A. Gaze B. Line C. Symbol D. None of The Above

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Sitio Lao, Nagpan, Malungon, Sarangani Province

Pre/Post Test
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Teacher: Score:________________
I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a fact?

a. The apple is red.
b. The President of the Philippines is Rodrigo Duterte.
c. Football is the best game for men.
d. None of the above
2. Which of the following is an opinion?
a. My favourite type of music is jazz.
b. Snake is a reptile
c. The rainbow is more beautiful than sunset.
d. Both a & c
3. Refers to where the figure in the image is looking.
a. Gaze
b. Line
c. Symbol
d. None of the above
4. A close-up is intimate and creates a connection with the viewer whilst a long shot creates objectivity and
a. Line
b. Social distance
c. Framing
d. None of the above
5. The elements in a layout can be disconnected and marked off from each other or connected.
a. Colour
b. Line
c. Framing
d. None of the above
6.  It can be used to represent ideas or concepts.
a. Colour
b. Concepts
c. Framing
d. None of the above
7. It is an element strongly tied to our emotions. Depending on the context, it can have symbolic, associative
or evocative meanings.
a. Colour
b. Concepts
c. Social Distancing
d. None of the above
8. The type propaganda that is a way to manipulate information so that one products looks better than the
a. Card-stacking propaganda
b. Name-calling Propaganda
c. Bandwagon Propaganda
d. None of the above
9. This technique is to create fear and arouse prejudice by using negative words.
a. Bandwagon Propaganda
b. Testimonial Propaganda
c. Name calling Propaganda
d. None of the above
10. This technique to persuade the audience to follow the crowd. This device creates the impression of
widespread support.
a. Banwagon Propaganda
b. Name calling Propaganda
c. Transfer Propaganda
d. None of the above
11. Propagandists use this technique to associate a respected person or someone with experience to endorse
a product or cause by giving it their stamp of approval hoping that the intended audience will follow their
a. Tranfer Propaganda
b. Testimonial Propaganda
c. Bandwagon Propaganda
d. None of the Above
12. A technique used to carry over the authority and approval of something we respect and revere to
something the propagandist would have us accept.
a. Transfer Propaganda
b. Bandwagon Propaganda
c. Glittering
d. None of the above
13. Propagandists employ vague, sweeping statements using language associated with values and beliefs
deeply held by the audience without providing supporting information or reason.
a. Glittering
b. Plain Folks
c. Transfer Propaganda
d. None of the above
14. Propagandists use this approach to convince the audience that the spokesperson is from humble origins,
someone they can trust and who has their interests at heart.
a. Glittering
b. Plain Folks
c. Name-Calling Propaganda
d. None of the above
15. An information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular
political cause or point of view.
a. Name Calling Propaganda
b. Propaganda
c. Plain Folks
d. None of the above
16. A word or an expression that modifies a verb, adjective, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence.
a. Adverbs b. noun c. Adjective d. none of the above
17. A word that connects or joins clauses, words, phrases together in a sentence.
a. Conjunction b. Verb c. Adverb d. none of the above
18. Which of the following is a compound complex?
a. Mrs. Mallari said the class that there would be a Spelling Quiz Bee this coming November.
b. After our trip to the beach, school started back, and He was excited to see my friends.
c. The man is believed to be a magician because he can do magic.
d. none of the above
19. Which of he following is not a compound sentence?
a. The man be believed in the system, and he that justice would prevail after the murder was sent to jail.

b. I will go to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after we finish eating.
c. My mother will bring fruit for us but she asked us to clean the house.
d. None of the above
20. I will go to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after we finish eating. What is the
dependent clause in this sentence.
a. After we finish eating
b. I will go to watch television
c. I have to clean the dishes
d. None of the above
21. I will go to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after we finish eating. What is the
independent clause in this sentence?
a. After we finish eating
b. I will go to watch television
c. I have to clean the dishes
d. Both b & c
22. What adverb provides more information about how a verb is done?
a. Adverb of time
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of frequency
d. None of the above
23. This explains the level or intensity of a verb, adjective, or even another adverb.
a. Adverb of degree
b. Adverb of frequency
c. Adverb of manner
d. None of the above
24. The adverb that illustrates where the verb is happening. It’s usually placed after the main verb or object,
or at the end of the sentence.
a. Adverb of time
b. Adverb of place
c. Adverb of manner
d. none of the above
25. Which of the following is a simple present tense of the verb?
a. She washes the car on Tuesday.
b. He has been my friend for almost five years.
c. She did not study her lesson
d. None of the above
26. Which of the following is the simple present perfect tense of the verb?
a. They have visited Argentina before.
b. The girls have finished cleaning the room.
c. John has walked to school since he was first grade.
d. All of the above

