he concentrated himself to a great work.
At first he had searched for an adequate piece of land and chose the place Shoreham, on
the island Long Island, sparsely populated, some 100 km far from the center of New
York. An afforested parcel 120 hectares large, he bought from James Warden, the
manager of Suffolk Country Land Company. The whole area, according to the owner,
bore the name Wardenclyffe. He confided carrying out of the project to his friend
Stanford White and his cooperator V. D. Crow, and then he went to Pittsburgh, where he
ordered required generators and transformers for primary supplying of a gaint oscillator
from the Westinghouse company.
The construction was of octagonal shape, 87 m high, with a flat platform on the top
where there should have been a hemispheric dome. It was built of wooden girders, with
metal junctions. Tesla ordered strict secrecy, banned giving any information, and leaving
anybody to come to the property without his permission. Except for him, no other person
did not know exactly what was going to be build and what was the final purpose of the

Thanks to the patent, Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy, which he applied
in 1902, but which was not approved to him until 1914, some technical details of his
great idea have been known today.
A tower was the support of the giant transmitter terminal and it bore in itself the
construction of the primary and the secondary of the oscillatory transmitter with a lifted
additional coil, connected to the doom at the top. In order to realize the emission energy
as higher as possible, Tesla conceived a doom of large curve radius,consisted of small
metal semi-balls, which had low capacitance and allowed loading of extremely high
voltages. The transformer primary should have been supplied by generators placed in the
laboratory basement some fifty meters far. The greatest problem was a good grounding,
important in oscillatory system, the transmitter – the Earth. For that purpose,in the middle
of the tower foundation, a well was dug 40 meters deep, with spiral stairs which
surrounded a steel telescopic exle connected to the transformer secondary, over which the
transmitter energy should have been informed to the Earth. From the well bottom, tunnels
were stretching, filled by salt water, so that grounding would be amplified.
The essence of the construction of a new transmitter, to which the doom was given a
special appearance, was harmonizing with electrical properties of the planet. His new
apparatus he called Amplifying Transmitter:

“What is a telescope in astronomy”– he decared – “that is the amplifying

transmitter in the technique of wireless transmission.”

Figure 5: Tesla is reading Boskovich`s Theory of the Natural Philosophy in front of his
simple Magnifying Transmitter. Farady accepted the Boskovich`s theory of matter as
nonextensive centers of attractive-repulsive forces and Tesla applied Boskovich`s correct
Relativity of Time ad Space which Boskovich has mathematically and physically
demonstrated on the pendulum.

When in May, 1901, a great collapse of valuable papers at New York stock exchange
happened, followed by great fall of money value, Tesla still did not suspect that after so
many successes and happy turnabouts his destiny would slow him down.
The collapse at the stock exchange happened due to the conflict between two financial
giants, John Pierpont Morgan and Ned Harriman for the control upon the shares of
railway companies. Morgan controlled the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Harriman the
Union Pacific. Harriman was interested in negotiation with Morgan about spreading of

his interests. Since Morgan had not reacted to his offers, Harriman, taking advantage of
Morgan’s journey to Europe, in April, organized buying of the shares of the Northern
Pacific company, with an intention to establish control over the company. When Morgan
had heard that, he ordered that the shares would be bought back again at any price. So the
value of the shares of this company, on May 9th, jumped from 150 to 1000 dollars a
share. This caused panic, a monetary chaos and great fall of share values. Credit lines
dried up, and goods value jumped abruptly.
In the middle of February, 1902, Tesla’s former business partner, with whom he had
maintained good relations even after their separation, called him to breakfast where
Prince Henry, Morgan, Stillman and Vanderbilt would also come. Everything would
seem to be all right, he would be invited to the most privileged circles of power and
money, he would feel self-confident and his troubles due to the lack of money, which he
had suffered a lot, would seem to him solvable.
An event which had surprised the whole scientific world, and Tesla too, was Marconi’s
success in signal transmission over the Atlantic. On December 12th, 1901, Marconi
transmitted the letter “C” from Cornwall in England to Newfoundland in Canada. The
news was accepted with great disbelief by many people. Tesla knew that Marconi, with
the apparatuses he had protected by patents, had not been able to carry out such an
accomplishment, and he suspected that Marconi had used his apparatuses. But he did not
have evidences, and on January 13th, 1902, when, in Waldorf Astoria in New York, a
welcome was prepared to Marconi, he congratulated the Italian inventor on his success
insincerely calm. Marconi’s success would influence to the opinions of business people
greatly. Marconi showed a simpler way to commercialization of wireless radio-
telegraphy. The way he had done it, for a big business was not important. The
competitors acted faster than Tesla.
Then some other troubles hit him. The tower with the platform had already been erected,
in November, 1902, and the laboratory building built and partly furnished. The tower
doom frames made by the American Bridge company were delivered distorted and
broken in transport, which caused great slowdown in work and costs. Thirteen years later,
Tesla wrote to V. H. Connelly, from the same company:

“How different would it have been if your company had furnished that steel on
time as agreed? I had to do with a noble but very impetuous old gentleman and four
or five months delay was fatal to my project.”

Having seen that he would not be able to carry out his project to the end, with the money
he had at his disposal, he tried to make some other financiers be interested in finishing of
this project, like Guggenheim, Ryan and Frick,simultaneously writing long and degrading
letters to Morgan, in which he asked for more money.

“Dear Mr Morgan,
You wish me success! It is in your hands, how can you wish it?

We start on a proposition, everything duly calculated; it is financially frail. You
engage in impossible operations, you make me pay double, yes, make me wait 10
months for machinery. On top of that you produce a panic. When, after putting in all
I could scrape together, I come to show you that I have done the best that could be
done, you fire me out like an office boy and roar so that you are heard six blocks
away: Not a cent; it is spread all ower town. I am discredited, the laughing stock of
my enemies…
Are you going to leave me in a hole?!
I have made a thousand powerful enemies on your account, because I have told
them that I value one of your shoestrings more than all of them…
Have you ever read the book of Job? If you will put my mind in place of his body
you will find my suffering accurately described.
Since a year, Mr Morgan, there has been hardly a night when my pillow is not
bathed in tears, but you must not think me a weak man for that. I am prefectly sure to
finish my task, come what may. I am only sorry that after mistering all difficulties
which seemed insuperable, and acquiring a special knowledge and ability which I
now alone possess, and which, if applied effectively, would advance the world a
century, I must see my work delayed…
You say that you have fulfilled your contract with me. You have not.
I came to enlist your genius and power, not because of money. You should know
that I have honored you in doing so as much as I have honored myself. You are a big
man, but your work is wrought in passing form, mine is immortal. I came to you with
the greatest invention of all times. I have more creations named after me than any
man that has gone before not excepting Archimedes and Galileo – the gaints of
invention. Six thousand million dollars are invested in enterprises based on my
discoveries in the United States today. (This is not a boast, Mr Morgan; only my
When we entered our contract I furniched:
1. Patent rights; 2. My ability as an engineer and electrician; 3. My good will.
You were to furnish
1. money; 2. Your business ability; 3. Your good will. I assigned patent rights
which in the worst case are worth ten times your cash investiment. You advanced the
money, true, but even this first clause of our contract was violated. There was a delay
of two months in furnishing the last 50.000 – a delay which was fatal…
There is only one way to go, Mr Morgan.
Give me tha money to finish a great work… Or else, make me a present and let
me work out my salvation…
Dear Mr Morgan,
Let me tell you once more. I have perfected the greatest invention of all time –
the transmission of electrical energy without wires to any distance, a work which has
consumed 10 years of my life. It is the long sought stone of the philosophers. I need
but to complete the plant I have constructed and in one bound, humanity will advance

I am only man on this earth to-day who has the peculiar knowledge and ability to
achieve this wonder and another one may not come in a hundred years… Help me to
complete this work or else remove the obstacles in my path.”

Morgan would not answer to all these letters, or, from time to time, his secretary would
send a short information that his master was not interested for cooperation any more.
Tesla had found himself in debts, which threatened to bring him in situation that his
property could be confiscated. He wrote to his uncle Nikolaj deperately, who was then a
metropolitan Dabrobosanski, asking for a loan with the Serbian bank, but that attempt

“It has to be very difficult to You to struggle with such lions, the capitalists,” his
uncle consoled him, in the letter dated Septembre 2nd, 1903,– “I am preparing for the
journey to my eparchy, and I have to dedicate one new church far away from my
residance, I shall pray to God for you, and the rest will be solved by God’s help.”

Wardenclyffe suddenly became deserted. In autumn, 1906, Tesla, with his cooperatiors,
withdrew to New York, leaving behind the closed laboratiory and the tower.
As his last attempt, he repeated his program the Proclamation of the World System of
Energy Wireless Transmission in twelve items.
Reaction of both, the financiers and the public, to Tesla’s repeated suggestion, was
absolute silence. Marconi, Edison and many others, converted Tesla’s work on wireless
transmission into a profitable business. At that time, even Pupin was on Marconi’s side,
pretending that he was praising his work, but really connecting with Marconi’s compani
by a contract on selling the license for using of his patents in the area of wireless
Tesla’s long-time secretary George Scherff wrote on April 6th, 1906:

“I have scarcely ever seen you so out of sorts as last Sunday, and I was

On the basis of a graphological analysis of Tesla’s handwriting from 1906, Mark Seifert,
in his doctoral dissertation, concluded that Tesla had a nervous breakdown in that year.
But Tesla still did not see enough convincing signs that he should give up, that
concurrence of higher circumstances was against his intentions – he only saw great
difficulties which should be overwhelmed.

“The true awards are always in proportion with the work and sacrifices” – he
used to say.

The fact that his destiny had not returned him with favorable circumstances for finishing
of his project, forced him to think that his sacrifice had not been big enough. As a
favorite of the ghost of inventions, he felt a secret connection with nature and he believed
that a providence would help him at last.
He withdrew from the public life completely. He would rarely get in touch with his
friends, except the Johnsons. In the following twenty years, he would never send a letter
to his sister Milka, of anybody of the rest of his family.

Figure 6: The Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower was destroyed on July 4th, 1917, The
Independant Day of America. Tesla never made any comment on the event.



Let’s visit Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado Springs again. We shall come across
electromagnetic fields of very high-frequency and Tesla, experimenting on human brain,
on himself. He wrote to his friend Jonhnson about some intelligent properties of
electromagnetic fields. Biophysical principles of neurology were born.
Just after this, in 1901, construction on Long Island began – Wardenclyffe Tower; the
Magnifying Transmitter. The matter concerns a complex transmitter of electromagnetic
waves. Tesla applied all his knowledge to design it: Teleautomatic control, Wireless
transmission, non-Hertzian waves, original theory of ether and electricity, dynamic
theory of gravity (according to which each natural element of Mendeleev system has its
own characteristic gravitational constant, a specific G), as well as his own technique of
time flow speed operation. In that year, 1901, a “new physics” was born.
The question is asked what new concepts could be obtained by experimenting with
resonant concentrated magnetic and electromagnetic fields? Let’s return for a moment to
a mystic George Leonard and his picture of cosmos. Speaking about vibrations, he

underlines the present: there are different nations, races and tribes on the planet, but we
would never meet anyone who could live without music and dancing.
More than 2500 years ago, Pythagoras said to his progeny that stone is frozen music.
Every particle of the physical Universe has a certain property, which is pitch and
overtones of its separate frequencies, i.e. its melody. (harmonic and sub-harmonic
People create music, but before that, it creates people. The gift for listening opens to us
the possibility of recollection of our deepest origin. Music is the expression of sound of
the world various strctures and points out clearly to rhythmical characteristics of all
things. Vibrato helps us to investigate ourselves and the world of which we are a part.
That pulsation, rising out of a tone, can lead us to something which is the most
spontaneous and the most creative in human life.
Vibrato which stirs up the internal human tones can also be deeply erotic. With the light
movement of Bach’s Fourth Brandenburg Concert, all woodwind instruments of one
orchestra and the strings start to tremble and they pulsate together. It seems as if the
public feel some awe that one such an intimate sound can be performed in public.
Dangerous sensual characteristic of vibrato is explained by the fact that the vibration
speed of seven pulsations in a second precisely corresponds to the state of a brain alpha-
waves. That is the state between waking up and sleeping when the usual control of mind
is absent. A dreamer, waking up, often has the feeling of accessibility to all the sources of
memory and creation. The vision of numeral functions is well-known, which the
mathematician Poenkare perceived before the very sinking into a deep dream:
mathematical ideas were playing in a cloud before him, clashing as if being of some
material,and combining into the result he had searched for a long time. In the same way,
a strong and a long-lasting musical vibrato, catching the rhythm with our brain, creates
conditions for some kind of conscious dreaming, in which mysteries are revealed and
everything is memorized easily.
The way how music acts is the same as the one in which the world of matters and events
act, because all that is a vibration. Subatomic particles vibration speeds are incredibly
high, and the waves in subatomic nucleus center look like even faster. Vibrations of all
radiation energies – radio-waves, heat, light, reontgen rays, etc.– can be arranged in an
order. Blacktromagnetic spectrum, observed in such a way, has more than eighty octaves,
and visible light is only one volume of that order. Like in music, electromagnetic waves
have their own harmonious upper tones, and there are also some similarities which appear
between octave intervals. The laws of musical harmony applied to electro-magnetics give
extraordinary results. Just because of that, Tesla has used Helmholtz’s works on sound,
for his electrical resonators.
Johan Kepler, an astronomer, who lived in XVIIth century, believed that every planet of
the Solar system is alive and there is a guardian angel on every planet, which listens to its
music. Planets “play music” on their circumsolar orbits. Mercury,which has the highest
speed, sings squeaky incoming and falling scale of a piccolo flute. Jupiter, the slowest,
produces deep strong roaring. Venus changes a tone from major to minor six, and the
Earth plays the wonderful second minor.
A particular combination of sounds, which we call music, is an expression of the relation
between things, in other words, their likeness and their differences. It is also a principle

of appearance and disappearance of the phenomena as well, which shows how new and
younger systems form from coordinated harmonious systems. The inner structure of
music is the same as the structure of all the rest.
In 1665, a Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, noticed that the pendulums of two clocks,
hanging on the wall near each other, start to move in rhythm. It is a universal
phenomenon. When two or more oscillators begin to pulse with sufficiently small
differences in time (with small shifts in phase) their oscillators come into coincidence,
spontaneously. They behave according to the principle of minimum energy since every
separate pendulum requires less quantity of energy with synchronous pulsation than in
the case of arrhythmia. This coordination is everywhere, but we rarely notice. We can say
that all animate things are oscillators, which pulse and change their rhythms. Even the
simplest unicellular organism is in complex oscillatory state. All motions on subatomic,
atomic, molecular, sub-cellular and cellular levels are coordinated. In such an organism
like a human being, it is very difficult and even impossible to determine corresponding
parameters. Our inner rhythms are closely interconnected and they are coordinated with
our external world. The physics acting on a man, on his rarified plane (astral), states that
change in one rhythm, ie. the Earths movement around the Sun, its ebbs and flows, day
and night cycles, and the many other cosmic rhythms, will effect physical change in the
man, himself. Any violation of coordination between these rhythms causes discomfort
and even near illness in the organism.
Two galaxies can pass through each other like two smoke clouds, because the stars in the
galaxy are arranged at the distances the same to the millionth multiplicands of their
diameters. Collision is negligibly probable.
Our solar system needs 10 billion seconds (240 million years) to describe a circle around
the galaxy of Milky Way. Waves in the center of tome vibrate 10 to twenty-second
degree times in a second. The whole atom at ambient temperature vibrates considerably
slower, about 10 to fourteenth degree times in a second, while molecules pulsate at about
10 to ninth degree of the cycle in a second. Living cells react to direct stimulation with
about 1000 cycles in a second and their internal cycles they adjust according to the day of
24 hours (rotation of the Earth), lunar calendar and solar year.
Complicated group of cells called a brain has various shapes of cycles and varies about
40 cycles in a second (with active concentration) to less than 1 cycle in a second with
deep dream. Brain rhythmic waves are transferred from one cycle to the other easily.
Visible light waves pulsate between 390 trillionand 780 trillion in a second, which is
exactly one octave,one duplication of frequency. Human eye can react to only one
quantum of light and with only three types of retinal cells it differs about 10 million
Human body generates its own electromagnetic field and, in some known and unknown
ways, electromagnetic waves of the environment in which we live, also affects us very
Science still should make the first greater steps in the direction of this research.
Our physical body serves as exponent of our inner lead pulse, and, at the same time, it is
our individuality that is our distinction in the Cosmos.

The so-called “fine body” in essence has an electromagnetic material base. The Life of
each of us is characterized by certain rhythmical schemes, which are subjected to
physical death and retains an extracorporal experience of the spirit, which is reincarnated.
There is a supposition that the so-called “Schuman waves” takes place in the telepathic
trensmission of image and thought. These are waves of 7,8 Hz frequency, which form a
field of standing waves in the space between the Earth’s Ionosphere and its surface. It is
our natural electromagnetic layer, which can be fully felt at the seashore or in the forest,
though sea and forest absorb other harmful frequencies.
It may occur that the brain enters a state of resonance with some external structure; a
result will be the appearance of its image at a distance, i.e. there is a contact made by
means of resonance but not by means of radiation. Since these waves have a large length
(38 000 km), then transmission takes place immediately. Waves with such an extreme
low frequency cannot be screened by the usual means. In essence, waves of an organism
often coincide with these waves by phase. However, the problem is that waves with such
low frequencies can transmit little information and therefore it is often impossible to
receive a clear picture and give a full description of images of things. Yet, this can be
solved so that the receiver would be in resonance in the way of lower harmonic, at
adequate still lower frequency, in order that in referential human time required for
formation of the brain engram an information could be read out. It is technical shortening
of telepathic reception time.
Modern holistic (integral) approaches to understanding the Universe have sacral
treditions These foundations were laid as traditions in religion, such as Judaism, Islam,
Buddhism, Christianity, where we can find a clear statement that every part of Cosmos
includes the Whole. It is analogous to the principle of holography. It is considered that
we can make a full hologram of the Universe based on any of its small parts. Formation
of this hologram can take an arbitrarily long time.
The Hologram of a real man is something different from the physical basis of an ideal
cosmic rhythm. Consciousness, which is a continual manifestation of the rarified
substances (astral) of a man, is shifted by its phase in comparison with genetic material,
and conscious will is only one of the universal instruments of cosmic purposefulness. A
“right” man acting in a “right place” is a man whose intentions are coonrdinated with
cosmic rhytm.
Conscious intention has power, and our main choice is to take responsibility for its
So, actually we are made of waves, but not of matter, which would be called “solid.” All
that we call –things– and -events– are manifestations of acting on these waves. Every
man has his unique cosmic identifier assigned by a certain function of waves, which
represent us. Every man has his own hologram, which contains a universal information
about time. The Identifier is a main element of Cosmos; it characterizes an individual
specificity of a subject, who using this identifier, can influence eveything by methods,
which seem to be unusual. We are a peculiar hologram, so potentially we know all about
The secret of Wardenclyffe is hidden. Nevertheless, many things show that the object
built by Tesla in Long Island (at that time it was a New York suburb) went ahead of all

the dreams of modern scientists. It was a translator of electromagnetic wave systems. By
means of these waves (that scientist called earthquakes), Tesla could attain “mental”
shifts in people and animals, fires in the atmosphere, creation of an impenetrable energy
barrier in the ionosphere, controlling time, splitting and condensing of the clouds by
means of corresponding wave frequency, and, finally, an inexhaustible energy from the
Ether using the principle of “Ether Technology,” which is still unknown to us. Tesla
demonstrated his experiments to numerious witnesses, but he never announced all of the
results nor divulged to anyone his scientific principles. The real reason for building this
giant electromagnetic and mechanical oscillator and his motives, could be much more
serious than we could yet imagine.
A report by W. Pickering, professor of the Harvard Observatory, named Alternating
Light from Mars, was published in New York Times on January 16, 1901. It may be
Last year in the beginning of December we got a telegram from Lowell observatory at
Arizona. This telegram informed that a strong light flux was noticed coming from Mars
and lasted for 70 minutes. Lowell observatory specializes on observations of Mars, and
observer was an attentive, approved and experienced man, so we have no doubt in his
statements. We will consider these facts immediately and will notify Europe and America
via telegraph. The light came from the known point on Mars and there is no unusual in
this point according to scientific data. Whatever there was, now we have no means to
research anything. We cannot say with certainty if it is a sign that there is an intellect. For
the time present this phenomenon is inexplicable.
When this information appeared, Tesla was in New York. He just returned from Colorado
Springs, where he through the course of year, had made apochal and inexplicable
experiments with electromagnetic fields of resonant properties. (Tesla’s laboratory in
Colorado was situated precisely on the summit of Pikes Peak. It is interesting that this
peak was deified by the Hopi Indians– they consider it the Spiritual Pole of the World.)
Encouraged by the information from Lowell observatory, Tesla stated in the New York
Gazette that during his research in Colorado Springs, he communicated with Mars
himself. At that time, he made hints about having already designed a device for
interplanetary communication, which would be improved in the near future. He wrote:

“Ill never forget the first feeling that I felt when I understood that I have a
contact with something, which will have priceless and immense fesults for all
humankind. Thing that I noticed, frightened me as if I saw something mysterious and
almost supernatural. Little by little I understood that I am the first who hear message
sending from one planet to another.”

Reaction of scientific community to Tesla’s short article was unusually severe and
negative. The first who denied him was professor Holden, the manager of Lick
observatory in California. Nearly angry, professor Holden told to the reporter the

“Mister Nikola Tesla gave the information that he was convinced the certain
disorders of his apparatuses-nothing less than electrical signals had been received
from intelligent out-of-earth source. Emphasizing that they donot come from the Sun,
Tesla thinks that the signals are of planetary origin, most probably from Mars. It is
The principle of thinking is to research all possible causes of one new
phenomenon prior to introduction of those impossible ones. Every normal
experimenter would say that it was nearly certain that Mr Tesla had made a mistake
and that the mentioned disorders were coming form the streams in atmosphere or in
the ground. Besides, how somebody can state that those electrical changes were not
coming from the Sun? The physics of Sun is still unknown. In fact, it is not clear
what is Tesla talking about at all. Weren’t there comets which could serve as an
explanation for the caused regular electrical disorders? Couldn’t the instruments be
induced by constellation of Big Dipper, Milky Way or by the light of Zodiac? There
is always a chance, of course, for new discoveries, but the possibility that the new
phenomena are explained by old laws is still greater. And until Mr Tesla show his
apparatuses to other experimenters and persuade them like he himself, until then we
can state peacefully that his signals are not coming from Mars.”

Respected Professor Holden didn’t consider Tesla’s contacts with extraterrestrial beings
by means of electromagnetism, because he thought it was not a serious case. Tesla
worked with some extremely long electromagnetic waves of very high frequency that do
not correspond to accepted theory, because increasing of a wave’s frequency is always
related with short-wave transmission. However, Tesla’s waves were different from those
discovered by Hertz. They propagated with a speed, which far exceeded the speed of
light, better to say that their propagation was instantaneous. Tesla had his own theory of
electromagnetism, which is still not properly interpreted. He discovered not only the
possibility of wireless transmission of energy through the Earth and atmosphere without
any losses, but also proved an unprecedented “breakdown power” of these waves during
their negotiation of space. There is an unconfirmed legend that Tesla was the first to send
periodical signals to the stars.
Supposedly, Tesla sent coded geometrical theorems like those of Tales, Pythagoras, and
an Archimedean formula of the harmonic series (we speak about addition of the series
1+1/2+1/4+1/8+. the Sum of this series is equal to two, but the number of terms can be
infinite). Three days later, Tesla was surprised – he got a response. He guessed the
principle, which lie in the basis of the response code, and got a human face with regular
features. At first he couldn’t understand if this picture was made by those who sent this
signal and wanted to show that they know of our civilization, or they drew their own
image to demonstrate that there are similar beings in Cosmos. If it is true, then it should
be clear that Tesla refused any open discussion of this discovery because he couldn’t get
a response. But soon, something occurred that returned discussion of this happening in
the American press.
In 1902, Lord Kelvin, a famous English physicist, visited America. When he spoke to
Tesla, he expressed a full consent and understanding of the fact that details of Tesla’s
“extraterrestrial communication” were not for public discussion. After a banquet

(organized in his honor), Lord Kelvin said some good words about New York: It is the
city with the best illumination in the world and it is the only place on the Earth, which
can be seen from Mars. In addition, as if in some kind of inspiration he finally exclaimed
Mars is signaling New York. This time, nobody had objections. Even persistent Professor
Holden kept silent. It was not polite to contradict such an old and respected man as Lord
Kelvin. Instead of objections, an article written by the writer and publicist Julian Hotorn,
Tesla’s associate, appeared as a direct conclusion from this discussion. He described
Tesla’s sensational methods as a fantasy. Hotorn wrote:

“It is evident that people from Mars and other old planets had been visiting Earth
for years and attentively observe the development of our civilization. Besides,
Tesla’s birth changed all. Maybe, it is possible that people from the stars control his
spiritual and scientific development, isnt it? Is there anybody who can know
something concrete? In the heat of the disputes concerning Martians, Tesla was alone
in his Wardenclyffe Tower and continued to work hard and insensibly on the biggest
project of his life; Wardenclyffe Tower was to make radical changes in the
development of our civilization. These changes cannot easily be considered true.”


When making a decision to build a relaying station, Tesla at first bought a plot at Long
Island and then asked the famous J. P. Morgan for help. Morgan was a member of
numerous secret organizations; also, he was a genius of business organization. He already
had cancer and had a hope that Tesla’s science would help him recover. He expected that
Tesla somehow would connect him to some energy source and make him young and
healthy forever. Tesla thought that Morgan would be a man who would understand his
plan. He considered that a man has predestination and every man is predisposed to its
own activity.
Negotiations between the two friends were private. There is no clear information about
the time when Tesla decided to begin the construction of the Tower and about
expectations of Morgan as businessman and financier.
During his public appearances, Tesla changed his statements of Wardenclyffe Tower at
Long Island, twice. At first, he stated it was for a universal telegraph and telephone
system, and secondly, for wireless energy transmission through the Earth. The truth
might be found in his letter to Morgan:

“What I contemplate and what I can certainly accomplish, Mr Morgan, is not a

simple transmission of messages without wires to great distances but it is the
transformation of the entire Globe into a sentient being, as it were, which can feel in
all its parts and through which thought may be flashed as through the brain…”

Many authors, especially Tesla’s biographers, blamed Morgan for cutting off financial
assistance at the moment when Tesla was on the threshold of important discoveries, when
he should finish and put into operation his masterpiece – Wardenclyffe Tower. I have
searched the subject and I came to the following two conclusions: the first, Tesla’s
project of the transmitter on Long Island did not depend only on Morgan’s subventions;
money was also offered by other industrialists, and Tesla himself could, quite easily, by
selling medical apparatuses on the basis of high-frequency current,earn the required sum.
The second, Wardenclyffe Tower had been generally finished and put on trial, and
additional money was needed for building of the power plant for Transmitter supply, and
not for transmitter itself. Tesla, in his autobiography “My Inventions” clearly tells us
about it.

“In spite of all that was said, Morgan fulfilled all his obligations regarding me.
My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was
too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a
triumphal success.”

Tesla tested his transmitter at its full capacity on June 15th, 1903. He began his
experiment sharp at midnight. This night New York citizens witnessed the event which
would astound future science. Glaringly bright strands of electrical plasma, the length of
more than a hundred miles connected the spherical cupola of Wardenclyffe with the sky.
The next day the “New York Sun”, under the title Tesla’s Flashes Frighten, wrote:

“People living near Tesla’s laboratory at Long Island were intrigued very much
in his experiments with wireless energy transmission. Last night they were the
witnesses of a very strange phenomena – multicolored lightning made by Tesla
himself, the inflammation of the atmospheric layers at different altitudes and along
the New York territory, night suddenly turned to day. At times, the air was full of
luminescence, concentrated along the edges of human bodies, and people present
radiated a mysterious light-blue shine or glow. They seemed to be ghosts.”

According to Tesla’s initial plan, five towers, the same as Wardenclyffe, would be built.
The second tower would be constructed in Amsterdam, the third in China and the fourth
and the fifth built at the North and South Poles. However, the plan was postponed due to
reasons that should be investigated. Finally, if all this could have been realized,what
would be achieved? The Earth would become a uniform homogeneous system, which
could be controlled by wireless telephone commands, which would start certain
oscillators, producing and transmitting electromagnetic waves of various frequencies.
The same electromagnetic system would be completed with a system for mechanical
resonance with the Earth. These systems consisted of a tunnel passed under the laboratory
and filled with water and oil, and hydraulic pumps serving as oscillators.

By synchronized actions, based on exact mathematical calculations, both systems would
start vibration simultaneously together with the rarified stratosphere, ionosphere and
atmosphere, as with all liquid and solid structures of the planet. The entire planet would
vibrate and resonate in unison.
Before conjecture relating to all the possible consequences of such an event, we should
give two more examples that are unusual. In his interview of July 17th, 1930 given to the
“New York Sun” Tesla redoubled his enigma, stating:

“That people who live near Wardenclyffe and were frightened with his
experiments could see much more, if during last two years they were more awake
than asleep, they could get acquainted with really incredible things. Sometime, but
not now; I’ll announce something, which you can not find even in fairy tales.”

After the unusual night, with Wardenclyffe Tower (the Magnifying Transmitter) fully
operational, he fired (shot lightning bolts from the tower) the sky not only above New
York, but also above all the vast area of the eastern Atlantic Ocean – In 1905, Tesla
suddenly left his laboratory without a clear reason and left everything untouched. As we
know, he never crossed the threshold of Wardenclyffe, never visited it, and never
appeared on its property again. It was very strange as, he didn’t take any calculation,
drawing or document, not one paper. It was a turning point in his public scientific work.
He lived forty years more, working continually, but applying only patents in mechanics
and publishing exclusively the paper articles.


Tesla discovered and used the law, concerning the fundamental properties of Ether.
Supposition made about Ether’s continuity as one of the main cosmic mediums that the
imaginary center of the Cosmos is everywhere, that law of structuring of such medium
should have analogues with the law of location of points in geometric spheres. In modern
scientific usage there are many notions, all of them mean the same physical phenomenon:
zero, continuum, continuity, ether, infinity, entity, Eleian Being, Euclid point, vacuum,
Parts of continuum appear according to special algorithm which separates them so that
they do not leave the entity, infinity, and we call them electromagnetic entities or usually
– light.
There is no information that Tesla formed or told his theory in such a way, but he left
some principles of systems working, which are unknown to modern physics. The
question is about an Ether Generator, i.e. electromagnetic ball, which has constant
electrical potential in spite of any energy leakage, than about a synchronous motor
working on the gravitational waves of the planets of the Solar System (this motor turns

on independently at certain seasons and reacts on the corresponding arrangement of
planets. It also independently turns off, when the resonant interval of time ends). Besides,
Tesla designed a metal disk, which could be hung at some height and has anti-
gravitational properties, which do not depend on attractive force of any given place.
Parts of this structured Ether can be resonant or not. In the first case, a condensation of
subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, or neutrons, takes place. These particles
appear by means of resonant synthesis of photons, according to the same principles as
during formation of photons as specific particles of Ether – Asynchronous, non-resonant
parts of Ether form a space, in which resonating photons form matter.
Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower was a “Pythagorean” oscillator. A Mathematical description
of transmission of particular electromagnetic waves was identical with Pythagorean
creative method. Signs used by Tesla in his equations have a single-meaning physical
interpretation. Principles of Tesla’s ether tehnologies belong to the level of cosmic
existence, on which it is possible to control space and time. The principle of resonance
and harmonic oscillation of ether seems to be so clear that all problems of modern
physics, especially problems of energy conversion, will be solved with its development.
By means of his vacuum tube Tesla got protons, electrons and neutrons directly from the
physical continuum (ether) and reproduced them at any distance. Instead of giving ability
to the bundle of protons to move free through space to some place, he created conditions
for momentary appearances of arbitrary quantity of particles in the given place. Quantity
of protons, neutrons and electorns was not limited by anything, the difference in their
quantity was stipulated by the created shift in time.
Starting from the supposition that Tesla knew something (unusual for science) and still
inconceivable to all the laws of nature, we should think about what technical goals he
followed using Wardenclyffe Tower and what he expected.

To cause oscillations of the ionosphere. Since the difference of voltage between surface
of the Earth and ionosphere constitutes about two billion volts, then the Tower is
continually oscillating on upper and lower harmonics of oscillations of the ionosphere up
to full coincidence with it by phase (up to resonance) and can discharge it in the same
way as usual electrical condensers are discharged. Due to the reason that such a charge
could pass immediately, there would be a real threat to New York. A high-energy plasma
column of a very large diameter (possibly of several hundred kilometers) would appear
from the ionosphere, and everything situated in this space would be disintegrated. Of
course, Tesla had no intention to destroy New York. He only wanted to take energy from
the ionosphere by means of short oscillatory intervals to recharge his huge oscillator,
which required maximum voltage of one hundred million volts. As a system for hyperfine
oscillating, Tesla used a huge quantity of ultraviolet lamps, placed at the top of his

To take energy from Ether. It is possible to shift time coordinates and produce an energy
transmission by time cycles from the past to the future without any violent release of

electormagnetic equilibrium of environment by means of oscillation of non-resonance
electromagnetic fields. Of course, it should be done strictly following mathematical law,
which determines the interrelations of frequencies with a great accuracy. In an opposite
case, the results can get out of control and an unexpected destruction of material and
biological objects or their momentary dropout form segments of our reality can take place
like in the Philadelphia experiment.

To open temporary windows in “parallel worlds”. Since parallel worlds have an
electromagnetic structure with the wavelength and frequency of oscillations different
from those of the Earth, then is could be possible to make some connection between
frequensies of oscillations of our world and other worlds by means of complex harmonic
oscillating. Due to this, some pictures of these worlds could become apparent in our earth
conditions (and vice versa).

To accelerate human evolution. If we make a permanent high-frequency field
harmonizing with collective electromagnetic field of people, then little by little it will be
possible to achieve an increase in sensibility of perception and increase in ability to
receive ideas. Radiation of these frequencies could be harmful: any disharmony of field
(non-resonance) calls a partial separation of astral and physical substance of a man, it can
lead to sickness (for example, cancer) or manetal disorders. Full separation of one
substance from another, of course, leads to death. In addition, all these processes act
slowly. Due to their lack of knowledge, people pollute their electromagnetic environment
more and more by radio waves, microwave radiation form locators (which call cancer, it
was proved experimentally). Other electromagnetic radiation also has negative impact.
These electromagnetic waves are in disharmony with frequencies of oscillations, which
are natural for vital fanctions and for informational field of Solar system.

To be able to transfer the Earth into “parallel realities”. If Tesla had finished the
construction of the system made of five transmitters and started it, the whole Earth would
be in a state of oscillation as a uniform, resonant structure, and in such oscillation,
peculiar to some other reality, and thus physically move us to the “parallel world”. Thus
possibly, he wanted to accelerate the evolution of civilization. However, it could be very
dangerous, because if the Earth enters the state of resonance and is oscillating with
“parallel worlds,” then catastrophes could occur like that was described in the myth about
Tesla has left to us his precious scientific road sign. His work clearly show that the truth
can never be completely realized, just like the continuum can not be built of discreet
parts. The nature of the truth is such that it must be recognized immediately, up to the
end, as a whole or in no way. Let’s just remember Decart and his discovery that the
infinite precedes the finite and Spinoza, and his infinite substance, which is something
that unites nature and God.

Modern experimenters should keep in mind that the secret of this physical world lies in
metaphysics and as long as our science is blinded with research of “crude” matter, we
will be in the state of an illusionary split consciousness.
It is necessary to provide a breakdown of human consciousness, and it will happen in
physics. We should free the human mind and adjust it to deep cosmological research.

Figure 7: Considering light as the sound wave we have... November 8, 1933 (Chicago
private archive)

Ethics is a cosmic principle, which contributes to energy distribution, isn’t it? Then it can
get a status of natural law. And we will be able to explain to the supposed inhabitants of
worlds, which are shifted in time, why we can influence the Galaxy and stars by means of
special reactors and why we take part in experiments, which directly change us. If ethics
is really a harmony and kindness is equilibrium od energy, then mathematically, the
cosmic ethics certainly act in the world. It is impossible to violate mathematical laws.
“There is no Czar’s way in geometry” – said Euclid to the Czar Edip, who worked on
solutions to difficult geometrical problems.
The Cosmos itself seems to be a big experimenter. Our mind asks it questions, clever or
not. That’s why every true philosopher and scientist chould reject the applied science and
rigid theory, when he studies something concerning cosmic phenomena.
Tesla’s evolutionary philosophical positions beginning from oraculer ones and finishing
with engineering ones, beginning from engineering ones and finishing with metaphysical
ones, such as Tesla’s private life – these all are the milestones towards formation of a
new paradigm of scientific and technical civilization. His attitude toward people and to
himself, is a result of a transpersonal absolute manifested in him. He had no personal
attitude toward anybody including himself and that’s why he made so few mistakes
during his life.
Tesla is often cited in modern science. The scientists, who didn’t notice contradictions of
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory until now, began to study Tesla, especially those who
work on unification, electromagnetism, gravitation and strong and weak interactions. Is it
true that matter is infinitely divisible or not? Can space be divided infinitely? Finally,
what is the role of time in physical processes? Maybe time is only a measure, a usual
coordinate, as it is supposed in modern physical theories basing on the theory of relativity
and quantum mechanics.
Tesla’s ideas about ether as a bacis medium, which sructurally joins space and matter, led
to stagnation in physical thinking and to continual returning to out of date ideas. In
scientific circles, which take a risk of creating a “new physics,” recognize Tesla’s
concepts as now become increasingly valuable and they are (finally) being studied
seriously. There are experiments with ultra low and ultra high frequency oscillations,
which have specific modulation and form the radiation of the ionosphere. All the possible
consequences of this are still unknown. This includes control of meteorological
phenomena, especially hurricanes and atmospheric pressure, infusion of thoughts at a
distance by means of electromagnetism, i.e. resonance with electromagnetic transmitters.
It becomes evident that it is possible with techology to imitate external electromagnetic
manifestations of human thinking. It is the position of Tesla’s cybernetics. “A man is an
“automatic machine” of cosmic forces” – underlined Tesla in his main articles and
Experimenters can say that it is much easier to excite the mass emotions of people by
means of corresponding oscillations of the ionosphere, which includes harmonics of the
collective unconscious state of all humankind. The Ionosphere is the key for controlling
mass feelings and thoughts. Tesla understood all this as far back as 1899 during his
Colorado Springs experiments.

Modern university science, especially the Serbian scientific community, reject Tesla’s
ideas mainly because it cannot understand them. The second reason is the opposition,
which Tesla presented to nuclear physics, and his prediction that application of
corresponding technology would not be continuous and quantum mechanics has no
serious scientific future.
Tesla, as a comsologist, had his own philosophical and religious position:

“Aristotle stated that there is an independent higher spirit in cosmic space –

enteleheia. This spirit sets matter in motion and though is his main attribute. In the
same way, Tesla believed that a uniform Cosmos is joint in its material and spiritual
sense. There is some nucleus in cosmic space, from which we take all strength,
inspiration, and which attracts us forever. Tesla felt its power and its values, which it
sends all around the Universe and keeps in harmony. He couldn’t guess the secret of
this nucleus but he knew that it existed, and when he wanted to give it some material
attribute, he ascribed that it is LIGHT, and when he tried to understand its spiritual
principle, then it was BEAUTY and SYMPATHY. A man who keeps this (religion)
in himself, feels strong, works with joy because he feels himself as a part of universal

Figure 8: Velimir Abramović on the roof of Hilton hotel in Zagreb, Croatia, investigating
the first imprint of Nikola Tesla`s Death Mask (in private collection, Zagreb) which

contains his DNA samples (skin and hair). The Death Mask was made by French sculptor
Moyon 1943. There is also another Mask of Tesla’s face in bronze, taken when he was
after 65 years of age, for which occasion he shaved mustache. It was probably made by
famous mystical sculptor Walter Russel (in private collection, Belgrade).

Technical specifications of Tesla’s transmitting station are still unknown, and we can not
state with certainty, what its real destination was. It was only remembered that it had
been tested with full success.
Lost in time are suppositions that Tesla was the man who caused a strong and strange (by
its consequences) explosion in Siberia in the region of Podkamennaya Tunguska in 1908.
In March of the same year, Tesla sent his assistant Scherff to the Congress library in
Washington to borrow military charts of Siberia, especially of Tunguska. From the
Russian esoteric sources I heard later that one Buriat lama, in the spring of 1908,
informed Tunguska Shamans to move the inhabitants from that region, before explosion.
It was considered that this explosion was caused by a meteorite, but there has still not
been found the fragment of it. It is also true that Wardenclyffe Tower was a success in
technical sense and Tesla passed energy through the earth and could accumulate and
discharge simultaneously a huge quantity of energy at any place of the planet. It fully
matched the results of his works of many years standing on studying of Earth’s properties
as a medium for propagation of electromagnetic waves. In the same year, Tesla decided
to find required means for completion of his project by himself.
In the journal the New York World, on January 5th, the article was published under the
title Nikola Tesla’s Forecast for 1908, where he dealt with different problems of science
and technology, from wireless transmission and radio, to radio-activity and air forces. In
the last passage he considers the problem of ship drives:

“There is abundant evidence that distinct improvements will be made in ship

propulsion. The propeller is doomed in efficiency at high speed. A new principle will
be introduced.”

Tesla had on his mind his idea of “steam and gas turbine” without blades, the working
models of which he made still in 1907, i.e. original solution of fluid propulsion which
was the basis for his turbo machine operation.
In mechanical engineering, there is always an intention, when thinking on crankshaft
machine project, to minimize friction appearing between the operation surfaces, as being
a harmful element and produces losses. Why don’t we force friction to work for us,
instead we attempt to lower or avoid it? Tesla came to simple construction of an
operating circuit, which consists of equally moved-apart parallel discs without blades,
with a central hole fixed by shaft brakes. There was no need for blades in Tesla’s
machines, which are very complicated parts for manufacturing, because in the inter-space
between two co-rotating discs a virtual blade was formed and which shape changed,
depending of fluid flow conditions.
Soon, John H. Hadley, the owner of two ships “Alabama” and “Dan”, in which he was
the winner on the World Cup competition of motor yachts several times, signed a

cooperation memorandum with Tesla. The main Hadley’s reason was hip hope that the
new driving solutions would enable the increase of his ship speed.
For this occasion, Tesla changed the way of work. He hired the offices in Broadway
street, 165 in New York, and organized there a project bureau,from which he controlled
the work of constructions and experiments in Bridgeport and Providence, by phone and
by letters. In his legacy, there are over 2000 letters which he had exchanged with the
company engineers in the course of the next three years.
In the period from 1908 to 1911, he invented and gave to be made and tested five
hydraulic machines: a trial pump,a two-stage compressor, a blower,a high-pressure pump
and a turbo-pump. Parallel trial tests were carried out on water, steam and gas turbine.
The first tests carried out on the compressor with diameter of 50 cm already showed that
the main obstacle would be weak materials and vibrations.
Two years later, the results were greatly under expectations. Besides all efforts for
improvement, in construction, the best material and the the most precise methods of
measurement, the pump yield degree was in the best case 60%, and with the steam
turbine much lower.
Documentation regarding this work, which Tesla has preserved, gives a clear review of
his way of running the job, projecting and manufacture of the ordered turbo-pumps. We
can see a number of his weaknesses, incomprehensible entering into risk even if the price
was to lose his own reputation, his self-confidence without cover.
Before all, the term for realization of the work was short, less than two months. On
February 21st, he sent his first drawings for for steam turbine housing, which was
obvious that delay was unavoidable. In Bridgeport they started to make casting molds
immediately. He sent, one after another, the required drawings: on March 3rd, for
operating circuit; on March 10th, drawings for bearings and housing base; on March
18th, drawings for turbine steam regulator; and on March 29th, drawings for the pump
operating circuit.
The purchaser APCC, even due to a delay, did not break the contract, and the work on
turbo-pump advanced well. But there were problems about the costs for the turbo-pump
testing platform and payment of engineer Quinlan, there was a mistake in drilling of the
discs on the pump rotor, about the plate hardening and according to Tesla’s instruction a
mistake happened, the work was slowed down and all were nervous.
On October 19th, on more test was gone, in the factory ABMC in Bridgeport, and finally
APCC, on November 4th, 1910 cancelled the order.
After this failure, mutual accusations happened and the cooperation between Tesla and
Hadley was broken. According to Tesla’s calculation, for building of the turbo-pump,
instead of 3000, some 9000 dollars have been spent. On the other hand, Hadley
complained that from the beginning of their cooperation more than 100.000 dollars have
been spent on the development of Tesla’s machines.
The circumstances under which Tesla was running the business at that time, were not
clear. John Pierpont Morgan forgave him a debt of 150.000 dollars;in 1910, he made a
contract with his former assistant Fritz Lowenstein, to whom he gave the licenses for
usage of his patents in wireless telegraphy and telephony, and for a certain time, he
received compensation for that.

In February, 1911, Tesla provided favorable conditions for work in Edison Waterside
Station in New York. He transported his newly constructed steam turbines there and
started a series of experiments. He used to say that, in his career of an electrical engineer,
his experiments were always such as he had panned and the invention worked in just such
a way as he had imagined it. But now, the difference was too great. He expected that a
degree of yield of his pump would surpass 90%, but it was max. 60%. It is interesting that
after Tesla’s death, in a number of scientific calculations and testings of his pump, it has
been found that a yield degree of operating circuit itself can surpass 90%, but the pump
housing geometry is inadequate and during fluid inlet and outlet some 30% of operating
energy is being lost.
The first results of the experiments he published in 1911, in several journals, among
which the most important were the Scientific American and Motor World. On March
15th, 1911, after a pause of twelve years, he held a lecture at the meeting of the National
Association for Electric Illumination in New York, and there he introduced the
professional public with a new principle of fluid propulsion and with the characteristics
of his machines.
He made a generator for locomotive head-on light for the factory Dressel Railway Lamp,
and for Sigmund Bergman and the company Bergman Werke, a steam turbine, which
should have been sent for testing to Germany for acquiring the patent protection. Some of
these projects, for example, steam turbine for Bergman Werke, power 7 500 kw,
belonged to great engineering enterprises.
Neither of these projects Tesla succeeded to complete. There were more and more court
demands and claims on his account.
According to the files found in correspondence with a lawyer George Foster, in the
period from 1912 to 1917, he had 34 court procedures. The factory Garvin sued him for a
debt, the company Yellow Taxi, New York City, the company Waldorf Astoria (19 000
dollars), even his old lawyer Ker from the office Ker, Curtis and Page. He rarely brought
charges against somebody, and if it happened it was mainly in connection of priority in
an invention, like in the case against the inventor Asquit.
The correspondence with a lawyer Foster is interesting because it additionally throws the
light to Tesla’s behavior at that time. In spite to disastrous financial situation and bad
predictions, obvious inability and suspicious prospects that he would ever earn millions
being close to 60-ies, and which he needed so much, he continued his way stubbornly. At
that time he worked out numerous drawings for a new fountain on request of his friend
Louis Tiffany, constructed speed-meters on a new principle. Firmly believing that he was
close to acquiring of great wealth he continued to behave in a hazardous way, and instead
to adapt his life style to his scientific work, he joked at his expense.

“The motto that governs me now is: He who fights and runs away lives to fight
another day.”

Towards the end of 1914, his old friend Robert Johnson wrote to him, complaining to bad
financial situation, anxiety and helplessness to do the thing he liked the most – to write
poetry. Tesla answered him:

“My dear Luka… Do not worry about finances. Remember while you sleep I
work and am solving your problems… Please take my words seriously and do not
worry and write your splendid poetry in perfect serenity. I will do away with all
difficulties which confront you. Your talent can not be turned in to money thanks to
the lack of discernment of the people of this glorious country. But mine is one which
can be transformed into car-loads of gold. I am doing this now.”

Strong feeling of ingeniousness made him so blind that he himself believed in the stories
told and written about him, that he was “a self made superman”. However, there were
also some real reasons for it.
In the article, Science and Inventions are significant forces which will lead to the war
end, published on December 20th, 1914, on the basis of fact analysis from the previous
wars, by an original logistic method, he successfully foreseen the duration of World War
I – five years.



In contemporary conditions the character of warfares is changing essentially, due to

transfer from territorial and economic goals to the level of information exchange. The
main reason for this change of levels and types of war actions is establishment of the
world telecommunication informational system, which is not possible to be controlled
totally. It is not important any more who occupied some territory, or who controls raw
and energetic resources of some country, while in a classic sense, it was crucial for the
result of each war waged in the old-fashioned way. Classical sense, from paleolithic
period up to Tesla, emphasized two fundamental components: a force combined with
political shrewdness, and heroic ethic of self-sacrifice for the war ideal, both in defensive
and in wars of conquest. Physical elimination of people was the basis of every war
process, and lasting enslavement of economic properties and control of production and
distribution, the goal of each post-war occupation.
With regard to psychology of war participants, in war territory, especially in propaganda
on the terrain, the main concern of experts was a control of mass emotions and, generally,
emotional-instinctive segment of some military force. Studying of warrior characters was
based on anthropological type parameters: ethno-psychology, people and nation history,
folk-myth paradigm, exact socio-psychological testing of collective reaction to political,
economic and ideological factors of pressure. War is treated as one new situation, a
sudden turn-over or a catastrophe in otherwise historically peaceful consequences of
events of low intensity, which, neither fast, nor essentially, doesn’t change traditional
characteristics of life of some nation.

Regarding war territories and explanations of war causes, in contemporary informational
society based on electronics, telecommunication systems and computer technology, they
must experience a fundamental reconceptualization. The main change is that the key
factor of a war process is not a man any more, but a logic scheme or a file with energetic
influence. Tesla was the one who had foreseen this exactly, so it is worthwhile to be
spoken of in details. Tesla did not considered war as a political relation of the sides in
war prolonged by physical conflict, or, as it has been concluded by a Russian colonel and
a theoretic Klauzevic, like “politics prolonged by war implements”, but like energetic
exchange of different potentials, and, in deeper sense, like arrangement of energetic and
material entities directly copied from hierarchy plan of ideas.
Tesla’s comprehension of war is so deep and revolutionary that goes to the shift of
paradigm of Christian civilization itself, based on the notion of life space and individual
sacrifice for the community, and that, with no doubt, corresponds to scientific-
technological civilization of our age and future.
Today, a lot of people believe that the theory of games, as a logic basis of war technique
will be replaced by Tesla’s conception of war as a rapid cosmological re-arragement of
value scale of the civilization in transition. Each country, whether it defends or attacks,
ruins its own tradition, destroying collective consciousness of the inhabitants.


Searching for astrophysical causes of cyclic world conflicts among the nations, Tesla
developed the theory according to which solar magnetosphere, regular cycles of sunspots
appearance, protuberance, magnetic disturbances and storms, shortly, changes in the
Earth’s ionosphere appeard by the Sun magnetic induction, are directly in resonant
relation with a human brain. Tesla has established mathematical correlation of wars and
cyclic solar activity.
Still in 1899, in Colorado, Tesla noticed the connection of human brain and
electromagnetic field. His letter to Robert Underwood Johnson is famous, where he talks
that “in scrawls of strong electromagnetic discharges he revealed the traces of mind,” or
intelligent behavior.
Modern biophysics and neurology give Tesla full rights. Namely, direct ionic currents of
great power, double induced by the Sun activity and the Earth’s rotation flow through
Direct ionic currents in the shape of nervous electric-impulses, by velocity of about 30
km/s (corresponds to the Earth’s rotation velocity) also flow through exons, nervous
fibers and neural net of human central nerve system. Solar magnetic induction and its
distrubances change electromagnetic parameters of ionosphere layer, and these directly
affect the work of human brian. In electro-encephalography it is well-known that the so
called Schuman resonances of Earth’s atmosphere, particularly ionosphere, are identical
with brain wave frequencies, in range of 1,5 – 20 Hz. So those are extra low frequencies.

Natural electormagnetic environment is changing by production of artificial
electromagnetic emitters, in other words, telecommunication and electronic technology.
In towns, a man has created a new type of local electromagnetic conditions which are still
not studied enough. He caused disorder of evolution time parameters, shortening the
intervals of development in all areas of human activity. This quickening has its results in
demolishing of classical forms of economy, for example, in substitution of goods
exchange and markets by energetic exchange and electronic money. At the world banking
level this process has already progressed. Tesla spoke just about it when foreseeing the
replacement of human warfare machines. According to him, machines will carry out
energetic discharges to equilibrium, while people will stay out of conflicts. According to
Tesla, a war appears when potential difference is great enough, and ends, when potentials
become equal. On the basis of this theory, in December, 1914, he announced his
prediction of the course and the result of World War I, which astound, not only due to
authenticity, but the simplicity of the logistics he had used.
Being stirred up by the war events in 1914, he published the article Science and
Discovery are Great Forces Which Will Lead to the Consummation of the War.
At the very beginning, he presented his attitude that civilization alone is evidently
insufficient for insuring permanent peace on the Earth.

“Whatever future ages may have in store for the human race, the development so
far would indicate as its probable fate perpetual strife”.

World War I seemed, not only for Tesla, a horrible turning point of human progress.
After the industrial revolutions in XIX century, and inventions like a motor with internal
combustion, a telegraph, long-range cannons and submarines, destructive explosions and
planes, war perspective seemed a cataclysm.

“Never before were such immense armies engaged in battle and such frightfully
destructive implements employed; never was so much dependent on a victory of
arms. Already the losses incurred amount to tens of billions of dollars. At the very
beginning, more than three million men have been killed and disabled, and for each
of these ten, at least, have been turned into nervous wrecks, which will impress their
miseries on the succeeding generations and darken their days”.

All the world over countless sufferers, torn by anxiety, ask themselves how long is this
appalling slaughter and sacrilegious waste to continue.
He started with a presumption that war is essentially a manifestation of energy involving
the acceleration and retardation of a mass by a force.

“In such a case, it is a universally established truth that the time necessary to
impart a given velocity and momentum is proportionate to the mass. The same law
also applies to the annihilation of velocity and momentum by a resisting force.
Translated into pupular language this means that the period or duration of an armed

conflict is theoretically proportionate to the magnitude of the armies of number of
It is obviously assumed that the resources are ample and all other conditions
equal. Furthermore, in marking deductions from previous wars a number of factors
have to be taken into consideration and all quantities estimated at their proper value
on the basis of statistical and other data. Supposing that, as it appears 12 million men
are engaged in the present struggle, a comparison with some of the past wars, gives
the following results:

Wars No. of combatants Duration Remarks

Year, Month
Civil War 4.600.000 4,0 Protracted by
distance, poor
communication and
ineffective arms
Present War 12.000.000 10,0
Franco-German War 1.700.000 0,13 Equipment not quit
Present War 12.000.000 7,6
Russo-Japanese 2.200.000 1,6 Lengthened by
distance, poor
communication and
nature of campaingn
Present War 12.000.000 8,0
First Balkan War 1.200.000 0,6 In all respect up to
Present War 12.000.000 5,0
Hypothetical 2.425.000 1,9 Various causes
average War affecting duration
Present War 12.000.000 8,6

Much more concordant and shorter terms would be obtained in these comperative
estimates if the records available were corrected as indicated and due to allowances
made for the facilities of transport and communication, increased power and
destructiveness of arms and other factors tending to magnify the rate at which energy
is delivered, and so to hasten the termination of the clash. The best interference is
certainly that drawn from the Balkan war, as the most modern, according to which
the term should be five years. Even though this be but a rough approximation, it is
sufficient to show that, barring some extraordinary development, this war will be a
long one. Indeed, it seems on purely scientific grounds that a conflict on such a vast
scale can only be ended by exhaustion. The enormous extent of the battle front,

owing to numbers and attendant impossibility of striking a decisive blow,is in further
support of this theory. It is also highly significant to observe in this connection how
the original battle lines, determined in advance by strategy, have been gradually
shifted and strightened, contact between the fighting masses being finally established
on lines fixed by natural law and brute force of push in defiance of military design.
The likelihood of such termination is increased by the fact that the disturbance
extends over an immense area, making the supply of necessities to some of the
affected regions exceptionally difficult.”

Obviously, Tesla considers warfare as energetic exchange within a closed system with a
final charge. According to this if a drain of energy surpasses an influx, the war ends
instantly. The way how the exhaustion of the conflicted countries will happen is very
important. Damage or lack of equipment, shortage of food, munition, metal, chemical
agents, lack of money, insufficient number of trained men or simply shortage of men are
only some of the causes for ceasing the conflict.
Those elements were for Tesla something like falling oscillation of war actions, and he
foresaw it. It happened just like that:

“Military operations cost daily more than forty million dollars, and judging from
the casualties recorded to date 25 000 men, on the average, are killed and disabled in
battle every day. At that rate only four more months of active compaigns would
result in an expenditure of five billions of dollars and a loss of life of three million of
men. This is, manifestly, too great an addiotional burden to be borne, for even though
the fighting material might be available, capital is sure to be lacking. It could be,
therefore, concluded with certitude that peace would be restored before next winter,
were it not for one possibility or rather probability, that of a deadlock, which would
be the very worst calamity, for, in view of the real cause of the trouble and the
temoper of nations involved, it could not fail to protract the war for years”.

So, the most important factor of war duration is the absence of the common sense
component, which is connected to Tesla’s cosmology and his comprehension of a man as
an automatic device of cosmic forces. This attitude he explained in a famous article How
Cosmic Forces Form Human Destinies. Natural causes of a war Tesla deduces from
cosmological presumptions of vibratory resonant processes of political and military
formation collective mental plan, as well as from the nations as a whole and the
mentioned elctromagnetic inducion process of war participants brain activities. From this
chain of war causality which is, according to Tesla, unavoidable, due to its cosmological
character, therefore it has the power of natural laws validity – only human consciousness
has been excluded. What does it mean?
If a war is a natural event, and a man a part of boundless world, the part which behaves
according to the same laws as that world does, then only non-material and non-stretching
entity, a spirit, together with consciousness and sense, is possible to influence that causal-
resultant chain which causes a war process, to remove the cause by compensation of the
consequence. Tesla is also the first theoretician of so-called “crawling wars” and “local

wars of low intensity”. Namely, controlled drawing of energy is possible, on the places
where there are no balance of potentials, and that is one of the instruments if not the main
instrument, by which formation of planetary society consisting of so different faiths,
nations, countries and cultures is controlled. And those are living people, very militant.
Aggression of people, due to the consciousness shortage on abstract character of war as
an energetic exchange, is very expressive in high civilized and high educated
environments. Why is it just like that?
Culture of one nation, whatever high it has been placed, is organized in the way of
informational local file. Extra-polarization of this closed local informational code, before
all political and economical, and then the code of language, culture, art and scintific
heritage is in connection with destruction of the same local informational code of other
nations, who also put their culture on the first place. And the wisesst colonial powers
have experienced, during history, fundamenal problem of informational file conflicts,
which showed themselves as unchangeable, even in the most primitive societies. Only by
establishment of the world telecommunication system, appeared the possibility of
harmonization of different vibratory and qualitative ethnic structures, vibratory in the
sense of audio-visual contents of cultural heritage, and qualitative in the sense of the
forms of religious and specific semantics. Let’s return to Tesla and World War I:

“Prophesying is an ungrateful occupatin, but scientific forecasting is a useful

form of endeavor and would be much more such if human nature were not so prone
to leave advice and lesson unheeded. Having made a careful study, of the situatuion,
an expert can predict certain happenings with perfect confidence. There are now onlt
three possible issues of this war: first, collapse of Austria; second, conquest of
England by the Germans, and, third, Germany’s exhaustion and defeat.
The fall of Austria is inevitable and must occur within the next few months. She
may defy German influence and sue independently for peace to save herself, but it is
doubtful that she could offer anything acceptable to the Allies. Much more likely it is
that the old Emperor, tired of life and recognizing the injustice of Austria’s cause,
will himself abdicate and recommend partition.
This may not be unwelcome to hard pressed Germany, for it will open up a way
of making peace on terms which will not be humiliating and compensate her for the
probable loss of Alsace-Lorraine and East Prussia.
The dual monarchy has maintained herself through decades as if by a wonder. It
would have been dissolved long ago had it not been for the stubborn adherence of
Hungarian magnates to a promise given to Maria Theresa and the extraordinary
popularity of the reigning dynasty, largely due to comparison of the subjects of all
nationalities aroused by the many strange misfortunes which have befallen the house
of Hapsburg. It is well recognized that the unnatural existence of this feudal state has
been a constant menace to European peace and is the chief cause of the present
upheaval. A division of Austro-Hungarian territory along racial lines will satisfy all
warring nations on the European continent. This is sure to come. It is a process
natural and unavoidable as the falling of an overripe apple from the tree.

