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Perform a Qualitative Risk Analysis
The goal of this Specialization is to provide you with the tools to more effectively and successfully
manage projects. A key part of this effort is to learn how to produce many of the key project planning
deliverables that are part of a well-developed project.

In this assignment, we will prepare a Qualitative Risk Analysis based on the Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case
Study found in the Resource section of this Course. The student should use the Study as a basis to
develop the assigned deliverables for the project.

The Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case Study is based on a hypothetical case where a pharmacy company is
developing a drone project for home delivery of prescriptions. You may not be familiar with the
technology involved in the Case; however, the assignment is based on your knowledge of the typical life
cycle of a project and the contents of the associated deliverables. Therefore, you should focus on
developing a management plan for the project based on the lessons in the Specialization and not focus
on the technology and the details of the engineering.

The deliverable will be graded by your peers who are also taking the course. The grades will be based
on a Grading Rubric developed by the teaching staff and provided to each grader and your participation
in the grading process to review the deliverables of other students. Each student must complete peer-
review evaluations in order to get credit for the assignment.

Assignment Requirements

Format: The assignment must be uploaded Electronic PDF-type print image file formatted in standard
US letter size pages by Adobe Acrobat or compatible software. The original document can be prepared
in any format of the students choosing as long as it can be converted/printed to a PDF deliverable.

Assignment Guidelines: Use the information provided in the Case Study as a guide to produce this
deliverable. You are not required to perform any outside research to add to the Case or to perform
additional studies over what is specified in the assignment to further define the Case.

A standard template is provided for this Deliverable. You are welcome to download and use these
templates to develop the assignment. Alternately, you can use a format that is derived from some other
standard from your organization or elsewhere as long as the contents contain the required information
and it is reasonably easy to follow by the Peer-reviewer without additional knowledge or training.

Assignment Deliverable Contents

Develop a Project Risk Register and populate it for the Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case based on the
information developed to date including the Case descriptions, Project Charter, Project Scope
Statement, Project Budget, and Gantt chart.

• The Risk Register should have a minimum of seven project risks.

• Each risk in the Register should have an identification number, a reference WBS element
number, and name the responsible person.
• The student should develop a Likelihood Rating Matrix and rate the Likelihood of each project
risk and record it in the Risk Register.
• The student should develop an Impact Rating Matrix and rate the impact of each project risk and
record it in the Risk Register.
• The student should develop a Risk Assessment Matrix and evaluate the severity of each project
risk and record it in the Risk Register.
• Based on the Risk Assessment Matrix, each risk should be prioritized as to its importance to the
Project. The priority should be recorded in the Risk Register. The student should identify a
minimum of three high priority risks.
• For each high priority risk, the student should develop a risk response and record it in the Risk
Register. The risk responses should be unique to this case as opposed to a generic response.
For instance, if the risk is that there will be too much rain impacting delivery reliability, then the
mitigation response may be to develop alternate delivery methods to be implemented during a
storm or other specific measures.
• For each high priority risk, the student should estimate the potential cost or schedule impact of
the risk before and after mitigation has been put in place. This estimate should take the form of
dollar increase in cost or days delay or both.

The deliverables for the assignment include:

1. Likelihood Rating Matrix

2. Impact Rating Matrix
3. Risk Assessment Matrix
4. Risk Register.

Grading Rubric for Peer Review

Following are the general guidelines for evaluation of this assignment. The student should use these
guidelines to aide in the preparation of the Qualitative Risk Analysis. If you are uncertain as to the
specific requirements, please refer to the Qualitative Risk Analysis Template in the Resources section of
Coursera, the Assignment Video, Chapter 11 of The Project Management Body of Knowledge, 6 th
edition, and pages 377 to 409 of Project Management ToolBox, Tools and Techniques, 2 nd edition for
additional information. Also, please feel free to post any questions you may have in the discussion

Qualitative Risk Analysis Grading Rubric
The Qualitative Risk Analysis document will be rated based on the following scales. Provide specific
written feedback to explain your rating.

Project Name, Document Revision Number and Date – The Risk Register contains the Project Name, the
Document Revision Number and the Revision Date.

Poor (0) Average (7) Very Good (10) Rating =

Name and The Risk Register The Risk Register includes
Revision includes the Project the Project Name, the
Number are Name, but not the Revision Number and
missing Revision Number or Revision Date.
the Revision Date

Likelihood Rating Matrix – Develop a Likelihood Rating Matrix scale and rate each project risk identified.
The rating matrix should be unique to the project and contain an objective description of each rating on
the scale. The Likelihood rating for each event should be added to the Risk Register.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Likelihood The Likelihood A Likelihood The Likelihood Rating
Rating Matrix Rating Matrix is Rating has been Matrix is well
is not included generic and does assigned to each documented and is
not include an risk event and unique to this project. It
objective rating recorded in the contains an objective
scale. One or more Risk Register. The rating to assign a
of the risk events in Likelihood Rating likelihood rating to each
the Risk Register Matrix has been risk event. Each risk
does not have a copied from a event has been rated and
rating. public source or the results recorded in
the rating scale is the Risk Register.
not objective.