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers
when appropriate.
Chess is called the game of kings. It has been around for a long time. People have been playing it for over
500 years. Chess is based on an even older game from India. The chess we play today is from Europe. Chess
is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces. The other uses the White Chess Pieces black
pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the king. Each player has one. The players
take turns moving their pieces. If a player lands on a piece, he or she takes it. The game ends when a player
loses his or her king. There are a few more rules, but those are the basics. Some people think that chess is
more than a game. They think that it makes the mind stronger. Good chess players use their brains. They
take their time. They think about what will happen next. These skills are useful in life and in chess. Chess is
kind of like a work out for the mind. You don't always have lots of time to think when playing chess. There
is a type of chess with short time limits. It's called blitz chess. In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes to
use for the whole game. Your clock runs during your turn.
You hit the time clock after your move. This stops your clock. It also starts the other player's clock. If you
run out of time, you lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced. Chess is not just for people. Computers have
been playing chess since the 1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time went on
27. What is the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph?
a. To explain the rules of chess
b. To compare different types of games
c. To talk about game pieces
d. To persuade people to play chess
28. Which is not a reason that chess is a good workout for the mind according to the text?
a. Good chess players think about what will happen next.
b. Good chess players take a lot of risks.
c. Good chess players take their time.
d. Good chess players use their brains.
29. How long have people been playing chess?
a. Over 100 years b. Over 500 years c. Over 1000 years d. Over 5000 years
30. Where did the game that chess is based on come from?
a. Europe b. America c. India d. All of these
31. Which best describes the main idea in the fourth paragraph?
a. This paragraph argues that players should think less.
b. This paragraph explains how blitz chess is played.
c. This paragraph explains time clocks work.
d. This paragraph describes many different ways to play chess.
32. How does a game of chess end according to the text?
a. One player takes all of the other player's pieces.
b. One player makes it to the end of the board.
c. One player becomes king.
d. One player loses his or her king.
33. Which happened first?
a. Computers did not play chess well.
b. Deep Blue won an important game.
c. Cell phones got good at playing chess.
d. Deep Blue took up a whole room.
34. How is blitz chess different from regular chess?
a. Each player has two kings.
b. Players are blindfolded.
c. Players only have ten minutes to play.
d. Players start from a random position.
35. If it's your turn in blitz chess, what happens when you hit the clock?
a. Both your clock and the other person's clock keep running.
b. The other person's clock stops running and yours starts.
c. Both clocks stop running.
d. Your clock stops running and the other person's clock begins.
36. When did a computer first beat a strong human player in chess?
a. 2006 b. 1997 c. 1970 d. 1976
An astronaut is a person who travels outside the Earth’s atmosphere in space. His vehicle is called a
spaceship if it large, or a space capsule if it is small.
The smallest space capsule that has ever been buit is the Mercury Space Capsule.. It was developed to
carry the first American astronaut into an orbit around the Earth.
The Russian capsule in which the Russian astronaut Yur Gagarin rode, is somewhat larger. It was
constructed so that it could be controlled almost completely from Earth. The American astronauts Shepard,
Grisson, Glen, Carpenter, and Schirra were able to control a number of capsule movements from within the

37. What do you call a space traveller?

a. A spaceman b. an astronaut c. Shepard, et. al. d. Yuri Gagarin
38. What was the name of the smallest space capsule manned by Shepard and company?
a. Space Ship b. Space Capsule c. Russian Capsule d. Mercury Space Capsule
39. What is the name of the chair the astronaut uses in the capsule?
a. Capsule’s chair b. Mercury Space Chair c. Molded Chair d. contour chair
40. The Russian capsule compare to the American capsule is_______.
a. Wider b. more comfortable c. newer d. larger
Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction:
41. My car has a radio _________ a CD player.
a. but b. or c. and d. none of the above
42. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal.
a. but b. nor c. or d. none of the above
43. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly.
a. and b. or c. but d. none of the above
44. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building.
a. and b. yet c. nor d. none of the above
45. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late.
a. and b. nor c. for d. none of the above
46. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better?
a. or b. nor c. and d. none of the above
47. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four.
a. but b. so c. yet d. none of the above
48. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late.
a. so b. but c. for d. none of the above

Write the independent and dependent clause of the sentence below. Write your answer on the space
Sarah cried when her cat got sick, but she soon got better.
49. Independent: _____________________________________________
50. Dependent: ______________________________________________

Hebrews 13:6
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

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