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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)

Brain Plasticity and Rehabilitation with a

Cochlear Implant
Colette M. McKay
The Bionics Institute of Australia and, Department of Medical Bionics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Abstract Introduction
The functional changes that occur in the brain due to deaf-
ness may affect the way the auditory system processes This chapter describes how the functional changes
sound after cochlear implantation. Brain plasticity plays a that occur in the brain due to deafness may affect
crucial role in the success of cochlear implantation to fa- the way the auditory system processes sound after
cilitate or develop spoken language in profoundly deaf cochlear implantation. Two separate populations
individuals. The functional plasticity that occurs in post- of cochlear implant (CI) users are the focus of this
lingually deaf adults during periods of deafness can both chapter: adults who have been implanted after
support and hinder speech understanding with a cochle- suffering a postlingual deafness and children or
ar implant, depending on the nature and degree of func- adults who are congenitally deaf. In adults with
tional changes. Evidence so far suggests that the strate- postlingual deafness, the auditory system has de-
gies people use to communicate while deaf may influence veloped normally, but undergoes changes after
whether the functional changes are adaptive or maladap- the person acquires deafness, probably due to the
tive. In the case of children with congenital deafness, evi- decaying of phonological memory and the in-
dence is very strong for a sensitive period in which audi- creased reliance on visual communication. In
tory input must be restored if subsequent oral language children who are congenitally deaf, the lack of ear-
is to be developed successfully. Successful oral language ly auditory input can lead to a delayed or abnor-
use and speech understanding in individuals implanted mal development of the cortical structures and
after 7 years of age depends strongly on the pre-implant networks that support higher auditory function,
use of hearing aids and auditory-verbal communication. such as oral language development. In both these
Future research should focus on how to harness our grow- populations, the abnormal function of the central
ing knowledge of brain plasticity to optimize the out- auditory system is possibly a major factor under-
comes of cochlear implantation in each individual. lying the unexplained variability in benefit that CI
© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel users gain from the CI. For example, Lazard et - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM
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al. [1] found that only around 10% of variability in to develop rehabilitation or habilitation strategies
speech understanding in adult CI users could be that are individually optimized based on objective
accounted for by factors, such as duration of deaf- measures of brain function.
ness and duration of implant use. Similarly, From animal studies, we know that congenital
Niparko et al. [2] have shown that, although age at deafness can lead to deficient development of cor-
implantation has a large impact on outcomes for tical structures. For example, Kral et al. [6] have
children, even those who are implanted at the ear- argued that auditory deprivation through con-
liest age acquire oral language skills on average at genital deafness essentially leads to a loss of con-
half the rate of normal hearing children, with rates nectivity between the primary auditory cortex
varying between that of normal hearing children and other areas of the auditory system and wide-
and virtually no language development. spread brain deficits in processing information
In both children and adults, whether pre- or beyond the auditory cortex. Similarly, Fallon et al.
postlingually deaf, the factors that lead to poor [7] have described how the auditory cortex is
speech understanding or language acquisition af- changed by the reintroduction of auditory input
ter cochlear implantation are complex, including after prolonged periods of congenital deafness in
peripheral and central physiological factors and guinea pigs. Although there is a wealth of physi-
environmental factors, and these different types ological data from animal studies that have re-
of factors possibly interact with each other. Re- searched the effects of deafness and the re-intro-
cent research using imaging and electrophysio- duction of hearing on the central auditory system,
logical techniques has shown that the processing the main focus of this chapter will be the research
of sensory stimuli in the brain of deaf individuals that has been undertaken with human cochlear
differs from that of people with normal hearing. implant users that relates to speech understand-
Furthermore, some of these differences are cor- ing and language acquisition. In particular, the
related with the ability to understand speech after chapter focuses on work that is relevant to the
implantation. Such plastic changes are induced successful recovery or development of speech un-
by auditory deprivation. derstanding after cochlear implantation. The
Information about brain plasticity comes from chapter is divided into 2 main sections: the first
imaging studies. Before implantation, all of the discusses adults with postlingual deafness and the
main imaging methods have been used in re- second discusses children and adults with con-
search studies: functional magnetic resonance genital deafness.
imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography
(PET) and electroencephalography (EEG). Due
to the limitations of using fMRI in CI users, stud- Adults with Postlingual Deafness
ies imaging the brain of CI users have mostly used
PET or EEG. Functional near-infrared spectros- Deafness versus Normal Hearing
copy (fNIRS) has become mature in recent years, Generally, in postlingually deaf adults, speech un-
and there are recent studies that have used fNIRS derstanding increases after implantation rapidly in
to image brain activity in CI users [3–5]. fNIRS the first 3 months and reaches an asymptote at
has the advantage in this population of being around 12 months after implantation. Successful
non-invasive and quiet, and is not affected by rehabilitation depends both on the extent of adap-
electrical artefact as is EEG. It has greatly im- tive or maladaptive plasticity that has occurred be-
proved the spatial resolution over EEG and has fore implantation and the extent to which the brain
better temporal resolution than PET. Advances in can reclaim or optimize auditory processing net-
these imaging techniques provide an opportunity works after implantation. Some studies described - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

58 McKay
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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
below have taken a cross-sectional approach and ing skills in postlingually deafened non-signing
compare the brain activity of experienced CI users adults. For example, Rouger et al. [10] evaluated
to that of normal hearing listeners. In this case, the speech reading skills for disyllabic French words
differences seen are the net result of these 2 types in 97 postlingually deaf CI candidates before im-
of plasticity. Other studies have imaged CI users plantation, immediately after implantation, and
before or shortly after implantation and associated 12 months later. Accuracy scores were signifi-
this data with speech understanding after 6–12 cantly higher (30–35% mean correct) than for
months. These studies investigate the influence of normal-hearing people (9.7% mean correct) and
plasticity due to auditory deprivation on later remained unchanged throughout the whole test
speech understanding with the implant. A third period. Supra-normal speech reading skills are
type of study follows each CI user longitudinally to probably supported by increased efficiency of re-
determine what changes occur in the brain as an sources at cortical level that are devoted to visual
experience with the CI is acquired. processing. This functional plasticity due to audi-
The effect of periods of deafness on brain func- tory deprivation may or may not support the ad-
tion in adults who are postlingually deaf has been aptation to a re-instated auditory input with a CI.
studied using various imaging techniques. These Rouger et al. [10] showed that the newly implant-
studies have shown functional differences be- ed CI users also showed greater multisensory in-
tween deaf people and normal-hearing people in tegration when attending to audio-visual speech
resting state or in response to sensory stimuli. stimuli than normal-hearing listeners who were
These differences are driven both by the lack of listening to spectrally degraded speech. They sug-
peripheral auditory input into auditory process- gested that this enhanced integration may sup-
ing areas of the brain, and by the altered commu- port adaptation to a new CI. However, this hy-
nication strategy of the deaf person, with an in- pothesis has not been specifically tested.
