888poker20200621 Sit & Go 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ Heads Up Turbo (161334892) No Limit Holdem

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#Game No : 1200388022

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388022 *****

10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:16:18
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.000 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.000 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 7d, 2c ]
CAT2594 calls [10]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 7p, Qc, 5d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ap ]
gammoneer bets [20]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388049
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388049 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:16:37
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 980 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.020 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Jc, Jp ]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 30 ]

#Game No : 1200388060
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388060 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:16:45
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 990 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.010 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kt, 6p ]
CAT2594 raises [30]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388078
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388078 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:16:54
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.010 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 990 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Jt, 7d ]
gammoneer calls [10]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, 7t, 2d ]
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388089
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388089 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:17:09
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.030 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 970 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kt, Jd ]
CAT2594 raises [30]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3t, 9d, Kd ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer calls [40]
** Dealing turn ** [ 4d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [105]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200388128
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388128 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:17:31
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.110 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 890 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Dp, 2d ]
gammoneer calls [10]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Jt, 6p, 9t ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [20]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388168
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388168 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:18:02
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.090 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 910 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 9t, 3d ]
CAT2594 calls [10]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Kt, 3p, Ad ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7c ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 5c, Dp ]
CAT2594 shows [ 9t, 3d ]
CAT2594 collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388218
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388218 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:18:39
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.110 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 890 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 9p, Ad ]
gammoneer calls [10]
CAT2594 raises [20]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9c, 6c, 8t ]
CAT2594 bets [52]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200388233
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388233 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:18:56
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.150 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 850 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5t, Kt ]
CAT2594 raises [30]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6t, Dd, 5c ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200388253
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388253 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:19:12
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.190 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 810 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 4d, 7d ]
gammoneer calls [10]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 5c, 4t, Ad ]
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer calls [40]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3c ]
CAT2594 bets [20]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Dealing river ** [ 5p ]
CAT2594 bets [20]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 4d, 7d ]
gammoneer shows [ 8d, 8c ]
gammoneer collected [ 200 ]

#Game No : 1200388294
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388294 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:19:37
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.090 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 910 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [10]
gammoneer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ At, Ac ]
CAT2594 calls [10]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 6p, Jc, 6d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 40 ]

#Game No : 1200388315
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388315 *****
10/20 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:19:52
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.110 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 890 )
gammoneer posts small blind [10]
CAT2594 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 2d, Kp ]
gammoneer calls [10]
CAT2594 raises [20]
gammoneer calls [20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9t, 3d, Jd ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Kc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ 4c ]
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200388363
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388363 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:20:20
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.150 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 850 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kc, 9c ]
CAT2594 raises [45]
gammoneer calls [30]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4c, 4p, Qc ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [79]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200388406
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388406 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:20:40
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.210 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 790 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3c, 5t ]
gammoneer raises [195]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388438
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388438 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:21:08
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.180 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 820 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5p, Ap ]
CAT2594 raises [45]
gammoneer calls [30]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9p, 2p, Kp ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3t ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [79]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200388474
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388474 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:21:27
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.240 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 760 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3c, Dp ]
gammoneer calls [15]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Dd, Ap, Qp ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388492
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388492 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:21:42
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.270 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 730 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 4t, Qp ]
CAT2594 calls [15]
gammoneer raises [30]
CAT2594 calls [30]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, Jd, Jp ]
gammoneer bets [30]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200388511
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388511 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:21:56
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.210 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 790 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 6t, 9c ]
gammoneer calls [15]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 8t, Jd, Qp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 9t ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388534
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388534 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:22:13
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.240 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 760 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ac, 6d ]
CAT2594 raises [45]
gammoneer calls [30]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6c, 4t, Kd ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [30]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200388569
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388569 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:22:30
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.300 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 700 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Jt, 2t ]
gammoneer calls [15]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, 6d, 7p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 4t ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ Jt, 2t ]
gammoneer mucks [ Jd, 8t ]
CAT2594 collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388611
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388611 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:22:50
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.330 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 670 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ap, 9t ]
CAT2594 raises [45]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388626
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388626 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:22:59
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.360 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 640 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 9d, 8c ]
gammoneer raises [165]
CAT2594 calls [150]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3p, Kt, Kp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [460]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 360 ]