Regarding the second possibility, it is still unsafe to make a prediction and
further developments must be awaited before a conclusion can be drawn as to the
outcome. There are many indications that Germany is preparing for an attack on
England with all energy and speed, and perhaps her operations in the east and west
serve the purpose of masking this move. The tension between the two countries is
very great, the causes of the quarrel peculiar and a peaceful solution of the difficulty
is next to impossible.
The third of the issues mentioned would mean a very long war. Germany can not
break through the steel wall in France and Belgium; her partial victories in Poland
can make no impression on the Russian masses. Gradually she must settle on a
defensive. She has the greatest load to carry and must give out first, according to
financiers and statisticians.
But with a people so intelligent, industrious resourceful and solidly united such
forecasts are hazardous. The Germans are fully capable of “making two blades of
grass grow where one grew before” and it is precisely because of this and their
perfect military organization that the danger of a long conflict exists. Such a prospect
is enough to cause the gravest apprehensions and the uppermost thought in the minds
of seers is how to prevent such paralysis of progress and horrible carnage and waste.
Can it be done?
There is a grim determination of all directly concerned to fight the issues to the
bitter end on the ground that a premature peace, leaving the vital questions unsettled,
would only mean the continuance of the existing pernicious regime and repetition of
the evil. A new and irresistible argument must be brought forward to stop the
conflict. The case is desperate, but there is a hope. This hope lies in science,
discovery and inventions”.

Considering material evidences on war as an exchange of energetic potentials, exposing

the facts of political and emotional nature,like the one regarding the reasons of long-
lasting monarchy of the Hapsburg, Tesla, in clairvouyant way, connected social
psychology, industrial production and ethnic-psychological characteristics of European
nations, carring out unusual logistic conclusions, which, at that moment, when the article
was published, defy not only data of industrial intelligences, but generally well-known
statistics of economy increase and power of the countries in conflict. Obviously, his logic
was deeper, and his cosmology defined the future of so uncertain process, like World
War I, better. If we recall Kant’s comprehension of natural law as a general principle
applied to individual case, and compare it to Tesla’s prognosis of Austrian emperor
abdication and Austria-Hungary disintegration along ethnic borders, we have to be
impressed that Tesla has comprehended the nature of war deeper and better than any
other philosopher or theoretician before him. Tesla’s main characteristic was his style of
expression, elegant and concisely given conclusions and elimination of everything that
was needless.
War philosophy comes out of valid culture paradigm, and in informaitonal sense for
enslaving one nation the most important is to replace his paradigm. Really,by this re-
progamming of collective unconscious is carried out. All ideologies which cite on sensual
reality are nothing else but the instruments of that re-programming. Replacement of one

religion by the other, proselytism, doesn’t violate the essence of religious relation in
general sense, leaves saved transcendence as violation of world comprehension mind
power, replacing only the form of that transcendence, the form of religiousness. If
somebody converts from Islam to Christianity or Buddhism, he will stay religious further
on. But if an individual replaces a religion by an ideology, in practical sense, it will,
unavoidably, degenerate spiritually into the tools of some political doctrine. In wars, men
imbued with an ideology, are the most insensitive to general suffering.
Tesla had all this on his mind when he, in scientific-technological era, searched for meta-
physical point of departure, an ontological view to which the validity theory of modern
epoch could be relied on. Civilization shift is in question which he felt still in 1900, and
for which he searched the philosophical cover and explanation. So the essence of his
efforts is to comprehend war as a natural phenomenon and to replace fundamental ideas
of anthropology-Christian civilization by abstract cosmological metaphysics and exact
ethic, which is spiritual background of Tesla’s numerous patents, technical and
technological inventions. He comprehended science universally and tried hard to
introduce ethic into scientific researches as valid components of scientific inventions and
main connections of humanistic and exact studying at all.
An idea, over a scientist, embodies in a laboratory model and in industrial production,
and then becomes alienated and begins its own action, often in a domain of merciless
cosmological dehumanization. By searching of natural casualty in the relation of cosmos
– human war conflicts, Tesla wanted to research and formulate ethic of a higher type, the
character of which would be mathematical and which would have the power of a natural
law, its inexorability, as the war itself has. According to extremely exact predictions
which he predicted years in advance, it seems he succeeded in it. Tesla often asked
himself if inventor’s work had ethic justification, when inventions could be used in
destruction purpose, for causing sufferings and giving pains. Is there any science or
invention which purpose is only goodness and exclusively good deeds? He gave the
answer to this question later. In the moment of writing an article on World War I, he still
had different point of view:

“Modern machinery wrought by science is responsible for this calamity; science

will also undo the Frankenstein monster it has created. Centuries ago an ingenious
contrivance of Archimedes is said to have decided a battle and terminated a great
war. Be it a myth or a fact, this story affords an insiring lesson. What is needed at this
psychological moment is some such revelation. A new force, a new agent, a
demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly
illuminate, to bring the belligerents to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the
folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight.
This idea, to which I have myself devoted years of work, has now taken hold of
scientific men and experts all the world over. Thousands of inventors, fired on by this
unique opportunity, are bent upon developing some process or apparatus for
accomplishing the purpose, and there is feverish activity in France, Russia and
especially in Germany, among electircians, chemists and engineers. What a genius of
nations will bring forth none can tell, but it is not too much to say that the results will
be of such character as materially to affect the outcome and duration of the struggle.

It is on this account that importance attaches to vague reports of mysterious
experiments with Zeppelins, explosive rays and magic bombs, for though such news
items can not be accepted as true, they reveal just so many startling possibilities. In
the production and application of novel means of warfare Germany should be first,
no only by reason of superior facilities and excellent training of her experts, but
because this has become a dire necessity, a question of life and death in her present
trying position.
The uncertain and often conflicting dispatches of the daily happenings received
from various sources have made it difficult to form a decided opinion as to the actual
state of things, but in spite of rigid consorship the main facts have gradually
transpired. One of these is that the Germans were the only people ready for war.
Not even the French, who boasted of preparedness, were able to mobilize on
time. The invasion of East Prussia was but a daring stroke of the Russians to draw the
enemy and relieve the pressure on France, successful but very costly to them. As to
the complacent Britons, they were fast asleep. Whatever may be said against Great
Britain, her utter unreadiness and the great danger to which she was exposing herself
by her ultimatum to Germany would seem to be proof positive that she did not desire
to enter the conflict.
Another fact, equally apparent, is that Germany, not content with a partial, even
if certain, victory, had determined to defeat all the Allies in quick succession. Her
plan of dictating terms of peace first in Paris, then in Petrograd, and finally in
London, was not adopted as a military necessity, but as a deliberate program based
on the absolute confidence in the overwhelming power of her arms. Nor did she
mean to stop at that. Her aim was much higher; she wanted nothing less than to rule
all nations.
This is now frankly admitted by many of her leading men. To most of us such an
undertaking is dumfounding in its boldness and magnitude, all the more as it is
intended to be carried through by force. But it woould be a mistake to accuse the
Germans of conceit and arrogance. They are convinced of their superiority, and it
must be admitted that there is some justification for their attempt. The question has
often been raised as to whether our further development will be in the direction of the
artistic and beautiful or the scientific and useful. The inevitable conclusion of that art
must be sacrificed to science. This being so, the rational Germans represent the
nearest approach of the humanity of the future. The Slavs, who are in the ascendency
and will lead in their turn, will give a fresh impetus to creative and spiritual effort,
but they too will have to concentrate on the necessary and practical. A world of bees
will be the ultimate result”.

Tesla’s indication, according to which the progress of mankind will bring art sacrifice to
science,opens the question of scientific creativity. Is there any specific difference
between scientific and artistic ideas, or, does Tesla’s cosmological point of view justify
differentiation of art artificial world artificial world of science and technology, when it is
clear that the world and manking are not artificial products.

Both science and art must have a point of departure in mutual cosmological principles,
but it does not deny their hierarchy arrangement. Tesla considers that increase of
scientific knowledge lessens a degree of artistic freedom,even decreases human need for
artistic expression. Deeper insight into natural laws will put, at first. Science above art,
then, what Tesla did not carry out as a consequence, will put philosophy above science.
Everything began just like that in the classical period, when special sciences were born
out philosophy, out of the wisdom of primordial knowledge. Finally, from scientific
arrangement of a society, a deterministic character of work distribution and all social
relations would arise, which would really be similar to perfectly functional system of a
beehive. This is in accordance with Tesla’s physical axiom which speaks that “all energy
of one system originate from external environment.” So, in an absolute sense, according
to Tesla, entropy is impossible, and in a sense of social structure, science dominance over
the art, and philosophy over science will realize the ideal of Byzantium political doctrine:
principle of economy, a perfect social order, directly copying cosmological laws to social
and political plan of the world state. Tesla knows that it is a goal in distant future,
Although he gives in to the Germans, acknowledging them their preferential inclination
towards science, he also notices real, short-lasting decisive weaknesses of German
attempt to plan the history.

“Germany has been foiled in her attempt. Though still undefeated, her campaign
is a failure. Many statements have been made in explanation of the sudden halt of her
victorious armies, as if by a miracle, at the very gates of Paris, but the views
expressed are of speculative character and do not deal with the real physical causes.
These may be briefly elucidated.”

The following chapters are something written most deeply, not only on weakness of
German army which tried twice, during the period of forty years, to conquer the world
(repeated mistake of one, the same generation of the Germans) but represents even the
essential determination of fundamental weakness of military organization at all.
From informational physics point of view, violent equalization of soldier individuality
and their submitting to a mutual goal is really impossible attempt for conservaion of
organizing, based on continuous increase of energy from the environment. That is the
reason why every army which does not wage a war, or doesn’t win in a war, must
disintegrate. This is the consequence of influence of the mentioned Tesla’s cosmological
Every military organization is a closed system, of adiabatic type, which continuously
must be supplied from outside (food, clothes, shoes, money..) so that within, the wished
type of organization,i.e. military relations, could be maintained. If a military organization
began, for example, to produce food and other economic goods, in order not to be
dependent on the environment, the defined relation file would be changed, the system of
values would also be changed, and a transformation into a civil society would begin.
Widely observed, civil society organizing codes are also dependent on energy increase
from the environment, and when such energy doesn’t come any more, they have to
produce by themselves and can not resist to changes. For this, the best examples are

socialist countries which abruptly were left without foreign credits. And, in these
countries, the military organizations were affected first.

“The German war machine is an attempt to substitute for an assemblage of

loosely linked temperamental and problematical units a compact and apathetic mass
moving at command with clock precision, machinelike, impassive, indifferent to
danger and death, in battle the same as on parade. Its conception rests on a deeply
scientific foundation. Every human being is swayed by courage and fear, but the
former predominates. This is evident, for life or existence itself is a struggle fraught
with perils and pains which must be met with determination and fortitude. Fear
comes from the consciousness of inimical environment and is accentuated by
isolation. When many men are placed close together the friendly surrounding and
sense of connectedness are productive of a distinct psychological mass effect,
calming the nerves and subduing the inborn dread and apprehension. On the other
hand, frequent and severe drilling kept up for years, besides being conducive to
precision and synchrony of movements, is of decided hypnotic influence, still further
eliminating individual initiative and incertitude.

Thus results a strong and healthy body which moves and acts as a unit, which is without
human failings and shortcomings and capable of maximum performance through well
directed and simultaneous application of separate efforts.
Such is the formidable engine Germany has perfected for the protection of her culture and
conquest of the globe – as unfeeling automation, a diabolical contrivance for scientific,
pitiless, wholesale destruction the like of which was not dreamed of before. It is believed
to express the highest efficiency, but is deceptive in this respect, to none more than the
Germans themselves. In reality this modern war machine, considered as a transformer of
energy, is barbarously wasteful.
Not only thus it call for enormous expenditure of money and effort when idle, but
involves a fundamental fallacy which military writers ignore, namely, the conditions
determining its performance, and therefore its efficiency, are largely, if not wholly,
controlled by the enemy. Indeed, it is lack of appreciation of this truth that is responsible
for the Paris failure.
In this analysis, Tesla applies his knowledge of tele-automatic control, robotics and
cybernetics. Exaggerated organized system of German army is not its virtue, because the
consequence of this is robotization of behavior of military units. German reactions are
predictable almost to the degree on which the reactions of feedback of the artificial
intelligence machines are foreseen. The explanation of historical falls of many great
civilizations which have been enslaved by the Barbarians are maybe hidden behind this.
Namely, Barbarians act like nature, while sophisticated and stratified organization of
civilized society often makes a mistake, entangling in many-folded and complex
developed network of its defense mechanism. If a genius has a mind which thinks like
nature, and he is a genius because of that, then Barbarians or the nations on lower degree
of social development, identify their war activity with basic laws of cosmos,must get
whenever the battle with every civilization, whose defense during development becomes

more and more complicated and due to it more difficult. This fundamental defect of all
societies on higher degree of evolution, Tesla noticed in the foundation of German army
organization, showing that what was considered its greatest virtue was nothing else but
the main reason for its failure. On the other side, success of guerilla warfare should be
searched for in unpredictable flexibility of individual guerrila actions, non-standard
reactions to sudden situation and a great level of independence on any robotized
behavior, which are the characteristic of larger military formations and state armies as a
whole. It is clear that terroristic acts arise from still greater degree of freedom and there
lies the vitality of terroristic organizations, which behave like virus microorganisms,
being active or non-active, in direct dependence on circumstances.
On the example of German-French battles in World War I, Tesla shows advantages of
French army over German army, in other words, superiority of loose subordination over
authority transfer to higher instances.

“The first of the two causes of German unsuccess is found in the admirable
defensive tactics of the French, who refused to make a stand for a decisive battle,
thus preventing the German machine from developing its full power and compelling
it to work at low efficiency. The second, even more important, was the result of
undue hurry of the Germans, who drove their engine too fast, thereby increasing
greatly the losses without adequate gain in useful performance. Had they taken more
time, which, as subsequent developments have shown, they could have well afforded,
there would have been more energy conserved and the task in all probability
successfully accomplished.
The most surprising of the facts which have transpired is that there have been
made in diplomatic transaction and conduct of the German compaign a number of
grievous mistakes, so patent now that no representations of the press can disguise
them. This is a revelation for which the world was least prepared and which shows
clearly that German erudition and technical proficiency have been obtained at the
expense of intuition, tact and good judgment.
What a blunder was the violation of Belgian neutrality, what an error the
expestation that England would tolerate an encroachment so dangerous to her
existence, that Italy would sacrifice her fleet and commerce to please the alliance!
The Germans had wonderful guns, rendering fortifications useless, and yet in
attacking France, instead of the shortest route, they took a circuitous path through
Belgium, thus losing time and conjuring new perils and complications besides. Tens
of thousands of men were driven into certain death in vain assaults in mass formation
when a few shots from these guns would have been sufficient to level the forts.
Troops were withdrawn from France to less important points at the very moment
when their presence meant certain victory. The Germans could have marched on
Warsaw and Petrograd before the enemy was ready to put up an effective resistance,
yet they delayed the invasion until the Russians brought up their millions. They could
have taken Dunkirk and Calais without great effort and so avoided the terrible losses
which this task, if at all realizable, must now involve. At present they are recklessly
venturing far into Russian territory against overwhelming numbers and in a season

when snow-storms may cut the communications and put the whole army at the mercy
of the enemy.
What explanation can be offered for these and other singular errors of a nation to
which economy is religion, which is admittedly the first in achieving success in the
most scientific manner, along lines of least resistance? Only one reason can be given
and it is one which has caused the downfall of many an empire! It is overconfidence
and contemptuous disregard of the adversaries.
Germany began the war with a blind faith in an offensive which knows no
opposition. She has learned, after a frightful and unnecessary sacrifice of life and
property, that France can be strong without Napoleon, that the rights of liberty loving
nation,as the Belgian and Servian, can not be trampled upon with impunity, that
Russia is no longer the clumsy and helpless beast of the north. She has finally
recognized what she should have known from the first, that England is her most
dangerous enemy. She might maintain herself against the armies of the Continent, but
with Great britain shutting her off from the sea and srtangling her by degrees the task
is rendered impossible.
Victory over the Allies in the west, if at all obtainable, would weaken her to the
point of danger; in the East the situation is becoming more hopeless every hour.
Germany is losing ten thousand men and spending seventy-five million of marks a
day. Her life blood is ebbing fast; in the end she must lose. The only way to win is to
crush England. In doing this she frees herself from the deadly grip at her throat and
triumphs over all her enemies.
The fatherland is now aflame with this thought and has started,with energy never
shown before, a new campaign which if undertaken four months ago might have
terminated the war before it was fairly under way. Germany enters this mortal
combat not with the cold deliberation of a military power but with the passionate
resolve of a nation animated by that one desire. She depends for success not only on
her generals but on her physicists, engineers, inventors, chemists and artisans and on
her volunteers who will offer themselves as martyrs for her cause.
She may make raids and demonstrations to trap the enemy, but she does not have
the remotest intention to engage the British fleet in open battle. What she proposes to
do is to destroy it by hellish means and artifices without losing a single ship of her
own. Unless England wakes up immediately to this grave danger and prepares to
meet science with science,skill with skill, and sacrifice with sacrifice, the next few
months may be critical for her reign as mistress of the seas. That the rules set down at
the Hague are ineffective in preventing the use of infernal devices has been already
shown. International agreements are of two kinds and may be classified under two
captions,which are: “United we stand, divided we fall” and “Circumstances alter
cases”. The provisions of the Hague are of the latter kind.
Those who would brush aside the above suggestion as highly improbable if not
preposterous should bear in mind that a great nation leading in technical achievement
is making a fight for its existence and that invention has already provided means by
which such destruction can be accomplished, while others are foreshadowed in
scientific investigations of recent years. The question that will interest everybody is

what methods and contrivances is Germany likely to employ in her cunning
undertaking and how can her efforts be met and frustrated?
In her attack upon England four ways are open to Germany: First, forceful
invasion in disregard of the British fleet; second, engagement with the fleet in open
battle; third, gradual destruction and weakening of the fleet by devices other than
guns, and fourth, aerial attacks on land and sea.
The British Isles have been invaded before, but it was in times of primitive arms.
The means of defense have been brought to great perfection, it is true, but this is
largely offset by correspondingly increased powers of offensive. The feat is difficult
but not impossible.
Strategy, however, can play no important part in its consummation. It is a case of
Hannibal crossing the Alps, a problem of overcoming natural barriers. England has a
small coast line on which landing can be effected and many places are likely to be
well guarded and fortified. If the Germans contemplate invasion it will come like a
lightning stroke. They will attempt it in broad daylight and in their favored manner of
hacking through the obstacles regardless of loss. Their frantic efforts to get control of
the coast would seem to indicate that such is their intention. Many experts are of the
opinion that so long as there is a superior British fleet in existence an undertaking of
this nature is wholly out of the question.
It is certainly possible for the Germans to establish an operating zone in the
Channel, protected on the sides by impenetrable mine fields and submarines.”

In addition to high level of technical education of wide masses of German nation, it must
be noticed that a war in every civilization reveals the things which are undeveloped,
expressing primitivism which is in peace latent. Primitive societies when they should
change the level of civilization and pass into higher level of development, resort to a war
as a defense of collective living. Among others, a war is also a form of forcing the
individuals to collective life, putting them to an existential minimum. Dependence of an
individual on a collective is magnified, and by reduction to fundamental life needs, an
individual is steered to defense of collective values. By exactly this revelation of
primitive forms of behavior of one of the most civilized European nations, the German,is
explained the violence that the Germans committed during the war collectively, and what
no one member of the collective, who participated, would never do alone. Tesla draws a
really far-reaching prediction from this, that soon after World War I will follow one more
war and even of still larger dimensions. He even predicts that it will happen in twenty,
thirty years. He criticizes in detail the role of chemists who enabled the usage of
poisonous gases, and then discusses the relation between invention and military means:

“Teleautomatics is a name suggested for the wireless control of the organs and
translatiory movements of self-propelled automata. Fifteen years ago I showed its
first applications and the results were received with an interest such as only few
inventions have elicited. My demonstrations were repeated in Germany and other
countries, but on account of the fact that Hertz waves and imperfectly turned circuits

were employed a general impression was created that such distant control of
apparatus was not absolutely reliable.
A further argument was advanced that if it were unfailing, volunteers could
always be found ready for sacrificeand more dependable because of intelligence and
judgment not possessed by an inanimate machine. This view is held by those who are
now advocating the use of manned aerial torpedoes, but nothing could be more
erroneous. A crewless vessel controlled by proper wireless apparatus is in every way
superior as a means of attack.
Large guns are now being manufactured in Germany so expensive and shortlived
that a single shot from them costs a small fortune. It would be possible to produce for
less than the price of a shot a teleautomatic aerial torpedo of much longer range and
greater destructiveness which would hit its mark every time and dispense with the
necessity of the gun altogether.
The new principle can also be applied to a submarine, and, particularly in
connection with control from great eleveation, it will afford the most perfect means
for coast defense so far devised. But its full possibilities will only be appreciated
when the use of certain electircal waves to which the earth is resonantly responsive
becomes general. It will then be practicable to dispatch a crewless boat or balloon to
distances of hundreds of miles, guide it along any chart at will and release its
potential energy at any point desired. Great many of the present means and methods
will then become obsolete. It is very likely that if this war protracted this invention
will prove of importance. Recent reports would indicate that experiments are being
made in Germany with teleautomatic torpedoes released from balloons.
One good effect of this disastrous disturbance will be a long period of peace.
This is a natural consequence of the law that action and reaction are equal. But in the
present phase of human development occasional convulsions are in the order of
things. A still greater struggle will probably come, that between the united race of the
Orient and Occident.”

As a thinker of cosmopolitan character, Tesla thought that if a war was

unavoidable,because it was a natural cycle of energetic potentials exchange,then human
consciousness could be a factor of avoiding human participation in those energetic
processes. Will, consciousness, and sense, under cosmic conditions,by acknowledging
natural laws, can be placed so that energy is equalized in quantity, excusively on the level
of electrical and electromagnetic processes. But, Tesla saw many obstacles immanent to
human brain itself.

“So long as there are different nationalities there will be patriotism. This feeling
must be eradicated from our hearts before permanent peace can be established. Its
place must be filled by love of nature and scientific ideal. Science and discovery are
the great forces which will lead to that consummation.
I have just made known an invention which will show to electricians how to
produce immense electrical pressure and activities. By their means many wonderful
results will be achieved. The human voice and likeness will be flashed around the

globe without wire, energy projected through space, the wastes of the ocean will be
made safe to navigation, transport facilitated, rain precipitated at will and, perhaps,
the inexhaustible store of atomic energy released.
Advances of this kind will, in times to come, remove the physical causes of war,
the chief of which is the vast extent of this planet. The gradual annihilation of
distance will put human beings in closer contact and harmonize their views and
aspirations. The harnessing of the forces of nature will banish mistery and want and
provide ample means for safe and comportable existence.
But one more accomplishment will still be lacking to make the triumph of the
mind of man complete. A way must be found to interpret thought and thereby enable
the accurate reduction of all forms of human effort to a common equivalent. The
problem is susceptible of solution.
The consequences of such an advance are incalculable. A new epoch in human
history would be inaugurated and a colossal revolution in moral, social and other
respects accomplished, innumerable causes of truble would be removed, our lives
profoundly modified for the better, and a new and firm foundation laid to all that
makes for peace.”

Let’s sum Tesla’s points of view on war events: 1. War is unavoidable natural
phenomenon established on influence of Sun activity to Earth magnetosphere and
ionosphere; potential difference is formed which causes appearance of war consciousness
of individual nations, because electrical activities of ionosphere are connected with the
activities of human central nervous system, brain; 2. war itself is nothing else but
exchange of unequal energetic potentials so, exact is only such war logistic which
operates with minimal number of factors, the best only a single one, which complete
energetic charge of some nation expresses as a number; 3. war is finished by
establichment of energetic equilibrium; 4. war can be avoided only by acknowledgement
of naturel laws, by conscious, scientific control of higher energetic potential discharge.
In the article Tesla’s Views on Electricity and the War, published in August, 1917, he
described technical conception of the radar:

“Now we are coming to the method of locating such hidden metal masses as
submarines by an electric ray,” replied the electrical wizard. “That is the thing seems
o hold great promises. If we can shoot out a concentrated ray comprising a stream of
minute electric charges vibrating electrically at tremendous frequency, say millions
of cycles per second, and then intercept this ray, after it has been reflected by a
submarine hull for example, and cause this intercepted ray to illuminate a fluorescent
screen (similar to the X-ray method) on the same or another ship, then our problem of
locating the hidden submarine will have been solved.”

One of his favorite topics was contemplation on energetic potentials of makind:

“The world must stop to exploit energy sources which can not be renewed, like
coal, oil, and gas. The process of obtaining energy from these sources is barbarian,
and a man uses now the supplies which belong to future generations.”

He pointed out proudly that his polyphase system had enabled a pace to leaving aside the
fossil fuels. He observed other ways for obtaining pure energy, like magnetism and
gravity, he even suggested the project for rainfall control by means of electric energy.
With regard to the fact that he had already controlled the machanisms of formation of
enormous artificial discharges he claimed that it was simple engineering undertaking. He
wrote clearly, combining imagination and skill. His friend from that time, princess
Lazarovic-Hrebeljanovic, gave the following comment on Tesla’s articles:

“Classic – yet rythmic in splendor – charged with the flow and ebb of the
measureless mystery it speaks of all – powerful immortal life.”

At that time, over a mutual friend, prince Lazarovic-Hrebeljanovic, he met Paja

Radosavljevic, professor of psychology at the University of New York, a spiritual brother
of the Russian mystic painter, Nikolay Roerich, who, in 1934, made a drawing of a
pyramid with an all-seeing eye on the reverse side of the paper dollar.
Radosavljevic would become a kind of Tesla’s secretary, through whom many Serbs and
Slovenes tried to contact Tesla.
Correspondence Radosavljevic-Tesla enlightens the Serbian community in America from
inside, gathered in two oopposing societies, pro-Russian “Srbobran”, with a seat in
Pittsburgh, and pro-English “Sloga” in New York. Paja Radosavljevic was at the head of
the first, and Michael Pupin was at the head of the second. Tesla did not participate in the
work of these societies, but, being in connection with Radosavljevic, and not speaking
with Pupin at that time, it seemed to many that he was on the side of “Srbobran”. Really,
he stayed away from both.

“Here it is how our Serbs in the provinces of America conceive You,” wrote Paja
Radosavljevic to Tesla. “Somewhere in Pennsylvania, they say how, some years ago,
all the factories had stopped in Amarica and nobody could repair them. Then they
call for You, and You put everything in order in less than a minute – and so they
work now there in those factories… The people of Lika, again, in Illionis, believe
firmly that You go to Lika every evening… The others, as well, talk that the Christ
was a man from Lika, and that the paps in Vatican know that well, and the whole
church they call Catho – Licka Church.”

Dr Nikolay Velimirović came to America in 1915; the future bishop of Ziča, called
Serbian Golden Mouthed (eloquent), due to his famous speeches. A thinker, and an
expert of Christian preaching deepnesses, he has also known world philosophy, history
and science. At the celebration of Cosmopolitan club in New York, held in 1915,
disappointed by Europe, had a great hope in America, a new center of civilization.

“The greatest American minds, are occupied now by studying and making a new
program for their New world. They are at the cross-road. They have to decide:
Whether America will be alone for itself, and the world for America,or it will be for
the whole world… America stands on climax of its power girded with two belts:
creativity and mercy. Will it lift the world upward, up to that climax, or it will darken
its vision by arrogance…”

The main reason of his stay in America was to help in solving the problems which the
Serbian Orthodox church had. His idea was that Pupin, Tesla and Radosavljević together
sign “Vidovdanski proglas” (the Vidovdan proclamation) and, by that, announce the
beginning of different history of America Serbs. He had previous conversations with
Pupin and Radosavljević, and over Radosavljević he asked for the meeting with Tesla.
Their meeting on July 6th, 1915, was described by the priest Petar Stijačić, who prepared
the meeting, according to an order of Paja Radosavljević:

“Tesla defined that the reception would be punctually at 3 p. m. in the Blue

drawing room in the hotel Waldorf Astoria, where he lived and was the oldest
ressident there. We also were punctual; at 3 o’clock, we entered the defined drawing
room, and from the aside room Mr Tesla came, tall, straight like a candle and slim.
After becoming acquainted with each other personally, the conversation started on
our catastrophe in Serbia and Montenegro, and about the Serbian struggle generally,
and then we talked about our discord in America. Dr Nikolay suggested that
gentlemen Tesla, Pupin, and Radosavljevic would sign one common appeal,directed
to American Serbian nationalities, to get along together during the war, so that they
could help their people in homeland better. Tesla apologized that he was not active in
any of our societies or unions, and that those organizations should be appealed first;
but he recommended that Pupin and Radosavljevic did it, as being active presidents
of the unions Sloga in New York and Srbobran in Pittsburgh.
On repeated request of Dr Nikolay, Tesla answered like this:
“Dear Mr doctor, I know our Serbian people, they have their views on
everything; such an appeal would not meet the approval, and there are journalists
among us who would “cut” us, the signers, by the blade of their pen. But now, when
you have come from the homeland, why didn’t you bring such an appeal to the
American Serbs from our two Serbian rulers: king Petar I. Karadjordjević and king
Nikola I. Petrović?
Tesla stuck to his decision, but due to the respect toward Dr Nikolay, he took a
copy of that appeal to read it…”

The next day, after meeting with Tesla, Nikolay Velimirović informed Radosavljević:

“I was with Mr Tesla. I am satisfied that I got to know such an unusual man. But,
on the other side I am sorry that I even tried to involve him into the things of

nation… It is a sin to dissuade him from doing his job and drag him to the other side.
I have completely accepted his reasons.”

Radosavljevic and Pupin signed the appeal, without a visible result, and Radosavljevic
suffered critics from Srbobran Serbs, who experienced this appeal as a treason.
In February, 1915, Atlantic Communication Company bought up the right for using the
patent under the name System for Electrical Energy Transmission and the Apparatus for
Electrical Energy Transmission, which Tesla acquired in 1900. This company used his
system for wireless telegraphy successfully, erecting a commercial transmitter in the
place Seiwill, on Long Island, from which messages were exchanged with Germany. As a
compensation, Tesla was getting 5% of the profit during the next several years.
The second important job, Tesla contracted in July, 1915, with the German company
Homag for the right of application of his system for wireless telegraphy on the radio
station Tickerton, in New Jersey. This station also exchanged messages with Germany,
with the station Elwese near Hanover. As a compensation, for the period July 1915 to
December 1916, Tesla got about 15 000 dollars. At the beginning of 1917, Homag
stopped to pay bonuses, because the American government took the control over this
station due to war troubles…
As a president of a new Tesla Company Incorporated, on August 9th, 1916, Tesla and
Peasure to sign one contract more on selling the license, this time from mechanical
engineering, for his last patent on taximeter, “speed indicator”, which had proved
extremely reliable in operation, precise, and were advertised as unique aerial friction
speedometers in the world.
The principle of functioning was the same as in the pumps and turbines without blades.
He had come to this discovery investigating the limits up to which there was a sense to
reduce a distance between reversible disks of operating circuit and casing lateral walls,
and observing that influence to the machine working characteristics. He noticed that
dependency between realized moment and the fluid speed was reducing, and from square
approached to linear. It was possible to realize complete linearity at sufficiently small
distance. It was clear to him immediately that it could be applied for measurement of
flowing fluid speeds, as for the body which rotated. Improving this discovery, he applied
the patents for flow-meter and frequency-meter.
On May 18th, 1917, he was invited to solemn awarding of one of the greatest American
recognitions, golden Edison Medal, for discovery of alternating current poly-phase
On repeated requests of persistent and well-intentioned Behrend, the vice-president of the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers,Tesla answered positively in the end. At the
reception ceremony itself, an interesting incident happened. Following the solemn dinner
in the Engineers’Club, the brilliant and numerous group made their way across the alley
and proceeded through the crowded lobby of the Engineering Societies Building, which
Bryant park separated from the New York Public Library. The ceremony participants
began to file onto the stage, but Behrend suddenly stated that Tesla was not among them.
There was a search for Tesla, without results. Then Behrend remembered something that
at first seemed to him incredible. He went out of the building, passed through the park

and, as he had supposed, in front of the library, he beheld a sight that amazed him almost
beyond belief in what his eyes told him, there was Tesla doing his regular evening
occupation – he was feeding the pigeons. They returned together and the ceremony
That evening, Behrend delivered a wonderful speech in Tesla’s honor, and among others,
he said something which would be repeated later very often:

“Suffice it to say that, were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world
the results of Mr Tesla’s work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our
electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead
and idle…His name marks…From his work has sprung a revolution in the electrical

Tesla answered unusually:

“I can say that I am in my heart deeply religious, although not in orthodox

meaning of that word, and I constantly believe that the greatest secrets of our being
should have yet been explained, and that in spite of all opposite evidences of senses
and knowledges of dry and exact sciences, neither death itself will not mean the end
of wonderful metamorphoses the witnesses of which we are. In that way, I succeeded
to maintain unalterable peace of consciousness, which makes me resistant to troubles,
as well as to achieve content and happiness to such an extent, that I can draw them
even out of dark side of life, temptation and sufferings.”

Still from 1898, and the American-Spanish War, Tesla tried to make the Army of the
United States of America interested in some of his discoveries. Now he got the invitation
from the Navy Department for Steam Engineering, to come to Chicago and demonstrate
his system for secret transmission of messages and disturbance elimination in
transmission. Immediately after departure for Chicago, he was informed that his tower on
Long Island, on the pretext that it had served to German spies for sending the messages to
submarines. He accepted it calmly.

“My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It
was too far ahead of time. But the sam laws will prevail in the end and make it a
triumphal success.”

In Chicago he met with admiral G. F. Griffin and represented him his plan of secret and
undisturbed message sending in a wireless way. He was asked to demonstrate the device
in operation, and after that the Navy would invest the required money. Since he hasn’t
had it, he took advantage of a sudden situation which the national company Pile from
Chicago offered to him, and he made a contract with them for manufacturing of one
turbo-generator. Since he also needed an identical machine for demonstration of wireless
transmission system, he hoped he would realize both. He stayed in Chicago in the hotel

Blackstone, where he has spend more than a year. He made a turbo-generator for the Pile
company, but their cooperation ended like many previous cases, by misunderstanding and
separation. So the attempt of coorepation with the Army failed.
He returned to New York in autumn of 1918, where unpleasant news waited for him. The
old owner of the hotel Waldorf has died and the new owners asked for paying a debt. He
was the oldest resident in this hotel, but the greatest debtor.
On Septembre 11th, he had to move out of his comfortable apartment 1021, and he went
to the hotel Ritz Carlton.
Tesla’s popularity, especially among the wide public, was increased in those years. Hugo
Gernsback, editor of Electroexperimenter, succeeded to pesuade him to write a series of
autobiographical articles, which were being published in this scientific-popular journal
during 1919. The articles were so pupular that number of copies printed increased from
20 000 to 200 000 sold examples.
Delighted with the possibilitiy of great printings and earnings, Gernsback started to give
announcements in the journal which Tesla did not like and cooperation broke up, and
autobiography remained unfinished.
In the first half of 20-es, Tesla filed a series of patents in the area of steam and gaseous
turbines, processes of obtaining hish vacuum and aeronautics.
His personal charm was irresistible, and in spite of the reputation of an unreliable
business partner, he succeeded to find a patron again. Ideas were continually pouring in
abundance. This time the victim of science was Edward G. Bud, the owner of a car
company of the same name. Tesla succeeded to make him be intersted in procudtion of
completely new car motors on electrical drive which, in the meantime, the American
army adopted for ship drive.
Here, he also had a double program. According to the public part of his plan, cheap fuel
could be used fordrive of electric generator turbine. And in such a way give the current to
electric motor. Secret Tesla’s plan was a construction of an automobile on radiant energy,
which would use terrestrial electric field. But, even that what he had decided to announce
as a conception of drive aggregates, was, at that time, utterly advanced and
technologically risky for application. Yet, Bud was a man of courageous visions and
Tesla got the support.
A colonel Rugsdale was assigned to him, as an assistant in working out in details and
projecting. The beginning of cooperation did not promise a lot, because Tesla violated
delivery terms, but cooperation continued. Obviously, what he had officially promised
Tesla worked marginally. From incomplete documentation saved in Nikola Tesla
Museum it can be noticed that Tesla had solved many problems in construction of classic
motors with a half of his attention and intellectual power.
After three years of a joint work, a pile of invested dollars and unsuccessful experiments,
a final quarrel happened, then mutual accusations of the partners in business. In his latter
to Bud, Tesla cites the laws of higher order:

“It is maybe not clear to You that I am the one of few number of people who
appear from time to time and who change the face of Earth by new ideas. To deprive

me of help which I have the right to ask for, tie my hands and bring me to
helplessness, represents the historical crime.”


The title of this chapter has been taken form John O’Neill, the writer of Tesla’s biography
Prodigal Genius. O’Nill’s work was published in 1943, immediately after Tesla had died.
World War II was considerably in progress and a part of the text referring to Tesla’s
plans of new and secret weapons was withdrawn from printing. Only in 1993, it became
accessible to the public.
When he was talking as a scientist, Tesla was opposed to wars on moral, economic and
all practical and theoretical grounds. But, like most scientists, when he stopped thinking
as a scientist, and let his emotions rule his thoughts, he found exceptions in which he felt
some wars and situations were justifiable. As a scientist, he was unwilling to have the
discoveries of scientistis applied to the purposes of war makers, but when the emotional
phase of his nature took the ruling position he was willing to apply his genius to devising
measures thatwould prevent wars by supplying protective devices. He had the illusion
that it was possible to conceive the devices which would make a war senseless. As John
O’Neill quoted, this attitude is exemplified in the following statement, which he had
prepared in the twenties, but did not publish:

“At present many of the ablest minds are trying to devise expedients for
preventing a repetition of the awful conflict which is only theoretically ended and the
duraiton and the main issues of which I correctly predicted in an article printed in the
Sun of December 20th, 1914. The League is not a remedy but, on the contrary, in the
opinion of the number of competent men, may bring about results just the opposite. It
is particularly regrettable that a punitive policy was adopted in framing the terms of
peace because a few years hence it will be possible for nations to fight without
armies, ships or guns, by weapons far more terrible, to the destructive action and
range of which there is virtually no limit.
Any city at any distance whatsoever from the enemy can be destroyed by him
and no power on earth can stop him from doing so. If we want to avert an impending
calamity and a state of things which may transform this globe into an inferno, we
should push the development of flying machines and wireless transmission of energy
without an instant’s delay and with all the power and resources of the nation.”

Tesla saw preventive possibilities in his new invention which embodied “death ray”
characteristics, and which was made several years after the foregoing statement was
written. He saw it providing a curtain of protection made of ionic plasma, which any
country, no matter how small, could use as a defense against invasion. While he might

offer it as a defensive weapon, however, there would be nothing to stop military men
form using it as a weapon of offense.
While I did not know the nature of Tesla’s plan I was convinced that it did embody many
discoveries that would be of commercial value, and these were the angles he should seek
to develop. I felt that if he could be induced to develop some minor phase of his work
that would have immediate commercial use he could derive an income from it which
would enable him to proceed with his more elaborate plans. To this end I sought to gain
some insight into his thoughts that would enable me to get a practical plan in operation.
This was no secret to Tesla and he successfully parried every thrust I made.”
From the scientific point of view, the parts of the testimony of John O’Neill, who was
friendly with Tesla at that time, are extremely interesting:
“The clearest conception I got, and that was largely from scattered remarks, and by
making deductions from them, concerned a possible manner in which one phase of his
curtain of protection might operate. This was a “war” angle and as such it did not interest
me, but since it involved “lightning balls”, or “fire balls”, I was very curious. Fire balls
had always fascinated me, and I had read everything I could may my hands on about
A fire ball is a strange phenomenon associated with lightning. Some of the energy of the
lightning stroke appears to become locked into a ball shaped structure which may be of
any size from a couple of inches to a foot in diameter. It looks like a perfect sphere,
brightly incandescent and floats like a bubble, being easily carried by air currents. They
may last for a short time, from a fraction of a second to many seconds. In this interval,
during which they stay fairly close to the ground, they may come close to many objects
without damaging them or being damaged by them. Suddenly, for no known reason, the
ball explodes doing as much damage as a bomb, if close to structures, and no damage if
in the open.
The fire ball looked to me like a gigantically enlarged model of the tiny electron, one of
the building blocks of matter, which acts as if it were just a spherical area of space in
which an amount of energy was crystallized to give it structure. I felt that if it were
possible to discover how a large amount of energy was stored in this fairy bubble
structure of a fire ball a new insight might be gained into the structure of the electron and
other fundamental particles of matter. Also this method of storing energy could be
applied to a thousand useful purposes.
When I approached Tesla with pleas along this line to develop this possible phase of his
discovery he would evade direct reply by indulging in a, not always, tolerant lecture on
my gullibility in believing theories about the complex structure of the atom. While he had
in earlier years discussed some of his experiences with fire balls in his laboratory at
Colorado Springs and explained his theory of their formation, he would not in the later
years permit himself to be drawn into a discussion of them as a possible part of his
system. This, of course, made me suspicious that the clue was “hot” but I could be
completely wrong in my conclusions. Tesla was very quick in detecting my technique
when I sought to narrow down a field by trying to get him to deny statements when he
was adamant to direct questions.

Tesla became familiar with the destructive characteristics of fire balls in his experiments
at Colorado Springs in 1899. He produced them quite by accident and saw them, more
than once, explode and shatter his tall mast and also destroy apparatus within his
laboratory. The destructive action accompanying the disintegration of a fire ball, he
declared, takes place with inconceivable violence.
He studied the process by which they were produced, not because he wanted to produce
them but in order to eliminate the conditions in which they were created. It is not
pleasant, he related, to have a fire ball explode in your vicinity for they will destroy
anything they come in contact with.
It will be necessary to reconstruct his statements from very fragmentary notes and a long
distance memory.
“Parasite oscillations, or circuits, within the main circuit were a source of danger from
this cause. Points of resistance in the main circuit could result in manor oscillating
circuits between terminals or between two points of resistance and these minor circuits
would have a very much higher period of oscillation than the main circuit and could be
set into oscillation by the main current of lower frequency.”
And further:
“Even when the principal oscillating circuit was adjusted for the greatest efficiency of
operation by the diminution of all sources of losses the fire balls continued to occur but
these were due to stray high frequency charges from random earth currents.
From these experiences it became apparent that the fire balls resulted from the interaction
of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower frequency free
oscillation or the main circuit.
As the free oscillation of the circuit builds up from the zero point to the quarter wave
length node it passes through various rates of change. In a current of shorter wavelength
the rates of change will be steeper. When the two currents react on each other the
resultant complex will contain a wave in which there is an extremely steep rate of change,
and for the briefest instant currents may move at a tremendous rate, at the rate of millions
of horsepower.
This condition acts as a trigger which may cause the total energy of the powerful longer
wave to be discharged in an infinitesimally small interval of time and at a proportionately
tremendously great rate of energy movement which cannot confine itself to the metal
circuit and is released into surrounding space with inconceivable violence.”
It is but a step, from learning how a high frequency current can explosively discharge a
lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these
explosions can be produced by intent. The following process appears a possible one but
no evidence is available that it is the one Tesla evolved: An oscillator, such as he used to
send power wirelessly around the earth at Colorado Springs, is set in operation at a
frequency to which a given warship is resonant. The complex structure of a ship would
provide a great number of spots in which electrical oscillations will be set up of a much
higher frequency than those coursing through the ship as a whole. These parasiste
currents will react on the main current causing the production of fireballs which by their
explosions will destroy the ship, even more effectively than the explosion of the

magazine which would also take place. A second oscillator may be used to transmit the
shorter wavelength current.”
Somewhat later I learned the reason for Tesla’s reticence to discuss details. This came
shortly after Stanley Baldwin replaced Neville Chamberlin as Prime Minister of Great
Tesla revealed that he had carried on negotiations with Prime Minister Chamberlin for
the sale of his ray system to Great Britain for $30,000,000 on the basis of his presentation
that the device would provide complete protection for the British Isles against any enemy
approaching by sea or air, and would provide an offensive weapon to which there was no
defence. He was convinced, he declared, of the sincerity of Mr. Chamberlin and his intent
to adopt the device and it would have prevented _e outbreak of the them threatening war,
and would have made possible the continuation – under the duress which this weapon
would make possible – of the working agreement involving France, Germany and Britain
to maintain the status quo in Europe. When Chamberlin failed, at the Munich conference,
to retain this state of European equilibrium it was necessary to get rid of Chamberlin and
install a new Prime Minister who could make the effort to shift one corner of the triangle
from Germany to Russia. Baldwin found no virtue in Tesla’s plan and preemptorially
ended the negotiations.
Tesla was greatly disappointed by collapse of his negotiations with the British
Government. With it there collapsed his hopes of providing a demonstration of his most
recent, and, what he considered, his most important discoveries. He did not, however,
dwell on the subject; beyond the single conversation he did not mention the matter again.
He did not get another chance to finance the demonstration of these discoveries.
During the period in which the negotiations were being carried on, Tesla declared, efforts
had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers examined
but the thieves, or spies, left empty handed. There was no danger, he said, that his
invention could be stolen for he had at no time committed any part of it to paper. He
could trust his memory to preserve every fine detail of his investigations. This was true,
he said, of all of his later major discoveries.
The nature of his system makes little difference now; he has gone and has taken it with
him. Perhaps, if there is any communication from beyond the veil that separates this life
from whatever exists hereafter, Tesla may look down upon earth’s struggling mortals and
find some way of dropping a hint concerning what he accomplished; but, if the situation
is such that this cannot take place, then we must await until the human race produces
another Tesla.”
At the time when physicists have already deeply entered into quantum-mechanical
processes of nuclear fission, and relativity quantum mechanics, Tesla, on the basis of his
own ether theory, really the supplemented ether theory of Lord Kelvin, in his own way
studied fission processes. From resonant induction fields, primary and secondary “Tesla
coils” connected in various systems of special cascades, Tesla was producing not only the
plain energetic structures in space, so-called “fire balls”, but also complex systems of
fireballs in dynamic balance, which were closely resembling what we today call atoms.
John O’Neill was often present to such experiments, and he himself had been educated
enough that he could comprehend their strangeness and significance.

At the very beginning Tesla was only ecquainted with destruction properties of fire balls
still in Colorado Springs, 1899, while experimenting with high voltage, as well as with
low-frequency currents and establishing the resonance of Earth and Earth’s atmosphere.
Like Benjamin Franklin, he succeeded to catch atmosphere electricity, fill his condensers
with it and control natural courses of current. In these experiments, quite accidentally, he
also produced fire balls, or ball lightinings and, more times, he was watching helplessly
how they were exploding, cracking his high antenna or destroying the apparatuses in the
laboratory. Destructive effects followed by break down of a fire ball happened with
unbelievable force. He had studied the processes which led to formation of fire balls, not
because he wanted to produce them in the beginning, but with the intention to avoid the
condition for their formation. It is not pleasant, he noticed once with a smile, to have
explosion of a fire ball in the vicinity, because it destructs everything coming in touch
with it.
With regard to the fact that he did not like to reveal the secret of formation of the fire
balls, he did not leave engineering note about it. Once, being in a good mood, he confided
the secret to John O’Neill, and he, later, wrote down from memory the following (the
unrevised version):

“Incidental oscillations, or current circuits, inside the main circuit, were the
source of danger due to the reasons I am going to explain. Resistance terminals in the
main circuit can appear in peripheral oscillationg circuits between the ends, or
between two resistance terminals, and these peripheral circuits have then much faster
period of oscillation than the main circuit, and can be made to oscillate by low-
frequency current.
Even when the main oscillatory circuit had been adjusted to the highest
efficiency of operation, by reducing all sources of losses, fire balls would have
continued to appear, but this must have been stray high-frequent charges of non-
directed currents of Earth itself.
From this experiments, it became obvious that fire balls appear from two
frequencies in correlation, when curved high-frequent wave is joint with low-
frequent free oscillation of the main circuit.
Free oscillation passes through different stadiums of changing, and when two
currents react to each other, in one of the shortest moments currents can be moved
incredibly fast, with the violence of some million horse powers.
This condition serves as a trigger which can cause powerful longer wave energy
to discharge in boundless small time interval with proportionally frightful amount of
energy which can not be contained in metal circuit and it is released into surrounding
space with unimagned fierce.”

This released energy, due to surrounding fields, gets a spherical shape. That is the way of
appearance of fire balls.
There is only a step from comprehension how high-frequency currents can discharge low-
frequency currents by explosion, to the concept of a system where this principle would be
applied, and in which explosions could be caused on purpose.

Here is the way how the fire ball production could be applied in a war. The process which
is going to be described, according to Tesla’s experiments, is certainly possible, but there
are no evidences that he developed it to the end: oscillator, the same as he has used in
Colorado Springs to send current around the Earth wirelessly,is put into operation at
frequency on which one war ship resonates. Due to ship complex construction, there are
many places where electrical oscillations lift to far higher frequency than the one flowing
through the whole ship. These parasite currents will react to the main current, causing
appearance of fire balls which will destroy the ship by explosions, more successful than
explosion of ammunition dump itself, which would also happen. The other oscillator can
be used for effect amplification by sending corresponding currents of shorter wave
Tesla was restrained in discussion on details of this project, and O’Neill stated the
reasons, because Tesla revealed to him that he had negotiated with the president
Chamberlain on selling his radiation system to Great Britain for thirty million dollars, on
the basis of persuasions that the device could protect the islands completely against any
enemy from the sea or the air, and it could also represent offensive weapons. But Stanley
Baldwin dismissed Nevil Chamberlain from the position of the prime minister of Great
Britain. Tesla declared that he had been convinced in sincere intention of Mr
Chamberlain to adopt his invention,which would have prevented horrible war to break up
and made the agreement among France, Germany and Britain possible, and to maintain
status quo in Europe. When Chamberlain had experienced fiasco at Munich conference,
not succeeding to preserve the existing conditions of European balance, it was necessary
to get rid of Chamberlain and appoint a new president, who would be able to remove one
of the main points of western countries defense from Germany and bring closer to Russia.
Baldwin did not take Tesla’s plan seriously and finished the negotiations, keeping the
option to buy.
Tesla was very disappointed with the fact that negotiations with the British government
had been ruined, and with that his hope to ensure showing of his latest and the most
important inventions, failed. He has never mentioned this, except in one conversation,
and up to the end of his life he has not got the opportunity to finance the presentation of
his inventions. O’Neill cites that, during negotiations, somebody tried to steel his
invention. Thieves or spies broke into his room, checked all his papers, but they did not
find anything. Tesla has never put anything on the paper. He believed in his memory that
everything, regarding his investigations would be preserved in detail in it.
Undoubtedly, Tesla was a person who had made great impression to those talking with
him. Although a world man, scientific cooperator of the New York Times, who was
meeting many famous people due to his profession, O’Neill was fascinated with Tesla.
This, for a long time hidden chapter on Tesla’s attempt to interfere in preparation for
World War II, and, with his inventions, establish the balance of forces, which would
make war conflict senseless O’Neill ends:

“Today it is all the same what the nature of this system was. Tesla has gone and
taken it with him. Maybe, if there is any connection between this and the other
world,which separates life and death, Tesla will look down to the earth mortals in

conflict and find some way to direct them a hint of knowledge he had achieved; but if
this can not happen, we have to wait until human race bear another Tesla, and finally,
on time, listen to the advice of such a man.”

There are unconfirmed stories that Tesla, dealing with control of meteorological
circumstances, formation of rain clouds and electromagnetic storms and hurricanes, had
produced such oscillators which could intersect electromagnetic fields appeared in
operation of a human brian and create mass frame of mind. There are many indications
for such researches, and numerous Tesla’s inventions are certainly scientific foundation
for leading of so-called electronic and informational war.


Engineering texts of visionary nature are extremely rare in history, there exists only one
text the conclusions and scientific attitudes of which are fully materialized in the period
of only one century, like Tesla’s technological manifest World System, published long
ago,in 1900, where, precisely, Tesla anticipates evolution of global informatics system.
Finally, he was the first to use the term “teleautomatics”, “teleautomat”, “teleautomatic
His clear picture of the evolution of civilization and its political resources was based
upon personal experience, on already realized discoveries of remote automatic control, in
1898, wireless transmission of energy, in 1899, and an still earlier advanced system of
transformers and transmitters.
Deep processes of adaptation of mankind and its political organizations to the world
societi in rising, are to the greatest extent based on spontaneous adoption of laws in
immanent to Tesla’s inventions. On the other hand, it is clear form the “World System”
that Tesla, almost in 1900, was completely clear that the development of technology and
science would lead to inevitable unification of the world, which Alexander Macedonian,
Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler, had tried naively and by undeveloped classic
warfare implements to carry out. Where they had failed, Tesla succeeded: Laws of
Cosmos that he had discovered and embodied in the devices all over the world, are
respected ritually and without exception as one unique informatics pattern in the basis of
the world telecommunication system. It is obvious that he has shown, with his work, that
the essence of every dominance is on the level of mind, and he pointed out to the path of
elimination of warfare natural necessity: the path of cognition of the deepest natural
principles and bringing them into conformity with cosmic harmony. Thereby, he made a
key step toward the world unification, adding up human thoughts and activities on their
mutual denominator: the world communication and informatics system.
Aspect of modern conflict, from space, over economic, made his way to informatics
level, and that is a change in quality, comparing to all epochs. He was forth aware of this,

when he, ontologically, defined war processes as non-identity of energetic quantum, and
he expressed them mathematically as energetic commutation on a physical scheme.
Since in World War I planetary energetic equilibrium was not established, World War II
followed, and wars will be waged until all points on the planet Earth suddenly enter the
state of war. Informatics type of war enables relation of feedback, which in any moment,
by exchange of information, establishes the balance of energy. Negentropic characteristic
of information, to arrange a system, in which it was sent, in the world informatics system,
gets anti war character.
Structural characteristics of modern world informatics system are typically Teslian:

Every indivudual, using different types of terminals, can easily send his, inside the global
information network.

Due to information flux, reaction speed and informatics network selectivity, practically, it
is impossible to have cetralized control of global type information, and not to damage or
disconnect the system.

The value of derived information and method of usage depends directly from the
intellectual level of the informatics network user.

He anticipates this, when he says, that advancement of communications, in the future,

will eliminate physical causes of wars, from which the main thing is enormous magnitude
of our planet, disproportional to a speed of exchange of human knowledge and reports.
Thereby, in the course of history, on our planet, disjointed centers of power were formed
with different and mutually inconsistent informatics patterns, which led to “super
plunge”, occasional catastrophic conflicts. Current persistent exchange of information on
a planetary level, will lead to a state of permanent war, every man for himself, which in
essence has to rearrange informatics world system and establish natural hierarchy of its
elements, information, and informatics networks, which is in essence compensation of
cosmic reasons of war and equivalent of applicative peace. Persistent exchange of
information will greatly amplify the number of low intensity “energy discharges”, in still
shorter and shorter time intervals, which will disable forming of great “potential
differences” and, as told by Tesla, eliminate the possibilities of war conflicts on a
physical scheme.
According to Tesla, not just the body of planetary society, but the very planet Earth,
should be understood as living being. Only then we will have peace between individuals
and the society, human society and the planet, the planet and its galactic environment.
Every living system has a characteristic that matches the energy reactions on the impulses
of the environment, while preserving its functions and structure. Problem of mankind, in

terms of ethical components of scientific and technological development, is the high-set
evolution of central nervous system, human brain, which has equi-finality. The same goal
can be achieved in various ways. What is the right way cannot be said with guarantee,
before the goal has been achieved. In Tesla’s opinion, stated in the letter to J. P. Morgan,
peace on Earth may not be, if the whole planet “does not turn in emotional being through
which thoughts shaft as through the brain.”
In this attitude hides the deepest purpose of the global information society which, when-
then, will be compatible in its organization, with significant cosmological principles of
existence, on the genesis of matter and energy level.



Many women were trying to approach him, unsuccessfully. Among them there were
beauties, Flora Dodge, Lenka Dundjerski. Laza Kostić, our great poet, brought Lenka and
Tesla together; without a result.
Tesla’s connection with female principle of cosmic existence was deeper than simple
physical plan. He was not a scientist who had learned from books,or from other people,
but directly from the collection of cosmic knowledge written everywhere in the nature.
He was not a thinker of oppositions, but of a deep union.
He had his secret source of cosmic principle of female energy – white dove, which was
his greatest love, and at the same time, a mystic herald of his end and transformation.
On the photographs from 1929, childish happy and mysterious smile can be noticed on
Tesla’s face. Great economic crisis made his each day of life easier. He dismissed
secretaries, withdrew the company, closed the drawing office. He relaxed, opened and
became more accessible. Then he gave many interviews about his habits, wishes, he was
closer to a common reader, explained many motives of his actions:

“In contrast to the majority of the people of my age, I am not discouraged and
bitter about loosing my youth. I am not tired of life, and I am not eager for rest. I feel
filled with energy. I have still so many tasks to fulfill that I can not die now. I don’t
have time. I want to stretch my life to many, many years more. Just now I feel that I
can easily catch hundred, and it should be even more than that. I think I am going to
do great things for the world, if my life prolongs. Everything I need is constant
energy and time – precious time to do many projects I have conceived. I need neither
ideas nor mental stimulation. I have a lot of that, too much. Time to fulfill all my
plans is everything I need.”

From 1926, he started to celebrate birthdays, inviting journalists into his hotel and
preparing dinner or a cocktail, talking about his newest ideas. He talked about his new
theory of gravitation, invention of the motor operating by cosmic rays, expressed his
suspicion in possibility of nuclear energy production. Newspapers wrote about him:

“Nikola Tesla in his seventy-eight works on a revolutionary project of a new

source of energy and also he is ending the process of thought photographing.;
“Nikola Tesla is astonishing fourteen reporters by fantastic new scientific

Dehumanized financial-technical order, which was spreading over America during those
decades was unacceptable for Tesla:

“We are living in an age of unprecedented technical achievement leading to a

more and more complete mastery of the forces of nature and annihilation of time and
space. But this development, while contributing to our comfort, convenience and
safety of existence, is not in the direction of true culture and enlightment. On the
contrary, it is destructive of ideals… The real cause for the fall of nations is the
inability of mankind to solve the social, moral and spiritual problems. So long as the
struggle for existence is such that only the fittest can survive, there is a healthy
development under the sway of individualism. When reaction sets in the individual is
eliminated, original effort and initiative suppressed and the creative faculties
impaired, the race gradually lapses into savagery and perishes. A similar end
threatens our present civilization…
Looking into the distant future I see a community very much like that of bees
with all racial and national distinctions extinguished with one language, with one sex,
the male, virtually eliminated and every individual working furiously to the limit of
its power… It is a horrible world to contemplate, heartless and cold without ideals,
one from which the hardest human being of the present day would shrink…”

He was giving up slowely from transformation of the age he was living in and turning his
thoughts toward distant future, our days, in which we have to return again to his scientific
solutions and respect his predictions, because of saving endangered civilization on the
The last then years, he spent in the hotel New Yorker, where he stopped, after he had
been given notice, due to pigeon feeding, in several hotels: Marguery, St. Regis and
Pennsylvania. He had problems with the menagement everywhere. He would give prize
in money to everyone who brought him an ill pigeon, whom he cured then. As little he
was interested in people, who brought him so much “cosmic pain” during his life, as
much, and with unusual attention, he was interested in pigeons, taking care about their
nourishment and illness.
About one white pigeon and Tesla’s close relation with it are talking their friends John J.
O’Neill, the author of Prodigal Genius, the Life of Nikola Tesla, and William L.