creased reliance on visual information. Lee et al. [11] were one of the first to suggest
Oral language communication is a multisen- that deafness may induce cross-modal plasticity
sory activity, involving integration of auditory, in adults. They used PET to compare resting-state
visual and somatosensory senses. Thus, there are metabolism in 9 profoundly deaf adults and 9
multisensory networks in the cortex that support age-matched normal-hearing listeners. They
speech understanding. It is not surprising, then, found that glucose metabolism in some auditory
that these networks are altered by the absence of areas was lower than in normally hearing people,
auditory stimulation, either showing increased but significantly increased with duration of deaf-
activation by non-auditory stimuli, or leading to ness. They proposed that, during periods of deaf-
cross-modal plasticity, where areas normally ded- ness, the auditory areas begin to contribute re-
icated to auditory processing are altered to pro- sources to non-auditory processing and thus be-
cess visual or somatosensory information. come active again in spite of the lack of
Several studies have documented increased vi- peripheral auditory input. Many subsequent im-
sual skills (e.g., motion detection) in hearing im- aging studies have more directly demonstrated
paired people compared to normally hearing peo- that visually presented information is processed
ple, particularly for stimuli in the peripheral vi- in deaf people in areas of the brain normally ded-
sual field. Many of the early investigations studied icated to processing auditory information. A re-
congenitally profoundly deaf native signers [8, 9], cent study reported by Dewey and Hartley [12],
thus combining the effects of congenital deafness for example, supported this cross-modal plastic-
and use of sign language. However, more recent ity hypothesis. They used fNIRS to show that the
studies have documented improved speech read- auditory cortex in adult deaf CI candidates was - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
activated by simple visual stimuli (a reversing However, since the participants were experienced
checker board) to a greater degree than in nor- CI users, it is possible to posit different interpre-
mal-hearing listeners. Rouger et al. [13] also tations. For example, all the CI users may have
showed that the temporal voice-sensitive area (lo- exhibited similar cross-modal plasticity before
cated in the anterior regions of the superior tem- implantation but only those who did not get ben-
poral cortex in the right hemisphere) is abnor- efit from the CI were still maintaining the visual
mally activated by a visual speech reading task in processing in auditory areas after at least a year of
newly implanted CI users, but the activity de- implant use.
creases as the auditory speech understanding re- Studies that use imaging data collected pre-
covers. They proposed that this cross-modal reor- implantation or immediately post-implantation
ganization, which re-allocates cortical resources to test whether the data predict later speech un-
from auditory to visual speech processing in this derstanding (6–12 months after implantation)
cortical area, may aid the audio-visual integration can throw light on the adaptive or maladaptive
of speech after implantation. nature of plasticity due to auditory deprivation.
Plastic changes to networks involved in pho- The results of these studies demonstrate the adap-
nological processing have also been observed in tive or maladaptive influence of the changes that
postlingually deaf adults. For example, Lazard et occurred while the person was deaf and the influ-
al. [14], using fMRI, compared activity evoked by ence of those changes on the speed of adaptation
speech and non-speech imageries in the left and to the implant in the post-implantation year. Laz-
right posterior superior temporal gyrus/supra- ard et al. [17], using fMRI, studied phonological
marginal gyrus (PSTG/SMG). These areas are processing using a visually presented imagined
normally specialized for phonological processing phonological task in which CI candidates were
in the left hemisphere and environmental sound asked to determine whether written words were
processing in the right hemisphere. Their results rhyming or not. Those with good speech under-
suggested the abnormal recruitment of the right standing outcomes after implantation showed an
PSTG/SMG region for phonological processing activation pattern that was consistent with them
in deaf individuals, and they hypothesized that using the normal phonological pathway to do the
this represented a maladaptive plasticity. task. This pathway connects the auditory cortex
to the pre-frontal cortex in a dorsal route via the
Predicting Cochlear Implant Outcomes pre-motor cortex. In contrast, those CI candi-
As can be seen from the discussion above, there dates with poor later outcomes activated a ventral
are differing hypotheses about whether function- pathway (in the temporal cortex) normally asso-
al plasticity that occurs during periods of deafness ciated with a lexical-semantic understanding.
is adaptive or maladaptive for auditory process- Strelnikov et al. [18], using PET imaging, mea-
ing recovery after cochlear implantation. Two sured the response to auditory and audio-visual
studies that measured evoked potentials to simple speech and resting state activity in CI users with-
visual stimuli in experienced CI users [15, 16] in one month of CI activation and their speech
suggested that CI users with poor speech under- understanding 6 months after CI activation. They
standing had visual responses that were less fo- found that speech understanding after 6 months
cused on the visual cortex, and had greater activa- was positively correlated with activity in the left
tion in the auditory area than those with good inferior frontal cortex, and with activity in the
speech understanding. Both research groups de- right occipital cortex, but negatively correlated
duced or suggested that gross cross-modal plas- with activity in the right middle superior tempo-
ticity was therefore maladaptive for CI outcomes. ral gyrus/sulcus. CI users with later good recovery - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

60 McKay
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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
of auditory speech understanding had greater ac- language networks, is it possible to devise indi-
tivity levels in right visual cortex and less activity vidual hearing therapies that aim to reverse mal-
in the right middle superior temporal gyrus/sul- adaptive changes?” The further development of
cus than those with poor recovery. The authors fNIRS as a user-friendly clinical tool may facili-
deduced that recovery of auditory speech under- tate this important research.