#Game No : 1200388657
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388657 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:23:19
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.180 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 820 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 2d, Jd ]
CAT2594 calls [15]
gammoneer raises [150]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388672
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388672 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:23:31
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.150 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 850 )
gammoneer posts small blind [15]
CAT2594 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3d, Jd ]
gammoneer calls [15]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 7p, 8p, 8t ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kd ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 3d, Jd ]
gammoneer shows [ 3c, 5d ]
gammoneer collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388712
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388712 *****
15/30 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:23:53
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.120 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 880 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [15]
gammoneer posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Qd, Ac ]
CAT2594 raises [45]
gammoneer calls [30]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, Kd, 7c ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Dealing turn ** [ Dt ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8t ]
gammoneer bets [30]
CAT2594 calls [30]
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ Kc, Jd ]
CAT2594 mucks [ Qd, Ac ]
gammoneer collected [ 300 ]

#Game No : 1200388754
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388754 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:24:19
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 970 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.030 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 6c, Jd ]
gammoneer calls [20]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, Qd, Qp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6p ]
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]
#Game No : 1200388783
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388783 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:24:37
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.010 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 990 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ At, Kt ]
CAT2594 raises [60]
gammoneer calls [40]
** Dealing flop ** [ Dc, 3d, 9d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7d ]
gammoneer bets [40]
CAT2594 calls [40]
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 3c, Qc ]
CAT2594 mucks [ At, Kt ]
gammoneer collected [ 240 ]

#Game No : 1200388822
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388822 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:24:59
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 890 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.110 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kp, 5d ]
gammoneer calls [20]
CAT2594 raises [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200388851
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388851 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:25:11
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 930 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.070 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 6c, Kp ]
CAT2594 calls [20]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Jc, Dt, Dd ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Qp ]
gammoneer bets [40]
CAT2594 calls [40]
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 3d, Qd ]
CAT2594 mucks [ 6c, Kp ]
gammoneer collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200388896
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388896 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:25:33
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 850 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.150 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 2p, Qt ]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 60 ]

#Game No : 1200388911
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388911 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:25:42
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 870 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.130 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5t, Dd ]
CAT2594 calls [20]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 7t, 5c, 7p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [52]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200388936
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200388936 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:25:58
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 910 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.090 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 4p, 3c ]
gammoneer calls [20]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Qp, Qd, Kt ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8d ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ 9d ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 4p, 3c ]
gammoneer shows [ 2t, 2c ]
gammoneer collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200389000
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389000 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:26:34
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 870 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.130 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ At, Qt ]
CAT2594 raises [60]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]
#Game No : 1200389028
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389028 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:26:45
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 910 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.090 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 7p, Qp ]
gammoneer calls [20]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 7c, 6d, 9p ]
CAT2594 bets [40]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200389051
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389051 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:26:59
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 950 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.050 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ap, Qc ]
CAT2594 raises [60]
gammoneer calls [40]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3t, 5c, 7p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [80]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200389086
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389086 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:27:23
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.030 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 970 )
gammoneer posts small blind [20]
CAT2594 posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Qp, 8p ]
gammoneer raises [60]
CAT2594 calls [40]
** Dealing flop ** [ Dc, 3t, Kc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8t ]
CAT2594 bets [80]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200389133
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389133 *****
20/40 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:27:49
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.110 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 890 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [20]
gammoneer posts big blind [40]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ At, 9c ]
CAT2594 calls [20]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Jp, 8t, 5t ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ac ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [80]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200389202
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389202 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:28:22
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.150 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 850 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5p, Kd ]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 75 ]

#Game No : 1200389213
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389213 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:28:30
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.175 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 825 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Dd, Dp ]
CAT2594 raises [75]
gammoneer calls [50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ap, 5c, 9p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [50]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 200 ]