Laurence, the New York Times science writer. Later, they will call this “the only love
story in Tesla’s life”:

“I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them, for years; thousands of them,
for who can tell – But there was one pigeon, a beautiful bird, pure white with light
gray tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I would know that
pigeon anywhere. No matter where I was that pigeon would find me; when I wanted
her I had only to wish and call her and she would come flying to me. She understood
me and I understood her. I loved that pigeon. Yes, I loved that pigeon, I loved her as
a man loves a woman, and she loved me. When she was ill I knew, and understood;
she came to my room and I stayed beside her for days. I nursed her back to health.
That pigeon was the joy of my life.
If she needed me, nothing else mattered. As long as I had her, there was a
purpose in my life.
Then one night as I was lying in my bed in the dark, solving problems, as usual,
she flew in through the open window and stood on my desk. I knew she wanted me;
she wanted to tell me something important so I got up and went to her. As I looked at
her I knew she wanted to tell me – she was dying. And then, as I got her message,
there came a light from her eyes – powerful beams of light. Yes,… it was a real light,
a powerful, dazzling, blinding light, a light more intense than I had ever produced by
the most powerful lamps in my laboratory.”

Tesla admitted to O’Neill that “when that particular pigeon died, something went out of
my life. Up to that time, I knew with a certainty that I would complete my work, no
matter how ambitious my program, but when that pigeon flew into the beyond, I knew
my life’s work was done for good. Yes, I have fed pigeons for years; I continue to feed
them, thousands of them, for after all, who can tell…”
In the New Yorker he had a two-room suites on the 33rd floor, far from the street noise.
There, at the height, the air was clearer, and conditions for devotion to his ideas excellent.
Material existence has never been Tesla’s goal. The sense of his life aspirations still from
childhood has been preservation of integrity of his dreamer spiritual life, and everything
was devoted to it. Here is the explanation of his great business failures:

“My work has always filled me with enthusiasm, it was an immense source of
my satisfaction; all my works were the works of love; I have never had the feeling of
slavery, which very often press people, that mortal feeling that I have to work for
others up to the end of my life. Since I like my work above all, the only natural is that
I want to continue working it up to the end of my life. I don’t want vacation – no kind
of relaxation from work. If people chose their life vocation in accordance to their
temperament, general amount of happiness would enormously increase in the world.”

In 1934, when the Yugoslav consul in New York, Radoje Janković, delivered him
Pupin’s offer to provide him help over some companies, he refused at once:

“Please inform Mr Pupin immediately before some great evil happens, that I
don’t even want to hear about his suggestion, although I thank him… I don’t need
help, but difficulties. I work in struggle the best.”

The next year, Pupin was on his deathbed and, over consul Janković, he expressed his
wish to see Tesla. The Colonel Milos Tošić, Tesla’s friend, royal military attache in New
York, described in his recollections the scene of reconciliation.
Tošić cabled Tesla in the hotel New Yorker, described Pupin’s bad condition and
delivered his wish to see him. He asked Tesla if he accepted and his answer was: “Oh,
that will be hard”. After a pause, he asked for the time to think about it and told Tošić
that he would inform him about his decision tomorrow morning. After a sleepless night,
he agreed and the next day, together with Tošić and consul Janković, he visited Pupin in

“In Pupin’s room we found a few doctors beside his bed. The encounter was
Tesla approached to the patient and stretched his hand saying: – How are you,
my old friend? Pupin, being stirred up, couldn’t utter a word, only wept. We went
out, leaving them alone. When they parted, Tesla said that Pupin and he would meet
again in the scientific club and talk just like in the old days.”


In the mid-thirties, he tried to interest the governments of some countries in his two great
projects: telegeodynamics – technique of mechanical energy transmission at distance, and
a new weapon, popularly called “death rays”. On the occasion of commercialization of
this weapon, in the journal Liberty, dated February 9th, 1935, an interview with Tesla
was published by George Silvester Wierick, under the title Machines Will Put an End to
Warfare, in which Tesla announced these inventions:

“All devices for defense can be used for attack as well. This fact annihilates the
value of the process of improvement the the weapons in the purpose of peace… I was
happy enough to improve the implements which can be used only for defense. The
idea of these weapons will make a revolution in international relations. Thanks to
this, all states, large or small, will be unconquerable for army, planes and other
implements for attack. My invention, once it placed could disintegrate anything
approaching within the radius of 200 miles. It will, as to say, form an energetic wall
which will be a powerful obstacle for all types of attackers.”

Two days upon publishing this article, G. von Heften, the vice-consul of Germany in
New York, appealed to Tesla in a written form. He asked for an encounter and he was
interested in Tesla’s work, especially for that part where he had spoken on the weapons
for defense. But Tesla was not willing to contract new weapon with a representative of
Nazi Germany, and he only answered to his letter kindly. Immediately after that, his
contact with Russian trade mission in New York followed, and on April 20th, 1935, he
signed a contract with the company Amtorg Trading on protection of the Soviet Union
against enemy aggression, by erection of impenetrable energetic wall.
Tesla’s obligation was that in the period of four months gave a detail project with
drawings of the plants which could develop potential of 50 million volts and discharge
the beam of concentrated particles to the distance 100 miles at least, with maximal
velocity not lower than 35 miles per a second.
As a compensation, he should have got 25 000 dollars. The Soviet partner retained the
right that the whole project and built-in installation could be used for further investigation
in the area “of power transmission, nuclear and similar scientific researches,
transmutation, production of intensive radiations and everything coming out of it.” The
contract was secret and the only two countries which could know for the project,
according to the items of the contract, were the United States of America and the
Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Tesla was in constant contact with A. Vartanian, the representative of Amtorg Trading
and K. M. Narisky, the Russian consul in New York. He delivered the project, The Art of
Projecting Concentrated Non-disperse Energy through the Natural Media, to Vartanian in
May, where he explained the principle and showed the drawing of the weapon. The
project was delivered to Moscow, to the Soviet experts. A short correspondence
followed, in which they made a list of questions referring to the project. Tesla wrote to
Vartanian: “Your experts are on electricity knowledge level from Franklin’s time.” The
cooperation was broken up, and informaiton on further Russian activities regarding this
weapon got the status “strictily confidential”.
In a letter date August 28th, 1936, Tesla addressed to War Cabinet in London, with the
offer of his new weapon for protection of London against the enemy attack. Negotiations
had been carried on the whole autumn, and over the diplomatic mission in New York, in
June 1937, Tesla was informed that his proposal had been accepted and that their
representative from Canada would visit him. It was the beginning of very unusual events.
During negotiations, Tesla was constantly in contact with Yugoslav ambassador in
Washington, Konstantin Fotic, whom he was informing on the course of the situation.
Immediately after conversation with the British diplomatic representative, a traffic
accident happened, when Tesla was badly injured, and the conversations with the British
were postponed. It is not certain that the accident was by pure chance.
In September, 1938, one new contact happened with the British representatives. Tesla
was visited by general Mac Notton and Dr Rose. Finishing the conversations, the Brithish
government gave up from further cooperation.
The reports of Bliss Fitzgerald, FBI agent, are preserved in the archive of the Nikola
Tesla Museum, who had the task to follow Tesla’s work, and there are also his two letters

addressed to Tesla, in 1939 and 1940, in which he asked for meeting and conversation
with Tesla.
It is very interesting that Tesla had not negotiated with the government of the United
States of America on application of this discovery, but he tried to get the money for his
experimental station from foundations like Carnegie’s. On February 9th, 1935, in his
letter to Franco Wanderlip ,Jr. whom he wanted to make interested in the discovery,
Tesla says:

“There is no least doubt that I could get the government support, if I tried hard to
“pull my connections”. I have known five presidents of the United States well, and
two of them, especially Theodor Roosevelt, were particularly interested in me. But I
don’t like the idea to continue my investigations with the money ensured by fascist
methods, against the wish of the inhabitants.”

Konstantin Fotić was constantly informing Belgrade on Tesla’s connections with the
governments of other countries, regarding the new weapon. On March 5th, 1941, the
military attache of Yugoslavia in Washington, Marko Burje, asked for the weapon data,
which he would deliver to the Ministry in Belgrade. On December 26th, 1941, Tesla
wrote to his nephew Sava Kosanović, then still the member of Yugoslav government in

“I have produced recently a new principle of boundless power transmission for

complete defense of our dearest homeland. That power that I had practically proved,
will give to Yugoslavia horrible power.”

There are no reports that in Yugoslavia any experiments have ever been tried.
On the basis of documentation preserved in the Nikola Tesla Museum, it seems that from
all the negotiations he had led, only the negotiation with the Soviet government could
have had the result. In this Museum there are also the drawings of the architect Tithys de
Bobula, who, on Tesla’s request, had designed the building with the tower where the
plant for emission of particle beams should have been placed. On the basis of the same
documentation it can be concluded who is the consignee of this job.
The “Death ray” has remained one of Tesla’s project, which will be discussed a lot after
his death. The secret on weapon which should have stopped the war, Tesla had taken with
him. Tesla’s friend, Milos Tosic, testified that Tesla had told him, on several occasions,
pointing to the safe,that there he was preserving the invention by which he could destroy
the plane at distance. The German writer Kurt Doberer, in his book Electro-Warfare,
published in 1939, presented the aspects of modern warfare by electrical implements and
contacted Tesla, asking him for the advice and opinion. In a letter, dated November 4th,
1939, Tesla wrote:

“You have extraordinary imagination, but what I have discovered and shown
surpasses even your most horrible dreams.”

The traffic accident happened to him in the middle of 1936, brought him serious inside
injuries, and forced him to long lasting bed rest. Since he did not want to lie in hospital,
he cured by himself, by his own methods, in the hotel room.
At that time, great celebration of his eightieth birthday was held in Yugoslavia, after
which Yugoslav government made a decision to award him a monthly financial help of
400 dollars. The chief organizer of the celebration was an engineer, Slavko Boksan, who
also instigated the celebrations in Prague, Brno, Graz, Poatie, Paris, Bucurest, Sofia.
Tesla was delivered several medals and titles from these towns.
In 1936, in Belgrade, the Institute “Nikola Tesla” was founded, with the aim to study
Tesla’s scientific paradigm and develop his influence to the future of the world science,
but neither to this very day, 2009, it has started with its work.
While recovering from the consequences of the traffic accident, in 1936, he got on of the
last letters from Robert Johnson:

“Oh, if I could help you in your illness in any way. In the night like this twelve
years ago, my dear wife, who had loved you tenderly, died. Before she died, she had
obligated me to take care of you.
You know how I had tried to do so and how difficult it was to maintain a
connection with you. Call agnes to come to you, because I can’t … You should only
phone. Yours, in deep love faithfully R. A. Johnson (alias Luka Filipov).

Tesla had firm inside support in a long habit of lonely life in uncertain existence, and that
what tortured Johnson – loneliness, for Tesla was common.
Many countrymen have visited him.
He had believed in Yugoslavia still before its formation, and when it was founded as a
kingdom, he supported it as well. On the occasion of meeting with the king Petar II, in
the autumn of 1942, he said:

“I am proud to be a Serbian and a Yugoslav. Our people has the strength that
there is no power which can destroy them. Hitler will perish very soon. It’s my
greatest honor and I am glad you are in your youth, and I am content that you will be
a great ruler. I believe I will live until you come back to a free Yugoslavia. From
your father you have received his last words: “Guard Yugoslavia”. Our people cannot
perish. Preserve the unity of all Yugoslavs – the Serbs, the Croats, and Slovenes. God
bless You!”

Some time before meeting the king, he wrote to his friend Luka Kristiforović:

“I am still full of strength and hope… I look at death with a philosophical


However, the expression on Tesla’s face on his last photographs, made during his
meeting with the young king, a month before his death, shows clearly that he has
withdrawn of life struggle. Complete isolation and loneliness preceded his last days. His
death was revealed almost two days later, because on the door of his room he had put the
sign “don’t disturb”.
Tesla’s nephew Sava Kosanović was informed immediately, and he came accompanied
with a journalist Kenneth Swezey:

“On the table, unlocked and opened, there was a metal box where he held the
letters of his very close persons and some photos which must have excited and stirred
him… obviously, he was watching them before death..”

Tesla’s body was exposed in Campbell’s Funeral Parlors at Madison Avenue. Funeral
services were held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Thirty Yugoslav officers
shifted, standing vigil at the casket. 2000 people were present at the funeral, among
which famous scientists Armstrong and Alexanderson. The wife of the president of the
United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, sent a telegram of condolences in the name of the
president and her own.
The vice-president of the United States of America, Henry Wallas, long-time pupil of the
Russian mystic Nikolay Roerch, left-orientated politician, expressed the most striking:

“By the death of Nikola Tesla a common man looses one of his best friends.”

Muriel Arbus, Tesla’s long-time secretary, left the following testimony:

“In the morning, on January 7th, 1943, I heard the news over radio that the
famous inventor, Nikola Tesla, had died in dream in the New Yorker. That news
upset me and immediately I tried to come in contact with reliable sources, for further
details. That very evening, Miss Sceritt (also Tesla’s long-year secretary) and I were
watching the body in in the drawing room in Campbell, in Madison Avenue, and so
every day after it, including the day of his funeral. The face looked as if it gradually
was loosing its earthly appearance, and each day his face was more and more
transparent. On the funeral day it was the most transparent…
While I was watching enormous crowd of people, about two thousand of them
gathered on ceremonial service, I didn’t notice any pain on their faces, there were no
aggrieved …on their faces only admiration could be seen.
The casket was placed in the middle of the church and it was opened. Brilliant
beams of soft and white light were spreading over the face of Dr Tesla, which were
coming through the stained glass window. When we looked at this body for the last
time, we could see that a complete transformation has already happened; his face
didn’t look the same as on the first night after death… Tesla now looked happy… we

were witnesses not of Tesla “from this world” but Tesla spiritual – and it was very
beautiful, exalted scene.”

In spite of the promise given to the priest Dušan Šukletović who, in the name of the
Serbian Orthodox Church held the funeral service in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
that Tesla would be buried according to Orthodox tradition, his body was exhumed and
cremated. According to merit of his nephew, Sava Kosanović, collected inheritance was
transferred by the ship “Serbia”, from America to Belgrade in September 1951, and was
placed in the Institute “Nikola Tesla”. After a year on the initiative of the Institute, the
Museum “Nikola Tesla” was opened in the street Krunska, number 51, and all the
inheritance was transferred there.
The commission which inspected the inheritance, presided by Sava Kosanović, found
over 155 000 original documents, of which 70 000 were letters and over 40 000 scientific
texts, notes drawings and patents. On December 5th, 1952, the Nikola Teslsa Museum
was founded and for the public, it was opened in October, 1955. Tesla’s posthumous
ashes was brought by the ship “Triglav”, from New York, in February 1957, and today it
is kept in the Nikola Tesla Museum.
To the scientist whose time will yet to come, with the ideas that should be adopted and
achieved in future:

“I don’t work for the present any more, but for the future!”– said Tesla to the
gathered journalists in New York, more than seven decades ago. “The future is

The inventor of alternating current, poly-phase motors and generators, rotating magnetic
field, radio, teleautomatics, the inventor on whose patents the energetics of the twentieth
century is founded, has been working for decades completely isolated on scientific
explanation of cosmic processes, with the intention to unite theoretically the material and
the spiritual, in the same way as he did it by his visions of practical inventions.
Mentioning Telsa’s name today mainly associates to so-called Telsa’s coil, induction
motor and international unit for measurement of magnetic field force. Many facts about
his life and unusual cretive gift have been forgotten.
The most fruitful period of his creativeness he spent in the United States of America. He
has patented over 700 inventions in America and many other countries. Many of them are
even today unrepeatable, for example receiver of radiant energy (US patent, March 21st,
1901, no 685957 and 685958), operating principle and construction of which are not
known, except that it is not a converter of cosmic ray energy, which is possible today.
As we know, in the period from 1899 to 1900, he carried out investigations with very low
frequencies in a specially built laboratory, in Colorado Springs, and two years later he
started to build, near New York, on Long Island, the world emission station which he has
never finished. This experiment was financed by Amarican magnate J. P. Morgan,
Tesla’s close friend.

After the project Wardenclyffe had been suspended, in 1905, he withdrew into scientific
anonymity, until his death, in January 1943. He died alone, in the hotel New Yorker, not
asking for doctor’s help.
During his last years of life, he did not publish anything else except newspaper articles
and interviews. But that period of his life has not passed in vain and deprived of new
knowledges. Just then, as a mature scientist, he achieved crucial general conclusions
which would soon open a completely new page in modern science. It is well-known from
history, that whenever a scientific thought finds itself in crisis, on roadless area, scientists
turn themselves to ideas from the past, searching for inspiration and a road sign.


Heritage history of the great scientist is complex,just as his life in the hotel itself is,
without a family. He has never bought even the smallest apartment.
His best and the closest friends had died long before him, and after his death, there was a
problem concerning legal inheritance. As far as it is known, Tesla didn’t leave any
written will, and about allegedly verbal will to his closest cousin alive, Sava Kosanović,
it can be only guessed. Kosanovic stated that Tesla’s last wish had been that his personal
and scientific legacy would be reallocated to Belgrade. Although the scientist spent only
two days in Belgrade (2nd and 3rd of June 1893), his last will can be comprehended due
to many reasons. He was welcomed in Belgrade and he was received in audience by
young king of Serbia Aleksandar Obrenovic, and, in his honor the writer Zmaj Jovan
Jovanovic composed an ode. Finally, in 1936, Science Institute Nikola Tesla was
founded, to continue his work.
When he died in New York, in 1943, his nephew, Sava Kosanović collected signatures of
Tesla’s farther cousins, by which they gave up from their part of inheritance. That was
the legal backbone for Kosanović to assume Tesla’s full assets. He accomplished this in
front of a court of America, and he transferred all Tesla’s private properties in Belgrade,
after the Second World War. He donated all that to the city of Belgrade. The Nikola Tesla
Museum was founded in 1952, and opened to public eyes on October 20th, 1955, in a
villa designed by one of the most famous Serbian architects Dragiša Brašovan.
Scheme of the museum contains small number of original exhibits, larger number of
models of reconstructed Tesla’s patents, personal obhects, presents from Tesla’s
homeland, several hundreds of photos and over 155 000 archive documents. There is also
Tesla’s private library, precious for studying of the sources of his philosophy of science,
especially for sources of mathematics and phusics he well knew, but regarded useless or
A visitor to the Museum will notice the bust of Nikola Tesla at first, the work of Croatian
sculptor Ivan Meštrović. In addition to many photos, there are the personal documents:
birth certificate, secondary-school diploma from the Karlovac gymnasium, and Austrian
Empire passport, which he used to arrive in New York in 1884. There are also pictures of

his native home and the church in Smiljan, and a number of personal letters of scientists:
Einstein, Crookes, Kelvin, Roentgen, Miliken, Popov, Pupin, Lee De Forest, Armstrong,
Compton and others.
A visitor can also see the Tesla’s cylinder, a stick, a traveling bag, an inkwell and number
of little things for everyday use. The embroidered peasant’s bag from Lika holds a special
place, handcrafted by his mother Djuka, which he kept his whole life as a favorite
memory. From the original items Tesla’s circles, rulers, electric measuring instruments,
analytical balance, and one medical instrument (the emitter of high currents field for his
personal curring) – were saved.
His scientific creativity and inventions are displayed in five parts: electricity, alternating
current system and its application, Tesla’s transformer, radio transmission with remote
control and discoveries in mechanical engineering.
The group of patents in the field of producing, transferring and use of poly-phase
alternating currents, includes discoveries of the asynchronous and synchronous motors,
generators and transformers of the poly-phase system, methods of connecting circuits and
different electric switches. There is also the most important exhibit, one of the saved
original inductive motors, for two-phase alternating current, made for the Westinghouse
Company, in 1895.
A series of working models shows a genesis of the idea of Tesla’s rotating
electromagnetic field. Starting from Arago’s expriment in 1825 – rotation of the copper
plate by alternating currrents, continues with the model of the engine with commutated
direct currents and immovable electromagnetis, of the American physicist Bailey form
1887, and ending with the Tesla’s model of the two-phase generator, with models of
asynchronous and synchronous motor, which are also driven by two-phase alternating
A special layout, created according to Tesla’s idea – analog hydraulic model, serves for
more complete introduction of the physical principles of rotating electromagnetic fields
nad visual displays of the vector addition of the two-linear oriented fields and which
indicates on the mutual nature of the mechanics and electromagnetics. At the World
Exhibition, held in Chicago in 1893, Tesla showed his famous, humorously created
induction motor, whose rotor is one freely rotating metal egg. This model, together with
the induction motor with rotor in short circuits, illustrates the most important part of
Tesla’s poly-phase system. In addition to this, there is replica of the plates from the
Niagara Falls hydroelectric power plant generators. Date of putting into operation of this
plant is the actual beginning of electrification of the world. Also, a small model of hydro-
energetic system with three-phase alternating currents additionally displays all important
elements of Tesla’s inventions applied to the Niagara.
In the most interesting exhibits are Tesla’s inventions of turbine without blades, pumps
and tachometers which attract attention with its originality. These inventions have been
applied in industry recently.
His inventions in the field of high-frequency currents and high voltages are represented
with models of his oscillators and a big model of Tesla’s coil – Telsa’s transformer, by
which, for the first time in history, he got voltages higher than million volts and current
frequencies of more than tenths of thousands Hertz. Results of these experiments even

today instigate scientists all around the world to reconstruct Tesla’s coil and oscillators.
Experiments with them are announced in Tesla’s working diary from Colorado Springs.
One of these, a high frequency oscillator, with a big transformer, with voltage of 500 000
volts, is installed in the central room of the museum and it is used by visitors for
experiment with semote lighting of neon tubes.
It is hardly known that, parallel with Roentgen, and it seems even before him, Tesla got
exceptional depth pictures of skeleton, experimenting on himself. These very interesting
pictures are also in the Museum.
Wireless transmission of messages and energy is a special segment of Tesla’s work and it
is still insufficiently investigated. Beside the first tele-automat – a boat patented in 1898,
with which the era of tele-automatics and telecommunications began, there is also a big
photo of the World radio station, erected on Long Island near New York (1900– 1905).
The purpose of this world emission station, so-called Wardenclyffe Tower, has never
been fully investigated, and neither Tesla tried hard to explain it fully. It is known that it
is complex electormagnetic oscillator, attuned for emitting large scope of electromagnetic
frequencies from extra low to very high. Low frequencies concurred with resonant
frequencies of Ionosphere, atmosphere and the planet Earth.
The Museum archive, alongside of Tesla’s handwritings and drawings also contains his
correspondence with more than 6700 correspondents, and many precious clippings from
the journals and newspapers in which it is written about him and scientific and technical
problems he has been interested in.
In a separate room of the Museum, on a stone pedestal, there is a golden urn in a sphere
shape with Tesla’s remains, carried over to Belgrade from New York in 1957.
At the end of the exhibition premises, Tesla’s death mask is positioned, beside which the
words of American inventor Armstrong are written: “World will have to wait for a long
time before a mind equal to Tesla’s…”
Why is Tesla’s work, after so many years after his death, still attracting to many modern
scientists? What answers are they looking for in Tesla’s diaries and notes, what are they
expecting from studying his scientific heritage?
Tesla was not only the technological and scientific mind, but the philosopher endowed
with special insight into natural Methaphysics, whose visions of natural laws and the
principles of invention were in the same way deeply personal and deeply cosmological. If
you ignore those who, among Tesla’s documents at the Museum, sought in vain designs
of the “secret weapon” it will remain to us to explain why engineers of the “new
techologies” as well as advocates of the “environmentally safe energy sources”, are
trying for decades to figure out Tesla’s unpublished and probably unwritten “theoretical
physics”. Their goal is the reconstruction of Tesla’s thinking about physical reality and
his, today unknown, system of the scientific assumptions that were guidelines in his
work. It is known that he had apprehension of electromagnetics, different from adopted
by the university science, that understand gravitation force differently, that he had his
own vision of the structure of matter, not in accordance with valid (existing). This would
not have any importance if his experiments were not so efficient, amazingly precised and
that predictable result wasn’t often given only to him. By using this simple mathematics
and logic that is mysterious to us, he succeeded to achieve in practice, much more than

many of his contemporaries. This ability of his mind to see and think, conforming to the
nature itself, is what will always bring scientists to his Museum.



Upon his return to the United States of America in 1893, he devoted himself completely
to the problems of radio technique, remote control and wireless transmission of energy at
large distances, without losses. In Colorado Springs, he was experimenting successfully
with terrestrial stationary electromagnetic waves and wireless transmission. Although the
working diary from that period had been saved and published, the real scientific results
he kept for himself. What he had achieved there, encouraged him to promise the world
system for wireless transmission of power and intelligence. This planetary transmission
of information and energy should have been based on application of such important
inventions and discoveries as Tesla’s resonant transformer without iron nucleus had been,
as well as his magnifying transmitter, Tesla expected so much. It was a type of
transformer especially adjusted to excite the planet Earth. Still in Colorado, by means of
it, he realized electircal discharges of the intensity higher than atmospheric lightning, and
produced currents of such power that, with strong, white hot light, illuminated more than
two hundred bubls arranged on the ground, in miles around the laboratory. For Tesla, it
was an irrefutable proof of correctness of his energy wireless transmission conception,
effects at distance.
After the experiment in Colorado, in the end of 1900, he returned to New York, and
started with preparations for erection of the first station of his World System for energy
wireless transmission, Wardenclyffe Tower, which he would test three years later, with a
great success.
All technical characteristics of Tesla’s destroyed emission station are not known today,
and it can not be said for sure what its real purpose has been.



Contents of studying Tesla’s work in detail would comprise complex and deep solving of
problems in many fields. From the point of view of logics and epistemology,it is needed
to analyse his testimonies on the way by which he was inventig new technical and
scientific principles, because it might help us to reveal some new ways for knowledge

achievement. Then there would also be opened the problem of element defining and
syntax formulating of Tesla’s thought logic structure, as an inventor. If we had ended all
this succcessfully, only then we would have found us before the most difficult task,
understanding of meta-assumptions of Tesla’s original scientific-researching method and
investigation unsolved theoretical questions, which is nothing else but human soul and
practical execution of still unknown cosmological principles, a conneciton realized with
the world of ideas.
Tesla could create visual images competitive with images perceived by the eyes. He
changed the usual direction of nervous impulses in the opposite dierction, from brain to
retina, eliminated external images and substituted it with eidetic one. A man usually gets
light impulses from outside, then they travel to the center in the brain, where the
perception is formed. Tesla sent his impulses from “inside”. He called it his mental
laboratory. In addition, it was his main method of experimenting.
He had an ability (which has not been met in the history of physics, maybe in complete
science) to transfer mathematical principles of “Summerian – Pythagoras – Plato idea
world”, abstract notions into visible images, give them geometrical interpretation, and
then transfer them into a form that could be physically realized, and form working
models for realization of each device. It was his primary method. He was performing
corrections by adjusting a device for operation in his mind. Later, when this device was
made, of wire or another material, it always worked. As Tesla said,there was not a case
when such invention didn’t correspond to nature, i.e. didn’t work as a physical prototype.
His method was unique in comparison with other scientific prodigies for example,
Michael Faraday, or Albert Einstein. Tesla, who felt a kinesthetic premontion in the
moment of discovery (it was pressure and motion in peritoneum region), had some kind
of mental stress in the moment when an idea appeared. Mendeleev dreamed of the
periodic table in three dimensions colored with bright almost fiery red colors like it is in
all prophetic dreams. But he draw his picture from dream in only two dimensions.
A chemist Friedrich August Kekule had dreamed a snake biting its own tail and an idea
struck him to represent benzene ring (cyclic hydrocarbon) in three dimensions. In such a
way, in a dream, stereo chemistry has been officially established.
However, this is very rare, with few people and only at certain moments. Tesla was in
this condition all his life, and had trained during many decades to maintain his spiritual
and creative activity. This power he achieved after the bad and strange illness in his
childhood, which he had scarcely survived. Years after he persistently used to control his
nervous system, not only in psychological, but also in physiological sense.

“I believe in one God who is not described in religions”, he used to tell. That is a
philosophical God, Logos, Pythagorean God , the God of Non-Being, the God and at
the same time the creator of infinity and the creator of abstract, non-material and
non-spatial cosmic legislation.”


Tesla didn’t give us his own theory of physics, but with numerous experiments, he
created a basis for a new, resonant understanding of electromagnetism. We should bear
on mind here that “resonance” is but a “technical word for synchronicity”, as
synchronicity is the necessary precondition for any physical interaction. He considered
the World as a uniform, continuous, electromagnetic medium where matter is one of the
manifestation of organized electromagnetic oscillations provoked and described by
mathematical algorithms. He assumed resonance the most general natural law, which
eliminates time and distance, as all the relations between phenomena are established only
by means of various simple and complex resonances or coordinated vibrations of physical
sistems of purely electromagnetic nature.
Finally, instead of Newton’s integrals, Liebniz’s differentials and Maxwell’s theory lying
in his calculations, Tesla used simply the mathematics of Ancient Greek mathematician
Archimedes, first making an analogy between mechanics and electromagnetism. It is not
possible to fully evelaute the significance of such method of thinking, which directly
points out the necessity of full physical interpretation of elementary mathematical
Obviously, the study of Tesla’s heritage is not related merely with history of physics. We
shouldn’t look for technological aspects only; its essence is in miraculous human
creativity in science.
Tesla’s scientific ways need understanding and following. We need analysis of Tesla’s
evidence relating with creativity lying in the bases of new physical and technisal
processes discovered by him. It leads to opening a new way of cognition. It is important
to understand the original scientific and research methods of Tesla and non-developed
cosmic principles (relations), which are realized, with the world of ideas.
Tesla was a man, whose main philosophy and axiomatic didn’t belong to the modern
world. We can easily attribute him to the epoch before Socrates, from ancient philosophy.
It was not an accident that he was born on Balkan Peninsula. Ancient civilization
appeared firstly in the northern (Vinča neolitic culture at the river Danube – 7000 yeras
B.C.) and then spread to the southern part of this peninsula. Probably, the reason is an
endemic geomagnetic informational field, or an neurological algorithm, which is crucial
to the evolution of neural structures of the brain, that possibly gives explanation to the
creative and brilliant minds of Pythagoras, Plato, Zeno.... and Tesla.
Tesla’s physics requires a quite different understanding of mathematics, in some extent it
is sacral one in the spirit of Pythagoras who teached that things are realized numbers
since subjective consciousness and natural mathematics are interrelated. They correspond
to each other in property due to informational and mathematical aspects of matter
existing as one of the manifestations of the Divine Logos. Attentive researchers can
immediately notice that there are no infinitesimals or differentials in Tesla’s works.
Tesla, of course, well knew James Maxwell, creator of the theoretical electromagnetism.
He told (Maxwell) that his elegant differential equations are as poetry. One could find
Maxwell’s works in Tesla’s library; these works were published when Tesla was twenty

years old student in Graz. There is no reason which allows to explain why Tesla didn’t
use them except one:
Tesla discovered a more simple, more effective and more felicitous physical
interpretation of mathematical notions. By means of these original mathematical-physical
objects, he better foretold the course and results of his experiments. It is evident that he
was a man of such strength and astuteness that he could keep away his systems, notions
and mathematical apparatus from conclusions of science which were far from perfection.
It is not accidental that Tesla didn’t finalize his studies and get his diploma. It was an
indication of his spiritual independence for him, but not idleness or revolt as it can be
His method of work could turn him to the absolutely different direction. It proved that he
could control the essence of his psychic visions and other conscious or unconscious
manifestations that were the basis of his creation. In the moment when he felt effects of
impulses coming from outside, he could override them, control and analyze. He could do
impossible things. By means of exercises, which he developed himself, he got up to the
level of a man who does not depend on impulses provided by the external world, but
relies on his own inner psychic states. This essence of his genius was that things
understood by him and that appeared in his subconscious under the influence of an
external field, was nothing but a picture of cosmic processes or the same natural laws.
Because of it, he was distinctly different from other people. Regarding the rotation of a
magnetic field, with which the rotor of an engine began to rotate under the influence and
changes taking place in the external field, Tesla said, “Now I know how the Cosmos
This is the source of Tesla’s theory on people as “automates of cosmic forces.” If we add
Tesla’s prractical discovered axiom, that the energy of a system is derived from its
environment, than we will find the reason for his conviction that the entire Cosmos acts
on the principle of vibration and resonance. Finally, if we agree with the fact that all
energy of a system appears under the impact of external induction, than it will be easy to
fancy Tesla’s cosmological model as a series of circuits of magnetic fields, which rotate
concentrically. The Galaxy rotates, the Solar System rotates around the center of the
Galaxy, the Earth rotates around the Sun, and molecules, atoms and electrons rotate… All
this is nothing but a range of rotating magnetic fields, which can be desctribed by only
one law, the same law that was responsible for starting Tesla’s inductive motor.
An open question is about Tesla’s real understanding ot time and space categories. We
can say with certainty that his research of how low frequency electromagnetic waves are
transmitted through the Earth, Tesla didn’t face the problem of conjugation of force and
space, as, for example, the General Theory of Relativity. This theory has some
complexities in its physical explanation of differential equations, which describe the
prperties of curved space under the influence of gravitational forces of differential power.
According to this theory, the constantly increasing attractive force can influence time
itself, returning events back and violating the principle of causality.
Rene Decart, in creation of his coordinate system, used the same geometrical notion to
picture abscissa and ordinate. They are two straight lines – interminable in their lengths,
which he interpreted as time and space, as if there is no difference between them. Is it
possible? It is hardly possible! You know, space and time are different physical

categories and we don’t currently understood their nature. Besides, abscissa and ordinate
are divided by an angle, which does not have a special physical interpretation. That’s why
picturing physical phenomena is so geometrical and loosing the physical meaning of
geometry we risk not taking into consideration the criteria of reality in checking
mathematical hypotheses.
There is no doubt that Tesla, by means of his physical research, discovered a fundamental
physical law, which is not clear yet, and applied it so easily and with such a accuracy,
that a dilettante as well as a specialist could similarly undestand that he spoke about exact
knowledge. But, it is hard to imagine what these mathematical operations of division and
multiplication actually WERE, for example natural logarithm, or square root, taken
separately; and they played so significant role being so powerfull in Tesla’s experimental
works. Univocal Physical explanations of mathematical methods, are situated on the very
boundary, from where we can see the field of transcendental mathematics. However, it is
evident that if all physical reality can be reduced to the mutual relation of electromagnetic
fields, then natural mathematics is the only theory, which can express the essence of these
connections fairly and most effectively.
If electromagnetic oscillations correspond to the (mental plan) discovery made by Tesla
at Colorado Springs (and is still proved experimentally now), then it means that this
mental plan itself chould have the same nature and follow the laws of resonance. A
conclusion arises that numbers are some “programs” of organization. Tesla’s research, as
it were, proved the Verity of Cognition theory, by Plato. In his theory, Plato stated that
mathematics is a link between the world of ideas and the world of material phenomena.
To be more precise, mathematical algorithms and mathematical logic is properly a
method to realize ideas. Finally, all old innermost legends teach that matter is only a
concentrated light, and it is Tesla’s all-penetrating cosmic substance, Luminoferous


There is a story, several books and two movies, describing an event, in 1943, when the
American Navy made an unusual experiment to make one of its warships invisible. It was
necessary to make the ship create a strong field around itself using powerful magnetic
generators. This field should be able to change the direction of light beams as well as to
grade the radiation from radar sets and thereby hide its location. It took place as recently
as six months after Tesla’s death (coinciding with the disappearance of important
scientific documents and apparatuses from his room). The event took place in
Philadelphia’s seaport. When the generators were engaged, something unexpected
happened. The whole range of strong electromagnetic fields changed local time-space
coordinates and the “Eldridge DE-173” cruiser disappeared for some time. Then the
cruiser appeared for few seconds in another place, i.e. in one of the biggest sea bases at
Norfolk, VA, in the port at south-east Virginia’s Atlantic coast, which is 350 km far from
Philadelphia! The strangest things happened to the crew. One half of the sailors

disappeared forever, some of them went crazy or had an ability to disappear and appear
again by their own will. Part of the crew that survived, stated that they “have changed the
world” and saw or even spoke to non-earthy beings. A thick greenish fog preceded the
disappearance of the ship.
Three ships took part in this experiment. The above mentioned cruiser was in the middle,
the shell of other two ships served as a mirror. Actually, the case in point is open “lasers”,
which do not need vacuum. Beams of these lasers can be transferred at any distance and
in any medium. Tesla produced such lasers in his New York laboratory even in the XIXth
century. He illuminated the room without any lamps, just calling on the luminescence of
Let’s return to the significance of Tesla’s experiments in Colorado Springs in 1899-1900
and see, what are the real results of his work there? When making experiments with ultra
low and ultra high frequencies of electromagnetic waves, he obviously was successful in
determining the frequency and type of modulations (numerous articles are devoted to it,
but these articles are lacking of theory and contain inexact suppositions). Most likely, he
could create a field using ultra high frequency. This field corresponded to resonance
frequencies of disincarnate souls (souls which have no connection with the body) and
thus he bacame proficient in visualization techniques of the so-called “astral level of
being” for biological organisms. Calculations in Tesla’s records could seem to be
insignificant for modern specialist since they are very simple and can be understood
without additional explanations. Only the mind, which has similar perceptive ability, can
understand them.



As it is already noted, Tesla could reproduce complex energy structures in laboratory

conditions. He called them “fireballs”. Russian academician Peter Leonidovich Kapiza
also studied them, but he couldn’t reproduce them in dirigible kind without Tesla’s
resonant transformer. Nowadays physicists (Corum brothers in America) reproduce some
of Tesla’s experiments with certain success. They could create small “fireballs”, standing
and only three millimeters in diameter, but with metal powder cores. Tesla produced
“ball lightning” (fireballs) the size of a football, without a core, like they in nature after
storms, kept them in hands, put them in a boxand covered it with a lid, then took them
from the box, and held them in his hands again!!! These fireballs, or “ball lightning” were
quite stable structures, which could be kept for minutes. Certainly, Tesla knew much
more about this phenomenon than modern science; he knew the secret of cold plasma
fusion in free space.
Thus, Tesla penetrated the field, which was unexplored before, i.e. time-engineering
technologies. He also emphasized that his electromagnetic waves were different from
Hertz’s waves and without magnetic component; the length of a wave transmitted

equaled the distance on which is transmitted. In other words, it is equal to the distance
between the sending object and the receiving object, emitter and receiver, as it is in
natural enviroment. Those waves are having speed that is proportional to the distance of
propagation, or other words, they are of infinite velocity. On the other hand, Hertz’s
space/time measures are changing in opposite directions: one Hertz is taken as
corresponding to the wave length of approximately 300 000 km, 2 Hz – 150 000 km, 3
Hz – 100 000 km etc., which means that real length in space is decreasing with number of
Hertz, which are increasing. And finally we find that number of waves in time and
number of waves in space are not corresponding. That is why Tesla did not count in Hz-s
(technically, one meter of wire gives one Hz, two meters of wire 2Hz and so on.
Obviously, Hz’s measures are not adjusted to the technical properties of electromagnetic
Notes from Alexander V. Frolov: In 1932 N. Tesla wrote: “I have showed that universal
medium is a gaseous body. Only longitudinal impulses can propagate to this body. They
create variable compression and decompression like those, which are created by the
sound waves in air. Thus, the wireless transmitter does not create Hertz’s waves, which
are a myth, but it creates the sound waves in Ether. The behavior of these waves looks
like the behavior of sound waves in air, excluding the fact that the huge elasticity and
very small density of this medium makes their speed equal to the speed of light.” Besides,
there were not only circles of oscillations (which took part in the transference) but in
resonance, as the entire system was also in resonance with natural electormagnetic waves
of the corridor of their passing. It meant that an oscillator starting to transmit, almost
intercepted Ether in the space between transmitter and receiver and there it created a
distinctive field of standing waves. Generally it indicates that every natural enviroment
has it specific superconductivity vibration. Thus, a waveguide is formed at first, but it
couldn’t transfer energy on its own. Then Tesla turned on a low-frequency field and
transmitted waves, which were the lower harmonic components of the main field carrier,
in the ratio of 1:4. In such a way he could transmit energy at the desired distance and
make strong continuous electromagnetic discharges in certain zones while creating the
wall from iono-plasma. Nothing could make its way through such an energy wall without
decay on a molecular or atomic level!


It is evident that Tesla well knew and practized the phenomena that we call
parapsychology. As told above, the method Tesla used to make his discoveries work in
the laboratory has no analogues in all the history of science. There are more that 150,000
documents in the Nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade, but he didn’t leave any explanatory
description of his scientific method, which is comparable only with states experienced by
yogis or with manifestation known by saints. Now few people consider Tesla to be a
philosopher or a spiritual man. They do think he was a man who inspired physics,
technology and science. Finally, he founded a basis of a new millennium civilization with

all his life’s work. Though now his influence one the modern tendencies in science is
minimal, his role heeds overestimation. Only the future will give a real explanation of
Tesla as a phenomenon, because he went far ahead and he stands higher than the methods
currently accepted.
A well-known Indian philosopher Vivekananda, one of the member of Ramakrishna
mission, who was sent to the West to find out a possibility to join science to all the
existing eastern religions, visited Tesla in his New York laboratory in 1896 and
immediately sent a letter to his Indian colleague Alasingh. He rapturously described his
meeting with Tesla:

“This man is different from other western people. He showed his experiments
with electricity. His attitude to electricity looks like an attitude to a living being. He
speaks with it and gives orders to it. I speak about the highest degree of spiritual
person. It is no doubt that he has a spirituality of the highest level and can call all our
gods. In his electrical multicolored lights, I saw all our gods: Vishnu, Shiva… and I
felt the presence of Brahma himself”.

Through the kind services of Natalija Toots, the editior-in-Chief of the Moscow
scientific-philosophical magazine Delfis, I found out that in Ramachrisna’s mission in
Calcutta, in India, there is a big portrait of Tesla, and that it is among those who have
contributed to realization of the mission’s tasks spiritually the most.


Famous writer/author Samuel Clemens (under the pseudonym Mark Twain) often visited
Tesla’s laboratory at night. Tesla was very close to him and after Twain’s death he spoke
about him as if he were alive.
The writer Mark Twain died in 1910, and his enigmatic novel “Mysterious Pilgrim” was
published six years later. In this novel, he told about an angel who left the heavens and
came to Earth to a small Austrian village. There he met a group of boys and told them the
secrets of the universe. If we recognize the little Austrian village as Smiljan and the
figure of the Angel as Tesla, then an explanation of very strange theory on human destiny
and cosmology will appear. This theory expressed in this short story made it different
from other stories of this writer (Mark Twain). The Angel tells about the source of all
people’s troubles and misfortunes. It all comes form misunderstanding the true sense of
each minuscule events. Each of these events defines the future and links the next series of
As he considered it, people’s free will is an illusion, since all is predetermined and will
come to a predictable result. Why? Because the given human individual’s psychosomatic
structure is limited in number of its elements, from where it follows the limited number

of possible combinations or destinies (ranks of evets) and a man can switch back and
forth due to the will of higher beings. For example, Angel takes part in the event, when a
woman closes or opens a window, which was predetermined for her to do. In additon, the
destiny of this woman will go another way depending on her specific action, and will call
a new succession of events. This entirely coincides with Tesla’s idea of a man as an
“automaton of cosmic forces” and it is brought out clearly by simple dramaturgic tools
used by Marc Twain. Finally, before Angel left his friends, he let them in on the last
magic secret, which would be terrible for them to know, i.e. secret of Non-Existence. He
said that all is only a thought. There is noone and nothing existent:

“For as much as a year Satan continued these visits, but at last he came less often,
and then for a long time he did not come at all. This always made me lonely and
melancholy. I felt that he was losing interest in our tiny world and might at any time
abandon his visits entirely. When one day he finally came to me I was overjoyed, but
only for a little while. He had come to say good-by, he told me, and for the last time.
He had investigations and undertakings in other corners of the universe, he said, that
would keep him busy for a longer period than I could wait for his return.
“And you are going away, and will not come back any more?”
“Yes,” he said. “We have comraded long together, and it has been pleasant – pleasant
for both; but I must go now, and we shall not see each other any more.”
“In this life, Satan, but in another? We shall meet in another, surely?”
Then, all tranquilly and soberly, he made the strange answer, “There is no other.”
A subtle influence blew upon my spirit from his, bringing with it a vague, dim, but
blessed and hopeful feeling that the incredible words might be true – even must be
“Have you never suspected this, Theodor?”
“No. How could I? But if it can only be true -”
“It is true.”
A gust of thankfulness rose in my breast, but a doubt checked it before it could issue in
words, and I said, “But – but – we have seen that future life – seen it in its actuality,
and so -”
“It was a vision – it had no existence.”
I could hardly breathe for the great hope that was struggling in me. “A vision? – a vi -

“Life itself is only a vision, a dream.”
It was electrical. By God! I had had that very thought a thousand times in my musings!
“Nothing exists; all is a dream. God – man – the world – the sun, the moon, the
wilderness of stars – a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save
empty space – and you!”

“And you are not you – you have no body, no blood, no bones, you are but a thought. I
myself have no existence; I am but a dream – your dream, creature of your
imagination. In a moment you will have realized this, then you will banish me from
your visions and I shall dissolve into the nothingness out of which you made me...
“I am perishing already – I am failing – I am passing away. In a little while you will
be alone in shoreless space, to wander its limitless solitudes without friend or
comrade forever – for you will remain a thought, the only existent thought, and by
your nature inextinguishable, indestructible. But I, your poor servant, have revealed
you to yourself and set you free. Dream other dreams, and better!
“Strange! that you should not have suspected years ago – centuries, ages, eons, ago! –
for you have existed, companionless, through all the eternities.
Strange, indeed, that you should not have suspected that your universe and its contents
were only dreams, visions, fiction! Strange, because they are so frankly and
hysterically insane – like all dreams: a God who could make good children as easily
as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them
happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet
stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his
other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other
children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and
invented hell – mouths mercy and invented hell – mouths Golden Rules, and
forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals
to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all;
who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's
acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and
finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship
“You perceive, now, that these things are all impossible except in a dream. You
perceive that they are pure and puerile insanities, the silly creations of an imagination
that is not conscious of its freaks – in a word, that they are a dream, and you the
maker of it. The dream-marks are all present; you should have recognized them
“It is true, that which I have revealed to you; there is no God, no universe, no human
race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream – a grotesque and foolish
dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought – a vagrant thought, a
useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”
He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was

In old Sumerian notes two destinies are mentioned. One is, by human will changeable
with limitations, and the other is divine, unchangeable.
Not only physicists, who continue Tesla’s work, but all people who think about scientific
problems, agree that modern physics is a contradictory system of knowledge. On one
hand, time is relative and depends on the observer. From the other hand, it is stated that
time of a quantum transfer cannot be measured. Nuclear reactions are studied on

cathedras of history of physics. In the course of these reactins, transformation of matteer
into energy goes without residue. In Astrophysics, full transformation of matter into
energy is not possible. In his Birthday statement 1937, on the topic of energy-mass
transformation, Tesla kept the radical opinion:

“A few words will be sufficient in support of this contention. The kinetic and
potential energy of a body is the result of motion and determined by the product of its
mass and the square of velocity. Let the mass be reduced, the energy is diminished in
the same proportion. If it be reduced to zero the energy is likewise zero for any finite
velocity. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to convert mass into energy. It
would be different if there were forces in nature capable of imparting to a mass
infinite velocity. Then the product of zero mass with the square of infinite velocity
would represent infinite energy. But we know that there are no such forces and the
idea that mass is convertible into energy is rank nonsense.”

It is also known that mass calculated as an effect of the force of attraction differs from the
mass calculated from the speed of rotation of the stars around the center of the Galaxy by
means of “Doppler’s” shift of lines in spectrums of their radiation. Therefore a significant
defect of visual matter or mass can be found, and it amounts over 90%. Instead of
changing the theory, scientific schools speak about “defects of mass”. In other words, the
mass which is missing is guilty, because the chiefs of the cathedra are “the state at
cathedra”, and professors “think good and teach the truth”. Unfortunately, things have not
changed much since Galileo and Giordano Bruno.
Tesla worked on special “vacuum tube with an open tip, “which serves to transmit
particles at any arbitrary large distance. The laying was made by electrostatic may by the
lines of electromagnetic layers of atmosphere, which can be distinguished by the naked
eye. It is the layer where clouds float. It became known that a multiphase system,
inductive motor and generators of alternating current are the less significant Tesla’s
discoveries. The most important should be those which relate to his experiments with
Ether and Time. We can underline a perfectly new cosmological physics, which is based
on electromagnetic resonance of ether, and on the resonant effects of time activities.
Tesla’s main inventions are: transmission of energy at any distance (super conductivity of
natural medium), his fire balls (fusion of ether structural elements into the matter),
Tesla’s high-frequency resonant oscillator for his non-Hertzian waves with so-called
lateral modulation (a kind of mind-machines which produce the fields of such
characteristics that they directrly interfere with electromagnetic fields of human brain,
jamming brain oscillations or changing the very nature of oscillating, which in emotional
segment induces different feelings and frames of mind, as well as changed states of
consciousness, like creativity, hyper-perception, hypermnesia, up to the hyper-cognition
when “relativistic” anomalies in the area of time appear), dynamic theory of gravity
(differential theory according to which each element of Mendeleev system has its G, its
own gravitational constant). Tesla has here continued Etvesh’s works and made a series
of confirming measurements,and finally, Tesla’s electromagnetic theory, never published,
nor formulated in public, which does not use common notions like “energy”, “wave
length”, “frequency” and others, but instead of them “order curve”, “coil system

vibration”, “electric pressure”, “transmission proportion”, “ether”, “dynamic of electrical
fluid”, “tube geometrical abilities”, etc.
Regarding modern mathematics, Tesla used only Fourier’s numbers to develop
electromagnetic entities in higher and lower harmonics,because it was in accordance with
his basic assumption on simultaneousness of all parts of infinite physical continuum. It is
clear that infinity can not be consisted of non-simultaneous parts. Tesla’s cosmology is
cosmology of a general type, which relates to an isotropic and infinite Universe. At the
same time, Maxwell’s electromagnetism can be applied at comparably small distances. In
essence, Maxwell made a mathematization of Faraday’s experiments, but he didn’t build
a concept of this problem to an end. Due to the incompleteness of Maxwell’s theory,
great difficulties in Special theory of relativity appeared (interrelation of speed of
propagation of energy and speed of light). Einstein himself ingored relativist changes of
space and time with motion in photo-effect, since if energy changes together with speed,
then there is no effect, when energy equivalent to electron trajectory split out by photon is
absent. In general, theory of relativity, and shortcomings of Maxwell’s theory led to an
idea of “world line” (in essence, it is a pan-cosmic extrapolation of magnetic force lines,
which are visualized by iron filings on laboratory tables) and finally, to the notion of
Cosmos finiteness, which alternately shrinks, up to the “point,” which is located out of
measurements, or explodes…an unlikely development. It could be surprising not only for
Tesla, but also for many philosophers and scientists, Pythagoras, Plato, Euclid and others.
Nikola Tesla and his science are very significant for the modern world of tele-
communicational systems and to find a way out of scientific and technical civilization,
which needs philosophical ontology. During hundreds and thousands years, we had many
great scientists, but nobody has a temple built in his honor. Neither Plank, Einstein, Bor,
Pauli, Torichelli nor Newton in spite of their interest in alchemy and theology (Newton),
mystics (Laplace) and astrology (Kepler), none of them could convince people of
transcendental significance of their scientific views.
Christian civilization is based on suffering, sacrifice and atonement of Christ, on the
mystery of Christening, resurrection and the other world. It is full of human feelings and
emotions. Thecnical epoch under the badge of Tesla is a humane symbol of spirit and
matter unity and establishes not a religious belief, but belief in scientific principles, and
gives a discernment in fundamental laws of Cosmos. Historically, Tesla radically changes
the form of religious belief on the planetary level. That’s why he is not only a scientist
but also a universal and historical phenomenon of a higher level. He changed spirituality
of theology to the spirituality of science. Besides, modern physics already became a
philosophy of new times, since it openly works with the structure of matter, genesis of
Cosmos and, recently, Ethics.
Quantum mechanics of the Copenhagen Circle including N. Bor, W.Heisenberg and W.
Pauli, does not give an answer to the question about the structure of the main or
elementary unit of mass. The Theory of relativity doesn’t solve the problem of time
substantiality and doesn’t explain the essence of force in any concept.
Tesla’s physics relating to the real physical space or Ether, and his scientific thought
derived from the position of ancient cosmology and Pythagorean mathematics (not from
electromagnetism of XXth century) couldn’t be continued as long as there appeared other
limits on the way of creation of general physical theory, which includes events of

physical reality. After Chernobyl, all people undestood that to play with nuclear energy is
nothing more than irresponsibility without real understanding of matter’s structure. And
the tragedy of spaceship Challenger reminds us that humankind still does not have
enough experience in long space travels. It is better not to speak about the medical
aspects of interstellar journeys .
Tesla’s physics gives answers and instruments to use it in cosmology.
Sometimes expressions that we use to denote some physical notion didn’t exist in the
time of Tesla. The same is with the method of introduction of mathematical symbols to
make calculations. It gives a great benefit to a young electrical engineer, who many a
time heard that Julius Mayer never used the word energy, that Archimedes and Galileo
calculated all by mathematical methods, but had no signs for calculations, which are
familiar to us, now, Newton, who opened infinitesimal quantities, nevertheless made all
proofs by means of geometrical symbols, as well as Euclid and all other scientists living
in the period between them.
To understand Tesla, it is necessary not only to read his original works, but also to
comprehend correctly and explain the meaning of terms in his scientific account, from
Tesla’s point of view. Advanced modern science gradually begins to study Tesla’s
heritage. We do not speak about commercial or universal aspects of scintific knowledge,
but about summits of scientific thought – unknown to wide intellectual community, about
the knobs of separated net of worldwide global informational space for humankind, in
which everybody is connected with the others by the channels of planetary tele-
communicational net. This connection is made by two main coincident parameters,
conformity of ideas and intellectual level. However, the thing that joins all is a time
acknowledgements as a basis for new civilization. All early civilizations originate only
from their attitude to space.
According to Tesla, in planetary communities of the future, all energy will be taken from
inexhaustible and free sources. He pointed out that the Earth is a nucleus of a huge
generator, which in rotation, creates a difference of potentials equal to billions volts with
a slowed ionosphere, and that humankind really lives in a spherical condenser of huge
capacity, which continuosly self-charges and self-discharges. In this condenser the
ionosphere is a phase, atmosphere is a dielectric and the Earth is zero. Thus, a global
electrical process proceeds on our planet. Electrical energy does its work and then returns
to the natural environment of the planet Earth.
Tesla built linear accelerators in the form of open vacuum tubes, i.e. tubes working in
room temperature without energy losses, since while laying at target, electrostatic
properties of the target itself are used; that’s why it is possible to project, not to transmit,
any quantity of energy at any distance by means of induction. Kenneth Corum, who
repeated Tesla’s experiment in America and achieved some results, but still didn’t
understand the essence: Tesla’s particles do not travel in space as other known particles
or Hertz’s waves, but they are self-generating from inductive field like fire balls. The
question is about an original Tesla theory, which is related with cosmic radiation and was
proved by him experimentally.
Tesla’s reversible magnetic field has a universal significance. It is a mathematical idea,
which is realized directly in every echelon of cosmic being.

I seem bold to state that even Tesla’s inducive motor, the so-called asynchronous motor,
is not studied enough in its conceptual sense. Among Tesla’s inventions, there are many
mysteries that are left unstudied. There is also unrevealed the secret of rotation of
celestial bodies and rotation in general. Accelerated motion of Tesla’s egg is the result of
geometrical field change, not out of adding quantum to magnetic power. Operation of this
motor seems clear, as it seemed clear to everybody, before Galileo and Newton, that the
body weight is the cause of its free fall, that two kilograms of iron must fall faster than
one kilogram.


 in radio engineering there are some transmissions on the same frequency, which
cannot be jammed (Twenty unused Tesla patents);

 in the structure of matter, “I used to split the atoms, without relesing any energy”
– it is Tesla’s statement of 1933;

 concerning attractive forces, there is a model of Tesla’s gravitaional motor with a

tin engine and glass stator, which only works once a year under the influence of
certain planetary arrangements;

 in the theory of Ether (matter is structured from ether and dissolves in ether again
following simple mathematical laws, but if generated energy is more than the
dissolved one, then cosmic catastrophes take place);

 Tesla’s medical devices have been left almost unstudied;

 and on the influence of low-frequency waves on the brain’s operation and

thought/memory processes, we can only guess. All of these have been left
unstudied and far too often, ignored.

Tesla’s attitude to the concepts of Buddhism is that “I” is illusionary.

“Really, we are something different, like waves in subjective time and space, and
when these waves disappear, nothing remains from us. There is no personality. We
cannot saw that waves in the ocean have individuality. There is only an illusionary
sequence of waves, which go one after another. We are not the same that was
yesterday; I am only a sequence of relatively existences, which are not similar. This

sequence is that thing, which create an effect of continuity, but not my subjective and
mistaken understanding of my real life.”

I cannot imagine Tesla smiling. I see him sad, since I seem in him what a man could
accomplish, when he gave all his essence to the power of natural laws.



“Long before discovery of radio-activity, after years and years of deep thinking, I came to
a conclusion that firm matter doesn’t contain any other energy, except the one was
received or is received from outer medium.
Still at the beginning of XIX century it was completely clear that every motion on Earth
had been caused by Sun and that the energy of all terrestrial bodies, including The Earth
itself, originates from that source. Widely explaining this attitude from philosophical
point of view, I observed development of primary matter from ether, that primary
substance which permeates Universe. There are evidence that this process goes on
continuously, and in such a way that at the same time the matter dissolves in ether. Htat is
in connection with rotations similar to winding and unwinding of the clock; my
fundamental discovery which I intend to announce in near future showed that the first of
these operations exceeds the other. I want to say that in Cosmos, slowly, but stably
increases the amount of appeared matter and its energy, opposite to classical theory of
Lord Kelvin, otherwise generally accepted as one of great truths of science.”
I had studied available documets on Killy’s experiments, until I came out to Einstein’s
lecture on ether, held in 1920, in Holland town Leiden. Having studied sharp relativistic
arguments against ether existence I comprehended at once that just by final and official
rejecting of ether in physics, science of matter, space and time, a serious mistake had
been made. Up to then, scinetists had tried to define ether, to explain it and give its
physical model. By adopting relativity as ing the main physical theory, notions of matter
and space had lost their main notion connection. Why? Simply because matter and space
have the same ontology, they can not be completely separated, neither theoretically nor
practically,because something like “non-spacious matter”– doesn’t exist. So, in the theory
which follows reality, matter and space must always go together. The real solution of the
relation matter-space is finding their mutual common name. Until then, the question
about the real nature of ether will stay unanswered. Ether is nothing else but very fluid
matter or “ponderable space”, or space with determined material characteristics.
Eliminating ether conception out of theoretical psysics, Einstein enabled himself to
comprehend the relation of space and matter well, which produced unbridged difficulties
in general theory of reletivity, like “singularity”, cosmological concept of infinity, which
does not have physical sense, and Einstein’s unsuccessful attempt to replace logica-

mathematical procedure of gravity forces by curved-line space and motion of natural
cosmic bodies reduce to pure goemetry. Although his idea was good in the basis, Einstein
hasn’t finished it and did not make physical line of time from Euclid’s cosmology
Elements. He did not comprehend that Euclid’s geometry was not a simple mathematical
system, but operational philosophy of beings, strictly mathematically formulated Plato’s
idea philosophy…
Einstein’s thought was positive, did not go deeper than mathematical play of an observer
and sense, that’s why he did not succeed to realize his life’s deam, to explain the world
by unique field theory, which should have united all natural phenomena. According to
my opinion, the key obstacle for Einstein was his conviction that time really does not
exist and so he could not put into connection ontology, mathematics and physics,
fundamental notions of beings, points, number and time.
Unfortunately, in 1920, Einstein himself clamed that ether did not exist. Until that
moment physics has been opened for philosophical thinking. Eliminating ether out of
physics, Einstein broke the notion connection of space and matter (matter is a normative
notion for space, necessarly includes space), and confirming that that time does not, that
time is “only what we see on the clock”, Einstein had separated physics from
metaphysics, or separated changeable world of science from eternal world of principles.
Discovery of natural laws can not be explained by characteristics of a scientist’s
personality, neither by his intelligence,nor his invested effort and sense properties.
Scientific laws have cosmic, objective character and once being discovered and
formulated mathematically, they act completely independent on any psychological
characteristics of a scientist. A scientist is only a “permeable canal” for ideas. If in that
canal the scientist himself places the obstacles due to his wrong-directed will, that the
consequence of that will be that a being reveals the secret to somebody else, gifted with
higher degree of psychical freedom.
Cosmic truth is received directly, as a gift, and that what demands men’s time and work
is the formulation, translation into the language understandable to everybody.
Obviously, the Nature itslef stays constantly the same, but science is changing.


