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SWOT analysis of the company

Strengths: new relatively young market, good teachers, fast results, good feedback, popularity
of Rubik’s cube toys, free game nights because they attract children. Strengths of the account:
uniformed style, structured and focused content.

Weakness: hard to find good teachers, parents don’t understand why it is good for children,
mostly people think that 3*3 is the main target and don’t want to continue learning different
types of cubic, no certificates for teachers, also free game nights because they are very time-
consuming. Weakness of the account: posts are not regular and frequent. No calendar and
plan of posts exists, hence it is harder to maintain the account live.

Opportunities: Rubik’s cube works as an attraction and base for other courses to be offered;
through selling the Rubik’s cube online other cross selling of toys can be done online or in
office. As there are no certificates certification of the teachers can be done, advertising in
schools can be done as Rubik’s cube is not forbidden to be advertised in schools (math,
English classes are forbidden), as children come to communicate and parents come together
psychology service can be offered. Advertising through new TIK_TOK platform can be
done. Some campaign can be developed to attract adults to courses as well.

Threats: very high competition everyone started offering the Rubik’s cuve classes, limited
pool of clients due to high competition with other courses like chess and etc., even 1 “bad”
teacher can be a threat to reputation, as center grows it is harder to control everything, some
students get demotivated too fast and they make parents unsatisfied, which can also damage
the reputation if the a parent does not want to understand their child. If the account will be too
similar to the competitors ones, it will be much harder to distinguish the company in the
market. Hiring of highly professional SMM specialist is hard to find on the low cost.

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