My Name Loyal Customer

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My name good customer

How come Customer service department think that they want to lose a good customer and
dealing with customer carelessly. Are they think that customers fools and listen whatever they


Due to my father ‘s medical emergency (dengue fever)in August month I spent 1lakh as hospital
charges and I used my SBI CREDIT card and ICICI Bank credit card to pay the bill. SBI CARD With the
good customer service and processing they converted my transactions into EMI within three days of
time. Which I am paying my dues without any miss. When I   requested ICICI BANK CREDIT CARD
conversion of  my Apollo hospital credit card Transaction into to EMI, Which i have placed a request ne
within week of credit card use.  As per customer care officer  instruction (which was misguided
instructions or  untrained  officer)i have paid  twice advance payment to convert  my transaction into
EMI,  I have been waiting for Emi conversion happen , till this day no action has been taken on my
request , and I am receiving repeated call from collection department. I clearly said to them because
of customer service department error this was happen to my credit card account and until the matter is
resolved I am not going to pay any more advance payment. If customer officer did not had any
knowledge about process or if he had thought that he misguided the customer at least they should
have contacted me through mail or phone with proper instructions next day or within two days with
consult of senior officer handling the case, Don’t tell they don’t have any email access or telephone,
nobody responded and how come they think that they want to lose a good customer and repeated 
contact with the customer care did not yield any results, I am requesting senior officer look into or
study my case and take serious actions on the people who handled or misguided me. Also request to
waive all late payment fee levied and there is also a over limit charge charged to me which also needs
to be waived, and also please convert my transactions to EMI so that I can start completing my dues. I
am using this card without any problem for more than three years, i never missed my payments, This is
not the first time I am doing emi conversion   I have done many EMI conversion transactions and i
have paid all my dues without any miss and kept my account in good condition. I have maintaining
a good credit for so many years with the bank . But due to untrained customer officer's  misguided
actions and bad customer service which has to be main priority of bank to every loyal customer . But
they are not so, Repeated call to customer care did not yield any results, and every time i contacted
customer care , all are giving different versions of explanation and tried disconnect the call  or not giving
proper response.

If I my issues not resolved with this mail , I will be forwarding same mail to senior ICIC BANK officer and
Banking ombudsman.

Thank you,

Loyal cusotmer

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