Resonance is simultaneous, and if we alternate the periods of oscillations of electrical

contour, then geometrical pictures of magnetic field distribution will change and the
generator is set in motion only under the influence of temporary factor. Motion is a result
of asynchronism, i.e. motion appears as sinchronicity conservation effect. It proves the
fact that it is possible to obtain the change in speed of an engine and thereby its mass
without an additional impulse, what means without an additional force. Tesla’s reversible
magnetic field is proof of this fact, isn’t it?

Isn’t Tesla’s reversible magnetic field one evidence more to the claim of academician N.
A. Koziryev that time is that unique and fundamental general cosmic power?
Tesla wrote from Colorado Springs to his New York friend Johnson that he found a
thought in a “scribble” of high-frequency electromagnetic discharge and soon Johnson
would be able to read his poetry personally to Homer, whereas Tesla would discuss his
discoveries with Archimedes. In the same way, we can find a detailed description of
“green” electromagnetic waves in his research journal. These waves looked like a fog,
which appeared when the warship in Philadelphia disappeared. When Tesla returned to
Colorado Springs, he told journalists that he made a connection with exrtaterrestrial
civilizations. Few people regarded this claim seriously, however, there is evidence that
Tesla continued his research on “parallel worlds” alone and silenty without publishing
the results. To all appearances, he made a device to tune the electormagnetic oscillaions
of his own brain, in other words, to control his mental activity. Thus, he could
communicate with realities displaced in time (parallel words) without any problems.
This research open a new page for modern science. It shows a possibility to merge
material and spiritual aspects in human consciousness (matter and spirit in nature are
already merged). Tesla had an ability to develop both directions of uniform science. He
studied the physical basis of mind and the mental basis of physics with the same success.
He came to the general concludion that matter consists of organized parts, which are
manifestations of Ether in its excited state. One of these manifestations is electromagnetic
oscillation and the possibiliy of its shifting. That’s why resonance is generally natural law
and it’s of time nature, too. A connection between phenomena is provided by resonance
of a different kind. Electormagnetism is the basis for these resonances. Needless to say
that on one hand, if physical reality can be reduced to the interrelation of electromagnetic
fields, then mathematics is a theoretical expression for these relations. On the other hand,
if electromagnetic oscillations interact with the mental plan, which has the same nature,
then numbers are some reflections of the organizational structure of electromagnetic
fields. Tesla’s investigations are the first unrevokable and clear step in explanation and
application of true Plato’s dictrine where it is said that mathematics is a connection
between the world of ideas and the world of material phenomena. More precisely:
mathematical algorithms (inherent logics of mathematics) are methods of idea incarnation
into physical objects. Finally, as all old (and new) mystic traditions united say: the matter
is only condensed light.
Tesla has believed that that all universe is alive and that people are automatic machines
who behave according to cosmis laws. He also considered that human brain does not
have the property to memorize in the sense it is expected, but that memory is only a
reaction of human nerves to repeated external stimulus. More important is that somebody,
with more than thousand fundamental scientific inventions, doesn’t attribute invention
and merit to himself, but explicitly declares that he acts the role of a science conductor,
from the world of ideas to the world of human practice.
He firmly believed in reincarnation. Tesla’s death itself was a kind of his personal
ceremony and looked more like conscious moving of the soul into the other level of
existence than a death of a man, confused and scared before self-release. Two days before
the moment of discarnation, he stopped to work and close himself into the hotel room,
asking not to be disturbed. When the hotel menager and the room-maid finally entered,

they found him elegantly dressed, lying dead, his arms crossed on his breasts, completely
ready for departure. He had double funeral, a Christian and a Buddhist (after the first
funeral, he had one more, he was burnt). Tesla’s nephew Sava Kosanović and Croatian
vice-roy Ivan Subasic, exhumated him, and in peace took him to another cemetery, where
there was a crematory and burnt him.
I personally believe that mathematical and physical truth, or rather geometrical and
arithmetical phenomena, should join and become the basis of uniform Cosmology; we
should take into consideration that now we are staying on the threshold of this
Cosmology. Somebody calls it “New science” but “Uniform science” is more appropriate
term, because uniform laws make the basis of our Cosmos. In fact, Uniform Science is
the Science of Time.
Tesla’s electromagnetic theory was an apt illustration of unification of material and
spiritual origins of world organization. Possibly, he could leave us a religion but he didn’t
want to do it. He knew that God in science needs conscientious followers.
Studying of Tesla is not only a scientific question, in his work it should not be searched
primarily for technological solutions. Tesla is practically (“Louminoferous Ether”) just
the same as Euclid (“Point is which has no parts”) in theory, a link of western and eastern
civilization. On his work a new spirituality of man can be founded, a man who will
conprehend time (which is completely non-material and represents only the influence of
mathematical laws but exists) and protrude into more perfect levels of cosmic existence.
That is according to my investiogation, a real message of Telsa’s work and that is the
reason why only today the time has come for adequate understanding and exploitation of
Tesla’s earthly mission.


Dynamo theory of Earth as a rotating magnet producing electricity was questioned even
by Pierre Curie (Curie’s point) who showed that a magnet loses its magnetic
characteristics when heated. The Earth has a boiling core, so the Earth’s magnetism can
not originate from ferrometal in its core. The Physicist Jovan Đurić performed a
fundamental experiment proving that the magnetism derives from gravitation. Starting
from an obvious fact that during unequal distribution of masses, the celestial body’s
center of mass does not match its gravitational center, he assumed that as matching of the
magnetic and mass moments of Earth. Then he performed a genial experiment where
needles made of non-magnetic materials (wood), were oriented along North-South axis,
just like the needles on a compass , based on inequality of masses of wooden needles.
Đurić has then corrected Maxwell, who relied on Gauss and made symmetric the
Maxwell’s equations.
Let’s take a look at differential form of Gauss magnetism law:

 x B = 0

where  represents divergence, and B magnetic field.

For divergence B (of magnetic field) Đurić determined that this is not zero, and that the
vector operator of “separation” –  (divergence), is pure Gaussian mathematical
abstraction, without any physical (experimental) proof.
According to Gauss, there is no magnetism inside the body and therefore the divergence
of B is zero, and if the B divergence is not zero, then Maxwell-Đurić equations shall be
valid, and not the Maxwell ones, as stated in their original form. And how the magnetic
field B can be zero, when the electrons inside the body are magnetic? And why zero for
Gauss? Therefore, if that wasn’t zero, a surplus of magnetic effect would follow. That
“surplus” has been calculated by Đurić as gravitation and his experiment with North-
South orientation of “unequally distributed wooden masses” shows that without any
doubt. Bigger mass turns towards the South. Đurić expresses the internal magnetism of a
body (which is not zero as in Gauss and Maxwell) mathematically, as a mass moment and
receives correct calculation also for the magnetism and for the mass, and for the
gravitation. This is going to soon become a hot topic in the world of science, because it is
a kind of Copernican turn in understanding unity of natural forces. The total Đurić’s
theory derives from relocating of the origin of coordinate system from the center of mass
to the center of body’s own gravity, so that the center of the mass shall be separated from
the gravity center, as is the case in natural bodies – due to unequal mass distribution, and
those points do not match. Đurić has done the same in electromagnetics as Copernicus
did in Celestial Mechanics, changed the origin of coordinate system, with huge
consequences for the micro-world. (As we know, the Copernican turn in science is name
for the relocation of the origin of coordinates from Earth to the Sun).
We shall remind you here that there are also Tesla’s linear accelerators in the form of
open vacuum pipes, i.e. the pipes working on room temperature, and the energy beam
from which does not scatter, because it does not travel through space, but is guided by
electrostatic characteristics of the target, so that one can transfer any quantity of energy
based on induction through any distance. Those are famous Tesla’s “Rays of Death”,
made modeled upon the Sun’s functioning. Kenneth L. Corum, who repeated Tesla’s
experiment in America achieving the same effects, still hasn’t grasped the essential point:
Tesla’s particles do not travel through space like balls or Hertz waves, but they result
from induction fields, just like his already mentioned “fire balls”. This is about Tesla’s
original theory of cosmic radiation, which he also proved experimentally.
Tesla’s rotating magnetic field has universal validity. Simply, this is one truth deeper
than human gnoseology and human sensitivity, the truth of mathematical type, the idea of
which is directly implemented in each instance of the Cosmic Being.
Tesla considered as true the Buddha’s idea about “self” as an illusion. “Really” he
used to say, “We are nothing else but the waves in subjective space and time, and when
those waves are gone, behind our material selves remains nothing… There is no space-
mass individuality. There is only illusionary sequence of waves one after another. You
are not the same person you used to be yesterday, and I am just a sequence of

approximate existences, not completely the same ones. This chain is what creates the
effect of durability, similar to mobility of a picture, and not my subjective and wrong
notion about my real life.”
Imagining Tesla, I do not see him smiling, but sad, due to the things people are doing to
themselves, in their immense subordination to unknown natural forces.


1. Why did I wish to conceptualize the Universe?

On November 11, 1976 when I arrived from Ljubljana by train in the port city of Rijeka,
it was already evening, clear and cold, without wind, the sea was completely calm,
bonazza. Without thinking for too long I entered the bus to Opatija, just to escape the city
buzz. I was the only traveler. Some twenty minutes later I found myself on empty Opatija
sea beach. Wandering alongside the shore in search for accommodation, I chose the first
open and illuminated hotel. I drank one Campari in the bar, and went straight to my
room. I closed the door, lit the light and all of a sudden felt an inflow of enormous “living
force” in my organism. First the stomach, and then all the other muscles have started
spontaneously to contract and relax hard and fast, and into my consciousness entered
amazingly new, but completely staid thoughts, crystal clear and so striking that I can even
now recall them in detail.
At that time I was a poet and movie director, a collaborator of Belgrade Television and I
have always had a notepad and a bunch of papers for mechanical typewriter.
It was around twenty-one hours when I started to write down the things that started to
emanate out of blue to me, and I did that incessantly for nine hours, in a “superconscious
trans”, as I would name it today. At six o’clock, on the floor in front of me were over
hundred pages of manuscript, and I was so fresh and rested, as though I had the deepest
of sleeps.
During those years I suffered from frequent colds and during travelling I normally took a
thermometer with me. I measured my temperature: in the left armpit it was 38.6 degrees
Celsius, while in the right it was normal, 36.5. I also noticed that the left ear canal was
full to the top with ear wax, while in the right ear canal there was none of it.
I looked at the things I wrote. The text pertained to the contents of matter, especially of
light, from which, as it was written at the bottom of the page, the whole matter consists
of. The first page started with equation C x D = WW, meaning: C(ontinuum)
x D(iscontinuum) = W(hole) W(orld).
Two decades later, when I read Édouard Schuré book translated into Serbian and his
theosophical textbook from the nineteenth century, The Great Initiates, I found in the

footnote a quite similar form of that attitude, marked as “the first thesis of mystical
mathematics: Zero x Infinity = Whole”.
In the meantime, dealing in Astrology, without any doubt the oldest empirical science,
the data and predictions of which are meticulously and constantly recorded and which are
known for at least five thousand years backwards, I saw in Astrological Ephemeris that
exactly during those days, Uranus, the planet which according to Astrology triggers big
discoveries, revolutionary changes and deepest spiritual insights, has passed through my
natural constellation of Scorpio.
And so in my twenty-fourth year of life, in the night between November 11 and 12, 1976
in earlier Ancient Roman and Habsburg resort of Abatia, in half-empty hotel Residenz, I
have experienced the thing called “changed consciousness” or “supernormal experience”.
It was a spontaneous initiation into the primal will of people to understand the Universe,
direct experience of general human spiritual yearning for “explaining everything”. I
immediately knew that nothing will ever be the same as it was for me, that from that
night on my life has changed radically, and my further destiny has been redirected. With
calm joy and a feeling of crucial importance of the things that happened to me, I have
accepted the invitation from above, my new life path, although I didn’t understand it at

Figure 9: Opatija at Adriatic sea coast, November 11, 2014. In front of Residenz hotel,
38 years after the start of work on the Secret of Time. I have found myself there based on
the will of the Cosmic Intelligence, with the assistance of a secret friend, Metaphysicist
Daecon Bert Zweistein, Director of the movie “The Return of Tesla”, Roman Tolić and

the most important person – Esoteric White Dove. In the middle of ethereal influence and
the importance of that moment, the photography was blurred, despite several attempts to
sharpen. The aether was constantly performing double exposition for us.

2. Whom does Tesla represent for me, what road did he show me?

I have studied relativism and quantum mechanics, for years but this didn’t satisfy me.
The third approach to understanding physical reality was Tesla’s. Relying on the works
of Faraday and Aragon on one side, and of Galvani and Volta on the other, Tesla
succeeded to construct, based on Helmholtz theory of acoustic resonators and modified
aether model by Lord Kelvin, his original concept of the world, which experimentally
gave amazing results. His main axiom was “that the total energy of one physical system
originates from the external environment”. In his opinion, excitation, i.e. mutual
communication of physical systems is based on the laws of resonance vibration, i.e. on
simultaneous oscillation of the system parts. He thought that the concept of aether is
inevitable in physics, because matter and space cannot be absolutely divided. The
electricity was for Tesla a fluid substance endowed with powers of perception and
consciousness. In mathematics he was supporter of realistic views, based on which there
is identity of mathematical and physical objects, i.e. materialization of mathematics. In
the method of setting up the problem his model was the Greek mechanist Archimedes,
who claimed “that the time should be discarded from physics” as a redundant concept.
Already in the nineteenth century, scientists Heinrich Rudolf Hertz and Jean-Baptiste le
Rond d'Alembert tried to create theoretical physics without the concept of force, but this
attempt has ended in failure; Russian scientist Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev was much
better in doing so, but even his theory was not brought to the degree of micro-experiment,
i.e. laboratory implementation. Substitution of force by the principle of actions of time
itself, is still an unresolved problem in physics, because Tesla did not leave behind him
the theory of his successful technology based on synchronicity.
Teslian unification of Balkan people shall happen simultaneously with the unification of
the World, by achieving the global society, based on Tesla technological communism and
free and unpaid cosmic energy, as well as by synthesizing the necessary forms of mass
derived from light. Remote control of artificial intelligence (Tesla’s experiment from
1896, patent from 1898), has already enabled modern cybernetics and transfer of human
labor to automated functions.

3. After 37 years of studying time, what insights have I reached?

Already in the beginning of research it showed that time is independent both from
matter and from the space, and that Euclidean Element are the only system of human
thinking, directly speaking about nature and the power of Time. During the work it
became evident to me that the mysterious “point” from the first definition of Euclidean

geometry – “the point is something without parts”, despite the fact that it does not belong
to the domain of perception, and cannot be subjected to the usual scientific procedure of
checking by measurement, it still denotes “something physically existing”, but those are
for sure not matter, or space.
Questions arose. Why is geometry allegedly, the science of the space based on a “point”,
“thing without parts”, a concept which theoretically can in no way express the space from
our thoughts? And whether the idea of “space without parts” also contravenes our whole
sensual experience? Finally, why and in what manner “the point” can so well transform
our exact theoretical knowledge into physical consequence, into real action?
And as one cannot write a “point” in sand, or on a paper, from the first Euclidean
definition, also in physics one cannot measure, for instance, “the present time”. Generally
speaking, time has been abnegated its realistic existence in modern physics, and there it
has been brought down to convention, to a simple measuring benchmark of spatial and
material changes, to symbol “t” in equations, to “physical size which cannot be defined”,
as it is literally written in many encyclopedias and textbooks.
From a complex concept of “physical reality” any “real time” is omitted. On the other
hand, although geometry abounds in “movements”, like translations, rotations and the
very creation of multi-dimensional forms in the most variegated geometrical
constructions, the time even there does not play any role. For instance, the
mathematicians do not try to find out in which periods shall a line and an angle originate
from the point, and parallelograms from angles? Obviously, there operates a wide
application of most different movements, without a serious attempt to determine
participation of time in it. An exception, but not in the same meaning, and surely not
giving answers to the question “what is time?” is “fractal geometry” in which at least, an
assumption is discussed, that moving same forms of different sizes somehow causes
timed physical processes. There is a famous fractal-geometry fairy-tale about the
butterfly waving its wings, thus moving the mountains, causing earthquakes. But there
lay hidden a series of wane questions starting with “who and why moves the wings of a
butterfly”, going on and on, down to the Aristotle’s “first mover”, or God.
The experience that “nature is similar to itself” really directs to existence of just one main
natural law, to which the whole world subordinates itself, but there is no explanation why
it is so, not has that basic law been nominated in science. However, numerous
mathematicians and philosophers sensed that the logical key of the theory of everything
is in realistic understanding of the concept of continuity, which out of all fields of human
knowledge has the most important role and verbatim application in geometry (R.
Bošković). How is that? Through the “point”, which is by its definition continuous,
because it has no parts? All geometrical changes happen through a point, all geometrical
events belong to the point potential. No point – no geometry. And so the same: if there is
no time – no space, no mass, no matter in general.
The valid opinion is grossly inaccurate, the one that was also shared by Einstein, that the
Euclidean geometry is an idealization of a sensory experience. Whoever knows anything
about ancient civilizations cannot accept that standpoint. It is exactly the opposite. Euclid
applied noumena to internal phenomena; he reconstructed the algorithm of creation by
using spiritual entities. Elements are real, the sensual world derives from them, originates
from them. Geometry represents a natural method of creating matter out of time.

By starting the Elements with a point, Euclid made the geometry “a science of time”. But
in order to understand how geometrical shapes can cause physical consequences, it is
necessary to introduce the geometric definition of time into physics, so that it, one and
the same, shall be valid in both sciences. There is no physics without movement, like
there is no movement without time, and therefore, atemporal changing of spatial
configuration in geometry, although usual in mathematics, has been stripped in my
opinion of any theoretical base, especially because I stick to the classic philosophical
attitude that theory and reality are in the deepest unique correspondence, equivalent and
unique in the Being. This is the reason why ancient Greek cosmologists, those before the
time of Socrates dealt so deeply with it. The concept of time lays at the root of all other
concepts we have about the world and pervades them, inseparably. And accordingly, it is
for sure that mathematics without time does not represent sufficiently good physical
gnoseological instrument, because it neglects the main physical component – Eternity.
The physics is not wrong, but incomplete. Physicists are unaware of time, the mightiest
physical instrument they wield.
Balkan is today a modern global center of re-awakening of higher consciousness,
necessary for the beginning of new civilization which would join spirit and science, soul
and technology in the scientific type of religiousness, the only adequate way towards God
– for us, in our Telecommunications Age.

4. Whether Constant Present Time, actually represents Eternity, the

only time of physical reality?

From birth to death, the Man lives in constant Presence, Constant Present Time and only
Now is the time of total human experience. All the other times belong to human
imagination, we conceive them, but do not live through them. For instance, when I look
at a chair, I know that the chair and I are in the present time, but the image of that chair
that I see belongs to the past. Difference between the presence and past is huge, because
you cannot sit on the image of a chair. All objects are always in the present time, but
images of those objects belong to the past, while the future is an order of macrosystem, a
picture in the sky. Therefore Astrology has so high correlation with real events.

5. In Zodiac age of Aquarius, for which they claim that this is the era of
new consciousness, we shall acquire deeper knowledge about time and

The Age of Aquarius means strengthened humanity, philanthropy and compassion for
sufferings of others, due to cognizance of objective laws of cosmological ethics, equally
applicable to micro and macro-cosmos. The action of the constellation of Acquarius
requires turning to the future, to our Galaxy, for instance, which is enormous. Its

circumference is 100 thousand light years, and it is in itself a part of the galaxy cluster
swirling around the center of all those cosmic vortices. Tesla shouted, when he
discovered rotating magnetic field: “Now I know how the universe works!” And really,
from an atom to the Milky Way, everything rotates one into another. Regardless of the
object, an atom for instance, consists of layers of spatial-time spheres with the same
common center. Observed as a whole, the World is homocentric, because the center of
infinity is anywhere, unlocalized, it is everywhere. In the Age of Aquarius we shall
discover that in parallel realities there are many Intelligent Worlds, phase-shifted, i.e. in
an order of differing time synchronicities, so that we cannot see them, but they are
inhabited by creatures from many universal cells of life.

6. What are my objectives globally?

I have two objectives, the scientific and the social one. The scientific objective has to do
with research of theoretical setting of New Physics, and then checking correctness of
physical results of many researchers who have been inspired by Tesla’s wireless
technology, harmonized with our natural surroundings, and also experimental check of
Tesla’s theory of matter, different from the relativism of Einstein and Quantum
Mechanics of Niels Henrik David Bohr. Laboratory confirmation of Tesla’s claims that
natural balls of lightning are actually macro-models of electrons, protons and neutrons,
of elementary particles all elements of Mendeleev’s system consist of. So, those are all
atoms and molecules of reality – this shall bring us to the revolutionizing in the field of
atom core physics, and indirectly, also to revolutionizing of all fields of human
In order to accelerate the social metamorphosis, I deal with clear scientific answers to
eternal questions, because the findings about the nature of time, of endless world and
technology of physical immortality shall become the foundation of new scientistic
civilization, which shall evolve from the modern – informatics civilization.

7. Is there infinity the way I imagine it, and if it does, can I grasp it
physically? Would science accomplish physical immortality of a

It is only the infinity that exists, and this is our everyday experience. But, this is not about
spatial infinity, as the naïve and sensually framed human mind conceives it. Infinity is
solely of temporary nature, this is the eternal presence that we only have and live, all of
the time, and which is nothing else but our own consciousness. The scientific religion
shall finally achieve physical immortality, by understanding the time itself and its role in
changing space and matter.

Time does not have a flow, this is arithmetic zero, from point to point in space we hop up
and down the zeroes of time. It is permanent present time. For instance, you start from
Belgrade to Kragujevac at 3 o’clock and you arrive in Kragujevac at 4 o’clock. In the
moment you arrive in Kragujevac, what is the time in Belgrade? Without any doubt, it is
also 4 o’clock in Belgrade. And because 4-4=0, it is clear that the time did not pass. And
look at the Einstein’s equation for synchronization of watches in the Special Relativity
Theory! According to that theory, it is still 3 o’clock in Belgrade, although you are
already in Kragujevac.
Understanding time shall secure us control of durability in physical and biological
processes and shall enable conservation of living systems without time limitation, in
other words, physical immortality of men. Resolution of this is closer than anyone can
even assume. The cosmic channel for scientific cognizance of the secret of time has been
opened already, since the time of Tesla.

8. Tesla stated that the science, from the date of onset in researching
spiritual phenomena, shall progress more in one decade than it has had
in all centuries of its previous existence….

Tesla was completely aware that all physical laws have spiritual nature, as well as the
whole mathematics. No one has ever seen the numbers or geometrical point. The laws of
nature are extrasensory, out of senses. In that sense, Tesla knew that the science shall
develop towards the abstract concept of spirit, and not towards material-magic powers
opposing gaining awareness of the construction of the cosmos and of the God’s work.
The whole technology is based on physical laws of spiritual nature; the principles based
on which material devices and machines work are unobservable. We can see a lever, not
a law of lever, we can see planets rotating around the Sun, but we cannot see the law of
gravity, we see three matches, but we can’t see the number three itself. But, in the end, it
will show that nature of all physical laws is – based on time.
Harmonization of the man with all cosmic forces must be performed by wisdom crowned
with enlightenment of a philosopher, scientist and in general, a researcher for the basic
truth about the World. The Science is just one specific way towards the God, maybe the
hardest and the longest one, because it means rationality. Descartes has nicely stated that
each reasonable man must believe in God. Therefore the atheists look somehow shallow
to me, as thought they have incomplete thought process.

9. Tesla’s healing by reconstruction of human automatism of cosmic


The real Tesla’s medicine is based on an idea about regenerative therapy, which would
utilize the electromagnetic stimulation of genes to naturally regenerate and thus replace

the diseased organ. We would replace organs like parts of an automobile, and the
memories of those organs would remain intact. This reparation starts from assumption
that all human organs, like all matter, have been made in the end – from light. Finally, a
hologram has been discovered and detected around our DNA, which is capable of
influencing the restitution of molecules, the chemical contents of the DNA and their
We forget that the atoms and molecules of the body are also immortal, and not just our
soul, which is physically speaking, one complex of electromagnetic waves, unified by
internal time. Because nothing in the psycho-somatic structure of the man actually cannot
fail, the difference in between life and death is essentially one mathematical issue.
Similarly, like a pile of stones and a house made of stone cannot be discerned material-
wise, but can be discerned regarding the order of things, the mathematics.

10. Why did it take me so much of my life-time to decipher the Tesla’s


Tesla’s technology which he received as a gift from the Creator of the World in the form
of technical visions, shall just come to be applied. He was capable to personally connect
himself to the ocean of energy created by concentric rotating magnetic fields. It should be
constantly repeated until people awaken themselves: Planet Earth is a giant rotating
magnet, and in itself it is a generator of inconsumable quantities of electricity. This is
something we can see on every step. From where does come such electricity in clouds,
for instance, and also in ionosphere? Of course, from the rotation of the Earth. The Sun
ionizes the atmospheric gas, but the earthly gravity and magnetism keep it together, so
that we can use it without limits. And the people whine about the shortage of energy.
Unbelievable! It is necessary to establish completely new understanding of energy and
matter, the human understanding cries out for one new, deeper and smarter physics,
which would open up the cosmic resources to us, and rescind any form of human work in
converting matter and energy into the forms we need. In our new civilization, which is
emerging throughout the planet at once, the scientific wisdom shall replace toiling, and
philosophical justice harmonized with cosmic laws of ethics shall replace the moral
relativism of the human system of rewards and punishment.

11. What is the difference between our and cosmic reason?

The cosmic morale is analogous to Hinduistic and Buddhistic Law of Karma, which
cosmologically speaking objectively distributes energy in equal shares. Mathematically,
karma is an equation which stops its activity by equalizing the value from the left and the
right side of the equation. Against this law there is no, and cannot be any objection,
because this is the Divine Law of Physics. Human morale is something else. Primarily,
the living systems due to their complexity accumulate time and that enables them to have

deferred reaction. An atom reacts immediately to a photon reaction, based on physical
laws. But the living system can have deferred reaction to an action from the external
environment, within five to ten days, for instance. This enables an error, and therefore the
human morale is artificial and burdened with local regulations which do not directly
express the cosmic nature of a being, but by an indirect link they can even act
destructively. How? Whenever I failed to react according to the instructions of the
destiny sensor, the heart chakra and its sinus node, but I slept over the decision, I was
wrong. Whenever I thought about it, I was wrong. This is my experience of human
wisdom and human morale.

12. Are there any special God’s particles?

A God’s particle is a clumsy name, imprecise, senseless actually. What is that particle
that does not come from God? Whether proton, electron and neutron are not God’s
particles? The world has been created at once, and not from parts, because the world in its
foundation is infinite, and infinity can be never build out from parts. The infiniteness
precedes parts. In my opinion, the space is constantly emerging as a part of perpetual
presence, as a part of space, and simultaneously an equation is constantly formed, an
elementary mass, following golden cross-section principle. Why the golden cross-section
principle? Because the Continuum, i.e. the basic infinity of our world can be divided only
internally, and just based on continual proportion. Otherwise, holes would appear in the
continuum, discontinuations, which cannot be the case.

12. Matter?

The concept of matter covers time, space and mass. But speaking about the last pillar of
existence, then I think that in the last instance we have just time, and this is an extra-
sensory, non-spatial and intangible entity, from which the world originates. The time
represents infinity creating reality in natural language or mathematics. That generic
natural mathematics is Sumerian-Pythagorean secret science, which we now re-discover,
with an idea to finally apply it. In ancient times it was not possible to do that efficiently,
because the technology was at sub-quantum level, i.e. on the level on which technical
manipulation of electro-magnetic spectrum is possible, of that basic natural material,
which is present in unlimited quantities and which can serve as a basis for creating
everything else.

13. The nature is similar to itself – secret of the number 37

1x3x37 = 111

2x3x37 = 222
3x3x37 = 333
4x3x37 = 444
5x3x37 = 555
6x3x37 = 666
7x3x37 = 777
8x3x37 = 888
9x3x37 = 999

Figure 10: Tesla’s Spiral Vortex – esoteric meaning



Technical description:

a) 15 solid lines (number of synchronicities);

b) 15 dotted lines (number of asynchronicities);
c) 2x15 shorter lines (two per each solid line, in total 30 of them, this is a number of
higher harmonics, so that the number of a/synchronicities– 15, through the
number of harmonics – 30, gives basic harmonics proportion of the Universe
d) The dotted lines have 9 short lines and 9 interruptions, but if you count from the
center, starting from the interruption – there are in total 19 changes, i.e. 1+9=10.
And 10 is on the surface of unit sphere, the maximum number of positions with
mutual radius distance, i.e. positions in which its time-space mechanism can be
e) 15 dotted lines times 9 short lines results in 135: square root of 135 is 11.618…,
and that is actually Tesla’s numeric message, because 0,1,1,… is the first member
of the Fibonacci sequence, (0+1=1), and 1.618 … is a golden cross-section (for
Fi=0.618, 1/FI=1+Fi=1.618).

Learning of Tesla’s spiral

Sumerian-Pythagorean-Tesla’s natural arithmetic has been based on radius and diameter

of sphere, i.e. harmonics proportion (1:2), constant proportion or Fi (golden cross-
section) and number Pi, i.e. morphological constant of the space, because the space
between two points has to be curved, according to Pi.
Everything else derives from those numbers, i.e. from the point, line and angle, because
they present all the most general laws of Cosmos, completely unknown to the current
science. The modern mathematical physics uses those biggest knowledge as simple
technological tools, without any deeper understanding of, for instance, point and zero,
which are mathematical models of Present Time.
Physical Reality does not start with unlimited emptiness like envisaged by Judeo-
Christian or English physicist Stephen William Hawking, but it starts with Eternity,
constant present time, represented by a Number for Eternity, i.e. arithmetical object of
Zero. This is white unit sphere in the very center of Tesla’s 3D Spiral. This is also the
sphere of the full spectrum of white light created out of the Time.
Layers of Tesla’s Spiral have been entered into homocentric spheres, or physically, into
electromagnetic balls and they exist in the directions of action in certain radii, i.e.
temporal generators of the Space from unlocalized Point of Cosmic Time (center of the
Internal Time of the Space has just one dimension, length (Sphere Diameter), and the
Space is a square of internal time distributed according to spherical law n.

Alternative realities differ only in wavelengths. Phase movement results from that
difference. The wavelength concept is a key to the whole reality. The wavelength is
internal time of the light, appearing as a dimension of space.
At the foundation of existence of space and mass is a wave-form. Waves, if they are
synchronous, act one upon another as particles. Each World has limit wavelengths, the
smallest and the biggest one. Violent atomic research inflicts upon the harmony between
the parallel realities and non-standard answers from higher intelligences to human laic
scientific aggression are possible.
Between every two levels of existence there is a phase leap into space, a barrier that has
to be crossed, but when one travels through those different levels of new realities, one
gains insight that they are all intertwined, making a time continuum, and although there
are so many of them n+1, still zero of universal time is just one (n-0=0), because the
Infinity is unique, this is the Continuum of Time, or physically, Permanent Present Time.
Every man has the power to change the wavelength of his individual consciousness. The
one who does so, shall disappear in one and reappear in another world.
Different worlds have been separated by an angle of 90°. Our complete reality is only the
light determining everything we think and feel.
Tesla’s Spiral is his integral message to the humanity, containing absolutely all the
deepest secrets of his knowledge. Based on it, link shall be established with higher
cosmic self, using small steps, bearable for human beings.


As the writer of this paragraph, I risk many things by publishing it. Scientists can easily
object that everything I claim is just fiction without scientific base, the clerical people can
accuse me even for heresy, because I unjustifiably credit to one human being, although
supernaturally gifted engineer Tesla, an earthly role of Godly character.
But, I am the warrior of light and for me there is no religion above the truth. Therefore
without any reserve I stand out with Tesla, the scientist in whom I believe, the scientist in
which all of us have to believe, if we are the true researchers of the science of the future,
which would be collective spirituality of the new planetary society.
By stepping on the lane of Permanent Cosmic Mind I have met Tesla and since then we
are together. Many people join Tesla’s Global Brotherhood, forecasted by Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky, as a modern synthesis of science and religion. There are more and
more people joining, faster and faster.
The one who has been given a chance to see God is Godly himself…

Why Tesla is just now present in Russia (Secret of Tunguska)

Tesla’s spiritualized Physics is a foundation of the culture of the Global Society of our
Third Millennium. Tesla, already during his experiment in Colorado Springs in 1899
started Tesliana planetary scientific civilization. Its starting program has been published
by Tesla in 1900, in the column Global System, where he announced in 12 points, the
complete modern civilization. All this has been continued in 1903 by successful testing of
Wardenclyffe tower in Long Island near New York. And on June 30, 1908 he made the
experiment from that place, of transmitting the energy through natural media, known as
Tunguska Event/Disaster.
On the other hand, in modernistic position of warriors trying to overcome the Universe,
the naïve scientific researches of today fight the battle with infinity, the battle they can’t
win. Understanding the scientific vocation as a war skill and the role of scientist as a
warrior against the nature have caused accelerated decline of the Western civilization of
white man, lead by spiritually impotent clergy of modern scientists (especially of
physicists and astro-physicists), so much devoid of deeper spiritual insights, that many of
them are not even interested in the concept of cosmological ethics.
And as the division of church and state in French Bourgeois Revolution lead to sudden
development of economy, so the division of state and science in our time would lead to
sudden development of fundamental researches and to adoption of new paradigm of
planetary society, one new form of religiousness necessary for today’s mankind. It would
result from spiritualized science and technology. There is no need to specially note that
Tesla and his work are the real foundation of that and such scientific-religious global
civilization, because exactly Tesla and Tesla the most, links human soul and technology
with Holy Spirit, which is actually Sumerian-Pythagorean-Ancient Egyptian-Ancient
Greek supreme Holy Law (Greek Hieros Logos), of mystical natural mathematics.
Geographical center of the world culture moves through history. Once it used to be
Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Athens, Alexandria, Rome, Paris, London, New York. In our
time, after internal transformation of the Soviet Union, the center of new global scientific
culture moved to Moscow. There, according to the Law of Attraction (Similar attracts
Similar), also moved Tesla. The common Godly mission of Tesla and Russia represents
transformation of the whole planet Earth into the scientific-technological paradise, with
spiritualized physics as predominant global religion, acceptable for all races and nations.
There is a human morale and a cosmic morale. And especially the second one, the cosmic
morale gives the sense to Tesla’s defense of J.P. Morgan, whom people still unjustifiably
condemn to be the villain financier to whom the money was more important than the
progress of humankind. In his autobiography My Inventions, Tesla completely clearly
states that his Long Island project – where the whole planet Earth has been networked
into unique resonating system with his tower Wardenclyffe – was postponed by natural
laws, until the mankind matures to the degree that they can accept the management of the
whole planetary energy, when as Tesla says, the same project shall be triumphantly
restored. This explains why he has, without a single word of protest accepted the tearing
down of Wardenclyffe tower, which was deliberately done as a ritual on the
Independence Day, July 4, 1917 at 11 o´clock in the morning. Tesla has just exited the
train in Chicago, where he came following the invitation of the American Naval Forces
Admiral, when he was handed-over a cable note that his tower has been destroyed by the

American Army. Tesla didn’t even glimpse on that news. Obviously he accurately knew in
advance what this is all about, and that this is just an execution of the decision of
Unofficial World Government, whose main economic lever has been established four
years ago, just before the Gregorian Christmas 1913. At that time Thomas Woodrow
Wilson has suspended the American Constitution for just one day, just before the
Catholic Christmas, in order to establish the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank, a
private institution which is since that time the real owner of the United States and in the
work of which even the Senate and Congress cannot gain any insight. The only one who
openly but unsuccessfully opposed that was Senator Lindbergh, father of Charles
Augustus Lindbergh, the pilot who was the first to flew the Atlantic, but whose son was
kidnapped and killed, and who later supported the Hitler’s technological dream of new
mankind; the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who in the beginning also
supported the Nazis, saw in Nazism some positive elements and has formulated them as a
“meeting of planetary determined technology and new-age man”.

“Each reasonable man must believe in God” – René Descartes

In specific procedures Tesla was inexorable. His social attitudes were consistently
supra-political and elite: he refused to sign Serbian Bishop Nicolaj Velimirović’s political
appeal during the First World War, for uniting the Serbs outside their country, which the
Bishop understood and commented on saying: “I am sorry that I have even for a minute
distracted this big man from his profession”. The alleged Tesla’s statement supporting the
Yugoslav national-liberating movement during the Second World War was written jointly
by, at that time Vice-President of USA Henry Agard Wallace and Tesla’s nephew, Sava
Kosanović. Believing in the top automatism of cosmic forces, Tesla considered achieving
social happiness and peace possible only by strictly scientific means.
In real science (and as such I consider solely the line of Sumerian-Chaldean-Pythagorean
mathematical religion), mental recipes, formulas, must be awakened, fully clarified and
understandable to everyone. We oftentimes forget that natural laws influence every
human being, regardless of his personality, because all cosmological laws are super-
personal, even those forming our very personality.
Because he was extremely clairvoyant, Tesla had completely conscious insight into living
Pan-Cosmic Being. He had the access to the Emanation Core – Center of Radiation of
Love and Light, while as a comparison, Niels Henrik David Bohr and Werner Heisenberg
felt the same Cosmic Being as ordinary humans and on a much lower level, i.e.
magically, gloomy, metaphorically, in the form of ill-considered concepts of quantum-
mechanics activity of experimenter on the experiment and of uncertainty relation. Albert
Einstein was ironic atheist (“I would like to know the God’s plans”, he stated in relation
to the work on never-ended Tesla’s Unique Field Theory), and essentially he was imbued
with deep doubt regarding the God’s existence.
By comparison, Tesla as an Ecclesiastic of Science does not have a serious match in the
modern history.

Where does the science go?

The Chaldean wisdom teaches us that the cosmic structures are condensed light, and the
cosmic events are the music of micro and macro-celestial spheres. The music we listen to,
because we can hear it, is just a small scope of music of natural scales, produced by
innumerous parts of the Continuum.
The very gene is of pre-biotic character, it precedes life and belongs to spiritual category.
There is an invisible law arranging the known chemical components, organization of
each, including the human genome is clearly mathematic, and the mathematical objects,
as we know, have extrasensory existence – no-one has ever seen the numbers, including
the geometrical point. The complete substance of a Man – is eternal. It is not just a
complex of electro-magnetic waves forming a material base of human soul, but also
atoms and molecules of the human body are immortal. Difference between the life and
death is purely mathematical, in the mathematical order of living system’s organization.
Introduction of Spirit into science through the Hypothesis of Time, shall enable physical
In the modern science, especially in Physics, are studied just two logically graded levels
of existence – sensory material outcome and formal language. The deepest level of
existence from which everything derives and depends – Spiritual level, has been omitted
from the modern researches. The average scientist of our age consciously waves off
Spirit, and of course, cannot progress theoretically on the grounds of forecasting by
inspiration, as Tesla, but just technologically, using innumerous attempts (neo-quantum
mechanics – CERN, searching for the Higgs boson/Higgs particle, which has been
inappropriately, as in some parody, termed God’s particle). As though electron, proton
and neutron are not also God’s particles.
Natural, as well as physical laws are not phenomena, they do not appear anywhere, or if
you want, they appear in a Pythagorean manner – as the reality itself. The mathematical
formulas – such as they are now applied in physics, do not express the end nature of
physical laws, but they form an unclear scientific language, a magical script.
Just in direct physical interpretation of elementary mathematics, the one that has been
imposed naturally, and not the one constructed by humans, we meet the Spirit in the basis
of Physical Reality. It is interesting that in the total psyche-related science – psychiatry
and psychology, including the experimental ones, only in the Archetypes Theory of Carl
Gustav Jung we see the living scientific consciousness about the ultimate importance of
Spirit for the existence of matter. With Jung himself, obviously this was the activity of the
principle of unique basis of the infinity of the World – the Continuum Archetype.
Geniuses like Tesla do not take personally the situations of their own lives. When they
love someone, they actually love the Cosmos materialized in that person, and not the
mortal-passer-by with all his weaknesses inevitably imposed on one by the state of living.
My experience of checking the most variegated Tesla’s statements showed that he is not
philosophical, nor imaginative type, but a pure visionary, in the sense in which the
Medieval Jesuit from Palma de Majorca, Ramon Llull defines phantasmagoria, a whole
century before the Kepler’s Divine images – archetypes. Ramon considers that the human

soul is a dark room (in Latin camera obscura), with narrow opening towards God, who
sends in it phantasmagorias, pictures of Godly reality, which differ from human
imagination because they are real.
All really big visionaries are verbatim types. They describe in detail the sceneries of their
visions. Also the scientific visionary, Tesla, has transferred his visions into matter,
without any logical thinking, which would just slow down his process of materialization
of ideas. The speed of his work in materializing his profession, was actually the main
reason why Tesla did not leave behind any physical theory. And as the nature just creates,
without explaining anything to anyone, so acted Tesla.
Well knowing that Tesla was a verbatim visionary, and therefore completely reliable, I
asked myself for decades not what was on Tesla’s mind, but what did he see in front of
him, when writing the following unusual sentence about his early deceased brother

“Memories on what my brother achieved made each of my attempts futile in

comparison to him”.

I knew from analyzing the other Tesla’s statements, that he was not prone to
exaggeration, even when his statements sounded fantastic, he always had in mind
something very specific and achievable, and therefore, the things he said about Danilo
must mean something much more than the common exaggeration in an outburst of
brotherly love.
Four years ago I received, for reading in the presence of the carrier and immediate return,
the detailed dossier of Tesla’s family, which was made in 1893-4 for the needs of secret
political police of Habsburg monarchy, immediately after the Tesla’s lecture in the
Society of Physicists in Paris, and after that also in the Royal Society in London – About
Light and Other High-Frequency Phenomena.
There I found the right explanation of Tesla’s strange words about his brother: Danilo
Tesla has had highly developed para-psychological powers and when concentrated, he
could move things by looking at them, which Nikola never achieved, despite all the
arduous exercises. Tesla’s brother Danilo had the same gift as Douglas Home, a medium
who was explored by Tesla’s friend, famous English scientist William Crookes, i.e. the
same capability as Nina Kulagina.
Of course, something like that is possible. It is about the relationship energy-matter,
contravening the classic law of energy maintenance. If by invoking a word Petar, we
could move a man of hundred kilos from his chair, or by a visual signal we can stop a
truck, then there must be a way in which we can reasonably talk with atoms and
molecules. Not just the whole matter, but the natural language also consists of an order of
light frequencies and accordingly, every atom has its light name. If the scope, order and
modulation of frequencies are adequate, the atom shall obey you as every reasonable
creature. On the other hand, if we wrongly call Petar Pavle, he would remain seated. Not
many years shall pass, and the human dialogue with the Cosmos shall expand to the level
of knowledge about the whole nature as a living organism endowed by consciousness.

It is known that Nikola Tesla read other people’s thoughts with ease (witnessing by his
school-mates from Gospić, Graz and Prague) and he forecasted events (in 1899 in
Philadelphia he kept by force a group of acquaintances from travelling by train, which
had a big accident that night; he talked out J.P. Morgan from travelling by Titanic, about
which there is his writing in the Morgan’s archives, including the first-class ticket for
Titanic). He was also a supreme hypnotizer (New York dinner with Lika boxers, brothers
Živić, whom he has inconspicuously hypnotized, together with John O’Neal and Colonel
Tošić, about which New York Times also wrote), but he didn’t have the quoted
exceptional gift of his brother Danilo.

And in the end, who is Tesla and what is his role in our future?

I thought for a long time where to position Tesla in medieval theological architectonic of
Christian Angel Hierarchy, to somehow relate him with his Christian orthodox clerical
family, but for Tesla I have found as only appropriate place in the hierarchy of
superhuman beings from theosophical teaching (theosophy is a synthesis of science and
religion, the founder of which was H. P. Blavatsky in 19th century): Tesla is an Archeus.
Archei are superhuman creatures materialized in great people on the crossroads of human
history. Their task is to take care of man. They are above the Archangels, but beneath
Seraphims and Cherubims, who are a pure light about which Tesla openly spoke
depicting them as a core from which he receives all his ideas. Seraphim in Chaldean
language means love.
For better understanding, I shall quote the hierarchy as a whole, divided into triads.
Otherwise, the Holy Trinity, triad or number three to which Tesla was extremely
attached, is for Aristotle the number of the whole, because it contains beginning, the
center and the end.
Here is the ladder of beings above men:
The lowest are guardian angels of each man, in charge of leading him.
Archangels, who are above the angels, rule the souls of nations; that is, according to
theosophists, the world of collective unconscious.
Archei (the name originates from Dionysius the Areopagite) to whom belongs Tesla, are
above archangels, and they manage all big transformations of mankind in the form of big
personalities in fateful turning points of human history and science, they are the spirits of
personalities and of cosmic instincts.
That is the first group of spiritual forces rising above man; their actions are the most vivid
and the most complex, and they penetrate deeply into matter, as well as in the secret of
human individuality.
Behind them comes another triad of forces, those are Devas from Indian mythology.
Dionysius calls them: the mind (in Greek exusiai), ruling (in Greek dynemeis), and
kingdom (in Greek heriotes). They are closer to Deity than to a man, they cannot like
archangels decline into the depths of matter, nor can they love a man, because they are
infallible. Those creatures maintain matter, their forces are the norm of physical systems.

Far above the human understanding and the possibility to imagine rises the third triad of
beings or forces, the highest one: Thrones – supreme powers of dedication and kindness,
Seraphims – love and Cherubims – the sense of wisdom of the primordial force and they
are so close to God that they directly radiate his light. They do not work, but they glare,
they do not create but transfer the God’s rays of life and awaken them on lower plains of
The Throne, Seraphim and Cherubim make the supreme triad emanating light and
inspiring the cosmos with its life-breath. They are a part of Godly sphere in the narrow
sense, because by their nature they are above the space and time, as well as the God
himself, but they materialize the Deity in time and space. This is the core about which
Tesla spoke to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Vladić, out of which,
according to his words, “he received all his ideas, but in the secret of which he did not
Each line of forces receives the stimuli from the upper line, but the opposite is not the
case, the influence of streaming is unilateral, from top to bottom.
The top Ruler is the Holy Law (in Greek Hieros Logos), ruling the principle of continuity
of the whole infinite world. The Lord Creator (in Greek Demiurg) is incognizable.
Lead from the bottom of the cosmos by central archetype of mystical light, Tesla has his
whole life consciously and with joy acknowledged archetype laws of natural operations,
by giving them as a gift to people. Tesla has, before his own transfiguration on Orthodox
Christmas 1943, even himself become the live archetype of the founder of new scientific



1856, 9-10 July – born in Smiljan (In Serbian orthodox Calendar it is Vidovdan, The Day
of Seeing, 28th of June, as it is written in Tesla’s church birth certificate; the date marks
the battle of Kosovo as well as the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
in Sarajevo). So Tesla was born in Lika, (precisely in the small village Deringay, in the
ports of a Serbian orthodox church at lightning stroke of midnight), in the province of
Austrian monarchy, in the family of Serbian orthodox priest.Two days after his family
returns to Smiljan.
1856-62 – lives in Smiljan, Lika, western military district (Krajina), Empire of
1861 – death of his older and only brother Dane,
1862 – family moves to closest town, Gospić,
1862-66 – attends elementary school in Gospić,
1866-70 – attends Real Gymnasium in Gospić,

1870-73 – lives in Rakovac, Karlovac, with his aunt & Collonel, “old war-horse”,
1873 – graduates Gimnazija Karlovac,
1874 – recovers from Cholera, escapes life as priest or officer,
1875 – for a short time, father sends him into hills to hide from army.

Becomes Continental

1875 -accepted at k.k. (kaiserlich konigliche) Technischen Hochschule in Graz, Austria,

1875-78 -attends “Joanneum” polytechnic (now Technische Universitat Graz (TUG)),
1878, spring– drops out of Hochschule before 3rd year exams,
1878-79– lands first job, assistant engineer, Maribor, Slovenia,
1879, 24 March– police escort the “vagrant” Tesla from Maribor home to Gospić,
1879 – death of his father, Milutin,
1880, summer – audits classes at the Karl – Ferdinand University of Prague,
1881, January – arrives in Budapest too early for job with Puskas brothers,
1881 – AC epiphany on walk with Antal Szigety in Budapest’s Varosliget city park,
1881 -Budapest Austrian Telegraph Office, engineer,
1881 -Budapest Central Post Office, draftsman,
1881 -American Telephone Company, repairman,
1881 -Budapest power company, electrical engineer,
1882 – Charles Batchelor oversees Tesla at Edison lightbulb factory,
1883 – in Strasbourg he was employed in Edison’s Continental Company and built a
model of the first inductive motor.

Becomes an American

1884, spring– lands in New York (4 cents in pocket),

1884 – Thomas Edison hires Tesla to fix designs of DC dynamos,
1885 -quits Edison’s Etna Iron Works, 104 Goerck St,
1885 – founds Electric Light & Manufacturing Co, Rahway, NJ,
1886-87, winter – digs ditches for $2/day,
1887, April – Peck and Brown fund the Tesla Electric Co,
1887, 30 April – Tesla files first patent,
1887, 10 May – old firend Antal Szigeti lands in NY,

1897 – he registered twelve patents in radio engineering,
1887-88 – invents AC induction motor, 89 Liberty St, NY,
1888, 15 May– speech to American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE),
1888, 7 July– sells AC patents for $25,000, 150 shares in Wetinghouse, plus
1888-89 -trains Westinghouse engineers in Pittsburgh, PA,
1889 -becomes US citizen,
1889 -opens own lab on Grand Street,
1890, Novembar– lights vacuum tube, wirelessly, with high-frequency coil.
1891 -invents Tesla coil,
1891 -first Westinghouse– Tesla engine installed at a Colorado mine,
1891, 20 May– speaks to AIEE at Columbia University,
1892– London lecture to Royal Institution of Electrical Engineers on the topic
“Experiments with alternating current of high voltage and high frequency”; then, before
Royal Society, lecture, “Light and other high-frequency phenomena” then the same
lectures he read in Paris; registered patents of “spark oscillator with resonance
1892, 15 April– Tesla’s mother Djuka dies,
1892, Jyne– Tesla visits Belgrade; meeting The king of Serbia Aleksandar Obrenovic,
1893 – AC plant power Chicago’s Columbia Exposition,
1893, 24 February– lectures to the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia,
1893, 1 March– wireless remote-control boat in St. Louis,
1893, 1 May – President Grover Cleveland pushes button to light 100,000 lamps in
Chicago’s “City of Light”,
1894 – Tesla’s AC powers Telluride and Cripple Creek, CO,
1895, 13 March– fire burns lab, 35 S 5th Ave (now ̴ 539 West Broadway),
1895, 20 May– lands in Pulizer’s World after girl, 16, leaps from pie at JL Breese’s
studio, 5 W 16th St,
1895, July – earthquake at lab, 46 E Houston St,
1895 -Century editor R.U. Johnson runs Tesla article by T.C. Martin and “Pudd’nhead
Wilson” by Mark Twain,
1896, 19 July – tours Niagara Power House with George Westinghouse,
1896, 16 November – trasmits electricity 26 miles from Niagara Falls to Buffalo, NY,
first 3-phase AC power plant,
1897, April 6 – lectures NY Academy of Sciences, 2 E 63rd St.
1898 – first efficient-magnifier Tesla coil,
1898 – high-tension conductor produces pressures of 100 million volts,

1898 – skipped a high-frequency current through his body and demonstrated a model of
reversible magnetic field, the so-called
“Tesla’s rotating iron egg” – The EGG OF COLUMBUS; Madison Square Garden demos
teleautomat boat with ‘borrowed mind” remote control,
1898 – registration of the paten for teleautomatic control (experiment with the ship on the
lake in New York, Central Park. Tesla made a wireless control of the ship and staggered
all withesses),
1899 – a construction of hydroelectric power station at Niagara was finished.
1899 lights 200 bulbs wirelessly 26 miles from Pike’s Peak,
1899 – 1900 -discovers terrestrial stationary waves, Colorado Springs.
1900 – 100 foot discharge ‘flashed a current around the globe’,
1900 – J.P. Morgan buys 51% of Tesla tele patents for $150,000,
1901 – builds “Radio City” at Wardenclyffe (Shoreham, Long Island),
1901, 12 Dec– Marconi beams a… Morse-code “S” across the Atlantic,
1903, 15 July – NY Sun reports on Wardenclyffe’s “blinding streaks of electricity”,
1905 – opens office at 165 Broadway (Now 1 Liberty Plaza),
1906 – build speedometers for Waltham Watch Co,
1907, 3 May – NY World reports Tesla’s “magnifying transmitter” hits 25M horsepower,
1908 – Gernsback meets Tesla, writes robot story “Ralph 124C 41+”.


1909 – G. Marconi, C. Maxwell & H. Hertz share Physics Nobel for radio,
1912 – creditors repo equipment from Wardenclyffe,
1914 – opens office in tallest skyscraper: Woolworth Building,233 Broadway,
1915, 6 Oct – NYT falsely reports Edison and Tesla to share Nobel,
1915 – Waldorf-Astoria’s manager George Boldt demands back rent of $19,000,
1915 – surrenders Wardenclyffe deed to Boldt,
1915 – declares bankruptcy,
1917, 16 May– wins AIEE’s Edison medal, flees to feed pigeons,
1917, 4 July– Navy explodes tower at Wardenclyffe,
1918 -Chicago turbine project with W.W. Wilhelm,
1909-1922 – he registered patents only in mechanical engineering (pumps, tachometers,
bladeless turbines),
1922 – his beloved pigeon dies at Hotel St. Regis, 2 E 55th St (5th Ave) #1607,
1924, 25 May – Hotel St. Regis sues Tesla for $3,299 in back rent,
1924 – Sheriff’s deputy serves debt liens on office, 8 W 40th St 20th floor,

1931, 20 July – “Tesla at 75” on cover of Time magazine,
1931, 18 Oct – Edison dies at 84,
1934, 11 July – NYT A1: “Tesla, at 78, Bares New ‘Death Beam,’
1937 – hit by cab in Manhattan, but refuses care,
1937 – honorary doctorate from Tesla’s former Hochschule in Graz,
1937 – experiments under 59th Street Bridge near 2nd Ave,
1942, July 8 – birthday meeting with exiled King Peter II Karadjordjevic of Serb,
1943, 5 Jan – admits last maid service, asks for no disturbances,
1943, 7 January – maid finds Tesla dead in his room, in “New Yorker” hotel. At first, he
was read the burial service according to Orthodox tradition, and then his body was burnt
according to Buddhist ceremony.


1943, 8 Jan – Pentagon seizes 80-trunk archive of Tesla’s papers from his rooms,
1943 – body to Campbell’s Funeral Parlors (Madison Ave & 81St),
1943 – cremated at Ferncliff Cemetery, Ardsley, NY
1943, 12 Jan – memorial at Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC,
1943, 13 January – service by Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, 20 W 26th St,
1943, 21 June – U.S. Supreme Court reverses itself, favor Tesla radio patents over
1943 – John J. O’ Neill publishes “Prodigal Genius”,
1944 – Bela Lugosi plays Romanian scientist/vampire “Armand Tesla” in long feature
movie “Return of the Vampire,
1952 – Tesla estate-shirts, suits, shoes & papers-sent to Belgrade,
1955 – Tesla Museum opens in Belgrade, 51 Proleterskih brigada,
1958 – Tesla’s remains sent to Belgrade,
1960 – Tesla’s declared unit of magnetic induction by Intl. Cmsn. For Electrical
Engineering, T=Wb/m2,
1976 – Rev. Sum Myung Moon buys New Yorker Hotel for $5M as Unification Church
1977 – NYC declares 40th St & 6th Ave “Nikola Tesla Corner.” -40th St & 6th Ave, SW
corner of Bryant Park, behind the NY Public Library, where he fed pigeons,

Main Laboratories

89 Liberty St (now 1 Liberty Plaza), y. 1887,
175 Grand St (now 179 Grand St, Wu Lim Back Rub), y 1889,
35 S 5th Ave (now ̴ 539 West Broadway, Wachington Square Village: 3rd/Bleeker), y.
46-48 E Houston St (now Soho Billiards), July 1895-99, Queensborough Bridge, 59th St
near 2nd Ave. y. 1905.

Main Offices

165 Broadway (now 1 Liberty Plaza), 1905,

233 Broadway, #1136, Woolworth Building, 1914,
1 Madison Ave, #202-203, Metropolitan Life Tower (23rd St), 1914,
8 West 40th St, #2006, (5th Ave) 1915-1924,
350 Madison Ave, old Conde Nast HQ (44/45th St.) y. 1925.

Main Hotels

1889 – 92 Astor House Hotel, 140 Broadway (Barclay/Vecey Sts),

1892 Hotel Gerlach (Radio Wave Bldg) 49 W 27th St (Broadway/6th Ave),
1892 – 7 Metropolitan Hotel, 580 Broadway (op. Guggenheim SoHo),
1897 – 1920 Waldorf-Astoria, 5th Ave & 33rd St (now Empire State Building),
1918 – 23 Hotel St. Regis, 2 E 55th St (5th Ave) #1607,
1923 – 25 Hotel Marguery, 270 Park Ave (48th St),
1925 – 30 Hotel Pennsylvania, 401, 7 Ave,
1930 – 34 Governor Clinton Hotel, 535 W 31 St (now Southgate Tower),(7th Ave), 20th
1934 – 43 Hotel New Yorker, 481 8th Ave (34th) #3327.


In the preface to the poem collection of Jovan Jovanović – Zmaj (Nickname The
Dragon), which Tesla translated into English personally, in 1897, Tesla wrote: “There is

hardly any nation who has experienced gloomier fate (,,,) The Serbs are the people of
thinkers and poets.”
In 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war to the Kingdom of Serbia, to his friend who
was H. Blavatsky – N. Roerich line Theosophyst – Pavle Rankov Radosavljević
(Nickname Paja), professor of Antropology and Pedagogy at the University of New York
and the great reformist of American Educational system, Tesla complained: “The heart
aches me due to horrible fate of Serbia, that one of the most gifted nation after ancient
Hellenes is being crucified unfairly.”
Tesla’s telegram directed in 1936 to the Institute in Belgrade which bears his name,
ended with the world: “Mention me to our people…”

Bio Data of Velimir Abramović

 1952 Born in Belgrade, Serbia.
 1967 Collection of poetry, “Smeop”.
 1985 Ph.D. dissertation “Problem of Continuity in Natural Philosophy of Leibniz
and Boskovich”
 1989 Professor of Film Theory, University of Arts, Belgrade
 1990 Professor of the History of Ideas and Concepts of Time, Space and Matter in
Natural Sciences, Center for Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Belgrade

 1992 – 1994 Founder and Editor in Chief of scientific-philosophical magazine
 2001 Founder of a private philosophical school “Institute for The Time Nature
Discovery”, Barajevo, Serbia, lecturing the Seminar of the Applied Metaphysics
 2003 Editor of Theosophical magazine Delphis, Moscow
 2004 Member of Russian Interdisciplinary Temporological Seminar, Lomonosov
State University, Moscow
 2007 Dean of Faculty “Academy of Arts”, Belgrade
 2009 Monograph about Nikola Tesla “Inextinguishable Light”
 2010 Founder of private scientific forum for Tesla’s cosmological studies,
 2011 Russian/Serbian group for Ether Physics, Belgrade/Moscow (works in
 2012 After 37 years of research, starts formulating The Foundations of the
Science of Time with the main hypothesis that the Constant Present Time, (of
which mathematical models are Point and Zero) – is the only actual time of
Physical Reality, further leading to redefinition of Space, Mass and Motion and to
experiments in controlling temporal characteristics of physical and biological
systems as the most desirable result in the whole history of science.