standing is supported by intra-modal compensa-
tion in the visual area (perhaps evoked by en-
hanced focus on lip-reading during periods of Congenital Deafness
deafness) and less cross-modal reorganization in
the auditory superior temporal gyrus/sulcus. The Early Language Development in Infants
authors noted that activity in the right temporal In children and adults with congenital deafness,
area was identified both in their study, as nega- an important factor is the influence of deafness on
tively correlated with later speech understanding, the early development of language processing
and by Rouger et al. [13], as having greater activ- pathways in the brain. There is now much evi-
ity in CI users than normal-hearing listeners, but dence, both from human and animal studies, of a
decreasing over time after implantation. They sensitive developmental period for establishing
suggested therefore that auditory recovery must the important multisensory networks required to
depend on the reversibility of the cross-modal re- understand oral speech. In this section, we dis-
organization of this area. cuss this evidence and its relevance to habilitation
of children and adults with congenital deafness.
Relevance of Plasticity to Rehabilitation Success Much research has demonstrated the impres-
It is evident from the above research that the na- sive ability of normal-hearing new-born infants to
ture and degree of functional changes that occur process and recognize aspects of spoken language.
due to auditory deprivation can have a large im- As the evidence from animal studies makes it
pact on the ability of a person to recover their clear, early input to the primary auditory cortex is
speech understanding ability after cochlear im- crucial for the development of connections to the
plantation. It is likely that increased visual skills auditory association areas and lack of input causes
such as lip-reading and increased multisensory widespread functional connectivity changes
integration can help a person learn to interpret throughout the cortex [20, 21]. Sharma et al. [22]
the electrical signal from a CI. However, some have reviewed evidence for developmental sensi-
changes are likely to be maladaptive: for example, tive periods, and evidence for cross-modal plastic-
the increased use of the right hemisphere and ity in deaf children. The cortical auditory evoked
ventral processing pathways in the left hemi- potential (CAEP) can provide a physiological
sphere to understand speech. Lazard et al. [19] marker for maturation of the auditory cortex in
suggested that those people who relied more on infants [23]. The P1 response, which originates in
written communication rather than lip-reading the auditory cortex and is present at birth, system-
while deaf were more likely to experience mal- atically decreases in latency with age [24], and the
adaptive plasticity that limits their success with N1 potential, which originates in the higher order
the cochlear implant. The time is now right for auditory cortex, begins to emerge [25] around the
research to address 2 important questions. First, age of 3 years in normal-hearing children. Sharma
“What simple clinical test could be used to pro- et al. [24] showed that children implanted under
vide better prognostic information to adults be- the age of 3.5 years demonstrated maturation of
fore implantation?” Second, “With knowledge of the P1 response after implantation, whereas those
an individual’s plastic functional changes to their implanted after 7 years did not achieve such - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
maturation. Similarly, Sharma et al. [22] showed auditory-specific regions need a different inter-
that children implanted at ages 0–3.5 years subse- pretation from those in the multi-modal prefron-
quently developed the N1 response and those im- tal cortex. The strong negative correlation of ac-
planted later than 7 years did not, with N1 devel- tivity in the superior temporal sulcus with later
opment for children implanted in the range of 4–7 speech understanding could be explained by a
years being variable. The 2 studies combined sug- change of functional specialization, from pro-
gest that 7 years is a cut-off after which develop- cessing complex auditory patterns (supporting
ment of the higher auditory cortex does not occur speech understanding) to other cognitive or sen-
after implantation. This picture of sensitive peri- sory operations.
