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Section 1: What does the company do

 Liquid Gold Petroleum corporation is an international oil and gas production company
headquartered in New Orleans, It is one of the largest Saudi oil and gas company based on
 It is categorized as a publically traded organisation because its ownership is dispersed
among the general public in many shares of stock market
 Its activities are concentrated in the following regions:-
1) United states of America
2) Middle east
3) Latin America
 The following fact show why the company is more dependent on demand for crude oil as
compared to natural gas
1) Largest producer of Oil in West Texas region and near Mexico
2) Largest independent oil producer in Qatar

Section 2: How the company has performed

Relative Performance

 On June26th Marco Polo and Amy Jackson initiated Liquid Gold Petroleum Corp. with and
average rating of $72 price target, and placed it among preferred stocks in their US coverage

Grown, Shrunk or unchanged?

Liquid Gold Petroleum Corp has shrunked since 2018.

 The market capitalization at 2018 year end was approximately $70billion, which dropped to
52$ billion in 2019 as reported by statista and google finance report.
 Oil and gas segment achieved the earnings of $7 billion in 2018 as compared to 9$ billion in
2017. Lower domestics earning resulted from lower crude oil and natural gas price, higher
cooperation costs, and higher expense, partially offset by higher crude oil production
volumes and improved realized domestic gas prices.

Section 3: What the successes have been for the company

Significant successes over past few years

 Company’s worldwide proved reserves increased from 3 billion BOE at the end of 2015 to
3.45 billion BOE at the year end of 2016
 Permian resources produced 82000 BOEPD in 2016, a 15 percent increase from 76000
BOEPD in 2015
 The cash balance of$8 billion exceeded the total debt off $7 billion at year end, which
helped company weather the current period of lower oil prices
Plans for upcoming several years

 Liquid Gold Petroleum Corp would maintain its size and scale between large
integrated oil majors and independent E&P companies to stay an attractive
 It would maintain a disciplined approach towards domestics acquisitions and the
execution of international contracts
 The company would maintain a low debt to capitalization ratio and retain sufficient
cash on hand. Furthermore, it will focus on lowering its cost over time management

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