 2013 – 2015 Works on Time Science in Barajevo forest, 37 kilometers south of


 2015 Joined to the New Tesla-Patents Scientific Institute as the president of

Scientific research Council,

 2016 Establishing The Free University of Serbia on Internet.



(1900 – 1938) WITH SUPPLEMENTS


Excerpts of the Translator's Foreword

(Serbian translation is still waiting to be published – already 13 years)

The correspondence of Nikola Tesla with J. P. Morgan Sr. and J. P Morgan Jr. takes
place from 1900 to 1934, in the second half of his life characterized by a long-lasting
creative activity. In this period Tesla commenced two significant projects: construction of
a great transmitter at Long Island, intending to realize his “World Wireless System”, and,
later on, the original construction of special blade-less turbines, characterized by high
efficiency and small sizes with respect to their power. (…….)
As every admirer of Tesla's work and his significant attainments – to mention only his
polyphase system and the experiments at Colorado Springs – this translator was always
puzzled what the cause of these failures was and what would have occurred had he these
projects successfully completed. The answer was often replaced by imagination excited
by photographs of the great tower of the transmitter under construction. Its huge
hemispherical terminal looked like one pole of an enormous spark discharger directed at
the sky, the other imaginary pole being hidden behind the clouds, somewhere in the
The correspondence published in this book, together with supplements, although still
does not afford a complete and unambiguous answer to all the questions which could be
raised, explains to some extent the causes of the disaster of these projects and the
contribution of involved personalities as well as of general situation in the world politics
at that time. The translator does not pretend to give decisive answers but, rather as his
comment, to point to some Tesla's actions which at a distance of hundred years do not
appear suitable, as well as to some acts of his financial supporters, lacking in the
greatness of mind if not in benevolence.
Let us start with Tesla's letter of March 1, 1901 addressed to J. P. Morgan Sr. According
to this letter of agreement Tesla assigns to J. P. Morgan an interest of 51 per cent in
already obtained patents “and also in any patents and inventions which [he] may
hereinafter secure ... “ in connection with fluorescent electric lighting, wireless
telegraphy and telephony. On the other hand, J. P. Morgan allows $150 000 to Tesla “to
construct the apparatus necessary for putting [these] discoveries and inventions to
practical use... “The above mentioned sum had to be paid to Tesla “from time to time, on
... submitting ... proper vouchers for expenditures made ... in connection with the subjects
above mentioned.”

This agreement of the assignment of the 51 per cent interest in the above mentioned
patents for the sum of $150 000 as an equivalent compensation is by some authors
regarded as a contract concluded between Tesla and Morgan1. However, both its form
and contents are deficient for such a document. If we let the form aside and concentrate
on its contents we can ascertain the following. First of all, this letter of agreement of
March 1, 1901 does not specify the exact meaning of “putting ... discoveries and
inventions to practical use.” It does not stipulate any Tesla's obligation to construct a
transmitter of specified performances, e.g. for wireless transmitting of messages to a
minimum distance of, say, 300 km. From this agreement it cannot be deduced that
Morgan had any interest in the construction of such a transmitter. It seems rather as if he
intended to get under his continuous control the application of Tesla's patents in that
field, both at that time and in the future, and to proceed with investments when he finds it
advantageous for himself. Furthermore, this agreement does not stipulate what would
occur if Morgan for some reasons would not continue the payment of submitted
vouchers, or if the payments would be detained. Such a delay really occurred and caused
great losses to Tesla.2 There is no “Force Major” (exemption) clause (natural
catastrophes, extreme weather conditions, fire, war, strikes, hostilities, etc.) in it, and also
no clause regulating the case of unexpected stock market disturbances, e.g. sudden
increase in the price of copper with consequent increase in the price of necessary
equipment for a powerful transmitter. The increase of the sum agreed upon by
investments of a “third party” is not presumed. Moreover, Morgan effectively obstructed
Tesla's attempts to procure additional funds from other successful businessmen. It is not
evident how long the agreement will be valid, how can it cease to be in force and, finally,
in the case of disputes which cannot be settled amicably, which court will be the court of
jurisdiction. Briefly stated, the agreement allowed both parties arbitrary interpretation of
their respective rights and obligations, and such things frequently occurred to Tesla's
disadvantage. Deeply impressed by Morgan's investment of $150 000 (at that time a great
sum), Tesla overlooked to consult his attorneys who would unmistakably point to all the
deficiencies of such an agreement and risks comprised in it.
After hundred years it is obvious that with such an agreement in hand Tesla should not
have riskily played “Aut Caesar aut nihil”; he should not have imposed on himself a
moral obligation to construct a transmitter of signals detectable on the whole Earth,
risking to lose all his property for that goal. He should have been more cautious; as the
first step he should have constructed a replication of the Colorado Springs transmitter
with which he had experience and good results, and organized it for commercial
exploitation, e.g. for sending messages to distances of minimum 300 km. In spite of all
the stock market disturbances which caused the increase of prices and delay in delivery of
necessary equipment, caused predominantly by Morgan's acts, this goal could have been
attained and the financial results would probably have been satisfactory. The positive

E.g. M. J. Seifer, Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla. A Birch Lane Press Bool. Publ. by Carol
Publishing group, p. 260.
M. J. Seifer, ibid,315 – 316; (Tesla”s letter to J.P. Morgan of Dec. 19th, 1904.)

financial results of such a transmitter would have been for each businessman, perhaps
also for J. P. Morgan, an indisputable argument for further investment into a more
powerful transmitter and the financial disaster would have been avoided. Tesla realized it,
however too late.
In Tesla's correspondence with J. P. Morgan Sr. there are no technical data of the
transmitter constructed at Long Island. However in his notes from 1902 there are
calculations relating to a “magnifying transmitter” of 7 million HP in the secondary of the
transformer, intended to send messages at a frequency of 50, 100 or 150 kHz 3 by Morse's
signals at a rate of 60 words per minute. Briefly, it had to be similar to the transmitter in
Colorado Springs but more powerful. Its operation was apparently successful only a
couple of days in July 1903, until it “fell silent”.4 It will never be possible to establish
precisely the cause of the failure. Tesla probably detected it, but had no financial
resources to repair the defects. Likewise it will never be possible to ascertain what the
real range of transmitted signals was, although his German competitors, leaded by Nobel
prize-winner F. Braun, probably had reliable reports. In February 1915, when the war
raged in Europe, they offered to Tesla a full compensation for previous use of his patents,
expecting from him to make their plant at Sayville (at Long Island, in the neighborhood
of Tesla's transmitter) practicable to communicate directly to Berlin!5
Tesla's correspondence with J. P. Morgan Sr. terminates at the end of 1907 by Tesla's last
attempt to persuade him to continue his financial support.
In March 1913, after J. P. Morgan Sr.'s decease, Tesla established communication with
his son J. P. Morgan Jr. A greater part of this correspondence relates to the new design of
a bladeless turbine, developed by Tesla in 1911 and patented in May 1913.
This correspondence inevitably reminds to the financing of the Long Island transmitter,
as if it were occurring according to the same pattern. Morgan Jr. three times allows a
credit to Tesla, $25000 in total. Tesla constructs the proto-type of a 500HP bladeless
turbine which in the test-run shows certain defects in the construction i.e. poor quality of
castings. Tesla fails to deliver the turbine to the highly interested German firm, and the
whole enterprise fails because Morgan Jr. refuses to support it further. A reader could
now cast a critical eye over Tesla, who spent again a large sum of money and did not
manage to construct anything useful. However, if one reads in parallel his
correspondence with Sigmund Bergmann, distinguished German industrialist and Privy
Councillor and A. Bender, his representative, the whole affair seems somewhat
differently. In the USA the energy was abundant, and Morgan as steel magnate was not
very much interested in the turbine which requires less steel to be manufactured. In
Germany, however, which at that time was intensely preparing its national economy for

For approximate calculation of frequencies Tesla used the well-known relation of W. Thomson. For exact
calculations see: A. Marincic, Explanations and notes. In: Nikola Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes 1899-
1990. Publ. by Zavod za udžbenike i nast. sredstva, Belgrade, 1966, p. 546-554 (in Serbian).
M. J. Seifer, ibid, p. 292.
Tesla's letter to J. P. Morgan Jr. of February 19, 1915; also: M. J. Seifer, ibid., p. 370.

forthcoming war, the mass utilization of such turbines, which require less steel to be
manufactured and consume less coal for the same power, resulting in savings of limited
steel resources necessary for construction of warships and other armament, would be a
great contribution to preparation of the land for war and accompanying economical
efforts. It can only be supposed why A. Bender for the manufacture of the turbine
prototype recommended a factory which, judging by its name, was owned by Frenchmen,
but there can be no wonder why the job accomplished was neither in due time nor of
good quality. Whether the German patent office rejected Tesla's application by some
formal reason i.e. as a matter of principle, or for “reasons of state”, after someone's
suggestion, it will never be known.
After the disaster of the last project of which he had great expectations, Tesla did not
become discouraged. (…) “The finest speedometer ever offered to motor car industry”
was an accomplishment, but not a real achievement of a true genius...

Belgrade, November 2004,

Milan Ćirić



New York, Nov. 26th, 1900.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan,

Wall Street, New York.

Dear Mr. Morgan: -

Since last Friday, when I took the liberty to bring my project to your kind attention, I
have carefully considered the facts and features, which seem to me essential and which,
briefly stated, are as follows:
1. I have succeeded in perfecting methods and apparatus which permit the transmission of
messages to any distance without wires and make long and expensive cables, as a means

of conveying intelligence, a commercial impossibility. These inventions render easily
practicable the production and safe manipulation of electrical pressures up to a hundred
million volts and movements of electrical energy measured by rates of hundreds of
thousands of horsepower, which are capable of bringing into action instruments at any
point of the globe, no matter how distant from the transmitting station. Long practical
experience with apparatus of this kind and exact measurements embracing a range of
nearly seven hundred miles, enable me to construct plants for such telegraphic
communication across the Atlantic and, if need be, across the Pacific Ocean, with the
fullest assurance of success.
2. I have devised means for operating selectively a great number of instruments without
mutual interference, and can guarantee the absolute privacy of all messages.
3. Broad rights have been secured by me on these methods and apparatus in patents
granted or allowed.
4. I am free and unhampered to enter into such agreements regarding the exploitation of
these, and my future inventions in this field, as you might desire.
5. It would be my wish, subject to your approval, to identify my name with any
corporation which might be eventually formed for the above purpose.
6. Although the development of these inventions has consumed years of effort, knowing
that I have to deal with a great man, I do not hesitate to leave the apportionment of my
interests and compensation entirely to your generosity.
7. The first necessity is the provision of a fund to cover the expenses of construction of
two plants for trans-atlantic or trans-pacific communication.
8. With temporary buildings the former would involve an expenditure of about one
hundred thousand dollars, the latter approximately two hundred and fifty thousand.
9. The working capacity of the Atlantic plants would be equal to at least that of four of
the present cables; the Pacific plant would do the work of more than eight trans-pacific
10. Six to eight months would be necessary for the erection of the former, and the latter
could be put in working order certainly within a year.
Hoping in the interest of the art, if not in my own, that you will earnestly consider the
project, the realization of which is rendered quite easy by my inventions, I have the
honour to be
Yours very respectfully,
N. Tesla.

New York, Dec. 10th, 1900.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan,

23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Appreciating the immense value of your time and also – the weight of circumstantial
reasons, I have withdrawn more or less hastily last Friday, preferring to make a few
condensed statements at long distance which, with a small effort on your part, will put
you in the possession of that knowledge, which I have myself gained only after a long
and exhaustive study of the questions involved.
1. A casual remark you made the other day, showing that you have been somewhat
impressed by newspaper reports, skillfully circulated, but without foundation in fact,
prompts me to quote, as one of many acknowledgements of my pioneer work, from a
letter of Prof. A. Slaby, Privy Councillor of Germany: “I am devoting myself since some
time to investigations in wireless telegraphy which you have first founded in such a clear
and precise manner” ... “It will interest you, as father of this telegraphy, to know,” ...
2. Apologising for this digression, which I would have avoided had I not thought it
necessary to illuminate the situation, I beg you to bear in mind, that with my patents in
this still virgin field, should you take hold of them, you will command a position which,
for a number of reasons, will be legally stronger than that, held by the owners of Bell's
telephone inventions or by those of my own discoveries in power transmission by
alternating currents.
3. For not only have I secured broad rights on the fundamental features and elements of
the system, but I have also patented, independently of the same, methods and appliances
for the productions of powerful oscillations, which are universally identified with my
name, and without which a wireless transmission to very great distances and
individualization of messages are not practicable. The necessity of substantiating my
statements compels me to cite my illustrious friends, Lord Kelvin and Sir William
Crookes. The former says: “This is a wonderful development of the induction coil and
destined to be of great importance;” the latter: “The performance of your machine is
4. The legal position is rendered still more secure by my inventions of entirely novel
methods for receiving as well as for individualizing the messages, with which none now
known has the remotest chance of competing, and which are likewise patented.

5. Furthermore, I have secured rights on improvements of wholly different nature,
applicable to any system and offering such advantages that any of them would be
sufficient to exclude competition.
6. Then again, I have made certain scientific discoveries, which in themselves are of
transcendent importance in wireless transmissions to great distances, which I chiefly
contemplate, and which offer such unprecedented chances in commercial exploitation
that they deserve your fullest attention.
7. Without endeavouring to give you more evidences of this kind, I venture to state – not
without apprehension of being misunderstood by you – that you have a further guarantee
of success in my extensive experience and ability acquired through years of
experimentation with electrical vibrations, of which my co-workers will give you
8. Besides in this country, I have protected myself, though not quite so completely, in
England, Victoria, New South Wales, Austria, Hungary, Germany, France, Italy,
Belgium, Russia and Switzerland.
9. In view of the intense activity in this field it is desirable, that I should be placed
without delay in a position enabling me to turn to profit my advanced knowledge and to
secure patents on features which, though of less moment now, may soon become
10. Before going further permit me to remind you, that had there been only faint-hearted
and close-fisted people in the world, nothing new would have ever been done. Rafael
could not have created his marvels, Columbus could not have discovered America, the
Atlantic cable could not have been laid. You, of all, should be the man to embark boldly
in this enterprise, only seemingly hazardous, prompted by superior insight as well as
desire to advance an art of inestimable value to mankind.
11. Coming to financial questions – please remember: These inventions, – the results
attainable only by their means – which now I alone am able to accomplish – in your
strong hands, with your consummate knowledge and mastery of business – are worth an
incalculable amount of money.
12. Although I have expressed myself in my last letter, I will be more explicit relative to
my share and compensation. The control is yours, the larger part is yours. As to my
interest – you know the value of discoveries and artistic creations – your terms are mine.
13. Referring to your remark about the state of affairs in England, the acceptance by the
Post office of the Hertzian system which, by the way, is of no practical value, since it
does not permit transmissions to great distances and selective signalling, would, if
anything, help my inventions. But if the government should adopt certain modifications,
which are infringements on my system, I would again be in a good position. I have,
however, assurance from England, France and Belgium, that I shall have no difficulty
whatever to place and operate my apparatus.
Yours very respectfully,

N. Tesla.

Dec. 12. 1900.

How can I begin to thank you in the name of my profession and my own, great generous
man! My work will proclaim loudly your name to world!
You will soon see, that not only am I capable of appreciating deeply the nobility of your
action, but also of making your primarily philanthropic investment, worth a hundred
times the sum you have put at my disposal in such a magnanimous princely way!
With many, many wishes, from all my heart, for your happiness and welfare believe me
ever yours most thankfully
N. Tesla.
Mr. J. P. Morgan City

Copy of letter forwarded

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, February 15th, 1901.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

46 East Houston Street, New York.

My dear Mr. Tesla: –

I enclose draft of a letter which I think covers the arrangement you talked of with Mr.
Morgan. If you will write him such a letter as this and send him at the same time

assignments of the fifty-one per cent interest in the various patents, he can confirm the
understanding by letter and that will complete the arrangement. I have showed this to Mr.
Morgan and he thinks it is all right.
Yours very truly,
Charles Steele.

New York, Feb. 18th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

Mr. Charles Steele,

Care Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
23 Wall Street, N. Y. City.

Dear Mr. Steele: –

Upon receipt of your kind note of Feb. 15th, with formal letter to Mr. Morgan,
confirmatory of our verbal understanding, I called on you last Saturday but learned that
you were engaged.
I need scarcely say that I would sign any document approved by Mr. Morgan, but I
believe that there exists a misunderstanding in regard to my system of lighting, which
was not included in the original proposition.
I have been engaged in perfecting it since a number of years and believe it will create an
industrial revolution. The inclosed excerpt from a business program which I have been
preparing may give you an idea of this invention, while the appended statement relative
to the cash expenditures I have incurred, prepared by my secretary, will bear out the fact
that with which you are no doubt familiar, that it takes, among other things, capital to
develop valuable inventions. Of this one, while it has been paid for dearly, I am proud,
knowing that the world will be grateful to me for it. I am well aware of its great
commercial value, but any sum, however large, which I might obtain from other people, I
would consider scarcely more than a carfare, as compared with the honor and satisfaction
which I would feel in being associated with Mr. Morgan and, just as soon as practicable, I
shall show my light to him and he may take it on his own terms.
Under inclosure please find my letter, in all respects the same as you have suggested,
with the exception of the slight amendment which, I hope, will be found just and
agreeable to him.

Some of the patents concerned in our agreement are owned by a Company, in which,
besides myself, Col. Astor is interested and which I control. It will be necessary for me to
comply with a formality before making the assignments. I shall attend to his matter at the
earliest possible moment.
With assurances of my personal sympathy, which has been kindled in our short
conversation the other day, I remain
Yours sincerely,
N. Tesla.
Incls. (Kindly return at your convenience.)


In order to convey an idea of the great commercial possibility of this invention, attention
may be called to a few facts of which the general public has little knowledge. A common
impression is that electric lighting systems, as now commercially introduced, are a vast
advance over older methods of illumination, leaving little room for improvement. This is
far from being so, as usually but a fraction of one per cent of the total energy consumed is
obtained in the form of light, all the rest being dissipated in invisible rays, of no value for
the purpose. When considering that hundred of millions of dollars are invested in the
United States alone for producing light in these crude ways, the importance of a radical
advance in this field will be appreciated.
The present systems, however, are not only wasteful, they are also inseparable from other
disadvantages as the large cost of installation, which is chiefly due to the great quantity of
copper required; the frequent renewal of the lamps, owing to their unavoidable
deterioration; the disagreeable character of the light which, coming from a small surface,
is naturally too intense and detrimental to the eyesight; the necessity of employing more
or less opaque screens, which involve a considerable loss in illuminating power, and
many other drawbacks of a nature. It is true, that recently Nernst and others have secured
some gain in the efficiency of incandescent lamps or burners by the use of coatings of
rare oxides, which permit higher degrees of incandescence. But this departure has not
done away with the objectionable features above mentioned, on the contrary, it has only
added to them.
In Tesla's new lighting system all these disadvantages are successfully removed. The
light is produced with a much smaller expenditure of energy, scarcely more than one
eight of what is presently consumed for the same quantity of light, it is soft and agreeable
to the eye, closely resembling daylight, and the cost of the copper conductors is much
less. Still better results as regards economy are, however, realizable with this kind of light
and are sure to be reached soon in the course of its introduction. The lamps are very

simple and ornamental and can be manufactured cheaply, need never be renewed and,
what is very important, it has been ascertained in long experience that their rays have,
like those of the sun, certain germicidal and sanitary properties, so that their use in
dwellings will become imperative.
Referring particularly to street-lighting and illumination of public places, Tesla's systems
offers features of an ideal character. The lamps may be of any desired candlepower and
may be adapted to any kind of current of supply, and they last indefinitely. The plant is
cheaper and more economical and, owing to the softness and diffusive character of the
light, the illumination is incomparably better. In view of this it is highly probable, that the
arc-light will be driven out of the market entirely, being unable to compete.

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, February 25th, 1901.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
46 East Houston Street, New York.

My dear Mr. Tesla: –

I have showed Mr. Morgan your letter of the 18th instant, and he would like to see you on
the subject before reaching a conclusion. Would you kindly drop in at your convenience.
Yours very truly,
Charles Steele.

New York, Feb. 25th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

Mr. Charles Steele,

Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
23 Wall Street, City

My dear Mr. Steele: –

I have just received your kind letter an accordingly will call to-morrow, hoping to find
Mr. Morgan disengaged.
Yours sincerely,
N. Tesla.

New York, March 1rst, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir: –
For several years past I have been engaged in perfecting a system of electric lighting and
in carrying on investigations relative to wireless telegraphy and telephony, and I have
made certain discoveries and inventions in connection with these subjects, for which
patents have been issued to me in the United States and also in foreign countries.
I am anxious now to construct the apparatus necessary for putting my discoveries and
inventions to practical use and for continuing my investigations on the subject named.
For this I desire to procure the sum of and I hereby agree that if you advance such sum to
me as hereinafter stated, I will assign to you an interest of fifty-one per cent in all of said
patents and inventions, and also in any patents or inventions which I may hereinafter
secure or make having relation to or being useful in any way in connection with electric
lighting and wireless telegraphy or telephony. Such sum of is to be paid to me from time
to time on my submitting to you proper vouchers for expenditures made by myself in
connection with the subjects above mentioned.
Understanding that you are prepared to accept this offer, I herewith hand you assignments
of an interest of fifty-one per cent in the patents designated upon the schedule hereto
annexed, and if, as and when, any other or further patents for inventions relating to or
useful in electric lighting, wireless telegraphy or telephony shall be secured or made by
me, I agree forthwith to assign you a like interest of fifty-one per cent therein.

Will you kindly confirm this understanding by letter.
Very respectfully yours,
Nikola Tesla,

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, March 4th, 1901.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

46 East Houston Street, New York.

Dear Mr. Tesla: –

I have talked with Mr. Morgan regarding the form of your letter and it is satisfactory to
him to have the sum of $150,000 filled in.
Will you kindly have the letter completed in this respect and Mr. Morgan will confirm it
at once.
Yours faithfully
Charles Steele

New York, March 5th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

Mr. Charles Steele,

23 Wall Street,

New York City.

My dear Mr. Steele: -

Under inclosure I forward my formal letter to Mr. Morgan, filled out and signed as
On this occasion I would renew my assurances of esteem and gratitude and also express
the hope, that in a time not distant I may be able to prove myself worthy of the
confidence he has placed in me.
Now, that all danger of conveying a wrong impression to Mr. Morgan is removed by his
kind acceptance of my proposal, I would call to his attention, that I consider my
fundamental patents on methods and apparatus for the wireless transmission of energy as
the most valuable patents of modern times and as to my system of lighting, I am
convinced, that it constitutes one of the most important advances and is of enormous
commercial value.
Yours very sincerely,
N. Tesla.


New York, March 1rst, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir: –
For several years past I have been engaged in perfecting a system of electric lighting and
in carrying on investigations relative to wireless telegraphy and telephony, and I have
made certain discoveries and inventions in connection with these subjects, for which
patents have been issued to me in the United States and also in foreign countries.
I am anxious now to construct the apparatus necessary for putting my discoveries and
inventions to practical use and for continuing my investigations on the subject named.

For this I desire to procure the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND
DOLLARS ($ 150,000), and I hereby agree that if you advance such sum to me as
hereinafter stated, I will assign to you an interest of fifty-one per cent in all of said
patents and inventions, and also in any patents or inventions which I may hereinafter
secure or make having relation to or being useful in any way in connection with electric
lighting and wireless telegraphy or telephony. Such sum of ONE HUNDRED AND
FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ 150,000) is to be paid to me from time to time on my
submitting to you proper vouchers for expenditures made by myself in connection with
the subjects above mentioned.
Understanding that you are prepared to accept this offer, I herewith hand you assignments
of an interest of fifty-one per cent in the patents designated upon the schedule hereto
annexed, and if, as and when, any other or further patents for inventions relating to or
useful in electric lighting, wireless telegraphy or telephony shall be secured or made by
me, I agree forthwith to assign you a like interest of fifty-one per cent therein.
Will you kindly confirm this understanding by letter.
Very respectfully yours,
Nikola Tesla.

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, March 4th, 1901.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

46 East Houston Street, New York.

Dear Sir: –
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 1st instant together with assignments of
an interest in various patents as shown upon the schedule and assignments handed me
herewith, and to confirm the understanding therein expressed.
Very truly yours,

J. Pierpont Morgan

New York, March 7th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter confirming our understanding.
It is one of my warmest wishes, that your investment would prove financially as
profitable as it has been generous.
With many thanks, believe me,
Ever yours most faithfully
N. Tesla

New York, August 8th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I beg to submit herewith a statement relative to the patents and applications partly
assigned to you last March, which is self-explanatory.

In a short time I expect to be able to report satisfactory progress along the two lines
specifically mentioned in our agreement.
Hoping in the interest of this country and the world at large for the conservation of your
precious energies, I remain
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

New York, Sep. 13th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

1. I respectfully apologize for disturbing you at a time, when your mind must be filled
with thoughts of a more serious nature than usual.
2. My efforts are now centered upon that element of the plant I am constructing, on which
the effects at distance chiefly depend.
3. The transmission of energy by my system is exceptional in this respect, that a small
increase in the sum invested in the apparatus results in a very great increase in the
performance of the same.
4. On the basis of many estimates which I have lately made, you may accept it as not
being far from true that, if the sum invested in the element referred to be doubled, the
apparatus will be competent to convey messages across the Pacific instead of only across
the Atlantic, and if the sum be tripled, it will be fully adequate to convey signals to any
point of the globe, no matter what the distance.
5. As to my ability of accomplishing this, I can only assure you on my word that, were
the technical difficulties a thousand times greater than they actually are, I would still be
certain of the result, if the limitations of capital were removed.
6. I do not state this with the object of inducing you to add anything to your exampleless
generosity, but merely to acquaint you with a positive and unquestionable fact of
incalculable importance.
7. What I contemplate and what I can certainly accomplish, Mr. Morgan, is not a simple
transmission of messages without wires to great distances, but it is transformation of the

entire globe into a sentient being, as it were, which can feel in all its parts and through
which thoughts may be flashed as through a brain.
8. Consider that from one single plant I can operate, at the same time, – not a hundred, or
a thousand, or even a million, but thousands of trillions – a practically infinite number –
of instruments, each costing no more than a few dollars, situated at all parts of the globe.
9. Only two power plants, one located, say, on the old continent, and the other in
America, can transmit more messages that millions of the present cables working
continually at full capacity, and this would be true even if their working capacity were
increased a thousandfold.
10. You only need to realize this great truth to at once recognize that as a means of
conveying general knowledge the cables are absolutely and hopelessly doomed. They
may be employed for special purposes, but not for the distribution of general news.
11. Here is a result, Mr. Morgan, of overwhelming humanitarian as well as financial
importance, worthy of your energies, and one that would give you a new hold on the
world, which has been already benefited so much by your genius and activity.
12. Believe me, that however keen my satisfaction would be in completing this great
work, an equal pleasure I would find in telling to the whole world that it is yours more
than my own.

With expressions of admiration and gratitude believe me,

Ever yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

46 & 48 East Houston Street,

New York, Nov. 11th, 1901.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Under inclosure please find assignments of patents which were granted to me recently
and which fall under the terms if our agreement. They cover certain new departures in the
transmission of electrical energy through natural or artificial channels, and its utilization
for various purposes. I am securing the rights in some of the foreign countries.

Pardon me for trespassing on your valuable time in order to give you, on this occasion, in
the fewest words a clear idea of the bearing of my patents relative to energy transmission
so far assigned.
Any problem of this kind will present itself to you in three aspects – first, the production
of the energy; second, its transmission, and third, its utilization at the distant point.
As to the first, my patents cover novel methods and aparatuses for the production of
electrical effects of virtually unlimited power, not obtainable in any other ways
heretofore known.
In regard to the second, my inventions cover the only practical and economical method of
transmission by conduction through the earth with “tuned” circuits. They also cover new
methods of transmitting great amounts of energy for industrial purposes without wire.
The practical significance of my system resides partially in the fact, that the effect
transmitted diminishes only in a simple ratio with the distance, whereas in all other
systems it is reduced in proportion to the square. To illustrate, if the distance be increased
one hundredfold, I get 1/100 of the effect, while under the same conditions others can
obtain, at the very best, only 1/10,000 of the effect. This feature alone bars all
In regard to the third, there are only two ways possible of economically utilizing the
energy transmitted for the production of qualitative effects: either storing it in dynamic
form as, for instance, the energy of well-timed thrusts is stored in a pendulum, or by
accumulating it in potential form as, for example, compressed air is stored in a reservoir.
In the patents assigned last spring I have embodied the first, and in some of those now
assigned the latter principle. My rights on both are fundamental.
Referring particularly to telegraphy and telephony, I have still in the Patent Office two
applications, one of which is allowed, while the other is about to be allowed. I have kept
them back for a number of reasons. In one of them I describe and claim discoveries
relating partially to the transmission of signals through the earth to any distance, no
matter how great, and in the other a new principle which secures absolute privacy of
messages and also enables the simultaneous transmission of any desired number of
messages, up to many thousands, through the same channel, be it the earth or a wire or
cable. On this latter principle I have applied for patents in the chief foreign countries. I
consider these inventions of extreme commercial importance.
Hoping that I shall soon be able to satisfy you that your generosity and confidence in me
have not been misplaced, I remain,
Yours very respectfully,
/ N. Tesla /

J. P Morgan & Co.
P. O. Box 3036.
New York Nov. 11 1901.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.

46 East Houston Str.
N. Y. City

Dear Sir,
Mr. J. P. Morgan has received your letter of 11th instant with the assignments of patents
mentioned therein.
Yours truly,
Chas. W. King.
Private secret.

New York, Dec. 26th, 1901.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I have received information to-day, that my United States patents referring to the means
and methods for securing absolute privacy of wireless messages and the simultaneous
transmission of any number of them without interference will be allowed. I am also
practically assured that the British and German patents will be granted. Through these
rights, independently of others I already have, I am securing a great advantage, because
they will control largely the business, no matter what others may do. The principles are
likewise applicable to transmissions through artificial channels.
With heartiest wishes for your welfare and happiness, I remain as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla /

New York, Jan. 9th, 1902..
46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I have carefully examined the records and find that, in what the Marconi-Fleming
Syndicate are now using, not a vestige of their old patented apparatus is left. Under
inclosure I forward a few extracts from technical papers, which have come to my hand
and which you will greatly oblige me by returning for file. All the essential elements of
these arrangements, in many respects defective, are broadly anticipated by my patents of
1896 and 1897 (which I took out in most if the civilized countries, Canada excepted) on
methods and apparatus for the production of high frequency currents or oscillations and
transmission of electrical energy without wire. They have adopted my resonating
transmitter which magnifies enormously the currents conveyed, and in this connection
my grounded receiving circuit or “multiplier”, my transforming circuits at both ends, my
“Tesla coil” and my modern type of the same, the “Tesla transformer”, my system of
dependent tuned circuits and numerous minor improvements. Nothing can be done just
now, but as the water finds its level, so every one will get his due.
Anxious as I am not to detract your attention from your great labors, I find it
indispensable to make the following communication in view of the importance which it
has for myself, and possibly also for others.
A few years ago I made discoveries, which enable any skilled expert to produce electrical
oscillations of virtually unlimited intensity and to transmit, without wire, small amounts
of power to the greatest distances, over seas and continents. To insure the practical
success of these discoveries in their obvious application to long distance “wireless”
telegraphy, it was necessary to devise means for securing absolute safety and privacy of
the messages. After mastering this difficult problem and applying for patent protection of
the principle, I approached you with the result you know. It was my intention then to
quickly erect a temporary plant merely for demonstrating the practicability of my system
and had nobody, who would be moved only by financial considerations, joined me in my
undertaking, I would have certainly done so. But your support was so unselfish and I
valued the honor of being associated with you so much, that a quick result was no object
for me. My desire was to produce something worthy of your energies.

I need not tell you that I have worked as hard as I have dared without collapsing. I have
examined and rejected hundreds of expedients aiming at improvement in every way and
at the attainment of the best result with the capital at command, and I am glad to say, that
by slow and steady advances I have managed to contrive a machine, with which I shall
produce an electrical disturbance of sufficient intensity to be perceptible over the whole
earth. It will be feeble at some places and, I fear, unsuitable for practical use, but I am
sure that, when my apparatus is worked in and in condition to deliver its maximum
energy – at the rate of one million horse-power – with the first throw of the switch I shall
send a greeting to the whole world, and for this great triumph I shall be forever grateful to
Being perfectly confident of this result, I have evolved a system of what I call “World
Telegraphy”, to which I have referred in one of my letters to you and on which I am now
preparing a specification for a patent. The fundamental idea underlying this system is to
employ a few power plants, preferably located near the large centers of civilization and
each capable of transmitting a message to the remotest regions of the globe. These plants
are to be connected by wires, cables and any other means with the civilized centers
nearby, and as fast as they receive the news, they pour them into the ground, through
which they spread instantly. The whole earth is like a brain, as it were, and the capacity
of this system is infinite, for the energy received on every few square feet of ground is
sufficient to operate an instrument, and the number of devices which can be so actuated
is, for all practical purposes infinite. You see, Mr. Morgan, the revolutionary character of
this idea, its civilizing potency, its tremendous money-making power. Carried out
successfully, it will do away not only with the cables, but with the newspapers also, for
how can journals as present exist, when everybody can have a cheap machine printing in
his own house the world's news.
But more than this can be done by my system, and I certainly expect that a beautiful
invention, which I am now developing, will enable me to speak your name in a telephone,
and it will be repeated loud everywhere in the tone of my voice. This, I may tell you now,
I have since long ago conceived as a means of acquitting myself fittingly of my debt to
The transmission of power without wire has been a problem, to which I have devoted a
large portion of my energies since ten years, and I have arrived at its solution in the
manner of an architect who builds. If I have made discoveries, they were not of the nature
of those which are stumbled upon, but like those which are reasoned out. From the
practical point of view, there are three distinct steps to be made. 1) the transmission of
minute amounts of energy and the production of feeble effects, barely perceptible by
sensitive devices; 2) the transmission of potable amounts of energy dispensing with the
necessity of sensitive devices and enabling the positive operation of any kind of
apparatus requiring a small amount of power; and 3) the transmission of power in
amounts of industrial significance. With the completion of my present undertaking the
first step will be made and the result will be of great value to the world. But of
incomparably greater value would be the transmission of energy in appreciable amounts,

enabling at any point of the globe the positive operation of innumerable contrivances. All
recording, reproduction, printing, etc. could be simultaneously effected in all parts of the
earth, and the effect of this on the advancement of humanity is beyond estimation. To do
this, a plant of five thousand horse-power would be needed. This power could be had at
Niagara. The land necessary for the plant could likewise be obtained there. The
preliminary work, the plans, estimates, options, etc., – all the work on paper, would not
involve an expenditure of more than twenty-five thousand dollars. By the time my
present plant is completed and I have made demonstrations to your satisfaction, all this
preparatory work could be done and, if you should elect so, before the next winter the
large plant could be put in operation. Now, Mr. Morgan, am I backed by the greatest
financier of all times? And shall I lose great triumphs and an immense fortune because I
need a sum of money!! Is it not due to the honor of this country, that it be identified with
this achievement. Have I not contributed to its greatness and prestige and have my
inventions not exercised a revolutionary effect upon its industries. These are not my
claims, Mr. Morgan, only my credentials.
With expressions of devotion and esteem, believe me,
Ever yours,
/ N. Tesla. /

New York, Feb. 17th, 1902.

46 & 48 East Houston Str.

J. P Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I forward with bearer a photograph, which will give you an idea how my oscillator on
Long |Island will look when completed. The dimensions are: base 94 feet, and height
over all 169 feet. The power plant, factory and laboratory are, of course, independent of
this. As I have stated in a previous letter, with this apparatus I shall be able to produce an
electrical oscillation of sufficient intensity to be clearly perceptible over the entire earth,
that is, it will enable me to send a wireless message to any place on sea or land, no matter
what the distance may be.
Believe me,
Yours most faithfully,

/ N. Tesla /

New York, Sep. 5th, 1902.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Hoping that you may now have a free moment to spare, I venture to respectfully submit
the following:
1. Under inclosure please find assignment of some foreign patents, chiefly relating to an
invention, which I have mentioned in my earlier letters to you. In this country my
fundamental rights are likewise assured on this beautiful principle which permits of an
indefinite cheapening and unlimited extension of telegraphy and telephony through
natural and artificial channels. Knowing your interest in scientific advances, I will
attempt a simple explanation. We are able to receive numberless distinct impressions,
because the controlling nerve fibres lend themselves to innumerable combinations, and
we can distinguish an individual from all others by reason of a great many characteristic
features which in no other individual exist, or if so, not in that particular combination. In
this reside both the essence and virtue of the invention. The transmitter is not primitively
characterized by a single note or peculiarity, as to heretofore, but represents a very
complex and, therefore, unmistakable individuality, of which the receiver is the exact
counterpart, and only as such can it respond. To go a step farther, I make the operation of
the receiving instrument dependent not only on a great number of distinctive elements in
combination, but also on their order of succession and, if necessary, I go so far as to vary
continuously the character of the individual elements. These latter refinements I shall
introduce in the transmission to the most important centers of the world. You can see,
how impossible it will be to intercept my messages or to interfere with them. With proper
facilities for manufacture and technical assistance it is practicable to prepare instruments
which would enable the transmission of ten thousand simultaneous dispatches through
the Earth or a wire.
2. Some time ago, finding that my inventions in the wireless transmission of energy and
production of electrical oscillations had been boldly appropriated, I came to the
conclusion, after carefully considering every course I could adopt, that the only way to
fully protect myself was to develop apparatus of such power as to enable me to control
effectively the vibrations throughout the globe. Now, if I had recognized this necessity
earlier, I would have gone to Niagara, and with the capital you have so generously
advanced I could have accomplished this easily. But, unfortunately, my plans were
already made and I could not change. I endeavoured once to explain this to you, much to
my sorrow, as I impressed you wrongly. Nothing remained then but to do the best I could
under the circumstances. My efforts will be in a large measure rewarded, for by straining

every part of my machinery to the utmost I shall be able to reach what I consider almost
the maximum possible performance with the power available – a rate of energy delivery
of ten millions of horse-power – more than twice that of the entire Falls of Niagara. Thus
the waves generated by my transmitter will be the greatest spontaneous manifestation of
energy on Earth. I believe I have told you in a previous letter, that in my system the
strongest effect is produced at a point diametrically opposite the transmitter, which, in
this instance, is situated a few hundred miles off the western coast of Australia. The
waves will be the weakest in the countries which are at a distance of about 6000 miles
from here. It will be possible, however, to use the transmitter so that its effect will be
exactly equal over the whole surface of the globe, but then it will be comparatively
feeble, though the variation of potential will amount to fifty volts or more.
3. It is now imperative to provide facilities for manufacturing great numbers of receiving
apparata. These will be inexpensive, and there is virtually no limit to the number which I
can operate from my plant. They could be placed wherever desired and could be actuated
simultaneously or separately. For this purpose it would be necessary to connect the plants
by wires with the New York Telegraph and Cable Offices. At first, of course, the replies
would have to come through artificial channels, but if agreements were entered into with
Cable Companies the scheme would be very profitable to all concerned for the following
a) Revenue would be provided by charging for the wireless messages; b) the existing
lines would have more to do; c) the public would be benefited by increased convenience
and cheapening of the rates, and d) there would be no opposition and friction.
4. Since your departure for Europe, Mr. Morgan, I have had time to reflect and to get a
better knowledge of the importance and scope of your work, and I now see that you are
no longer a man but as a principle and that every spark of your vitality must be preserved
for the good of your fellowmen. I have therefore given up the hope that you might aid me
in establishing a manufacturing plant, which would enable me to reap a fruit of my labors
of many years. But some ideas which I have not simply conceived – but worked out – are
of such great consequence that I honestly believe them to deserve your attention. If you
should wish it, I shall submit them to you, and in this hope I inclose a copy of an
application filled by me in the U. S. Patent Office on the 16th of May, 1900. A perusal of
the paragraph on page 4 may convince you that what I contemplate are not unrealizable
projects of a visionary but rational undertakings of an engineer.
5. The necessity of a factory with modern tools has compelled me to devote all the energy
I could spare to this, and I have formulated a plan which has a fair chance of being put
through. I only need your kind approval, assuring you that whatever attitude you may
take, I have no greater desire than to prove myself worthy of your confidence, and that to
have had relations, however distant, with so great and noble a man as you will ever be for
me one of the most gratifying experience and most highly prized recollections of my life.
With these sentiments and awaiting your pleasure, I am, as ever,
Yours most devotedly,

/ N. Tesla. /

New York, Sep. 17, 1902.

Dear Mr. Morgan: -

Complying at the earliest possible moment with your wish, I forward under inclosure: 1)
a brief descriptive of the inventions to be introduced, outlining plan proposed and
accompanied by list of patents; 2) a few of my patent specifications with technical
comments, and 3) copy of letter to the subscribers, to whom similar papers are to be
I scarcely need say that none who are ready to take part in the enterprise and who are all
people of high standing know of your interest, and that all pertaining to this transaction
will remain among friends, strictly private.
As the Nikola Tesla Company, the owner of the patents, has incurred great expenses in
perfecting the inventions, and as under this plan it would receive no [re]imbursement, it is
proposed to sell a part of the bonds received by the Company for cash. I have thought it
my duty to make the prospective subscribers understand this and no objection has been
raised. This will enable me to refund the sum which you have in generous spirit
advanced, and as to your share in the whole property, it will be left entirely to yourself.
Of my own interest I intend to give away one quarter to an associate, in whose ability and
integrity I believe, and who is to unite all of his energies with mine, to bring to the
greatest possible success this undertaking, in which our honor will be engaged.
Hoping that there is nothing in this of which you would nor approve, and assuring you of
my deepest respect and gratitude, I remain, as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York

New York, Sept. 24th, 1902.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

46 East Houston Street, New York.

Dear Mr. Tesla: -

Will you kindly drop in and see me in the next day or two about the matter concerning
which you wrote Mr. Morgan.
Yours very truly,
Charles Steele.

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, October 21st, 1902.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

46 East Houston Street, New York.

Dear Mr. Tesla: –

I understand the plan of your proposed electrical company to be as follows:
The company is to acquire all your patents of which you spoke to me and will be
capitalized as follows:
Bonds, $ 5,000,000
Preferred stock, 2,500,000
Common stock, 2,500,000

It is intended that the company should go into the manufacture of the various devices
covered by your patents and for this purpose it is proposed to raise working capital of $
2,500,000 by the sale of bonds $ 2,500,000, preferred stock, $ 1,250,000, common stock
$ 1,250,000. The present Tesla Company, which includes yourself and associates, is to
receive 40% of the new capitalization:
$ 2,000,000 bonds,
1,000,000 preferred stock,
1,000,000 common stock,
so that there will remain in the treasury of the new company,
$ 500,000 unissued bonds,
250,000 preferred stock,
250,000 common stock.
I understand your suggestion to be that of the securities which go to yourself and
associates, a certain amount will be used to provide cash to reimburse the advances which
have been made to you and the balance will be divided among yourself and associates.
I have discussed the suggestion with Mr. Morgan and it is in substance agreeable to him.
As to the amount which he should receive out of the balance of securities remaining after
providing for reimbursement of advances, he does not understand the facts fully enough
to decide. If as he understands, the principal patents to be acquired by the company are
those in which he held an interest of 51%, he thought that possibly it would be fair to
give him about one-third of the securities.
I should be glad to know what you think of this.
Yours faithfully,
Charles Steele.

/ Telegram/

Wardenclyffe, L. I., oct.23, 1902.

To Mr. Chas. Steele, J. P. Morgan & Co.,
Wall Street, New York,

Thanks for letter and attention. Nothing could be more generous. Will call tomorrow.

New York, April 8th, 1903.
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
I would respectfully report, that I have secured U.S. Patents on the important principle
repeatedly referred to in my previous letter to you. There were four contestants in the
Patent Office, but all came too late and my broad claims have been granted in their
entirety and without the slightest restriction. This invention in itself makes it impossible
for others to compete with me in the lines of my present endeavors, as it secures perfect
privacy of the messages and permits me the simultaneous transmission of virtually any
desired number of them without interference. These improvements are, of course, being
embodied in my plant at Wardenclyffe, and will enable me to communicate intelligence
to any part of the globe, irrespective of distance, with the same precision and
exclusiveness as through a private wire.
I am carefully watching the wireless speculators, who since I began this work have
quietly abandoned their processes and appliances, which precluded the possibility of
signalling to any considerable distance and with precision, and have appropriated my
patented methods and apparatus, with which every blacksmith and woodchopper can send
reliable messages to great distances. As I have told you, I have these people in my
pocket. Their doings are so manifest a departure from all rules of fairness, that they are
bound to collapse. My attorneys, Kerr, Page & Cooper assure me, however, that I shall
have no difficulty in shutting them up.
It is my hope, Mr. Morgan, that nothing has occurred to slight me in your appreciation,
which has always filled me with a sense of great honor and satisfaction. I recognize the
fact, that I should have reached some practical results before expending so much money,
but under circumstances it was impossible.
First of all, you have raised great waves in the industrial world, and some have struck my
little boat. Prices have gone up in consequence – twice, perhaps three times higher than
they were. Then there were expensive delays, mostly a result of the activities you have
excited. The special machinery I needed I obtained only after nine months of promise,
and I had literally to beg for it. Then again, I had a great number of patents to work and to
maintain. This took a considerable sum of money, for which no provision whatever was
made. Furthermore, as in every technical project, unforeseen difficulties presented
themselves, causing trouble, delay and expense. But as I examine all my work to-day, I
feel and can conscientiously assure you, that I could not have done better in a single
feature. Improvements may be possible, but they are beyond my knowledge and power.
Two plants such as mine – one here and one in the Orient – can earn at least ten thousand
dollars a day.
Yours most faithfully,

N. Tesla.

New York, April 22, 1903.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –
My work is now in such shape that it can be completed in three months. I would then be
enabled to transmit at low cost absolutely reliable private dispatches to any part off the
world, and what this means I need not say.
You have extended me a noble help at a time when Edison, Marconi, Pupin, Fleming and
many others openly ridiculed my undertaking and declared its success impossible. What
has happened, Mr. Morgan, that just at present, when I am more than ever deserving your
support, you should hesitate? I am a century ahead in my art and my patents cover the
only practical means and methods for the transmission and individualization of
telegraphic and telephonic messages without wires. With these patents you can control
inventions which will create a revolution such as the world has not seen before. Will you
now let me go from door to door to humiliate myself, to solicit funds from some Jew or
promoter and have him participate in that gratitude, which I feel for you?
Hoping for your health and welfare, I remain, as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

July 3, 1903.
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Under inclosure I forward assignments of seven patents relating to the principle referred
to in my previous letters, Nobody who respects these rights can guarantee secret and non-
interferable messages.
I also send a photographic view of my plant taken some time ago. The work has been
carried on without interruption, but it is about as close to stoppage now as I can admit
consistently with my dignity. I have expended $ 150,000, which you have so generously
invested and in addition $ 35,000, which I obtained by sale of a personal property;
besides I have borrowed $ 10,000 from my bank and have a lot of bills to pay.
Financially, I am in a dreadful fix. But if I can complete this work, I can readily show
that by my wireless system power can be transmitted in any amount, to any desired
distance and with high economy. Of the three hundred horse-power developed by my
oscillator on Long Island two hundred and seventy-five, – perhaps a little more – can be

recovered at the greatest distance in Australia. If I would have told you such as this
before, you would have fired me out of your office. Now you see, Mr. Morgan, what I
work for. It means a great industrial revolution. It will be something worthy of your
attention, as I have always assured you. There is no incertitude about this, it is as absolute
a fact as anything I know of electricity can be. My patents confer a monopoly. Will you
help me or let my great work – almost complete – go to pots?
Ever yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

J. P. Morgan & Co.

P. O. Box 3036
New York, July 3rd, 1903.

Nicola Tesla, Esq.,

New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir: –
Referring to your favor of even date, addressed to our Mr. Morgan, will you kindly call
and see him on Monday, July 6th, in reference to the subject therein referred to?
Yours truly,
J. P. Morgan


TIME 3 59 PM _________________________ 190__

To Mr. Tesla

Mr. J. P. Morgan has written you wishes to see you at his office on Monday morning

Call received from Telephone No. _________

/ The copy of Tesla`s letter of July 16th, 1903 is missing/

J. P. Morgan & Co.

P. O. Box 3036
New York, July 17th, 1903.

Nicola Tesla, Esq.,


Dear Sir,
I have received your letter of 16th inst. and in reply would say that I should not feel
disposed at present to make any further advances.
Yours truly,
J. P. Morgan

Sept. 13, 1903.

Dear Mr. Morgan: -
Many years ago I was at your door with this invention, but I did not go in thinking that it
would be useless.
I have now another one which is a hundred times more important and valuable. Help me
to complete this work and you will see.
Ever yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Sept. 21, 1903.

Dear Sir: –
I hope I did not impress you as asking for a generous contribution to science. It was
simply a business proposition.
My last undertaking has returned more than two dozen times the original investment and
this, in strong hands, should do better still.
I had the same difficulty in convincing the world of the practicability of my invention
referred to in the editorial inclosed. The present one is comparably more important and
Apologizing for the intrusion, I remain,
Very respectfully yours,
N. Tesla.

New York, Sept. 24, 1903.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –
There is no day without such notices as the inclosed. All this power can easily be
transmitted by my new patented processes almost without loss and to any distance. If you
will give me your earnest support in this you can have a greater income from these
inventions than Rockefeller from his oil-wells. And you will have at your mercy the cut-
throats who are trying to undo your work and get your royal mantle. I only need to
complete this plant, Mr. Morgan, the rest will take care of itself.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Oct. 15, 1903.
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Please excuse me for troubling you at this time when, much as you may disdain the small
doings of your enemies, you must be deeply pained to see the progress of your great
economic ideas retarded. But it is precisely for this reason that I beg you now to hear me.
I have never attempted, Mr. Morgan, to tell you even a hundredth of what can be readily
accomplished by the use of certain principles I have discovered. If you will imagine that I

have found the stone of the philosophers you will be not far from the truth. They will
cause a revolution so great that almost all values and all human relations will be
profoundly modified. These new developments do not concern any country in particular,
but the whole world and they are in line with your own efforts. The commercial
possibilities they offer are simply infinite, and you are the only man today who possesses
the genius and power to compel the universal adoption of these ideas and that is why I
approached you two years ago. If I am only aided to reach the first result – the most
insignificant of those to which I allude, yet very valuable – to girdle the globe with
wireless messages, you will become interested and convinced. With my present
experiences and knowledge of the wonderful appliances identified with my name this
task is so easy, that it is for me no effort at all.
I have had a long talk with Mr. Th. F. Ryan last night and he will see you in regard to
providing the money still necessary. He is a great admirer and loyal friend of yours and
for this reason as well as on account on his ability I am very anxious to enlist his co-
operation. I have told him that one hundred thousand dollars will be sufficient to reach
the first commercial results, which will pave the way to other and much greater
successes. Knowing your generous spirit, I have told Mr. Ryan that any terms you may
decide upon will be satisfactory to me.
Yours very respectfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Dec. 7th, 1903.
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Will you permit me to call this or any other evening at your home and to bring a small
instrument along to show you one or two experiments with my “daylight”? I merely wish
to have the first honor, the shark who will probably come after me, will get the contract
for lighting your house.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

Tel. Waldorf.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,
Dec. 11th, 1903.
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Will you enable me to complete this work and show you, that you have not made a
mistake in giving me a checkbook to draw on your honored house? It is my honest belief
that I am a century ahead in the fields in which I am working, and that is just the trouble
which confronts every pioneer. You see how your own advanced ideas are hampered.
My enemies have been so successful in representing me as a poet and visionary, that it is
absolutely imperative for me to put out something commercial without delay. If you will
only help me to do this, you will preserve a property of immense value.
As regards the wireless project, I beg to call again to your attention that my patents
control absolutely all essential features and that my work is in such a shape, that
whenever you tell me to go ahead I shall girdle the globe, within three months, as surely
as my name is Tesla. I have promised the St. Louis Exposition people to open the door of
the Exposition with power transmitted from here. It is a great opportunity, Mr. Morgan. I
can easily do it, but if you do not aid me soon it will be too late. Please think for a
moment what this means for me. What I have told you long ago has happened. My
competitors have collapsed, since wholesale appropriations as they here attempted do not
go. Now is the time to aid me, you know this better than anybody else.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

/ no date /
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Since many years I have known one side of your character intimately. I believe that in my
first approach to you I have given you evidence of this knowledge and I do so to-day.
You have already put aside the money necessary to complete the work begun, – in your
thoughts, and that is as good as done. But I did not understand you as a business man
until lately.
I have worked for results carrying with them a dignity and force such as to deserve your
attention. What you wanted was simply a result. Now, Mr. Morgan, will you let me profit
by this later knowledge and give me the opportunity to rehabilitate myself in your
opinion as a business man. I need only a little ready capital to put some of my devices on
the market. They will bring immediate returns. Will you make me an advance for this
purpose and to preserve what I have already developed with so much pain, on any terms
you choose?

Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

/ no date /
Dear Mr. Morgan: –
When this work is completed you will have something of incalculable value. As it now
stands, I could be in three months in a position to establish communication with the chief
cities of the world. This in itself would insure the realization of the financial plan as
outlined in Mr. Steele's letter to me of Oct. 21, 1902. In two months more I would be able
to demonstrate that power can be transmitted by my wireless system, regardless of
distance, without appreciable loss. Think only, Mr. Morgan, what this means in your
hands. You can not permit that such a marvelous opportunity is lost after what you have
already done.
Would you be willing to advance the money if the Nikola Tesla Company were to
authorize a bond issue for the amount. You could attach to this any condition you
consider fair. My work is thorough, Mr. Morgan; it may seem long to complete, but I
assure you that the ultimate results will be very gratifying to you.
/no sign/

New York, Jan. 13, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –
1) The Canadian Niagara Co. will agree in writing to furnish me ten thousand H.P. for
twenty years without charge, if I put up a plant there to transmit this power without wires
to other parts of the world. My system permits the transmission to be effected practically
without loss. These people have great faith in me. Besides furnishing the power they will
take financial interest in my enterprise. With this splendid start I hope to realize the
project I submitted to you about a year and a half ago. As outlined then, I would use
energy, not for industrial purposes, bur for operating clocks, stock tickers 1 and other
apparatus, of which there are millions now in use. On the average I shall require not more
than one tenth of one H. P. for each instrument. With ten thousands H. P. I shall be able
to offer a great convenience to the whole world. I have calculated that with an investment

[Stock] ticker: a telegraphic device that automatically prints stock market quotations and other reports,
such as baseball scores etc. on a paper tape. – Ed. note.

of about half a million dollars from two to three millions can be easily earned per annum.
To illustrate one of the features, I would start a manufacturing company there, which
would simply turn out clocks. These instruments will be extremely cheap, having
practically nothing but the hands and a couple of coils. They could readily be produced
for two dollars, and sold for, say, ten. They will require no winding up, no attention at all
and would indicate absolutely correct time. They would be adopted everywhere on land
and sea.
2) I have made preliminary arrangements for manufacture of some of my inventions with
a good manufacturing concern. (This has nothing to do with the above.) They will
produce and put together all purely machine parts and I shall have only the electrical
parts to make. This reduces the capital which I need to manufacture to about one third.
3) I am organizing an office in this City as Consulting Engineer for the two fold purpose
of facilitating all my commercial undertakings and drawing a permanent issue. I have so
far never accepted a fee in my life. I am sure I can earn about fifty thousand dollars a year
in this capacity.
Now, Mr. Morgan I want a small capital to put myself on an earning basis. Will you help
me on any terms you choose and enable me to insure and develop a great property, which
will ultimately yield hundredfold returns. Please do not do me an injustice I believing me
incapable simply because a certain sum of money was not sufficient to carry out my
undertaking. It is not my fault that prices have gone up, that there have been delays, that
there is a panic. You may see that my work remains uncompleted because of the lack of
funds, but you will never see, that machinery which I construct does not fulfil the purpose
for which it was designed.
To-day being my New Year, I take the opportunity to renew my heartiest wishes for your
triumph over your enemies.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

Jan. 13, 1904.

23 Wall Street

My dear Sir,
In reply to your note I regret to say that I should not be willing to advance any further
amounts of money as I have already told you. Of course I wish you every success in your
Yours very truly,

J. P. Morgan
N. Tesla, Esq,
Waldorf – Astoria.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Jan. 14, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

That was a nice letter to receive on my New Year! Had you at least waited till to-day, bad
news travel fast enough. You wish me success: it is in your hands, how can you wish it?
We start on a proposition, everything duly calculated it is financially frail. You engage in
impossible operations, you make me pay double, yes, make me wait ten months for
machinery. On the top of that you produce a panic. When after putting in all I could
scrape together I come to show you that I have done the best that could be done you fire
me out like an office boy and roar so loudly that you are heard six blocks away: not a
cent. It is spread all over town, I am discredited, the laughing stock of my enemies.
It is just fourteen months that the constructive work on my plant was stopped. If I would
have been helped at that time three months more with a good force of men would have
completed it and now it would be paying ten thousand dollars a day. More than this, I
would have secured contracts from governments for a number of similar plants. I am the
discoverer of the principles and the inventor of all the essential devices and no one would
have had the slightest chance in a competition with me. You have favored the schemers
who have no knowledge or skill, but merely the cursing sense of fraud, to fool the world
and to hurt my work more by their incompetent attempts and far more than they ever
could by success.
Now when I have practically removed all the obstacles skilfully put in my way and need
only a little more to save a great property, which would pay you ten million dollars as
surely as one cent, you refuse me help in a trouble brought on by your own doings!
Twenty-five thousand dollars would enable me:
1) to start the manufacture of oscillators, which would make my undertaking with you
self-supporting and insure the ultimate success of my plans;
2) to put my light on the market;
3) to form a lighting company and realize the cash still necessary to complete my plant;
4) the completion of this plant will put me in the position of carrying through the plan at
5) my office will naturally facilitate all this and yield a permanent income.

This would be to reach success in a slow and painful way. If I had now what I need to
complete the plant, that would be different!
I am as anxious to succeed on your account as mine. What a dreadful thing it would be to
have the papers come with your name /... /
in red letters /... .... /. It would be telegraphed all over the globe. You may not care for it,
Mr. Morgan, men are like flies to you. But I would have to work five years to repair the
damage, if reparable at all. I have told you all. Please do not write to refuse.
I am pained enough as it is.
Yours sorrowfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Jan. 22nd, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Are you going to leave me in a hole?!!
I have made a thousand powerful enemies on your account, because I have told them that
I value one of your shoestrings more than all of them.
Do not grow old and ...... as weak men do. You are good for another twenty years, if you
hold on to life, to your people and young ideas.
Could I not pledge you in / ...../ my plant a while for twenty-five thousand dollars I need
to carry out the plan outlined in my last letter? If it is not worth that much, I am not an
engineer of world repute, but a chump.
The better way, however, would be to enable me to complete the plant at once. This
would mean for you many millions of dollars, and, what is more important still, a power
which you could use effectively. I hope that you never for a moment confounded my art
with the incompetent efforts of my imitators. I could do better than any of them, if ninety-
nine parts of me were paralyzed. In a hundred years from now this country would give
much for the first honors of transmitting power without wires. It must be done my
methods and apparatus and I should be aided to do it first myself.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,
April 1rst, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I have solved the greatest industrial problem which has confronted humanity since ages.
My success is absolutely certain. I can deliver power in any desired amounts to any
distance without wire, in a practical and most economical manner. This will be of
incalculable consequence on the cost of necessities and commodities. The prices of oil
and coal in particular will be greatly affected, merely by the moral effect of the first
public demonstrations.
I am tired of speaking to pusillanimous people who become scared, when I ask them to
invest five thousand dollars, and get the diarrhea when I call for ten. Will you aid me to
complete this great work? I have managed to advance it considerably. A little more and I
shall have practical results which will give you the basis for a business of a magnitude
such as the world has never seen before.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

April 6th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Please accept my best wishes for a happy journey.
The books I forward are great, but a thousand libraries of such books will not be valued
in a few years from now /as / the article I inclose.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.
J. P. Morgan, Esq.

