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3D Electron Microscopy and FIB-Nanotomography (MSE-704)

Materials Science and Engineering (edoc)

Remarque / Remark Next Time : Spring 2013 (Materials Science and Engineering (edoc), 2012-2013)
Instructor Cantoni Marco Frequency Every year
Program(s)/Acad.year Total hours Examination ECTS credits
Materials Science and Engineering Lecture: 11 H Project report 1
(edoc) (2012-2013) Practical work: 3 H

Learning outcomes:
Understand the principles of 3D surface (SEM) and volume (SEM/FIB and TEM) reconstruction by electron
microscopy. Know the possibilities and limitations of the different techniques for materials science applications.

Electron microscopes deliver only 2D information in a single image. The 3rd dimension is often left to the
interpretation by the observer. Different techniques have been developed to use 2 or more images to reconstruct
the 3rd dimension. To investigate and analyze the complex structures produced by micro- and nano-technology 3D
electron microscopy is offering power-ful methods. The resolution of modern electron microscopes and the
possibility to choose between different signals make them versatile tools for the exploration of the micro- and

Physics of the different signals generated by electron beams and focused ion beams.
• Underlying physical principles for the acquisition of data sets for 3D reconstruction: interaction volumes, voxel (3
dimensional "pixel") size, mechanical stability issues for successful recon-struction.
• surface reconstruction (SEM), serial (parallel) sectioning (SEM/FIB and TEM), tilt series tomo-graphy (TEM)
• introduction to the use of software packages for 3D surface and volume reconstruction
• practical session about the 3D surface reconstruction by SEM
• practical session about 3D volume reconstruction by FIB nano-tomography
• practical session TEM tomography

3D reconstruction, serial sectioning, electron tomography, FIB Nano-tomography, scanning electron microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy

Required prior knowledge:

background in electron microscopy: electron microscopy lecture 5 sem. Bachelor level or doctoral school
SEM&TEM or equivalent

08.10.2012 EPFL - Doctoral School - Materials Science and Engineering (edoc)

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