#Game No : 1200389240
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389240 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:28:45
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.275 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 725 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3c, 7t ]
gammoneer calls [25]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, 6c, Ap ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389288
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389288 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:29:15
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.225 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 775 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 4t, 8d ]
CAT2594 calls [25]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Jd, Kc, 3p ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389310
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389310 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:29:29
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.175 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 825 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 7p, 4p ]
gammoneer calls [25]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 3c, 9d, 3d ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389333
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389333 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:29:43
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.125 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 875 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 8c, 6t ]
CAT2594 calls [25]
gammoneer raises [50]
CAT2594 calls [50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9c, 5c, At ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 calls [50]
** Dealing turn ** [ 9t ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 calls [50]
** Dealing river ** [ Qt ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 400 ]

#Game No : 1200389364
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389364 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:30:05
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 925 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.075 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 6c, 5c ]
gammoneer calls [25]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 3c, 7d, 2d ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Dc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 6c, 5c ]
gammoneer shows [ 6t, 8d ]
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389393
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389393 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:30:25
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 875 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.125 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 2c, Dd ]
CAT2594 calls [25]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 4c, 3t, Qd ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ At ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Jt ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 9p, Kc ]
CAT2594 mucks [ 2c, Dd ]
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389445
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389445 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:30:47
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 825 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.175 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 8t, 9c ]
gammoneer calls [25]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Qp, 6c, 6t ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Dc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Ac ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 8t, 9c ]
gammoneer shows [ Jc, 8p ]
gammoneer collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389513
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389513 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:31:24
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 775 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.225 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5t, 8p ]
CAT2594 calls [25]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2t, 4d, Kd ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3c ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Ad ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 6p, 7c ]
CAT2594 shows [ 5t, 8p ]
CAT2594 collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389565
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389565 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:31:46
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 825 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.175 )
gammoneer posts small blind [25]
CAT2594 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ad, Qt ]
gammoneer calls [25]
CAT2594 raises [50]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 100 ]

#Game No : 1200389589
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389589 *****
25/50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:31:58
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 875 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.125 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [25]
gammoneer posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 6c, 3c ]
CAT2594 calls [25]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 5d, 9p, Jp ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8t ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 calls [50]
** Dealing river ** [ 7d ]
gammoneer bets [50]
CAT2594 raises [150]
gammoneer calls [100]
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 6c, 3c ]
gammoneer mucks [ 9t, 5c ]
CAT2594 collected [ 500 ]

#Game No : 1200389634
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389634 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:32:24
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.125 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 875 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ad, 5p ]
gammoneer raises [90]
CAT2594 calls [60]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6d, Qd, Kd ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5d ]
CAT2594 bets [158]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 240 ]

#Game No : 1200389667
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389667 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:32:42
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.245 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 755 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 7p, 5d ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Dc, 8t, At ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Jc ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kt ]
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]
#Game No : 1200389717
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389717 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:33:10
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.185 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 815 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 4p, Qc ]
gammoneer calls [30]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2t, 9c, 2p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [120]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200389749
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389749 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:33:27
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.125 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 875 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Dp, 2p ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, 6d, Jp ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5t ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 3t ]
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200389801
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389801 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:33:49
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.065 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 935 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Ac, Jd ]
gammoneer calls [30]
CAT2594 raises [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3p, 6t, 4d ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Dealing turn ** [ Jp ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Dealing river ** [ 3c ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 480 ]

#Game No : 1200389848
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389848 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:34:12
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.305 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 695 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Qd, 2c ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 6t, 8c, At ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5p ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Summary **
gammoneer shows [ 3d, Kt ]
CAT2594 shows [ Qd, 2c ]
CAT2594 collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200389892
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389892 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:34:36
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.365 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 635 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 7c, 3t ]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 90 ]