/ Telegram /

RECEIVED at 10 58 A.M. 6 / 4 1904
Dated New York City
To N. Tesla
Favorable answer received
J. P. Morgan & Co.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

April 15th, 1904.
Mr. Chas. Steele,
23 Wall Str., New York.

Dear Mr. Steele: –

You said yesterday that I have made some representations which did not materialize.
Permit me to ask whether the same is not true of you also and even of Mr. Morgan? And
is not banking, in theory at least, as positive a line of effort as electrical engineering?
What I undertook to accomplish was for me no more than would be for you a simple
business operation, But my financial resources proved inadequate. This was due to
unforeseen conditions and about the forces which brought them on you will know more
than I do. I hope that you are mistaken in believing that Mr. Morgan was disgusted. He
certainly had no cause to feel so. In interesting himself generously with me he has once
more shown his knowledge and foresight. He has made an excellent investment, which
will bring large returns.
It has been impressed upon me as a duty to leave careful note of all my acts and
following this impulse I must place on record the fact that I have called on J. P. Morgan
& Co. in an hour of distress, to ask for a loan of small sum of money and that I have been
refused. You will see from the inclosed article, a copy of which was forwarded to Mr.
Morgan before he sailed, that nothing can possibly occur which should make him regret
the assistance he has given me. You will see that I shall ultimately triumph over my
enemies and carry my work to a glorious end.
Yours truly
N. Tesla.

New York, April 24, 1904.
Dear Mr. Morgan:-
Have you ever read the book of Job? If you will put my mind in place of his body you
will find my sufferings accurately described. I have put all the money I could scrape
together in this plant. With fifty thousand dollars more it is completed, and I have an
immortal crown and an immense fortune.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.
Wardenclyffe, Long Island, N. Y.
July 22nd, 1904.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

I hope the misfortunate misunderstanding, the cause of which I have been vainly trying to
discover, will be removed and that you will recognize that my work is of that kind that
passes into history and worthy of your support. My plant here, when completed, will
enable you talk from your office to any part of the world as clearly and distinctly as
across your table, and it will make possible the transmission of telegraphic messages to
all points of the globe with a speed and precision surpassing by far those practicable
through wires, and its capacity of transmission will be greater than that of the entire cable
system of the world combined. What is still needed can now be very closely estimated.
Three months would suffice to complete the work, which has now been cruelly delayed
for eighteen months. If you will aid me to the end, my country will be grateful to you.
Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

New York, Sept. 9, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –
When you interested yourself with me, I told you that I would return your investment a
hundredfold. Despite of the unfortunate delay, I shall fulfil my promise to the letter if you

will aid me to complete this work. Kindly remember that your money has so far not
yielded returns simply because of the enforced departure from my original proposition.
This plant completed will transmit telegraphic and telephonic messages to any part of the
world and its earning power will be enormous, certainly not less than ten thousand dollars
a day, as I have already stated before, and besides, it will insure the universal adoption of
my system. I am also assured of contracts for several such plants in England and Russia.
This is a work which you will not be displeased to be associated.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

We know now that the announcements of transatlantic messages were not founded on
fact, but on this point I disdain to say more.

New York, October 13th, 1904.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Morgan: -

I would beg you, in all earnestness, to peruse the following statement of facts which I
have brought separately to your attention.
1. Five years ago, (as you may have gathered from my original announcement in the
Century of June 1900, copy of a patent specification filed May, 16, 1900, and article in
the Electrical World and Engineer of March 5, 1904) I succeeded in encircling the Earth
with electrical waves. What gave to this result, far-reaching in itself, a tremendous
significance, was the observation that in their passage, from Colorado Springs to the
diametrically opposite region of the globe and return, the waves suffered no perceptible
diminution of intensity, thus affording an absolute experimental evidence, that by my
system power in unlimited amounts can be transmitted, without wire, to any distance and,
virtually, without loss.
2. I recorded my discoveries in the Patent Office and secured broad and uncontested
rights in Patents, some of which I am still keeping back, for reasons which it is
unnecessary to explain. When they appear they will create a profound impression.
3. I was, even then, firmly convinced that these advances would prove of greater
importance than the steam engine, the telegraph, the telephone and my multiphase motor
combined, for they offered an ideal solution of the problems of fuel, transportation, and
intelligence-transmission, in all their ramifications.

4. Desiring to obtain a support such as this work was deserving, more for the good of the
world than my own, I approached you, naturally enough with the easily realizable project
of establishing communication across the Atlantic, which required a smaller investment.
5. I was fortunate to enlist your interest, but not quite on the lines of my own suggestion.
I contemplated the formation of one or two companies, to which all my inventions in
wireless telegraphy and telephony and in my system of lighting were, respectively, to be
assigned, and proposed that you take fifty-one percent of the stock (not fifty, as you
yourself said in our first conversation, because then you would not control), the
remainder to go to my Parent Company. But when I received your formal letter it
specified an interest of fifty-one percent in patents on these inventions. That was different
though my share was the same. It was a simple sale. The terms were entirely immaterial
to me and I said nothing, for fear of offending you. You have repeatedly referred to some
stock and it is just possible, that a mistake was made, and that you intended to take
exactly what I proposed, and what would have been, for many reasons, greatly to my
6. Your participation called for a careful revision of my plans. I could not develop the
business slowly in grocery shop fashion. I could not report yacht races or signal incoming
steamers. There was no money in this. This was no business for a man of your position
and importance. Perhaps you have never fully appreciated the sense of this obligation.
7. When I discovered, rather accidentally, that others, who openly cast ridicule on what I
have undertaken and discredited my apparatus, were secretly employing it, evidently bent
on the same task, I found myself confronted with wholly unforeseen conditions. How to
meet them was the question. Of course, I could not enjoin the infringers. In Canada,
almost midway, I had no rights. My Patents on the art of individualization, insuring non-
interference and non-interferability, were not as yet granted in England and the United
States. Suppose I was anticipated in this invention? Then I would have to rely on ordinary
tuning. This was in a measure, satisfactory so long as I was alone, but shrewd
competitors, with the advantage they had, could make me fall short, as the capital I had at
disposal was only sufficient for two small plants. Once I failed with you in the first
attempt, you would not listen to any other proposition. Once I lost your support I could
not because of your personality and character of our agreement, interest anybody else, at
least not for several years, until the business would be developed and the commercial
value of my patents recognized. But there was one way, the only way, of meeting every
possible emergency, and making the ultimate success perfectly certain.
8. Here I must add a purely explanatory paragraph. Suppose a plant is constructed
capable of sending signals within a given radius, and consider an extension to twice this
distance. The area being then four times as large the returns will be, roughly, fourfold an
account of this alone. The messages, however, will become more valuable.
Approximately computed, the average price will be tripled. This means that a plant with a
radius of activity twice as large will earn twelve times as much. But it will cost scarcely
twice as much. Hence in investing a certain sum destined for two small plants into a

single one, the earnings will be sixfold increased. The greater the distance the greater the
gain until, when the plant can transmit signals to the uttermost confines of the Earth, its
earning power becomes, so to speak, unlimited.
9. The way to do was to construct such a plant. It would yield the greatest returns, not
only for the reasons just mentioned, but also because every other plant erected anywhere
in the world, by anyone, was sure to be turned into a source of income. It would give the
greatest force to my Patents and insure a monopoly. It would make certain the acceptance
of my system by all governments. It discounted in advance all possible drawbacks, as
anticipation of the results by the trespassers of my rights and delay. It offered possibilities
for a business on a large, dignified scale, commensurate with your position in life and
mine as a pioneer in this art, who has originated all its essential principles.
10. The practicability of such an undertaking I had already demonstrated in Colorado, but
to make those feeble effects, barely detectable by delicate instruments, commercially
available all over the Earth, required a very large sum of money. You had told me from
the outset that I should not ask for more, but the work was of such transcending
importance and it was of such enormous value in your hands, that I undertook to explain
you the state of things on your first return from abroad. You seemed to misunderstand
me. That was most unfortunate. Had I obtained your hearing, your enemies would not
had succeeded in inflicting you injuries, for the first motor or lamp operated across the
Pacific would have delivered them in your power. To achieve a great result is one thing,
to achieve it at the right moment is another. That favorable moment is gone forever. Your
popularity has suffered, the moral force of my work has been weakened by delay, the
audacious schemers who have dared to fool the crowned heads of Europe, the President
of the United States, and even His Holiness the Pope, have discredited the art by
incompetent attempts and spoiled the public by false promises which it cannot distinguish
from those sure of fulfillment, based on knowledge and skill and legitimate right. That is
what pains me most.
11. Still, in spite of all this, Mr. Morgan, I can realize what I have held out to you when
you yourself said to me that “you had no doubt”. I know you must be sceptical about
getting hundredfold returns, but if you will help me to the end you will soon see that my
judgement is true. When my first plant is completed I can place a dozen of such at once. I
do not need to wait for returns from subscribers. There are one thousand million dollars
invested in submarine cables alone. This immense property is threatened with destruction
because just as soon as people find that messages for, say, five cents a word can be
transmitted to any distance, nothing will stop the demand for cheaper and quicker means
of communication. The investment in cables is too large to pay on this low basis and the
only chance the companies have is to take hold of the new advances. My patents control
every essential element of the art. They are impregnable. In your hands, and backed by
these great results, they should be of enormous value.
12. My work is now far advanced and could be finished quickly. I have expended about
$250,000 in all and a much smaller sum separates me from a great triumph. If you have

lost faith in me have you not someone in whose knowledge and ability you have greater
confidence than in mine, and to whom I could explain? Seventy-five thousand dollars
would certainly complete the plant and then I would have no difficulty whatever in
getting all the capital necessary for the further commercial expansion.
13. Since a year, Mr. Morgan, there has been hardly a night when my pillow was not
bathed in tears, but you must not think me a weak man for that. I am perfectly sure to
finish my task, come what may. I am only sorry that after mastering all the difficulties
which seemed insuperable, and acquiring a special knowledge and ability which I now
alone possess, and which, if applied effectively, would advance the world a century, I
must see my work delayed.
In the hope of hearing from you favorably, I remain
Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla /

23 Wall Street
New York, Oct. 15th, 1904.

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

New York City.

Dear Sir: –
Referring to your letter of 15th October, Mr. J. P. Morgan wishes me to inform you that it
will be impossible for him to do anything more in the matter.
Yours truly,
C. W. King
Private Secretary

New York, Oct. 17th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

You are a man like Bismarck, great but uncontrollable. I wrote purposely last week,
hoping that your recent association might have rendered you more susceptible to a softer
influence. But you are no Christian at all, you are a fanatic Mussulman. Once you say no,
come what may, it is so. May the gravitation repel instead of attract, may right become
wrong, every consideration, no matter what it be, must founder on the rock of your brutal
It is incredible. A year and a half ago I could have delivered a lecture here, which would
have been listened to by all the academies of the world, in the tone of my voice! That
would have been the time to thank you.
You let me struggle on, weakened by shrewd enemies, disheartened by doubting friends,
financially exhausted, trying to overcome obstacles which you yourself have piled up
before me.
I know, Rankine told me what a time they had in placing the Niagara bonds. And what a
time must I have?! “If this is a good thing, why does not Morgan see you through?”
“Morgan is the very last man to let a good thing go!” So it has been going on for two
years. I advance, but how? Like a man swimming against a stream that carries him down.
Will you not listen to anything at all? Are you to let me perhaps succumb, loose an
immortal crown, will you let a property of immense value be depreciated, let it be said
that your own judgement was defective, simply because you had once said no. Can I
make you a new proposition to overcome the difficulty? I tell you I shall return your
money a hundredfold.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Nov. 5, 1904.

Dear Mr Morgan: –
The inclosed bears out my statement made to you over a year and a half ago. The old
plant has never worked beyond a few hundred miles. Apart of imperfection of the
apparatus inside there were four defects, each of which was fatal to success. It does not
seem probable that the new plant will do much better, for these faults were of a widely
different nature, and difficult to discover.
As the remedies, I have protected myself in applications filed 1900 – 1902, still in the
Yours faithfully,

N. Tesla.

(Note. Sent clipping from Electrical World and Engineer, of Oct. 5th, 1904, relative to
removal of Marconi station.)

The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,

Nov. 18th, 1904.

Dear Mr Morgan: –
The inclosed written by the ablest man in the field of electrical transmission by my
system reminds me of the difficulties I had of convincing people of the value of that
invention. What I have now is immensely more valuable and consequential.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

(Sent: Editorial by C. F. Scott from Electric Club Journal, October, 1904.)

/The Tesla`s letter of December 16, 1904 is missing/

23 Wall Street
N. Y. Dec. 17/04
N. Tesla, Esq.,

Dear Sir,
I have received your note of 16th inst. and in reply would state that I am not willing to
advance you any more money, as I have frequently told you.

As to your third proposition I am not prepared to accept this either. I have made and
carried out with you in good faith, a Contract, and, having performed my part it is not
unreasonable that I expect you to carry out yours.
Yours very truly,
J. Pierpont Morgan
Per C. W. King,
Private Secretary.
(Letter dictated by
Mr. J. P. Morgan.)

/ Tesla/s important letter to J. P. Morgan is missing / #

New York, Dec. 18th, 1904.

Dear Mr Morgan: –
To-day is my patron saint, who has always stood by me.
Will you let me complete the important work and tell the world, in a way which will be
forever recorded in history, that I have to thank only to the generosity of a great man and
my own efforts?
I am fully aware, Mr. Morgan, that your hands are full and that you are perhaps grieved.
But permit me to tell you that in the eyes of those who see far you have shown yourself
greater and stronger than ever before. (Those that know you believe in your complete
Yours most faithfully,

New York, Dec. 19, 1904

Mr. J. P. Morgan

M. J. Seifer, Wizard, s. 315.

New York City
Owing to a habit contracted long ago in defiance of superstition, I prefer to make
important communications on Fridays and the 13th of each month, but in my house is
afire and I have not an hour to waste.
I knew that you would refuse. What chance have I to land the biggest Wall Street monster
with the soul's spider thread!
Your letter reached me just on the day of my patron saint – the greatest of all – St.
Nikola. There was a silent agreement between St. Nikola and myself that we would stick
to each other. He did well for a time, but during the last three years he has forgotten me, –
as you have.
You say that you have fulfilled your contract with me. You have not.
I came to enlist your genius and power, not because of money. You should know that I
have honored you in so doing as much as I have honored myself. You are a big man, but
your work is wrought in passing form, mine is immortal. I came to you with the greatest
invention of all times. I have more creations named after me than any man that has gone
before not excepting Archimedes and Galileo – the giants of invention. Six thousand
million dollars are invested in enterprises based on my discoveries in the United States
to-day. I could draw on you at sight for a million dollars if you were the Pierpont Morgan
of old.
When we entered our contract I furnished: 1) patent rights; 2) my ability as an engineer
and electrician; 3) my good will. You were to furnish 1) money; 2) your business ability;
3) your good will. I assigned patent rights which in the worst case are worth ten times
your cash investment. You advanced the money, true, but this first clause of our contract
was violated. There was a delay of two months in furnishing the last $50,000 – a delay
which was fatal.
I complied conscientiously with the second and third obligations. You ignored yours
deliberately. Not only this, you discredited me.
There is only one way to do [sic], Mr. Morgan. Give me the money to finish a great work
which will advance the world a century and reflect honor on all that come after you. Or
else, make me a present and let me work out my salvation. Your interest is sacred to me
and my hearty wishes for your happiness and welfare will always be with you.
Faithfully yours,
N. Tesla

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, January 6th, 1905.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir: –
We enclose herewith receipted bill for Exchange ordered by you and also check for
Yours truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.
Enclosures 2.

New York, Feb. 17th, 1905.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –
Let me tell you once more.
I have perfected the greatest invention of all times – the transmission of electrical energy
without wires to any distance, a work which has consumed ten years of my life. It is the
long sought stone of the philosophers. I need but to complete the plant I have constructed
and in one bound humanity will advance centuries. I am the only man on this earth to-
day, who has the peculiar knowledge and ability to achieve this wonder and another one
may not come in a hundred years. There has been a long and painful delay. My nerves are
not of iron, and all this knowledge and ability may be lost to the world. Please do not
delay further to act either one or the other way. Help me to complete this work or else
remove the obstacles in my path.
I was heartily glad to see you in such splendid health yesterday. You are good for another
twenty years of active life.
Faithfully yours,

N. Tesla.

New York, Feb. 27th, 1905.

Mr. J. P. Morgan,
23 Wall Str., New York.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Understanding that you are to sail the day after to-morrow I would earnestly beg you not
to leave without some understanding offering me a chance to complete soon the work
which, but for unfortunate circumstances, would have been finished three years ago. The
attention of the whole world is turned upon it and something must be done for your as
well for my sake.
There are a number of ways which might lead to quick results without further
expenditures on your part. If you will kindly accord me a few moments at your
convenience, for the purpose of choosing a plan, I believe that a time not very distant you
would have every reason to be satisfied.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

New York, Aug. 11th, 1905.

Mr. J. P. Morgan,
23 Wall Str., New York.

Dear Sir: –
Under enclosure please find assignment of a patent recently granted to me on certain
discoveries to which I have referred to in my previous correspondence. In view of this,
the specification I forward might possibly be of interest to you. Rights have been
reserved in three foreign countries.
On this occasion I take liberty to enclose copy of a letter addressed to you shortly before
your departure for Europe. My Secretary who was its bearer and in your presence, seems
to be under the impression that it was miscarried.
Yours faithfully,

/ N. Tesla /

New York, Sep. 29th, 1905.

Mr. J. P. Morgan,
23 Wall Str., New York.

Dear Sir: –
I have developed conjointly with another well-known practical engineer a novel system
for the propulsion of vessels, in all important respects superior to any now in use. We
eliminate virtually all moving machinery, reducing the whole apparatus to simple,
stationary elements, apply the energy of the fuel more directly and with a minimum loss
and complication. This means reduced costs of construction, much greater speed, cruising
radius and carrying capacity. The system is readily applicable to any existing vessel at
small expense and without material alteration, except for the removal of engines, boilers,
condensers, smoke-stacks, etc.
I have never forgotten your generous help in the development of inventions which are so
far in advance of time, that they have as yet brought no commercial returns. This is a
peculiarly timely, strictly commercial engineering proposition, which should be of
exceptional value in the present unsettled state of the art and it is herewith respectfully
submitted to you for refusal or acceptance on your own terms.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

23 Wall Street
New York, Sept. 30, 1905.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

New York City.

Dear Sir: –

Referring to your letter of 29th inst., Mr. Morgan has carefully read same but regrets he
cannot do anything in regard to the matter which is entirely out of his line.
Yours truly,
C. W. King
Private Secretary.

New York, December 13th, 1905.

Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan,
23 Wall Street, City.

Dear Sir: –
Under enclosure please find Assignment of two patents which have just been granted to
me and come within the terms of our agreement.
These patents describe an important discovery which I made in Colorado in 1899.
Ordinarily the Earth responds very feebly and only locally to electrical disturbances much
like the Ocean to a stone thrown into it. But there are certain waves to which the Earth is
sympathetically responsive and when these are impressed upon it the globe as a whole
responds very vigorously.
I take liberty, on this occasion, to tell you that I have just recovered form a severe illness
which has brought more vividly to my mind the unfortunate state of affairs confronting
me since three years. Just fourteen years ago I undertook to solve the problem of
transmitting electrical energy without wires and in 1899, after spending a large private
fortune, I finally succeeded in achieving what seemed impossible. As you will kindly
remember, I approached you with a very easy and simple proposition of establishing
telegraphic communication across the Atlantic, in the hope that I might later interest you
in the transmission of power for industrial uses. Circumstances which we did not foresee
made the original proposition impracticable and I adopted a plan which would make my
success absolutely sure, irrespective of what might be developed by others and which
would lay the foundation to a development commanding universal respect. You never
advised me with one word and I did the best I could do myself. The result has been that
for want of a certain sum of money my work has remained, up to this day, unfinished.
But despite all the unfortunate delay I could still return twenty times your investment if I
could complete my plant, for then I would be able to send messages in type, in
handwriting and by telephone to any part of the world. More than this, I could establish
clearly the fact that with my system, energy in unlimited amount can be transmitted
practically without any loss to any distance.

As you will see, Mr. Morgan, all depends on my being able to complete this work. To do
this, more money is required. Whoever advances this capital must receive a fair interest.
Consequently if there is such a person to be found it all depends on you, for, as far as I
am concerned I am satisfied with the smallest interest. I believe that I have found a man
generous enough to advance One hundred Thousand Dollars. It is Mr. Frick, whom you
well know. What has passed between us has impressed me with the feeling that he will
certainly do if I can only frame some kind of a proposition in harmony with you. I beg
you to consider what the completion of this work means to me and to the world and act
accordingly in your noble magnanimous way in which you have already assisted me and
for which I am profoundly grateful.
Yours very respectively
N. Tesla

Dec. 14/05

My dear Mr. Tesla,

I have received your letter of 13th Dec. and in reply would state that I am not willing to
invest any more money in the enterprise. I should be very glad if Mr. Frick would join
you. You could have no better associate and I should be very glad to work with Mr. Frick
in the matter putting in what I have against his $100,000 to which you allude.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan
N. Tesla, Esq.
N.Y. City.

Jan. 24, 1906.
Dear Mr. M/organ/:
I have just learned that the Germans have commenced the construction of a plant, in all
respects similar to mine, which they expect to complete in a year.

They consider the first establishment of a wireless girdle around the globe as a great ....
honor. The Emperor is ... ...... and Prof. Slaby is working very hard to win the prize. In
Germany a number of features of my system are public property and Prof. Slaby has
franckly acknowledged their indispensable use. He is a thorough and skilful experimenter
and perfectly sure of success.
Now, Mr. Morgan, you do not wish such a horrible thing to happen. If Frick will aid me,
I can finish without delay my plant in ..... by July next. Please accept him at your earliest
opportunity, I have not much time to lose.
Yours gratefully,
N. Tesla


The Waldorf-Astoria,
New York, Feb. 6, 1906

Dear Mr. M/organ/:

In a few months I could light from my plant the lamps in your London office or at your
yacht, no matter where it is and ... ..... that the energy is transmitted without appreciable
loss. I could transmit the voice to any distance and perform my .... .... wonder. Think, Mr.
Morgan, what this means to the world! Please see Mr. Frick. He is a ...... worker and I do
not wonder now that you ..., so much ......... . Time is passing and if he delays much
longer I shall not be able to finish the work in proper season.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla

Feb. 15, 1906.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

We are committed in an enterprise which must be carried to success for you as well as for
my own sake. It will be if you will give me a reasonable foundation to build upon, to
which I am justily entitled.

Will you agree, by letter, that in exchange for your patent interest you will take one-third
of the stocks and bonds in Companies which I shall organize for the expoundations2 of
my inventions in telegraphy and telephoning without wires and lighting by my system? I
suggest one-third for you only because it is essential for me to show others, that all are
coming in on the same basis. I you will do this before sailing you will give me a chance
of putting my delayed projects through. You need not fear that anybody, with whom you
would not care to associate, will get in. Out Caesar out Nihil is my principle. Please do
not spoil the letter by an unnecessary reference to your unwillingness of furnishing more
money. The whole towns knows it.
Yours Faithfully,
N. Tesla

Feb. 16, 1906.

Dear Mr. King,

My letter to Mr. Morgan yesterday was written in a hurry and needs amplification.
As You know Mr. Morgan owns an undivided patent interest in some of my inventions.
He could go ahead without me, and so could I without him. This destroys the value of
both the separate rights. To enlist new capital it is essential that our interests be merged.
A statement from Mr. Morgan to this effect is therefore indispensable. Both the necessity
and justice of this will certainly not escape him.
In proposing a third for him I can only hope to get for my parent Company – the original
owner of these franchises – sixteen per cent, as the control will have to be surrendered to
the new capital. My personal interest will consequently be small.
Will you kindly bring this before Mr. Morgan at a favorable moment to-day. Should he
sail without doing any thing in this matter he would make me absolutely helpless.
Although one of Mr. Morgan's partners has told me that he is disgusted with me, I have
never believed it. On the contrary I have always have felt sure of his sympathy and feel
all the more so now after passing through misfortunes the like of which can scarcely be
found in history.
In granting my requests he will give me a chance. Only a slim one, unfortunately, for a
project abandoned by Mr. Morgan is as dead as a door nail.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

(sic!) could be exploitations?

J . P . MORGAN & CO.
Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, Feb. 16th, 1906.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,


Dear Sir: –
I would say that I am quite prepared to take one-third of any securities of any Company
that you may be interested in, or under your control, as full settlement, so far as that
particular Company is concerned, for my loan, provided there is secured other capital
adequate for the purpose of carrying out the business.
Yours truly,
J. Pierpont Morgan

New York, Dec. 18, 1907.
Mr. C. W. King,
23 Wall Street,
New York City, New York.

My dear Sir: –

Acting on your suggestion I made my letter to Mr. Morgan with reference to patents as
short as possible, but that made it necessarily incomplete. As I am anxious not to disturb
him I would ask you to kindly bring the following, at the earliest propitious moment to
his attention.
The value of patents is not so much dependent on the commercial success of the original
invention as on the general development of the art. Whoever succeeds commercially is
bound to put his business under the protection of the controlling rights for the simplest
reason that he can make more money in this way than by fighting. Besides, it is a matter
of principle. A competent business-man is not disposed to devote himself to an
undertaking with the sword of Damocles constantly above his head.
Now I have in the U. S. Patent Office since four years several inventions which should be
protected in the foreign countries without delay. They are of the greatest importance and
value. It would be difficult to explain them in a short letter, but just to convey an idea of
one suppose that all boilers heretofore made were of material full of holes through which
steam would escape so that the most furious fire would not raise but a feeble pressure.
My discovery enables me to make the boiler absolutely tight and get any pressure I may
want. Only in this way it is possible to get some of the results I published in 1900
(experiments I performed in 1899), and only so can a plant be made to carry a voice, say,
across the Atlantic. As I wrote Mr. Morgan three years ago my present plant will transmit
speech over the Pacific with equal facility.
I would like Mr. Morgan to feel that I am not actuated by my own financial interest but
only by the desire to achieve for his sake. What little money is needed he might perhaps
advance simply as a small loan to the Company. Five thousand dollars ($ 5000) would be
ample provision for all expenses during the next few months. Treasury shares might be
pledged until we get some returns. The shares cost at present $ 175.00 in actual cash
expended. So far I know only a few of my own have been disposed of at that figure.
Under inclosure I forward a letter, one of many evidences on this nature, which please
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

New York, Dec. 20, 1907.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
The Waldorf-Astoria,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Tesla: –
Referring to your letter of December 18th, Mr. Morgan desires me to inform you that he
can do nothing whatever in this matter. I return herewith the enclosure you forwarded.
Yours truly,
C. W. King
Private Secretary.

New York, Dec. 22, 1907.
Mr. C. W. King,
23 Wall Street,
New York City, New York.

Dear Mr. King,

Your letter relieves me, at least, on an harassing responsibility, but that is an unusual
attitude to assume for a man of Mr. Morgan's broad view.
In all I attempted for the past few years I have encountered a strange and firm resistance.
Mr. Morgan will rather have the property go to the dogs than to help. I think I understand.
Yours truly,
/ N. Tesla. /

June 9, 1908.
Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Company,
23 Broadway,
New York City.

Gentlemen: -
Some crank has forwarded letters addressed to me to your care, which have reached me
apparently through your courtesy.

You will greatly oblige me if you will henceforth throw such letters in the waste-paper
basket, where they belong.
Very truly yours,
N. Tesla.

March 31, 1913.

J. P. Morgan & Co.,

23 Wall Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sirs: -
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the death of the great man who was the head
of your famous firm. When I can feel such a void in my heart and brain at the passing of
Morgan I can appreciate, in a measure, the depth of feeling of those who were his lifelong
The loss is irreparable but I hope that his wonderful mind will further guide your house
and that it will continue an example of banking on the highest plane, for the honor of the
country and benefit of the whole world.
Believe me,
Very truly yours,
N. Tesla.

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, April 1, 1913.

N. Tesla, Esquire,
1 Madison Avenue,
New York City.

Dear Sir: –
We beg to thank you for your courteous note of condolence and to express our
gratification at the tribute which you pay the memory of our honoured and beloved chief
and our profound appreciation of your sympathy in our bereavement.
Very truly yours,
J. P. Morgan & Co.


Sunday, April 13/13
Dear Mr. Tesla –
I have only three cards for the gallery left and take pleasure in sending you one. I am
sorry that at this late hour, I have no better seat for you.
Very sincerely yours
Herbert L. Satmen

Funeral Service of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.

Stuyvesant Square and East 16th Street

Monday, April 14th, 1913

Please present this card between 9 and 9.45 a. m.


APRIL 22, 1913.

Dear Sir:
It is with the deepest regret that we are called upon to announce the death of our beloved
senior partner,

which occurred at Rome, Italy, on the 31st ultimo.

In accordance with the co-partnership and testamentary dispositions, the business will be
continued without any change, the estate of the late Mr. MORGAN continuing his interest
as heretofore.
We desire to avail ourselves of this opportunity to acknowledge with warm appreciation
the numerous kind expressions of sympathy which we have received from the many
personal and business friends of our late partner.

By messenger

Nicola Tesla, Esq.,

The Waldorf-Astoria


Mrs. Morgan and her family beg to thank Mr. Tesla for the sympathy shown by his
beautiful gift of flowers.


202 Metropolitan Tower

May 13, 1913.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
c/o Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.,
23 Broad Street, City

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

Respect for your sorrow has kept me from writing before this and asking the favor of a
short interview.
I am very anxious to see you in regard to some matters of importance and will be much
obliged if you kindly appoint a meeting at your convenience.
Very truly yours,
/ N. Tesla. /

N.Y., May 14, 1913.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
202 Metropolitan Tower,
1. Madison Avenue,
New York.

Dear Sir,
I am directed by Mr. J. P. Morgan to say that he has your letter of yesterday and that he
expects to be at the office all next week and will be glad to see you if you call.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten


202 Metropolitan Tower,

May 19, 1913.

Dear Mr. Morgan: -

Realizing the great demands upon your time I am enclosing a few short statements,
bearing on the subject of our discussion, for perusal at your leisure.
As you may know, it was my good fortune to discover an electrical principle which has
been universally adopted in the transmission of power and in which incalculable capital is
now invested. My present invention is, I believe, still more important and valuable.
It is my firm conviction that this new principle is destined to work a tremendous
revolution and that not one of the present forms of apparatus used in the production of
mechanical power will remain. Its application to the manufacture of iron and steel, alone,
will yield a new revenue of $ 100,000,000 a year through the utilization of the waste heat
and other economies, and it will have a similar effect on ship propulsion, railroad-
automobile, and many other large industries.
Knowing this as I do, not merely as an expert but as a seer, you may judge how anxious I
am, for the sake of the world, to connect myself with a man of your integrity and power
to whom I am attracted by sympathy and esteem.
Yours very sincerely,
N. Tesla.
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

202 Metropolitan Tower,

May 20, 1913.

My dear Mr. Morgan: -

Please accept my sincere thanks for your generous loan. I feel happy to have enlisted the
interest of so big-hearted a man.
After a careful review of the situation I shall make a clear statement, setting forth the
propositions which I have put before you today.
With renewed thanks and expressions of high regard, believe me,
Faithfully yours,
/ N. Tesla. /
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

/ The 9 month bill $ 15 000, with 6 % interest per year is omitted/

202 Metropolitan Tower

June 6, 1913.
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
Under enclosure please find statements concerning two groups of my inventions,
respectively, in the wireless art and fluid propulsion.
As regards the first, I had the great honor of associating myself with your father.
Needless to state that he carried out his promise to the letter, generously advancing one
hundred fifty thousand dollars, but others deserted me. Although I managed to raise by
personal sacrifices an additional capital of over two hundred thousand dollars, it was not
enough to complete my project and I was compelled to devote myself to other inventions
which I am glad to say are now perfected and ready for commercial use.
In either of these fields in which I have the good fortune to be a pioneer the possibilities
are immense and I can vouch for the fullest success, but my appeal for your support is on
a higher plane.
In brief, my interest is controlling in the first group of inventions; in the second, I have
50% clear and have secured by option an additional interest.

The proposition which I would respectfully submit is to organize two companies and to
turn over to you my entire interests in both, of which you may accord me such a part as
you choose which, moreover, will be honorably pledged to yours so as to enable you to
carry out any plan of policy you may deem best.
Hoping that you will do me the honor shown by your father and assuring you of my
gratitude and high regard, I remain,
Yours faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

23 Wall Street
New York
June 11th, 1913.

My dear Mr. Tesla,

I am greatly impressed by your letter of June 6th, but could not, of course, consent to
your doing as you suggest, that is, turning over to me your entire interest in the two
companies which you propose to organize. I wish to make a counter suggestion in that
connection, which is that you should proceed to organize your companies, and, if and as
they work out, repay to Mr. Morgan's Estate, either in securities or in cash, the money
Mr. Morgan advanced, as may be best arranged at that time. It seems to me that you are
entitled to the profits on these companies, but that Mr. Morgan would in strict justice, be
entitled to a return of his money if it could be arranged.
I presume that all this does not have any connection with the turbine matter in regard to
which we talked the other day.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan.

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

202 Metropolitan Tower
New York City.

__ . __

1 Madison Avenue,
June 15, 1913.
My dear Mr. Morgan,
Many thanks for your extremely kind letter which I value very much as evidence of your
sympathy and appreciation of my work.
It is clear to me now that you are moved by the same great spirit of generosity which has
animated your father and I am more than ever desirous of enlisting your interest and
support in these important advances, knowing that the world will then see their full
possibilities. Destiny has placed you in a position of great power and influence and here
is a wonderful opportunity.
As for myself I contemplate more than financial success. Ten years ago I wrote to Mr.
Morgan: … “I shall speak your name in the telephone and it will be repeated loudly,
everywhere in the tone of my voice. This I have conceived as a means for acquitting
myself fittingly of my debt to you.” A great monument will no doubt be built to Mr.
Morgan but none in marble or bronze could be as lasting as the achievement which I have
proposed to link with his memory.
I must not have been quite explicit in my letter of the 6th inst. Permit me to explain that
the statement submitted to you deal with two groups of inventions in entirely different
fields – in “wireless” and “fluid propulsion.” The turbine is only a special case in the
latter group. They are of great and already established value and I sincerely hope, in a
higher interest, that you will look favourably on my proposition.
Believe me,
Ever yours faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /
23 Wall Street,
New York
June 17th, 1913.

My dear Mr. Tesla,

I have your letter of the 15th instant, and am much obliged to you for the offer. I cannot,
however, accept the proposition which you make, as I have told you, but I hope that you
will be successful in your efforts, and shall of course be very glad if you are able, later
on, to return to Mr. Morgan’s estate the money which Mr. Morgan advanced you in
connection with your “wireless” work.
Yours very sincerely,
J. P. Morgan

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
1, Madison Avenue, City.

__ . __

202 Metropolitan Tower

June 19, 1913.
My dear Mr. Morgan: -
We are but cogwheels in the mechanism of the universe and it is probably an unavoidable
consequence of the laws governing that the pioneer, who is far in advance of his age, is
not understood and must suffer pain and disappointment and be content with the higher
reward which is accorded to him by posterity.
I was chosen to give to the world the wireless art – not an insignificant improvement like
Hertz-Wave Telegraphy – but the greatest invention of all times, a realization of the
Lamp of Aladdin which gives magical powers to Man. Ten years ago all the experts
condemned my efforts as visionary and even my most successful follower emphatically
declared that it would take centuries before such a wonder as the wireless transmission of
a message across the Atlantic would be accomplished. So it comes that to this day the
public has not even a faint conception of what can be done by properly designed
apparatus and its skilful manipulation. The enclosures which I take the liberty to forward
will throw a little light on the subject and show how much my work of thirteen years was
ahead of the very latest achievements.
I mechanics I am making a similar experience. Seven years ago I satisfied myself that the
new principle of fluid propulsion which I had discovered would work a tremendous
revolution. My first announcements met with the usual scepticism. Wellknown engineers
were of the opinion that a machine on my plan would not work at all. When I finally
managed to produce a turbine not bigger than a hat, developing one hundred horsepower,
I merely transformed the resistance of ignorance into one of cunning opposition. If I
continue alone, years may pass before I can see the full fruition of my abours. If I seek a
powerful alliance, I shall have to make the same sacrifices as in my system of
transmission of power by alternating currents when I gave away with one signature an
immense fortune and a commercial asset, the value of which cannot ever be estimated.
I wish to thank you for your very kind letter of the 17th inst. and to express the hope that
you will conserve the friendly interest you have manifested until I complete the machines
I am now constructing, when I shall be able to give you a striking demonstration and
perhaps submit some other proposition which might be acceptable to you.
Believe me,
Yours most faithfully,

/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

__ . __

July 23, 1913.

Dear Mr. Morgan:
When I asked you for a large loan recently and you offered me more, my appreciation of
your bigheartedness was scarcely equal to my resolve not to abuse your rare generosity. I
was all the more anxious to work out the solution of my problems with what funds I had
available as I knew from your published statements that these are trying times which
must tax to the utmost your own resources.
But since our last meeting new situation have presented themselves and unforeseen
events have occurred which necessitated larger expenditures in the interest of the
business I am developing. I shall soon have results which, I trust, will be of such value as
to make you feel that your vigorous timely assistance was well deserved.
With expressions of deep regard, believe me as ever,
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

/ Copy of the $ 5000 bill, 6 % interest per year is omitted /


202 Metropolitan Tower
August 21, 1913

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I am forwarding photographs of one of the machines which your generous assistance has
enabled me to construct and which I am expecting soon to have in running order.
This is an invention of the greatest commercial value, sure to create an industrial
revolution, and I hope that you can be persuaded to take it into your strong hands not only
for my sake but for the general good. It will give you additional power and influence in
affairs which, vested in a man of your lofty principles, can only be for the best.
Please do me the favor of reading the enclosed statements of a leading electrical engineer
which will convey to you an idea how anxious I am to reach quick results in order to
complete the undertaking which I have begun with your father and show to the world the
full possibilities of my wireless inventions.
Yours very sincerely,
/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

__ . __

23 Wall Street
New York
August 25th, 1913.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.

Dear Sir,
Mr. J. P. Morgan directs me to thank you for your letter of the 21st instant, which he has
read with interest; also for the photographs which accompanied your letter.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten

202 Metropolitan Tower

September 11, 1913

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I am keenly disappointed to learn that you are sailing on the sixteenth as I had expected
to show you one of my machines at the Edison Plant where it will be shortly installed.
Please note article under enclosure. Most of this huge capital will be invested in my
system of power transmission. Yet I firmly believe that the new mechanical principle
which I am now bringing out will prove still more valuable commercially. In view of this
I would feel happy if some proposition could be framed which would be acceptable to
you and under which you would have the full control. Would you not be willing to come
to a general understanding in this regard and leave the adjustment of the details for the
future, at your pleasure and convenience? I could, in the meantime, establish a profitable
little business with small capital and some of my larger projects already started would by
that time materialize and bring results deserving your attention.
Hoping from all my heart that you will look favorably on this suggestion and awaiting
your kind reply, I remain, with expressions of high regard, as ever,
Yours faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /
/ enclosure /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

__ . __

23 Wall Street
New York
September 12, 1913.

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I have your letter of yesterday, but, in the pressure of work preparatory to leaving, it is
impossible to take up the matter you write about, especially as I shall not be at the office
after today. Perhaps when I return some time in December, it will be possible for me to
go into the question.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
Madison Square,
New York.

September 15, 1913.

Dear Mr. Morgan:
Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind and much valued letter. It would give me
the greatest satisfaction to be associated with so splendid a man.
I shall look hopefully to your return and trust that I will be able to solve the problems
confronting me until then.
With best wishes for a happy voyage, believe me,
Most faithfully yours,
N. Tesla.

__ . __

22 Old Broad Street,
London, E. C.
September 23, 1913.
Dear Mr. Tesla,
Thank you for your note, and for the books which you so kindly sent me for the voyage.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.

December 23, 1912.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

During your absence I have used my limited wits and resources the best I could with the
following results:
1) Agreement completed with the Bergmann Works (one of the largest concerns in
Germany) on good royalty basis. Very valuable.
2) Sale of exclusive license for Belgium through the adviser of the King. The former
Prince Albert knows me personally and takes great interest in my work. Payment $
10,000 cash and fair royalty.
3) Concession for Italy through an associate of Crispi. Payment $20,000 and royalty. Not
yet consummated.
4) Exclusive license for the United States to the Wing Manufacturing Company for turbo
draught blowers. Royalty with guaranteed minimum. Manufacture started.
5) Exclusive license for train lighting to Drexel Railway Lamp Works. Royalty and
guaranteed minimum. Consummated.

6) Agreement for automobile lighting with engine exhaust gas. Royalty basis.
Manufacture started.
7) License for limited use of my wireless system on royalty basis Apparatus has been
installed on several battleships.
8) Agreement with L. C. Tiffany (Tiffany Co.) on new invention. Percentage of
manufacturer's selling price. Work started. Excellent chance.
9) Prospective agreement with Mr. N. F. Brady of the Edison Company in regard to the
manufacture of turbines. Very good chance for big business.
10) Number of other propositions more or less developed. Some important.
As you see, Mr. Morgan, here are decidedly valuable results very gratifying to me but, on
the other hand, I am almost despairing at the present state of things. I need money badly
and I cannot get it in these dreadful times. You are about the only man to whom I can
now look for help. I have stated my case.
With best wishes for a happy Christmas, I am as ever,
Yours gratefully,
/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad St., City.

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York

New York, December 24th, 1913.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
23rd St. & Madison Ave., N. Y. City.

Dear Sir: –
Enclosed please find memo. of interest to December 31st, 1913, on your loan. We would
be pleased to receive your check for same on or before that date, when we close our
books for the year.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan.


New York, December 24, 1913.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

6% Interest from May 20 to Dec. 31/13 on $15.000 552, 50

from July 23 to Dec. 31/13 on 5.000 131.69
$ 684,19

202 Metropolitan Tower

December 29, 1913.

Dear Mr. Morgan: –

As stated in my letter of the 23rd inst., I have already started a very profitable business
which will yield in a short time a liberal income but my present situation gives me
considerable anxiety.
I am just now installing a large turbine at the Edison Plant preliminary to its shipment to
he Bergmann Works in Germany where it must be delivered in January. My contract with
this firm is of the greatest consequence to me as it should be worth at least $100,000
annually on the basis of the royalties stipulated. Other great German manufacturers are
expected to join in the exploitation and even the Kaiser is interested. His Majesty and the

Empress honored me some time ago with invitations to Berlin of which, unfortunately, I
was unable to avail myself. I am preparing to make demonstrations to Mr. Brady with
this turbine, confident of convincing him that in adopting my invention the New York
Edison Company could save one-third on their fuel bill. As soon as I have reached a
conclusion with him I shall be in the position to put before you a proposition which I trust
you will consider favorably.
In connection with the contracts already undertaken and other pending negotiations, I am
constructing model machines and developing plans calling for constant outlays.
Furthermore, I have to defray numerous patent fees, workings and legal expenses and
have also to meet before December 31st the interest on my notes for your generous loan
of $ 20,000.
If you will kindly grant me another small loan and extend the old one to the 1st of May, I
shall make an earnest effort to remit as fast as money is received until I have either
acquitted myself of the debt or some other agreement is reached.
Assuring you that I shall deeply appreciate your friendly help in these terrible times, I
remain, as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

202 Metropolitan Tower

December 31, 1913.

Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.,

15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.


Replying to your favor of December 24th, I regret very much that owing to an unforeseen
circumstance check for $684.17 (interest due on my loan to December 31st, 1913) will
not reach you before Friday.
Asking you to kindly excuse the delay, I remain
Very truly yours
/ N. Tesla /

23 Wall Street
New York
January 2nd, 1914.
N. Tesla, Esq.,
202 Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Tesla,

I received your letter of December 29th and am quite willing to extend the old loan to the
1st of May next, but I am not prepared to increase the amount by making a further loan as
you suggest.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan.

202 Metropolitan Tower

January 5, 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

Your letter of January 2d, kind and considerate as it was, has given me a painful shock
although I had no right to expect further assistance from you for I believe that no other
man in the United States would have done what you did under the circumstances.
With a man of few words like yourself a short statement is better than pages of
explanation. I quote from a letter received this morning from the Bergmann Works by
their representative here:

“Mr Tesla will doubtless be pleased to learn that the Minister of Marine, Excellenz von
Tirpitz has been requested to report to the German Emperor relative to the Tesla turbine,
who is greatly interested in this invention. We have promised his Excellency that the
machine will certainly be here on exhibition about the middle of January, so you know
what this means.
The machine has been completed some time ago and I hardly need to tell you why it was
not shipped. I want $5,000 to carry out my agreement with the German firms and I cannot
raise it even on contracts which, normally, would be considered fair security. If I cannot
procure this amount immediately I fear that I shall lose a chance which does not come
more than once in a lifetime.
My success with the German firms means that I shall be a wealthy man within a year and
able to carry out at my own expense the undertaking which I began with your father to a
triumphal conclusion. My failure there would be disastrous to me and may make forever
impossible the consummation of plans which I have patiently followed up for more than
ten years.
Yours most faithfully
/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.
23 Wall Street
New York

January 5th, 1914.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
202, Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.

Dear Sir,
Mr. J. P. Morgan has received your letter of even date and directs me to inform you that
he will make you a further loan of $5,000. for the purpose you mention.

Perhaps it would be best for you to come to his office and arrange the details of the
matter as in past cases.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten

January 6, 1914.

My dear Mr. Morgan:

This happens to be my Christmas eve and I naturally feel the power of that mysterious
influence transmitted through ages which makes us the more susceptible to acts of
I do not know what I would have done without your timely assistance in these distressing
circumstances when everybody holds on to his dollars like a drowning man to a straw.
Believe me, more than on my own accord am I glad to know that the great Morgan has
left so worthy and noble a successor.
I wish you from all my heart health and strength and continued success in your difficult
and responsible position.
As ever yours,
Most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

/ The copy of the bill $ 5,000 with February 20 maturity, 6% interest is ommited/

202 Metropolitan Tower,

March 13, 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I have perfected a very valuable invention for which there is a ready and virtually
unlimited market. The underlying principle is considered entirely novel and original and
my practical record is firmly established. The patent attorneys, Kerr, Page, Cooper and
Hayward, have examined carefully its merits form their points of view and I have also
asked competent expert advice. The enclosed letters will speak for themselves.
To convey and idea of the commercial possibilities, permit me to mention just one special
application of my improvement,. Every automobile now carries a speed indicator or
tachometer, which is a complicated and delicate apparatus comprising clock work,
centrifugal regulator, cams and levers. A further drawback is that indications are not
proportionate to the speed which necessitates the employment of an empirical scale and
careful calibration. The present market price is from $50 to $100 and several hundred
thousands are sold annually.
My new indicator is ideally simple, consisting practically of two parts which are
extremely cheap to manufacture so that the whole instrument can be had for a few
dollars. The important thing is that the indications are rigorously proportionate to the
speed, dispensing with all adjustment and calibration and permitting the use of a uniform
scale. Putting it conservatively, I can save from thirty to sixty dollars on each car while
giving to the purchaser incomparably better service. If I confine myself only to this one
speciality I can easily make a large sum of money yearly, but there are many other and
even wider fields for the invention and my attorneys urge me to start the introduction
without delay.
Now, Mr. Morgan, I cannot tell you how much I would appreciate the honor of an
association in business with you and how happy I would feel to put myself in good
standing with your father's estate and yourself. I would like to incorporate a company
with small capital under my name and turn it over to you entirely in any manner you
choose. As I know that you are too generous and would give me more than I ask for, I
take the liberty to suggest one-third of the interest for myself.
Please do not consider this proposition as an inducement because it is profitable, but take
it in the respectful spirit in which it is made, namely, as an appeal to you for help at a
critical moment of my life when it is imperative for me to secure as quickly as possible
financial returns.
In the turbine proposition I have received a painful setback. I installed the machine at the
Edison Plant and made some very gratifying tests but soon discovered that the castings of
the bearings were full of small holes which allowed the water to enter and made it
hazardous to run. After numerous ineffectual attempts to remedy the defects I had to
resign myself to renew these parts. The work is being carried on day and night and I
expect to have everything in order the latter part of the next week, but I have spent
considerably more money than I expected and the incertitude of meeting the bills and also
of making certain payments in connection with my patents worry me greatly and at
present I have only the hope that I might hear from you favorably.
Believe me,

Yours most faithfully,
/ N. Tesla. /

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.
23 Wall Street
New York

March 16, 1914.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
1. Madison Avenue,
New York.

Dear Sir:
Mr. J. P. Morgan has received your letter of March 13th and directs me to inform you that
it would be impossible for him to become interested in any further inventions, the
demands upon his time for other matters being one of the many reasons against his doing
so. I return the two letters which accompanied yours.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten

__ . __

202 Metropolitan Tower

March 17, 1914.
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,

New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I have received your Secretary's letter of March sixteenth and wish to thank you for the
attention given to the matter, as well as to apologize for my intrusion upon your valuable
There was, of course, little hope that you would favorably consider my proposal, but, as a
matter of principle, I did not want to undertake anything before offering the invention to
you. It is a very fine improvement, indeed, out of which a great deal of money can be
made quickly and my only difficulty now is to secure a little capital for starting the
business. I believe that if I has $10,000 to begin with I could make $150,000 in the first
year. The turbine development will be of necessity slow and I am trying hard to establish
a profitable business in the meantime, in order to free myself of obligations and meet my
current expenses.
Believe me as ever,
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

202 Metropolitan Tower

March 19, 1914.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

The reports which you may have noticed in the papers this morning, in regard to a
wireless patent suit, are misleading inasmuch as the decision involves only certain
specific features. The Marconi patent chiefly concerned in the suit was applied for four
years after a grant to me of a broad patent on the same apparatus and its allowance was
due to a mistake of the Examiner. My patents are absolutely controlling in every
important feature of the art.
The same case was recently argued in France between the Marconi and French
Companies and, on the strength of my statement which I enclose and my American patent
anticipating that of Marconi, a decision was rendered in favor of the French Companies.

Faithfully yours,
N. Tesla.


202 Metropolitan Tower

March 20, 1914.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I would be very grateful if you would accord me a few minutes at your convenience. I
could come to your office any hour at short notice by telephone.
Thanking you in advance, I remain,
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

23 Wall Street
New York
March 23rd, 1914.
N. Tesla, Esq.,
202 Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.

Dear Sir,
Mr. Morgan has received your letter of March 20th, but says that it is impossible for him
to see you at present, his time being so fully occupied with many other matters.
Yours very truly,

J. Axten
__ . __

202 Metropolitan Tower

April 2, 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

I regret the necessity of intruding upon your valuable time but will be as brief as possible.
Under enclosure please find copy of formal letter addressed to me by your father,
defining our mutual understanding in regard to his generous loan of $150,000. The
original is in my safe and I have looked upon it always as my most precious possession.
The patents granted to me in the United States absolutely control the wireless for all
purposes, as you may satisfy yourself through Kerr, Page, Cooper and Hayward,
attorneys for the General Electric and Westinghouse Companies. There will be immense
sums of money invested in the new art and if I can only protect our joint property, a
liberal return on the investment made cannot escape me.
I am also enclosing several agreements already consummated to show the commercial
possibilities of some of my inventions. I have numerous pending proposals in this and
other countries which may at any time materialize but for the time being I am in a serious
plight. If you do not come to my rescue I shall surely suffer great loss and be set back in
the development of my business, possibly for years. As I stated in a previous letter, if I
could only get a loan of $10,000 on these agreements as security for the purpose of
putting on the market a magnificent money-making invention, I would be on an earning
basis within two months and fully able to meet all the expenses which the development of
my business demands until the larger undertakings come to fruition. You are the only
man I know big-hearted enough to make such an advance.
Hoping that I have not in any way forfeited the kind interest you have already shown and
the confidence with which you have honored me, I remain
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,

New York, N. Y.
23 Wall Street
New York
April 6, 1914.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
New York.

Dear Sir:
Mr. Morgan has received your letter of April 3rd and directs me to tell you that he is not
prepared to make any further advances of money to you. I return herewith the copies of
the agreements which you sent for Mr. Morgan's information.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York
April 8, 1914

My dear Mr. Morgan,

Words can not express how much I have deplored the cruel necessity which compelled
me to appeal to you again. But it was only after many false attempts in other directions
that I wrote you knowing quite well what the answer would be. I said that I am in a
serious plight, but the plain feel is that I am in a critical condition which I feel all the
more I am as near to a triumph. Please do not take this as another cry for help but I wish
you to realize that the word is full of small people and that men of your stature are few.
As ever yours gratefully,
N. Tesla

Woolworth Building
April 30, 1914.
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

Although I am temporarily at a disadvantage. I hope that I have lost none of your
sympathy. Many men of business who have achieved greatness have found themselves in
similar situations. I am working hard and persistently and am confident that everything
will come out well in the end and that I shall be rewarded for my labors.
Unfortunately, I have not as yet reached tangible results and will be grateful if you will
kindly extend my obligation maturing tomorrow for another three months and also give
me the privilege of paying the interest later when some of my returns will be due.
Assuring you that I have deeply appreciated your generosity and that I am devoting my
very best efforts to prove myself worthy of the faith your father and yourself have placed
in me, I remain, as ever
Yours with respectful regard,
N. Tesla.

23 Wall Street
New York
May 1st, 1914.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
Woolworth Building
New York City.

Dear Sir,
Mr. J. P. Morgan has received your letter of yesterday, and directs me to point out to you
that the loan was extended for three months from February 20th, and therefore does not
fall due until May 20th.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten


J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, June 25th, 1913.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
23rd St. & Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir: –
Enclosed please find memo. of interest to June 30th, 1914, on your loan, amounting to
$541.67, for which please send us your check.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.

1136 Woolworth Building

July 13, 1914.
Telephone “Barclay 6472”

Dear Mr. Morgan:

Pardon me for trespassing on your valuable time, but the following statement is necessary
and due to you as well as to myself.
As you will kindly remember, I undertook thirteen years ago to transmit wireless
telephonic messages around the world. While the experts then considered this an

impossible feat it was simple of accomplishment and the direct consequence of
discoveries I made with my experimental plant in Colorado. But the man who promised
assistance deserted me and deprived of triumphs and successes which were within easy
reach. You are a strong man and may, perhaps, not realize what I have gone through.
Certain it is that I would have succumbed to the pain had I not found force in contempt.
However all is not lost yet and even if I should never be able to carry out what I have
undertaken, I still can acquit myself of your father's generous loan provided that certain
steps, which involve the expenditure of a comparatively small amount of money, are
promptly taken. I am asking for nothing, Mr. Morgan, I merely state the fact. The
development of my wireless system has cost me half a million dollars but this alone
would not have prompted me to write you at this moment.
As regards the turbine proposition which I brought to your personal attention, it can be
summed up in a few words. Four years ago I owned 70% and another party 30% on
which I secured an option for $200,000. Of this I managed to pay $60,000. I then sold an
interest to secure capital for further development in the sum of about $150,000 which can
be converted into a share of 18% in a new company I have intended to organize, after
paying the remainder of the option. When I approached you last year my idea was to
develop the business to a point at which it would deserve your attention and then submit
the proposition to you on your own terms. It is impossible for me to explain everything at
length but I have started commercial work along several lines and while I can advance
only slowly, being as I am hampered for want of money, I am perfectly confident that I
shall win out ultimately and adjust my business with you to your entire satisfaction.
Believe me as ever,
Most faithfully yours,
N. Tesla

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
15 Broad Street,

New York, N. Y., November 23, 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan:
I have been ill since some time but that has not bothered me as nearly as much as worry
about my business.

In the first place, I have not yet reached a conclusion which would enable me to submit to
you a definite and satisfactory proposition in regard to my turbine inventions.
Agreements were drawn, by the terms of which four hundred thousand dollars
($400,000.) in cash and forty thousand dollars ($40,000.) minimum yearly royalties were
to be paid for my British and French rights, but they were put off on account of
conditions which suddenly developed and all other undertakings which I started in
Europe, with the best prospects, have come to a halt for the same reasons. All this puts
me to the necessity of asking you to kindly extend once more my note. I am unable to
even pay the interest as I have had to use every dollar for pressing payments in
connection with patent and other matters.
As to the wireless situation, it has now reached the stage when I must begin my action
against the infringers as otherwise my rights will be imperilled. Some time ago I called
and explained the main points to your Mr. Sullivan. My victory is perfectly certain if the
necessary steps are made. All independent electricians, including the leading experts of
the Government, admit now that my patents are controlling and a precedence in my favor
has already been established by a decision of the highest Court in France.
You know, Mr. Morgan, that wireless transmission is considered the greatest of all
inventions and that it has been evolved by me, not only in its fundamental principles but
also in the most important details. Can you put yourself for a moment in my place?
Surely, you are too big a men to permit such an outrage and historical crime to be
perpetrated, as is now being done by cunning promoters. If I can meet the indispensable
expenses for a little while, I shall certainly compel a settlement which will make your
father's and my own investment in this invention highly profitable. I expect, also, to
receive satisfaction form the United States Government (which has so far installed about
$5,000,000 worth of my apparatus) and an acknowledgement through the Congress. My
case is being prepared but I cannot stir further without money and, if I am not helped, all
my prospects will be jeopardized.
I have solved, in a simple and most practical manner, the problem of harnessing the waste
heat in the manufacture of steel and iron and can positively prove that $50,000,000 can
be turned to profit annually from this source in the United States but lack of funds
prevents me from going ahead.
Hoping to hear from you favorably, I remain, with respectful regard, as ever
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,


23 Wall Street
New York
November 25, 1914.

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

Woolworth building,
233, Broadway,
New York.

Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your letter of November 23rd, contents of which I have noted.
I shall, of course, expect that you will make every effort to pay the interest on your loan
as soon as possible.
I am willing that the period of the present loan should be extended, but am not prepared
to comply with your suggestion that a further loan be made to you.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan
The Waldorf-Astoria
New York
Nov. 26. 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

The letter I have just received from you hurts! It was not a loan I asked, but assistance in
the problem of the .... your father .........with me. I know I have .....
and I thought that you would find it good and fair to help a little ........... when I am unable
to bear the burden myself. We have the property and are absolutely sure ......

..... provided that the necessary steps are taken. There is ...
Now as ..... I did not approach you with the idea to borrow but to imburse you. ....
.... These are terrible times ... which .... helpless stronger man than myself. I can say no
Yours very faithfully,
N. Tesla.

__ . __

New York, N. Y., December 4, 1914.

Please accept the expression of my sincere regret on the great loss you have sustained in
the death of your Mr. Bowdoin.
I hope for the continued well-being and success of all the members of your Firm.
Very truly yours,
N. Tesla.

Messrs J. P. Morgan & Co.

23 Wall Street,

J. P. Morgan & Co.
P. O. Box 3036.
New York, December 7th, 1914.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

1 Madison Avenue,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, with your kind expression
of sympathy at the death of our partner, Mr. Temple Bowdoin, which we greatly
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.