Impact Rating Matrix – Develop an Impact Rating Matrix. The matrix should be unique and describe the
impact corresponding to each severity level. The impact descriptions should be divided into scope,
schedule, cost and quality impact descriptions such that an event can be rated in one or more categories
to determine the impact level. Each risk event identified should be rated and the result added to the
Risk Register.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
The Impact The Impact Rating An Impact Rating The Impact Rating Matrix
Rating Matrix Matrix is generic has been assigned is unique to the Project
deliverable is and does not to each of the risk and contains objective
not included include an events and rating scales for each of
objective rating recorded in the scope, schedule, cost and
scale. One or more Risk Register. The quality impacts. The
of the risk events in Impact Rating Impact Rating Matrix
the Risk Register Matrix is unique results are well
does not have a to the project but documented in a matrix.
rating. is missing one or Each risk event has been
more rating scales rated and the results
for scope, recorded in the Risk
schedule, cost or Register.
quality impacts.
The Impact Rating
Matrix is well

Risk Assessment Matrix – Develop a Risk Assessment Matrix for the Project to define a minimum of 3
severity levels. The Risk Assessment Matrix may be unique to the Project or may be developed from a
publicly available version. Each risk event identified should be rated for its severity based on the
Likelihood of occurrence and the Impact on the Project and the results documented in the Risk Register.
Based on the severity rating, the risks should be prioritized and the results entered into the Risk

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
The Risk A Risk Assessment A Risk Assessment A Risk Assessment Matrix
Assessment Matrix with a Matrix with a with a minimum of 3
Matrix minimum of 3 minimum of 3 severity levels is
deliverable is severity levels is severity levels is documented for the
not included documented for documented for Project including the
or it has less the Project the Project calculation methodology
than 3 severity including the including the for each severity cell.
levels. calculation calculation Each risk event has its
methodology for methodology for severity level calculated
each severity cell. each severity cell. based on the Likelihood
One or more risk Each risk event and Impact rating for the
events do not have has its severity event. Each risk event
a rating in the Risk level calculated has been prioritized
Register. based on the based on its severity
Likelihood and rating with High severity
Impact rating for rating getting a top
the event. The priority (1) and so forth.
results of the The results of both the
severity rating severity rating and the
have been prioritization have been
entered into the entered into the Risk
Risk Register. Register for each risk

Risk Response – Develop a Risk Response for each High Severity risk. The Risk Response should provide
a mitigating action and assign the risk to one person to manage. The mitigating action should be specific
to the Project and lower the overall impact on the Project or lower the likelihood of occurrence. More
than one mitigation technique may be used for each risk. Each Risk Response should be recorded in the
Risk Register.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Risk One or more High Each risk event Each risk event with a
Responses severity risk events with a High High severity rating has
have not been is missing either a severity rating has one or more risk
included in the risk response or a one risk response responses recorded. Two
Risk Register responsible person. and has been or more risk events have
assigned to a multiple risk responses.
person. These Each risk response is
responses and unique to the project.
assignments have Each risk event and risk
been recorded in response has been
the Risk Register. assigned to a person.
Each risk response and
responsible person is
recorded in the Risk

Cost/Schedule Impact – Based on the Impact assessment and the Risk Response, estimate the cost and
schedule impact of each risk event on the Project. The cost should be recorded as a dollar impact
(increase) and the schedule impact as the duration of the delay. Make a similar estimate on the same
basis for the impact of the risk assuming the Risk Response has been implemented. These estimates
should be high level order of magnitude estimates based on experience. Record these values in the Risk

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
The Cost and Some cost and The High severity Each risk event has the
Schedule schedule impacts risk events that cost and schedule impact
Impacts are for risk events have have cost and on the Project recorded
not included been included. schedule impact in the Risk Register.
on the Project are These values are
recorded in the consistent with the
Risk Register. Impact Rating scale
These values are developed for the
consistent with Project. For risk events
the Impact Rating with a Risk Response, a
scale developed second estimate of the
for the Project. A cost and schedule impact
second estimate after the Risk Response
of the cost and has been implemented
schedule impact has been included.
after the Risk
Response has
implemented has
also been

Risk Register – Deliver a completed Risk Register with all of the information recorded. The completed
register should include risk identification number, WBS reference number, responsible person,
Likelihood rating, Impact rating, Severity, priority, risk response, and before and after mitigation
estimates. The Register should contain a minimum of 7 risks. A minimum of 3 of these should be rated
as severe and have risk responses recorded.

Poor (1) Fair (15) Average (20) Good (25) Very Good (30) Rating =
The Risk The The completed The completed The completed
Register is completed register includes register includes register includes risk
wholly register is risk identification risk identification identification
incomplete missing one number, WBS number, WBS number, WBS
and not well or more of reference number, reference number, reference number,
populated. the required responsible responsible person, responsible person,
The total data person, Likelihood Likelihood rating, Likelihood rating,
number of columns. rating, Impact Impact rating, Impact rating,
risks One or more rating, Severity, Severity, and Severity, and priority
identified is severe rated and priority for priority for each for each risk. The
less than 3 risks are each risk. The risk. The Register Register contains a
and less than missing risk Register contains contains a 3-6 risks. minimum of 7 risks. A
2 have been responses 3-6 risks. A A minimum of 2 of minimum of 3 of
rated as and minimum of 2 of these have been these have been
severe. responsibility these have been rated as severe and rated as severe and
assignments. rated as severe have risk responses have risk responses
and have risk recorded and a recorded and a
responses before and after before and after risk
recorded. One or risk response response impact
more of the impact estimate estimate included.
severe risks is included. The table The table is well
missing a before is well constructed constructed and has a
and after risk and has a clear clear reference to the
response impact reference to the Likelihood
estimate included Likelihood Assessment, Impact
or the table has no Assessment, Assessment and Risk
clear reference to Impact Assessment Matrices
the Likelihood Assessment, and
Assessment, Risk Assessment
Impact Matrices
Assessment and
Risk Assessment


Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
The Risk The information in the The format is easy to The Risk Register is
Register is not Risk Register is laid out follow and labeled. It formatted in a
formatted. in a readable fashion. is not obvious that standard easy to follow
Information is However, the sections the format is format. Each section is
included in a are not labeled and the standard and can be labeled so it is easy to
random format should not be used across projects. compare data to future
fashion. considered standard. projects.


General Comments and Feedback – What specific approaches worked well? Areas for improvement?

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