ods for auditory system maturation is further sup- Sharma et al. [22] presented some case studies
ported by behavioral studies that show language comparing children with high language perfor-
development in hearing impaired children with mance and average language performance. Using
hearing aids [26] and CIs [2] is significantly better EEG and current density reconstructions, they
for younger intervention ages. showed significant activation in the average per-
formers, but not high performers, of the superior
Cross-Modal Plasticity in Congenital Deafness temporal gyrus to visual and somatosensory stim-
In addition to the delay or limitation of matura- uli, thus supporting the proposition of Lee et al.
tion of the auditory cortex due to auditory depri- [27] that cross-modal plasticity in this largely au-
vation, and its subsequent effect on language ditory processing area is maladaptive for lan-
learning, there is evidence that cross-modal plas- guage development.
ticity plays a role in the effectiveness of cochlear
implantation in congenitally deaf children. Relevance of Plasticity to Habilitation in Children
Lee et al. [27] used PET to measure the preop- with Congenital Deafness
erative resting state glucose metabolism in 22 pre- One clear message from all the studies discussed
lingually deaf children aged between 1 and 11 above, is that early identification of hearing loss
years, and correlated this to their auditory speech and early provision of access to auditory stimuli
perception 3 years after implantation. After fac- is crucial for the development of auditory lan-
toring the age at implantation (and thus age-de- guage processing in infants. This message is clear-
pendent plasticity), it was found that speech per- ly supported by large studies that compare out-
ception 3 years after implantation was positively comes for children implanted at different ages.
correlated with resting state activity in the left The impact of auditory deprivation on the devel-
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and negatively cor- opment of connectivity between primary and sec-
related with activity in the right superior tempo- ondary auditory cortices demands for an urgency
ral sulcus and Heschl’s gyrus. The authors sug- to provide even minimal auditory input via hear-
gested that an increase in activity in the prefrontal ing aids to children in the period before cochlear
cortex is associated with greater use of high-level implantation. It also argues for the crucial impor-
cognitive resources such as working memory, at- tance of newborn hearing screening and efficient
tention and reasoning, and this area is also in- follow-up after identification.
volved in phonological and semantic processing Two questions, however, that continue to be
regardless of the modality. Thus, children who debated among clinicians and scientists alike, are
engage more of this processing in general (as im- whether a child’s oral language development
plied by the resting state activity) are likely to de- would benefit, or be inhibited, by the learning and
velop better speech understanding. Lee et al. [27] use of sign language, and whether an auditory or
argue that the changes of resting state activity in audio-visual approach should be taken for oral - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
language habilitation therapies. Valid evidence Speech understanding is a multisensory pro-
for or against these questions is extremely diffi- cess, combining hearing, vision and somatosenso-
cult to find, and studies that attempt to answer ry modes. Altvater-Mackensen and Grossmann
these questions generally face insurmountable [33], using fNIRS, showed that normal hearing
confounding factors and ethical limitations. Ad- 6-month-old infants show sensitivity to congruent
ditionally, the advent of newborn hearing screen- versus incongruent audio-visual speech in the left
ing and early implantation are changing the land- inferior frontal region. Altvater-Mackensen et al.
scape significantly, with even fairly recent reports [34] further showed that the infants’ behavioral
suffering from “old” data. ability to distinguish congruent from incongruent
The question of very early language exposure stimuli was related to their articulatory knowledge
before implantation is becoming less clinically rel- at the time and their vocabulary size at 12 months
evant with infants being implanted as young as 6 of age. These studies underline the role of multi-
months. Also, the large majority of deaf infants sensory integration for early oral language devel-
have normal hearing parents, who find it difficult opment in normal hearing infants. It is difficult to
to provide a rich sign language input at this early say whether these studies in normal hearing infants
age. A more relevant question is whether an early have relevance to the question of whether audio-
implanted child would benefit from bilingual lan- visual or auditory-alone training is better for deaf
guage (sign and spoken) acquisition throughout children with a cochlear implant. There are coun-
childhood. Again, this is a hotly debated question, ter arguments for this question, both based on
with most reports in the literature offering “opin- brain plasticity considerations. On the one hand, if
ion-based” advice rather than hard evidence. Sev- the child is skilled at lip-reading, then audio-visual
eral authors [28–30] argue that, since oral lan- inputs may help them to learn the association of the
guage development is variable even in early im- novel auditory inputs with known visual meanings.