New York, Dec. 23, 1914.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

At the suggestion of your secretary with whom I had a brief conference I submit the
following statement for your kind consideration.
When I interested your father in my project, the manner in which he treated .... my
unbounded admiration for him carried me oft so completely that I put ... considerations
aside and undertook to accomplish something great and ... the support of such a man. It
was the construction of a wonderful apparatus ... of transmitting the human voice and
likeness to any distance without wire. .... thoroughly demonstrated my propositions,
secured perfect patent protection and. moreover, ..... myself that the undertaking would
yield a net profit of not less than ... thousand dollars a day.
On another occasion I have told you how I was deserted by the very man who ... millions
in the industrial revolution ...... by some of my earlier inventions, ... number of years,
alone and unaided. I had to defray the costs of all kinds ... ...ment, patent ..... , fees and
legal services, make expensive .... .... and carry on interference .... until my priority was
completely and /uni/vocally established in every instance. Furthermore, I was so
particular to ... conduct of business above reproach that I devoted myself to the inhe.. .....

my associates without salary and paid all office expenditures. This /requi/red a good deal
of money, but I am convinced that I could not have ...
...... in a better investment provided only that the property I have developed ... conserved
and protected until returns are assured. The present situation is such that the broad patents
I have secured cover, first, ..... the essentials of the wireless now in use and second, a
new art of transmitting energy without wire which is of infinitely greater scope and
practical use and which has not been so far as much as touched by others. My position in
... fields has been greatly strengthened through fundamental patents which I have
obtained ,,, most important invention which I disclosed to your father in 1902. It is ...
difficult to explain the principle but I may illustrate ........ to give you the idea. A small
and compact plant on this plan will transmit a hundred times more energy than all the
wireless instalments so far made put together, ... there are several thousands of them.
Nothing economical or on a larger scale, as ... across the oceans is possible without this
As you will kindly remember, your father, whose participation in my enterprize was like
yours entirely confidential and only known to a few friends and associates, accepted to
take for his advance one third of stock and other securities of company I was to organize.
My legal advisers tell me that the ..... incorporation of an operating Company is a
paramount necessity and ... proceedings against infringers must be begun at once as
further ... will result in great loss of money and ... ..... by right.
... being impossible under present conditions to put through any business /in/..some
magnitude I would respectfully submit to you the following proposition:
That we form a company with sound paid in capital to which all rights .. be transferred
and with which I am to meet an agreement to assign further inventions and improvements
in this field, and that we .... .... and deliver them to you to secure you and your father's
estate. It would .... .... that much. I feel absolutely sure that under the very ....
circumstances we would return to you and your father's estate not less than ... million
dollars in a comparatively short time.
I beg of you earnestly a favorable consideration. There is in this work invested half a
million dollars of my own money but that matters little. What I am most anxious ... is to
conclude the business to the satisfaction of those who .... ..... with me.
/.... /

J . P . MORGAN & CO.

Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, December 23rd, 1914.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

202 Metropolitan Tower,
23rd St. & Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir: –
Enclosed please find memo. of interest to December 31st, 1914, on your note, amounting
to $1,308.33. Kindly hand us your check on or before that date, when we close our books
for the year.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York.
Dec. 23, 1914.

My dear Mr. Morgan,

If you will give me a short hearing I shall submit you a proposition which will place my
business with your father and yourself on a sound basis and enable me to achieve the
great success I have been so long striving for.
I have developed property worth many millions of dollars, but it is skipping out of my
hands and will be lost if you do not intervene as my deus ex machina.
With respectful regards as ever,
Yours most faithfully,

N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York.
Jan. 7. 1915.
Dear Mr. Morgan,
Today is my Christmas and I feel that if I do not convince you now I never will.
When I brought one my system of power transmission numerous competitors
appropriated it and for a few years I was nowhere. The old clipping under inclosure tells
how it all ended. Every infringer without exception had to pay up.
My position in the wireless is much stronger because it is not like my power system a
single discovery or invention but an art which is based on the use of a number of
fundamental inventions all made and protected by me. Please read inclosure from
Eectrical Review ..... ..... referring to my latest patent and kindly remember that I have no
press agent like other celebrities but on the contrary, an army of cunning people enraged
against me.
I have inclosed blue prints of apparatus designed by my licensee Mr. Lowenstein under
my wireless patents which has been installed on the biggest warvessels and according to
the report of Secretary Daniels dated Aug. 20. 1914 is “superior to any other radio
apparatus.” So much that a considerably higher price is being paid for it. This system is
based in the use of certain waves discovered by me which are effective at any distance,
however great, unlike those now in use
The above is stated simply to show what I have developed with your father's assistance in
a property of great value, which ... bring large returns to us and .... my needs to be put
through methodically and protected for a while. Little money will be sufficient for this
and I assure you on my word, knowing the situation, that you will not ... the slightest risk.
What I propose is to organize the “Tesla World Wireless Company” which will be
bonded for the amount you choose and one third of stock of .... .... be turned over to your
father's estate according to my original understanding with your father. To meet the .........
........., patent and working expenses and give full protection to the property, an amount of
$480,000 will be sufficient for the Company ... ... a ... revenue of the .... from their own
licences and will in all probability be able to ...
I feel sure that if you will assist the undertaking ..... .... in my turbine ...... but is as safe as
a government bond. I have shown you the opinion of leading engineers to ..... effect that
they are of revolutionary character. I am .... how to .... the commercial success but in the

meantime you know, of course, that all my personal ..... is pledged in.... you for your
generous loan of $ 25.000.
I earnestly hope that you .... .... .... I ask and enable me to ... myself .... .... and to save the
fortune which I have invested in my wireless inventions.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.
5 inclosures

23 Wall Street
New York
January 8, 1915.

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I am very sorry, but it is impossible for me to put any further money into inventions, and
I am afraid, therefore, that you will have to work out the one you refer to without any
further assistance from me.
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel,
New York.

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York.
Jan. 14. 1915.

Dear Mr. Morgan,
Since receipt of your letter of the 8th inst. I have felt as if a calamity had befallen me. But
at the same time I am glad to receive the evidence that my insistence, though possibly
displeasing, has not created a prejudice in your mind.
The clipping from the Electrical Review may have impressed you that I asked your
support for something new. Such is not the case. I wanted only to be in the position to get
a fair price for our joint property which will be otherwise lost exactly as ............... is
jeopardized by non-payment of taxes. Just to give an example, I have to advise a ...... ....
by cable to-morrow, if not ... valuable ......... , will be lost. For them I have already had a
proposal of $400,00000 in cash and more than this in royalties. I shall ....... make money
as I have done before but what good will it do when the rights are gone? And we know
........ which ..... which others are exploiting in violation of law. I am powerless to ..... our
right. But if I could incorporate a Company as I proposed to you, that would stop at once.
I believe in fact that not one of the infringers would even dare to fight. They would come
to terms the moment they would see that I have an organization behind me.
When the Niagara enterprise came to a stop for want of funds we appealed to your father.
He said no and no again. But finally he ..... a ............ in the nick of time. The same
happened to the General Electric Co.
I am not begging for anything, Mr. Morgan, but simply wish to put this case before you
in the true light.
Regretting very much the cruel circumstances compelling me to .... the solution by a
degree ......... to a man of re...... and thanking you most sincerely for your rare generous
and .......treatment I remain as ever
faithfully yours,
N. Tesla.

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York.
Feb.19, 1915.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

The German experts, Prof. Braun (recipient of the Nobel prize) and Prof. Lannach
(leading authority on wireless) have been in .... ........ since some time ..........ing the
situation and have come to the conclusion that my patents are controlling in the ....... .......
....... . As a result the German companies have recognized my rights and offered to pay a
percentage on their gross earning and we have signed an agreement to this affair. I am

expecting to embody in their plant at Sayville some features of my own which will make
it practicable to communicate to Berlin by wireless telephone and the royalties from this
source will be very considerable.
This strengthens my position greatly, but, at the same time, to be perfectly sure it would
be necessary to do as my attorneys advise. I have had a conference with them yesterday
and the enclosed letter which I have just received is sufficiently explicit in itself.
We have already drawn papers and if I could organize them and Company
/understanding/ everything will be absolutely sure and I shall be in a position ...
commanding terms with all infringers. The Marconi people now approach me ..... with
proposals to join interests but ........ it was on a basis of stock which is offered to the
public and not acceptable for this reason. My Company will be privileged at least until its
shares are as good as gold certificates.
As you see Mr. Morgan, this new Company will have good ..... in the royalties already
secured and will be fully capable of discharging the indebtedness of 44 thousand dollars
and there can be no doubt that within the next few months agreement will be concluded
which will enable me to settle my business with your father 's estate in a manner very
satisfactory to you and to myself.
It would be useless for me to entangle in arguments however sound and convincing but I
will quote from the advisable circular issued by J. P. Morgan & Co Feb. 20, 1913 page
15: “We have never heard of any responsible and deserving individual, firm or
corporation being unable to secure ample credit”.
Now here is a responsible and deserving individual who has expended three quarter of a
million dollar in work which is already of incalculable value to the world and who is sure
to make a large fortune if he can overcome the present difficulty. And he is trying it now.
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla

__ . __

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York.
March 17, 1915.
Dear Mr. Morgan,

I have just learned that you are to sail to-morrow and /wish/ to wish you a happy voyage.
It looks as there will be a very favorable developments in my business in the near future
and I hope to have tangible results before your return.
Believe me as ever,
Yours very faithfully,
N. Tesla.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
S.S. Philadelphia
__ . __

New York, June 11, 1915

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I would have written before, had I not been afraid to 'praise the day before evening', but
there seems to be no doubt that you are out of danger and I hasten to congratulate you on
your miraculous escape which was due to Mrs. Morgan's presence of mind and your
energetic action.
I was, myself, exposed to attacks of cranks a number of times. The last case was that of a
certain Mrs. Tierstein who wanted to shoot me for throwing electricity at her. I disdained
to complain but finally she was caught and Judge Foster sent her to asylum. I pity the
poor woman. These deluded wretches are not responsible, the true cause of it all is the
incessant agitation in the papers. I hope that you will do something towards stopping it.
I have taken the liberty of forwarding under separate cover a little article I wrote, thinking
that it might interest you in your present enforced inactivity. I touch in it about as lightly
as was possible on some of my work. My 'ship' has not yet come in but it is on way.
Submarines worse than those of Germans are lurking all around but, perhaps, they will
miss it. Please note the statement in regard to the Steel Industry. I have carefully studied
the proposition and am convinced that the figures are conservative. The problem is solved
but how to make people listen is still a great difficulty.
Believe me, with respectful regard and best wishes,
Yours faithfully,

N. Tesla

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
69 West 88th St.,
New York City

___ . ___

Station Glencove
Telephone, 194 Glencove
Matinicock Point,
Glencove L. I.
July, 13th, 1915.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I thank you very much for your kind letter, and certainly hope that your “ship” may come
in heavily loaded with the most substantial of profits. I shall read your article with great
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan

N. Tesla, Esq.,
Woolworth Building,
New York City.


New York, June 28, 1915.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

Dear Sir:
Please send us check for $ 2041.67 in payment of interest to June 30, 1915 on your Time
Loan, as per statement below, and oblige.
Yours truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.
/ Copy of the bill /

November 26, 1915.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I am writing an the first sheet of our stationery to congratulate you on your speedy
recovery which is an evidence of your reserve powers. May you be spared all further
On this occasion I take liberty to ask you as a great favor for a photograph of your father.
Lord Kelvin, who had a deep affection for me, gave me one of his and I want these two
portraits to inspire me, one in business, the other in science.
I am doing my work at present with surprising ease and am determined to take advantage
of my second wind in overcoming the obstacles which have confronted me since years.
With expressions of high regard, believe me as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
71 Wes 88th Street,

23 Wall Street
New York
November 29, 1915.

Dear Mr. Tesla:

By direction of Mr. J. P. Morgan, I am sending a photograph of the late J. P. Morgan, as
requested in your letter of the 26th instant.
Yours very truly.
J. Axten

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

8. West 40th Street,
New York.

New York, November 29, 1915.

My dear Mr. Morgan:
I feel deeply grateful for the splendid photograph of your father. It will remind me with
pride of my relations with him and the thought of his greatness, the magnanimity and
firmness of his character will always be for me a source of inspiration and courage.
Under enclosure please find two editorials just received which are interesting inasmuch
as these papers were against me.
With assurances of high regard and sincere wishes for your health and welfare, believe
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,

23 Wall Street,
New York City, N. Y.

December 30, 1915.

Messrs J. P. Morgan & Co.,
23 Wall Street,

I am mindful of the fact that accumulated interest on my note for $25.000 is now due and
that you will probably expect my check for the amount at the close of the year. For the
time being I am still unable to meet this obligation, but I am making good headway in the
development of my business and feel certain that the matter will be adjusted to your
entire satisfaction in the very near future.
Wishing you a most happy and prosperous New Year, I beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
N. Tesla.

December 30, 1915.

Dear Mr. Morgan:
Please accept my best wishes for a happy and successful New Year.
Your task is both the most important and hazardous of the time. I hope sincerely that in
keeping your eyes to the stars you may not stumble over pebbles.
With expressions of high regard,
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,

23 Wall Street,

January 10, 1916.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City, New York.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

The war has given special interest to the manufacture of nitric acid from the air by
electrical processes. Heretofore, but one hundred thousand tons were consumed annually
in all the world's industries. Many times that amount is now required for explosives only.
The acid is already very scarce, the market price has trebled and is rising rapidly.
Everybody naturally thinks of water-power, but the fact is that even under the present
conditions first class hydro-electric power is too dear. When a plant at Niagara was
started years ago with power at $15.00 I advised my friends that the undertaking would
surely fail and it did. But there is plenty of waste power in the United States which can be
very profitably employed in the production of nitrates. I have pointed out the possibilities
of such manufacture in connection with the steel industry in the article inclosed, a
typewritten copy of which was forwarded to your Long Island home at an earlier date.
Years of careful investigation and a number of inventions which I made in their course
have preceded these statements. There is a marvellous opportunity. The Steel Corporation
could secure immense revenue by applying my improvements. They are making millions
out of my inventions already. Is there no way in which I might be a little assisted in
making a practical demonstration?
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.
Inclosure. [Sic]

January 16, 1916.

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,
New York City, New York.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

A short while ago I read a statement from you in regard to some aspects of the war. This
prompts me to send you the inclosed [sic] as of possible interest to you in connection
with the subject.
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.

January 1, 1917.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

The above Company was recently organized with the purpose of marketing some of my
inventions. For the time being it must be done on a modest scale, but we are starting
under good auspices and success seems to be assured. I hope soon to be in the position of
showing that your kindness and generosity was in a measure deserved.
This is the first sheet of our stationery and I am writing to express to you my heartiest
wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.
Hoping for your continued health and welfare I remain with respectful regards
Most faithfully yours
N. Tesla

J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street, N. Y.

New York, June 13, 1917.

Dear Mr. Morgan,
Had it not been for fear of trespassing on your most valuable time I would have written
long ago to tell you how much I have rejoiced in your wonderful success. The gigantic
performance of your father and the fame of your firm have been helpful but you could not
have achieved what you did had you not combined genius and courage to a rare degree. I
hope from all my heart for your health and preservation in the face of the perils to which
you are exposed.
On this occasion I would beg you to convey to all of your family my respectful and
sincere congratulations and good wishes upon the coming marriage of your daughter.
May you be as happy at home as you are prosperous in affairs!
I have made gratifying progress in the development of my own little undertakings and in
about four months the assured income will be sufficient to take care of my obligation to
you. My big ship is still to come in, but I have now a marvellous opportunity having
perfected an invention which will astound the whole world. From the engineering point
of view it will be a greater accomplishment than the wireless and the results of which I
am absolutely certain, will be of incalculable value in many ways. I also believe that this
advance will afford an effective means for meeting the menace of the submarine.
I am hopeful that I shall soon be enabled to put my plans in tangible form, when I could
readily secure any capital desired for the exploitation of my wireless system which is a
century ahead of the art of the present day. You may see from the enclosed excerpts that
there is no longer a doubt among engineers as to who is the originator of the principles.
As ever,
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla.
June 16th, 1917.

J. P. Morgan & Co.

23 Wall Street,
New York City, N. Y.

It is proper to congratulate you on the success of the “Liberty Loan”. Your subscription
was great and inspiring. It turned the tide.
Yours very truly,

N. Tesla.

23 Wall Street,
New York
June 20, 1917,

Dear Mr. Tesla:

Mr. Morgan directs me to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, and to
say that he hopes that your expectations will very soon be realized.
Yours very truly,
J. Axten

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

8, West 40th Street,
New York.

The Waldorf-Astoria
New York
Sep. 18. 1917

Dear Mr. Morgan,

I am glad to ... from the papers that you have not withdrawn from business after all. .....3
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla

Following 3 pages are completely illegible – Ed.

Jan. 6, 1922
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,
23 Wall Street,

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I am often thinking of your father and yourself, gratefully remembering the splendid
treatment I have received and my resolve is growing stronger every day to prove myself
worthy of the confidence placed in me. My chances are excellent for I have made a
number of very valuable inventions and, as regards the wireless, I believe that I am
farther ahead of the art now than I was twenty years ago.
As you may see from the enclosed clippings, I have discovered a new mechanical
principle enabling the production of speedometers of ideal simplicity, great accuracy, and
extremely cheap construction which are proving a complete commercial success. We
made agreement some time ago with the Waltham Watch Company for the use of this
invention on automobiles, trucks and other vehicles and the business is now firmly
established and expanding rapidly. They have no difficulty in selling all they can
manufacture and are enlarging their facilities so as to turn out these instruments in big
numbers. There is not the slightest doubt that as soon as this is done all other
speedometers, of which from two to three million are produced annually, will have to be
abandoned and mine generally adopted. In such case our income from this source might
well amount to $300,000. or more a year. Of course, just for the present, owing to limited
equipment and business depression, the monthly production of the Waltham Watch
Company is only from three to four thousand and our returns are temporarily small.
We still own the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the invention in the United States
for all other purposes except indication of translatory speed of vehicles and we are in an
exceptionally fine position to start at once a business which will be highly remunerative.
It would not involve the least financial risk because the commercial success has already
been achieved and my patent, which is of the most fundamental kind, has been sustained
in court and cannot be upset, this insuring monopoly for thirteen years.
We have a number of very good prospects here and in foreign countries where we are
now represented by a well-known business man of great ability, but there is no asset
immediately available for raising the capital required except this Waltham agreement and
before proceeding further we would respectfully submit to you the following proposition.

We have made a careful estimate with our Manager of the outlays to be incurred and
would require $35,000. for launching this new business. There is due to you the sum of
approximately $40,000. this being the $25,000. originally loaned with interest at 6
percent so that if you were disposed to furnish this working capital, our whole
indebtedness to you would amount to $75,000., as security for which we would assign to
you our agreement with the Waltham Watch Company and, furthermore, pledge you the
new enterprise. Inasmuch as I had an understanding with your father that he was to have
one-third interest in my wireless undertaking, I assume that it would most nearly meet
your wishes if we stipulate that after your loan of $75,000. has been paid in full, you
would continue to receive one-third of the proceeds from the Waltham contract and our
new business.
As there are a number of things to be said in this connection I would deeply appreciate
the favor of a short personal interview at your convenience which would give me an
opportunity of elucidating matters.
With expressions of high regard, believe me
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla
3 Enclosures

Hotel St. Regis

New York
May 9, 1922
J. P. Morgan & Co., New York

Permit me to express my heartfelt sympathy on the premature death of your Mr. Davison
who has rendered such great service to the world and added to the fame of your firm.
If Mr. Morgan had lived he would have been supremely qualified to see his judgement in
regard to the genius and sterling qualities of the man .....ntly confirmed.
Achievements in finance are wrought in ........... forms, but Mr. Davison's stupendous
work on behalf of the Red Cross is a monument to his memory which will long be
cherished by grateful humanity.
Yours very respectfully,
Nikola Tesla

J . P . MORGAN & CO.
Wall St. Corner Broad.
New York
New York, May 11th, 1922.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

8 West 40th Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir:
We are deeply touched by your message of sympathy in the irreparable loss we have
suffered in the death of our Mr. Henry P. Davison.
With sincere thanks we remain,
Yours very truly,
J. P. Morgan & Co.

Nov. 21, 1924
Dear Mr. Morgan,
The mothers loss grips one's heart more powerfully than any other sad experience in life
and much stronger the ....... the more agonising is the pain.
Please accept my heartfelt condolence in your bereavement.
I had the honor of friendly relations with Mrs. Morgan and have retained most agreeable
and ..... recollection of her personality. She was a ..... woman with feminine ideals, one of
that rare type which has brought forth great races and men and the inevitable elimination
of which through the spread of odious modern ideas will prove a calamity as great as any
that has ever befallen the world.

With renewed expressions of sympathy believe me
Yours most faithfully
N. Tesla

J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.,

23 Wall Street, N. Y.

23 Wall Street
New York
July 17, 1930

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I received your letter of July 16th. I mentioned it to Mr. Morgan but he does not feel that
he can take it up.
With all good wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,

N. Tesla, Esq.,
Hotel Pennsylvania
Seventh Avenue and 33rd Street
New York City

Hotel New Yorker

November 29, 1934
J. P. Morgan, Esq.,

23 Wall Street
New York

Dear Mr. Morgan:

I have made discoveries of inestimable value which are referred in the marked passage of
the clipping enclosed. Their practical application should yield an immense fortune.
The flying machine has completely demoralized the world, so much that in some cities,
as London and Paris, people are in mortal fear from aerial bombing. The new means I
have perfected afford absolute protection against this and other forms of attack.
You know how your father assisted me in the development of my wireless system. He did
not get any returns but I am convinced that if he were living he would be gratified by the
knowledge that my inventions are universally applied. I still gratefully remember your
own support although the /war ? / deprived me of the success I had achieved. I not only
lost everything in these two undertakings but was for years compelled to pay off all sorts
of unfair claims. It was only a little while ago that I managed to settle the last one and
terminate the tormenting nightmare.
These new discoveries, which I have carried out experimentally /on/ a limited scale, have
created a profound impression. One of the most pressing problems seems to be the
protection of London and I am writing to some influential friends in England hoping that
my plan will be adopted without delay. The Russians are very anxious to render their
borders safe against Japanese invasion and I have made them a proposal which is being
seriously considered. I have many admirers there especially on account of the
introduction of my alternating system to an extent unprecedented. Some years ago Lenin
made twice in succession very tempting offers to come to Russia but I could not tear
myself from my laboratory work.
Words can not express how much I am aching for the same facilities which I then had at
my disposal and for the opportunity of squaring my account with your father's estate and
yourself. I am no longer a dreamer but a practised man of great experience gained in long
and bitter trials. If I had now twenty thousand dollars to secure my property and make
convincing demonstrations I could acquire in a short time colossal wealth. Would you be
willing to advance me the sum if I pledged to you these inventions?
Mr. Morgan you are still able to help an undying cause but how long will you be in this
privileged position? We are in the clutches of a political party which caters openly and
brazenly to the mob and believes that /by/ pouring out billions of public money, still
uncollected, it can remain power indefinitely. The democratic principle are forsaken and
individual property and incentive are made a joke. The “New Deal” is a perpetual motion
scheme which can never work but is given a semblance of operativeness by unceasing
supply of the peoples capital. Most of the measures adopted are a bid for votes and some
are destructive to established industries and decidedly socialistic. The next step might be
the “distribution” of wealth by excessive taxing if not ...uscription.

With best wishes and respectful regards believe me as ever,
Yours most faithfully,
N. Tesla.



D. O. MILLS, President
EDWARD A. WICKES, First Vice Prest.
WILLIAM B. RANKINE, Second Vice Prest. and Treas.
F. I. LOVELACE, Secretary
W. PAXTON LITTLE, Asst. Secy. and Asst. Treas.

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. November 20, 1902.

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Wardenclyffe, L. I.

Dear Sir: -
Confirming our conversation in respect of your establishment of a manufacturing plant at
Niagara Falls, to produce commercially a number of your inventions, The Niagara Falls
Power Company will be glad to supply electrical power to such a Company in the form of
2200-volt, three Phase, 25-cycle alternating current, as it comes from the generators in
our Power Houses, to be delivered and measured at the site of your manufactory. This
power may be taken in a block of, say, 5,000 E.H.P. continuous 24-hour power, under our
standard form of lease, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, and the charge for such
power will be, say, $20 per E.H.P. per annum delivered at the factory. It may be taken in
the form of 10-hour power for mechanical manufacturing purposes and paid for at our
standard kilowatt-hour rate for services and use, as set forth in the printed list of rates,
also enclosed herewith. The Power Company will deliver this power upon lands which it
is prepared to lease to your Company under the general provisions of the standard form
of lease, hereinbefore referred to, for a period of five, ten or twenty years, with renewals,
at an annual rental fixed on the basis of an interest charge on the appraised valuation of
the land free of improvements. This form of lease has been found satisfactory to all of our
principal tenants, who, under its terms, have practically all the protection of a deed

without the investment in real estate which would be required by a purchase. Land can be
located on the river front, with dockage, so that shipments may be made via the Lakes
and Erie Canal.
You are familiar with the facilities furnished for shipment by rail through the Niagara
Junction Railway, which would connect your plant with all of the trunk lines passing
through Niagara Falls, thus giving the advantage of competitive rates. The Power
Company controls the Junction Railway, and also the Development Company, which has
built one hundred twenty houses for operatives, affording cheap and pleasant homes at
low rentals, which rentals include water and electric light.
We shall be very glad to give you any further information which you may desire in regard
to this proposition, and shall be glad to encourage the location at Niagara of such an
establishment as you contemplate. With this in view, we shall be glad to arrange with
such a Company so located on our lands for the use by it for the limited time and at a low
charge, for testing purposes, of large quantities of electrical current which may be
available from our surplus power, at times when we may not have commercial use for it.
Yours very truly,
By William B. Rankine
Second Vice-President

New York, Dec. 20, 1903.

Thos. F. Ryan, Esq.,

Morton Trust Company,
New York City, N.Y.

My dear Mr. Ryan:

You said to me: “Where is the paper? I will sign it right now.” When I told you that I
looked for ten subscribers of $10,000 each you remarked: “What is the use of going to so
many people. I shall take $25,000.” If you knew what I thought of you, you would
understand that I have built on your words as on the law of gravitation.

Please do not construe this as a claim. Nothing would be farther from my thought. You
have treated me well enough. Your help was timely and I am grateful. But it pains me to
think that in a country which has been revolutionized by my inventions one of its greatest
men does not want to offer his hand to a lift when I thought he would consider it an honor
to lead.
I did not want your approval as business-man. If it were given it would be fatal to my
project. The first question any intelligent man would ask would be: “If Mr. Ryan thinks
well of this what do you want me for?” I could not raise ten cents on any such
representations. I have no time for business until I actually demonstrate my claims. The
only way to interest people is in the same spirit as I would if I were organizing a Polar
Now your refusal to sign makes it tremendously difficult to put the project through for I
cannot ask anybody else to sign. I must simply go on promises.
You have made a wonderful success but I believe that it would not hurt you at all if the
world knew of your generosity to me. My acknowledgment of Mr. Morgan's
magnanimous assistance has been in every paper in the country. It did not hurt him.
Whenever I do anything I try to do it as well as possible. Your mind is fertile. Could you
not give me a friendly advise?
Yours faithfully,
N. Tesla

New York, Dec. 28, 1905.

H. C. Frick, Esq.,
Trinity Building,
New York City, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Frick:

I take liberty to address to you the following statement impelled by the desire to disturb
you as little as possible.

(1) The work which I have undertaken with Mr. Morgan's generous assistance is not
experimental. I am merely constructing a more powerful and improved plant on the
pattern of that I built in Colorado in 1899 with which all my discoveries were
experimentally demonstrated.
(2) I have secured fundamental patent rights on all the methods and appliances
indispensable to the transmission of energy without wires for all imaginable purposes.
(3) The plant I am building can be completed by July 1st when it will be possible to send
telegraphic signals, typewritten and telephonic messages to any point in the world with
the greatest facility and precision.
(4) It is understood with Mr. Morgan that then a company might be formed for
commercial exploitation.
(5) You and Mr. Morgan would take for yourself and accord to me whatever you like.
(6) With this plant I shall show the practicability of transmitting power in industrial
(7) I would then propose to complete the plans for a plant of 10,000 horsepower which
could be put in operation in the fall after the next.
(8) The earning capacity of such a power plant will be enormous as the energy which is
cheap at the waterfall can be disposed of in various parts of the world at high price. I only
need to refer to the lighting of isolated residences of the better class. My entire outfit for
lighting such a house could be furnished for $50.00.
(9) Although the commercial possibilities of this advance are infinite I am appealing to
you in the same spirit I have appealed to Mr. Morgan and in which he has responded.
Nature has given you the power for managing business and making money. Just a little of
that you have in abundance combined with the exquisite and rare I have will enable us to
advance the world for centuries.
With best wishes for your health and welfare and New Year's greetings I remain
Faithfully yours,
N. Tesla

French and Picture Glass
Feb. 4 – Bklyn 2. 4. 1911

Dr. Tesla Nikola

Dear Sir,
I am buying old negatives and we are cleaning them and use them for glass I pay as
follows for same
5 – 7 – 3.00 per 1000
6½ – 8½ 5.00 “
8 – 10 – 7. 50 “
10 – 12 – 12.50 “
11 – 14 – 15.00 “
14 – 17 – 30.00 “

Kindly state the different sizes and our man will call to see you.

Very truly yours

A. Bender

202 Metropolitan Tower,

1 Madison Ave., New York,
February 7th, 1911

A. Bender, Esq.,
225 South 3rd St.,
Brooklyn, New York.

Dear Sir:
I am much obliged to you for calling my attention to the fact that you have found a use
for old negatives. The glass employed is generally of a very good quality and properly
cleaned furnishes excellent plates for electrical condensers. I have often thought that a
profitable business could be developed along these lines, but am not much interested in
selling plates as I have none available but rather in procuring them from you. Should I
need some I shall communicate with you in due course.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

202 Metropolitan Tower
February 16, 1913

Sigmund Bergmann, Esq.,

Hotel Astor,
Broadway & 44th St., City.

Dear Sir:
Confirming the verbal agreement reached by us Friday last for the commercial
exploitation of my patent rights relating to the new principle of fluid propulsion in
Germany, Austria and Hungary, I send you herewith a condensed statement of the mutual
obligations which, on my part as owner or controller of these rights, I am prepared to
I. You shall receive an exclusive license for Germany under all patents owned or
controlled by me or my assignees and pertaining to the above subject.
II. In consideration of this privilege you are to pay as license fees or royalties the
amounts specified in the annexed schedule.
III. You will make reports to me or my assignees at the expiration of every three
months on all apparatus manufactured and sold by you under the provisions of this
agreement or of a formal contract to be made in accordance therewith.
IV. It is understood that you books showing the nature and extent of the business
conducted under this license shall be open for inspection to me or my representatives.
V. All apparatus manufactured and sold by you shall bear my name.
VI. It is mutually agreed that each party shall have the full benefit of all
improvements on the inventions covered by this license and made, owned or
controlled by the other.
VII. You shall have the right to license others to manufacture and sell the said
inventions and improvements in Germany provided your licensees are bound equally
with you by all the provisions of this agreement.
VIII. I am to construct and deliver to you within sixty days a turbine of 500
horse-power embodying my invention and equipped with a hydraulic brake for
testing and measurement.
IX. You assume forthwith all obligations in connections with the prosecution of
the patents in Germany and their maintenance in force.

X. I agree to give you an option on the patent rights secured to me in Austria and
Hungary on the same terms as here stipulated, such option however, to expire thirty
days after the delivery to you of the turbine referred to.
XI. It is furthermore provided that upon failure to perform your obligations the
license may be revoked and terminated by a written notice of sixty days to this effect.
XII. You are to pay to my order, on the acceptance of this agreement, the sum
of five thousand dollars ($5000).

Awaiting your favor, I remain,

Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

New York, N. Y., February 19, 1913

Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
1 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
I duly received your favor of February sixteenth setting forth the mutual obligations in
your proposed agreement of the same date for the commercial exploitation of your patent
rights relating to the principle of fluid propulsion in Germany, Austria and Hungary, and
wish to say that the terms are acceptable to me with the provision, however, that the
payment of $5000 should be modified as follows: $1000 immediately, $1500 six weeks
from the date, and the balance of $2500 two weeks after receiving the 500 horse-power
machine. It is furthermore understood between us that in the event I choose for some
reason or other not to remit the second or third payments, our mutual obligations shall
In the event that you should be unsuccessful in securing patents in Germany, I shall
consider myself released of any obligations so far as that country is concerned but I will
have the right to take up the Austria and Hungary proposition on the same conditions
should I desire to do so.
Yours very truly,
S. Bergmann

202 Metropolitan Tower

February 19, 1913
Sigmund Bergmann, Esq.,
Hotel Astor,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
I wish to confirm receipt of your favor of even date and to say that the modification you
have proposed with respect to the payment of $5000 is acceptable to me
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the first payment of $1000 made to me in cash.
Very truly yours,
N. Tesla

Elektricitäts-Werke, Aktiengesellschaft


Aktienkapital und Reserven 46 Millionen Mark

Berlin N. 65, den 10 März 1913

Nikola Tesla,
202, Metropolitan Tower,

Long Island, N. Y. (Amerika)

Kopirati zaglavlje memoranduma.

Wir erhielten von Herrn Geheimrat B e r g m a n n die ihm anläßlich seines Aufenthaltes
in den Vereinigten Staaten übergebenen Unterlagen, bestehend in einigen Photographien
und einer amerikanischer Patentanmeldung Ihrer neuen Dampfturbine und Pumpe. Wir
sind momentan damit beschäftigt, Ihre Erfindung zu prüfen, soweit uns dies überhaupt
bei dem uns zu Verfügung stehenden spärlichen Material möglich ist. Wir wären Ihnen
daher zu Dank verpflichtet, wenn Sie die Güte hätten, uns weitere Unterlagen, aus denen
wir uns ein genaues Bild über die Wirkungsweise und die Ökonomie machen können,
zustellen würden. Mit Ausnahme des Herrn Geheimrat Bergmann übergebenen Materials
steht uns nur ein Hinweis auf Ihre Turbine in der “Zeitschrift für das gesamte
Turbinenwesen”, sowie ein allerdings nicht sehr günstig gehaltener Artikel von Herrn
Prof. H. Lorenz über Ihre Pumpe, in der gleichen Zeitschrift erschienen, zur Verfügung.
Wir erlauben uns, Sie darauf hinzuweisen, das, bedingt durch die hohen Kohlenpreise in
Deutschland, nur eine Turbine, die einen guten Nutzeffekt aufweist, imstande ist, sich
Eingang auf dem Markte zu verschaffen. Unsere Aufgabe ist es somit, in erster Linie zu
prüfen, mit welchem Wirkungsgrad resp. mit welchem Dampfverbrauch Ihre Turbinen
arbeiten. Wie wir aus dem übersandten Material ersehen können, haben bereits Turbinen
verschiedener Größe gebaut und sind deshalb imstande, über bereits erzielte Resultate
Angaben machen zu können. Ferner ist es ja im höchsten Grade wahrscheinlich, daß Sie,
gestützt auf nunmehr vorliegende experimentelle Untersuchungen, in der Lage sein
werden, die Ökonomie Ihrer Maschine zu verbessern, und wären wir Ihnen deshalb
ebenfalls sehr dankbar, wenn Sie uns mitteilen würden, mit welchem Wirkungsgraden
bestimmt gerechnet werden kann.
Unter “ Wirkungsgrad” verstehen wir das Verhältnis der effektiven Bremsleistung einer
Turbine mit der effektiven Bremsleistung einer idealen Turbine, in welcher keine
Reibung herrscht und in welcher die Energie des Dampfes vollständig, so daß die
Austrittsgeschwindigkeit bis auf Null herabsinkt, ausgenützt wird unter der Annahme,
daß in beiden Fällen der Anfangszustand und der gegebene Kondensatordruck die
gleichen sind. Um jedwede Mißverständnisse zu vermeiden, wollen wir den Begriff des
Wirkungsgrades in einem Zahlen-Beispiel erläutern.
Eine Maschine irgendwelcher Leistung verbraucht bei einem Anfangsdruck von 13
kg/cm2 absolut, einer Anfangstemperatur von 330o C und einem Gegendruck von 0,05
kg/cm2 pro effektives an der Welle gemessenes Bremspferd 4,0 kg Dampf in der Stunde.
Entsprechend den “Neuen Tabellen und Diagrammen für Wasserdampf” von Dr. Mollier,
erschienen in Berlin, Verlag Julius Springer, 1906, steht uns für einen Druck von 13
Atmosphären absolut, einer Temperatur von 330o C und einem absoluten Gegendruck
von 0,05 kg/cm2 ein Wärmegefälle von 226 Kalorien zur Verfügung. Unter Annahme des
mechanischen Wärme-Equivalentes zu 427 gebraucht somit eine ideale Maschine, also
eine Maschine, die ohne Reibung arbeitet und die die im Dampf enthaltene Wärme
vollkommen ausnutzt, pro Stunde
 2,8 kg Dampf in der Stunde.

Da die von uns angenommene Maschine pro Stunde und effektives Bremspferd 4,0 kg
Dampf verbraucht, so bestimmt sich der Wirkungsgrad des ganzen Aggregates zu
=  0,70
In diesem Falle sprechen wir von einer Maschine mit einem Wirkungsgrade von 70 %.
Das Rechnen mit Wirkungsgraden hat den großen Vorteil, daß man bei Beurteilung
verschiedener Maschinentypen, resp. von Maschinen verschiedener Systeme nicht
abhängig von den Betriebszuständen, unter denen die Versuche gemacht wurden, ist.
Vielleicht ist es für Sie aber leichter, die Ökonomie Ihrer Maschinen durch den
wirklichen Dampfverbrauch anzugeben. Hierbei möchten wir bemerken, daß für normale
Verhältnisse wir in Deutschland mit einem Admissionsdruck von ca. 15 Atmosphären
Überdruck, einer Admissions-Temperatur von 300o – 350o C, beide Werte gemessen am
Einlaßventil der Turbine, und einem Gegendruck von ca. 0,08 – 0,04, gemessen an
Abdampfstutzen der Turbine rechnen. Wir möchten Sie deshalb bitten, uns für
Maschinen verschiedener Leistungen ebenfalls den von Ihnen erzielten und durch
Verbesserungen noch zu erhoffenden Dampfverbrauch mitteilen zu wollen. Bei dem
großen Interesse, das wir an Ihrer Erfindung nehmen, wären wir Ihnen zu Dank
verpflichtet, wenn Sie uns durch recht baldige Übersendung möglichst vieler Unterlagen
die Beurteilung Ihrer Maschinen erleichtern würden.
Um auf gleicher Basis zu rechnen, erlauben wir uns, anbei 2 Exemplare der nach den
Tabellen von Dr. Mollier von uns errechneten Entropietafel für Ihren Gebrauch zu
Wir verbleiben einstweilen
mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung

Bergmann Avisins
2 Entropietafeln R 101

202 Metropolitan Tower

March 25, 1913

Adolf Bender, Esq.,

Fifth Avenue Bldg.,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Bender:
I am sending you under enclosure copy of German letter which you left me as I have just
received the original. As soon as I can manage I shall reply to the inquiries.
The De la Vergne Machine Co. informed me today that the patterns would be ready by
Friday night which I hope will prove true.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

202 Metropolitan Tower

April 7, 1913

Adolf Bender, Esq.,

Fifth Avenue Bldg.,

Dear Mr. Bender:

Pursuant to your telephone message of this morning, I am forwarding copy of my
agreement with Mr. Bergmann as well as my letter of acceptance, also copy of Mr.
Bergmann's letter to me.
I wrote Mr. Bergmann a short letter yesterday.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

202 Metropolitan Tower

April 17, 1913

Adolf Bender, Esq.,

Fifth Avenue Bldg.,

Dear Mr. Bender:

I received a letter from Mr. Bergmann dated April seventh in which he requested me to
telegraph, on receipt, when I expect to have the machine ready for shipment.
My efforts to get hold of you for a consultation on the matter were unsuccessful and I
therefore wired as follows: “Work advancing rapidly but still uncertain about shipping
date. Will wire promptly. Letter follows. Tesla.”
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla

Electrical Works5

Berlin, N., ............ May 9th, 1913.

Mr. N. Tesla,
202 Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.
U. S. A.

Dear Sir:-
Owing to Mr. Bergmann's being away on business, I have been instructed to
acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 21st ult.

/Kopirati zaglavlje memoranduma na engl. – predlog za red./

We note that there has been an unexpected delay in the completion of the turbine ordered,
but as on receipt of this letter you will doubtless be in a position to know when it will be
ready for test, we would request you to immediately cable us this information and also as
soon thereafter as possible, to cable us the actual results of the tests made on this
At the same time, we would be obliged if, on receipt of this letter, you would cable us the
technical information and data we have asked for in connection with the trial turbine that
has been built and actually tested by you.
Trusting that you will give these matters your prompt attention and thanking you in
anticipation, we are
Yours faithfully
Aktiengesellschaft (Abt. M.)
ppa Morgan6

Bergmann Electrical Works

Machine Department

Berlin, N., ...... Sept. 25, 1913.

Mr. N. Tesla,
Metropolitan Tower
New York City,
U. S. A.

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I acknowledge receipt of your telegram reading: -

“Not yet ready for expert will wire promptly” and was greatly disappointed to learn that
you could not give me any definite date.
For your information, I would say that there is an order outstanding for 50 turbines from
50 to 250 H.P. and it is imperative that we come to some decision with regard to this

Hand-written (by Tesla?)

contract. If we decline it, our competitors will only be too glad to accept it. It is therefore
up to us to become active and develop some constructions of our own. This, as you will
appreciate, involves great expenditures and all this money would be wasted if, later on,
we found that your turbine could be made to much better advantage. This order would be
a splendid introduction for your turbine in the market
Please cable me on receipt of this letter, when you actually expect to ship the turbine, as I
must have some definite date to reckon on.
Awaiting your reply, I am, with kind regards,
Very truly yours,
S. Bergmann

202 Metropolitan Tower

November 4, 1913
Adolf Bender, Esq.,
200 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Bender:

Under enclosure please find copy of letter addressed to the De La Vergne Company today
which expresses the substance of my understanding with you without prejudice to our
respective positions.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla


Jan. 5, 1914.7

Mr. Nikola Tesla.

1 Madison Ave.,
New York City.

Dear Sir:
Relative to telephone conversation in reference to the letter written by Mr. Bergmann
regarding the “Tesla Turbine”, as requested I quote extract from same, as follows:
“I am in receipt of your letter of the 10th inst. and only hope that your predictions
regarding the Tesla Turbine will all come true.
I am pleased to hear that you intend to sail on the “George Washington” on Jan. 3rd. I
note that you propose to being the Turbine over with you and would urge you to leave
nothing undone to have it sent on the same boat, no matter what condition it is in. Tell
Mr. Tesla that we will take the machine into our Shops at once and if his theories are
correct, he will be agreeably surprised at the technical and mechanical facilities we have
over here.
Mr. Tesla will doubtless be pleased to learn that the Minister of Marine, Excellenz von
Tirpitz has been requested to report to the German Emperor relative to the Tesla Turbine,
who is greatly interested in this invention. We have promised his Excellency that the
machine will certainly be here on exhibition about the middle of January, so you know
what this means.

Yours very truly,

A. Bender

Bergmann Electrical Works

Machine Department
Berlin, N.65, February 2nd, 1914.

The orig. letter is wrongly dated 1913 (See Tesla's letter to J. P. Morgan Jr. from Jan.5th, 1914) – Ed.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.
U. S. A.

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I have duly received your telegram reading:
“Greatly injured and set back by decision German office but have just managed install
turbine Edison plant will ship as soon as circumstances permit you may anticipate
striking results bearing out my claims, please attend Austrian patent”, but this does not
give me the information I want, namely when will you ship the turbine.
I can only reiterate once more that if you had shipped the turbine finished or unfinished,
we would have been able to procure some claims to you, but in spite of my continual
reminder you allowed the time to elapse and the Patent Office is really not to blame at all
in the matter, as you did not adhere to the specified date.
However, as I wrote you a few days ago, I believe there is still some hope for you, if the
turbine will actually prove a success and we might be able to reverse their decision and
still secure substantial claims.
I trust that by the time this letter reaches you, the turbine has been shipped, as matters are
becoming somewhat grave here.
I have arranged for the Austrian patent taxes to be paid, but would point out that the
Austrian authorities are also enquiring about the turbine.
Trusting that I will soon have the desired news about the shipment of the turbine, I am,
with kind wishes
Yours very truly,
S. Bergmann

Bergmann Electrical Works

Machine Department

Berlin, N.65, March 7, 1914.

N. Tesla, Esq.,
Metropolitan Tower,
New York City.
U. S. A.

My dear Mr. Tesla: -

To say to you that I was more than surprised to learn on my arrival here that our mutual
friend, Mr. Bergmann, was without any advice from you as to the status of affairs of the
turbine is certainly putting it mildly, and this for the reason that when I last saw you in
New York on January 2nd, the day before my departure for Europe, you again had
faithfully promised not only to expedite the final testing of the turbine at the Edison
Station and its shipment, for which, by the way, I had made all the necessary
arrangements and had given shipping instructions to the De la Vergne Co., but also gave
me your positive assurance that the working drawings, for which Mr. Bergmann had been
so anxious for some time past, were then being completed and would surely be sent
within a week.
To be candid with you, I am at a loss to understand the whole situation, as I cannot, for
one moment, suppose that you intentionally want to trifle with either Mr. Bergmann or
myself, who have given you many assurances of our good faith and the keen interest we
have taken in your invention.
Aside from the monetary interest which Mr. Bergmann has got in the turbine built by the
De la Vergne Co., he is to a far greater extent interested in developing and exploiting
your invention in Germany and from what I understand, has already paved the way for a
rehearing of your case in the Patent Office which, however, can only be had after an
ocular demonstration to the Patent Officials.
Now please do tell me candidly what the real reasons are that the turbine is not
forthcoming and whether it is due to any financial difficulties that you are encountering
or mechanical obstacles which you have not been able to overcome, when making the
final test at the Edison plant.
The reason I appeal to you in the foregoing manner is due to the fact that Mr. Bergmann
is very much put out over your apparent disinclination to even answer his urging letters
and cables, in fact, he informs me that he has been without any communication from you
for more than a month, and quite naturally so looks towards me as to one who has been
the instigator of interesting him in your turbine.
What you must to for your own sake and the sake of the agreement entered into with Mr.
Bergmann is to ship the turbine in whatever condition it may be, if for some reason or
other it cannot be shipped in the condition you want it to be, and you must also send,
without further delay, a full set of working drawings, such as you assured me were in
course of preparation and nearing completion at the time I last saw you and which you
then said would surely go forward within one week.

As to the turning down of your patent by the German Patent Office, for this only you and
you alone are to blame, as I feel convinced that Mr. Bergmann by his great influence had
succeeded in pacifying the authorities in order to fight for time, pending the arrival of the
In order to obtain something tangible relative to the failure of shipping the turbine, I
yesterday cabled to De la Vergne, asking them for full information as to what they know
on the subject, but have up to this writing not as yet received their reply, which, however,
I hope will be forthcoming, so that I will be in a position to talk the matter over more
intelligently with Mr. Bergmann and arrive at some conclusions as to the steps which he
wants me to take so as to protect his interest, should occasion arise, as he very keenly
feels that he has not been treated right by you, and in which opinion I can only acquiesce.
I would personally be greatly indebted to you if you would send me some definite
information by a short and concise cable, as I intend to remain here for at least ten days,
taking very short trips to some cities near by, before returning to New York on the 28th
of this month.
With very kind regards, I beg to remain
Yours very truly,
Adolf Bender

P. S. Reading over the foregoing I find that I have omitted one of the most essential
points which necessarily must be of interest for you to know, namely: that the chances for
the exploitation of the turbine in Austria-Hungary look very promising, inasmuch as Mr.
Bergmann has succeeded, through his Austrian Works, to already interest not only the
highest government officials, but also a few industrial people of prominence.
The Austro-Hungarian patents have also been taken care of by payment of taxes, so that
at least this part of your interests is well guarded.

Aug. 1, 1914.

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

1136 Woolworth Bldg.,
New York.

Dear Sir:-
Mr. S. Bergmann has requested me to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 30th inst.,
as also the two patent specifications enclosed therein, and to say to you that neither of
them is of any interest to him and therefore I am returning same enclosures herein.
Mr. Bergmann furthermore wishes me to say to you that he was disappointed not to have
received before his leaving for Europe your promissory note for the $2500 he paid you on
account of the Turbine agreement, and which you had agreed to do while he called at
your office and I would feel obliged if you would send this note to me as Mr. Bergmann
has left instructions with me as to how to proceed in this matter.
Very truly yours,
Adolf Bender

1136 Woolworth Bldg.,

August 1, 1914

Adolph Bender, Esq.,

Fifth Avenue Bldg.,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your favor of even date together with my specifications
which I was disappointed to receive through the mail as I had personally requested Mr.
Bergmann to forward these important documents by messenger. My offer to him was
purely one of courtesy and his decision in the matter was entirely indifferent to me as I
have plenty opportunities.
In regard to the Bergmann agreement, I have consulted my attorneys and you will
understand that I am acting under advisement. A plan will be developed shortly under
which Mr. Bergmann will have his $2500 refunded although I am neither legally nor
morally obliged to return the same because he came to me with the proposition and
should bear all the consequences. Furthermore, I have expended a large sum of money

many times the amount he advanced out of my personal regard for him, and the loss of
my German patent as well as the financial drawbacks I have incurred are wholly due to
the neglect and incompetence and unfair treatment I have received in a shop which I
engaged to do the work at your and Mr. Bergmann's suggestion.
Assuring you that I shall do everything in my power to close this matter with Mr.
Bergmann in a most amicable manner as it behoves men of our positions, I remain,
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla




Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

Waldorf Astoria
New York City.

Kopirati memorandum (prvi put).

My dear Tesla: -
I have had a conference today with Mr. H. E. Knight and Mr. Pickard, who represent the
Telefunken Company, who are either being sued or about to be sued by the Marconi
Company. Mr. Knight tells me that when the Fessenden concern was sued by Marconi,
they did not give you and your work the prominence which it deserved, because
Fessenden was afraid that if he established your priority he might injure his cases in this
country, and because of jealousy against you.
The Telefunken Company have no such feeling, and want to rely on your work as a
defense, and want to establish your priority in this art. Mr Knight is anxious to meet you
and to get your advice and assistance, and I have suggested to him that he offer you a
moderate retainer of, say, $250.00 or $300.00, to secure your good will, and to meet you
and go over the matter with you. Of course, they cannot offer you a very large sum,
because they want your information as a fact witness, but they are quite willing to
compensate you for any trouble or expense that you be may be put to in the matter.
If you think well of it, I wish you would let me know and make an appointment to meet
Mr. Knight and Mr. Pickard, I should think at the former's office here in town, and I will
notify ...
[ ................................. ]
[Yours very truly,
Parker W. Page ]9




Nedostaje druga strana sa zavr{etkom pisma. – Priv.



Nikola Tesla, Esq.,

Waldorf Astoria Hotel
New York City.

Dear Sir:-
We have received notice today that the Swedish application for your turbine has been
accepted, and will be laid open for inspection for two months. We understand that the
patent will be forwarded in about three months.
Yours very truly,
Kerr, Page, Cooper & Hayward

Brooklyn, 7. 11. 1915.

677 Vanderbilt Av.

Mein lieber und verehrter Herr Tesla!

Aus den Zeitungen erfuhr ich – und da bis jetzt unwidersprochen, nehme ich an, daß es
richtig ist – daß Ihnen der Nobelpreis für dieses Jahr ertheilt worden ist. Sie können sich
denken, wie herzlich ich mich darüber gefreut habe, und ich möchte Ihnen auf das
wärmst gratulieren.
Sie wissen, wie hoch ich Ihre Arbeiten schätze, die überall mit neuen Ideen, kühn und
erfolgreich, vordringen; und daneben habe ich für den Menschen Tesla eine tiefe
Sympathie vom ersten Moment unserer Begegnung an empfunden, verehre ich doch in
Ihnen einen der – gerade im hiesigen Lande – Wenigen, welche Idealisten im besten
Sinne dieses Wortes sind.
Mangels Ihrer Adresse muß ich den Brief indirect gehen lassen, hoffe aber, daß er Sie
Mit herzlichen Grüßen

F. Braun

New York, 9. November 1915.

Prof. Ferdinand Braun, Esq.,

677 Vanderbilt Avenue,
Brooklyn, New York

Mein lieber und sehr verehrter Prof. Braun,

Die hochherzige Anerkennung meiner geringen Beiträge zur technischen Kunst und
Wissenschaft von so einem ungewöhnlichen und verdienstvollen Manne ist, in sich
selbst, mehr wert wie der ehrgeizig bestrebte Nobelpreis. Doch ist mir Ihre freundliche
Botschaft besonders tröstlich und willkommen in diesem Momente so schwanger mit
schweren Ereignissen wenn, infolge einer unerklärlichen Naturentartung, unsere Brüder
einander erwürgen.
Indem ich mich der aufrichtigen Hoffnung für die fortdauernde Erhaltung Ihrer kostbaren
Schaffungskräfte hingebe verbleibe ich, Ihre gefühlvollen Äußerungen herzlichst
erwidernd, mit achtungsvollen Grüßen
Ihr ergebener
N. Tesla

New York, March 6th, 1916.

My dear Prof. Braun,

This morning I learned that you are at the German Hospital but fortunately out of danger
thanks to surgical skill. It is my earnest hope that your recovery will be rapid and that
your precious energies will be conserved for a long time to come.
With kindest regards
Sincerely yours,

N. Tesla

P. S. I trust that you are well enough to enjoy the peaches I am sending which have just
arrived from South Africa.

New York, 7. März 16

German Hospital

Mein lieber und verehrter Herr Tesla!

Sie haben mir eine sehr große Freude gemacht dadurch, daß Sie meiner gedachten – eine
besondere noch durch die Übersendung des hübschen Körbchens mit den seltenen
Früchten. Ich habe diese südafrikanische Sorte noch niemals gesehen – sie schauen aus
wie Pflaumen und sind doch Pfirsiche.
Nehmen Sie meinen herzlichsten Danke für Ihre Liebenswürdigkeit und entschuldigen
Sie, wenn ich ihn so spät ausspreche. Ich habe gewartet bis ich heute Nachmittag
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
treu ergebener
F. Braun

8 West 40th Street, March 16, 1916

Dear Professor Braun:

Mr. Tesla has been kept busy day and night on some pressing work, being a witness in a
patent suit relating to one of his inventions.
He wishes me to send you his kindest regards and convey the hope that you will soon be
yourself again.
With expressions of high esteem,

Yours most respectfully,

Prof. F. Braun,
c/o German Hospital
111 E. 76th St.,

German Hospital
16. III 16.

Mein lieber und verehrter Herr Tesla!

Meinen herzlichsten Dank für Ihr freundliches Gedenken, das sich um so höher
einschätze, als Ihre Zeit jetzt so sehr besetzt ist. Sparen Sie sich wenigstens die Nachtruhe
– denn deren Verlust bedeutet auch einen schweren Verlust an Energie!
Mit vielen herzlichen Grüßen
F. Braun

Man stellt mir die Entlassung aus der Klinik in ca. 8 – 14 Tagen in Aussicht. Den Rest
der Heilung muß ich außer derselben abwarten

21 März, 1916.

Mein lieber und verehrter Prof. Braun,

“Wenn aller Wesen unharmonische Menge verdrießlich durcheinander klingt” hat man
keinen Gedanken von den zarten Einflüssen zu denen wir sonst so empfänglich sind.

Wäre es anders gewesen so hätte ich mir gewiß lange das Vergnügen gegönnt, Sie zu
Die Aussicht auf Ihre baldige Erholung hat mich auf's herzlichste gefreut. Ihre
Geisteskraft hat die Materie bezwungen. Bald stellt sich schönes Wetter ein und Sie
sollen es wissenschaftlich ausnützen um Ihren Wirkungsgrad zu erhöhen.
Mit Ausdrücken hoher Achtung und freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr ergebener
N. Tesla

German Hospital
31. März 1916

Mein lieber Freund Tesla!

Sie bedenken mich wirklich in zu rührender Weise und erfreuen mich außerdem mit
Ihren geistreichen Bemerkungen. Für die schönen Körbchen sind die nurses sehr
dankbare Abnehmer, da ich sie leider nicht mit nach Hause nehmen kann. Dienstag der
nächsten Woche (4. April) werde ich dahin entlassen werden, wenn auch noch nicht
vollständig geflickt und auch sonst noch reparaturbedürftig.
Wo kann man eine wissenschaftliche (wesentlich optische und molecular physikalische)
Abhandlung hier in Amerika publizieren? Ich habe das Thatsachenmaterial für eine
solche aus Deutschland mitgebracht. Es sind einfache, aber sehr interessante Versuchen,
welche man auch leicht (am besten mit einem mineralogischen Mikroskop – mit
Polarizationsvorrichtung) demonstrieren kann. – Ich gehe auch mit einigen bis jetzt mehr
spekulativen Problemen schwanger – hoffentlich werde ich auch einmal entbunden.
Mit frdl. Grüßen
in bekannter Werthschätzung
Ihr ergebener
F. Braun

17. April 1916.

Mein sehr lieber Prof. Braun,
Ich kann es mir gar nicht erklären wie ich Ihren gesch. Brief von 31sten ult. übersehen
könnte. Wahrscheinlich ist es dem Umstande zuzuschreiben, daß ich mich in einer
schlechten Gasse befinde. Sie werden mich hoffentlich entschuldigen.
Um Gotteswillen – wenn Sie Material für ein Buch gesammelt haben sollten Sie sofort
dessen Veröffentlichung austreiben, auf jeden Preis. Sie sind ein Mann von Ideen und das
Werk wäre höchst interessant und willkommen.
Wenn es Ihnen angenehm ist werde ich sofort die Aufmerksamkeit meines Freundes
Speirs (D. Van Nostrand Co.) auf Ihren Vorschlag lenken und alles mögliches thun um
der Welt die Vortheile solcher seltenen und werthvollen Untersuchungen zu sichern. Sie
müßten jedoch im englischen erscheinen. Sie sollten sich nicht dagegen sträuben – es ist
ja doch ein deutscher Sieg!
Mit besten Grüßen und auf baldiges Wiedersehen
Ihr treu ergebener
N. Tesla

Prof. Ferdinand Braun,

Atlantic Communication Co.,
90. West Street, City

677 Vanderbilt Av.

Brooklyn, April 2, 1916.

Mein Lieber und verehrter Herr Tesla,

Herzlichen Dank für das freundliche Interesse das Sie an meinen Arbeiten nehmen, und
für Ihr Anerbieten, die Publication zu befördern.
Selbstredend müßten die Arbeiten in englisch erscheinen, für gute Übertragung in die
Sprache müßte ich wohl Gelegenheit finden. Für einen Aufsatz in Electr. Exp. (On the
use of the Brn. tube) langte mein Englisch, für diese Arbeiten aber kaum.
Die Hauptsache ist aber: für ein Buch ist das Material nicht genügend und nicht geeignet.
Ich dachte an Publication in einer Zeitschrift (welche? Electrical Review?). Eine Arbeit

ist optisch und fast rein experimentell, die anderen mehr speculativer Natur, alle sind
Leider scheint die politische Situation bald ein Publication überhaupt für mich unmöglich
zu machen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr ergebener
F. Braun

24. April 1916.
Mein lieber Prof. Braun,
Ihr gesch. Brief den ich soeben empfangen habe, hat mich sehr erfreut. Ich hoffe, daß Sie
nun vollkommen in Besitze Ihrer normalen Kräfte sind.
Die hiesigen technischen Zeitschriften würden natürlich sehr gerne einen Beitrag von
Ihnen veröffentlichen, aber ich glaube, daß es viel besser wäre das Material in der Form
einer Brochure herauszugeben. Ich werde meinem Freunde Speirs einen Vorschlag in
diesem Sinne machen und Sie von dem Resultate benachrichtigen.
Die politische Situation ist sehr schlecht, aber man kann sich darauf verlassen, daß so
eine Riesen Dummheit, wie ein Krieg zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten
Staaten, nicht verwirklicht werden kann, was auch immer die Politiker thun mögen.
Mit besten Wünschen und aufrichtigen Grüßen
Ihr ergebener
N. Tesla

Prof. Ferdinand Braun,

677 Vanderbilt Avenue,
Brooklyn, New York.

April 26, 1916
My dear Professor Braun:
Pardon me for availing myself of office facilities on this occasion. I hardly need say that I
have neither time nor energy to spare.
I have communicated with my friend, Speirs, and he was greatly interested in the
prospect of getting material from your publication Although you tell me that you have not
enough on hand for a book, I believe that you could readily compile one in view of the
immense ground you have covered. At present you are condemned to inactivity and it
seems to me that under the circumstances you could not pass your hours more usefully
and agreeably than by recording your valuable observations you must have made in the
course of your experiments and investigations on various subjects.
If you approve of it I will bring you and Mr. Speirs together, hoping that something to the
advantage of the world and yourself will result.
Looking to the pleasure of seeing you shortly and with kind regards, believe me,
Yours very sincerely,
N. Tesla

Prof. Ferdinand Braun,

677 Vanderbilt Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Waltham, Mass.
Sales Department
Automotive Division
May 22, 1922.
Mr. Nikola Tesla,
The Tesla Company,
6 West 40th St., New York

My dear Mr. Tesla:

We have an inquiry from the Frankford Motors Company, 4821 Frankford Avenue, for
revolution indicators and we are advising them to communicate with you. In the
meantime would suggest that you write them for the attention of Mr. E. W. Oldfield,
Chief Engineer.

