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Institución Educativa Gabriel Correa Vélez

Taller de Recuperación

STUDENT‘SNAME: ______________________________
TEACHER ‘S NAME: Edgar Manuel Mosquera Palacios.

Directions: Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.
Lee el párrafo y responde las preguntas del número 1-4

Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two
players (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered
with felt. To win, you must hit the ball into the opponent’s court without the opponent being
able to hit the ball back.
Tennis originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century. At first, people played
tennis on courts made of grass! These were called “lawn courts”. Now, tennis is played by
millions of people all over the world. The rules of tennis have changed very little since it
was created in the 1890s.
Most tennis players play tennis because it is fun. It also is a good way to get exercise.
While playing tennis, you do a lot of running. You move your arms and legs in many ways
that they do not normally move.

1. What do you use to hit a tennis a. My course is going to take an

ball? English mother
a. bat b. My mother is going to take an
b. A striker
English course
c. A racket
d. None of the above c. My course is going an English
mother to take
2. _____ people can play tennis at d. My mother going is to take an
once. English course.
a. One
b. Two 5. not to course Jaime going pass is
c. Four this
d. Both B and C
a. This course is not going to pass
3. Where did tennis originate? Jaime
a. Australia b. Jaime not is going to pass this
b. Asia
c. The United States
d. The United Kingdom c. Jaime Is not going to pass this
Organice las palabras y elija la oración d. This course not is going to pass
correcta. Jaime
4. Is take course my to an mother
English going
6. buy car ? we new are to week a d. Are going to
going next
9. conversation: escoge la
a. We are going to buy a new car secuencia de números correcta
next week? para organizar el siguiente
b. Are we going to buy a new car dialogo.
next week?
c. Are going we to buy a new car 1. Hello, my name is Edgar.
week next? 2. I’m from Colombia.
d. Are going to buy we a new car 3. What’s your name?
week next? 4. Hi, my name is Indira
5. Where are you from?
Escoja la opción correcta
7. Pablo _______ play the guitar
a. Has going to d.
b. .Are going to
c. .Is going to
d. Will not going to

8. Natalia and Margarita

_________travel to Cali this week.

a. Has to
b. Is going to
c. Will go

Construya dos preguntas con cada una de las palabras dadas usando BE GOING TO Y
dé les una repuesta.

1. What_____________do next Monday?

2. Where___________ go after your last class today?
3. Have pizza for dinner tonight?.

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