planted children, early bilingual access can prevent On the other hand, if the auditory processing is
a potential lack of language development before weakened by auditory deprivation, then focusing
the sensitive period for language development fin- on the sound may help to develop this processing.
ishes. Although this is a valid and important point, In theory, both these arguments seem valid, but a
it does not address the question of whether or not valid clinical trial to compare these 2 training
bilingualism at an early age affects the rate of oral methods has not been undertaken.
language acquisition. Studies evaluating outcomes The final topic of discussion in this section is
in large numbers of children consistently show the benefit of cochlear implantation for prelin-
better language outcomes for educational settings gually deaf children or adults who are more than
that emphasize spoken language [31, 32]. How- 7 years old at the time of implantation, and are
ever, educational setting is not a random factor: a thus receiving auditory input later than the cut-off
decision for bilingual education may be made be- period for the development of auditory language
cause oral language development is slow, for ex- pathways. Kos et al. [35] followed 13 prelingually
ample. Wie et al. [31] also noted that, in the group deaf children and adults implanted between 8 and
receiving bilingual education, more focus on lis- 22 years of age, who all used visual language before
tening/speaking was related to better speech per- implantation. Four years after implantation, only
ception, as could be expected. Further research is 5 of these people had converted to primarily oral
needed that throws light on whether early sign communication, 4 of whom used cued speech be-
language exposure drives any of the maladaptive fore implantation. Cued speech is essentially an
cortical changes that have been associated with aid to lip-reading, disambiguating phonemes that
poor oral language outcomes. can be visually confused [36]: thus, unlike sign - 4/26/2018 2:30:22 PM

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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)
language, it is likely to tap into the usual multisen- ticity that occurs in postlingually deaf adults dur-
sory network that underlies oral speech. Bayazit et ing periods of deafness can both support and hin-
al. [37] studied 49 prelingually deaf children who der speech understanding with a CI, depending
were implanted after the age of 5 years. They on the nature and degree of the functional chang-
found that, over 2 years, a significant number of es. Evidence so far suggests that the strategies
children who were implanted between 5 and 14 people use to communicate while deaf may influ-
years old shifted from total communication to au- ence whether the functional changes are adaptive
ditory verbal communication, but not in the group or maladaptive. In the case of children with con-
implanted between 15 and 22 years old. They not- genital deafness, evidence is very strong for a sen-
ed that successful auditory verbal communication sitive period in which auditory input must be re-
after implantation was related to consistent hear- stored if subsequent oral language is to be devel-
ing aid use from early childhood and use of audi- oped successfully. Successful oral language use
tory verbal communication before implantation. and speech understanding in individuals im-
Both of the above studies are consistent with the planted after 7 years of age depends strongly on
success of the implantation relying on the devel- the pre-implant use of hearing aids and auditory
opment of oral language pathways before the sen- verbal communication. Future research should
sitive period cut-off of 7 years, either through use focus on how to harness our growing knowledge
of residual hearing and hearing aids, or by famil- of brain plasticity to optimize the outcomes of co-
iarity with oral language structure through lip chlear implantation in each individual.
reading and somatosensory information.

The Bionics Institute acknowledges the support it re-
Brain plasticity plays a crucial role in the success ceives from the Victorian Government through its Op-
of a CI to facilitate or develop spoken language for erational Infrastructure Support Program. The author
profoundly deaf individuals. The functional plas- is supported by a Veski Innovation Fellowship.

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Colette M. McKay
Bionics Institute
384–388 Albert St
East Melbourne VIC 3002 (Australia)
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Lloyd SKW, Donnelly NP (eds): Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation.

Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 81, pp 57–65 (DOI: 10.1159/000485586)

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