#Game No : 1200389902
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389902 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:34:44
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.395 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 605 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3c, 6d ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Ad, Qd, 5d ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Kc ]
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200389940
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389940 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:35:02
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.335 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 665 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kd, 8c ]
gammoneer calls [30]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Dt, 4t, 2p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200389980
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200389980 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:35:16
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.275 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 725 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 2c, 4d ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Dt, 8d, 8p ]
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200390003
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390003 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:35:31
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.215 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 785 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3p, 6c ]
gammoneer calls [30]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Dd, Qc, Kc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Dp ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer bets [60]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200390044
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390044 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:35:58
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.155 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 845 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [30]
gammoneer posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 8c, 3c ]
CAT2594 calls [30]
gammoneer raises [180]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 120 ]

#Game No : 1200390067
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390067 *****
30/60 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:36:11
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.095 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 905 )
gammoneer posts small blind [30]
CAT2594 posts big blind [60]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Kp, Dt ]
gammoneer calls [30]
CAT2594 raises [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jd, Ac, Qc ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7c ]
CAT2594 bets [120]
gammoneer calls [120]
** Dealing river ** [ Kc ]
CAT2594 bets [60]
gammoneer calls [60]
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ Kp, Dt ]
gammoneer shows [ Jp, 9c ]
gammoneer collected [ 600 ]

#Game No : 1200390103
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390103 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:36:37
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 795 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.205 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [40]
gammoneer posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Qp, Kc ]
CAT2594 raises [120]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200390135
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390135 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:36:49
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 875 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.125 )
gammoneer posts small blind [40]
CAT2594 posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Jd, 6d ]
gammoneer calls [40]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Qp, 7c, 2c ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2p ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kt ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ Jd, 6d ]
gammoneer shows [ 9t, Jc ]
gammoneer collected [ 80 ]
CAT2594 collected [ 80 ]

#Game No : 1200390184
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390184 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:37:15
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 875 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.125 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [40]
gammoneer posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5d, At ]
CAT2594 raises [120]
gammoneer calls [80]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5t, 7d, Ap ]
gammoneer checks
CAT2594 bets [211]
gammoneer folds
** Summary **
CAT2594 did not show his hand
CAT2594 collected [ 320 ]

#Game No : 1200390208
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390208 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:37:31
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 1.035 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 965 )
gammoneer posts small blind [40]
CAT2594 posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ Jd, 6c ]
gammoneer raises [280]
CAT2594 calls [240]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kp, 9t, 6p ]
CAT2594 bets [80]
gammoneer raises [160]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 800 ]

#Game No : 1200390236
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390236 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:37:49
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 635 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.365 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [40]
gammoneer posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 8t, 3d ]
CAT2594 calls [40]
gammoneer raises [1.285]
CAT2594 folds
** Summary **
gammoneer did not show his hand
gammoneer collected [ 160 ]

#Game No : 1200390258
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390258 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:38:00
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 555 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.445 )
gammoneer posts small blind [40]
CAT2594 posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 5d, Jd ]
gammoneer calls [40]
CAT2594 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 8c, 7t, 4t ]
CAT2594 bets [80]
gammoneer calls [80]
** Dealing turn ** [ 2t ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kd ]
CAT2594 checks
gammoneer checks
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 5d, Jd ]
gammoneer shows [ 5c, 5t ]
gammoneer collected [ 320 ]

#Game No : 1200390309
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1200390309 *****
40/80 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 21 06 2020 22:38:21
Tournament #161334892 0,92 $ + 0,08 $ - Table #1 2 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: CAT2594 ( 395 )
Seat 9: gammoneer ( 1.605 )
CAT2594 posts small blind [40]
gammoneer posts big blind [80]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CAT2594 [ 3d, Ap ]
CAT2594 calls [40]
gammoneer raises [1.525]
CAT2594 calls [315]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2p, 6d, 5p ]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6t ]
** Dealing river ** [ 7d ]
** Summary **
CAT2594 shows [ 3d, Ap ]
gammoneer shows [ 2c, At ]
gammoneer collected [ 790 ]

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