This Company attached a copy of one of our advertisements which appeared in one of the
English publications.
While writing you I shall accept the opportunity of giving you a few facts relative to the
Speedometer situation here which is very encouraging. Our customers are demanding a
daily delivery of minimum of 255 Speedometers and orders and contracts on hand
indicate that these requirements will be increased to a minimum of 275 to 300 daily in
July and August and before January 1, 1923 we anticipate an output of 400 to 500 daily,
and at the rate this business is improving we should have sufficient business to
necessitate a daily output next year of approximately 500 or more Speedometers daily.
We are confident that this information will be very acceptable to you and you readily
appreciate that we are beginning to realize the work which we have been doing during the
past few years which, on account of depression and other conditions, has been more or
less a missionary nature.
Our Speedometer is now being recognized and acknowledged by nearly all of the car
manufacturer as the finest Speedometer ever offered to the motor car industry and the
most encouraging part is the fact that the manufacturers of the low priced cars are
indicating an interest which is very encouraging, and we have reasons to believe that
within the next six months we shall have contracts with at least two of the large quantity
producers which would materially increase the above figures.
Yours very truly
E. L. Vail
Automotive Sales Div.


We have also received a written assurance from the President of the old Company but I
was unable to locate the original letters. N. T. 10


Waltham, Mass.
Office of the
Assistant Treasurer

Tesla's hand-written annotation – Ed. note.

June 21, 1922.

Mr. Nikola Tesla,

c/o The Tesla Company, Inc.,
New York City.

Dear Sir:-
We herewith hand you for your signature note for $5,000.00, to renew the one of equal
amount due on the 17th instant. As soon as this note is returned to us, we will send you
the old one in question.
Very truly yours,
Per James Joe Grady
Assistant Treasurer



born April 17, 1837, Hartford, Conn., U.S.

died March 31, 1913, Rome

J. P. Morgan, American financier and industrial organizer, one of the world's foremost
financial figures during the two pre-World War I decades. He reorganized several major

Morgan, John Pierpont -– Encyclopedia Britannica; (www. britannica.com/eb/article?tocld= 9053722)

railroads and consolidated the United States Steel, International Harvester, and General
Electric corporations.

The son of a successful financier, Junius Spencer Morgan (1813-90), John Pierpont was
educated in Boston and at the University of Göttingen. He began his career in 1857 as an
accountant with the New York banking firm of Duncan. Sherman and Company, which
was the American representative of the London firm George Peabody and Company. In
1861 Morgan became the agent for his father's banking company in New York City.
During 1864-71 he was a member of the firm of Dabney, Morgan and Company, and in
1871 he became a partner in the New York City firm of Drexel, Morgan and Company,
which soon became the predominant source of U. S. government financing. This firm was
reorganized as J. P. Morgan and Company in 1895, and, largely through Morgan's ability,
it became one of the most powerful banking houses in the world.

Because of links with the Peabody firm, Morgan had intimate and highly useful
connections with the London financial world, and during the 1870s he was thereby able
to provide the rapidly growing industrial corporations of the United States with much-
needed capital from British bankers. He began reorganizing railroads in 1855, when he
arranged an agreement between two of the largest railroads in the country, the New York
Central Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad, that minimized a potentially destructive
rate war and rail-line competition between them.

In 1886 he reorganized two more major railroads with the aim of stabilizing their
financial base. In the course of these corporate restructurings, Morgan became a member
of the board of directors of these and other railroads, thereby amassing great influence on
them. Between 1885 and 1888 he extended his influence to lines based in Pennsylvania
and Ohio, and after the financial panic of 1893 he was called upon to rehabilitate a large
number of the leading rail lines in the country, including the Southern Railroad, the Erie
Railroad, and the Northern Pacific. He helped to achieve railroad stability and
discouraged overly chaotic competition in the East. By gaining control of much of the
stock of the railroads that he reorganized, he became one of the world's most powerful
railroad magnates, controlling about 5,000 miles (8000 km) of American railroads by

During the depression that followed the panic of 1893, Morgan formed a syndicate that
resupplied the U.S. government's depleted gold reserve with $62,000,000 in gold in order
to relieve a Treasury crisis. Three years later he began financing a series of giant
industrial consolidations that were to reshape the corporate structure of the American
manufacturing sector. His first venture, in 1891, was to arrange the merger of Edison
General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric,
which became the dominant electrical-equipment manufacturing firm in the United
States. Having financed the creation of the Federal Steel Company in 1898, Morgan in
1901 joined in merging it with the giant Carnegie Steel Company and other steel
companies to form United States Steel Corporation, which was the world's first billion-
dollar corporation. In 1902 Morgan brought together several of the leading agricultural-
equipment manufacturers to form the International Harvester Company. In that same year
he organized, with less subsequent success, the International Merchant Marine, an
amalgamation of a majority of the transatlantic shipping lines.

Morgan successfully led the American financial community's attempt to avert a general
financial collapse following the stock market panic of 1907. He headed a group of
bankers who took in large government deposits and decided how the money was to be
used for purposes of financial relief, thereby preserving the solvency of many major
banks and corporations. Having ceased to undertake large industrial reorganizations,
Morgan thereafter concentrated on amassing control of various banks and insurance
companies. Through a system of interlocking memberships on the boards of companies
he had reorganized or influenced, Morgan and his banking house achieved a top-heavy
concentration of control over some of the nation's leading corporations and financial
institutions. This earned Morgan the occasional distrust of the federal government and the
enmity of reformers and muckrakers throughout the country, but he remained the
dominant figure in American capitalism until his death in 1913.

Morgan was one of the greatest art and book collectors of his day, and he donated many
works of art to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. His book collection
and the building that housed them in New York City became a public reference library in


born Sept. 7, 1867, Irvington, N.Y., U.S.

died March 13, 1943, Boca Grande, Fla.

American banker and financier, the head of the Morgan investment banking house, after
the death of his father, John Pierpont Morgan Sr.

He graduated from Harvard University in 1889 and became a member of his father's
banking firm, J.P. Morgan and Company, in 1892, working in the firm's London branch
for eight years. He succeeded his father as head of the firm in 1913 upon the latter's
death, becoming heir to an estate of more than 50,000,000.

Morgan had developed a deep affection for England during his stay there. As a
consequence, during the first three years of World War I, he became the sole purchasing
agent in the United States for the British and French governments, buying about
$3,000,000,000 worth of military and other supplies from American firms on behalf of
those countries. To finance the Franco-British requirements for credits in the United
States, he organized more than 2,000 banks to underwrite a total of more than
$1,500,000,000 in Allied bonds. After the end of the war his firm floated loans totaling
more than $10,000,000,000 for European reconstruction work. Though not the dominant,
masterful personality his father had been, J. P. Morgan Jr., was still the most important
American financier of his day.

During the stock market crash of October 1929, Morgan and several other major bankers
pooled their funds and tried to stem the decline of stock prices, but to no avail. In 1933
the Banking Act of that year compelled his firm to separate its investment banking
activities from its commercial (deposit) banking activities. Accordingly, Morgan, Stanley
and Company became a new investment banking firm, while Morgan himself remained

Morgan, John Pierpont, Jr. -– Encyclopædia Britannica; (www. britannica.com/eb/article?tocld=9053725)

head of J.P. Morgan and Company, which thenceforth became strictly a commercial
banking firm.


Karl Ferdinand Braun (6 June 1850 – 20 April 1918) was a German inventor, physicist
and Nobel laureate in Physics. Braun contributed significantly to the development of the
radio and TV technology; he shared with Guglielmo Marconi the 1909 Nobel Prize in

Braun was born in Fulda, Germany, and educated at the University of Marburg and
received a Ph.D. from the University of Berlin in 1872. In 1874 he discovered that a
point-contact semiconductor rectifies alternating current. He became director of the
Physical Institute and professor of physics at the University of Strasburg in 1895.

In 1897 he built the first cathode-ray tube and cathode ray tube oscilloscope. CRT
technology is only now, over a century later, gradually being replaced by flat screen
technologies (such as LCD, LED and Plasma) on television sets and computer monitors.
The CRT is still called the “Braun tube” (Braunsche Röhre) in German-speaking
countries (and in Japan: Buraun-kan).

During the development of radio, he also worked on wireless telegraphy. Around 1898,
he invented a crystal diode rectifier or Sat’s whisker diode. Guglielmo Marconi used
Braun’s patents (among others). Braun’s British patent on tuning was used by Marconi in
many of his tuning patents. Marconi would later admit that he had “borrowed” portions
of Braun’s work. In 1909 Braun shared the Nobel Prize for physics with Marconi for
“contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.”

Braun went to the United States at the beginning of World War I (before the U.S. had
entered the war) to help defend the German wireless station at Sayville, New York,
against attacks by the British-controlled Marconi Corporation. After the US entered the

war, Braun was being detained, but could move freely within Brooklyn, New York.
Braun died in his house in Brooklyn, before the war ended in 1918.

(from “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Ferdinand_Braun”)

(from the book Prodigal Genious, John O`Neill, censored 1943)

When Tesla was talking as a scientist he was opposed to wars on moral, economic and all
practical and theoretical grounds. But, like most scientists, when he stopped thinking as a
scientist, and let his emotions rule his thoughts, he found exceptions in which he felt
some wars and situations were justifiable. As a scientist he was unwilling to have the
discoveries of scientists applied to the purposes of war makers, but when the emotional
phase of his nature took the ruling position he was then willing to apply his genius to
devising measures that would prevent wars by supplying protective devices.

This attitude is exemplified in the following statement which he prepared in the twenties
but did not publish:
“At present many of the ablest minds are trying to devise expedients for preventing a
repetition of the awful conflict which is only theoretically ended and the duration and the
main issues of which I correctly predicted in an article printed in the Sun of December
20, 1914. The League is not a remedy but, on the contrary, in the opinion of a number of
competent men, may bring about results just the opposite. It is particularly regrettable
that a punitive policy was adopted in framing the terms of peace because a few years
hence it will be possible for nations to fight without armies, ships or guns, by weapons far
more terrible, to the destructive action and range of which there is virtually no limit. Any
city at any distance whatsoever from the enemy can be destroyed by him and no power
on earth can stop him from doing so. If we want to avert an impending calamity and a
state of things which may transform this globe into an inferno, we should push the
development of flying machines and wireless transmission of energy without an instant’s
delay and with all the power and resources of the nation.”
Tesla saw preventative possibilities in his new invention which embodied “death ray”
characteristics and which was made several years after the foregoing statement was
written. He saw it providing a curtain of protection which any country, no matter how
small, could use as a protection against invasion. While he might offer it as a defensive

weapon, however, there would be nothing to stop military men from using it as a weapon
of offense.
While I did not know the nature of Tesla’s plan I was convinced that it did embody many
discoveries that would be of commercial value, and these were the angles he should seek
to develop. I felt that if he could be induced to develop some minor phase of his work
that would have immediate commercial use he could derive an income from it which
would enable him to proceed with his more elaborate plans. To this end I sought to gain
some insight into his thoughts, that would enable me to get a practical plan in operation.
This was no secret to Tesla and he successfully parried every thrust I made.
The clearest conception I got, and that was largely from scattered remarks, and by
making deductions from them, concerned a possible manner in which one phase of his
curtain of protection might operate. This was a “war” angle and as such it did not interest
me, but since it involved “lightning balls”, or “fire balls”, I was very curious. Fire balls
had always fascinated me, and I had read everything I could may my hands on about
A fire ball is a strange phenomenon associated with lightning. Some of the energy of the
lightning stroke appears to become locked into a ball shaped structure which may be of
any size from a couple of inches to a foot in diameter. It looks like a perfect sphere,
brightly incandescent and floats like a bubble, being easily carried by air currents. They
may last for a short time, from a fraction of a second to many seconds. In this interval,
during which they stay fairly close to the ground, they may come close to many objects
without damaging them or being damaged by them. Suddenly, for no known reason, the
ball explodes doing as much damage as a bomb, if close to structures, and no damage if
in the open.
The fire ball looked to me like a gigantically enlarged model of the tiny electron, one of
the building blocks of matter, which acts as if it were just a spherical area of space in
which an amount of energy was crystallized to give it structure. I felt that if it were
possible to discover how a large amount of energy was stored in this fairy bubble
structure of a fire ball a new insight might be gained into the structure of the electron and
other fundamental particles of matter. Also this method of storing energy could be
applied to a thousand useful purposes.
When I approached Tesla with pleas along this line to develop this possible phase of his
discovery he would evade direct reply by indulging in a, not always, tolerant lecture on
my gullibility in believing theories about the complex structure of the atom. While he had
in earlier years discussed some of his experiences with fire balls in his laboratory at
Colorado Springs and explained his theory of their formation, he would not in the later
years permit himself to be drawn into a discussion of them as a possible part of his
system. This, of course, made me suspicious that the clue was “hot” but I could be
completely wrong in my conclusions. Tesla was very quick in detecting my technique
when I sought to narrow down a field by trying to get him to deny statements when he
was adamant to direct questions.
Tesla became familiar with the destructive characteristics of fire balls in his experiments
at Colorado Springs in 1899. He produced them quite by accident and saw them, more
than once, explode and shatter his tall mast and also destroy apparatus within his

laboratory. The destructive action accompanying the disintegration of a fire ball, he
declared, takes place with inconceivable violence.
He studied the process by which they were produced, not because he wanted to produce
them but in order to eliminate the conditions in which they were created. It is not
pleasant, he related, to have a fire ball explode in your vicinity for they will destroy
anything they come in contact with.
It will be necessary to reconstruct his statements from very fragmentary notes and a long
distance memory.
“Parasite oscillations, or circuits, within the main circuit were a source of danger from
this cause. Points of resistance in the main circuit could result in manor oscillating
circuits between terminals or between two points of resistance and these minor circuits
would have a very much higher period of oscillation than the main circuit and could be
set into oscillation by the main current of lower frequency.”
“Even when the principal oscillating circuit was adjusted for the greatest efficiency of
operation by the diminution of all sources of losses the fire balls continued to occur but
these were due to stray high frequency charges from random earth currents.
“From these experiences it became apparent that the fire balls resulted from the
interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower
frequency free oscillation or the main circuit.
“As the free oscillation of the circuit builds up from the zero point to the quarter wave
length node it passes through various rates of change. In a current of shorter wavelength
the rates of change will be steeper. When the two currents react on each other the
resultant complex will contain a wave in which there is an extremely steep rate of change,
and for the briefest instant currents may move at a tremendous rate, at the rate of millions
of horsepower.
“This condition acts as a trigger which may cause the total energy of the powerful longer
wave to be discharged in an infinitesimally small interval of time and at a proportionately
tremendously great rate of energy movement which cannot confine itself to the metal
circuit and is released into surrounding space with inconceivable violence.”
It is but a step, from learning how a high frequency current can explosively discharge a
lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these
explosions can be produced by intent. The following process appears a possible one but
no evidence is available that it is the one Tesla evolved: An oscillator, such as he used to
send power wirelessly around the earth at Colorado Springs, is set in operation at a
frequency to which a given warship is resonant. The complex structure of a ship would
provide a great number of spots in which electrical oscillations will be set up of a much
higher frequency than those coursing through the ship as a whole. These parasistecurrents
will react on the main current causing the production of fireballs which by their
explosions will destroy the ship, even more effectively than the explosion of the
magazine which would also take place. A second oscillator may be used to transmit the
shorter wavelength current.
Somewhat later I learned the reason for Tesla’s reticence to discuss details. This came
shortly after Stanley Baldwin replaced Neville Chamberlin as Prime Minister of Great

Tesla revealed that he had carried on negotiations with Prime Minister Chamberlin for
the sale of his ray system to Great Britain for $30,000,000 on the basis of his presentation
that the device would provide complete protection for the British Isles against any enemy
approaching by sea or air, and would provide an offensive weapon to which there was no
defence. He was convinced, he declared, of the sincerity of Mr. Chamberlin and his intent
to adopt the device and it would have prevented _e outbreak of the them threatening war,
and would have made possible the continuation – under the duress which this weapon
would make possible – of the working agreement involving France, Germany and Britain
to maintain the status quo in Europe. When Chamberlin failed, at the Munich conference,
to retain this state of European equilibrium it was necessary to get rid of Chamberlin and
install a new Prime Minister who could make the effort to shift one corner of the triangle
from Germany to Russia. Baldwin found no virtue in Tesla’s plan and preemptorially
ended the negotiations.
Tesla was greatly disappointed by collapse of his negotiations with the British
Government. With it there collapsed his hopes of providing a demonstration of his most
recent, and, what he considered, his most important discoveries. He did not, however,
dwell on the subject; beyond the single conversation he did not mention the matter again.
He did not get another chance to finance the demonstration of these discoveries.
During the period in which the negotiations were being carried on, Tesla declared, efforts
had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers examined
but the thieves, or spies, left empty handed. There was no danger, he said, that his
invention could be stolen for he had at no time committed any part of it to paper. He
could trust his memory to preserve every fine detail of his investigations. This was true,
he said, of all of his later major discoveries.
The nature of his system makes little difference now; he has gone and has taken it with
him. Perhaps, if there is any communication from beyond the veil that separates this life
from whatever exists hereafter, Tesla may look down upon earth’s struggling mortals and
find some way of dropping a hint concerning what he accomplished; but, if the situation
is such that this cannot take place, then we must await until the human race produces
another Tesla.




It can be readily demonstrated by experiment, that when similar conductors, placed far
apart, are connected in parallel to a circuit, their combined inductance is in the same
proportion reduced as their number is increased. This might be taken as an
unquestionable proof that a current, dividing itself in innumerable, and widely separated
elements, as it passes through the ground, encounters no appreciable inductive reaction. It
being at once apparent, that the frictional resistance and distributed capacity can have but
limited values, one would be apt to infer, that the speed of propagation of disturbances
through the Earth might be extremely great, far in excess of that observed in artificial
conductors. Reasoning thus, I have thought it possible, in my earlier experiments aiming
at the transmission of electrical energy through the natural media, that the current waves,
upon leaving the oscillating transmitting circuit and passing into the ground, advance
with greatly increased velocity, the electrifications spreading instantly, virtually without
any loss of time, over the entire globe. But the phenomena of interference, or stationary
waves, discovered by me, have unexpectedly and positively shown, that the Earth
behaves like a conductor possessing considerable self-induction, the disturbances
propagating through it with a velocity which, though very great, is of the order of that of
light. This is borne out by the fact that I have been unable to obtain evidences of
interference in the neighborhood of the source, except when the action of the same was
continued through a perceptible interval of time, which I have estimated to be
approximately one twelfth of one second, and which is evidently the time the waves
require for passing to, and returning from, a point or region of the globe diametrically
opposite their origin – a distance of about forty thousand kilometers, measured along a
“meridian”. Taking the speed of light conventionally designated by V = 3 x 1010
centimeters, the above interval should be 0.08484 of one second. This, namely, is the
time a ray of light would consume in traversing a distance equal to twice the diameter of
the Earth. But now – do the waves move with constant velocity? And if so, is this
velocity constant along the “axis” or along a “meridian”? My experiments prove that the
former is the case. Thus, when oscillations – extremely rapid and powerful, to facilitate
observation – are impressed upon the Earth, and a receiving circuit is connected to two
points of the ground lying in a “meridian”, it is found that the difference of potential
between them does not pass through maxima and minima, but steadily increases with
their separation, even though the distance be made much greater than half the wave –
length of the transmitter, and from the law of increase and simple rules of geometry I
have concluded, that the speed along the “axis” is constant. This being the case, of
course, anywhere else the velocity will vary with the depth and with the distance from the
origin. Calling again attention to Fig. l, it will at once appear, that in the superficial layers
at, or near the “pole”, the speed is approximating the infinite; from there it diminishes,
first very rapidly, and then slowly towards the “equator”, where it is at a minimum and
equal to that of light; beyond that these same changes take place in the reverse order, the
velocity at the “anti-pole” being the same as that at the origin. The mean velocity along
the surface is consequently__, and in any region its mean value through a long are in the
plane of a “meridian” will be V times the ratio between the length of the arc and its
projection on the “axis”. Taken through a short arc, it will be very nearly V times the
ratio between the length of the chord and its projection, and at any point, irrespective of
location, it will be evidently equal to the velocity of light divided by the cosine of the

angle α, which the tangent to the current path at that point subtends with the “axis”. In the
“polar” and “antipolar” regions α approximates to 90° and cos α to 0, hence the velocity
should be immense. Whether the extreme speed at the Earth’s surface is real, or merely
apparent, I will not attempt to decide, and it is scarcely necessary to add, that all my
theoretical explanations of this difficult and intricate subject, only serve the purpose of
facilitating the understanding and useful application by the experts, of my discoveries and
improvements here described. The above may now be condensed in the following
1. The velocity of propagation of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents along
the “axis” or straight line joining the transmitter with the diametrically opposite
point of the globe, is approximately equal to that of light, or three hundred
thousand kilometers per second.
2. Electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents are propagated through the
superficial conducting layers of the Earth, from their origin to the region
diametrically opposite with a mean velocity of about four hundred and seventy-
one thousand two hundred and forty kilometers per second.
3. The average speed of propagation of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents
in any part of their path through the Earth is approximately equal to the velocity
of light multiplied by the ratio between the length of that part of the current path
and its projection on the “axis” or straight line, joining the transmitter with the
diametrically opposite point of the globe.
4. The velocity of propagation of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents at
any point of their path through the Earth is nearly equal to the speed of light,
divided by the cosine of the angle which the tangent to the current path at that
point subtends with the “axis” or straight line, passing from the source through the
center of the globe.
Although it would be desirable to determine the velocity with the greatest accuracy, in
the majority of cases, which may present themselves in the introduction of my system, its
exact knowledge will not be necessary, and by taking the above rules as a basis, the
calculation of effects produced at a distance from a transmitter may be made with a
degree of precision sufficient for all practical purposes.



When electrical waves pass through a conducting path, as a telegraph wire, they are more
or less attenuated, distorted and modified in length. This is chiefly due to the frictional
losses and also, in a measure, to the self-induction and capacity of the conductor. These
disturbing causes impose serious limitations upon the rapidity and clearness of
telegraphic and telephonic messages through long aerial and submarine lines, the
principal obstacle in the former being the ohmic, and in the latter, the dielectric loss. The
laws expressive of the relations of the quantities named have been clearly established by
mathematicians, notably by O. Heaviside, and embodied in simple formulae, which are
rigorously applicable to homogeneous conductors of simple forms. The disturbing
influences, however, assert themselves all the more, the shorter the waves employed, to
such an extent that it is almost impossible to construct and to arrange a conductor of any
considerable length so, that it would transmit much shorter waves without sensible
attenuation and distortion.
That such an exceptional conductor as the Earth would quickly attenuate and distort
electrical waves passing through it, must present itself at first to every one as a
conclusion so direct and self-evident, as to scarcely require experimental verification.
Indeed, prior to my discoveries here described and referred to, no effect was
notedpointing to the contrary, for although I have shown some time since, that a receiving
circuit, as employed by me, responds much more vigorously to current impulses
conveyed to it through the ground when it is carefully adjusted, still, this in itself has
thrown no light on the intimate behavior of the terrestrial conductor, and has
demonstrated nothing more than the existence of some harmonic relations between the
transmitted, and the free oscillations of the receiving circuit. What is more, in many cases
I have distinctly observed, that when a circuit of this kind was closely attuned to a
transmitter of extremely high frequency, and then carried away and connected to a distant
point of the ground, it had to be readjusted in order to secure the most perfect response.
That the waves received were attenuated in their transit seemed manifest; that they were
distorted was obviously inferred.
In view of all this, what more astonishing revelation could there be than to find, – that the
Earth transmits electrical waves, of widely different lengths, without perceptible
distortion? But it is true none the less. The fact has been established by me in a number of
ways, by experiment and theoretical deduction. The striking phenomena of interference
repeatedly mentioned, with stationary nodes and loops, afford in themselves a very strong
evidence. Still more conclusive proofs I have obtained in other ways, as by measurements
and computations of wavelengths, surface-densities and potentials under greatly varied
From the foregoing it must have been already perceived, that the wavelength will not be
the same in different parts of the globe but, nevertheless, there is no distortion in the
ordinary interpretation of the term, as the constancy of the ratio between velocity and
wavelength is rigorously preserved. Namely, throughout the globe the wavelength varies
exactly as the velocity, and the ratio between the latter and the former, in any region, is
equal to the ratio between the velocity of light and the frequency of the oscillatory
currents. All along the “axis”, the speed being constant, the wavelength remains the
same; along the surface and elsewhere the length of the waves varies, it is true, but

perfect isochronism persists. No further elucidation then, is thought necessary to the
correct interpretation of the following important conclusions:
1. The wavelength of terrestrial electrical disturbances or oscillatory currants along
the “axis” or straight line, joining the source with the diametrically opposite point
of the globe, is constant and equal to the speed of light divided by the frequency
of the currents.
2. The mean wavelength of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents,
propagated through the superficial conducting layers of the Earth, from their
origin to the region diametrically opposite, is approximately equal to . times
the numerical ratio between the speed of light and the frequency of the currents.
3. The mean wavelength of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents, in any part
of their path through the Earth is nearly equal to the numerical ratio between the
speed of light and the frequency of the currents multiplied by the ratio between
the length of that part of the current path and its projection on the “axis” or
straight line, joining the source with the diametrically opposite point of the globe.
4. The wavelength of electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents in any part of
their path through the Earth is approximately equal to the numerical ratio between
the velocity of light and the frequency of the currents divided by the cosine of the
angle which the tangent to the current path at that point subtends with the “axis”
or straight line, passing from the transmitter to the diametrically opposite point of
the globe.



Through the knowledge of the preceding and continued investigations I have been led to
the discovery of wonderful properties of the globe, which have been already partially
disclosed in my application of May 16, 1900, Serial Number 16,889, and which, in the
near future, must surely become of the greatest moment to the advancement and welfare
of the human race. Contrary to what might have been expected from theoretical
considerations, in fact – in contradistinction to all previous experience, the Earth proves
to be a well-nigh perfect medium for the transmission of wave-energy. Its resistance
being, so to speak, infinitesimal, there is virtually no friction within its mass. On the other
hand, there are no bodies near it, such as might cause loss of energy and distortion of the
waves by ohmic, dielectric, magnetic or electric reaction. The leakage of the electric
charges imparted to it by the transmitter, through the infinitely varied surface elevations,

sharp edges and points, which threatened to be enormous, turns out to be entirely
negligible, on account of the uniformity of distribution and for other reasons. So too is
the waste of energy by convection and absorption in the atmosphere, owing to the
immense area and, consequently, vanishing electric density produced on the globe. Its
capacity per unit length is very small, its self-induction comparatively great – electrically
then, it is a rigid conductor. These quantities are distributed according to a definite and
peculiar law.
With reference to the “axis”, or line of symmetry of wave propagation, the self-induction
is two centimeters, and the capacity 1/2 centimeter per centimeter of length, hence the
reciprocal of the square root of their product should be equal to the velocity of light. As
before stated, there is no doubt in my mind, that these data are quite accurate, but there is
still a doubt that the velocity along the “axis” is exactly equal to that of light, for the
ohmic, hysteretic, and absorption losses, though negligible, cannot be zero. From this
first point of view the Earth presents itself as an ideal conductor, beyond our observation,
of a length equal to that of the “axis”, of homogeneous structure, without resistance,
uniformly distributed capacity and self-induction, transmitting oscillatory currents with
constant velocity, without attenuation and distortion.
With reference to the surface, the two quantities per unit length, measured along a
“meridian”, vary as the height of a zone, that is, as the cosine of the angle α above
defined; in like manner, obviously, the square root of their product and, consequently,
wavelength and velocity on the surface vary inversely as the cosine of that angle or as the
sine of its complement angle α. (Fig. 1. – missing in file, V.A.) From this second point of
view the Earth appears as a real conductor, under our observation, of a length equal to
times the “axis”, homogeneous, frictionless, with capacity and self-induction distributed
according to the harmonic law, transmitting oscillatory currents with harmonically
varying velocity, but still without attenuation and distortion.
Now the changes which we cannot observe, and which are supposed to take place in the
interior, might be of the nature of image projections, or might not have any physical
meaning at all; and the changes we do observe, on the surface, may be apparent,
comparable to those which, for instance, the moon’s shadow produces as it sweeps over
our globe, – it matters little. The important fact is, that these changes, real or apparent,
take place strictly in accordance with a definite law, that there is no appreciable loss, no
attenuation and no distortion. Thus, in any region of the Earth’s surface, the velocity,
wavelength and other particulars can be calculated in advance, with nearly mathematical
accuracy. To illustrate, taking the arc of one degree at 111.11 kilometers, at a distance of
1111.1 kilometers from the source the complement angle will be 10°, hence the velocity

in that region will be centimeters and the wavelength centimeters, n

being the frequency of the currents.
Irrespective of the view taken we may define the behavior of the Earth by the following
general statement:
“The terrestrial globe behaves like a homogeneous, frictionless, perfectly insulated, rigid
conductor, transmitting electrical disturbances or oscillatory currents without appreciable
attenuation and distortion.”


The determination of the terrestrial electrical constants has been a special subject of my
investigations for a number of years. Their knowledge was indispensable to the rational
application of the principles underlying my system of transmission of electrical energy
through the natural media. Finding that direct measurements were, to say the least,
impracticable I have adopted various methods, inductive, deductive and experimental,
which have finally led to uniform conclusions and results, in harmony with all the facts
Taking it now for granted that electrical disturbances propagate through the globe in the
manner before described, its resistance must be, obviously, minute. The truth of this is
forcibly shown in the extraordinary phenomena of interference repeatedly mentioned,
which would be otherwise inexplicable and which, in view of the immense distances
necessarily traversed by the outgoing and reflected waves, could not take place at all, if
considerable energy were wasted in overcoming frictional resistance. The popular
impression, that the Earth is a medium of great resistivity, has had its natural origin in the
employment of electrodes of high resistance, and the unconscious acceptance of certain
modern theories which, as pointed out above, my experiments have shown to be
erroneous. It should be borne in mind that in my system, unlike heretofore, this planet is
used as a whole and that, though of great length, it is, considered as a resistance, a very
short body, a thin disk, as it were. To get a concrete idea, imagine it to shrink, but so that
its resistance or, in other words, the ratio of length to cross-section remains unaltered.
The length diminishing in a simple proportion, and the diameter as the square root of the
same, it is clear, that finally there will be obtained as equivalent conductor a disk which,
to illustrate by a special example, might be one centimeter long and eleven thousand five
hundred centimeters in diameter, and which would be of negligible resistance, even if it
were composed of material of much greater resistivity than the terrestrial. For all practical
purposes, then, when making use of the Earth as contemplated in my system, the
resistance to be taken into account is merely that, which the current encounters in passing
from the grounded terminal of the transmitting circuit into the surrounding medium. This
resistance should always be made as small as possible.
The electrostatic capacity of the globe has so far been but a subject of scientific
speculation and all values have been assigned to it, from small to infinitely great. Is the
planet immersed in a conductor and incapable of holding a charge? Or, is it perfectly

insulated in space? If so, is there a conducting envelop beyond the dielectric, or not? And,
to what extent is its capacity modified by the character of its surface? The novel facts
already advanced have thrown some light on these questions; other observations made by
me, however, have done away with all doubt. Stationary waves could not occur, if the
charge would leak out into the air; certainly then, notwithstanding the immense cross-
section of the dielectric, the insulation must be perfect. Moreover, these phenomena, the
mode of propagation, the velocity and wavelength of the disturbances, as set forth above,
all tend to show more or less clearly, that the Earth cannot form a condenser of very large
capacity in conjunction with an outer conducting envelop. For suppose that at a height of
twenty kilometers the atmosphere would have all the inherent properties of a conductor,

this capacity would be approximately equal to centimeters, R = 6367 x 105

centimeters being the mean radius of the globe. This would be about 20333 x 107
centimeters, or 226,000 microfarads – a value absolutely out of question. That the Earth
behaves like a perfectly insulated conductor, far remote from other conducting bodies, is
borne out by all the facts observed by me. We must therefore conclude, that the air in
high altitudes, although offering no appreciable resistance to currents passed through it,
yet does not act normally as a conducting shell. Experiments with large spheres as well as
investigations of disturbances transmitted through the globe have conclusively
demonstrated, that the irregularity and roughness of its surface is virtually of no effect
upon the general electric distribution and, consequently, does not materially modify its
capacity. In illustration of this a striking experiment may be cited. When a large
conducting sphere, provided with a needle point and forming the free terminal of one of
my transmitting circuits, is excited to a very high potential, it is found that the oscillating
charge does not break out from the point, evidently, because the density there is not
greatly in excess of that on the smooth parts of the sphere. Only when the needle point
sticks out quite far above the spherical conducting surface is the uniform distribution of
the charge sensibly affected and does a break occur. Nothing, therefore, can be more
certain than the fact, that notwithstanding all irregularity and roughness of its surface,
countless projections and points, the Earth behaves like a smooth or polished sphere.
Now every unit of surface of a sphere contributes equally to its capacity, hence equal
terrestrial areas have equal capacities. But this statement should not be misunderstood. It
does not mean that, if a part of a spherical conducting surface be taken away, the capacity
will be reduced in the same proportion as the area, for even if most of the surface were
removed and but a conducting network left, the capacity would be almost exactly the
same. Nor does it say that a unit of surface at the bottom of a deep pit is equivalent to a
unit of a high peak. Certainly the density on the mountain will always be greater than in
the valleys below and, therefore, small surfaces differently situated, will not be of the
same valency. But the capacity of any extended area of land, however irregular, will be
equal – within a very small fraction indeed – to the capacity of the same area of the
ocean, casual modifying conditions being, of course, ignored. The greatest surface
elevations are insignificant in comparison with the radius of the globe, still more so, as
will be later seen, is their influence upon its capacity. Thus, viewed geodetically the Earth
is a smooth sphere; viewed electrically, it is a polished one. For these reasons alone, if for
no other, the electrostatic capacity of the planet must be very nearly equal to its mean
radius R = 6367 x 105 centimeters.

Recognizing further the equivalency, as regards capacity, of equal terrestrial areas, it
follows from simple geometric rules that, if the Earth’s surface be subdivided in zones by
equidistant planes normal to the “axis”, the capacities of all the zones will be equal.
Otherwise stated, the capacity of the globe per unit length, measured along the “axis”, is
uniformly the same. The total capacity being R centimeters, the capacity per centimeter

measured along the “axis” is = centimeter, or = 5 x 104 centimeters per

kilometer. Again, the whole theoretical area of the Earth being 4 R2 square centimeters,
the average capacity per square centimeter is = = centimeters
The determination of the self-induction of the globe was one of the most difficult
problems encountered in the course of these investigations. Attempts to calculate it lead
to complex and seemingly insolvable integrals, while measurements of the self-induction
of artificial spheres for many, partially obvious reasons, are rendered extremely difficult.
Not to speak of the determination of the self-induction of individual zones. Finally, after
much labor, I have ascertained in a number of ways, leading to concordant results, that
the self-induction of a sphere, measured between two diametrically opposite polar caps, is
nearly equal to twice the diameter, and uniformly distributed, or constant per unit length.
This means to say that the Earth has a total self-induction of 4R = 4 x6367 x105 =
25468 x105 centimeters, or 2.5468 Henrys, and per centimeter measured along the
“axis” = 2 centimeters. The values obtained by actual measurement have been, of
course, no more than fair approximations, but from numerous observations of a more
general nature I conclude, that these data relating to the self-induction and capacity of
this planet are, for all practical purposes, accurate to the same degree as the
determinations of its geometrical dimensions.
Summing up and qualifying the statements as above we may thus say:
1. The frictional resistance of the globe is vanishing.
2. The self-induction of the Earth is 25468 x 105 centimeters or 2.5468 Henrys. Its self-
induction per centimeter of length is two centimeters.
3. The globe has an electrostatic capacity of 6367 x 105 centimeters, or 0.00070744
farads. Its capacity per centimeter of length is one half centimeter. The capacity per
square centimeter of the terrestrial surface is centimeters.




In endeavoring to utilize electrical disturbances impressed upon the Earth in the manner
described, I have found after careful inquiry, that only a particular portion of the total
electrical movement set up in the transmitting circuit can be efficiently applied to the
production of effects at a great distance. Leaving out of consideration that part of the
movement, which is uselessly frittered down or absorbed in Hertzian radiations, of
friction and hysteresis, another and possibly very large portion of the total electrical flow
set up in the circuit, although not necessarily involving a great loss of energy, may
nevertheless be of little or no use in actuating a distant receiver.
First of all, each separate element of the circuit forms, in conjunction with the remaining,
a condenser which, as the current oscillates, is charged and discharged in rapid
succession and, of course, all the electrical movement confined to this internal or
distributed capacity is wasted for purposes of transmission. Moreover, such internal
capacity, if unduly large, will render the transmitting circuit “slack”, that is to say, – it
will vibrate slower and require a higher exciting power, it will be incapable of storing a
great amount of vibrational energy and, consequently, not permit the full realization of
the important advantages of sharp tuning. This much is probably known to the majority
of experts. But in view of many erroneous ides propounded in technical literature it may
be useful to point out, that this internal capacity cannot be done away with by any
arrangement of condensers in series with the turns. Such an attempt would be equally
irrational as that of overcoming the capacity of a long cable in a similar way. The
condensers will not in the slightest diminish the conductor’s large distributed capacity, on
the contrary, the effects on the latter will become all the more prominent. In employing a
transmitting circuit as typically represented in the references first cited in this
specification, with turns preferably in one plane and of comparatively small diameter in
that part, which is farther away from the primary and therefore of specifically greater
self-induction, the above drawbacks can be greatly reduced. However, by adopting other
constructive improvements, which will be later described, it is possible to make the
internal capacity of a circuit extremely small, and the flow confined to the same quite
inconsiderable in comparison with the whole.
In order to bring out forcibly another fact of importance in this connection reference is
made to the scheme illustrated in diagram Fig. _, conceived for this vary purpose. It
shown two transmitting circuits, A1 and A2, both grounded and joined with their free ends
to long cylindrical terminals D1 and D2, respectively. They may be excited bya common,
or by independent primaries, as C1 and C2. Both circuits are supposed to be of the same
period of vibration and tuned to the impressed primary oscillations as usual, and to make
it appear still more alluring, the length of one may be one quarter, and that of the other
three quarters of the wavelength. Under these conditions the two elevated terminals will
be charged to the maximum potentials developed in the circuits, and as regards the sign

always oppositely. Next imagine that the terminals be gradually approached to each other
until they finally merge into a connected system indicated by the dotted lines and forming
a condenser of relatively large capacity, resonance being continuously maintained by
careful readjustment, and the high tension discharge between the terminals being
prevented by some good insulation c. During this change, as the capacity increases, the
currents in the circuits will grow stronger and stronger, but any endeavor to increase the
effect on a distant receiver by such or similar means will be as fruitless as that of
constructing a perpetuum mobile. No matter what strength the currents may attain, the
action on the receiver can only lessen as the terminals are approached, a fixed supply of
energy being assumed. If an increase were observed, it would be due to some secondary
Disregarding then that entire electrical flow, which is due to a mutual action of capacity
elements, however disposed and which is purely local, we may proceed in this inquiry
with an improved transmitting circuit, rigid, of small resistance, very high self-induction
and loosely linked with a primary, such as I have more particularly described in my
application of May 16, 1900, Serial Number 16,889, repeatedly referred to. Let an
instrument be connected with the circuit in any manner – as close as possible to the
ground – which will measure the current passing into the Earth. A series of approximate
readings and simultaneous observations of the intensity of the effects produced in a
distant receiving circuit will soon show, that the action on the latter is roughly
proportionate to that current, but further and more careful investigation will reveal the
fact, that even a portion of the current indicated by the instrument, while it may not be
altogether useless, is still ineffective at a great distance. The experimenter will presently
recognize, that the entire transmitting circuit and the conducting Earth’s surface below
constitute again a condenser, which is alternately charged and discharged and which
causes another portion of the total flow to be confined to the transmitter and its vicinity.
Now, – that part of the whole amount of electricity set in movement, which is conducted
away, to remote regions of the globe, beyond a certain distance to be later specified I
term, for convenience, “free electricity displaced in the Earth”. For the time being, to
avoid vagueness of expression, it may be defined as that quantity of electricity, which
passes through the terrestrial conductor beyond any sensible direct electrostatic influence
of the transmitter.
This quantity, I have ascertained, is proportionate to a particular part of the total capacity
of the circuit, which it seems appropriate to name “free capacity”, in harmony with the
preceding designation and also to distinguish it from the electrostatic capacity as
ordinarily interpreted, namely that, which may be calculated from the geometrical form
and dimensions of a conductor, on the supposition that all other bodies are at an infinite
distance – a condition not realizable on Earth. The fitness of this distinction will at once
appear, when the meaning of the term “free capacity” is explained. A simple illustration
will be helpful to this purpose. Suppose that a straight wire of a length l and radius r be
suspended on insulators at a height h above water or plain moist ground. With respect to
Earth this wire will have a capacity approximately equal to centimeters and

would have another electrostatic capacity of about centimeters, were it isolated in

space. At a height equal to half the length of the wire the two expressions will have the
same value; at a smaller or greater elevation, the capacity with reference to the planet will
be, respectively, greater or smaller, tha* that ideal electrostatic capacity. The wire being
supported at a certain height, its capacity may be determined by measurement. What is
measured then is its real capacity, which it actually has in that particular position in the
Universe. But this we may resolve in two distict*capacities: one which the wire has
owing to the presence of the Earth, the other, which it has irrespective of the same and
which is merely modified by the Earth’s presence. If the wire be used as the elevated
terminal of a transmitting circuit, it may be already inferred from the foregoing, that only
the latter part of the measured capacity will be fully effective in the production of a
disturbance in far remote regions of the globe, and it is that part, which I designate as the
“free capacity” of the terminal. Similarly, each other element of the transmitting circuit
will have a “free capacity” of its own, and the quantity of “free electricity displaced in the
Earth” will be proportionate to the total “free capacity” of the entire circuit, properly
The chief practical lesson derived from these considerations is, that in order to secure the
best results, the capacity of a transmitting or receiving conductor with reference to Earth,
and the internal, should be as small as possible in comparison with the “free”. Simple
reflections will lead an expert familiar with electrostatics to the conclusion, that long
wires or conductors in general, and more particularly when they are horizontal or
inclined, are inefficient terminals, and that the best form is a sphere, requiring the
smallest elevation.
In the quantitative determination of the effects produced at a distance, which will form
the subject of succeeding chapters, it is important to have an exact knowledge of the
amount of “free electricity displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse” of the source. This
term will be from now on employed to designate the electric displacement, irrespective of
sign or direction, between zero and maximum. There are thus four “impulses” in one
complete alternate current wave or cycle and, of course, four times the quantity of “free
electricity displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse”, multiplied with the frequency, will
give the average rate of “free electric displacement”, or the average “free current” in the
globe. The meaning of these latter distinguished terms will be obvious from analogy.
Inasmuch, however, as any action at a distance from the source depends not only on the
amount of “free” electricity set in movement in one “impulse” but also on the duration of
the latter, the necessity arises to make a distinction, without regard to the number of
individual “impulses”, between oscillatory currents or disturbances, which are sustained
in force for an appreciable timer interval, and such which are instantaneous. To facilitate
the understanding of this specification, I shall henceforth qualify as “prolonged”
oscillatory currents or disturbances those which are kept up during a period of time
sufficient for the establishment of a permanent regime, if not over the entire Earth, so at
least in the locality under consideration, in contradistinction to “momentary” oscillatory
currents or disturbances, which are of very short duration and in which such condition
does not obtain. In many applications of my system the employment of the former is
indispensable, but the latter lend themselves also to useful purposes.


In my patents repeatedly mentioned, Nos. 645,576 and 649,621, on a system of and

apparatus for the transmission of electrical energy, I have already pointed out the
importance of raising the transmitting and receiving terminals as high as practicable,
especially emphasizing the desirability of supporting them above the objects in the
immediate vicinity. It was evident that in order to reach out to a great distance the electric
flux conveyed by the atmosphere, whatever be its nature, had to pass through the rarefied
and presumably conducting layers at more or less considerable altitudes. For want of
better knowledge I have therefore attributed the observed intensifying influences of
elevation simply to an increased facility afforded to the passage of the peculiar currents
or effects through the higher air strata, which in turn I supposed to be due to a quality
partially inherent and partially imparted to them. Continued investigation carried on since
has shown the phenomena involved in the transmission to be of a much more complex
nature and has revealed the significance of elevation in several aspects. In elucidation it
will be useful to first explain, in a general way, the influence of height above the ground
on “free capacity”.
Assume that the transmitting terminal, in the form of a large disk, for example, be first
placed quite close to Earth. It will thus form, with the conducting surface underneath, a
condenser of considerable capacity, and the current flowing through the transmitting
circuit will be of proportionately great volume. But no matter how strong the current, the
effect in very distant regions of the globe, if at all noticeable, will be extremely small, for
there will be virtually no “free capacity”. Stated otherwise, there will be no “free charge”
on the upper surface of the disk, that is, no charge which is not bound by an equal
opposite charge on the ground beneath. If there be any, it will be wholly inappreciable,
since the “free capacity” of the disk will be, under ordinary conditions at least, scarcely
more than the area of the ground covered by it, and that would be, as before shown, only
centimeters per square centimeter. Let the disk now be gradually elevated. As it is
lifted its capacity with reference to the Earth will diminish, first in a simple proportion to
the height and later, logarithmically. On the other hand its “free capacity” will increase
correspondingly. With augmenting height the upper surface of the disk will be electrified
stronger and stronger, and also a part of the charge on its under surface and the edges will
become “free”. During this change, though the total flow in the circuit may be
diminishing, the “free current”, passing off to remote regions of the globe, will gain

steadily in strength, in proportion to the increase of the “free capacity”. At any given
height the latter will have a definite value, and successive measurements will throw a
light on the nature of this dependence. It will be found that beyond a certain elevation the
measured capacity will remain sensibly constant and nearly equal to the electrostatic
capacity of the disk or, broadly, of the terminal, as calculated from its geometrical form
and dimensions. That is to say, the sum of the “free capacity” and that with reference to
Earth will be equal to a constant. As before stated, the latter capacity will diminish
logarithmically with the elevation and it obviously follows that the “free capacity” Cf will
be a logarithmic function of the height of the form Cf = K1 – f (log h). From the
character of this equation it may be at once concluded that, regardless of other facts, it is
very important for the efficiency of transmission to elevate the terminal beyond a certain
rather small height, but after that a further elevation is of comparatively little
consequence. In the economic design of transmitters and receivers this should be duly
taken into consideration.
In investigating the influence of elevation, however, many irregularities will be noted. So,
for instance, the measured capacity of a terminal is not exactly the same in different
places. Often too, although the height may be considerable, a very slight increase or
diminution of the same will greatly modify the effect, contrary to what might be expected
from theory. This is particularly apt to be observed with a circuit collecting energy. In a
city a receiver may not respond at all, until the terminal has just passed above the tops of
the tallest structures nearby, when it will be affected, somewhat suddenly, and
vigorously. Again, the rate of increase of the “free capacity” varies in a remarkable
manner with the locality. Long continued experiments have shown that these and many
other anomalies have a common cause. In explanation attention is called to diagram Fig.
__, which illustrated, in outline, a portion of the Earth’s conducting surface and two
transmitting or receiving circuits, one in a depression and the other on a level part of the
ground. These circuits are represented by vertical bars A3 and A4, which are supposed to
be of the same height h, and also alike in other respects. The tops of these bars are apexes
of two hollow cones tangential to the Earth’s surface, which are indicated by their
outlines 11 11, and 12 12, and which define the limit of vision, or the horizon, presented at
either of the two highest points. Other lines, completing the diagram, need not be
specially referred to. Now I have ascertained in various ways, by experiments with
artificial spheres and observations of disturbances conducted through the Earth, that the
effects of a transmitting as well as a receiving circuit are intimately related to the
magnitude of the area exposed to its direct electrostatic influence, or that which is
theoretically visible, and for this reason I designate the limit of vision, from the highest
point of a circuit, as the “terrestrial electrostatic horizon”. Independently of experiment,
the character of this relation may be established by primitive rules of geometry. Referring
again to diagram Fig.(missing in file, V.A.), it will be seen that , and also
. Hence , from which follows h'= . But the surface of a polar
cap, the height of which is h' is Sh = 2πRh' or Sh = = . Since h will be generally
very small compared with the radius of the Earth, the area Sh will be very nearly equal to
2 Rh and, consequently, h = . By substituting this value of h in the equation for Cf

before given, we arrive at a better interpretation of the dependence of this quantity on
height, and we may now more comprehensively state, that the “free capacity” is a
logarithmic function, not simply of the height, but rather of the area of the “terrestrial
electrostatic horizon”, which in accordance with the notations adopted may be expressed
by Cf K2-f (log Sh). This equation, of course, merely defines the mutual
dependence of the quantities, for their values will be in each case determined by the
geometrical form and dimensions of the terminal and circuit, the elevation of the ground,
its character, and that of the surrounding. But it explains, partially at least, many of the
discrepancies observed, for example, the comparative inefficiency of a transmitting or a
receiving circuit, when located in a depression of the ground as A4 in Fig.(missing in file,
V.A.), or when surrounded by tall objects, the abnormal variations in the intensity of the
effects at certain heights and the disagreement of measurements made in different
localities. Evidently a circuit will be most efficient in transmitting or in receiving a
disturbance, when the area of the “terrestrial electrostatic horizon” is largest and the view
entirely unobstructed, for then its capacity with reference to the ground will have the
smallest, and the “free” the greatest value. On high sea the conditions for transmission are
ideal, not only for these reasons, but also because of the easy and perfect grounding of the



Assume then, that oscillatory currents of disturbances are impressed upon the Earth in the
manner described and, furthermore, that they are of the kind designated as “prolonged”,
permitting the establishment of a regime sensibly constant, at least, during a short period
of time. As the waves spread from the transmitter the globe, following every local
electrical change of state, will be subdivided in distinct sections or zones, each taken up
by one half wave and so, that whatever be the distribution of the current in the interior,
they may be separated from each other by equidistant planes normal to the “axis”, or line
of symmetry of wave propagation. These ideal planes will be advancing with the speed of
light, or they will be stationary, or, in case of interference of two or more waves of
different lengths, they will be pro – or retrogressing with any velocity smaller than that of
Consider now the electrical changes taking place at the surface of such a section or
“terrestrial zone”, as the waves sweep through it. With the rise and fall of the current, the
electrification of each element of the ground will undergo rhythmical variations, the
surface-charge passing through all values, from zero to maximum, positive and negative.
These qualifying terms, of course, are broadly expressive of the normal state and of

relative changes, and are not to be literally interpreted, for the Earth’s surface is, as a rule,
strongly electrified. From the foregoing it will be perfectly evident, that the electrostatic
charge per square centimeter, imparted to the zone by the succeeding waves, in other
words, the electric surface-density, will be directly proportionate to the quantity of “free
electricity displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse” of the transmitter. Equally plain it
will appear, that the density will be inversely as the zonal surface, and since this surface
is directly as the height of the zone, that is, half the wave-length measured along the
“axis”, the density will be inversely proportionate to the frequency of the oscillations.
Designating by the symbols and q respectively, the density and the quantity of “free
electricity in the Earth” in one “impulse”, in any system of units, and and nthe wave-
length in centimeters and the frequency, as before, we shall have
units of density, f being a factor which can be readily
determined in any particular instance.
Now, at the moment when in any zone under consideration, the electrostatic charge
imparted to the ground by the transmitter is maximum, and all of one sign, this charge
will be very nearly, if not exactly, equal to the quantity of “free electricity displaced in
the Earth” in one “impulse”, and this quantity, divided by the area of the zone, will give
the average density, from which, knowing the character of the current wave, any
instantaneous value may be readily calculated. With oscillations varying according to the
harmonic law, as most generally employed, the maximum will be, obviously, times the

average density. The surface of a zone being equal to 2πR x = πRλ and πR =
3.14159 x 6367 x 105 = 2 x 109 centimeters, approximately, the average
density will be. From this and the law of variation of q with time the density in any given
moment may be ascertained. Generally, however, only the maximum value will be
required which, as a rule, will be n𝒶 = .
The facts pointed out above will be sufficient to show that, incredible as it may at first
seem, the electric density induced in any part of the Earth’s conducting surface by a
transmitter furnishing “prolonged” oscillatory currents, is entirely independent of
distance, excepting, of course, such dependence as might exist owing to a definite
distribution of the surface charges with reference to the origin.
Another interesting conclusion, of special practical significance, is the following.
Supposing the quantity of “free electricity displaced in the Earth” per unit time or, stated
otherwise, the current of the source to be constant, the density will not be affected by
frequency. If q signifies the same as before, the average current, Ia will be always equal
to 4 q n, however the individual factors may vary, and hence 𝒶 = .
The current being expressed in amperes, the density will be measured in coulombs per
square centimeter. Taking, instead of the average, the effective, the maximum or any
instantaneous value of the current, respectively the effective, the maximum or
instantaneous density will be obtained. An average current of one ampere, irrespective of
frequency, gives thus an average density of , and a harmonically varying current,

as ordinarily measured, an effective density of coulombs per square
For the completeness of information a few general observations may be added. It will be
found, upon some thought, that the density will be proportionate, not merely to the
number of oscillations per unit of time, that is, to the frequency as ordinarily interpreted,
but also, in a broader sense, to the time-rate of change of the quantity of “free electricity
displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse” or, of the current. With very low frequencies,
when the wavelengths are greater than the diameter of the globe, the densities, while still
proportionate to the quantities of “free electricity displaced in the Earth” in one
“impulse” and to the rates of change, will not be in conformity with the above rules as
regards wavelength and frequency. In case of interference of waves of different lengths
the resulting density will be evidently equal to the algebraic sum with due regard to sign,
of the densities induced by the individual waves. It is to be remarked, furthermore, that
the values given do not take into account the character of the surrounding country and the
elevation. The density induced in a region by high objects is noticeably smaller. Within
certain limits, as before stated, it increases, very nearly, in a linear proportion to the
elevation, but the rate of increase is so small that in most cases presenting themselves in
practice it may be left out of consideration. So too, the negative electrification of the
Earth, for although it is very considerable, it does not enter as a disturbing factor in the
transmission of waves.
Until recently the densities producible on the Earth’s surface were quite insignificant.
Even in a lightning discharge, owing to the great length and resistance of the arc, small
values are attained. By means of transmitting apparatus devised by me it has become
possible to pass through the Earth currents of many thousands of amperes and thus reach
densities greater even than those resulting from the displays of natural forces. With a
powerful oscillator of very high frequency I have attained maximum values of over
coulombs or electrostatic units per square centimeter. Notwithstanding this the
quantities of electricity displaced in the Earth in each “impulse” have so far not exceeded
a small fraction of one coulomb, the limitation being chiefly due to the difficulty of
obtaining, without great expense, a sufficiently large “free” capacity”. Fortunately,
however, the use of certain artifices devised by me permits the attainment of enormous
electromotive forces and, consequently, the employment of small terminal capacities,
thus bringing the production of great displacements of electricity in the Earth, required
for many valuable purposes, within the domain of the practical and commercial.
The chief facts relative to the electric density induced at the Earth’s surface by a source
of “prolonged” oscillatory currents or disturbances may be briefly stated as follows:
1. The electric density induced in any part of the Earth’s conducting surface is
proportionate, directly, to the quantity of “free” electricity displaced in one
“impulse” of the transmitter, and to the rate of change or frequency and, inversely,
to the wavelength of the oscillations.
2. The average electric density induced in any distant terrestrial zone, or region
taken up by one half wave, is equal to the quantity of “free electricity displaced in
the Earth” in one “impulse” of the transmitter divided by the surface of the zone.

The average density per “free coulomb displaced in the Earth” in coulombs per
square centimeter is , λ and n being, respectively, the
wavelength and the frequency of the oscillations.
3. The electric surface density induced in distant terrestrial regions is proportionate
to the strength of the current passed through the Earth and independent of its
frequency. The effective density per effective ampere is equal to or
nearly coulombs per square centimeter.
4. The electric density induced at the Earth’s conducting surface by a source of
“prolonged oscillatory currents” is independent of distance.
5. The electric density induced by a transmitter in distant terrestrial regions increases
in a linear proportion to the elevation above the Earth’s conducting surface.



Next in practical importance to ascertaining the surface density is the exact determination
of the electric potential produced in any terrestrial region at a distance from a transmitter.
Although no definite general relation can be a priori established between density and
potential, I have found, that as regards the Earth, both follow rigorously the same laws.
We may, accordingly, express the relation between the potential p, the quantity of “free
electricity displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse”, the wavelength and frequency by p =
f1 = = , f1 being a factor similar to f , but numerically different.
In the calculation of various effects caused by the oscillations at a distance from their
source it is convenient to distinguish between the “potential of a zone” and the “local
potential”. The former is defined to be the potential of a terrestrial region taken up by one
half wave as a whole, the latter is produced at any particular point. It being a fact that in
the terrestrial conductor density and potential are in strict agreement as regards their
dependence on qλ and n , the same reasoning and conclusions are applicable to both. At
the moment, when in any zone the static electrification is maximum and all of one sign,
the “potential of the zone “will be, evidently, maximum. Its value will be obviously
obtained in dividing the quantity of “free” electricity displaced in the Earth” in one
“impulse” by the capacity of the zone. The surface of the zone will be Rλ = 2λ x

109 square centimeters, and hence its capacity centimeters and,
consequently, the maximum “potential of a zone” 𝓇zm = q : = .

As the oscillations employed will be generally harmonic the average will be times the
maximum value. A careful perusal of the preceding will show, furthermore, that the
maximum “potential of a zone” will be the same as the average “local potential” and , it
scarcely need be stated that, with harmonically varying currents, the maximum “local
potential” will be equal to times the maximum “potential of a zone”. Admitting the
equivalency as regards capacity, of equal terrestrial areas, borne out by theory as well as
experiment, it follows that the “local potential” at any point is given by the numerical
ratio between the surface-density and the capacity of one square centimeter of the Earth’s
theoretical area. Thus the average “local potential” will be

as before shown. And the maximum “local potential”

As the density, so the potential produced at any point will be with a constant current
independent of frequency. Thus .
An average current of one ampere, irrespective of frequency, will give an average “local
potential” absolute units of potential, or 30 volts. With reference to the foregoing an
effective current of one ampere will give:


No further elucidation is thought necessary to the understanding of the following

important truths:
1. The electricity potential produced in any distant region of the Earth is
proportionate, directly, to the quantity of “free” electricity displaced in one
“impulse” of the transmitter and to the rate of change or frequency and, inversely,
to the wave-length of the oscillations.
2. The maximum “potential of a zone” is equal to the quantity of “free electricity
displaced in the Earth” in one “impulse” of the transmitter divided by the capacity
of the zone, or region taken up by one half wave. The maximum “potential of a
zone” is equal to the average “local potential” and the average “potential of a
zone” to times the average “local potential”.
3. The average “local potential” produced by a transmitter in any distant region of
the Earth is equal to the average density in that region divided by the capacity of

one square centimeter of the Earth’s theoretical surface. The maximum “local
potential” is times the average “local potential”.
4. The electric potential produced by a transmitter in distant terrestrial regions is
proportionate to the strength of the current passed through the Earth and
independent of its frequency. The effective potential produced per effective
ampere is approximately equal to volts.

5. The electric potential produced in the Earth by a source of “prolonged” oscillatory

currents or disturbances is independent of distance.
6. The “local electric potential” produced by a transmitter in any distant terrestrial
region increases in a linear proportion with the altitude above the level of the sea.

End of the book.


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