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Module Two Wellness Plan

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Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting details
for sections 1-4. After completing all sections, submit this file as your Module Two
Wellness Plan assignment.

Section 1: Fitness Assessments

Complete the following steps on the chart below:


Complete Column B. Use the original results from your 01.03 Fitness Assessments.

Step 2

Complete Column C. Use your results from the Module 1 Wellness Plan Fitness

Step 3

Complete Column D. Use your current results from the Module 2 Wellness Plan
Fitness Assessments.

Column A Column B Column C Column D

Activity Lesson 01.03 Module 1 Module 2

Fitness Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Assessment Results Results

Mile Run/Walk 8 min. 47 seconds

7 min. 34 seconds 6 min. 12seconds

Body Mass Index  

Aerobic Capacity
Column A Column B Column C Column D

Curl-ups 3


Trunk Lift 10 15 40

Sit and Reach left leg: 10 left leg: 11 left leg: 13

right leg: 10 right leg: 11 right leg: 13

**Please save these results, as you will need to include them for future Wellness
Plans in the course.

Fitness Assessment Reflection Question:

Explain the effects of exercises on your health-related components of fitness (flexibility,

muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular, and body composition) since
beginning this course.

Answer: I can exercise with the health-related components and improve my fitness. I
am healthy.

Section 2: Flexibility Workout Log

Perform and log stretching exercises for all eight muscles listed below at least two
days per week, but you may stretch every day. Module Two suggests starting with two
repetitions held for 15 seconds for a total of 30 seconds for each exercise. Refer
to the yellow highlighted example below.

Please refer to Video Gallery in the course for demonstrations of how to perform
the stretching exercises.
Flexibility Exercises/Muscle Stretched Day 1

# of #
Flexibility Exercises Muscle Stretched Dates Time Dates
Repetitions Repe

EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 8/3 2 15 seconds 8/5 2

Lying Quad Stretch Quadriceps  7/3 2  15 seconds 2

Modified Hurdler's Stretch Hamstrings 7/7 2  15 seconds 2

Upper Back & Torso Stretch Trapezius 7/.9 2  15 seconds 2

 7/11 2  15 seconds 2

Lower Back Stretch Latissimus Dorsi  7/12 2  15 seconds 2

Chest/ Bicep Stretch Pectoralis/ Biceps 2  15 seconds 2

Shoulder/ Tricep Stretch Trapezius/ Deltoids 2  15 seconds 2

Lying Abdominal Stretch Abdominal 2  15 seconds 2

Flexibility Reflection Questions:

Explain how the stretches become easier each time that you performed them. How did
these stretches affect your muscles during physical activities completed after

Answer: The stretches became easier each time I performed them.

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